HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-08-03, Page 6rr .,F IU Cs T , SeAFORTH, atm. AUG, 3, 1967 niers Pass ed Cross Test immera 14 the Lions Park i; 8trnetiob program, were ex - 401411_. in the four Red Cr4 etegeries by Jaek Mer- , ri, Ciititon. Suessful students are able to e4vance' to a Higher group. ' instructionclasses began at`. the heginning of.July and were '1141d -five mornings• a week. The Second series of classes got un- derway on, Tuesday and con;t ;Owes 'until the end of August. • 4 Beginpers • --Bob----Schenck; Stephen Ric& .Tom. Hewitt; Ruth Govier; Ted • MAntgamery; Cathy VanLoon; Mary Jean Salisbury; Mary Lou Burns; Mary VanDyke; Gerald Meidinger; 'Jayne Cardio; Nan- cy VanDorren; Sharon Steven- son; Jim Case; Shiela Geddes; $assn Maxwell; Deborah Learn; Janice Houston; Murray Hous- ton- Mary ,,Ellen Knight; Brenda pale; Allan Dale; Patti Rose; Debbie Rose; Janet -Cardiff; Cyn. thia Braby; Murray Nichol; Pat Flanagan; Andrew Nyland; Joey Jansen; Diane Jansen; John Brosens; Nancy Dietz; Barry Lane; Wilma Jansen; Marjorie Jansen; Rudy Jansen; John Jan- sen; Janet Bolton; Earl Penning- ton; Cathy Bone; Ross Mitchell; Kim Humphries; Debbie Kef - fer; Rhonda Keller; Susan Bud - nark; Bruce Blake; Janet Pear Son;• Susan Humphries; Lori Mc- Cutcheon; Pam Snowdon; Bien da Heney; John Hauwert; Larry Moir; Joyce Haney; Mary -Ann Hauwert; Bill MacGregor; Nicky Hauwert; Brenda Taylor; Don- na Taylor. Juniors Allan Cardiff Colleen Car- diff; Nancy Knight; Joyce Peas,; son; John Rutledge; Julia Val- lance; Brian Dale; John • Van Dooren; Mary Van Dooren; Jane Johnson; Brian Lane; Jan- et Scott; Leanne Melanson; Jane Dietz; Allan Carnochan; Joan. Osborn; Dianne Willis; Bruce Knight; Don Workman; Donna Fry; Joan Hildebrand; Lauren Moggach; Terry Ritchie; Ralph Wood; Susan Kunder; Jayne Looby; Gayle Munro; Ro- ger Humphries; Lenny Lansink; Pat Devereaux; Jerry Feeney; Ann Bannon. Intermediates. Joan Stephenson; Peter Gib- son; Bob Burns; Josephine Wil - lents; Peter Harvey; Ross Go - vier; Margie Eckert; Bill Salis- bury; Doug Southgate;,,Maureen Sullivan; Dennis Campbell. Seniors David Harvey; Jean .Dever- eaux; Brad Finlayson. For Fine Entertainment Hear - CANADIAN RHYTHM RANGERS ALL THIS. WEEK QUEEN!S HOTEL Seaforth GLENREID KENNELS REG'D G ENREiD Highway No. 4, Kippen, Ont. Phone 262-5052.. "Home of Famous African Basenjis" SILVER Miniature Poodles -- Three affectionate adorable" gals available approximately 15 August, 1967. Additional litter available approximately 15 October, SILVER TOY,. POODLES - Occasionally available. DACHSHUND, Smooth, Standard -' One lonesome 8 week' dark red puppy, female. Additional litter from Cham- pion Black A ' dam available October, 1967. BASENJI - Afr ftrkless.Dog. The most elegant smooth ' hair dog on the North American Continent. These dogs have appeared on, television and -movies. Pups born in late Fall only and normally available for Christmas. • • POODLE CLIPPING - By Appointment. BOARDING - Small-dogs"which have been immunized. All dogs boarddd at Owner's risk. KENNELS' - 16 Kennels & Runs maintained in immacu- late condition. • 1967: • Sills Hardware .MID -SEAS SPECIALS Electric Lawn Mower - 57.00 Lawn Hose Reel & Sprinkler 15.00 Double S.S. Kitchen Sink - 40.00 Barn Red Paint - - gal 4.35 BE PREPARED FOR THE COMING HOLIDAY WEEKEND - ..fir -Burner Caleman:..Stove ' 23.95 Picnic Basket - - Metal Cooler Chest - 1Glrr B. Q. Charcoal N W - 411, - a Off -e 10.00 14.00 18.00 lag .55 ilis hardware EICTE.tC t~1' 1ItING` and DATING PLUMP, GAS, and OIL LA'NG lone orth gr. and Mrs. Douglas Earl from Brockville visited over the weekend with the letter's grand mother, Mrs. Daviel Net** and grandfather, who is .a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital end Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Altman