HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-08-24, Page 11t USE THESECIA'SSIFICATIr 0l?5 +'r0 TOUR ADVANTAGE' 1. Coining Events 2, Lost, Strayed 3. Pound 4,• Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted . 7. Siteations Wanted 8. Fame Stock For Sale 9. Poultry •For Sale 10. Used. Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale a 12, Wanted To Buy' 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property, For Rent 16. For Sale. Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent • 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders' Wanted , 22, Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards. of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26:. Personals 27. Births • 28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each .number, initial and, ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimumso- Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12 13 and 17 minimum 65c., Classifica- tions -24,25, and 26um 2c per' word, minim�.15. All other•classifications mini- mum: $1.15 per insertion ex- cept Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21) , and Legal Notices • (22), rates on applic- ation. Forcash payment or if paid within 10 days foliowidg last ,insertion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. 1. Coming Events L.O.B.A. Euchre Dates. Mon., October 16, Mon., Nov. 20,, and Mon., Dec. 18. 1-89-1 IIENSALL area girls., who wish to take' part in the next '4-H Club are asked to contact Mrs. Ken McLean,, Hensall before' August 26. 1-89-1 RODEO action at its., beati „ The' fourth , annual' Mid WeS- tern Rodeo in KXet'er Satur- day, September° 2, and Sun- day, Setstte�n fiber 3. Brent rid- ing,bulldttgging, chariot races= daring. rodeo clowns and all the action .of the biggest rodeo in Western Ontario. Starts at ' 2:00 p.rn. each dam*. •Covered., grandstand 1-894 3..Folfmd 4.. Help Wonted THE DEPARTMENT `OF HEALTH ONTARIO HOSPITAL, GODERICH, REQUIRES Registered Nurses for three hundred bed progressive psychiatric hospital SALARY: • "$5250 - $6000 annually. Salary differential for two or more years recent exper- ience. (Salary $5500-$6300 effective Jan: 1st, 196$.) QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontario. BENEFITS: —Group life insurance and medical -surgical insurance, ov 75% paid by gernment.' —Accumulative sick benefits —Annual vacation —Pension Plan —40 -hour week APPLY: LADIES powder blue coat, , left in arena May 27th. phone . 527-0676. 3-89-1 4. Help Wanted - WOMAN for house work. • Two half days a week. Phone after six• 527-1515. • 4-89-1 MAN' for butcher shop. Ex- perience preferred but not necessary. Apply Ruby's Meat Market, Seaforth. ` 4-89-1 SALES clerk and waitress anted, capable neat and ood worker. °'Apply J. C Crich. - 4-89-2 GROCEatY clerk wanted, able to accept responsibility. $65.00 weekly to start. Box 1670, The Huron Expositor. 4-88-3 • HELP wanted 3 hours a day, 3� days a week. Write R. A. Gray, 69 Britannia N., Goderich, Ont. • 4488-2 ONE man to operate tile ma= chine or worker. Top wages. Reg 'Chappel, Staffa, phone 33 R 10 Dublin. . - 4-89-1 CAPABLE woman or couple to live in with one adult pre- dferably able to drive a car. Starting August 28th. Pone 482-9881. 49-1 PART or full • time for local store, must be neat in a$pear- ante and like waiting on the public. Apply to Pox 1671, Hur- on ,Expositor. 4-88-tf CHRISTMAS sellinghas started. with Avon Cosmetics. Apply for your territory now. Above *av- erage earnings, Write or ca•11 collect this eiiening, Mrs. M. . Millson/ l# Hativkesbiiiy Ave., London, 451=0641, 4882. $usiness Administafator CTntario Hospital ' Goderich, Ontario 4-89-1 1, Articles For Sale. QOME,. and "see our new selec tion .of gift wares at Irvin's2 Hardware,. 11 TWENTY -five per cent off all Teflon ware at, Irvin'§. Hardware. 11-88-2 Jewellery Repairs Wedo all types of jewellery 'repairs . Ring .Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-744f ONE used 8 foot Kelvinator closed meat counter with unit. Priced cheap.. Phone, 5274630 evenings call 527-0952- • 11-89-1 NEW . bean knives for all types of bean pullers: Contact Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Bruce - field, Ontario, Phone 482- 9131. 