HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-05, Page 5Choose from the larg- est selection of wool in the area, 2 oz. and 334 oz. weights This special offer continues until the end of October BLANKET SALE Extra large, reg. 24.75, now only $21.00 Darnibellb. Reg. 21.50, special 18.50 or 2 for $35.00 Single bed size only $11.25 Baby 'Blankets - 10% off First and Always for Your Knitting Needs MAINSTREET VARIETY "THE STORE'' WITH ALMOST EVERYTHING" SEAFORTH 527-1640 744,94 700 k Our` New School; Construction men are still working fast and furiously at the school in order to have it completed by the middle of whiter: Since we moved into the first wing last spring, we are now fairly well ' settled, and, al- though it , was a 'bit chilly, at thefirst of the year, the heat which has been provided for the last few days is .welcomed by all. This wing of the • school inel'ud'es, among other class- rooms, two labs, a shop, and a typing room, all very well equipped 'in: order to ensure the best education in these lines. The portion of the school, which . the workmen are finish- ing now, contains staff rooms and offices, a home economics room, a -library, and an activity room. - In our opinion, the school is going to be a very attractive asset to the town of Seaforth. Whether the architectural structure will cause an improve- ment in academical standing or not, will depend entirely on the students,, themselves. Yearbook: Plans for a new and better year. book are being made. Edi- tor • this year, is again Bryan Hodgert, who, along with the rest of the staff, made an out- standing effort on last year's Notice of holding an' VANCE POL Notice is` hereby given that a poll for the Electoral District of Huron will be open on 9 • ;Thursday, Friday and Saturday the 12th, .13th. and. 14th days of October, -1967 from • 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., and from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m E . S• . T (4:00 a.m, until 6:00 p.m. and •from 8:00 p.m. unfit 11:0 p.m. 'MVO The polling places for the said electoral district will be locat- ed at: GODERICfI TOWN HALL • CLINTON TOWN HALL .SEAFORTH, DICK HOUSE EXETER TOWN HALL for the purpose of receiving the vc tes'of voters who expect on the day fixed for polling to be absent from and unable to vote in the polling_subdivisions for which their names appear on the lists. • The ballot boxes will be.opened and the -votes counted at 7 p.m. on the 17th day of, October .at the said places, Goderich Town Hall; Clinton Town Hall; Seaforth, Dick house; - Exeter Town Hall. - ' Dated at, Seaforth this 25th day of September, 1967.7 RUSSELL T. BOLTON Returning Officer. book. A •campaign for the order of our 'e7--'68 year books is plan- ned for within a few Weeks. On Thursday afternoon, Mr. Burgess, staff \advisor, along with delegates of the year book staff, Bonnie Kerslake, Murray Hulley, and Bryan Hodgert, at- tended a conference at°Central High ,.School, London,. Here they observed techniques ` of other high school year book staffs from.. all over Western Ontario. EW5: HENSAIL! Guides and Brownies of Hen- president, was •hostess at ;bar sail; taking advantage p# the home. good 'weather, havebegun their, .'Tie club decided to Again, can- fa 1� activ�tiea. niVOA - h e the . �e� doors. Brownies,. under the of I-4mes iii .,January, +to pux guidance of Brown Owl, Mrs, 'chase a Christianaa gift for their Anita Cbok and Tawny Owls,; .adopted child In Italy land' will Mrs. Vat Venner and Mrs. Phyl attend a theatre party .