HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-07-20, Page 8Grade 1 to Grade 2 Alexander, Paul; Armstrong, Murray; Baker, Robert; Beer, Betty; Caldwell, Terrence; Cam- 'pbell, Judith; Clement, Brenda; Gook, Jennifer; Cormier, Linda; Elder, Linda; Elder, Scott; El- liott, Janice; Elliott, Jenny; Fuss, Cheryl; Lavery; Robert; McCurdy, Nancy; McKinley, Richard; Mousseau, Franklin; Regan, Terrance; Sangster, Brad- ley; Shiels, Kevin; Sinunons, Dale; Soldan, Karen, Stanlake, Randy; Strettclni 'Susan; Trieb- her, Grace; Vanstone, Mary Ann; VanWieren, Doreen; Varley, kenneth; Venner, Michael; Ward, Kelley; Wareing, Paul; Willert, Ervin. •1- Miss Johns. Kindergarten to. Grade 1 P.M. Class — Baker, Bryan; Baker, Vicki; Bell, Paul;; Ba- cke, Janet; . Bisback, Cindy; Campbell, Brenda; Cormier, Anile; Dalton, 'Kelly; Hyde, Lisa; Jackson, Anne; Klungel,• Peter; Kyle, Karmen; MdClinehey, Na - dean; McClinchey, Jackie; Mock, Julie; Randall, Brian; Regan, Lori; Reid, Robbie; Stewart, Kim; Veal, Melissa. A.M. Class — Armstrong, Dale; Bell, Danny; Campbell, David; Corbett, Jeff; Damsmia, Ingrid; Dixon, John; Elder, Paul; Flaro, Angela; Ingram, Julie; Lenting, Linda; Lovell, Lori; Muttucci, Tony; McCurdy, Barbara; Mousseau, Lori; Par- sons, Gm,;- Pollock, Jimmie; Pryde, :Robbie; Thomson, -Bruce; Venner, Debbie; Wareing, Shel- ley. -Mrs. Scane. • 2 rs 6YH* MWRO I EXPOSlTQR, SI^AFORTH, Any LY 29f 19.47 VI/heel Aignment Have those 1WVheels Lined up Now alt a Special Low Price. • Now only Seaforth Motors. ,Dial 527-1750 r .95 Seaforth WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240. Read the Advertisements It's a Profitable Pastime! SMIT H'! S SUPERIOR SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Chocolate, Strawberry; Vanilla GREAT SHAKES. Libby's Deep Brown BEANS 2 28 -oz. tins 650, Puritan Stews BEEF, IRISH 2 24 -oz. tins 890 10 -oz. pkg. 65¢ Lyon's Two Cup TEA BAGS 100's plus 15 free 670 Swan Liquid — Banded Deal • "DETERGENT • • 2 24 -oz. bottles 750 27c Off Label 1 45 TIDE King Size' $ Mitchell's Vitamized APPLE JUICE 3 48 -oz. tins $1 Garden Patch Choice PEAS • n 2 14 -oz. tins 350 Transparent APPLES Fresh RADISIIES Home Grown • CABBAGE PRODUCE 2 lbs. for 390 Hensall :.pubiic SiIJooI Grade 8 to Grade 9 Alexander, iris; Armstrong, Janice; Bisback, Allan; Camer- on, Bill;Campbell, Brian; Chap- man, Rod;a• Clement, Garry; Cle']ient, Ron; Consitt, Larry; Corbett, Al; Elliott, Susan; Fer- guson, Ken; Flaro, • Harold; Flaro, Penny; Flaro, Stephen; Garniss, Gerogiria; Hovius, Al- bert; Keys, Anne; Koehler, Brenda; Koehler, ,Linda; Link, Brenda; McEwen, Katherine; Mock, Doug; Mousseau, Brad; Munn, Bill; Munn, -Paul; Munn, Kathryn; Parker, Ricky; Prouty, John; Reaburn, Joey; Roose- boom,- Minnie; Sangster, Linda; Thompson; John; Tinney, .Carol; Triebner, Donald; Troyer, Beth; Vanstone, Peggy; Webster, Wen- dy; Willett, Jerry — teacher, Mr. Reaburn. • 2 bunches for 1:70 - per Ib. 80 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's Phone 527-0990 Free Delivery Grade 7 to Grade •8 Allan, Pauline;- Bell, Anne; Bonthron, Shelley; Christie, Catharine; Corbett, Wayne; Cor- nell, Bev; Currie, Carmen; Fields, Brian; Fields, ,Mervyn; Fuss, Cathy; Harburn, Keith; Heal, Julie; Jackson, David; Kipfer, Davey; Maxwell, June; Maxwell, Bob; McNichol, Janice; Mock, Tim; Munn, Sandra; Noakes, Donald; Noakes, John; Pryde, `Gordon; Randall, Elaine; Rowe, Jim; Sangster, 4i1 'San gster, Sheila; Snntngns, Oackie; Skea, Dorothy; Stretten, Peggy; Taylor, John; Thomson, Mary; Toornstra, Elsie; Travers, Sjer-. ry; Vanstone, Joe; Whiteman, Beverly; Willert, Sharon; • Wil- liams, 'Mac; Wynja, Patricia — teacher, Mr. Mansfield. • Grade 6 to Grade 7 Broderick, Karen; 