HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-07-20, Page 3M
Former. Resident Is 90
Iktrs. 1►; A: V. Armstro>ng of
Tar,4 eeleiheated, her 98111 7ahth
day at_ leeMee'elline S, wit her
irnmacdiate family. The. former
Florence 'f itlian Janmieson, she_
is the last surviving ,niereber of.
the family of the late James. ».
and Jessie Bain Jamieson. Two
brothers and six sisters are 'de-
M . 4rnestrong was born in
SeafortlI and came to 'Tara
about 00 years ago. 'In •July,,
1890 in Brucefield she married
Dr. Arnmstrong who died in 1918.
'She has a family of two daugh-
el ters, Lorna, Mrs. G. Purdt,',aof
Tara; Minnie IC, 1'rs. t . I.
Miller, of Toronto anti Pae son,.
Malcolm Aru►atrong of Tara,
One sop, Bruce, *lied in 1958,:
There axe six grandchildren Qntt
15 great geendchgeeen.
Mrs.. Artnsdreng- is 'a: member
of Knox Presbyterian ,Church,
here and was active u WMS
work in the church. ---.
Dinner was prepared by Mrs.
Malcolm Armstrong. The ladies
of the Church sent a corsage
and Mrs.- Armstrong received
many gifts, eards and messages
froin friends and relatives;
At 90, Mrs. Armstrong still
enjoys reading and knitting.
' Carlton C. Wells, 13,A.; Registrar
'Carlton C. Well of Wells Academy, :London will visit
;SEAFORTH on FRIDAY, JULY 21 from 10:30 to 11:30. Mr:
Wells will be located in the Town Hall and will• be glad
to discuss business training with men and women from the
Seaforth area who are interested, in a career as a Secre-
tary, .an Accountant, a.Business Machine Operator pr in
Data Processing work. Mr. Welts 'represents the •largest.
business training organization in Western Ontario with
schools in London, Woodstock, Hamilton, Stratford, Kitch-
ener and Sarnia. All young people desirous of .obtaining a
susiliess education are invited to visit him and discuss their
requirements. Better still; if you want advance informa-
tion or an appointment in the. London school write to Wells
Academy, 306 King Street, London, Ontario or telephone
collect 432-3481 London. If you desire to; you may•clip the
coupon' with this advertisement and mail -it for information.
Address Phone
Cushioned. Action
sfies a full 9 -pound
1 thoroughly and
!1y. Rigid construe-
• Polypropylene gy-
►r. Lovell wringer.
r non clog pump em-
s tub in just seconds.
ion,,dollat t°ransmis-
-=- 5 year parts
Fart ou the eucl Grey,Otit
Cotttc4's ons . fl'ewusitiP
By Donald Mt'Dona1d
1t seams that in, the spring of
1852 the first settlers; moved
onto the 15th"and 16th, concea-
sions oi'x CrreY Township, By
11861 some of the early settlers
on the 1'5th concession, were
James and Thomas 1Iisloir,1'eter
McDonald, John- Sellers, Hugh
Stewart, . . Thomas Dougherty,
Thomas Kent and Andrew Turn=
buil. On the 16th Thomas
-Blackie, . Thomas Broadfoot,
-Charles Brodie,. Robert and
Smart Douglas, James, MaDon-
ald, Duncan! • +MeMartiri, Henry
F. Pall, James Clark and Thom-
as Johnston, Also 'some familiar
names 'on the 11th concession
are John Thomas and William
McFadzean, lough McPhail,
James- Ramsay, James Smiley
and Donald McMartin.
Grey Township was formed
.into a separate municipality in
1856 and the first •coiuncil con-
sisted of Peter McDonald, Peter
Ferguson, Robert Leckie, John
Robertson and, Thomas Strachan.
Peter -McDonald waselected,
chairman and Duncan Ferguson
was appointed secretary of the
meeting. Peter McDonald was
appointed reeve, ' a position
which he held for nine years,
1856-1864. The Council appoint-
ed John Stewart the first Town-
ship Clerk. Peter McDonald (the
first reeve of the township) was
my great grandfather so I was
asked to write •a short history
of the McDonald family.
Peter McDonald chose Lot 1,
Con. 15, Grey Township, to
settle in the spring. of 1852. They
had a family 'of four sons and
three girls. Their names were
Peter, Don, James, John, Jean
Bella and Margaret. Three of
the boys, Peter-, Don and John,
moved to the 'state of Michigan
and settled in the Deckerville
area to farm. John returned to
the Brussels area before he
died. Jean married' Duncan
Campbell and lived on, Lot 7,
Con. 16, Grey,. and then moved
to Egmondville. Bella married
News of
Mr. and Mrs. George Mcle
wain and Mary visited on Wed-
nesday with Mr. and.: Mrs. Wal-
ter Kingswell of Goderich.
Mrs. -Bob Woods, Debbie and
Michele returned to their home
in Gananoque, on the weekend
after' spending the past week
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley.
Mr. • and Mrs. Fred Buchanan
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Hart
of Brussels.