}n Lon lis Jackson, worked on athlete don to celebrate thein '11th an badge. On Tuesday evening, the. niversary. Mrs. Jim Hyde won Guides ate their supper in the the raffle. community park and did a good Mr: and Mrs. Ross MacMillan, turn by sweeping and tidying Davkl. and Tommy of • Waterloo, up the new pavilion. On Satur- spent 'Sunday with the latter's flay they again• enjoyed an out parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, Laird door supper at cam p.*Glen Mac fickle. . after working , hard removing Mrs. Bruee Moir who has' been brush which had been Fut a pati. ...ia, South Huron Hos- earlier. pital, Exeter, returned home on This year, for the first time 1i'riday in its twenty-year history, the Flowers in. the United Church Hensall •Guide company is to sanctuary Sunday morning were have three Guiders share the in loving.memory of Mrs. work. Mrs. Jean Turner, Hen- sail's Charles, placed by her sail's first Gold Cord Guide, as family. Captain, will be assisted by and Mrs, Laird Mickle Lieutenant. Mrs. Euddro Cald- visited las'; Sunday with• -Mr. and well and Mrs. -Gladys geGreg Mrs. Keith Hillier of London. or. gr. and • Mrs. S. McQueen, October Ill has been reserved Mr. and Mxs. harry Snell and across 'Ontario as Centennial Iden Ferguson spent Sunday in Good Turn Day. Guides, Brow- Blenheim with Mr. and Mrs. Don nies and Bangers will that day Rigby. Mr. and Mrs. McQueen 'be carrying out good turn pro- remained' for. fol" .a `week. i. vast tli Allege Pr l Cheerleading: The twelve cheerleaders, four of whbm are substitutes, have turned out every Tuesday night for practice, under the leader- ship of Miss Weiler and Sheila Flood. "The girls should look smart this year_ in their sharp gold and black outfits, and, if they- 're not the best „ehee'rleaders, they're the . prettiest. (?) ° The girls are preparing a. "Pep Rally" for. 'October 13, when the football team plays its first home game. Here, they will( demonstrate their • new school cheers, in an Attempt to arouse more school spirit. Football: . On Friday, Seaforth played in Exeter against a strong South Huron team. Consequently the game ended in a defeat for Seaforth, the 'score being 13-0 in favour of Exeter. Better luck, next timet Soccer: • jects en masse. Chiselhurst United Church ob- served Anniversary Services, Sunday afternoon, Sept. 24th, at 2:30 p.m. and had as their guest minister Rev. Currie Winlaw of Stratford, 'and former minister of the church. The members of the congregation were most hap- py to welcome him back and listen to his challenging mes- sage. His ministery is followed with deep interest and prayer by many within the pastoral charge. ..The choir with the assistance of Mrr and .Mrs. Harry Horton of Hensall, and under the dir- ection of Mrs. Alfred Ross, sang a song and a prayer. The Lakeview gpartette of Zurich, composed of Erwin Martin, Stuart Steckle, John Geiger and Ralph Gingerich,_ contributed several numbers. A large con- gregation attended the service. Lovely floral arrangements dec- orated the church: St. Paul's Anglican • Church, decorated. with fruit, flowers and corn was the setting Sun- day evening, Sept. 24th for their annual Harvest Service, with the rector, Rev. H. A. Seeg- miller delivering a splendid dis course in, keeping with the oc- casione-The choir under direc- tion of Mrs. F. Forrest, sang -an anthem, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the -Lord". At Hensall United Church, Sunday morning, Rev. Harold F. Currie occupied his own pul- pit 'delivering- a fine discourse, "Has The Lord • Anything to Say". The choir rendered a number with Mrs. John Turk heim at the organ-consol.. Mrs.. Harold Campbell, Mrs. Garnet . Allan, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Harry, Horton, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Hilda Smale, Mrs. B. Forrester, participated in, a Legion bowling tournament at Wingham last Wednesday. Hensall Kinette club resum- ed