of Mildmay on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Paul. Brady, Ste- phen, David- and Barbara have returned from a trip to the West Coast and western United States. Bruce, who went out with them, has remained in Vancouver to skate. ' ' Mrs. Evelyn Shera, Mrs. Rus- sell Dallas, Master Jim Dallas and Mr. Presto{{r Dallas motor- ed with Mr, Warren Shera to Niagara. Falls. • Mrs. Florence Flood attended the wedding of her niece,,Ruth- Ann Wells to Karry R. Morton, Friday evening, aaJu1y 21, at Hamilton and later attended the dinner and reception' at Fischer's Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNich- ol, Mr. " and Mrs. Robert El- liott, Kitchener, attended the Morton -Wells wedding, July 21, at Hamilton and later attended the dinner and reception at Fischer's Hotel. Mr. and"Mrs. Frank Maloney,. Brenda and Michael of Preston, Ont., spent last week at the home of Mrs. Theresa Maloney before spending a week at -their cottage in Port Elgin. Mrs. Laura Jermyn of Brus- sels spent two weeks visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Alma Pinkney. Miss Nancy Corby and • Mr. Mack Parent of Belle• -River, vis- ited. with Mr. Amos"Corby for three days last week. Miss Ethel MacKay- leaves on Thursday to visit. Expo in Mont- real. • Mr, Kelso Adams - who has been visiting. with his'parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Adams and Miss Donelda• Adams of 53 North Main Street has returned to his home in Winnipeg. Miss Bella Watson of Galt is. visiting her brothers, Robert and James Watson and other friends. 'Mr. Thomas R. Cluff of 'Mont- real. is spending his vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoggarth and Miss Ruth Cluff. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Munn have returned from a three-week trip to England and the continent where Dr., Munn attended the International Dental congress in Paris. Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Dundas of Toronto are guests of their many relatives ' in' this district. Miss Mary Anne McLean has returned home after ,spending the month of'July at Southcott ?Ines, Grand Bend:" Mr, and Mrs Eimer Stephens son "'vent last , Week visiting relatives in Montreal and also attending Expo, W. and Mrs. Frank '4tlannore of Wailacellarg -were guests of Miss Hanel Reid. Mr, and Ws. Sydney l'yperr of Hamilton were here this week attending the funeral of the late Helen Beattie. • Mrs. Sherwood" returned xo her home in Fairvale, N.B., af- ter spending a week with her son Junior Wilson and Mrs. Wil- son, Kling Apartments. , . Mrs. Ada Dale is visiting her daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Del, Krauel of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Clair- Haney an family of Garden Grove; Cal fornia, are visiting their man friends here. . NEWS OF WALTON H. - �t it SetDI�..�sw� August� aromen'sInst#uta Plans for a on The Walton Women's Irk titute met in the Community Hall with the president Mrs' Jan Van Vliet Jr. presiding Mrs .Neil McGavin was plan. ist. The roll call was answer ed by twenty -sin ladies with the 'name of one • .of the Fath. - era of Confederation. A letter was read concerning the fall project of the' Girls Home• making Club. The subject this time is "Cotton Accessories for the d bedroom". Training. school for leaders to"be held in' Seaforth,. August y 21 and 22. Leaders appointed were Mrs Neeson Reid and s. Mrs. Donald Achilles. •The Lon leaders requested that girls . wanting to take the course notify them before August 22. A letter from the foster child in Hong Kong was read. Further plans, for the Cen- tennial Concert to be held in October were discussed. A practice committee was nam- ed and their duties outlined, Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs. Herbert Traviss and Mrs. Neil McGavin. • It was decided to have a display at Brussels Fair, com mitteeter. for sande to be named la A donation of dishes from the Anglican'Church ladies was accepted. 