HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-07-27, Page 3Y FOR. ALL YOUR PAVING -REQUIREMENTS DRIVEWAYS —*BARNYARDS PARKING ARRAS' • CONTACT BLUEWATER PAVING. R.R. 3, Lucknow. Phones 528-5203 and 5294686 Collect Free Estimates. WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS GUARANTEED OFFICE -SUPPLIES - THE HURON EXPOSITOR Dial 527-02-40 RUBY Oven -Ready Turkeys ' 8 to 10 lbs. Ib. 39c Fully Cooked Club Style Hams Ib. 69 Lean';Peameal ,Cottage Rolls , ib. 59c Boionga• 4 lbs ; ,..00 Peameal Back Bacon • By the Piece Ib. 79c SKINLESS Wieners lbs. 89c STORE -SLICED BREAKFAST Bacon Ib. 73c Legs and Breasts Chicken. lb. 59c Onion Flavored , Beef Steakettes 8 for 69' FAMIL. 'PRESENTS" GIFTS TO PARENTS" On Sunday; July 9th, forty- two Members of the Finlayson• family gathered at the hone of Mr. and Urs Arthur, Fin'laY,gon. A presentation sof a bank ease buffet was. made to Mr. and Mrs, Fhilaysonw3tu on June. 3Qth had celebrated. their '25th wedding anniversary. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Win. Finlayson .and . Bill ,of, Guelph, Mr. Dan ,Finlayson of Toronto, Mr. Allan. Finlayson of London, gr. and Mrs. Gorden Monteith of Columbus, Ohio, Mr. Lorne Finlayson, Brian Fin- layson, Mr. and MTs. Reg, Fin- layson and Michael of Staffa, Mr. and Mrs.• Laird Finlayson, Sharon, Sandra, Sue Ann and Shelley, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fin- layson, Karen, Kathy and Kim all from Tuckersmith, Mr. and Mrs. Murray • Finlayson, -Exeter, Mrs. Irene Finlayson, Hensall, Mrs. Margaret Hayter of Haslet, Mich;,. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hay- ter, Johnny, Melissa and Coleen of 'Grand Rapids, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. WM. Uhler, Burling- too, Miss -Jessie Finlayson of Clarkson, Miss- Dianne Finlay- son of Grand- Bend, and Mr. Mark Gilalland, of Stratford. SEAFORTH 4-H - CALF. CLUB' MEETS The Seaforth 4-H Calf Club met at the farm of Eric. Ander- son- when a class 'of livestock was judged and reasons, given. Separate lessons were given to the beef and dairy members. • o• ARE4.WEP HAOKWEU .4'ORTER C1hite Elo><fie Hackwelt; -for rheriy of 1,ondon • and Richard Oliver Porter, of Woodstock, were married in .Duff's Vnited Church, Walton,. with=. lipt. D. E. Docken� officiating on Satur- day, JuIY 15th, I967r The bride is the,, daughter of Mrs. Thoivas Hackwell, 'Walton and the late 'Mr. Hackwell. The, groom is, the .son• of .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pinter, Galt. Wed- ding music was provided by Mrs. David Haekwell, $eratford, organist and Mrs. Jack Mad- Seaforth, - soloist. Given in marriage by her bro- ther, 'Elliott, thebride chose a floor length own of pure , white Italian peau de faille, trimmed at the bodice with French elegant lace. A detach- able._ehiffon'coat trimmed with matching lace donned the dress cascading into a ,chapeltrain. Her shoulder length illusion veil was held by a headpiece of white flowers and she carried a white Bible covered with a spray of white carnations and trailing ivy. Miss Pamela Porter, Ottawa, the • groom's sister was maid of honor. Mrs. Robert -Toll, Sarnia, Miss Anna Sutherland, London, and Mrs. Marne Needham, Galt were bridesmaids. The bridal attendants were gowned alike in 'floor -length •gowns of blue peau de soie trimmed with flor- Each group's lesson was follow- ed by a quiz. Gerben Wynja thanked Mr. Anderson for the use of his farm. , • , DEAR DORIS advice from Doris Clark Tb LOVE OR NOT TO LOVE DEAR DORIS I teach in a one -room rural school and the janitor seems to have fallen in love with me. • ' When his -wife passed away last year.I shook his hand and kissed him on the cheek,, which