HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-08-31, Page 111 VSE. mese' CI AsS1FJc4T, SON$ •TO''YOtrR. AQVVN7'AGlP 1. Coming Events 2. 'Lost,. Strays _ - 3 Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Oppertunittes 6., Teachers Waisted. 4,' 7, Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stoek- For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11.'.Articles For Sale4. 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For stent 16. For Sale Pr Rent 17. Wanted_ To Rent 18, Property' Wanted 19. Notices 20.• Auction Sales 21, Tenders ;Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24: Cards of Thanks ; 25. In Memoriam • 26. Personals 27. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number,, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject tothe;folloW- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 12 13 and 17 minimum 65c.. Classifica- tions 24, 25, and -26 minimum 2c per word, 3ninimiim $1.15. All other classifications mini - 1.15 r insertion ex- 'mum u• c ion Sales .(20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applic- atilt. - For cash payment dr if paid within 10 days following Last insertion; 15 CEN'T'S deducted from above rates. 1. Coming Events COMING EVENT - Seaforth Fall Fair, Sept. 21 and 22: All floats (non-commercial) taking part in the parade will be awarded a prize of $5.00 1-89-2 • Mitchell Fall Fair Dance Jerry , and the Jesters CRYSTAL PALACE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 1-90-1 SHOWER for Mr. and Mrs. Gary 45sUgg •(Di'arinet• .Con's Connel- ly) Brodhagen Community Hall, September 8.Ladies bring lunch. Friends- and rela- tives -please --accept_this vithtion. 1-90-1 "FREE" Dancing to the Trend\. Setters with GO-GO Girls • -at the Mitchell Fair FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST Admission to Grounds ... 75c • 1-9b=1 4, Help Wanted SALES clerk and waitress wanted, capable,' neat and good worker. Apply J. C Crich. 4-89-2 HELP WANTED — Part or full time female help for loc- al store, insist be neat • in ap- pearance and, like'waiting on the public. ,Apply to Box 1671 Huron Expositor. 4-89-tf HELP WANTED Man or woman to work in Snack Bar 3 • to 10:30 p.m. shift. Apply to Box 1675, The Huron .Exposi- tor. 4-89-tf APPLICATIONS will be ac- cepted untill' September 16, for organist for Duff's United Church, Walton, duties begin- ning Oct. 1, '1967. Apply •.stat- ing salary to Treasurer, . Mrs. '. Craig. 4-90-2 4.TOR "W'anted • - MAN wanted.;at bean elevator. Apply Cook Bros. Milling Co,� Ltd, 'Phone '262.2605 He .all. 4-90-1 A reliable wonax required to work in. Queensway Nur* inO Borne, Hensall, experl- ence not necessary.. Phone 262-2830. 4-902 Every week more people dis., coder • what mighty jabs are accomplished by low cost Ex positor. Warit•Ads. Dial 527-0240 YOUNG Man wanted ' for store work, Apply Box 167s,. Huron-ExppY itor- 4-90-tf FREE -FREE REE FREE Write for your wonderful free Cook. ,Book and for complete information on how to estab- lish profitable Rawleigh Busi- ness.- ' (• ') Full time basis - or - Part time\. basis Your Name . . Your Address City . . .. The 3Vi. Rawleigh Co. Ltd.; Dept. 11-303-1W2, •' 9005 Richelieu St., Montreal, P.Q. 4-90-1 HELP WANTED A bustodian for Seaforth District high School. Please state qualifications, experi- ence (if any), age, and salary. expected. • Lowest salary not necessar- ily accented. . D. W. KUNDER, Secretary -Treasurer•..•. Seaforth District High School 4-90-1 7. Situations Wanted Experienced carpenter . Wants work. All tyAes. Phone 527- 1604, Seaforth. • ' ` 7.77-tf DRESSMAKING; Sewing 'by your pattern, reasonable. Ph. 527-0547. 