'A group of lad- ies, including Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Sr., Mrs. Ernest Stevens, Mrs. Earl Watson and Mrs Mrs. Wm. Leyburn and Mr Allan Wright and family -of Lo don spent a. day here with Mrs Alex Wright last week. Mrs. Helen Bolton had as her guests, 1►r. and Mrs. Patrick Duggan, Columbus, Ohio, last week. Mrs. Del Krauel and Mrs. Krauel, Sr., of Kitchener were guests of Mrs. Ada Dale, last week. llfr. and Mrs. Roland Stewart of Kitchener were visiting at the home of Mrs. Harry Stewart. • Mr.•and Mrs. David Grieve of Niagara Falls are visiting friends in town. •' Mrs. J. E. Willis is a patient at the Zurich Rest Homes Mr. and Mrs. Neil Broadfoot, of Peterborough were weekend guests of' Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Broadfoot: ' Mr. and Mr's. King of Mont- realcalled on friends in " the district on Saturday. Mrs. King was the former Bessie' Blan- chard of Sgt. J. Taman Winthrop,.of Colorado Springs, Colorado, is a guest at the home of Mrs. E. Close. Mrs-. Taman and family . who spent the past weeks here returned home with him. Mrs. W. A. Campbell of Guelph was the weekend guest_; of Mrs. Jghn Campbell, Royal Apartments., Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKindsey have returned home after -spend- ing a week at Niagara on --the Lake. - Miss Margaret Harris of Tor- onto was a weekend -,guest of Mr. and Mrs. James F. -Scott. Miss Gladys Thompson left on Sunday for England. She is accompanied by. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lindsay of Ingersoll and all will attend Shiela Lindsay's wedding. - • • Miss Edith James of Venice, Florida, -is spending her vaca- tion with Miss 'Ella Elder. Accident (Continued from Page 1) Ambulance and later Saturday MacDonald was transferred to' Westminster Hospital, London. Damage to the car was es- timated at $800. Damage te, the house which is owned, by Jos- eph Nigh, has not been arrived The accident,was investigated by OPP Constable Garnet Ray. County • (Continued from Page 1) Joseph Moody; women's draw prize (15 and over), Mrs. Karen Alexander, Mrs. Art Nicholson; oldest person, Mr. Frank Cowan, Sr; - youngest person, Tammy Alexander; supper draw, Earl Campbell. ' Pupils, Teachers. Gather For No.6 Stanley Reunion S.S. No. 6 Stariley (Varna) School held its reunion at the school on Saturday afternoon. Over 260 Ruined teachers and pupils attended and had a happy time renewing old, ac- quaintances andr.looking at class photos of the past years which were displayed at the school. Addresses were . given by Robert McKinley,- Charles McNaughton and former tea- chers who were present. Fred McClymont was chair- man for the afternoon pro. gram and George Beatty of Toronto ._thanked the local committee for arranging the reunion. The prize for the person coming the farthest to the re- union was presented to Clar- ence Keys of California. The oldest pupil present was Mrs. Jessie Stelk who is 92. The oldest, teacher present was Mrs. Alf Johnston of Seaforth who taught at S.S. No. 6 in 1919. • A minutes silence was ob- served in memory of the pu tails killed in World Wars. Wm. Davidson, Wm" Palmer, Arnold Rathwell, Malcolm Keys, Wm. McNaughton, Hen- derson Forest, 'James Ward and Harvey Parsons, Floyd McAsh gave a report oh the history of S.S. No, 6 as follows: The first school Irt Varna was opened in 1848 and known 'as SS No. 6. It wasssituated at the crossroads on the northwest corner where McClinchey's Store now stands and was of log construction. During the 1850's money was received RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mintage Londesboro , Community, Hall Friday, Aug. 4th J. Scott's Orchestra Ladies Please Bring Lunch from the Clergy Reserves and the teacher's salaries were paid in pounds, shillings and pence. • • Joseph C. Ward was the first teacher of whom there las any record. He continued to teach until 1865. An in- crease in, .school attendance, particularly• during the win- ter months, necessitated the construction of a larger, build-' ing and in 1865 the .