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At St. Patrick`s Church
Dublin, at 1:30 'p.m., Auges •
18; Rev,,: Donald Benninger,.
C,S•B., uncle of the bride,, ,pi'
fleeted at the double ring
eea'emony which uited'lPat-
ricia Benninger, daughter of
-Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Benninger
of Dublin and James Ouelette,
The bride, giver}, in marri-
age by her father; w or e a
gown ,of nylon lace -over slip-
per satin featuring a fitted
bodice, lily point sleeves, a
sabeina neckline dotted with
irridescent sequins and pearls.
The bouffant skirt had tiers
of lace cascading to the . floor.
A crown of seed pearls and
sequins held in place a shoul-
der length veil of double tulle
illusion. She carried a bou-
quet of red roses and feather-
ed': white carnations. Miss
Rose Ann Benninger, sister of
the bride was maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Joanne
Cronin, Elaine Murray. and
Mrs. Gary Siebert. The four
attendants were gowned alhke
in powder blue_ floor- -length.
nylon lace over satin sheaths
featuring petal neckline. They
wore matching petal head-
pieces of tulle and chiffon
and carried bouquetsof
white and tinted mums.
Don Ouelette 'attending his
News of
Mr, and Mrs.., George Hart
of. Brussels visited on Satur=
day . evening . with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Buchanan and fare -
Mr. and Mrs. George Mell-
wain .and Mary visited on-Fii-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wel-
ter Kingswell at Huronview.
' Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys,
Mrs. Elma Jewitt and Brian,
Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt and
family attended the McRorie
picnic held at Ipperwash on
Mrs. Irene Grimoldby is
spending some time with Mr.
and Mrs. John Mann of God-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley,
Mrs. Sadie Riley returned
home on Sunday after spend–
ing holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Woods, Debbie* and
Michele of Gananoque. Deb-
bie and . Michele returned to
spend some holidays With
their grandparents.
Mr.; Nelson Moore of- Port
Rollin. visited- on Friday with
Mr. and ,Mrs. Earlan Osborn,
Meledy and Leona.
Mrs. Bob .Johnston, Grand
Valley, visited on- Monday
with Mr and Mrs. Jack Medd•
and faintly, Mrs. Annie Medd.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszca-
tor and girls vieited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Hill of Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dyk and'
family of Galt spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Haverskanip and- family.
Mr. and Mrs .Bill Mcllwain
and Joyce, Mr.ob Mcllwain
Jim Koene of Bayfield were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. George McIlwain and
• Nancy, Preszcator is spend-
ing a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Pfaff and .family
of Crediton.
Mrs. Don Glousher, Karen
and Billy of Blyth visited on
Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Dale; Kathy and Cheryl.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley
and • Kim and Greg of Ajax
are spending holidays With
elIr. and Mrs. Frank Riley.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchan-
an and family visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
;,ndcrson and family of Born-
Susan Tyndall of Clinton is
spending a few days holidays
with Dianne li'reszeator..
A longtime resident of the
Twin Cities, Mrs. Gordon E.
Bender of -358 'Clifton Rd., Kit
ehener, died Saturday at' St.
Mary's Hospital after a lengthy
illness. She was Se'
Born in Kitchener, she was
the former Verna 3. Matthews,
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Or-
mond D. Matthews of Kitchen-
er.. For a number of years she
was a resident, -of Seaforth when
Mr. Bender was . assbeiated with
Superfast Petroleum.
• Surviving besides her parents
are her busbandr one son, Dale
id A. of Kitchener, and one
daughter, Nancy' Anne; also of
See was predeceased byone
sister, Mrs., Edatard Cown, in
The body was at the .Ratz•
Bechtel Funeral Borne where
service was hbldl Monday, eon,
ducted by Bet. J. ll. ;Patterson.