11-89-4 ALUMINUM awnings windows, doors, shutters, railings, and col- umns, siding; eavetrotighs, Call' or write for free estimates. Call 527-0777 or 527-0032, Holmes and MacL• ean, Seaforth. - 11-84tf 7. Situations Wanted Experienced carpenter wants work. All types. "Phone 527- 1664, Seaforth. 7-77-tf DRESSMAKING: Sewing by your , pattern,. reasonable. Ph. 527-0547. 7-89x2 8. Farm Stock For Sale FIFTEEN pigs, 8 weeks' old. Apply Ken Ryan, RR 1 Dub- lin, phone 102 R 5: • 8-89-1 '72 Good weaner pigs. Apply Cor Dorssers, phone 52746.56a x-89-1 HURON COUNTY MUSEUM, • : MALE— ST4.FF REQUIREMENT EIGHTEEN • breeding ewes, Apply Claude Sinclair, NO, 8' Highway, 6 , miles East "of Goderich. 8-89x1 THIRTEEN started pigs, -Jas. McQuaid, Lot 10, Con. 3, Mc- Killop, phone Dublin 46 R 14. 8-89x1 Written applications will be received by, the undersigned un- • til Wednesday, August 30, 1967, giving particulars including age, -marital status, previous employ. ment, experience, when avail- able, salary expected. Excellent . en1pleyeti bennfitl, Advancement possible• for salt*. able party. . JOHN G. PERRY, ' r, clerk Treasute1 . • County of furott, COturt ltotiSor. ttotierieii, . l�3ittit1tl TEN York • Landraee gilts.. Bred large English Black. Due in one week. Excellent qual- ity. Tom Shoebottom, 'Mer- ton 666.0289. 8-89-1 DUAL purpose Shorthorns, heifers poled and 'horned, due 15th of September. Also yearliing heifers' froth unit Sires high on R.O.P. test. Er- nie Oliver, RR 3 Thorndale, phone 4614-0817. 8-89x2 9. Poultry For Sale; 50 PC. SETS ENGLISH" .. DINNERWARE Over 30 patterns in stock to choose from. ONLY $29.95 • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD.. 11-85-tf A QUANTITY of girls cloth- ing, all-weather eoat, slacks, sweaters, blouses, skirts, win- ter wool jumper and ,blouse and several other items, sizes 12 to junior 12, allin good condition. Phone 527-0583, Seaforth. 11-89x1 EIGHT piece Walnut Dining room suite, $40.00.. Singer Vacuum cleaner and 7 dispos- able bags; $40.00. Chest of drawers, $15.00. Rocking chair $5.00. Inglis washing machine $10.00. Phone '527- 1963 Seaforth. 11-89x1 FRF.SI•i ,sweet corn -for sale; suitable for table use or free- zing. If you wish you may come to the farm and pick your own:. Haugh Bros., Brucefield, ' phone 527-0927, Seaforth. 11-89-1 KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old. and Started Pullets Red, x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or- ders early. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 100 19-74-tf 10: Used Cars For Sale BLACK and Yellow 1957 Chew Sedan. Louis pevereaux Seaforth, phone 527-0976. ' 10-89-2 1965 FORD Custom, 6 cylin- der, automatic, radio, 27,000 miles, one owner. 'Car in good condition. Phone 527-0192. 10-87-ff• 11. Articles For Sale 8 ACRES of standing second cut mixed hay. Al Hoggarth, 262-5492. S'1 -89x1 WHITE Enamel Clare Jewell Cook Stove. New firebox lin- ing, phone 523-4510. 11-89x1 SET of: Grade 13 text books. Donald Landsborough, 527- 1826... 11-89-1 COME and See our new selec- tion Of gift wares at • Irvin's Hardware. 11-88-2 BEAN, pick-up, practically new, fits any 12 ft. s.p. 'swa- ther. Box No. 1673, The Hu- ron Expositor. 11-89x(1 PEARS Clapse-favorite, will be ready about August 20th. Mrs. Messenger, Egmondville. 11-89x1 USED tape recorder. Needs some.. work. Priced to sell. 'Phone 527.00195 after 6 p.m. 11-89it1 ALE-- of- Surtirner Jewellery,'59o. $2.00 and up at 1 price. Seva'uge jewellers,. Opposite Posh Office. 11-87-0 TWO plywood . boats and boat trailer, Everett Smith, Egmond: villa, 527.0787.. 11.88x2 Get your set of English , „',,- DONE CHINA through Anstett'e ay for 7 plane settings and receive' your 8th place "sett! le ett- leg • free. A7STETT. n , " 11454 TIMEX WATCHES SOLD' AND rERVICED THROUGH• ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-85,tf Back -To -School SPECIALS • 1 , Propetty For .�, F�rms For Sale " 250 acres in Hallett Town- Ship. One set 'buildings,. $35,, 000. ¢100 acres in H'ullett Town- ship, Con. 4. New roofs ort all. buildings.. 2 barns, 100 4 32 and . 63 x. 30,_ One of the. best corn craps in. 8' u r o n County. $22;000, , • Now is the time to inspect. these farms. Othet• farms in, Morris, Hay Tuckersndth. and Hibbert Townships. 1 oseph' McConnell REALTOR 30 Victoria Street • Seaforth Dial 527-1560 ,14-804 15 Property For Rent FOUR room apartment, fur- nished or unfTith fished, Avail- able Sept. lst: Leslie McClure 57 North Main, phone 527- 0654. • ' 15-89x1, AVAIL&BLE: EXPO reserv- ations for two. Apartment completely "furnished, 'begin- ning August 31. Pnone 527- 1011. ' 15-89x1 17. Wanted To Rent LAND in Tuckersmith" or Stanley Townships. Reply giving full particulars to Box 1674, The Huron Expositor. 17-89x3 19. Notices ,VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen . Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5350. Hensall, 19-74-tf FREE COOK BOOK. Get your Rawleigh Cook Book now and information how to make money selling Rawleigh Products, full or part time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. H -363 - FC, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 19-89-1" NOTICE — I have opened ;a sand' pit on Lot 7, North- Botn dary Stanley Township. Choice sand;, recommended by masons for plastering, by truck load or yard, $1.00 per yard. Call 482- 7252, Clinton mornings and eve- nings. Ross Love. 1148-2 MALONEY BROS. CONCRETE WORK - ATTENTION FARMERS!!! —Cement Barn Yards, place your order now, reasonable rates. —All types of Foundations and. floors. For Free Estimates Dublin 108R9_ or 108R3 19-83-tf 1. Brand. New Round Bobbin Reverse Stitch Portable. Mends and Darns. Regular $149.95 NOW $88.00 2. Shop Floor Demonstrator Machines up to 25% OFF NEW PRICE. FULL WAR- RANTY. , 3. TYPEWRITERS. Reduced for Back -to -School savings. 4. REPOSSESSED CABINET MODEL MACHINE, T.V. Console, Automatic Washer and •,Wringer Washer. Pay balance. • SINGER CO. OF CANADA Phone 524-8431 or Clinton 482-9103 11-89.2 12. Wanted To Buy WANTED to buy brick house in Seaforth, in good condition with 3 bedrooms 'or more and good base!'nent. Apply to Bok 1672, Huron. Expositor. 18-88x2 CHESTS of drawers, cup- boards, picture frames, hall trees, dishes, lamps, chairs, books. Phone 271-1578, Strat- ford: 12--74-tf b4.. Property For Sale ON! hundred acres, well sit- uated in Clinton area, .,with large buildings, five . acres- of hard wood busl4 and never -fail- ing 'spring creek. Apply Box 1668, Huron Expositor. 14-88x2 House For. Sale 19. 1 otic � es CRUSHED gray 1, delivered or at the pit. Lot 34, , Comm '71, McKillop, J'o'hn • Thommpson. Phone 5370238. 11.85-'.tf .NOTICE We , are a• lfa Cade' &MT "Monday to United C9 -O ati'Vea .,f Ontario. 'f o arrange for pica - up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL'J. DOYLE; Phone 114 R 16, Dublin. • .Call Collect 19-74-tf O. Auction'► Sales Two bedroom ranch home, Practically new. Brick. 'Hot. water, gas heated. Fireplace, modern kitchen, 1 acre of land; garage. Apply to HAROLD JACKSON Seaforth Real Estate Broker .14-89-2 DUPLEX, double bricked house on N. Main St., Seafofth, .with oil furnace, three-piece bath and Cupboards itt each. Two bed- rooms upstairs largo hedroont downstairs. Selling due to ill health. Orville Dale. 14-88,tf An Expositor Classified will pay . you dividends, if'ave you tried one/ Dlal. ,527.0240. AUCTION SALE of Cattle and Feed, WEEDNES: DAY, AUGUST 30, at 1;30 On., at lot 21, con.. 3, Logan, 21 miles northwest of Mitchell,, CATTLE — 35 Holstein heif- ers, due to freshen in Septem- ber eptember and October. FEED = 1,000 bales of good mixed hay, 1 year old. - . NOTE — This is a good lot of heifers carrying a lot of size, all are bred to a Hereford bull and will be checked by a veterinarian to be right in the udder. Anyone planning to, in- crease their herd or heeding replacements should plan tt at- tend this sale. -NOTICE . Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. from 1 to 5 p.m. and on SAT- URDAY MORNING from 10 to 12 a.m. No wire ' fencing, old con- crete or car bodies permitted. JAMES I. McINTOSH Clerk ' 19-71-tf DEAD STOCK Highest cash prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. We pay 1/2c PER LB, weighing over 500 lbs. Small animals picked up free of charge. For the most prompt and 'courteous ser- vice in this district Please call -collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 — Brussels, Ont. 24 hr. service -7 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-C-65 19-75-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED , TERMS Cash MRS. ROY FRANCIS & SONS, Proprietors R. G. GET KE, Auctioneer Dial Monkton, 347-2465. 20-88-2 CLEARING Auction Sale Hookorsrostrok somtoirme 200. Auction Sales L,' chairs; silver tea ser i ce;ki t• - che tetsi _ electric iron; toaster; floor polisher;, Vaccurnl cleaner.; elecctric beat- er; linens; qults; . hand em broidery; hand crochet. 'table cloth;. garden tools; •land chairs; extension la d de'r; lawn • roller; laundry - bobs; quantity of Kern -Gro and • Su- per Kern Tone paint; other articles too numeroua to men- tion. TERMS of Real Estate; 10% day of sale,balance 30 days, sold subjecto a reasonable -reserve bid. TERMS -of Chattle: Cash on day of safe. HECTOR McNEIL Auctioneer 20=88'4 21. Tenders Wanted Valuable Real Estate, House-' hold Effects and Antiques for the' Estate of Jean I. Kyle, 108 Albert Street, Clinton on SATURDAY, •AUGUST 26TH at 1 p.m. REAL ESTATE — 11/2 stor- ey rug brick house, new oil furnace, 3 bedrooms, one car garage pleasant surroundings, first class state of repair. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -,- 3 -3 piece chesterfiekt; 9 "piece dining room suite; -occasional chairs; corner shelf; rockers; footstool; end tables; Jocks; sewing cabinet; mirror b ax- minster rug 9 x 12; various hooked rugs; drapes; White sewing machine; day bed; hall tree; lamps; *mantel & cabinet radios; utility, tables;: pictures Beatty washer; Finlay 30" electric stove (nearly new); 12 cu. ft. Moffatt Refrigerator. (nearly new); bedsteads, dres- sers; chest of drawers; 2 cedar chests; kitchen table and Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Witte or Bone 1,0:17ERTIS BLAKE, RR russels, phone 442 w 6, •Bruss- ela or contact HAROLD„ MAL- ONEY, ALONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-74-tf SEPTIC TANKS GLEANED • 1V,odern'e >,ipment. We guar- antee alloik. Write or ;call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527-1406. 19-74-tf ELECTROLUX ' Canada Ltd. Sales and .Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house -St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514., 19-74-tf' •WATCH REPAIRS FAST -SERVICE , All work guaranteed ANSTETT - JEWELLER, Ltd. Phone 5277-1720 Seafo%th 19-74-tf DEAD ANIMALS - REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL ;COLLECT Darling & Company df-Cane,21a Ltd: .Ptit tto Olden,. 482-1269 •: Liceri& • No 245(l -C -6.K 19444! TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted by the Township of Hullett , for Drain, Construction Tenders will be received by the undersigned as follows: For the construction of the Volks' drain, including 4,671 ° feet of closed drain, 3 catch basins and one . junction lox. • For the construction of the Gross Drain including 34 lineal feet of open drain, 12,499 feet of closed dram, 9 catch basms.. 2 junction boxes. < - Tenders close at 6 p.m. DST, Tuesday, August 29th, 1967. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information con- aact: CLARE, -VINCENT, Clerk Township of Hullett, Box 293, Londesboro,. ,Ont 2248-2- 22. Le aI Notices TREASURER'S SALE - OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Seaforth COUNTY OF HURON , To Wit: 22,.Legal Notices 19670, unless the..:taxes and costs n i ic ` +�are., Soo er ��� dr lVo•t.e ?S hre' e by given thataha list -of .lan,. for sail .for arrears . of tares was .pabiished inthe Ontario Gazette on the :5th dao .of :u- gusts 1007 and that. Cocopies of the aid..s ma y.. be had . m office, Treasurer's Office, this '10th 40 of August, 19074- • ERNEST M. WILLIA3IS, Treasurer. 