HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-07-27, Page 7M • r • is I r 0 ,. '. 4 Ii E • ., °'-N E W.S1 Area Grotops Hot 4141 Mr. and •Mrs, Harry 'It litngel paraded around the 'town;. The .and family ere spending this most authentic, b ;''a y costume, Ma.7'AGGART AutifiION• ,Offigers ire;,, presidents Bill week end with M-rs, Mangers' was worn by 'Pay K •" e'Vith Th" 'c'Taggert,rewuont, wasand: , 'Carol: Politer: vo-?ze4r, brother And sister-in-law, Mr.:secondoin to Kevin `Eisbaek"` held :Ju1y 9 at Liens Eark,. a, ,Kens and; ,Joate Catpbell; sec.- and Mrs. * Chris Van Dan Heuvel The best suaw's costume was forth. There were • 5 present. ;areas., Arnold and Irene Arnie - and fam10 in Chicago, .El, worn by Daneen Ward. Second ; ()gibers for 1 are: Vest son; sports commiiitee' Helen Mrs. Bertha Blackwell of Lon- went to 'Cathy Sangster. • president, Adrian McTaggart, ,and Mary EIliott, Wenda' Hum don, spent a few days last week •• A Scavenger ;;hunt, Tuesday, ..Brussels; president, Leslie Wien, Audrey Elliott; lunch ,, with her,�?brother�. and sister4n- was won by Joe Vanstone ,and 'Knight, Brussels; vice-president, ,earnmRtee, .afa?.garet . Iumph law, Mr.. and 'Mrs. Ed 104x., Joey Reaburn's team of Danny B. alph Graham, Goderich; secro- r'iesr- Violet Managhany° Mfargar.- The first week of the Mensal" Smith, ' Suzie Vanstone, Paul ',tary-treasurer, 'Mrs, Allan Sie- ,et Elliott. - Playground Programme• was Reaburn, Bob Clement, D,aneen Mod, Mitchell;,. sports /commit- Results of races were: 3 and highlighted by an Indian „Day Ward and Gerry Neilands.. tee, Ross McTaggart, Delaware; Ander, Sandy Batter; 5 and un. ., Parade • on Thursday, July 13, • This week is . International and Mrs. Marion Locker, Mount .der, David • Elliott, Debbie Kon- r in which 138 costumed, Indians Week amid the programme is IP,rydges, ' lugs; 8- and under, Kevin caamp- v centered around Lake • Huron Those, attending the picnic bell, Janet Bolton; 12 and un, E ery week more people disc Zones ninth annual Mayday in from__ Woodstock, Newmarket, cover w'iat mighty joba are Hanover with 10 ii:ensall teams, Kitchener, Aylmer, . Walkerton; aceemplished by, low cost- Ex- of 8 members each artici• at- Delaware, Mount des . p p , o 4141 - RrY g , , God positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. ing, erith, Listowel, Mitchell, Brus- o } ;,sets and Ethel. c INCREASED SAVINGS INTEREST •I Paid on 5 year debentures of 55,000 er more . 6'V2% paid on 3,4 & 5 years for $100 or more 6'/% paid on 1 & 2 year debentures ` a THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY. established 1870.. „ ASSETS OVER $80,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE $8,750,000 Yes. I am interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures, ❑ Please tell me more about this system of saving. 0 Enclosed is my cheque tor $ - for a - year. debenture. 1 Mr./Mrs./Miss ' Address Tel. I Complete -and mail this coupon to: 1 ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street at Market Lane, London Ont. Or call:432-4158 1 525 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ont Or ball: 533=0950 I 453 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont. Or call: 539-2051, t-12' • Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Read the Advertisements — ft's a :Profitable Pastime! Wheel Aiigiment Have those Wheels Lined up Now at a Special Low Price.. Now only 7.9 .Seaforth Motors DIal 527-1750 Please tel us now, before we print the new SEAFORTH Directory • " On AUGUST 29th Cook up your fisting' In fife current Directory. 0 ' youVviah#P have It changed, call your Telephone 13usinesai Office at.