HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-07-20, Page 6• • a f TEHURON ES(.poS TO $EAFORTH, ONT., JUIsY 20, 1967. Floats Make The Parade • .' Highlighting area parades .last weekend were dozens of floats entered by distriet organ- zations. Hundreds of hours of work were contributed by interested citizens to ensure the success of the parades.. (Expositor photos by Haley and I ou1ston.) . NEWS OF BRODHAGEN Brodhagen LCW Group Mold Centennial Meeting The LCW of St. Peter's Lu -Edward Scherbarth Jr. theran. Church, Brodhagen held its -Centennial meeting Wednesday evening. They had as their guests the LCW from St. Paul's Church in ,F.11Iee. The social' opened with tht Centennial Hymn., 1'Irs. Orville Struthers, Mit chell was the guest speaker her topic'being, `A Canadian' She stated her highlights of being a Canadian as the free dom of religion. She said "Ev- their rights. Mrs. Struthers ery Canadian should cherish showed a replica of her heri- tage as well as many souven. ars she has collected through out her trips in Canada. She also displayed the many ar- ticles and. clippings she has, collected from newspapers, . due tri the Centennial year. d'oyce .and June Vock play ecn two fine piano duets. Mrs George Cook, • RR 5 Mitchel/ showed her slides), of her trip to the West Coast, last year, entitled "See Canada First" ach: guest was given a gift - in appreciation. A pdelicious and bountiful lunch was served. The even- ing was closed with "Oh Can' ada" and a prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scher - berth accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice .on a trip to Expo. They •Mort Sunday. -Mr. and Mra. Bernie Lead- er of Calgary visited at the hewn of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and also Mrs. Wolfe at the Seaforth Community Hoe. '- ,titaI. Flowers *era Wadden; the altar of St.'Peter''s'. ,nth Church on Sunda►. frorl 0 ft/110W afire, Tater Donna Ditt rater. Church. Vacation Schoot ani 'Mt Monday ht. St. Petere nth nham, itehlfa1' sir tiff 1" ,; eb+ty:"trKYt�OA 'of' di Mr. Andy Krugel, Peterbor- ough called on Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen and boys on Sat. urday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe, Marcel, Darrell and Dale, of Kitchener visited with Lavern Wolfe on' Sunday and also visited Mrs. Wolfe at the hos- pital. • About 70 attended the tenth Beuerman Reunion .at the Brodhagen Community Park, July 9. In charge of the event were the 1967 executive: Registra- tion, Mrs. Rhinold Kahle, of Mitchell and, President Nelson Kahle, Stratford. Mrs. Flpyd Clark gave the secretary and treasurers report in absence of Mrs, Robert Smith, Toron. to..Larry and Dianne Beuer- •inan; Seaforth, arranged the sports, a variety of sports for small children and teenagers and a guessing contest for all. A family tree for the fam- ily of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beuerman has been started by Mrs. Toleda Beuer. man, Waterloo. It had,, five new arrivals -added to it this year. They were Kent Col bourne, son. Of Mr. and Mrs Doug Colbourne, Toronto; Jefr+ frey, son of Mr. and - Mrs. Wayne Beuerman, London; 'Randy, son of Mr. and Mrs Ray Beuerman, Kitchener'' Perry, son f M, and .Mrs. Ro- bert Beuerman, RR 4 Walton and Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Kahle, Mitch 'ell'. a ' Officers for 1968 are -Pres) dent; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, • Toronto; Sec.-Treas., 11nr. and Mrs: Harvey Better nxan, Seaforth; Sports Cons mittteee, Marg and Billy toner, Man Ilaic1 and ion Iteu &4 i (int is delietatUt capper Was t -o• V64. Nott Year rounlon be held on the second Sunday in ., .July at the Brodhagen Park. There are 92 pupils register- ed at the Vacation Bible School. Teachers for the nursery class are, Sheila Siemon; Joanne Jar-. muth; kindergarten, Star Fis- cher, Darlene Elligsen, Phyllis Ahrens; grade 1 and 2, Bonnie Hoegy, Janice Dietz, Margaret Elligsen; grades 3 and 4, Ruth Anne Diegel, Joanne Prueter; grades 5 and 6, Cheryl Benne- wies, Joanne Elligsen; grades 7 and 8, Mrs. Edward Scher - berth, Jr. Mrs. 