Burial was in Woodland me`
bx ltber as 'beat man was! os -
,dated by Mere Benninger;
Dave.Regier and Gary .Sie-
bert, all dressed' 'iike! the
g'roona, aiaa black "teXedeee The,
bride's! brother Donald Ben-:
winger .:served the rupial'.
lna, •
**•Maureen D.e Gaust dressed' ..
to • match the •'bride's attend -
:ante •was flowergrrl while the
ringbearer Was Mark Oue-4
Tette. The . ushers were Ron
O'Connor and Bernard Prim
:eau, We ding . music was
played by s.. John Nagle,
parish organist,..She also ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne De Gaust, ' Ingersoll,
when they sang "Pans Angel
icus" and "Ave Maria". -
The wedding dinner and
reception was held at Brod-.
hagen Community.3a11. Tice
•bride's mother received wear-
ing a blue metallic sleeveless
sheath covered by a lace cdat
with ' white accessories. She
was assisted by the groom's
mother who wore a ,groom's
over satin A-line with white
accessories. For -travelling the
bride wore a powder blue
lace over satin dress and
white accessories. Following
a -wedding trip to Northern
Ontario the couple will reside
in Stoney Point.
(By F. C. J. Sills),.
This next two weeks will be
busy ones for -those taking part
in Centennial events. Floats....to
be made –f- plans to be laid —
tickets sold — advertising and
all the thousand and one things
needed to make a success out
of any event. We ernestly hope
that anyone asked to do any-
thing will do so willingly be
cause every job, no matter how
small, is an integral part of
every function..
Everything seems • to be in
hand for the Bali game next
Saturday night. Both teams .are
practicing and there are a lot
of unused r muscles on - both
teams that requir a ,good r;tib
bing of liniment — OMSIP will
be doing a thriving business
and no doubt they will have
all the ambulances standing by.
The band has had a lot of ,fun
trying to get their lips back in
shape, and if you see a bunch
of fellows and girls going
around with puckered lips I
assure you it isn't because
they've been out on a kissing
spree. Their motto is that "Old
B'andtmen' never die, they just
blow away"!_
Other committees have been
busy workieg on the Labor Day
events and also the Sept. 18th
Guy Lombardo Dance. -Follow-
ing close on the heels of this
last event is the Agricultural
fall fair on Sept. 21st and 22nd
so you can see that there is no
rest for the weary.
.Try to co-operate if you are.'
asked and if you 'don't get. a!
jab then at least come out and
make it a success by attending.
You'll halve lots to talk about
— meet old •friends — chat
about other days and the future I
and all in all make these days •
something to remember. After'
all, there won't be many of us
around for the next Centennial-'
News of
Janet • and Craig Taylor
spent last week visiting with
their aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs, Norman Tyndall of Clin-
Mr. and Ars. Don Forbes
and family visited. Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tay-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Newman
of Walkerton visited Satur-
day with. Me. and, Mrs. Bill
Dowson and family.
Mrs. Bill Dowson, Brenda,
Bonnie and John attended the
Meetorie reunion at the Pro-
vincial Park. at Ipperwash on
Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Spic-
er, Regina,•___ Seek., Mr. and
Mrs.. Dennis Jewitt, Kathy
and David, Mrs. Elma Jewitt
and Ella 'Jewitt visited Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Dowson: last
Mr. and Mrs.,Franoes Hunt
and family of Winthrop and
Mr. George Smith visited on
Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Hill and Linda.
Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Dow -
son, Brenda and Bonnie vis-
ited Sunday evening with'
Mrs. Rena Luddington, Clin-
Mrs. Lola McDonald of AI
berta is visiting Mr, and Mrs,
,Watson Webster and otber re-
latives in the community/.
Mr, andrs. Perce 4ohh
ston . visiteciMlast w e e`ie on
with Mr. and Urs. Alec Wylie
oAfrinsMarroleritgt, MofichP.ilMt sMouAdce,
Manitoba,returned h
of e
with •then.=to visit With Mee
?HIE HURON IXPOOST $A►POrnif:ON!, 40400t. $4,11107.07'
SO the 40W new Yel-
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Fall • •colors *cludn,:T
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Our Price Range
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Fall Suits
Double knit..suits will again be
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There are many new fancy
knits, " wool brocades, crimp.
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two-piece models. Black, Brown,
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color show.
Sizes 10 to •18 : • • • 29.95 to 59.00
Sizes 14 %Z to 201/2 29.95 to 39.95
Kenwood Blanket Special,
Once a`year, we feature these 72 x 84 size, all wool,'satin
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Single bed size.'as above
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Students and Parents Will Enjoy Our
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Books,- Binders, Peers, Paper, Book Refills, Math' Sets --
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