HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-07-27, Page 6� 1 i6-}'-rig..HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH ONT, .ItII,Y 27, 1967 NEWS of VAR The Johnston reunion was held 'at Clan Gregor Square at Hayfield on Sunday. Winners of .1 rrzes were special centennial prize, Danny Tipping, Sarnia; lucky spot, Brenda Dowson; guess whats in the can, Margar- et Dawson; ladies' contest, Joy- ce Scotebmer: man with most centennial ,Honey in his pock- et, Jun Hart; races, 4 and und- • er, John Dowson, David Tip- ping; 5-7, Brenda Dawson, Don- nie Dawson, David Hart; 7 and over, Gary Campbell, Joan Hart, Linda Campbell,, - - The committee in charge of the reunion were Mr. and Mrs, •Bob Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson. The committee for the 196$ reunion is Mr. and Mrs. Earle -Tipping and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scotchmer. A very impressive centennial church service' was held at the Goshen United Church on Sun- day with Rev. Morrison conduct- ing onduct ing the service. The choir of both Goshen and Varna were present and •led in a hymn sing o •old familiar hymns. The tome of the sermon was "From Ox -Cart to Allouette". Several people in centennial costutne added much CO the cen- tennial theme. Friends of Mrs. Minnie..gay- •ter are happy to hear she was able to return home from hos- pital last week. Read -the Advertisements -=- It's a Profitable Pastime! WANT ADS BRING QUICK•RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 MAIN. STREET VARIETY "The Store with Almost Everything,` IMPORTED — TEXTILES -- BLANKETS WOOL — TAPESTRIES = FLOOR COVERINGS HOLLAND STYLE GROCERIES and COLD "MEATS SEAFORTH, ONTARIO '- Bus. 527-1640 Res. 527.1623' WESTINGHOUSE WRINGER - WASHER WITH NEW IMPROVED Cushioned Action Washes a full 9 -pound load thoraug ily- ' and safely. Rigid construc- tion. Polypropylene gy- rator. Lovell wringer. New non clog pump em- pties tubin just seconds: Million dollar transmis- sion. - 5 ytar parts warranty. 29.00- PIus Trade BOX FURNITURE Phone 527-0680 • Seaforth Honor St. James' Graduating. Ckiss The graduation class of grade eight pupils of • St. James' School were honored. after at- tending Hely Mass by the Cath- olie Women's, League, to break- fast held in the school auditor- ium. Hank Groothius was mas- ter of ceremonies. • Following breakfast Father Laragh presented Jane Sills and Pat Malone with five dollars each, an award given by the Knights of Columbus to the boy and girl with highest marks. Mrs. Art Devereaux, ,CWL presi- dent, extended congratulations on- behalf, of the League and gave each student a school pin, She was assisted by Mrs,, Jack Case, education convener. Father Laragh, Father Ben- sette . and .Father Vanden gen- gel each spoke to the students, ccongratulating—them and en- •couraging them to go onto high- er learning. Sister Miriam also wished them success and hap- piness in their new life at high school. Jane sills gave a farwell mes- sage to Father Bensette who is leaving . Seaforth soon. She thanked. him for his many vis- its to the school when he had helped them so much. A' year book was given te.. each present. The ladies of the Catholic Women's League were thanked by Hendrina Verberne. Students receiving pins were: NEWS of B ROD.HAG EN kr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose, Mrs. George Vincent and,Rondalyn, Sarnia, spent a day Iast week with Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leonhardt. Relatives in the community received word of the sudden death of Elwood Smart, Wind- sor, ,vwbo passed away Friday. Ile was married 'to the former' Evelyn Bennewies, daughter of Mrs. J. L. Bennewies.) The sym- pathy of the community ,is eX- tended to the family. Mr, and Mrs, Fritz Trent a + family, DetroitMr.,. and Mrs. Hans Trentowsky, Germany "and Miss Shirley Trentowsky, Mont- real were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Adolf 'Trenitowsky: Mr, and Mrs. • ,Wm. Hoegy, Seaforth, Amanda and Edna Hoegy, Toronto, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt, Seaforth and called, on friends in the village on Sunday. A twilight jamboree was held Wednesday evening at the com- munity hall, sponsored by .the