7-89x2 8. Farm Stock For. Sale DUAL purpose Shorthorns, heifers, poled and horned, due 15th of- September. Mao yearling , heifers from' unit Sires high on R.O.P. test. Er- nie Oliver, RR 3 Thorndale, phone 461-0817. 8-89x2 FIFTY pigs: 6,to 9 weeks old. 3,1 light chunks. Robert Reg- ele, RR 1 Dublin, phone 527- 07:15- Seaforth,-- -:- • , 8-90-1, EIGHT young geese. Apply to Carl Vanderzon, phone 527= 1772,' Seaforth. 8-90x1 WEN'1`Y-eight-pigs; -.8. -weeks old, Leon Maloney, RR 5 Sea - forth,. phone 102 R 22 Dublin. 8-90x1 TWENTY chuncs, Vincent Murray, 102 R 16 Dublin. 8-90x1 aNE• Purebred Landrace'hot 2 years old. Apply Bill Char- ters, 262-5003. - 8-90-1 9. Poultry For Sale HARCO - Sex - Link pullets, starting "to Iay. Mrs, Frank, Ryan, phone 64 R 17 Dublin. 9-90x2 KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S. x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now.Book your or- ders 'earl: SCO • POULTRY • I+''A4MS, LTD. Sedate Phone 527-084? Box 180 19-74-tf 1n. Used Cars For Sale 1960 THAMES van. .Phone 527-1'930. 10-904 4. Help Wanted • 4'FH CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER • All -Year -Around Job, "Fringe Benefits include Sickness & Accident Insurance, Medical- Plan, Paid 'Holidays, etc. Write or call collect to J. Colyer Stratford 271-0360 or 271-9177 Imperial Furniture Mfg. Co. Limited Stratford, Ontario. MEN• - MEN. - WOMEN -- GIRLS Our fall production requirements are up so we have jobs open in several departments., We offer steady work with opportunity for • ,good earnings and adv'ance4rnent iii modern plants, in both Mitchell arid Strdtford.. Please apply at Standar! Products (Stmt# or) Ltd opo Pyla St., Stra,tfcl~.d 71y3$6,9 10, Used Oale a $ For BLA+CIi` aria Ye114,,1947 GGhee'"Sedan. Louis0 Devereaux Seaforth, phone 527.097.6. 10.89-2 1953 FORD, 6 cyl., new tures; easy . on gas, body needs a little work. $225. Phone 0274 144,' . 10-94l 11. Articles For Sale Jewellery Repairs • We: do all tyjies of jewellery repairs , Ring Sizing Retie Claws " Rebuild Shanks Bead Beat}dnging Repair costume jewellery '' Anlstett J_ wetlers Ltd. ' p 11-74-tf NEW b`ein knives for all types of bean pullers. Contact Basil,. O'Rourke, •Blacksmith - end Welding Shop, • 'Bruce - field, Bruce -field, Ontario. Phone 483u 9131.11-89.4 ALUMINUM- awnings, windows, doors, shutters, .railings Auld, col- umns, siding, eavetroughs,. Call or write for, free estimates. Call 527-0777 or ,527-0032, Holthes and MacLean, 'Seaforth. 11-84-tf 50 PC. SETS ENGLISH DINNERWARE Over 30 patterns in stock to choose fro . ONLY $29.95 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-85 tf TIMEX WATCHES SOLD AND SERVICED ' THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-854 Bt,.ck-To-Schoo! SPECIALS 1. Brand New Round Bobbin Reverse Stitch Portable. Mends and Darns. Regular $119.95 NOW $88.00 2. Shop Floor .Demonstrator Machines up :to 25% OFF 'NEW. PRICE. FULL WAR- 3. TYPEWRITERS. ,Reduced for Back -to -School savings. 4. -REPOSSESSED CABINET .MODEL MACHINE, T.V. Console, Automatic Washer and Wringer Washer. Pay balance. SINGER CO. OF CANADA Phone 524-8431 or Clinton 482-9103 • . 11-89-2 SALE of Summer.. Jewellery. 59c. $2.00 and up, at 1 price. Savauge Jewellers, Opposite Post Office.. 11-87-tf Get your set of English BONE CHINA through Anstett's Pay for 7 place settings and receive your 8th place sett- ing- free: 'ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-85-tf RABBIT cages, Hallman Flat Silo, 14' by 35' in A-1 condi- tion. Gordon Elliott, phone 433-9120, , London or phone 482-7572 Clinton: 11-90-1 Back To School Special All- Pens, reg. $2.95 and up 25% DISCOUNT at'; Savauge Jewellers (opposite the Post Office) - - 11-9041 BLUE and White baby buggy, in goad. condition, 527-0646. • 11'-90-1 FOUR burner McClary Elec- tric range, with Warndug ov- en` ,and extra ' storage, 40 'in- ches • wide, good condition. 