HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-05, Page 4• 4—THE HURON'EXPOSITCil SEAFORTH, ONT., OCT.5, 1967 An investment that won't let you down. • Go-ahead people buy their. bonds at i "TORONTO -DOMINION The Bank where people make the difference. OFFICE SUPPLIES PHONE 527-0240--- Seaforth More bffic to Huro Provide Increased Servlc The Administrative, Profes- sional and Technical Section of Canada Manpower for Huron County is this week being move ed from Kitchener to Goderich. Manager, C. M. Jutras, of the Afiloderich Canada Manpower Centre, in announcing t1 a move, said the decision. to transfer the operation , was made . in l,an e-- deavour to provide -better, more personal service to clients in the Administrative, profession- al and technical field who may For Complete INSURANCE on Your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0440 . Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors s...• ATTENTION FARMERS SEE Harriston Fertilizers. Ltd. GALREA • FOR CORN SILAGE ADDITIVE FOR -BEEF CATTLE 1. Increases crude protein equivalent and calcium level. 2. Improves fermentation and keeping qualities. SI LREA: ,FOR DAIRY CATTLE 1. Increases crude protein equivalent. 2. More economical- milk production. LOCATION OF PLANT. a Half way between Clinton and Seaforth on Highway No. 8 Phone 482-9133 RR 4, Clinton, Ont. ANNOUNCING! ON .00TOBER i'st, 1967 The opening of a new Administrative, Professional and Technical Service at the Canada Manpower Centre, 35 East Street, Goderich. If you are in the professional, administrative or executive group and arelooking for another opening, or if you are an employer looking for top qualified staffs consult your Canada Manpower Centre. We can help you by Providing: Professional counselling service Extensive listing of job • opportunities throughout the entire country Close liaison with professional management and business associations • Up to date labour market information Why not take advantage of this new Administrative, Profession- • al and Technical service at your ' Canada Mannow co EAST ST., GODERICH TELEPHONE 524-8342 gepertment of . Manpower .and Immigration - 44, be looking for work or looking for a change of job. Mr. Jutras said that employers will also benefit from the new service at Goderich and urged them to make full use of the Canada Manpower Centre for every em- ployment .,.and labour market need. In the past, this service had been available to clients in the Goderich area from Kitchener, upon request. In answer to the growing de- mand for highly qualified per- sonnel to fill professional jobs, Canada Manpower Centres are located in over 200 cities and towns across Canada. A Telex net work provides rapifl cora- rnunication. Details about a vacancy or a client can,:be flash- ed from coast to coast iia a mat- ter of minutes. The Canada- Manpower Cen- tre also provides professional counselling service, extensive listing of highly skilled job op- portunities throughout the en- tire country and up-to-date la- bour market information. On - C mpus service by Canada Man - a wer Centres is also maintain- ed at some 12 Ontario Univer- ,aities, Colleges and Technical Institutes. NEWS. of WOODHAM Mrs. Lloyd Jaques was hos- tess for the Kirkton Women's Institute meeting on Thursday evening. - Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bedket't, Jac- quelir.,e and Geraldine were Mrs.. Agnes McCulla of Phoenix, Ari- zona, Mrs. Zeta' Grosebeck of Chicago, 111„ and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Asals of London. • Miss Jean Copeland 'attend- ed' the annual meeting of Dis- trict 10 of the South Perth Cen- tennial School -on Sattur'day. Mrs. Lawrence Mills and Mr. Russell Mills of London visited Sunday evening with Miss Blanche Mills and Mr. Edgar Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Westman and Janet of Granton, visited Saturday eventing with Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Copeland, Synthia, Ellen and Deanna.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller of Listowel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller, Betty Jean and Bob. Mrs, Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, and Mr. and? Mrs. Stanley Moun- nesdaytain of St. with M r $ v`igited Wed: Jean Moun- tain of Cheltenham and also enjoyed a trip to Collingwood and other northern points last week. Several ladies of the commun- ity visited the museum in St. Marys on Tuesday evening and enjoyed the outing very much. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hazel- wood and Mel spent several days last week at Expo. A number of ladies of the United Church Women, attend- ed the South Perth Regional meeting last week held in Wes- ley United Church on Highbury Ave. Mrs, Glenn Copeland was secretary for the regional, com- pleting her second term. - Woodham 4-H Club No. 3 "Centennial Chefs" met on Monday evening atthe home of the leader Mrs. Ken Parkinson. Notes were given on the "British tradition, England, Ireland and Scotland". Susan Tomlinson and Linda Johns made Finian Haddie and served it to members and for a desert, Anne Parkinson ,served English Trifle. Donna Jones' adjourned the meeting. DEAR DORIS advice frow Doris Clark 1 WANT TO WORK. . DEAR DORIS — I am 52 .and have to retire at 65. I afn health- y, active, and have to wish to vegetate. I read about a Cana- dian organization which uses people up to and over the ,age of 70 as teachers, instrtirctors and workers overseas in under- developed countries, In England I was a motor mechanic by trade, and during the war I served as an army captain. I could take a refresh- er course in various practical subjects and also gain a work- ing knowledge of a native lan- guage, so that instead of retir- ing LcOtald lead a useful life in some country where 'it was needed. Jim W. DEAR JIM W. - Which is what many "retired" Canadians are now doing. The organiza- tion is Canadian University Service Overseas. CUSO • has hired workers'``ds old as 78. But they take only first rate well-qualified workers. If you were a fully -qualified motor mechanic, you might be able to brush up --fairly quickly: Write to CUSO, 15L Slater Street, Ottawa 4, Canada and let them know what you have to offer. DEAR DORIS — Our son, 13, is beginning to ask questions about the facts of life.- We have answered his qqestions but now feel he should be told more, mid want him to hear it at home. Should his father talk to him alone or should both parents be present? "Mother Of Teen DEAR MOTHER -- Both methods are good. A. father -and - son talk, in a one-to-one conver- sation maker -,..for less self- consciousness. But he does "need to know lie can come to either of you. r. I am sending you a list of recommended books, marking one which I think particularly helpmul. If you and his father read it too, this could provide meat for a round -table type dis- cussion, with all three of you present. DEAR DORIS — Would you please send me your leaflet on "Care of the -Feet". I -have .arth- rithi--iii my feet and fallen ar- ches, and I have to work for ten years before I will be .pen- sioned off. Wlien I twist a bit it sure pains me a lot. gad Feet At DEAR BAD FEET — ran send - you the set of, instructions set down for the postmen. These daily routines' help keep Pestle's chief means of support in work- ing condition and can , help ;yours.- Mt" check than first with your doetet? ,w r. ('Note ,tc .ether "'readers: The leaflet "Care of the Peet" may be Obtained by writing in for it FARIVIE Miss Mary Lou Elizabeth Sills whose marriage ' to Michael Charles Rourke, Toronto, On- tario, will take place in St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seafborth, on Saturday, October 7th, has been honpred a a number of -pre-nuptial events. Showers for the 'bride - elect were given by Mrs. Edison Cliff and Miss. Sylvia Romanik at the latter's home in London.; Mrs. 'Edmond Nelson, Dearborn, Michigan; Mrs. .Fames L, . Slat- tery, Seaforth; and Mrs.. Gene Francolini and Mrs. Louis Mat- thews, at the latter's -home in London. Mrs. Joseph Kennedy enter- tained for her sister at .a din- ner party at her home in Kit- chener. itchener. Hostesses at other din- ner parties were Mrs. Michael Bechely, Brantford and Mrs. Jane Chamberlain, , Chatham. Mrs. James J. Cleary, Seaforth, also entertained at the Little Inn, Bayfield. A luncheon attended by the Home Service Staff of Union Gas Company was -held at the home , of Mrs. Edwin Heater, Hamilton. Miss Rosemary Bal- lagh, Toronto, also held, a lun- cheon in her honor. Prier to the bride -elect's de- parture from Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Douglas enter- tained at a patio party at their home, attended by the head of- fice staff of -Union Gas Com- pany. in care of this newspaper and enclosing. ten cents and a stamped, self addressed envel- ope) To -Caught in the Squeeze — You can take a little comfort out of knowing that your fa- ther cried after talking to. you on the telephone. He still cares about you. But there's no denying that he left your mother for anoth- er woman. Just how deep the new attachment is, remains to be seen; 'also I question wheth- er he would be mature enough to give her up because of his children. e Every situation is different. You need ' a confidential talk with a trained family case worker. It just can't be sorted out by letter. To Skin Trouble — Get spe- cial attention for that rash. Some of the perfumes -in dep- ilatories and soaps are just no good for some people — the al-' lergic ones. I'd say you are one of them. For that, very reason there - are \special cosmetics made for. folks like you. They are called allergenic. , To Square Dancers — The Trans -Canada Square Dance Train was dreamedup by the Stetson Strutters Square Dance Club of Ottawa. They worked it up with many other such clubs, right across Canada. Square dancing can be heaps of fun, and •I just wish all our young people would- look into it. Let's hear` how it goes over with, your group. Invest Securely. in a` 1/2% "GUARANTEED "GUARANTEED' TRUST Certificate .. 1 to 5 Years Contact. John A. Canino. SEAFORTH ' Representing: liiceri & Erie ...Sterling Trusts Guttr my Tit Crown Trut.C`o. ,of Canada • Viaii $a' arid: Grey trust "Co. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in" pocket. To advertise, jnsi Dial Seaforth 527-0240. BIG FALL SALE Coring; Thursday, Oct.12 to Saturday, Oct. 21st WATCH FOR IT!! All -products on this FALL SALE will be on display at SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone . 527=0770 Seaforth, WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 ,o - n1 DY'S VOTING FOR ROGERWEST. So Is My' IVlommy...And My Grandpa ...And My Grandma ..And My... Published by the Huron -Bruce Progressive Conservative Association' We�rebuyersoi 'RITE BEANS and ('ORN We also are in the market for.. OATS aid' BARLEY that willmake seed 0 Give us a call before you sell For highest prices paid contact 6. G. THOMPSON SONS Limited Phone 26241527... HEN$ALL R 4 1