Mrs. Paul McMaster, Carol•
and Mark returned, to their
horhe in London, after spending
the past week • with Mr. -and
Mrs. George Hoggart• and fanc-
Mrs. Sadie Riley spent the
past week visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Riley, Kim •and
Greg of Ajax.
Mr, and,Mrs. John Jewitt and
family, Mrs. Ella • Jewitt and
boys visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill° Rowson and
family of Varna.
Mrs, Irene Grimoldby is spen-
ding this ' week visiting with
Mrs. Minnie Barnett of Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and
family visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs..Bob Johnston, and
Bruce 'of Grand Valley. Mrs.
Annie Medd returned home with
them after spending the past
two •weeks in Grand Valley.
Mr. Jack 'Crozier, Brian, Paul,
Kevin of Listowel, Mr. and
Mrs. George Mcliwain and Lynn
of Seaforth, were Sunday visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. George
McIlwain and Mary.
Mr. David Medd has •been em-
ployed by the CNR at Port El-•
gin, starting last Monday.
A farewell party was held on
t oatetaaIn daR agie
and livein—a lwuSe
which Stood in the ,cornea' field`
of Jim, McPoneldra present
tart. Jamnes, the other • son,'
stayed in thie.area.- to, fennel -1e
married Mary Teifoik end sent.
ed on Lot 1, Con 16,' Grey,
which he took. out of bush, He
had a family of four boys -end
four' girls. Their names were
Peter, who farmed in• the
area for awhile and
then moved to Brock, Saskatche=
wan, where he farmed, got mar-
ried, raised one ....:girl, •Mary,
who is, married to Jim S,peir,
formerly --of Brussels. Thomas,
also went west to Saskatchewan,
settled in the Zealandia" area,
married and raised a family of
three girls. John married Ger-
trude Campbell and bought the
Telfor farm on Lot 6, Con. 16,-
6,of Grey Township: Later he ac-
quired. the Stewart and O'Con-
nor farms. His family consisted
of Alvin, at horde and raised
one .girl, Jean Isabelle who mar-
ried William: Kreuter and lived
at Ethel,, they had a family- of
three boys arid two girls. Ed. of
New York, ?Russell of Listowel,,
Albert of Toronto, Grace of Tor-
onto' and Mary (Mrs. Everett
Errington) of . Goderich. Bessie
married William McFadzean :and
lived in the Walton area They
had one sae. Thomas, who mar-
ried Edith MacTavish of Brus-
sels. They now reside in Toron-
to. Grace married Angus Mc-
Cuaig and lived in the Walton
.area terawtiile, rotes they*,,'.to"
Sesfortit,ItY ere ehe new sic%S;
They 'had.• ane daughter, [ar- •
Serie, wile , also ,lives :et See-.
fe114; Anes parried, _Peter
Ritchie and they toyed west
to the Zeal'andia area Of
tetievsn, They had a • family of,
two, M'aiy and4 Cranes.
• James, the .youhgest, chose to
remain at home and farm his
"dad's farm; He -married the
former Edna Knight and raised
a family of ..three,- Mary, who
is ??married to Murray Huether
and lives in Brussels. Kenneth
who lives in, Morris Township
.on the former Knight farm and
Donald, who farms Lots 1 and 2
Concession 15, Grey.
The original farm that Peter
McDonald settled (Lot 1, Con.
15) was sold to- Adam Shoul-
dice and I purchased it from
his grandson, Wallace Sliced -dice
in 1951. Also back in the 'early.
years there was situated 'on the
corner of the 16th, a jietel and
a number of houses,,whiciebeve
long since been demolished. I
can • remember' as a boy finding
an old., English, penny dated
1854 and- sortie old dishes and
crokery up there.
This has been- a brief history
of the family and descendants
of Peter' McDonald emigrant of
Scotland, who with the help of
his sons took Lot 1, Con. 15,
and Lot 1, Con. 16, out df. the
bush. However, only one farm
qualifies ' to be a centennial
farm 'and it is now owned by
his grandson James McDonald.
Grey Council Reports Meeting
Drains were the topic of dis-
cussion when Grey Township
Council held its July meeting.
Council passed by-law No. 8,
on the. West McTaggart drain.
The contract fpr the drain was
awarded to Hanna and Handl-
top Construction of Listowel for
$5,000. Commissioner for the
drain is Melville Lamont.
Council gave final approval
to by-law No. 10, authorizing
works, on the fifth concession,
dram. The contract was award-
ed to Hanna and Hamilton of
Listowel, for $8,250. Kenneth
Bray will be commissioner. "
By-law No.. 7, cpvering- the
Uhler 'drain was finally, passed
-and:::..Clifford Dunbar was - ap-
pointed commissioner.
Requests for repair were re-
ceived on the Close and Schade
drains. Lawson Ward and Gif-
ford Dunbar were appointed
commissioners for those drains.
Applications for loans of $700'
and $3,000 were made under
the Tile Drainage Act.
A grant of- $300 was given- to
the Brussels Agricultural - So-
ciety and $100 was given, to hie
Brussels Legion Branch 218, for
moving the Cenotaph.