3 h.i. Moto=Mower garden culti "gator,• %exccellent' condition. Contact Garnet Stockwell, Egmondville, phone 527-1403. 11-90-1 NAVY and white baby buggy, excellent condition, phone 5271356, Mrs. John F, Be11, 11-90-1 FRESH pidked green corn, other vegetables, choice pro- duce. Ambrose Addley, burn. 11-90x3 COLEMAN gas space heater, 55,000= B.T.U.., Ed Rowland. Plumbing and Heating, Dub- hn, phone 85. , , 11-90x1 ONE conversion oil burner,, complete with -controls and 200 gallon oil tank. E. D. Rowland, Plumbing and Heat, trig, Dublin, phone 85. 11.90x1 BABY crib and mattress in good condition. Mrs. Harold Dodds, phone 527-0898 • 11-901 COLEMANas space heater, 55,000 B.T.U., Also 'an�all; oil Apply Mrs. A. Hoyink, 42 George St;' 'N.,''Seatdr'tli. 11-90x1 11, Ar.t cles FQr Sale VY ITB',:en, mel .cook stove , burns wood or coal, .oil space' heater with fan, both Finlays. phone 116 R 8, Dublin, 11-90-1 FINAL days of summer jew- ellery sale. Now only 49c. (reg, $1.00): 2.00 and 3,09. items_ at 3 'price. Savauge Jewwellers (opposite the Foot Office), • t pyo j.1-90.4 _ FRESH sweet corn suitable: for table use or •freezing. If You wish you may come to the field and pick your .own. Haugh , Bros., Bruccfield, . ph: - 527 -0927. 11-904 FLO.OR furnace and pipes,. 200 gallon tank in 'good cony- lion, suitable - for • house without basement or cottage,` Phone 5271138 -after 5 p.. -0 151_P90-1014 1 90m-1 12. Wanted To Buy CHESTS-" of - drawers; ''cup= Boards, picture ' frames, lhal trees, dishes, • lanips,-, chair , books. Phone 271-1578,: Strat- ford. • 12 74-t3 13. Wanted RIDERS from Seaforth • to Stratford, departure 6:15 a.m. return • 4;30 p.in., 5 days a week. 'Call 527-1562. 13-90:1 14. Property For Sale DUPLEX, double, bricked house on N. Main St., Seaforth, with oil furnace, three-piece bath and cupboards in each. Two bed- rooms upstairs, large bedroom downstairs. Selling due to ill health. Orville Dale. 14-88,tf FOR SALE:. Completely modernized farm home, 4 bedrooms. Barn- suit- able for 20 cows. 15 acres of land. Five •minutes drive from Sealforth, close to highway. Building 'lots in various sections of Seaforth, Egmond- ville and Harpurhey. -foseph McConnell REALTOR. 30 -Victoria Street Seaforth Dian'"527-1560 14-90-1 ):-.6.,�" rop fty,.l or Rent FOUR °roo111 apartment, fur. nia?lcci or .unfurnished,- Avail - •able Sept;. -1st Leslie McClure 57 North, 'l1'lfiin, phone 527-` 0.054. 15-90-1' X . Wanted TO iteant . • . .THREE or #our'. iiedruom' house .in or • close to. •Seafgrth. Fred Tilley, ` Canadian Tire Store, Seaforth. 17.90-1 '18. Property 'Wanted •LAND in Tuckersinith or Sta?11ey Townships. Reply giving full particulars to Box 1674,, The Huron Expositor. s' 17-89x3 • 19. Notices VACUUM •Cleaner Sales & ,Ser- vlce for all makes.Filter` Queen, Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5 0 Tebsalh 1014/4t1 MALONEY BROS. CONCRETE WORK ATTENTION FARMERSu! =Cement Barn Yards, place your order now, reasonable rates. —All types of . Foundations and floors. For Free Estimates Dublin 1O8R9. or 108R3 19-83-tf NOTICE• Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further netice on -WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. tfram 1 to 5 p.m. and on SAT- URDAY MORNING from 10 to 12 a,m. . • J • No wire fencing, old Con- crete or car bodies permitted. JAMES I. McINTOSH ' Clerk 19-71-tf LOOKING FOR FRUIT ORCHARD. LAND?. There's 80 acres of-i�t',3,. miles in from Lake Huron. '"10 acres of cleared