-log school site was sold and a new one 'purchased from George Beatty for $130. In July of the same year Joseph Twentymen; of Bayfield was awarded the contract of build- ing a new brick school for $949. The teacher then was - R. W. Middleton. ,lie was fol- lowed by Wtn. Plunkett, James Foote and Samuel Foster. In 1876 there must have been a population • ex- plosion as a frame addition was ,erected at a cost of $340. and the teacher then James McAndrew had a assistant, Miss .Joanne MacDonal{ , • The teachers from 1877 to 1900 were Wm. Plunkett, J. J. Armstrong, Pete McDonald, Thomas Johnston, D. McTav- ish, J. R. Balfour, J. W. Har- iston, John Harnwell and Harry Fair. Assistants during the same period were Miss Evitt, Miss Jane Elliott, Miss Sarah Troyer, , MiSs 'Emily Thompson, Miss Florence - Chrysler and Miss McGuire. In 1900 the school reverted to one room. The next teach- er was . George Shore. The present brick school was built in 1904. John Beatty was teacher in 1908. He was followed in 1916 by Miss Coleu do (Mrs. George John ston), 1919 Sandy Nicholson, 1919 Miss Florence Clark -(1GIrs. Alf ' Johnston), 1926 Miss Gladys Shillinglaw, 1.921 Miss Sarah Petty, 1923 ' Miss Marie Walsh (Mrs. Geo. Beat- ty), 1927 Miss Nettie Pepper (Mrs..- Wilmer McChlinchey); In the 1920'a the School Fair was the big show. A special concert was held in Dec. 1925 whenMr. C.-Stelck ably fill - Register .Now For SEPTEMBER CLASS Guitar Lessons ‘ Phone MINIM PU•LSH?1 R 4$24166 i n given Mnie McGgtiteies' Bto'w,, anafdrth) l.• Few.,., ey the chair in his usual jov. ial manner. The program con. sisted of drills, solos,, duets, etc. Master Alfred Kain sang two excellent songs, ,also Mr. Logan and Miss M. Welsh brought the house down with their singing. The May Pole drill was extra well done. The Sunflower drill and the Vir- ginia Reel, the Holo drill composed of boys, were all 'yell' done. The colored sex. tet made •a good number on the program with their sing- ing of Southern airs. Messrs. W. Dowson and Marshall fur. nishecl violin music, accom- panied by Miss''Welsh on the piano. . Other teachers were: 1929 Miss Ruby Taylor (Mrs. Wat Webster), 1931 Miss Ethel' Cooke (Mrs. Lessard), 1933 Robert Aberhart, 1935 Stew- art Beattie. 1941.Miss EIiza- beth Carnochan, .1942 Mrs, George H. Beatty, •"1946 -Ken- neth Treitz, 1947 Mrs. Anna Keys, 1949 Robert P. Reid, 1950 Mrs. M. Talbot, 1951 Miss Mavis Steepe (Mrs. A. T. Winson), 1959 Miss Jean McKellar (Mrs. Bert Dunn),, 1961 Miss Shirley Knox, 1962 Douglas Batkin, 1964 Mrs. Debra Newby, 1964 Mrs. Edith Swan. • • In September, • 1939 SS No, 13 • .(Babylon' School) was closed because of small at. tendance and the Pupils .etf rolled at Varna. In September, 1938 Mrs Bert Boyce was engaged to teach music in tke school. In 1942 Miss Horn: minister of the United Church, began re ligious instruction in ' the school. , In May during the 4th Vic- tory Loan, the pupils compe't ed in" the. Victory Loan con- test. Ivan McClymont was the winner at Varna and came third in the quiz of 26 pupils at Clinton., In the 5th Victor Loan only 2entries Were madhere. Rutrh..C,louparkeand Macame! firionrst in g , Dowson second in her class. In 1944 •Harvey Parsons was killed while on active service In 'Prance during the Second World War. W lter Johnston,, while serving in It- aly was wounded the same year. .. In 1thes945 'hychool..dro was turned on in In Ma.,, 1945 at the Annual Music Festival lei Godericli, I•ienneth K+eva and George Beatty won :second prizes and Billythesolo Mccliriccihsses.hey" a, •thi�,' rd ,i, . In March,1967 the achooT' known •aa .5; ITt,...