their meetings Wednesday, for which Mrs. Bob Caldwell, The -team's . second game of the season was held last Mon- day at Listowel. As we predict- ed, it was a victory for Sea - forth, the final score being 7-2. Top scorer ion- •�•thee..Seaforth team was Randy Duffy, who scored three points. Another 'game was •played here at 'Seaforth against the South Huron team. The game ended in a tie, with neither team scoring. . -- - ` Goff Club: The golf club got under way a few weeks ago, under the en- ergetic leadership of Mr. -Hook. The golf tournament, this year, was held. at Wingham on Sat- urday. The boys chosen to par- ticipate were Stephen' -Brady, Bill McLean, Brian McGregor and Pat Flannery; • Out of the eight schools com- peting, . Wingham stood first with 340 points, and Seaforth placed fifth with 3'73 points. Grapevine, Gossip: Larry W.: Is it really true that redheads have niore fun than 'blondes? Classified ads pay dividends. Thanksgiving TREATS' Cinderella Pumpkin Pies • ; • • 50c Mincemeat Pies, ea. 60c Pumpkin Layer Cake ea. • • 45c TRAPNELL'S - PASTRY SHOP Phone 527-0570 - Sea"orth 41. 6 AUTO M ILE Our . modern and fully .equipped SERVICE. DEPARTMENT.: is in charge of a licenced mechanic. Call in now and have your car checked for winter driving. Visit our Service D'epartment. ' Ask for Lorne "Shorty" Suehring Repairs and and Service to All Makes, and Models Brodhagen Centennial Chefs met nt the home of Kamm Xige; hard; on; `ueaday when 45, members were present;: Mr . blligse?i and Mrs. Brown led a discission on British settlers and food from the British. Isles, As a • ,demonstration, leaders made ligsen mEnglisadeh trifWelsh- le. Mar'.g rabbit, which was served ,as -,a sauce lin. toast ands tapped with poached eggs. Mr. and- Mrs, Ken Elligsen had as,their, guests last week, Mrs, Joe Roberta, VaneQuyer, B.C., Mrs. Rose Carvey, Victoria B.C., Mrs, Mabel Higgerson and Harry Proctor; RR 3, -Mitchell. Robert • Ahrens, - Hamilton, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens and Mrs. Rachael Ahrens accompan- ied him, to Burlington where. she is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens and family. Visitors with Mrs. • Caroline Eliigsen an Sunday were: Mrs ASSOCIATE STORE Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pock- et. To advertise, just Dial- Sea - forth, 527-0240. acid Mia Clod C ,nd Mrs, , ',�ot�1�C► `Taohnx' Negli.'(und1 nd',; Mr. . 14,s,Alvin Biiigsen And f RR 4, Walton` and Mr., •17-44 Harold E1ligaen and' �b ys, 11!14 nlip'lin:. ' Mr. ' and Mss Layertx Weld visited-.Saturdaywith Mi...an .., Mrs Michael Conneltf, Smoak ►,g- ille. • . : *positor C1auif1e ?F pay, :ion dividen ..«0Il+O,e ; trried P. e?Bal + ue Co' Champion StoveaI,alnd: Furnace Witt ' MIND ND eo;.527-0150.••— Res 527.1063 o Serve Y'ou Ceti • Effective October 10,1967 Residents' from the Town of Seaforth will be served byrthe CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE located at 35 East Street, Godericll.; insteadof the Stratford Can- ada Manpower Centre. , THIS. CHANGE IS BEING MADE TO GIVE BETTER 'AND - MORE EFFICIENT SERVICE TO Y(U THE RESIDENTS" OF SEAFORTH. Whether you are an Employee looking for a job, an Employ - er looking for• workers, or are just interested in getting informa- tion about employment generally, call in to your caoada maollowor Cern 35 EAST STt, GODERICH• .. TELEPHONE 524-8342 Department of Manpower and Immigration GI.NGERICH'S SALES and SERVICE LIMITED F'URNITURE' and HOME. FURNISHINGS 1 Have been added to our line in ourSeaforth, Seaforth.. Store TERRIFIC SAVINGS .CONTINUE! e why not visit our Store T and- see our " i e OPEN ANY - EVENING BY APPOINTMENT GiNGERICH'S. - • SALES and SERVICE LIMITED' SEAFORTH -- ZURICH -- .CLINTON1 1 r ^ rP