land with- out a shrub. Not a fence in the whole valley. $9,500. x x x x• x x x There are very few, houses to rent in Seaforth. If you are thinking' of buying ask about Down Payments.. x. x x x x x x Farms' of 100, 150, 200 acres are readily saleable. x x x x x x x, Nice Building Lot in Seaforth. • $1,100.00:- William M. Hart SALESMAN Phone 527-0870 Seaforth Geo. R. Johnston REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER 14-90-1 PROPERTY FOR SALE Two bedroom ranch style house in Seaforth, practically new, brick, Hot water, gas heated, fireplace modern kit- chen, 1 acre of fireplace, garage. Two bedroom house in Vil- lage of Hensall, 1 block from Main St., brick, 2 .car garage, all modern conveniencies. Cheap for quick sale. ' Farm, 240 acres, • all work- able except 25 acres of bush. Exceptionally good buildings, 'on Highway; 1% miles from town of 3,000 population. Terms can be arranged HAROLD JACKSON, Seaforth • Real ,Estate' Broker ALLAN CAMPBELL and JOHN CARDNO, Agents 14-90-2 15. Property For Rent THREE 'bedroom house. IGA store manager moving here in Mid -September - October 1st. Wilkinson's IGA. 15-90.1 EXPO House trailer Ton rot near Expo. All convenieneies. Sleeps four. Minimum of 3 `days Seiteinbeer and October. Phone 2.374854 or write Ger- 'ala Martene,' Da wood. ' 15.90.1 Furniture _ Repair and, Refinishing ,and Custom Woodwork 15 John St., Seaforth Telephone 527-1223 , Louis. Oositerbosch 19-90x1 • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or 'pine LOUIS BLAKE,, RR2- Bri seers, phone ,442 w 6. Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, ALONEY, 'phone 527-1424. 19-74-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey -Dale, Seaforth, phone 527-1406. 19.74-tf Q' ices Thanks to Mr, , ,:ordon' .Wr/ h'U; whoave ins, ports t e •o U . S p �' tore -open the woodwork .she ; on '15' JOT..Street for Turns tire repair and refinishing .and• custom w.00dwork... l ouis Oosterboseh, phone 527- 1223.• ..' " , .19.90x1 CRUSHED gravel.' . douveered'` or at the pit. Lot 34, ,Con. 7, McKillop. John Thompson. Phone 527-0238, 11-8513 NOTICE • We are shipping cattle -every. Monday to. United Co-Operattves "Of• .Ontario. 'To arrange..for PIck.- up- your farm, phone bry' Sad lay night. • FRANCIS Phone Seaforth, VI41040, .or MICHEEL`T:-7JO ;' . Phone .114 R 1 , _Dublin. Call• Canke- 19-74-tf ELECPROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, •authorised dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St.,. Goderich, phone 524- 6514. , 19-74-tf WATCH REPAIRS • FAST SERVICE •- All work guaranteed • ANSTETT JEWELLERS - Ltd. • "Phone 527-1720 -= Seaforth • • • ' 19-74-tf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALT,., COJ•i:FICT ... Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No, 350-C-65 , 19-7441 DEAD STOCK Highest cash pricespaid for fresh dead, disabled cows and ho We pay 1'c PER LB. weig g over 500 lbs. , Sm animals picked '=up free of charge. Pr the most. prompt and courteous ser- vice in this district Please call) collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 — Brussels, Ont. 24 br. service -7 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-C-65 19-7541 22. Legal. Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND ..:. FOR TAXES Town of Seaforth COUNTY OF HURON gal otic+': ct By'yirtue ;ot - . ° warrant issued b the- :Ma . r f theTow o- .... .. o �Town of Seaforth under, hi 1a ha44 and seal: ;of 'tile; said ,corporation bearing date the 13th day of March, ;1.9677`, °Sale, of lands in arrears of ..taxes' in- the Town of Sealorth will be •held in ,the Council. C. hambers..at the • hour of 10.00 o'clock in the, forenoon on. the 8th..day of November, 1967, unless thetaxes and Costs are sooner paid. Notice is boo- by given that the list of lands for &ale for arrears 4f taxes was publialied in,' the Ontario. Gazette on the 511i day of: Au, gust, 1907 • and that copies of the said 'list"may sae #vadat my office. Treasurer's Office, this .10th day of August, 1967. EBNEST*• WT.IA.MS,' treasurer. 