USBORNE & HIB - BERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Dnt. Directors: Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin President Clayton Calquhoun • R.R. 1, Vice -President Science Hill Wm. H. Chaffe - R.R. 4, Mitdhell Tim Toohey R.R. 3, Lucan Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirkton Robert Gardiner R.R. 1, Cromarty Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin •Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Secretary -Treasurer:. Hugh Patterson - - Exeter -t: mmer Money Saving Opportunities to obtain needed items for Farm and Home. Act now since some supplies are limited.' • NEW 23 CU..FT. FREEZER 224.95. USED 21 CU. FT. FREEZER 1$0.00 CLEARANCE OF LAWN MOWERS - Various makes and sizes in stock. .Clearing !tf 10% off SLIGHTLY USED REGAL AUTOMATIC WASHER 150.00 Several Other Items .on Special during our Summer Sale SALE ENDS SATURDAY; JULY 29th Christian Education conimittee and church school of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The family night replaced the Sunday School picnic. There were races, contests and a campfire. A large crowd attended. Rev. } Los - sing was in charge. Mr. and Mrs, Ken ,Elligsen, Terry and Warren spent this week of • their 'holidays 'at the Pinery, - Mr. Clayton Ahrens, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Henry* Diegel, Sr., Clare French, Phyllis Hinz, London and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen attended the . Josling- Connelly wedding, Friday night at the United Church, Mitchell. The reception followed at the Legion 'Hall in Mitchell,' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe and boys, London, visited Lave:n Wolfe' here and Mrs Wolfe•at the Seaforth Conainunity, Hospital, Friday . evening. •Mrs. Lavern Wolfe returned 'to her home Saturday from the hospital,' re- cuperating from an operation,• Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Stratford, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Gary Sholdice. Mrs. Sam Clark, Mit- chell and Beverley Sholdiee spent the past week at the same home. Mr. and Mrs: - Harold Elligsen accompanied lylr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Ahrens to Windsor on Sun- day and' visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen and payed their respects, to the family of, the late Elwood Smart who, pas- sed , away suddenly , in Windsor on. ..Friday -morning. Mr. Lavern Wolfe attended the 20th wedding anniversary surprise party for 2i1r. and Mrs. John Hinz, Kitchener at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz, Sebringville, also the bir- thdays of Mrs. Eugene Hinz, St. Thomas and Fara Hinz. Mrs. Clifford Watson, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs.. Tommy Stien- er of Gary, Indiana, called at. the hbme of' Mr. and Mrs. La- vern Wolfe. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Rock, Rebecca, Robert, Jr., Timothy and Philip, Nova Scotia; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Broughton and' family, Atwood, Mr, and, •Mrs. Doug Aitcheson and family, Niagara. Falls, with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock. Rev. and Mrs. Rock and three children and Miss Debbie Broughton, Atwood, accompan- ied them to Expo and Philip re- maining with his grandparents. Remembei ! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial 'Seaforth 527-0240. Joanne Arts, Mary Aubin, James Bannon, Robert •Burns, Neil Devereaux, Teresa Dever- eaux; • Tom Devereaux, Dianna Fleming, Theresa Fleming, Hank Groothius, Luke •Janmaat, Patrick • Malone, James Mc- Grath, Mary Ann McGrath, Mary Catherine McQuaid, Ver - Church Ladies Meet First Church WMS met in the Centennial' room and opened with callto worship by the president, Mrs. ,Francis Cole- man. Miss Jean Scott gave the treasurer's_ report, It was de- cided to withdraw. the August meeting for this year. At the June meeting a,quilt was quilt- ed for the bale. Mrs. Harold Agar's group took charge of the devotional part and opened with a poem. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Robert McMillan. ' The study book was on The Church on Ethenic'groups' of French Italian, Hungarian, Ukranian'and Chinese. Mrs. John Thompson ' offered prayer and Mrs. ''Jack Thompson gave a synopsis of the synod held at ,Stratford. non Mero, Joan Nigh, plaryy Ann i5egeren, Jane Sills;,. Elly Stroop, Mary Van Loon, Cor- rine Van Milteihburg, Hendrina Verberne. Shown above, front row, left. to right, Robert Burns, Joan Nigh, Jane Sills, Mary Van Loon, Jo -Anne Arts, Teresa Dev- ereaux, Corrine VanMiltenburg, Theresa Fleming, Patrick • lt2al- one; 'centre row, Sister Miriam (Principal), Mary Ann McGrath, Thomas Devereaux, Mary Ann Segeren, Mary Catherine Mc- Quaid, Neil Devereaux, Elly Stroop, Hendrina Verberne, Mary Aubin, Dianna Fleming back row, Rev. H: J. Laragh, 'Vernon Mero, James Bannon, Luke Janmaat, Hank Groothius, James McGrath....---- FUNERAL HAROLD ROGERSON Harold Rogerson formerly of this area,; passed away in Cal- gary Hospital in his 75th year, on July 18th,. He was the sec- ond oldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogerson. He is survived by four sis- ters, Mrs. Mary Shannon, of James St., Seaforth; Mrs. Caro- line Huggard of Balyac, Alber- ta; Mrs. Hazel Shaw, New Bruns- wick; and Marjorie, Mrs. Wil- liam: Northcott 'of Balyac, Al- berta and four grandchildren. Time ' brothers predeceased him, Douglas, Jack and Warren. Invest Securely in.a ' 1/2% GUARANTEED TRUST Certificate 1 to 5 Years Contact John A. Cardno SEAFORTH Representing: Huron & Erie Sterling Trusts- Guaranty rustsGuaranty Trusts Crown' Trust Co. . of Canada - Victoria and Grey Trust CO: Behlen Continuous Fioww Dryers. c • Behlen Batch in -Din Dryers Behlen Portable Batch Dryers, Behlen Grain Storage Tanks Behlen Grain Storage' Buildings York • Cup Elevators RadsonMolsture Testers ,WE SPECIALIZE IN THE ENGINEER11tiG ANO--- INSTALLATION OF GRAIN DRYING AND STORAGE SYSTEMS ellAPMAN' i FARM. EQUIPMENT LTD. Nh HIGHWAY:,. MON* alma ob' 545 "d'RAND AVE. EA81' clikri4AM INTING and PAPERHPAANGING FREE ESTIMATES IVAN NEILSON PHONB 527-0603 EGMiONDII`II,LE. airs. It Dalxymp'le attended. • tte • Melnally.ChapPel wedding and was also able to attend all the shower held for the bride and also attended, the Tecep- tion at Staffa I•Iall at night. The bride°is Mre. Dalrymple's grand.. daughter. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Varier: of St. Catkierinds attended' the Idc nally=Gha rpel `nuptials.. The bride is a niece of Mr. Vaf•ley. SIr. and 1Mrs. Norman Mac- Lean "and .Elizabeth• are this week taking in Expo. • Marks 90th Birthday 4 birthday party 'w4 held at the home 'of Elmer and Louis. Feeney ' in .• Hibbert Township recently' -in honor of Miss Anil Roach who 'mattes her home there. Many friends and rela- tives called to extend• congrat ulations and 'beat wishes on Miss Roach's 90th birthday. Miss Roach was born, and raised':. in Dublin• .and was edd ucated there. • 4' I• INVEST Ina Guaranteed - Trust • Certificate'. DONALD G. lEATON Office in Masonic Block Main St., SEAFORTH Phone 527-1610 worommloseaammi Azi... Expositor Classified pay you iiividends. Have tried one? Dial 527-0240. will yoti Main Street Variety SEAFORTH --• ONTARIO 1 Textile Sale starting THURSDAY, JULY 27 UNTIL SOLD OUT 25'io io 30% thSC,OUNT ALL, SALES FINAL -- NO RETURNS i "SPECIALIZEp,TR,A.INING FOR BUSINESS CAREERS" Goderich Business College 9 WATERLOO 'STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO (Corner West Street) • Dial 524-8521 or 7284 Diplomas for Junior and Settlor Courses issued by the BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF: CANADA • ' New Typewriters- . ,Business Machines -- Monthly Tuition $35 DO YOU KNOW THE 4 POINTS BEHIND EVERY AD? When You See An Actin THE HURON EXPOSITOR - - THIS., IS WHAT IT :MEANS 1. A REPUTABLE STORE ., - -0 a store that lives up to its advertising bar- gains; has a reputation to uphold. 2. DEPENDABLE QUALITY - r • in the merchandise it silts - Merchandise "that is exactly`as represented'. - 3. HONESTY - in advertising messages and in dealings - with .the pulalic. No attempt to falsify or deceive. •• 4. VALUES . • . Every Huron Expositor advertiser has 'an • important message for you. It :pays to • read them all I MAKE YOUR PURCHASES THE SAFE WAY CONSULT THE ADS EVERY WEEK IN . ilA1'(I T1, ON' A'ItYf ,,:GA`MAN, ",0Incelgt0,,Servitig the 4;oniitrrlta llty Ate s 4 A M • o, 4 • +'a 4 • 1