HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-08-17, Page 12• • '•7URO+'4 EXPOSITOR $A11'"ME r,' Assm 23., 13%sitiesS Directory ' LCONNELL fiST,EWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. 1. ' SW4.RT Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office:_ • Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:31p.m. Sat, 9 to 12 noon 'For Appointment Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. — Clutton Office A. W. SILLERY' Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth Ontario W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 • A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street ...Telephone Goderich 524.7562 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W, Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for Te6pt.-. ' • FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1350 - Seafortb Auctioneer FARM • and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHICE Phone 347-2465, Monkton Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed and capable in sell- ing elling all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell . Brucefield Phone 482-3384 23-63-tf • •SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryatis, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. W. H. Patterson, b.V:M:; V.S. Phone- 527-1760 - Seaforth 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank my friends and relatives for cards and gifts re- ceived while I was a patient in London Hospital. — Jimmy Mc- Nichol. ' 24.88x1 I wish tothank all those who came to see me and sent cards while I was a patient in the hos- pital and since coming home. Specialthanks to Dr.. Brady, Times and staff. It was deeply appreciated. James nacho, 24-88-1 I would like to thank my many kind friends for cards, gifts and visits while I- was a patient in the hospital; also Dr. Brady, Dr. Malkus and the nursing staff for their very good care. Everything was deeply apprec- iated. —. Mrs. Robert J. Doig. • 24-88x1 THE family ' of the late Mrs. Peter Lindsay express their ap- preciation to all who' werA so kind during their recent 'her- eaveinent, to those who for- warded flowers and messages of sympathy and particularly to Mrs. McCuaig and the staff of SeaforthCommunity Hospital. • 2A-88rc1 I wish to express my sincere thanks to neighbors anc•friends in their many acts of kindness shown me. Also for visits, cards and flowers which have been sent while at home, as a pat- ient in Seaforth and Woodstock. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Malkus, Mr. and Mrs. Wit= Liam Hodgert and staff. —Mrs. Roy Leppington. ?1-88-1 I would like to thank all my friends and relatives who sent cards, treats, flower§ to me while iii Seaforth .Hospital and to those who visited or inquired and helped- out at home: -A special thanks to the nurses' and doctors. Until a person has spent time in the hospital, one does not realize how muoh these little things mean. — , Mrs. Fred Chapple. 24=88x1 I wish to express sincere thanks to .my neighbors, relatives and friends for flowers, gifts, cards, visits and assistance at my horde, while t was a !patient at Sea - forth Hospital; also to Dr. Stap- leton, Dr. Oakes and Dr. Town, Father Bensette, nurses and staff who were so kind and pat- ient with me. It will always•be remembered and appreciated. • 'roe Connolly. 2488.1,` 1 would like to , thank all my ' relatives, friends end neighbors Wile • so kindly reinerebered irie - with their treats, flowers, cards and. Matter visits ii 'the Seaforth ,W ap,eaBks patient, to the ,ntl soft tb4 aafa-atti StaPletOtt and,' `to tho c tv helped At bbme.'relring Was, I itireclatled Mid 'Will Jog fie• � t,M t ered'o % '4W',„ ,u . 4P.;, APS., 24. Card' of 'hanks We would, like tci thank all our neighbors, friends, and farm% for the nice party given in our honor; also ,for the, lovely gifts received: It Will never' be forgot- ten. — Frieda and Jerry Doerr. 24-88x1 I wish to express my sincere thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives for flowers, cards. -and ^visits •while I was a patient in Victoria I•lospital. Everthing was deeply appreciated. '••=- Mrs. Thomas Butters, Dubiin. 88-1 I wish to thank all those who sent • cards, letters, treats and visited me while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospi- tal; also thanks to Dr. Brady, Dr.. Malkus and the nursing staff, it was all very much ap- preeiated — Mrs. Edna Lowrie. 