'Carl •Nock is in charge of refreshments. Couple Mark Fortieth Anniversary • Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Gray celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday. They' were married in Egmondville United Church, July 16th, 1927 and resided in Stratford, On- tario tm til moving into Mrs. Gray's (nee Jessie McMillan) fate• ly..home in Egmondville, eight years ago. They, have three children, Donald, , of Lindon, Doris Mrs. Burt ''Waters) o"f 'M- ax, Robert- of Toronto and eight grandchildren•. A fancily Reunion Continued #roc ?age » ,Bind McCowan, Sask.; M . Archie Aitehesen, Kelowna, B. C-; M. and Mrs. Wendern Staf- fa, Ont.; Mr. I:Maley, Owen -aofWd;. Mrs. Anne Archibald Armstrong, Waterloo; At1me M. P. Smith,, Edmonton,Alta.;' Mrs. Elizabeth Aiteheson Walmissey, Kelowna, 13.C,, Miss McIver, Kincardine, Ont.; Mrs. Agnes soon Barrier, Saskatoon, Sask.; Mr. 'lllusgrove, Clarksburg, Ont.; Mr. Frank Coates, loronto, Ont,; .Mrs. 'Tillie Storey J•,ari, Athens, UAL; t1r. Rusty Hay's, Detroit, alien.; :4tr. Thos. Jarmaw, ,Cle max, Sane.; Mrs: Lana Hayman notch, New Urieans, Louisiana; Mrs. Jean Smith W'luteliead, Ed- monton, .Alta.; Mr. Adam midis, Li towel, Ont.; Miss Bernice huwes, 1,gndon, Ont.; Mr. Keith liarrisou, naigary, Alta.; Mrs. iseth McCowan, Nunmo, Peter- boro. Hensall (Contznued,trom Page 1) The judges' choices in the children's old time dress were ramela Sangster and Naney ' Traquair. And the hairy ones had their day again Saturday in Hensall with the beard growing, contest. Al Hoggarth, Kippen, had the best beard. Bob Baker, Hensall, had the bushiest. The best mous- tache and beard - belonged. 'to John Baker, Hensall: Ted Rob- erts, Hensall, had the most col- orful. The man with the best trimmed beard was Harold Knight of Hensall. - Festivities began .on Friday evening with a horse show. Jim Paisley of. -Ilderton took the award for most total points. Judge for the competition was John Tyssen. Entries of Lloyd Mousseau and George Beer did well, tak- ing several firsts and placing in other races. The event was mar red by two mishaps wen horses stumbled but hone were serious.' McKillop (Continued from Page 1). and St: Columban. Although only those of 40 years of age were ;supposed to play, some- how some a few` years younger got in the game. The game was such a mix-up that at times it was difficult to tell which side was which or who scored the goals. Winthrop eventually won but. all hada good time. Some of thoseplaying for St. Col'umban were Joe Malone, Gerome Murray, Jim Ducharme, Roy Swartz,. Frank Murray, Tom Murray, Jim Melady, Ted Mel, ady, Vincent Murray, Jim Sloan and Paul Murray. Playing for Winthrop were Doug Keys, Mervin Godkin, Bill Campbell, Gordon Moylan, Don Murray, Harry Johnston, Or- ville Beuermann, Martin Murray, Clarence Maloney . and Oliver Pryce. A chicken barbecue was held at the Winthrop United Church followed by a . program. The festivities ended with a name in the township garage. • Three Die (Continued from Page 1) Thursday evenings. Funeral ser- vices will be held Friday at 10 a.m. from St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church iii St. Josephs, with burial in St.Peter's ceme- tery. Hibbert (Continued from Page 1 ) Choir made up of members from all township church choirs and other interested people. It was directed bynniother David of Dublin Separate School. A form- er native, Bob Carbert, also 'Spoke in the afternoon. The .evening spotlighted folk - singing and folkdancing. Mrs. Melady and the "New Canad- ians" provided the dancing while Local talent was featured in the singing. , News of . Dublin Mra. Violet Crawford and David, Toronto, Miss Mary Craw- ford, Mrs. McDonald, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Mrs. Ed Spearins, Owen Sound, Mr. and . Mrs. Ronald Baird, Blyth, with Mrs. Ann Crawford and Alvin. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred MacDou- gall and family, London, with Mrs. Joe Jordan. • 'Bowling 'reunion was, held Sunday at j Tourney their home in Egmondviille. Festivities closed with a din- ner at the Little Inn, Bayfield, Sunday evening. An Expositor Classified Will Pay yotr dividenal. levo. goal tort one ohti 527 o . • The Seaforth...ladies' lawn bowling c+iub held 'in open tour- nament on Wednesday, with, 11 rinks in competition, All„three prizes went to Goderich with Grace 'Scrimgeour, first, 8 wing plus df 03; .second, Marion Mo. Leo.), 8 'vtjtls ppl�us sof • 14; and third, Ellen A:MMisor, a wins ,pit's of 18. . • k 'oo- LOCAL. BRI'EFSa� Mr, and Mrs, ''GVam Brown, Soil *and amtlton spend Yes in hitch - vela ll of ursitig, nests home har- were Mrs. Ruth cern Mrs. Miss ues: and Mrs. n of Vi Rd:, ey, ting Mc- orth, els eks lma son ver iph all- ck- ar- le. nt iv- th od' s. ur- W. er, ed Her d o- nt of m ed ott la, h Arida Street, visited blear And daughter -in -Um . Ma, William Brown in H last weekend, Mr. Charlie Wile, after sten days with relati towtown; has resumed his hiking travels. Misses Jane, Teahen, M Sykes and Pat Sehnarr, a St. Joseph's School of N Landon, were weekend g of Miss Anne Sills. at her here. Mr. and Mrs. Armand C rand ' of Detroit, -Mich.; weekend -guests of Mr. and' Lloyd Hoggartla and Miss. Cliff. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney D of Stratford were guests of R. K. McFarlane on Sunday Mr. John MacKenzie and Rena MacKenzie ' left on T day for Willie to visit Mr. Mrs. .Alex MacKenzie. Rev. Ure Stewart and Stewart attended the reunio his former school, the Vi Lauriston School, Brittania Goderich, last Monday. Sister Mary Francis, Han British Columbia, is visi with Mr. and Mrs. William Millan, Goderich St., Seafo - Mrs. `Laura Jermyn, Bruss s spending a couple of we with her daughter. Mrs. A izijtizey. Mr. and Mrs. George Addi ''sited recently with relati t Mount Pleasant and Gue lso the -Flemings at ,Carlisle. Mrs. Dorothy Kaipe of C fornia and Mrs. JMarian Scho or, Detroit, visited . Mrs, B ara Sykes and Mrs. Jean' Da Mr. Frank Smale is a patie n Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Frank Sills, Jr., rece ed word last eveek of the dea f her mother, Mrs. Mary Wo f York, England. Besides Mr ills (Dinah), Mrs. Wood is s ived by •a son,. Mr -,James Wood (Jim),'- a caught aphne,' with `wiiom she liv and nine graedcliildren, usband and daughter Ruth ha redeceased her. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cern an, Homestead, Florida, spe veral days recently with Mr d Mrs. Russell.- Coleman, ckersmith and Mr. Ephria arke of town; they also call Mrs. Clarke in London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mille d family of Wayne, Mic ent the holiday weekend wit . and Mrs. E. Coleman, Tuck- smith. Mr. and Mrs. Cor Van Paridon,. Vancouver, B C., - visit d Mr. d Mrs. -Lorne Lawson recent - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johns of tchell spent Friday evening ith Mr, and Mrs. L. Lawson. . Mr.. and Mrs. Norris 5jllery ve as their guests, Mrs. Sil- ry's brother and his wife, and Mrs. George Stewart Regina, Sask: Hans Knetsch of Curacao, li West Indies, is visiting th his grandparents, Mr. and s. Fred Knetsch of Seaforth. isitors ..with the Hunt, Cele• n and McMillan families were and Mrs. Homer Hunt, Port er, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. C. C. nt and -.Mrs. Freda Johnston London, Mr. and Mrs. Glad - Campbell of Brighton,' Ont., Jim Elliott of Clear Lake, skoka, Ont. They also attend. the reunion of SS No. 2 and of McKillop lownaazp, on urday. ss Margaret Wilson former erintendent• of Scott Memor- rinspital, visited in town last day,' , r. and Mrs. Ken Huisser itobert, Mr. and Mrs. James lig anti lvir. ivorman Dodds nt the weekend with Mr. and isedford uungey, 'Brenda Bonnie in Sarnia. ' �vliss Jane. ,nils is enjoying a x at Expo with air. and Henry° 'i.nzensberger and • P v a a 0 0 S v W h p ch se an Tu CI on an sp Mr er of an ly. Mi ha le Mr of Dutd wi Mr V a Mr. Dov Hu of son Mr Mu ed 13 Sat Mi sup cap Mon and biro spe airs and 'wee Sirs stone Marie. Mrs. Aimira Chambers, Pres- ton, Ont., spent ,g few days with Mr. and Mrs. •1';d Fischer, Sea - forth,' Ont., and also -attended the Mck.t op Centennial. . Mr. and Mrs. ltuoy Helm and family, Dostock, Unt., and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jordan and Colleen, Mitchell, Ont., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed r'ischer, Seaforth, Ont. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kennedy of Winnipeg are visiting at the home of Iur. and Mrs. Wilson Auan, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpen- ter of Chatham 'visited M.r. and Mrs. J. C. Crich. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ander- son of Minneapolis, ,Min., on their way home from Expo, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomp- son last week. Mrs.' Anderson is a niece of Mrs. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Taylor of California are' visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. W. S. Hay, Seaforth Apartments. Mr. And -Mrs. Smitham of Mil- waukee, Wis., were weekend guests of Mr. John Talbot, John Mr. Russell Hays of ” Detroit attended the school reunion at No. 2, McKillop -on Saturday, last. Mrs. Ada Dale has returned from Mitchell where she spent a week with her sister; Mrs. Foster Fowler and Mr. Fowler. —Mrs. Lorne MacDonald hat re- turned from a trip to the West- ernProvinces. Among those who attended the.SS No. 2 reunion in McKil- lop on Saturday were Mr. Clif- ford Hunt, London, Mrs. Glad - son Campbell, Brighton, Leslie Kerr, Toronto, Bert Habkirk and twin sons, Roy and Ross, Mea - ford and Mr. Arthur Habkirk, Pont Credit. ' Mrs. Ray Benninger and Mrs. Joseph P. Miller of Detroit were guests 'Of 'Mr. and Mrs. • Jbhn Flannery this week. Miss Grace Kreuter of Toron- to`is spending the summer,holi- 'days at her home here. 'Mrs. N. R. Dorrance of Burl- �ingtbnn is visiting Miss Jean •Sct$t and Mrs. Mae Dorrance this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Musgrove of Clarkson were 'here on Sat- urday attending •the reunion at SS No. 2 and Roxboro schools. Mr. and Mrs: Norman. Smith of Toronto attended the McKiI- lop Centennial at Winthrop on Friday. - Mrs. Dear. and son of Tor to were guests •of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Patrick and attended 4the McKi1- lop Centennial at Winthrop. Mrs. Dean was the former An- nie Spearpoint. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Ren- nie, of. Sundridge spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Mrs. M. H. McKenzie of Osh- awa spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Mae Dorrance. Mrs. M. R. Rennie spent a few days in Montreal last week Mrs. Robert Tyndall had the misfortune to get her finger caught in the lawn. avower re- cently' and. it was badly Iaeerat- ed. , Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold Jackson have returned from' Collins Bay where they spent a few days. Mrs., Stanley Grainger of"Lb'fz- don was in town on Wednesday of last week. Hole! Annual Reunions McARTHUR REUNION - Forty-three members of the McArthur clan attended their annual reunion at Riverview Park, Exeter, on Sunday. Sports arranged by Mrs. S. McQueen and Mrs. H. Snell -carried out the Centennial theme and 'the prize for 'centennial costume went• to Mrs. John Rigby of Blenheim. President Dave Hall of Tor- onto conducted the business and those elected to Office for the 1968 reunion' to be held the second Sunday in July • at Riv- erview Park, Exeter, are presi- dent, Bob Bell; secrebary=trea- surer, Mrs. Bob Bell; . table committee, Mr. and Mrs. Hilt Laing and sports committee Dan- ny Laing and Ken Ferguson. 