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The Huron Expositor, 1967-07-20, Page 10
i--'THEE,'HURON t. EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., J.UL(.20, )9667 '�►ctl;r�as 3,Fl t'atttered friend s.A Windage • 9y Tairern 41-1nterstlee between leaf 'Welt's 13 -Near _14 -Attendant • at entrance I 18. River in Siberia 117 -Scold 8 -Regal • 20 -Girl's name 21-7Merlt 23 -Openwork fabric 24 -Hurried 25 -Approaches 27 -Ancient city of Asia Minor , 29 -Hall! 311- High mountain 31-Deejare e. 33 -Express • 35 -Skin of fruit 36-(;ontaines $8 -Affirmative votes 40 -Organ of hearing 41 -Stupid fellows 43 -Pose for portrait 44 -Bone 45 -One - thousand •million 4 7 -Compass joint 48 -Announce- meat -511-(,od, in Hebrew Scriptures' 52-Memorandnrr 53-1'araalse DQW N 1-PhiUhpintpen insoIs. 2 -Prefix: not 3 -Staff 4-En4rn t.ay - S-Spnitet) `s ;air 7 -Note of acal. 8 -Habitually sloppy person 9 -Ra ionat' . 10*�ii4day (pi.) 11 -Italian vIQitnmaker 12 -In bed 15.1Jratn 18 -More dis- tinguished 20 -Epic poem (Pl.) 22 -Pertaining to the navy 24 -Having deposit of sediment 26 -Soak 28 -Unit of Latvian currency 31 -Slake nuneent ©€MW EIEC® u7lIMC. I L3] i lEJMMWM ©E ©l7MMIEED EG BEM UMW OM EiN212 Min@ mom 1 liI EGir MUM UM EEMEGJ Borm HELM MEUM ©12,€3 WUMCO EOM I:IL7 MOMM000 HO INWO i jEI MIDEREEa MOO ElE MIg SOLUTION •32-F'renen fur , 41-13amhling 33-1 fiscentieet :14 -Dried grape 35-Mexlcau laborer 37 -Everyone :19 -Stalk 42 -Edible fish 45. -Tiny ciitiount 46- Row • 44- I're posit oft 31-1'ronotor 30 Ilt ®.:.:. 1/111111M1/1111061111111 ii116111111WER so1111Mk 111111* 40 William M. Hart FUEL ETC.. Phone 527-0870 — Seaforth rnold Stinnissen GROUP • LIFE • ACCIDENT and SICKNESS MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS • ANNUITIES Representing ▪ Sun Life Assurance` Company • of Canada 117 GODERICH ST. EAST,— SEAFORTH TELEPHONE 527-0410 ` °- WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements = It's a Profitable Pastime.' LL LINES by W. W. Haysolm your telephone manager • • Well, how does it feel to be 100 year old? Exhilarat- ing, isn't it, all the , celebrations, fun and excitment marking Centennial Year? I hope all of you had a" great July 1 cele- bration and also that 'you •are •able to' enjoy many of the special events seemingly going on everywhere in the coun- try this year. It almost appears as- though Canada and Cana- dians- have rediscovered that fun is contagious. It should be a lively, exciting and friendly road towards our 200th year., We'_ in Ben Canada are also 'celebrating a new mile- stone this month. Late in June the 5 millionth telephone went into service somewhere in our Quebec or Ontario ter- ritory. It hardly seems possible that just four years after we,. added our 4 millionth telephone this new record has been set.. After all it did take 65 years to reach the one million mark. From 1880, when The Bell Telephone Company of Canada was founded, until April, 1945. Since then the "Mil-, .lionth" milestones have come with increasing swiftness. Four million telephones in' just 22 years. We feel that this rapid growth --df telephones in our territory reflects the vitality and ever-expanding development of the•two provinces. For 14 of those 22 years Canadians have held the title of the,'"world's talkingest people." Perhaps that is partly the results of Bell Canada's efforts in helping Canadians bridge the miles for most of our country's 100 years. No special celebrations marked the installation of the 5 millionth • telepFlene...fn fact, we have no'idea which home or.office in our territory can claim the honor. You could be using it; however, if you had a telephone installed late last month. • * * * . * You May have noticed that for. the past several months Telephone News, the small insert that 'arrives with your ac- count, has been carrying a t'essage about the Area- Codes in different parts of Canada: As you know, Canada and the United States have been divided up into more than 100 Are;3,s, each assigned . its own distinct Area Code. Here in Seafprbh our Area Code is 519.. Although someone else in another community en: the Continent may have the same telephone number as you, when your number is prefixed ley your ,Al ea Code it bedoinea unique over the entire tele- phoiie network 'Ming the Area Code when you call Long Distance speeds your messages easily across the miles. 