(3 Stanley,. was %eoif‘einciroiyedclaoedthean,s,rtne Con� centennial,. Scoo Margaret Humphries vola. Leered to house clean the hall kitchen. The programa was under the committee of Citizen'sgip and Education, Mrs. William Humphries and. Mrs. nae Hue. ther. The motto "We are nev: er too old to learn, if we are- n't too stubborn to try" was given by Mrs. R. Ili ether and Mrs. W. Humphries . read a poem, Say something nice about" someone". A demonstration, making. smocked cushions,' was given by Misses Ethel and Tennie Dennis. Games and contests were enjoyed by an with the vitro - nem being, Mrs. Neil ¥cGavv in, Mrs. Jan Van. Vliet, Mrs. Rae' Huether and Mrs. Nelson Reid. • Lunch -was served by Mrs.' Jan Van Witt Sr., Mrs. John Bos, Mrs. Roy Williamson and Mrs. Neil McGavin. - Harriet Martin, Richmond Hill, and Elizabeth Pryce, 03. Winthrop are holidaying this week with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Delion and Kimberly Ott of Kitchen er are spending several days with Mr: and Mrs. Prank Wal- ters. - Miss Linda Leeming of Mit- chell visited with her grand: parents Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming for a few days, last. week. $30,61.1 (Continued from Page 1 from J. Scott Cluff and Harold Jackson, who were in attend- ance, as to why they had receiv- ed no notice of the work, Mr. Williams said the Act provided that each municipality had a responsibility to notify its rate. payers.who were concerned. Since the properties owned by Mr. ,Cluff apd Mr. Jackson were in Tuckersmith the responsibil- ity was that of Tuckersmith not Seaforth, he said. Answering criticisms as to the amounts that had been assessed against particular properties, Mr.. Archibald' pointed out that the lands involved were regard- ed as farm lands and eligible for a two-thirds grant. He add- ed that, discussions concerning assessments could only proper- ly be held at the court of re- vision and not at the initial read- ing of ' the report. He said ,the assessments that he; bad es- tablished reflected the benefits to the farm lands as he, saw them. Answering, a query from_ B. R. Smith who represented Ro- bert Bell Industries Ltd., Mr. ,Archibald said there was no basis in drainage assessrhent for a per acre assessment. As- sessments were based on engin- eering judgement. Mr. Smith had pointed out that in one par- ticular case an assessment of 20 acres 'totalled $600. and in another case an assessment of 6 acres totalled $1,800. P. D. McConnell representing Dr. J. O. Tifrnbull said _ his client had been assessed ...for $4,650 on 16 acres. He said he agreed that, the discussion should take place at .the Court of Revision and appreciated the explanations which had been given. • Mr. Jackson said he realized that drains could not be held up but at the same time he felt that as far -as cleaning through his property Was ..concerned it would be a detriment not a ben- efit. The result would be that the `creek would be too deep for cattle to get Se -to drink. Mr. Cluff "agreed also that pro- gress could not be delayed but. he had been given to . under- stand in the spring that there would be 'no great cost since the work was pot expected to help him. As council accepted the re- port, Mayor Frank 'Kling, . whb presided at the meeting, point- ed out that it was important that the drain get underway since it was necessary in -order that the street straight through Egmondville could be completed next year.' He expressed the hope the township would be in agreement in that there would be no holdup in the work. Mr. McGregor agreed certain- ly there Havas ne desire to hold up'•the work and that be woul take up the matter with the Tuckersmith Coulicil, . rClassified adds