100F anis Rebekah. Picnic The annual picnic of IOOF and Amber Rebekah Lodges was held at Hensall Community Park with about over 70 at- tending. . Winners were: races, boys and girls 5 and 'under, Larry Parsone; girls, 6, 7 and 8, Mari- lyn Brintrtell, Debbie- Consitt; boys, 6, 7, and 8, Lloyd. Upsh'all, Donnie Sararas; :girls, 9-10 and 11, Dianne -Sararas,' Marilyn Brintnell; boys, 9-10 and 11, Les Consitt, Floyd • Upshall; girls, 12-13-14, Shirley 'Brintnell, Dianne Sararas;. boys, 12-13-14, Al Corbett, Allan Sararas; young ladies race, Shirley Brint-. nell, Karen Sararas; young men's race, Allan Sararas, Al Corbett; ladies race, Mrs. Ray Consitt and Mrs. Percy Camp- bell; married men's race, -Keith Lovell and Ray Consitt; ladies' kick the slipper race, Arlene Chipchase; men's kick the slip- per, Ross Sararas; 3 -legged race, Marilyn Brintnell, Dianne Sar- aras; relay race, Jack Upsh'all's team; shoe scramble, 1 eiith Lov- ell and Mrs. Ray Consitt; guess- ing the number of jelly beans in a jar, Mrs. Alex McBeath and, Mrs. Elgin Thomson., Seaforth Lions Park PAVr1II"O N• DANCING Saturday, July; 22nd The, (Masa Dames Will continue each Saturd y night during the summer months, Huron Crop News Most crops are now growing satisfactorily in Huron • County, although there is a great varia- tion in the progress of corn, white beans and cereals in dif- ferent areas. Oats and barley heads are filling well. Some Tod ing has. occurred. .. est daily'• showers contin- ue to hold up the storing of qual- ity hay. Practically all ,Alfalfa is now in full bloom and grass species have become more ma- ture than detirable. Where control of leaf hoppers on white beans is necessary, several suitable chemicals ' are listed in "1967 Field Crop Rec- ommendations", Publication 296 available at,Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food offices.- Where ffices.Where applied, most `recom- mended chemical weed killers - have done a very effective job this year. Classified ads pay dividends. RECEPTION Walton Community Hall for Mr. and Mrs, Ingolf Christensen , Friday, July 28th WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA, Ladies Please Bring Lunch London District Soccer Assoc. SOCCER St. Columban vs. Woodstock Sat., July 22nd 4' p.m. At ST..COLUMBAN CASH BINGO Friday, July' 21st 8:15 p.m. Legion Hall, Seaforth 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Specials Jackpot $75 to go (Children under 16 not permitted) ADMISSION' $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00' Auspices Seaforth Branch '156 Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. David Preezcator (nee Rose Brady) Fri. July 28th. Q.O.F. Hall, Constance Ladies Please Bring Lunch Remember! ,It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To 'advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Brownie's DRIVE-IN THEATRE -- CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. THURS., FRI. -.- July 20-21 A BILLY WILDER COMEDY "THE FORTUNE - COOKIE" (Adult,. Entertainment) - Shown at 9:10 and 11:00 only Jack ' Lemmon, Walter Matthaui Judi West CARTOON SAT., MON. - July 22-24 "NEVADA SMITH"-' (Adult Entertainment) Shown at 9:00 and 11: Steve McQueen-, Karl Malden, Suzanne Pieshette COLOR 'CARTOON TUES., WED. — July 25-26. ' • THE GUNS OF NAVARONE Shown at 9.•00 and 11:00 only Gregory Peck,. _,.. David Niven, Anthony Quinn -COLOR CARTOON COMING NEXT: "The Glass Bo'ltom Boat" Doris Day " THE WESTERN ONTARIO 10th ANNUAL" REUNION' STEAM THRESHERS Brigden_ fair Grounds AUGUST 18' & 19, 1967 Parade Friday Evening 7.00 & Sat. 2:00 p.m; FREE PICTURE SHOW -FRIDAY ' EVENING' *- Ste a'Engine Threshing * Steam Engine Racing * Baker Fan * Wood 'Sawing * Model Threshing Engine * Antique Cars * Gas Engins es - * Old Tractors Sou* Saw Mill Rope Making * Shingle Mill A Prize •for the Oldest Thresherman on the Grounds en Saturday -- Meals Served on Grounds Bring Your Antiques This is the Place to Show Them Entertainment for the Ladies Admission Adults -- $1.00 Children Free, unr 14 withdepareyehtsrs MRS. JIM WILSON, Secretary, RR 1, ,Corunna FREE PARKING Entertainment in the Red Knight Room' Friday Night --°Clarence. Petrie, Saturday 'Night -- third Smith. in the Ladies' arid„ Escorts' Room Eri joy a 'Sing 7A- Long with L'PEAR at the. Hammond Organ EVERY THURS. - FRL and SAT. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth-