HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-08-24, Page 9a A f • For Comp INSURANCE, p 'rM+tlp yoCur HOMO., i3UJ$JNESS, PAM CAR:• ACVIDFAI ', LIABILITY OR L1PE E1 JOLT A. CARDNO hisurance Agency Phone 527-0490 ; Seeforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforib Motors Why{\ ... The Chr stial.` . Science - Monitor ,recommends .you read your local. ne's, er- Your'local newspaper keeps you in- formed --of what's happ'eping in your area — community events, public meetings,stories about people inyour vicinity. These you can't — and shouldn't — do without. HOWTHE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS `YOUR LOCAL PAPER The Monitor specializes in analyzing and interpreting national. and world news , .: with exclusive dispatches from one of the largest news bu- reaus. in the nation's capital and from Monitor news experts in 40 overseas countrie$;and all 50 states. TRY THE MONITOR — IT'S A PAPER • .THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY .... sem. • The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Please start my Monitor subscription for the period checked below. 1 enclose $ (U.S. funds). a 1 YEAR $24 0 6 months $12 D 3 months $6. Name Street' city State ZIP Code P13•17 lE WS • 9/4"01045rOlta is • a00)ciing. a few 4aYs With'ijs grandpereuts, Mr. and:Mrs rT&Q1C 0U e1till,his, mother, .Mrs, i*en Burchill bast a babY daugh t 'f Seofo xth Comms!tity Hos it 1p on Thurs_ clay. Mr. and, -Mrs. Keyes, Teddy and Thomas, • • I.ondoA, spent Thursday, with their un- cle "and aunt, Mr; and Mrs. Herb Britton. - - Miss Eleanor Lannin spent the weekend in Monkton. Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Minis held the Templeman reunion at their home at Zion last Sitti- day. - Mrs. Lawre'ice Hannon, Mrs. Earl Barker visited Mrs. Alexia Malcolm at Seaforth recently. Mr, and Mrs. Jack ,Burchill called on• her brother, Mr. Clot - den Eisler, Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday.,, Mrs. Gray Nutchell and Mrs. Robert E, Burchill visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill recent- ly, • Miss Melba Jean. Friend, Dub- lin, spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Patricia Burchill. The Junior Farmers of Mit- chell 'held a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Per,. gus Lannin, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm Mrs., Mary Malcolm attended the Maleolin reunion ' in Strafford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Roney returned home after a three week's visit in the west. . Mr. • and- Mrs. Mac • Graham, Toronto,• were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mal- colm and `attended the Malcolm reunion at Stratford park on Sunday; also the parade in Mit-, i Choose Your DIAMOND Privately AT SAVAUGE JEWEILERS (Opposite Post Office) Evening Appointment • ey Arrangement FREE --17 Jewel Watch with each 'Diamond pur-- chase $100.00 or• more INCREASED SAVINGS INTEREST Paid on 5 year debentures of $5,000 or more 61/2% paid on 3,4 &.-years for Si 00 or more 61/4% paid on 1 &-2 year debentures THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY . establish'ed 1870 ASSETS OVER 580,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE 38,750,000 Yes;'I am Interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures, ❑ Please tell me more about this system of saving. O Enclosed is my cheque for S for a Mr./Mrs./Miss Address year debenture, ° ° Tel Complete and mat this cou{,on to: 1 ONTAFiJO LOAN AND DE13ENTURE •COMPANY 137 Dundas Street at Market Lane, Loniidn Ont. Or call: 432-4158 525 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ont. Or cal1433-0950-• 453 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont. Or calf: 539-2051 its • Member: Canada Deposit'Insurance Corporation NOTICE • Re--Change-.0f Hours Due to the labour code and the new 40 -hour work weak we find it ,necessary to stop all' custom grinding on Saturday mornings, but will be open for prepared feed pickups until further notice. -- EFFECTIVE DATE -• - SEPTEMBEIC .1, 1967 brie Eo this cut off, we feel we can serve you better through the week as we will be full staffed flue days of the week. , ° -TOF1NOY (.;H I. CLOS LIMNED %.i9 Seaiftkh shell o1a 1it41iday • Miss Nancy Lanvin was. azo at*' • tendant at. t Taylor•Thlel•W.ed- ding in „Znr° on Saturday. Louise Balfour: is holidaying with her; aunt and .grandniotth-• er, Mr. and -Mrs. 