pay dividends. CASH BINGO Legion Sail, Seaforth Friday, lug. ".4th II:15 p.m. 15 Regular".Games for 010.00 Three $25/10, Specl*ls Jackpot $75 t0 go (Chi ilre t Under _ 16 not perntitted) . • AIM IO$ 1.00 extra' Cards 2Se or 7 for *1.00 4t,sploes doafoi h Gratteh' •156 Canadian"- Legion. aciu ren.WORK -. and Mrs ,Roy Wilbee and family' of VQlssevaia, Manitoba returned..h.orne aft, er visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wilbee and other rela- tives for the past two weeks Miss Lynn: Copper of tit tawa has returned home aft- er holidaying with her grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smalldon. Mrs. James Humphries of Windsor vi rted herr sister -in law, Mrs. Margaret Humphr- ies. Miss Amye. Love has return ed to Toronto after visiting her sister -Mrs. Walter Broad foot. Miss Judy Clark' of London, is Holidaying with her grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smalldon. Miss Lynne McDonald nisi, ed with her uncle and' aunt Rev, and Mrs. J. Ure Stuart, Seaforth. • Week end 'guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull in• eluded Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lawless and Dianne of Burl- ington and Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Lewis of Wallaceburg. Mr. and Mrs.. Fred • "Mann, Harriet and Paul of Richmnnd Hill were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Martin. OBITUARY MISS.AGNES H. BEATTIE Funeral services for the late Miss Agnes Helen Beattie, who died Saturday 'in Kiibarchan. Nursing Home were held from the R. S. Box funeral home, on" Monday afternoon. Miss Beattie, age 91, was born in Tuckersmith Township' and attended Seaforth Collegiate Institute arid -late worked as a secretary in To . nto, retiring to Seaforth in 1947 She had been in poor health for a number of years. Miss Beattie . is survived by two nieces, Miss Florence Beat- tie and Miss Ethel Beattie of Seaforth and by two nephews. Rev. D.-0. Fry officiated at the funeral service with inter- ment in Maitlandbank ceme- tery._ Pallbearers were- Alex Chesney, W. R. Smith, Harry Scott;. .Ed Boyes, John F. Scott and James B. Hogg. Renhembert _ it tapes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pock- et. To advertise, just Dial• Sea - forth, 527-0240. RECEPTION Walton Community Hall for Mr. and Mrs: Allan Johnston Friday, Aug. ,lith WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring ..Lunch RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs, Dave, Mclpally (nee Adolinq Cheppall Staf.a Hall Sat., Aug. 12th NORRts ORCHESTRA. Ladles Please Bring "Lunch BTownle's DRIVE-IN THEATRE -- CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. Thurs., Fri. Aug, 2.4 WALT DISNEY'S - MONKEYS, GO HOME 9:00 and 11:00 P.M. MAURICE CHEVALIER DEAN JONES •. . YVETTE MIMIEAJX. COLOR Plus the .Color..l=eaturette "TATTOOED.., POLICE HORSE" CARTOON Sat., Mon. - Aug 5-7 . "SPINOUT" - ELVIS PRESLEY At 9:00 and 11:00 p.m. -•-SHELLEY FABARE$ aid DEBORAH WALLET COLOR CARTOON Sunday Mi'nite = Aug..6 Color Double' Feature "GOLIATH AND THE VAMPIRE" In Color -. Pius "Eighteen In The Sun" Catherine Speak Color . Cartoon Tues., Wed: - Aug, 8-9 • "INSIDE: DAISY CLOVER" At 9:00 and 11:00 p.m. ' (Adult Entertainment) Natalie Wood �. Christopher Plummer • 'Robert Redford • Color , Cartoon Coining Next for 1'week "THE BLUE MAX" (Adult Entertainment) GEORGE PEPPARD Seaforth Lions Park PAVILION DANCING DANCI N G Saturday, Aug Sth The CONCORDS • Dances will continue each Saturday night during the summer months. - Entert6inn,ent in the ' Red Knight * Room' A Friday Night --Clarence Petrie Saturday Night-- . ( 4 Tony ' Villernson and the Blue Birds in the Ladies' and Egoorts' Room Enjoy a Sing- A - Long - with EARL at'the' HantInond Cirgan _. FBI. and 'SAT. COMMERCIAL . H:OTEL��r E Se • forth r • e N � M1 4 ., •. R 4' 4 1 ..