'Campbell, Randy; Davis, Kay; • Drysdale, Jill; Elliott, Ricky; Hovius, Ef- fie; Kipfer, Shelley; Koehler, Keith; Lavender, Brenda; .Matt- :,�on, Terry; Mickle, Pam; Par- sons, Brenda; , Reaburn, Jeff; Rooseboom, Martha; Rowcliffe, John; Sangster, Bonnie;. Sinale, Shirley; Smith, Scott; Triebner, Mary; Vanstone, Chrissie; Veal, Melonie;• Ward, Gordon; Wilson, Ronald — teacher, Mrs. Elgie. Grade 5 to Grade 6 Alexander, Ross; Allan, Lloyd; Allan, Joan; Bisback, Kevin; Buchanan, Kevin; Campbell, Ro- bert; Consitt, Bill; Cook, Kathy; Fields, Cecil; Flaro, ,•Flolly; For- rest, Joan; Goddard, Joan; Heal, Jane; Ingram, Ricky; Joynt, Pat; Kennedy, Fiona; Kyle, Douglas; Lawrence, Paul; Lov- ell, David; MacDonald, Tony; Reaburn, Paul; Rowcliffe, Joey; A NEWS OF HENSALL , Jean Henderson Is Honored by Friends. Complimenting ' Miss Jean Henderson, bride -elect of • Aug- ust, a miscellaneous 'shower was held in her honor at the Legion Hall, Hensall, Thursday evening attended by over seventy rela- tives, neighbors and -friends. The hall was a bower of beauty artistically arranged in pink and white motif. The program fear tured a mock wedding with roles portrayed by: bride, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm; gr&bm, Mrs. V. • M. Pyette; maid of honor, Mrs. Ron Mock; flower girl, Kay Davis; best man, Mrs. Wilbert Dining; mother, Mrs. Walker Carlile; father,Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson; minister, Mrs. Leon- ard Noakes; accompanist, Mrs. J. C. Goddard; soloist, Mrs. Mock; and humorous readings by Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. Dil- ling and a contest added to the pleasure of the evening. Presentation address to Jean was read by Mrs. E. Davis and the many. beautiful gifts were presented to Jean by her nieces Pamela and Sheila Lindsay of Hamilton, while her Sisters; the Misses Eylvia and Kathie •Hen- derson - asSisted • with unwrap- ping the gifts. A bride's book compiled by Mrs. J. E. McEwen, was presented to Jean who, ex- pressed her thanks to every- one for the lovely gid. Delic- ious refreshments were .served and Mrs. E. Davis arranged the lovely decorations ,and acted as hostess, for the evening. Mrs. Clarence, Reid convened the lunch, Mrs. George Hess direct- ed -the mock • wedding and Mrs. Maude Hedden arranged , the shower. Relatives and guests were .'firesent from Hamilton, St. Marys, Gorrie, Bayfield, Var- na, Exeter and Hensall. Entertain for Graduate Mr. and Mrs, RbSs Forrest entertained• thirty relatives at their .home Friday evening in honor of their daughter Dean- na who graduated as nursing assistant from Wingham and District General Hospital, Fri- day 'afternoon. Attending the graduation . were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Forrest, Nancy and Bill, Kippen; Mrs. Edison Forrest' and Donna, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. James 'M. Scott, Seaforth; Mrs. Clarence . Coleman, Mr. ■ Earl Treffry, Mrs. 'Russell Promotions, Smith, Danny; Thomson, Beg - trice; Triebner, Carl; Tprve,Y, Danny; VanWieren, Patricia; Webster, Bill;, »arlene; Williams, Jayne -- Mrs.. Forres- ter. Grade 4 to Grade 5 Alexander, Joan; Peer, Linda; Brown, Cody; Campbell, Fred; Campbell, Wayne; Clement, Bill; Corbett, Steven; Cormier, Dwight; Dougall, Brian; Elliott, Eddie; Garniss, Gary; `Garniss, Roger; Gass, Brenda; Keys, Daryl; Knight, Anne; Kyle, Kar- en; Kyle, Tony; Lavender., Brad- ley; Lovell, Kevin Mickle, Jud- ith; Noakes; Robert; Parker, Cindy;,Parsons,.Richard; Prouty, Esther; 'Randall, Vernon; Row- cliffe, Patti; Snaith, Debbie; Sok dan, Robert; Strettnn, Nancy; Travers, Gail;, Veal, Michael; Ward, Mikel — Mrs. Jolly. Brock , and David,' Cromarty; Mrs. Walter O'Brien, Staffa.. Miss Ruthann Coleman, pupil of Miss Greta Laramie, was suc- cessful in passing the grade eight piano examination of the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music, conducted in Clinton, Rine 23rd. • ..... Mrs° William Simpson has -re- turned home after spending a few days with - her mother-in-law Mrs. Louis Simpson; Miss Marianne and James Rl} berts return • d home after spending;. a week 'at Expo. . St. Paul's Anglican Church held their picnic on Sunday af- ternoon at Bayfield Park. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay, and family of Hamilton' were weekend visitors; with Mrs. John Henderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent the . weekend. with their daughter and so -An -law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan and family in Waterloo:- • On -Wednesday evening a shower was held. in the Hensall Legion Hall to honor Miss Mari- lyn Maxwell, bride -elect. Mari- lyn was escorted to her decor- ated chair by Lynda Ragan. Miss Ann Smith and Lynda Regan friends of the bride 'were in charge of the program which consisted of contests; -quizzes and bingo: Misses Brenda and Lori Regan carried in a decora- ted basket of many beautiful and useful gifts. Mrs. Charles Rhodes, Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. Robert Stump, Pasa- dena, Cal., visited on Wednes- day, with their brother and sis- ter-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. • Mr. and Mrs, A. Crago of Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Macklin, Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong last week, Mrs. Macklin is the former Norma Ferguson, daugh- ter of the late Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson, formerly , of Hen- sall. e • ehey, Paul; MacDonald, Trudee;' Moir, Garry; Munn, John; Par, spns, Gregory;. Pepper, Brenda; Pryde, Janet; Randall, Patsy; Reaburn, Deana; Reid, Steven; Sangster. KatbY= Stan, Dale; Toornstra, Clarence; Triebner, Harold; Venni'. Stephen; Ward, Timothy; Willert, Bernice — Mrs. Dalton. Grade ..3 to Grade 4 Bell, -.Sylvia; Brothers, Lisa; Buchanan, Bradley; Caldwell, Jamie; Campbell, Gregory; Clement, Bobby; Cormier, BrenT• da; Dixon, Wendy; Flaro, Cur- tis; Flaro, Kevin; Hbvius, Ro- berit; Ingram, Sandy; Knight, Steve; Koehler, , Garry; Kyle, Kathy;. MacDonald, Terry; Mat- tson, Perry; Munn, Beth; Munn, Jane; Randall, Lorraine; Hoose- boom, Shirley; Rowcliffe, Jo, Anne; Rowe, Lori; Smith, Doug; Turvey, Beith; Vanstone, Robert; Vanstone, Susie; VanWieren, Clarence; VanWieren, Robert; Ward, Daneen; Wareing, Kevin — Mrs. Oesch. Grade 2 to Grade 3 -,Norman; Baker,. Brad- ley; Baker, Tammy; Bell, Doug las; Cooper, Barbara; Consitt, Dwight; Cormier, Mark; 'Cor- nieil, Gregory; Dougall, Bobby; Elliott, Christina; Fields, Mar- lene; Garniss, Paul; Keys, Beth; Koehler, Betty Lynn; Kyle, Deb- bie; Mattucci, Tonett; lVicClin- Classified ads pay dividends. FREE SMORGASBORD will be served from 9:00 p.m. io 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, July th during OPEN HOUSE at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL The New Management of the Commercial is sponsoring this Prey Sthorgaabord in `an 'effort to ,become better acquainted with the public and ii culsto>rr1e1 AAA News of Woedha� Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Brine en- tertained on Sunday for their granddaughter, Lynn Robinson who was celebrating her fifth birthday. Guests present for the occasion were Mrs. 