'Sant; GkLbb and Mrs, Lily: Balfour, Mount sant. • N • Mr.' andi Mrs. hack Broughton. Pauline and, John with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin on Sunday. Miss NaUCY, Lannin, is spend!• lag. this week with her friend Mi Ss 'Margaret I•Ioggarth at their cottage, Grand Bend. ... Mr. Carl Alan Mid Jim Roney left on Tuesday for a • trip to ,,;stp o. F •, Mr. 'Bruce Malcolm, and Dave Pridhar left, on Monday 'for a fishing trip .up around Orillia end Barrie, • Mr: and Mrs. Earl Lainehiaury, London, visited) Mrs. Mary Mal- colm ,on Wednesday. Miss Lynda .Gibb, Glenne and Nfihcy Gibb, 'Stratford, Arlene and Wendy Sheldon,. St. °Marys, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mal- colm for a few drays last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and Nissen, .Mrs Leslie _Moore left for the west last week, vis- iting hie brother, Mr. Fred, Bar- ker and Mrs. Barker and other friends. Mr. and, Mrs, Lawrence Bark- er and Wendy, Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm lift for Expo on Friday and .,also will visit Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris, Mac- Donald College, Quebec. A goodly, number from the community attended the week- end .centennial celebrations at Mitchell. •Miss Lettie Lannin'RN, Detroit Miss Mary Lannin and Eleanor` are spending a few holidays' at Mr: Morley Lannin's cottage this week in Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs.. Ken Britton was tri• Stratforci�rtan Thursday. Miss Joan Britton left on ThursdaY''for a'boat cruise to Jamsiaca. • Mrs. Gladys Belfour, Mrs. Dor- othy Hutchison visited Mrs. Mary Malcolm' Saturday evening. KIPPEN Mr.' and Mrs. N. Dickert spent the vpekendl at Clifford and at- tended the wedding of Mr. Dick- ert's nephew, Mr. Ron Dickert and Miss Mary Lane at Mildmay and the reception at Formosa. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ken • McLellan and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGre- gor also attended the reception - of Formosa. News of Winchelsea •: Miss Dianne Hutton returned to her• home on Friday after visiting with relatives in Sarnia for a. week, Mr. and) Mrs. Harvey Skinner of Sebringville spent the week- end -with Mr. and Mrs. Elson Flynn. and family: Mr. Harry Cole of London vis- ited on Saturday. with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Miss Kathy Hern of Clinton spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil :Bern. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dayman and fam- ily of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman H,orne held a family picnic gat their home on Sunday. Guests in- cluded, Mr. • and Mrs. William Dickey and family of Woodham; Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker of ••Wellburn;,, Mr. and Mrs, Gord- on Fbfd, Rittkey and Julie;, Mr. and .,Mrs. Gerry "Grubb and 'Michael of Farquhar; Mr., and Mrs. Harry parling of -London; Mr. Cliff Whillock of St. Thom- as;. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford and family; and Mrs. Harry Ford of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. ,George Frayne of Sunshine Line visited on Mon- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters. Mrs. Wilbert Glanville, Carol, Karen and Ricky of Staffa cal- led ..on Mr. and Mrs. William Walters on 'Sunday. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, Mrs. San-, ford Hutton, Mrs. Freeman' Horne, Mrs, William Walters, Mrs. Phi Hern and Mis. Tom Campbell visited with Mrs. John Coward on Monday eve- ning helping her celebrate her birthday. Miss Susan Bern of Lambeth is , holidaying • at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Herri• solid family. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake were _guests on Sunday for a family picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Don Penhale and family of Sarnia, Mrs. Annie Veal of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ball and fancily of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Veal and family of •tfensall were present. Mrs. John Coward visited: on Tuesday' with Mr. and Mrs. Hir- atn Hanna of Kirkton. Mr, and Mrs. Sanford Hutton and Dianne attended the cen- tennial celebration on. Sunday ai Mofik on. Miss Penny Smith of •Credi- ton spent the weekend' with Mr, and Mrs, Colin Gilfillan and Barbhra. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters visited on Sunday 'evening' with M. .'arid Mrs. Kenneth Clarke and Dianne of S•ebringville. 1 Mr. Cliff Whitlack of St - e• Thomas visited en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Preernan Horne and family, Mrs. N'eW'toh Clarke 'Mid fair, mi Mrs, ?recti Dobbs of ratter ;called at the ;cradle Of Mr, and• Mts t fillarn WOW'S on T, oars ry BingO: The Legion ibingpr sp0ASOred by Branch 06. Seafortii, beld oxo Firday: 14ht waS Well ate terid'ed. - WiMters' o$ • sp4e al ga�.es were as follows: T. Nast', 4hnr Ptom Stan Watson, Mitchell acid ete ,McGrath, . Seaforth, Mrs. JQsep"h Steep, Clutton; Mrs Ron Dale, Seaforth. poor prizes went to Mrs, Powell, ,Goderich and Mrs. McNeil, Clinton. Regular games were won by Mrs, Ron Dale, • Seaforth; ' Mr. Campbell, Mitchell and Mrs. Denoxnane, Clinton; Russ Piper, Seaforth; Mr, Campbell, VXit obeli; Mrs. Steep, yC•lintoii; Frank Skinner, Mitchell; Mrs, Charlotte Wood and Mre. Mac- Arthur, Seaforth; Mrs. Stan Watson, Mitchell; Mrs. J. Bar- ry, Egmondville and Russ Pip- ers Seaforth; Mrs. MacLean, Goderieh; Mrs. Joseph Steep, Clinton and Gloria Glanvylle, Seaforth;• Russ Piper, Seaforth; Mrs. Elliott, Mitchell and Mr, Bolton, Seaforth; Mrs. Bolton, Seaforth. • News of , Constance Mr. and 5Mrs. Erik •Fogt and Carol of Streetsville visited' Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Dedrick and "Jeffery of : Simcoe visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Hog- gart and family. Betty Hoggart •returned; home after spending the past week at Sizncoe. Mr. arid Mrs. 'Frank Vander Molan, Paul, Mark and Margie of Oakville spent the Civic holi- day weekend with Mr. and tv rs: W. L. Whyte. - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hart and family of Brussels,"Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Hart of Goderich visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan. -Mr. ' and Mrs: Case Groenen- berg and family of Toronto, vis; ited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haver- kamp, Barbara Groenenberg re- turned home with her parents after spending a week here, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family visited Mr. and Mrs.` George Hart, Brussels. Juliann and Jenna Lou El- liott of Staffa spent holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Ken ,Preszca- tor. ' • MRS. WILBUR •i. ROGERS Mrs.. Wilbur tigers of Erin dale, -formerly fit Myth, and Herisa'11, paSscdl WO. suddenly at e sl Th.s no� oda o li M: n . �, .S�e was the f oriaee•Carris• Mildred: Bern' and. leaves to npurbf her less her husband, ltev ' W. 4, Roger, of Ei'indale, two daugh- ters, (Carol Ann) Mfrs. Robert Sears, Sarnia; Brenda Margaret at home.