24$8x1 I would like to thank all those who wereso generous with their cards, gifts and treats while I was a patient in'Straford and Victoria Hospitals, Remember- ing also the staff on third floor of Stratford Hospital and fifth floor of Victoria Hospital; also Drs. Harth, Moore and Scratch. Special tlThnks to Mrs. Rose Ryan who looped after my little family during my absence, also Patricia Bannon. Many thanks to all who heaped out with bak- ing at the "house dr otherwise, All appreciated. I• would also like to thank Fathers Laragh, Bensette, Lavarth and the chaplain of Victoria Hospital. Lastly but not least, I would like to thank my good husband. —, Mrs; Dolly ,McQuaid. 8-1 25. in Memoriam DUTOT — In loving memory of a dear .mother and grandmother Clara -Dutot, who passed away three years ago, August 15, 1964. Thoughts of .you come $rifting baok, Within our dreams to stay, To know' that you are .resting, When the twilight ends the day. —Ever remembered by the ,family. 25-88-1 26. Personals Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Stapleton wish to' announce the forth cording marriage of their. daugh- ter Pamela Jean, to Dr. James Peter Raab, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo ' Raab of St. • Gregor, Sask- atchewan: The wedding is to take place Saturday, September 2, in St. James' • Roman Catho- lic Church, at 12 o'clock. • xl Mr. and Mrs. Gordan, E. Papple of RR 5, Seaforth, are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Linda Ruth, to Alvin Lewis Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Jones,-C'lin- ton. The wedding will take plate Saturday, September 16, 1967, at 3:30 p.m. in Northside United Church, Seaforth. •-1 27. Births McMIOHAEL — In Ale»ander- Marine Hospital, Goderich, on August 6, to. Mr. and Mrs, Art McMichael, Goderich, a daughter, Rhondalee. • COGIILIN — To Mr. and Mrs. Donald -C. Coghlin, George-- town, (nee Patricia Schwalm) at Georgetown Memorial Hos- pital, Friday, Aug. 4th, 1967, a daughter, Deborah Ann. TAYLOR — At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Aug. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tay- lor, Main. St., North, Seaforth, a son. McCOWAN — At Seaforth Com- mu)lity Hospital, on Aug. 6, to Mr. and 1Irs. Jack McCow- an, Seaforth, a son. FRY — At Seaforth Community Hospital, on Aug. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald -Fry, Seaforth a daughter. 1;'ISCHER •— At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on. Aug, 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisch- er, RR 2, Mitchell, a daugh- ter. Too Late FOR SALE --- 20 chunks of pigs and 27 weaners. Maurice Ryan,' RR, 2, Dublin, Ont. -8-88.1 FOR SALE 30 pigs. Peter VanDrunen, RR 5, Seaforth, phone Dublin, 109 R 3. 8-88-1 NOTICE -- There is still time to have those school clothes° cleaned. Flannery Cleaners, phone 527-0250. 11488.1 FOlt SALE---- Model S -McKee Harvester, with wagon and rack, also -A-6 Case combine with motor: George Beidiard, .phone. 527-1687, RR 4, Walton. . 88x1 WANTED —. Good 6 or/ fopt PTO combine. Bernard Grob - bink, RR 3, Walton, phone Brus sets, 882 W 4. . 88-1 FOR SALE --- Disnlanteling im- plement shed -28' x 50', will sell complete or Will sell separate. 1x8'3; `2 'x 4's or 2 x 6's, hemr lock, all sound and cled'ned; al- so roiling doors and' window" sashes. Ken Stewart, phoneir27- }527. lXt4 1 PRIVATE SALE — Household items, the property" of Mrs. Hay will be sold at her resi- denee, apartment 1, East End Apartments, Goderich ; Street, on Thursday,. August 1"7, frein 2 to 4 pari. and from 7.16 i) p nil: including the following: 'refrig- erator; electric range; kitchen set; rug„ n' 11.';' living room table; neck trays;, chest' .of drawers; triAight IMP; vacuurti Cleaner; electric` heater; Mir. rax ' irrnirtg boafd; ' g •smaall ' ti toit ttigec adtti .tray; dray +peg; ' iece' nntiritte iratiotit b Houses On . The Move Two houses that have stood vacant at the high" tension power station east of Seaforth for several year have been sold. The houses were moved to St. Columban on Monday. a LOCAL. BRIEFS titi John Patterson of Londo Mrs. J. W. Bell and. Mr. a d Mrs. Ernest • Rouse, Narwic were guests of Mr. end Mr John' E. Patterson. / Mr. and:Mrs. Arthur Carr of Toronto were w weekend guests of Mr. aid Mrs. Charles McGav- •in. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver -Elliott of Stratford visited here last week. Mr. Russell H. Hays of De- troit is spending a few days with his cousin, Mr. R. IJ. Sproat., -d. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapple, King. and Karen of Chiliwack, B.C„ visited with his parents,' Mr: and Mrs. F. Chapple, Egmond- ville last week. They, return to Dunburn, Sask;, where he has been posted. •Mrs. Holman • of Barrie was the guest of Mrs. Harold Sellars, Goderich St. ' last week. Mrs. Holman was the wife of :the CPR agent at Walton. Mrs. John Patterson visited this past week with her mother and sister in Norwich and also at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Patterson in ,Lon- don. Harvey ,Greer of Little Cur- rent, Manitoulin Island, spent the holiday, weekend with his parents, Mr. And Mrs. •Orval Greer, Tuckersmith. Mrs. J. D. Gorby°, Winnipeg, Man., • and Mrs, H. W. Allen, Saskatoon, Sask., who have been visiting their sister Miss Bessie Davidson for the .past six weeks, have returned home. - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hyra of Russell, Manitoba, spent the weekend. with Miss Ethel Mc- Clure, Railway St.,' and other relatives hi McKillop, Staffa and Blyth. ' m Mr.. Alex MclBurnie of Wing - ham and Miss Lauretta McBur.- nie of Calgary'visited with her sister, Mrs. Arthur .Nicholson and • Arthur Nicholson a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kels and Gisela and Johnny of Hamilton visited over' the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nicholson. Mrs. C. R. Hunter of Toronto was a guest of her brother, Mr. Glenn Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Crich spent the weekend as -their cot- tage at Tobermory. Mrs. James Cox of Toronto spent a few days- with her mother .Mrs. Harry. Stewart. Mr.. and'Mrs. Nelson Aubrey of Port Arthur were guests, of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hoggarth and Miss Ruth Cluff, Mr. and Mrs. William Van Alstyne of Cooksville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James A. MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dalton of Toronto were 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin of Reid. Mr. Kenneth Keating -qf Hart- ford, Conn., and Mrs. Roy Hoed of Toronto were guests of Mrs. J: E. Keating last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Coombs are spending a • holiday in Pic - ton, Ont. Mr. and'Mrs. Thomas Morris are spending a holiday at Mid - and. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills and Margaret attended Expo last week. Mrs. Esther Leach ' of Chain- aigne, •111. is visiting her sis- er, Mrs. -Ben, Rising. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross 'of Maine are guests .of his sister, Mrs. John Byerman. ' Sq. Leader and Mrs: Miles McMillan and family of Toron- o are guests of his froth , M•rs. 3. M. McMillan. Mrs. Ed Broadfoot of Haney, C., is ;visiting her sister Miss thel McClure and brothers and liter. Visitors with Mr. and Mit. John Wood and George of RR , Kippe'n have been John's other, Mrs. George Wood and is brother, Mr, Horace Woad f Newcastle, Upon -timer Eng and. They returned homne'last esday by BOAC frenrr 'I'or- nto's International Airport af- er a three-week visit. , Mr, and Mrs. Sandford (Sane dy White) of Windsor spent the oliday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe hite and' Mrs. T. Healy.' Mrs. M. Cusach,,and Mrs. W. herwood' have returned home o New Brun§wick ..after` spend, 'MRs....PE ER i1 NIXSAY The dentis rieePrxed ni 'Sea - forth `Cnmrhnn1ty. 'Hospital on :Wednesday, August Oa, of • M%s. Peter Lindsay. She was in her 82nd year. - 4orn Charloti Jane. MiIlsoli, tin MilledMilledTown�ship,\she went to school at SS No. 3, Millett, the Woburn school. Her 'mar- riage to Peter• Lindsay took place irr the parsonage in Lon- deaboro. She had been living f'etiretr for -14' years. She was a faithful member 'of Northside United .Church, Seaforth, I neral „ysertrices took - place Friday from the G. `A...White ey_ funeral home at 2 p.m. The Rev. J.. C. Britton 'officiated. Inter- ment was in Maitland'bank -cem- etery. - Servi3}g -Jas 'pall'bearers were Walter Scott,. Wilfred Scott, John Thompson, , Kenneth ' Thompson, Arthur • Finlayson and Luther Sanders. George Addisr�n' was flower - bearer, - n, ing two.weeks holidays with Mr. with Mrs. J. D. Cairns. Mrs. Zur- n h, s. 1 p t 3 B E s •m b h `Wedn 0 t 1i W t NOTICE 1 have _opened a l l sand pit on Lot 7, Mirth Boun- dary' Stanley Township. Choke sand, recommended by. masons for plastering, by truck load or 'yard, $1,0 per yard. Call 48/..t 7252E Clinton+, tiioritings and ave, nitre, itog'a issuer . 31*: fioln SALE 3rtih tale t I , 1 tt' oi9aot' typo, .olxoap'l r' oyog, NU S, Sea'**„ U f.: silty est ttditig. tot -No- dnd 2 stale a� disk& x1,! it X and Mrs. John Price and Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Wilson. •Mr. and Mrs. W. Broadfoot,` North Main, visited over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' Jim Broadfopt and family, Sarnia: Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon M. Hays of Detroit spent the weekend at he home -of her sister, Mrs. C. P. Sills. Mrs. Fred Hutchings of Cali- fornia is visiting her sister Mrs. C. Hawley, Mrs. Earle lawley, Mr. Hawley and Mr. Zack Mc- Spadden.'She has: just• returned from a trip around the world. Mr., and Mrs. Clarence .Arm- strong' and Debbie of :'St. Cath- erines were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson last week. Mr, and Mrs. Harrigan of Cookeville spent , the •weekend brigg of Stratferdd was also a.• guest of Mrs Cairns. - - •' . Mr. Ed Andrews received word this week that his. sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Gainaway of Ly. nington, Hents, England, had passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacMil- lan of Mishawaki, Indiana, was a guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Andrews. Miss Christine Pryee return- ed eturned after visiting with Mr. and Mrs: W. D. Keys of Winchester for the 'past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Aarron `.tropp of avlontclair, , California, were calling On friends in ' town on Tuesday. / • Mr. sand Mrs. Claude Cornu of Wilmington, Deleware and sons, Michael an'd Craig visited her 'father Mr. E. C. Boswell Dublin Miss Susan Friend, Ancaster, at her home. • Miss Mary, Jordan has” return- ed to herhome in Toronto. Mrs. John E. Murray has mov- ed `into the home sl'ie purchased from Mr. Joseph Cronin. and Mrs. Boswell. • •• Mr., and .Mrs. Jim Ritchie, London, visited with lrs. • Ruth Knight and Mr.. and Mass, Tom. Haley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Knight, Hamilton, Mr. Robert Knight, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Bradshaw, London, visited with Mrs. Ruth Knight, and Mr. and Mrs. Toni Haley. A.' $ STIP.;ON AT AR ST4),RE "The Store Where Ygur:Dollar ts.uYS More' - , Ladies' Dresses Girl$' Dresses Men's fiVindbreakers- .,-Boy's Windbreakers ° Men's J.amiaca Shorts. • Girl's Jackets Ladies' Dress• Coats Girl's Dress Coats EXTRA SPECIAL Mens Rubber Boots Sixes 6 to 12 298 Men's. Short Sleeve Sport Shirts Boys' Sport Sleeve Sport Shirts 0�0 DISCOUNT Men's Forest .Green Work Pants compare 4.25. 285 - — We Cash All Baby Bonus Cheques Come in and check oursvalues =. Nb obligation - SAVE Ile TOP VALU - PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 16-19 INCL. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES �sWIIFT'S/ S 1 E 1I ' • Bee 2 gd-oz. • Meat Ball Tins �' PARD (Seer or beet .Gravy) 14. SHIRLEY GAY • Plain DONUTS- C nnamen' - PAS 2• FAR1Vl`'HOUSE FRbZM CREAM PIES .. K a pure; P2 -es• SAVE 1Oc WHITE SWAN' FACIAL TISSUES '' • HERE ARE. JUS'. A FEW OF MA'S EVERYDAY LOW TOP.VALU WHITE OR WHOLE WHEAT • SLICED: BREAD 2 R, 390 TOP •VALU tst GRADE - CREAMERY B U,TTER.. ,.�.. n:' e TOP VALU (ASSORTgD FLAVOURS) ICE CREAM- Ys-t�ol: tI30 ��••••• ontol-sell CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE ..... ' • KRAFT •SMOOTH - PEANUT BUTTER.( ,: 1 J�°i0I" ` KRAF"Y CANADIAN(SPECIAL, PACK) PLUS ... FREE GOLD BOND &TARPS CHEESE SLICES'... 61*- With Every Purchase TOP VALU BEEF STEAKETTEE 69¢ • FRESH - gig ICKEN. 'TURKEY LEGS • ' 1b. FRESH 0HICMKY BREAST t6. IP VALU • 1-1b. WIENERS, ESSEX :MI cep SIDE BACON ESSEX ASSORTgp -CcLD•CUTS • • .•{- .r Mr�:'iKce.°G.�.'y'ea�sx�b .r..v...z.fi? TIDi. nisi' Ds% Corn, Kunixi ai SAVE 32c LIBBY'S Sweet Green - REL1 H ES 49 ASSORTED CANDY cell "e'er 370 390 LIQUIDPDETERGENT Io 390 WHITE • PKGS. PINK f AQUA YELLOW 2 OF 3605 ONT. NO. 1 NDN POTATOESII:,7P' � ` • Bag, South African. ORANG ~ .. -59* GREEN _PEPPERS .", ... 4 ,29* x T•r FIELD TOMATOES .. 2 u ; at WHITE GRAPEFItUITit': 4 fo,; 53# ;— BAR -B -Q SPECIALS --7 - — PERFECT FOR B-B-Q....ti - 550` RED. BRAND' V; a.. Vart P'ac I ~ • 1`Ib' !t Terti'der Jo' lei 'ed liiraitd counfry Styli ..... Vae Pao SHOULDER or "CHUCK .1 STEAKS •..irk ib. 9 FOi2, BAR.B.ct.PA171K6-4.VAN GROUND ib; CHUCK A, �« .'f,LL T ILUItt frdAtS{ rov rHrs „,0u$ <«Lw' (rim 'fr f or, + �ri�lrl'I U01 Ir I IYI l'+Ilfi l A ` 0 AUR eovosm Rtcreel SSG THIS .:y,• ^�.jr•-.�....., TFillf d F »lOBILL FOR MORE El'i"S"i`1tHDu4Ci. VALI,bEt 4 r- r