22.08.13 NOTICE. TO CRk:1lITORS • In the Estate of CHARLOTTE JANE: LINDSAY All persons having clams against the Estate'of.Charlotte Jane. Lindsay, "'late"" of thea. Town of Seaforth, in , the County of Huron, Housekeep- er, deceased, who died on the 8th dot of- August, 1967, are hereby notified to send in full partieulars,of their claims tO the undersigned on or before the 14th""'day--of" Sentemt>er," 1967, after which date the as- sets will be distributed; hav- ing regard only to claims then received. DATED . at Seaforth, this 214 day of August, 1967. McCONNELL & $T>;WART Seaforth Ontario • ,. - Solicitors for the Executor 22-89-3 23. Business 1?irectory J. A., BURKE ' Funeral Director - DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 McCONNELL. & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STISWART. Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 JOHN -E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seal`orth Office: ' Tues:, Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat., 9 to 12 noon For Appointnient Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010' I Mon., Wed. - Clinton, Office 23..Bus' ; 0; ,, Seaforth, 'Ontario morn=+ :roma D el'OR ,N ht .or' Day y C. + X14, ' Ch erred Acceuntlulit , 55 l South Street Telephone Goderich -6240;002 WAIT FUNERAL,UO Godericli ..,QW; ,se)a�fryo'.sm{rttli Adiustable` hospital be. FLOWERS ]soft: Evgirz , r • ..w . `.00CASS ION ' . Phone 52713,9,0 . Seafo.. rt>t" • �r ion e e r FARM -d _ !l'7.1N1t'UREr SALES CONDUCTED R. G. G<ETHg • Phone 347-2465, Monkton• Auctioneer and Appraiser 'Licensed and capable in sell' " Ing an types of auction sales. Reasonable . Rates. ° Bruce Rathwell ,• ' Brucefield ,Phone 482-3384 23-63-tf- SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC, • ' J. O. Turplliull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V h2 V.S. P 'D Culhsx D V -M•, V.S. VP. H.° Pattersoic ; IKV:12 :;`V:S: Phone 527-1760 ' - Seaforth A. W. SILLERY ' Barrister, Solicitor, 'Etc. Office -527-1850 ,- Res. 527-1643 'Seaforth Ontario.,• BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention 4misblance Spiv* Flowers 'For`' Alli Occasions Phones: ` Day 527-0680,— Night 59?0885' 24, Cards. of Thanks I would like to thank ;the nurses 'and staff of.- Seaforth Community Hospital, Dr.' Sta- pleton and the Royal Cana- dian Legion Branch l'56 ^Sea - forth. Everything VVas greatly appreciated --:Fred Williams, RR 1' Glariworth. 2090x1 Additional Classified SEE PAGE 12 \\t`\ (; Ho'N WASTHE 1) p1,i?,i,, T\\ o" PICNIC ? ,,,,ol I,,, ; A DRAG! NONE OF THE • - , • HIPPIES MACE'-IFIE SCENE • BUT m45 SQUARES vrio',l EN MASS I I COT Ol)T EARL`!! ' TELL M£ SoMI:THIN6 IS SHE HtPP`/•....OR SQUARE 4 1 , i n, lailtil"Q6Coo°°• ''ouNa �o°o°t r,, v ; ! 1 p . X �lmi ;. Ep °coo °J�o �, 1 T o°o"o �,°0aa i uc°°a° � :1 ,,,, '( Ri Ill 0000 o°oo / 000 it 1 THINK IT'S AN IMAGINATIVE WAY 10 ATTRACT NEW DEPOSITORS BY BUILDING A BANK THAT LOOKS LIKE A BANK I VicI ,1nEQ HOW) MANY OF TRAILERS l'ODAY ARE LAKE OURS ...... ReNTGD? 4 • -ro • SUDGE $y THE DRIvM6, MOST Of 'n40 I DON'T! FOR A BANK THAT CLAIMS IT NEVER LETt ITS CLIENTS' MONEY SLEEP... SLEEP... r ...THEY SHOULD NAVs BUILT A W lDE- AWAKE. • PIGGY BANK. WE JO'T GET LOST WrM 'MIS 'TRAIL -St? ITS SEEN To EXPO FOOD, TIMES ALREADY r- M.T. ,,, ,,,•�' assn •-• •