1♦' or instancle, where Direct Distance" Dialing is available, you can dial your VOI Long Pihtn ce' calls. -Where calls, must be ,placed through an Operator, .giving her the .Area Code as !swell a* the distant number helps her to speed your call.The -trout Oakes Of your telephone directory contain Area Codes ' for many plet:es on' the continent. Area Reuni�ns Are HolkIay Feature�i STEPHENSON REUNION, The Stephenson reunion - was held in Seaforth Lions Park, with 88 in attendance The -officers area-- past presi- dent, Garnet Mousseau; presi- dent, Leonard Metcalfe; first vice-president, Tom Consitt; sec- retary, Julene Keys; table com- mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dow - son; tea committee, Helen and Bill Taylor; freshie• egnimittee, J iyce and' Bill Dowsolt; sport committee, Gerald and Jean Rathwell and Mona and Ralph Stephenson. ROSS REUNION The Ross_ reunion was held ip Seaforth Lions Park. This year's committee mem- bers are president, Roy Ross; sports committee, Audrey Ross and Gordon Hayter. Next year's committee, president Alf Ross, Sr.; sports committee, Arn Ross; treasurer, Audrey Ross: Several games and contests were played. Races: girls, 6 and under, Jane Ross; girls, 7-10, Joanne Ross; boys, 7-10, Vaughn Ostland, Exeter; girls, 11-14, Linda Thayer, London; boys, 11- 14, Garry Erfft ladies kick slip- per, Cheryl Ross, Walkerton and Rena Ross, Exeter; 'throw the egg, Max Tiedenjan and Eric Ross; three-legged race, Gordan Ross and Varlene Ost- land and Debbie•Res_and Leroy Ross; centennial dress u13, El- mer Jones, Stewart Campbell. WILLIAMSQN REUNION , The annual. Williamson re- union was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Norman William- son of Walton, on Sunday, •July 9th. There were forty-two mem- bers present. Also present were Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim Watson and daughter, Cathy of Winnipeg, who were visiting at the Wil- liamsons. The afternoon was ,spent with sports of various kinds, including candy scram- bles, races • and many relays. A delicious buffet -luncheon was, enjoyed by all. This was follow- ed by an election of officers for 1968 which are as follows: President, Mrs. Don .Carter; vice-president, Ron Riley; sec- retary, Mrs. Albert Clarke; trea- surer, 1Vits. Ken Williamson; sports committee, Mrs. George Nesbitt; Brenda Nesbitt and Mrs. Gerald Williamson. The 1968 reunion will be held a 'the=home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clarke, the second Sunday in July. MOLE REUNION. . The Mole reunion was held at Lions Park, with 21 present. Officers elected were: presi- dent, Mr. George Mundell. of Ancaster; 'secretary treasurer, Mrs. William Sc 'toroth. of Port Elgin; officers for. 1968 are pres- ident, Mr. Sam Cook of Ches- ley; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. George •Mundell, Ancaster; pro- gram committee, Mrs. :William Cook, Chesley and Mrs: Harvey Mole, Lucknow. Prizes in the contests went to: for largest family, Mrs. Law- rence Cassidy of Ingersol; com-• ing the farthest distance,.. Mrs. Wm. Cook, Chesley; tallest girl, 'Miss Lynne .McDonald, Walton; oldest woman, • Mrs. Hannah Casemore, Hamilton. Those present from a distance were: M. and Mrs. Sam Cook and children; Chesley; Mrs. Wil- liam illiam Cook, • Chesley; Mr. and Mrs. George Mundell; Ancaster; Mrs. Hannah Casemore, Hamil- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sparks, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mole, Lucknbw; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cassidyt and sons, Gar- ry, Wayne and Thayne of Inger- sol; Miss Barbara Thompson, Bingo. Winners The bingo sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 156, Seaforth, on Friday eve- ning, was well attended. Winners of special " games were, Frank Skinner, Mitchell; Pearl Caswell, Clinton; Jim Smale, Hensall; Carl Schmitt, Kitchener. Door prizes went to Mrs. Mc- Arthur, Seaforth and Mr. Mc- Kercher, Jamestown. Regular game winners .were: Ed Brady, .Seaforth and Mrs. Vcraiters, Walton; Mrs. Lawson, Clinton; Ed Wurm, Exeter; Mrs. Lovett, Clinton; Mrs. S. Watson, Mitchell . and Ilene Plant, Seaforth; Ed Wurm, Ex- eter; Dora