• One sister, Miss Reba Horn of Nassau, Bahamas also survives. Funeral services were held Friday, August 11.tti, front Skinner and Middlebrook fun- eral chapel, Port Credit.. inter- went St. Peter's eeinetery,' Erindale. Attending the funeral from Hensall were Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickie, Mr. and Mrs.' Stan- ley Mitchell. Mr, Rogers was a fopmer minister of• Chiselhurst and Hensall United Churches. MISS EMMALINE SM„LIE native of Hensall,•-MissIIRm- maline Smillie; was quietly laid to rest in -the Hensall Un- ion nion cemetery on August foth. Her death .came suddenly on August 6th at her home in Tor- onto. She had lived for many years with her sisters Margaret and Dr. Jennie Robertson. Emmeline was born on the Smilliefarm north of Hensall in 186a, --the daughter of Jane and Ben Smiilie. She attended Seaforth Collegiate following which, -.she taught school in Hay Township and in Salem. In 1909 she entered University . of Tor- onto, graduating in 1613 with a B.A. Following this she atten- ded the College of Education. In 1914 she and her brother Ben went to India as mission- aries from the Presbyterian Church in Hensall. In India Emmeline taught high school. After the outbreak of World War I, she joined a hospital ship as nurse and-saw°service in the Indian Ocean and the Mediter- ranean. She spent seven years in India and the service. On returning to Canada she ob- tained her M.A. at Queen's Un- iversity specializing in history. Following , a year's teaching in Brantford, she joined the teaching staff ateParkdale• Col- legiate and, remained there . un- til she retired a number of years ago.• She was head of the history department at Parkd'ale. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an -Expositor Want Ad and be money in pock- et. To advertise, just Dial Sea - forth, 527-0240. .140zoali40, was, 'until recent: years, active azul SSt.ew+'s United Church: in Toronto She >Ha. S a 'manlier ofthe U• v r n sl . ...ie tY. Women's' Club and a regular ate tender at its meetiogs She took; a serious interest in politics and; the governnrient of Canada. Thp fact that Sir Wilfred Laurier.; as; a `small' child, lived one year with the Smillie family while' they resided in Quebec may ac- _count for this interest. • She is survived' .by her sisters Margaret and Jennie and a brother, Dr. Alex in Niagara Falls, - Tfig HURON ro*,, INAFOrrtio r• PROW,' • i,l � 13� & AC IItltll"1" .too • '5iC04E55: * •AR M*0A1 PENS.tPNs. ANMtlI''i;R;i l eementing: auur> . i4e mance ComPal* anada . 117 GODERIo S x EA$T.r. BAFAR'SH, TEI,4P1•1ONE R7-4410 WANT ;,4DS BEING QUICK :R. 6 j$,? e'D s'1 5g7424O NLY 5319 It's Butler's new economy Model — 299-E. You get Butler qualities — but at a new low price. No frills — no special features -just • X safe, long-lasting storage anyone can afford. Check us today for all the details. . •BOTCH -DRQ' 1;11 THE BIN . AS PASTAS rou HARVEST ' Now, you can actualiy•keep paea with a 2-roov ,combine -.with a single drying bin and heater— thanks to Butler Stor-N-pry's new 1,500,000 -BTU in -bin batch drying heater. You get full safety controls, constant ignition and an -exclusive dual burner' ar. rangement that makes layer drying practical in the same in- stallation. You save money, too, because the storage space is In- cluded as a bonus—not an extra as with portable batch dryers. Come in today for a free estimate on the system that's best for you. We offer a complete plan- ning and`'construction service.. ",Plus low-cost, flexible financing. For Complete Automation Equipment And Supplies For Beef - Dairy -- Poultry -= Hogs BARN BUILDING — HOME RENOVATIONS —, CEMENT WORK — SPRAY PAINTING -- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SALES it SERVICE STEVE KEMBER RR 2, Seaforth phone 482-7109 on Hwy, 8, 2 miles west of Seaforth (John Segerer Farm) BADGER FARM • EQUIPMENT NEED 50ME EXTRA MONEY THIS FALL? •� . WE ARE THE CANADIAN CANNERS' LIMITED AYLM E It IeUflonte PEOPLE. -a; AND WE 'NEED MEN AND WOMEN. TO HELP PROCESS- CORN AND CARROTS of WORK WILL. BEGIN AROUND AUGUST 20th AND CONTINUE UNTIL NOVEMBER -1S BOT DAY AND`th ( ' NIGHT WORK AVAILABLE • - YOU ' WILL FIND THE WORK INTERESTING AND THE WAGES COMPETITIVE. TRANSPORTATION IS SUPPLIED. JUST GIVE US q_ CALL AND REGISTER r. NOW t: CANADIAN, CANNERS' LIMITED .. A GOOD PLACE 'TO ..... 2354449: e- - L�I