`4.82 401 Boil Canadd JOHNSTON: REUNION • The Johnston reunion was held at Seaforth Lions Park, with 61 present. Officers: ' president, . Gordan Pap;ple;, vice-president, Ella Bo- gie; secretary, Beverley Orr; ':treasurer, Madeline Ritchie; sports, Dan and Doreen Willis. `The 1968 picnic ha's been ar- ranged for the Seaforth Lions P,ar>q qn„•theMecond.'Sunday of July Several games and races were held: oldest married couple, Mr. and Mrs, Reg Johnston, Ap- ril, -1919; couple coming 'great- est distance, Mr. and Mrs. •How- ,ard Spence, 1652 Dividson Rd., Flint, Mich.; families ages ad- ding to 100, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ritchie; girls, 5 and under, Con- nie Willis; girls, 9 and under, Sindy Middleon, - Betty Orr; boys 9 and under, Bobby Orr, Daniel Willis; girls, 12 and un- der, .Betty Orr,. -Judy Miriam; boys 12 and under, Jimmy Rit- chie, Ronald Willis; girls over 12, Maria Middleton, Lynda Wil- lis; boys over 12, Clare Millson, John Willis; ladies kick •the slip- per, Lynda Willis, Marjorie Mid- dleton; .men's kick the slipper, Clare Millson, John Willis; re- lay race, Life saver race, Clare Millson's team; water jug race,• ;Clare Milison's team; peanut scramble. ” BOLTON REUNION The Bolton reunion was held July 16, at the Seaforth Lions Park with 80° in attendance, PASS MUSIC TESTS During "recent examinations` in Stratford forWestern Ontario ,Conservatory of Music, pupils of Rosemary Steinbach, RR 4, rMit- ,shell who were successful •in - eluded: Agnes McLagan. and Anne , Glousher of RR 4, Mit- chell , and Jill Wheatley, BR 1, ,Dublin. - ■ Ingo Winners The bingo sponsored by the ,Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 156, was largely attended on ,Friday evening: • ; Winners . Of- • • -special • games ,were E. Johnson, Mitchell; Eil- .,een Platt( Seaforth and. Judy lBrown, Mitchell. Door prizes went to Mrs. Swale, Henson and Dora Taylor; Seaforth. ,A, Regular. game winners were: Judy Brown and Mrs. S. Wat= ,son, Mitchell; WS. Whittaker, X•Iensell; • Mrs. Steep, Clinton; ,Pauline Kennedy, Seaforth; Mrs. Tidwell, Clinton; Mr. Camp- bell, Mitchell; Mrs. Swale, Hen - sail; Russ Piper, Seaforth. Games . three, four and ' eight Fere • split two ways; game 12 was split three ways. der, Kevin Campbell, Jean ,Rutledge; tem 'events with sial ,teams competing„ broad jump, ,shot • put, Javelin !throw, canoe' race, situps, ladies and men's kick the slipper. On the basis of four points for first, ,three for second, two for third and one for fourth, the red color team was the victor, All officers were returned for the 1968 picnic in Seaforth Lions Park. The day ended with a peanut ,serambie . for the children. Prize for the oldest present, Wilfred Elliott, Listowel; young- est attending, Darren Elliott, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Robert El- liott, Kitchener; best beard, Bill Baxter, Springfield; centennial costume, Mary Elliott, Seaforth, • COLEMAN REUNION The Coleman picnic was ?held July 16, at Lions Park, with 60 present. Officers are: president, Ernie Talbot; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Coleman; lunch, ,Mr, and Mrs. Robert Laing. The picnic will be held at the Lions Park at the same time next year. ' During the afternoon several games , and races were held.'? Running races, girls,- 5 and 'un- der, Brenda Coleman; boys, 5 and under, Steve Hildebrand; girls, 6 oto 8, Brenda McKinley;. (boys, 6 to 8, Andrew Laing; girls 9-12, Joan Hildebrand; lboys over 12, - Allan Coleman; ladies, Mrs. Howard Eves;. Anson McKinley; wheelbarrow race, Doug Hildebrand; Brad Finlayson;' shoe scramble, girls, Brenda Finlayson„ boys, Brad Finlayson; kick slipper, girls, Marilyn Laing, boys, Brad Fin - Jayson, ladies,- Sandra Coleman, men, Robert McKinley; energe- tic relay, Francis Coleman's side; sponge relay, 'Robert Mc- Kindey's,side; bean relay; Francis Coleman's side; human figures relay, Robert McKinley's side; couple married the longest, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman, Mr. and- Mrs. Toin Laing; most recently married couple, Mr. and Mrs, Gary Alexander; com- ing from longest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eves and fam- ily, Moose Jaw, Sask. Willett; Yours$ men, f; •J'otfge, ll nneth:,, Jonea; •thee; legged races, I.fennettl Jame and ehlr Biller, Erenela Tatter and Margaret Madge; Wheel- arrew. ;^ace,, John Hilder ,and; enneth Jones, Janice and Brenda Turner; ladies kicl be- slipper, Lilida Fuss; anew, John; lldlier, oldest person,. ,Mrs. Jean Cameron; lucky *able :Drize,, Ethel McMurtrie; young- est person, Sandra Wiliert; CIOSeat - wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuss; per - sen coming farthest, Mrs. An- nie C. Hopkins; Centennial cos- tume, Mrs. harry truss, Mrs. Wni. Fuss; ;Mystery -object, Steven Hillier, • MacDONALD REUNION The 'MacDonald Reunion was held July 16th,. at bions Park,. Seaforth, with 50 in attendance. Elected officers for 19.68 were: president, Gordon MacDonald; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Leon. ard Shobbrook; sports commit: tee, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sara?ras, Mr .and Mrs. Don Tremeer - So- cial committee, Mr. and Mrs. Don 1,2clure, Mr, and Mrs. Mur rail -Baker. • Mr.. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald, their Tamil-y,grandchildren: fi4. 04 gremie ildron, -g tber i . t J;41eniii Park J'1,1l•V X041 Vie rel 1•Q Started off with, a anti Battle ending in a tie 'between Ted La- mantra team and Dave Tremeerli •team. Beeea, pre School, , nor McClure; 8.8, 1CezteDo11al4; 8-10, Debbie McClure; single; girls over 12, Janice McClure; single men, fiver 12, Dave Tre- weer• married -ladies, Greta Bak• ger married, men, Don: McClure; ladies kick the .,slipper, Janice McClure; men's kick the slip- per, Ross Sararas; ladies 3 -leg- ged race, Greta Baker and Jan- ice McClure; .men's 3 -legged race, ,Don 'Tremeer and Murray Baker; balloon relay, •Brendd MacDonald's team; shoe, relay, Gerry Sararas'`teaizt; ball relay, Greta Baker's team; a peanut scramble followed; person' com- ing longest distance to 'picnic, Terrihabbrook, Sarnia;. young- est person present, David Wright; oldest person, Alex falacDonald; closet birthday, Vicki Baker; closet anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald. Following the 'sports,' supper was served and it was decided to hold a picnic again , next year. 4141.._ -.— —two:Ime ..m.. 4101001•.» FARM, FARM.- STOCK FOR'5 USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFI Arnold ,.St nnisse.nt GROUP - LIFE ACCIDENT argi SICKNESS - MAJOR'MEDIQAIi• PENSIONS • ANNUITIES Representing' •' Sun Life Assurance. Company of Canada 117•GODERICH ST. EAST •.- SEAFORTH TELEPHONE 527.041.0. CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE I "(`E/mar's Summer Safety Coir tes t (n.o. 2 ) 1 4141 •., 4141 4141 �• ....n'fNE COCHRANE REUNION The annual Cochrane reunion w,as -held at. Clangregor Square in Bayfield. Fifty-five sfat down to supper. • x It was decided to hold the picnic the same date next .year with the location to be deckled at a later date. Wm. Elliott, Centralia was reappointed pre- sident; Margaret `Jones, secret- ary; Man McAllister, ' treasurer. Table committee for 1368, Bel- va Fuss and Ethel MoMurtrie. Ruth Willem, Jean Rothwell and Brenda Turner will be in Charge of sports.' The result's of sports, conduc- ted by'Ruth Willett ert andd Brenda Turner were: 5 and, under,,. Ro- bent Willert; Gail Turner; Girls '6-10; Janice Turner, ' Lois El- iott;- Boys 6-10, Steven Hillier, John Hillier; Girls 11-15, Kathy Fuss, Margaret Madge; Boys 11: 15, Kenneth Jones, John Hillier; young ladies, Linda Fuss, Ruth .......,mo.,. unmoor .mrm.. 4141 Ipri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11- r fMPE,RIAL; "700" BIKES ; ONE BOY'S ONE GIRL'S TLYTE ACCESSORY KITS Each- Kit contains'- bicycle lock, handle grips, mud flap and streamers. loaf,.. ,How to enter - 1. Cut this contest out of paper along dotted Tines, and color the picture. Or draw a picture that looks like this and color it. • ' 2. List, on separate sheet of paper the seven things wrong in the picture. 3. Mail contest and list of errors to address on Entry Form, •' 4.. All entries become the property of Elmer the Safe- ty Elephant and cannot be. 'returned. 5. Childran of employees of this newspaper, the Ontario Safety League and t.C.M. may not enter. 6, .Any• Ontario child of ele- mentary school age may enter, 7. Judges' decision is final. EVERY WEEK mail before AELMEUR,B. UST 2• to: - c/o ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE 208 KING STREET WEST TORONTO 1, ONTARIO NAME 4141 . ............... 4141,.... ADDRESS - (Town or Cfty) TELEPHONE AGE Boy tifrl ..-4141•, • 4141....mamma aliknerea. 1 1 1 1 1 0 This summer, enjoy -Carlin Cinoi•Lager Beer. It goes down a little easier, satisfies a_whole rot morel- • r w,