Taylor, , Seaforth; Mrs. McLean, Goderich; Ilene Plant, Seaforth and Mrs. Bert Boyce, Clinton; Dora Taylor (2), Seaforth. Game .nine was split three ways and, game 14 was split four ways. U.SBORNE & HIB- BERtT 'MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD, OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Martin Feeney • R.R. 2, DOHA President Clayton Calquhoun RA. 1, Vice-Presideft S lence Hili Wm. I3. Chaife - RA.4; M ell '''itis Toohey - R.A. b, can Raymond McCurdy i a , Robert Gar ilitot Dlilt 1, Marty Agentnt iiluilh <Bennt�ngesC Loath Hartle. - a Trensornrt, . limon' •• *tete't lin 'Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. and Lynne McDonald, Walton: GLANVILLE REUNION. The 15th Glanville reunion was —held in Seaforth -Lions Park, July 2nd, with 65 in at- tendance. - Officers ,are: president, Lleyd Cooper; secretary, Marjorie Glanville; sports, Lloyd and Ma- bel Glanville. In the games played the win- ners were: girls 2 to 5, Tresa Glanville, Diana Wilson; boys, 2 to 5, Devin Parker; girls, 6 to 9, Valerie Glanville, Judy Glan- ville; boys, 6 to 9, Ray Glanville; girls, 9 to 11, Carolyn Glanville, Brenda Cooper; boys, 9 to 11, David Glanville, Percy Glan- ville; girls, 12 to 14, Kathy GlaliVille, Eileen•Glanville; boys 12 to 14, Murray Glanville, Bruce Glanville; girls, 15 to 20, Karen .Wright, Rosemarie West- lake; boys `15 to 20, Steven Gable,. Roy Glanville; married women, Marlene Parker; mar- ried men, Harold Parker; old- est person, Buelah McKay; youn- gest person, Barbara Glanville, The followi:ng..Q kers were el- ected for the coming year: pres- ident, Jack McKay; secretary, Marjorie Glanville; sports, Car- olyn Glanville. It was decided to hold the reunion net, year some - place the first Sunday in July at 2 p.m. SHOBBROOK REUNION The Shobbrook reunion was held • in Lions Park, Seaforth, with 50 in attell_dance. Officers for. 1968 are:, presi= dent Clarende and Mayme Craw- ford;, vice-presidents, Bert and Dora Shobbrook: secretatys, Gor- don and Darlene Shobbrook; soc- ial committee, Charlie and Shir- ley- Shobbrook, Bill and Verna Gibbing; sports, Ross and'Mur-, iel Millson; Mary Sauddercock,. Valerie Garrow. Several games were played. Winners. were?' races, lor, boys and girls under 6 to ' 8, Julie Shobbrook; boys„ 6 to 8, Paul Gibbings; girls, 9 to 11, Joan Garrow; boys 12 to 14, John Gibbings; girls 12 to 14, Valeri- Garrow; young ladies race, Shir- .iey,Shobbrook; young men Gord- on Shobbrook; .ladies kick the Slipper into a tub, Verna Gib- bings; men kick the slipper in- to a tub, Gordon Shobbrook; a banana relay, Len Shobbrook's team; balloon relay, Joan Gar - row and John Gibbings; spot race, Bob Gibbings; oldest per- son present, Laura Saundercock; youngest present, Darren Mill - son. Friends and . relatives were present from Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, Buffalo, London, Tor- onto, Stratford, Blyth, Londes- boyo. All reported a good time, WILLIE — ELDER REUNION The 30th annual. reunion of the Ben Smillie and 'Thomas Elder clans -was held 'at the Lions -Park in Seaforth . on ,lriily 8th. This is the first joint re- union of the two clans — the first Irish — the second Scot- tish. The family tree of the Smillie clan wasompleted two years ago' and dates back to 1700. The Elder family tree was just: comlileted in time for this reunion and dates back to 174b.• The homu'farm near Edinburgh is still owned by the—family. Both clans have members throughout Canada and" the USA, • The large—number present enjoyed a luncheon at noon and a dinner in the early evening. The afternoon was spent pwim- ming, playing games and visit ing• Members were present from Seaforth, Hensall, Zurich,. Blyth, St. Catherines, Hamilton, Toronto, London. The officers elected for the coming year are: honorary pres- ident, Dr. Jennie Smillie Robert-- son,; president, Mrs. Jean • Stra- tham; vice-president, Mr. Jack Peck; secretary -treasurer, Miss Dianne Peck; historian, Mrs. Grace Peck; business committee, Mr. Stewart Smillie, Miss Ella. Elder, Mrs. Pearl Geiger; mem- bership, Mr. Lorne Elder; social committee, Mrs. Grace Peck, Mrs.. Kay . Elder, Mts. Sue Eld- er, Mrs. Elva Peck, Mrs.'Doro- thy Elliott; billet conveners, Mrs. Dorothy Elder; sports con- veners, Norma and Ken -Gem- mell. • The. reunion in 1968 will be held at thesame location on July.'8th, WILLIAMS REUNION A Williams family reunion was held at the continunity cen- tre, Seaforth( with 61 in atten- dance. The grandchildren of- the hon- ored guests, Mrs.