22.88.13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate .of CHARLOTTE JANE LINDSig All persons having Rains against the Estate of Charlotte Jane Lindsay, late of .the Town of Seafortl},in the County of Huron, HousekeeP-.. er, deceased, who did en the 8th day of August, 1967, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 14th . day of September, 1967, after which ,date the as- sets will be distributed, hav- ing aving regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 21st day of August, 1967. / McCONNELL & ST E W ART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 22=89-3 By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and seal of the said corporation, bearing date the ,13th day of March, 1967, sale of lands in arrears .of taxes in the Town. of Seaforth will be held in the Council Chambers• at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 8th day of November, 23. Business Directory, J. A. BURKE Funeral Director - DUBLIN - • ONTARIO. Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 McCONNELL & 'STEWART Barrister's, Solicitors, Etc. P. D:.McCONNELL, Q.C. • D. I. STraYART Seafortli, Ont, Phone':527-0850 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF .Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. k Sat., 9 to l2 noon p'or Appointment - Phone 527-1240 — or' 482-7010 Mon., Wed: — Clinton Offii A.: W. SILLERY " • Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth Ontario BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885. 1 W. J. ,cLEAlty Sato h eaf...rt ., Ontario ; 'and .FUN,,. AL DIRggrO13.. Night : sof .lay.Calls ;-.• 527-.0514)•• F Y• i. M. H A ) R r Chartered Accountant • 55-577 ;South :Street Telepktons wr Goderich . 52470663 WHITNEY.. G. A.a.,. ERAL 1101v1H ooderich'St W,„ Seaforth.. AMBULANCE .VI Adjustable, hospital beds for M 0.13;- .. FLOWERS FOR EVERY • 'OrAS1ION • Phone 527-1390' - SeafOrlis • - Auctioneer., FARM and SALES .CO l)FD R. G,• GETH'.1', Phone t.0-2400, Monkton Auctioneer ant Appraiser Licensed and capable in.sell- . ing all types of auction, sales. Reasonable Rates Bruce Rathwell Drucefield Phone 48243$4 23-53-tf SEAFORTH VETERINARY' . CLINIC • J. 0. Turnbull, D,V,M., V.S. W. It. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D.' Collis, D.V.M., V.S. W. 11. , Patterson, D.V.M„ V.S. `Phone 527-1760-. Seaforth HE HAS'4'T TotiC•HEDTHAT oLI' 'BIKE SI.ice +IE GO.T 1%S LITTLE (AR .,... LET S se WE CAN GET A, FEW BJcKS FoR „1;„1;,nll1l�;�l CERTAtNt2 f NOT! HOW DO yo%) `(RINK 1 (ZT THE 6,ROCES3tES HOME • 24. Cards of Thanks Earlan and Verna Osborn;: and' girls would like 'to thank . all, - their neighbors and friends. who helped out in any way they could at the time of their • fire. Espeeiallj* ,,the Seaforth' Firemen for *ming tiW neigh- hors homes aid special thanks to all' who donated. 24-89=1 25. In M mons m ANDERSON In, 1ovg memory of our,, c' Toth " , Mrs. Arthur • Anderson, who passed away one yea1 ago, Augusta 21, .1966... - - • mother so faithful, devoted and true, So thoughfully kind and lov ing too, God called yinir Mime, we had to paYi't, Till we meet again, you. are atilt -in: nay heart..., = Lovingly remembered by" daughter .Frances, Bob and Gerald UpshaW. _ 25=89x1 Every week more people dis- cover what mighty ' fobs • are, accomplished' by low cost Ex-, positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. SEE PAGE. 12 I'VE GOT TO CAMRE THE BEAUTY OF THESE SCENES BEFORE THEY 'VANISH FOREVER FROM THE COUNTR'f$IDE' t•` (MONdS THEY GET THESE O•LATHER DETERGENTS,. ° ON THE MARKET THERE WON'T BE ANY FOAM - • FLCKED'RIVERS TO PAINT! v \\• G I II l �/ / I :, 9r� / 1 4 e, O • P's ;, `Po 4.11 S i.. °' V . Iytif(/s0/ j\((�` ,Ir. 0v e �� o Q� D 111 c. ; 0 ^ e• e,,' .:.,, N ",{y• ^ 7 n, r ! 90 0 ` , 0 g' 9 S • DOUB�a K�� AFiG 1ooi4G a ,,, `�4......„!,� o ii„,,:,, ; ` e, to � @` i r I Al ..• -t -V Ti o 0 ' 1 0 3y ri i o ft'> o Cp 01019f���-r. ` tai ..,,..„........,0,, ,:.. 1 ^ r111 6 o , . p 4' O s 2 pip ooo�o p 4,,,,,,,„` n 0, ti 0 I�1 !D 0/ v J ,„.„.„„", 4T's.4._,Nor r f141111r ids" aq.. � 11 I II III tiltAij I 1 14"‘bitig. it a