is. a 'Canadian custom to sympa- thize with bereaved. My mis- take! Ever since that he has been showing interest. He wants me to marry him but I can't. This is on- account efmy people and also I don't feel the desire to marry. I am 50 years "old. I like this man Wand he has been very good to me, but I know that if I, marry him -,any people 'won't have any- thing more to do with ' me. I could just cry! ' He told me that if I. -don't TAYLOR SHOES GIGANTIC STOCK REDUCTION SA A WOMEN'S ITALIAN SANDALS, reg. 4.98 to 7.98, NOW $3 to $5 WOMEN'S WHITE DRESS SHOES;. reg. 6.9.8 to 9.98 NOW $5 MEN'S Suede Casuals; foam sole, reg. 7.98 to 10.98, NOW $5 to $7. MEN'S Canvas Casual Oxfords, black or' navy, reg. 3.98 — 2.49. CHILDREN'S SHOES — 300 pair, discontinued -lines ' $1 to $4 CHILDREN'S SNEAKERS, reg. $1 to $1.89 • NOW 79c to 1.59 WOMEN'S Illusion and Little Heels, latest styles, • reg. 6.98 to 10.98, Red, Beige, Grey, Ginger Snap, Mocha and some Black, in- cluding discontinued lines of.. Hush Puppies and Savage Shoes NOW $3 to $6 MEN'S White Tennis Oxfords, reg.. 2.98' NOW $2 TEENAGE FLATS, White, Bone, Red, Brown,rElack, some I#ush Puppies,and Shaggr.Pups included, reg. 5.98 to 7.98; NOW $3 to $5 WOMEN'S Tonnis Oxfords, Black, White and' Red, Green, Blue reg. 1.99 to 2.98 NOW $1.49 MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS and GORES, Black and Brown, . reg. 9.98 to 16.98 .• NOW $7to$10 WOMEN'S CANVAS CASUALS, .Flat or' Wedge, NOW $2 to $3 reg. 3.69 to 4:,8 b. WOMEN'S Kush Puppies and Shaggy Pup Oxfords and Gores, reg. 7.98 to 9.98 — Discontinued Lines - NOW $5 MOCCASINS, Tan or Brown, Women's and Children's, • reg. 2.59 to 2.98 NOW $2.00 MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SANDALS, Open and. Closed Styles, reg. 2.98 to 4.29 NOW $2.00 r TAYLOR.S 13 MAIN STREE`t ' — "SEAFORTH, ONTARIO • -a AIL SALES FINAL • • ALL SALES 'FINAL ING al chiffon train and .atchipg' wedding, ring headpieces and carried; caseades of1,41te baby monis: and trailing ".ivy, Mr. Grordon Piut1ey, roondon, was hest Man 04 guests•wero ushered by Mr.William Macy. Millan; Ti1.Usonburg, '.Mr. How- ard Haclewell, V/ ton•, brother of the' bride, and Mr. Robert Porter, Kitchener, broiler, of the groom. • A -reception followed: at the Canadian Legion, Sealed -h. For travelling to a resort ar- ea the bride changed to an or- ange sheath dress with brown 'and white accessories. She wore white carnation corsage. The bride is a graduate of Westervelt Business , College, London, and the groom_ is a member of .the. Ontario Provh- tial Police Motorcycle Preeisioh Itidp The couple will reside in Woodstock. marry . him he will sell every-, thing anddrink it all up. I can't bear to see him do that. Pulled, Both Ways. DEAR PULLED BOTH WAYS — Better detach your thinking frofn both pressure groups, Search your heart. and find.out what yon, the deep down real you, wants. If you love this Irian, you. mutt stand up to .your ,folks. But if' you cringe from the idea of marrying him, you must ig- nore his threat~to drink him- self into an early grave, which is melodramatic and . childish, and send him packing. DEAR . DORIS — My steady and,.I have been going out now for three months and I_feel we have something going for us • • One thing bothers me though, and tliat is that he hates kids. I love them. My father was like that. Every time I cried he passed the door. My mother had a terrible time in the be- ginning. A wrecked marriage is :the last thing on earth that I wish for, Any Hope DEAR -ANY HOPE -Yes, there's 'hope. But he is showing his own failure to be loving and friendly; an indication of someone' who is . withdrawing from life, at least part df the time. Better give him .more time to grow up; and yourself a chance to know a few others. Eighteen is a bit •too. young to decide for sure. News - of Woodliam Miss, Susan Tomlinson has been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. James Tomlinson and fam-' ily of Toronto. • . Miss Mary McAllister of Lis- towel was ' a weekend visitor with gr. and Mrs. Harry Web- ber. Mrs. Don Brine spent a few days at Expo this vfeek: Mrs., S. Mackie of Toronto visited with Dr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Morphy this past week. Mr, and Mrs. James -Miller, Betty Jean and Bob attended the wedding of their 'son' and brother, Ray . Miller to Margaret Elizabeth Mitchell . in St, An- drew's , Prebyterian Church, jMolesworth, . on .Friday evening. • Miss June King is. acting, as a counsellor at Camp • Bimini this week. . Miss Anne Tomlingon • of Tor- onto has been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. John Tomlinson df an ami y. - Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler, and Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin visited Sun- day evening with Rev. and Mrs, John Cooke of Thamesford. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lambert, Marilynne and Dennis of Davi- son, Mich., were weekend guests with Mrs: Mary Jaques and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques. and fam- ily. - - Master Perry Wilson of Lake- side spent, several days holi- daying with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine vis- ited 'Sunday. evening with Mrs. Myrtle Brine of St. Marys. i Mrs. Mary Jaques and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques- and Suzanne attended the Ratz-Webber wed- ding in Thames Road United Church on Saturday. Suzanne was the flower girl. Mr. Arthur Kirk of Craridel, Manitoba, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Selves of Science Hill, called on Mrs. Mary Jaques on Friday. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Bayne, David and Courtney of Kansas, Miss., visited ,'on .Wednesday last with • Mr.' and Mrs, Lloyd Jaques and family. • , • News of $0 Coli agban nen s o o -r 1. PefCirr • Rosemary O'Connor and. Mar- ie..' DeGajist wereco4m4tesses for a miscellaneous shower -for Miss Irma Peterson,who is tobecome the brideof • Rvn• co'-. Connor; July, 29th. Tviel'ity-tive friends . and Telaties niet to honor her at the hori;ie,:of. Rose- mary O'Connor. Marie DeGeust read the presentation address and gifts were presented, Irma received' a ho'St of beautiful gifts for which she expressed her thanks and appreciation. Rev. Vincent Eckert, C.S.B. and -James Eckert,- Rochester, N.Y., visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coville, Dublin and Mrs. Jos- eph Eckert here' and attended the Eckert-Dietrick wedding in Mt. Carmel on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stapleton and Paul of Kitchener, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray, - Mr, 'and Mrs. -Jack McIver, and Mr. and Mrs. • Jack, Lane and family visited, in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pur- cell. Mrs. Elizabeth' Nolan is a pa- tient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murray and family with Mr, and Mrs. Leo Murray. - Larry Brennerman of Kitch- ener visited friends here on Fri- day. Mr. acid Mrs. ,Glen Butters and children of London spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Melady. Brother Joseph, Montreal, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bow- man, ' Stratford, visited Mrs. John L. Malone, - Mr. and Mrs., Larry Enright, and baby, Windsor, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morris, Jack Doyle, Toronto, 'and Miss Rose Doyle, Cedar Springs, with Mr. and Mss:^Michael Doyle. ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald 6. Eaton Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 5274610 Seaforth DEAR DORIS — I thinkyou are very good in answering a lot of the questions you get, • Well here is one from an elderly lady (77 years). who would like very much til -get some pounds of flesh off and keep it off. Could you kindly' give me a list of food that I should eat, and what I should avoid eating? . • Too Tubby DEAR TOO Nice going. You'll live longer and healthi- er if you get down to your right weight. Don't do anything sudden .or drastic; aim for a loss of one or two pounds a week, ' I'm sending you: "A simple Reducing Diet", which makes sure you get the protective foods; also "Low -Calorie Men- us and Recipes", which contain some tasty but net -too -nourish- ing dishes. Get your doctor's okay before you start. '(N.B. Others wanting these may write in for them, enclos- ing ten cents for each leaflet and a' large. • -self-addressed, stam+ped envelope.) To Sick of Sister — Is •a sis- ter who has come every week end for 20 yeahs, going to change the pattern easily now? Yet a change must be made ;be- fore you all go batty. I'd suggest you tell her you do like to see her sometimes, but that you'd like to leave the guest bedroom empty every other week end so that you can have other friends in it; or can benefit from the •quiet of being alone. If yout;g don'your drinking 'may ntay ' become chroni- tally inebriated. and you will. have even more trouble going through the "change". -cin sending t'ny leaflet, "Facing Forty" which will help you to •unddrsland the perplexing (but tenll►oratyl) feeling you are' 'having. • URNS LEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL. Walden & Broadfoot Phone 52)'-122' — Seaforth For Complete INSURANCE on your • • HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY •• OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CA1ttNO Insurance Agency ehbiib1 S27-0490 teaforth Office Directly Opposite Sestorfh Motors .. 'blue coal' Champion Stove 'and. .Furnace. Oil ' WILLIS - .DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 INSURANCE WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 : Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather • Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. THE HURON' f, SIWOR* ONTq y;2Z 1 BIG SAVINGS ON IV EN'S APPAREL On all .Men's and S;oys. ii SHORT SLEEVE 'SPORT DRESS and T SHIRTS Bermuda Shorts, ,Bathing Suits Hats and Caps Summer Jackets - BILL O'SHE4 MEN'S WEAR Phone 527-0995 Seaforth PROCLAMATION TOWN QF SEAFORTH. On instructions from the Municipal Council, I hereby proclaim MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1967 CIVIC • HOLIbAY IN THE TOWN OF • SEAFORTH and respectfully regtles't the citizens and businessmen to observe the occasion. Frank ' Kling Mayor "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" • Cars at Tremendous Discounts Our- SIG SALE continues 1962 CHEV. SEDAN Lic. E90288 1966 AMBASSADOR s„`8" Sedan, A.T., P.S. & P.B. 1966 CHEV. "8" SEDAN A.T. — Lic. E89473 ' 1964 CHEV. SEDAN Q.T. — Lic. E90231 1964 1500 VOLKSWAGEN Station Wagon Lic. 95482X 1964 FORD G.AL•AXIE Hardtop — Lic. E92809 1963 MORRIS 1100 SEDAN Low Milegage, Lic. E90733 - 1962 PONTIAC SEDAN • A.T. _ Ljc. E90664 • 1962 OLDS SEDAN A.T., P.S:, and P.B.; R. --- Lic. E89472 1962 CHEV. SEDAN A.T. -- Lic. E90738 1962 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN -A.T., R., P.B., Lie. E90734 • 1961.OLDS 4 -Door H.T.., A.T., Radio, P.B. & P.S. -- Lk: E90187 MANY 1961:and 1962 CHEVS and PONTIACS CONTINUES .WITH %.Discount ^� eaforth Motors Seaforth Phone 527-1750 • LOT OPEN . EVENINGS TO 9:00