•Mary Williams organized the complete social Events of the day. Officers are: president, Mary Rodriquez, Cal- ifornia; sec.-treas., Joseph P. Williams, Kitchener; •spor.ts pro- gram, Ronald Williams, Kitch-• ener. Sports games were - thorough- ly enjoyed by adults,, grandchil- dren and great grandchildren. •A tug of war and ball game by senior adults, followed by a din- ner at 6 p.m. at the: community centre catered by Mrs. Miller. Joseph P. Williams, master of. ceremonies, read an appropriate address and presented the hon- ored guests, Mrs. . Mary Wil- liams with a plaque, the Wil- liams crest, obtained from Ire- land. A social evening follow- ed. Those present included: Mrs. Mary; Williams, St. Columban; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Williams, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. James P. Williams and family, Indiana; 1Vir: and Mrs. Earl Rutten and family, Washington;, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Daar and son, Warren, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wil- liams and 'son,' Detroit, Mich.;, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Williams, NOTICE -- For Co-op Insurance Call W ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 -- John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: • Auto'•an'd Truck . • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident. and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents' • Fire, Commercial • Life. Insurance & Savings s* Huron Co-op Medical Sarvices • Wind Insurance Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Williams, and #amily, S.itek Mier; Mr. and Mre, Ron Williatns and daughter, Kitchener; %Ir, and Mrs. Gary Betties, Seaforth; -Mrs.�`�Margaret Me�,flan, mint'; Mr, apd Mrs. Dan '4V'lllisins, De- troit;.,_ and .Mrs. Williams Mll1an, Seaforth; Noreen and Dan McMillan, London; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams and family, St, Columban; Mr. and Mrs••Jos- eph J. Williams, Flint; Mr. and Miss. Ralph Bergemdn and son, Birmingham, Mich.; Mr, and Mrs. Al Heeney and family, Nia- gara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Al Riches and family, Brantford;. Tom Williams, .St. Columban. ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaten. Office In Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 ' : Seaforth PROMPT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE at SAVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watcjtmakers OPPOSITE POST OFFICE $igher I ntereti Rittes - - GUARANTEED INVESTMENT - CERTIFICATEs -, 61/4% —foil; 1 or 2 years 6½%—for .3, 4-_ or 5 years Available in amounts of $100. or more An ideal investment for security and high return. - The Industrial Mortgagee & Trust" Company ESTABLISHED 1889 OFFICES: Forest - Sarnia "- Petrolia Strathroy - Contact Our Representative DONALD G. EATON Phone 527-16I0 — Seaforth. FARM,, FARM STOCK FOR SALE? USE EXPOSITOR' '.'CLASSIFIED tHEY PAY YOU DIVIDENDS THE HURON' EXPOSITOR Dial 527-0240 Seaforth 1 Safety -Tested SED CAR SALE: AT HURON COUNTY'S FINEST USED CAR MARKET - • 1967 Ford Galaxie 500„ 4 -door, H(T., fully equipped ' 1966 Grand Parisienne Pontiac, 327 engine, 4-door'Hard' Top A number of 19.66 Chevrolets, Pontiacs dud Fords, sedans, harditops, 6 and 8 cylinders, fully equipped. 1965 Ford Galaxie XL500, 2 -door. H.T. 1965 Pontiac Custom Sport, 2 -door H.T., fully equ`pped A .wide_.selection of 1965 and -1964 Chevs., Pontiacs and Fords, sedans, hardtops, var- ious models, '6 and 8 cylinders. 1963' Chev. Belair, .cylinder, `power steer }g 1964 Chevrolet, • 2 -door H.T., 327 engine A wide variety, of 1960 to 1962 models to choose from. STATION WAGONS 1965 1lhev. Ipala, 9 -passenger wagon, °NV fully equipped ' A Written Guarantee for 60. Days on all Lata Model Cars—Many other Models to Choose /ran BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 173—'The Home of Better Used Cars" 4 OPEN EVERY EVENING cuittiler, enjoy Cl Ing Cenci Lager Botit dovi`l iitttt `'oosier, satisfies a'Vvlfiote tot'niotie! 1