'Myrtle Brine of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson, Lynn,,and Dale of fourth line, Mr, Charles Brine, Misses Myrtle and Pearl Brine. and Mr. Lloyd Brine of baseline, Mr. Willard Schaef- fer of Kitchener and Mr, and Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl. Miss Betty Dowdie of Kitch- ener was a weekend guest with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Douglas: Mr. and Mrs. J6bn Witteveen attended the Lions Internation- al convention in Chicago- last week. John was a delegate from the• St. Marys Lions Club. Misses- Deborah and Nancy Jaques spent last week holiday- ing with their aunt, Mrs, Elsie Copeland of Windsor. Saturday evening • visitors with Dr. and Mrs. George Mor- phy were Mr. and Mrs. CeciL Murray of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Morphy and family of Wat- erloo and Mr. and Mrs. Norris Atthill and boys of Kirkton. Mrs. Les Zinn of Sudbury and Mrs. Frank Louch of Hamilton called on Mrs. Mary Jaques and Mrs. Harry Webber on Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Elliott and Mrs. James Ferguson of St. Marys visited with Mrs. Mary Jaques on Wednesday. Mr. Barry Insley and—friend' of Sudbury were weekend visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ins- ley and family. Mrs.. Lloyd Jaques, Mrs. Os car Brine end Miss Start Cope- land attended Expo this week, The trip was arranged by the Women's Institute. David and Frank Bgley of ifitobol1 spent seteral days poli, aging -with their grandpare tt IV& and Mrs, :John Barley. 1 • BRUSSELS'y' MORRIS and, GREY a MUNICI'PA'L' TELEPHONE - • SYSTEM Whereas the BRUEJS'F LS, MORRIS AND GREY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM. Vas agreed to . dispose of is assets to Maitland Teleservices Lim- ited effective"February 28th, 1967, which transac- tion will be completed July 31st,. 1967, it no* pro- poses to wind up its affairs and distribute the re- maining assets, in the form of shares in Maitland Teleservices_ Limited, equally among subscribers of record on December' 31st, 1966. Application has, therefore, been made to the On- tario ..Telephone 'Service Commission, under Sec- tion ec tion 4,7, of "The Telephone Act", . R.S.O. 1960, 'Chapter 394, for an -•Order approving this plan. Any representations to'iie,anade to the Commission with respect to this application should be submit -- ted on or before,JULy 22nd, 1967 and -addressed to to Chairman, Ontario Telephone Service Com- mission, 80Q• Bay Street, Toronto 5, Ontario. Should you desire further information with res- pect to this plan of distribution, or if you wish to inspect the last audited 'Financial 'Statement or the list of subscribers who,' according to the system's records, will be entitled to share in the' distribu- table surplus, you may apply to the undersigned, either personally, by telephone, or by letter R. M. BRONSON, Secretary, Brussels, Morris and Grey Municipal Telephone System. - WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 TAYLOR SHOES . • IGANTIC STOCK QCT 10N SALE WcWiEWS ITALIAN SANDALS , Reg. -4.98 to 7.98 NOW $3 to -$5 W, - OMEN'S WHITE DRESS SHOES Reg. 6.98 to 9.98. NOW $5 MEN'S SUEDE CASUALS Foam Sole Reg. 7.98 to 10.98 Now $5,$7 MEN'S CANVAS CASUAL OXFORDS, Black or Navy, Reg. 3.98 2A9 CHILDREN'S SHOES — 300 pair, Discontinued Lines • - $1 to $4 CHILDREN'S SNEAKERS, Reg. $1.00 toy 1.89 • • ` NOW 79 to 1 L59 WOMEN'S ILLUSION and LITTLE 'HEELS, Latest -Styles, Reg. 6.98 to 10.98, Red; Beige, Grey, Ginger S nap, Mocha and some Black including discontinued lines of Hush Puppies and Savage Shoes NOW $3 to $6 MEN'S White Tennis Oxfords, Reg. 2.98 - NOW $2 TEENAGE FLATS, White, Bone, Red, Brown, Black, Reg. 5.98 to 7:98 n $3 to $5 WOMEN'S Tennis Oxfords, Black, White and Red, Green, Blue Reg 1.99 to 2.98 : � HOW $1.49. . MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS and GORES, Black andfBrown, Reg'. 9.98 to•16.98 NOW $7 to $10 WOMEN'S w CANVAS CASUALS, Flat or Wedge, Reg. 3.69 to 4.98 NOW $2 to '$3 WOMEN'S Hush -Puppies and Shaggy 'Pup Oxfords and Gores • Reg. 7.98 to 9.98 — Discontinued- Lines' • NOW $5 v� MOCCASINS; Tan or Brown, Women's and Children's," Reg, 2.59 to. 2.98 NOW $2.00 MISSES' & CHILDREN'SSANDALS Open and Closed Styles Reg. 2.98 to 4.29 r ' NOW $2 • a1 13 MAIN . STREET, — SEAFORTH, ONTARIO ALL $ALES FINAL ' ALL SALES ,FINAL s ti 9• • A 0 4 M is