The following accounts were
paid; Huron County Road Sup-
erintendents' Association, ,mem-
bership .'fee, $10.00; Brussels
Legion Branch 218, grant, 100;
tile drainage loan, 2,955; Mel-
vin Carnochan, tile drainage in-
spector, .15; E. M. Cardiff, fees,
tile drainage loan, 24; Clifford
R. Dunbar, Lawson Ward, Mel -
Thursday evening in the COF
Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Scott who' are now residing in
• Mr. and Mrs: 'Earlan Osborn,
Melody and Leona visited on
Sunday with Mrs. Murray Mach-
an, Colleen and Valerie of Monk -
Mrs, Ben Riley, Sandra and
Lorna, Miss Marilyn Riley --'of
Clinton, are visiting with YIr,
and Mrs, Gerald Riehl and fam-
ily of Labrador City, Newfound-
Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn,
Leona and Melody visited on
Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin 'McDonald and
Kim of Mitchell.
ville L. Lamont, court of re-
vision, 15; -Kenneth Bray, court
of : revision, 10; Township of
Morris court of revision; fifth
concession drain, 25; E. M. Car-
diff; by-laws,, fifth concession
drain, 100; Stratford Beacon -
Herald, advertise drain tenders,
21.12; Melvin Carnochan, repair
Hoy drain, 12.75; Melvin Carno-
chan, repair Clark drain, 12.75;
John A. Perri?, lamb killed, 25;
Jim Dobson, garbage 'collection
Ethel village, 20; -Ont. Hydro,
Molesworth street lights, 23.13;
Lothar Weber, welfare account,
172.05; rent for welfare, 30; wel-
fare, 57.67; Town of Listowel,
May nursing' home account, 18.-
8:_45; Dr. R. • W. Street, medica-
tions, welfare, 3.00; Dr. W. L.
Lawson, welfare account, 7.00;
Robt. L. 'Cunningham, furnace
oil, 29.64; Lothar Weber, office
supplies, 1.81; Clifford R. Dun-
bar, license for fire truck, 2.00;
roads and bridges, 19,289.49.
Total, $23,009.86.
ayA• 1
News of
A successful chicken barbe-
cue was held Wednesday eve-
ning at St. Andrew's United
Church, sponsored by the UCW
with about 450. in attendance.
The board of Stewards assisted
the ladies and Mrs. Robert' Mc-
Gregbr was convener. •
Mr.'and Mrs. W. A. Lawrence
and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ham-
mond of Moose Jaw, Saskatche-
wan attended the Robinson re-
union last week. •The former
two" are spending three weeks
with their ' son-in-law and
daughter, : Mr, and Mrs. Ted
Robinson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pries -
tap Or near Mitchell; visite*,
Sunday evening with the latter's
father, Mr. Robert Thomson.
On .July 3rd the' Robinson re-
union was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson,
RR 1 Kippen with 86 of the
family and seven guests' attend-
ing from Toronto. Sarnia, -Chat-
ham, London and Woodstock.
Mr.. and Mrs. Grant Love of
Cairo, Mich,. spent the weekend
with Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Mc-'
Bride and attended the family
reunion at Riverview Park Ex-
eter, on Sunday.
quiet, but pretty<,W n
was solemnied! try Revs, 11_,11`47
in the gentenniel rOOP Qi• W'h'at
Presbyterian.:C#arch, Seaforth,
uniting iu marriage Mrs Alum
Icellattd and fir, VI�iliiaat
. .
Flood a 4 pain. on Saturday,
July 8th. The attendants 'were
1Vliss Joyce Kelland end Miss
Sheila Flood, daughters of the
bride and groom T,haelvedding
dinner was • held n Mitchetl' nt.
the +home of the -formers daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and,Mrs.
William Rube. The couple lat-
er left on a wedding trip to the
Thousand Islands, and points
east, The couple will reside on
East William St., Seaforth.
SS 4, Herbert,.
Has Pictii -
'The annual picnic of SS 4
Hibbert was held recently with
a large crowd in attendance. '
Atfer a bounteous picnic sup-
per, games and relays were held
ufider the direction of Brenda
Kerslake, Carol Glanville, Allan
Butson, Ronnie Armstrong and
Doris Jeffery. .
During the evening a presen-
tation was made to Mr. and
Mrs. Roy 'McDonald who ..-e
moving from the community.
Brenda Kerslake read an ' .ad-
dress and Bill Jeffery and I)1-
anne Miller presented them
each with gifts.
Mrs. Jaynes McNaughton is
the teacher: .
At the recent 'meeting of Lo=
gam Township Council in Born-
holm the 1967 budget was pre-
sented and the 'mill rate set.
' Residential and farm mill
rates for the year will be 27.14
mills. The commercial rate is
25.14 Mills. Other mill rates are
County 14.86, Elma School
Area, 13.25 and 14.57, Logan
School Area 11.77 and 13, Dub-
lin Separate. School,,,18 and 20,
Kinkora Separate School, 21.83,
Dublin Continuation School, 16
and 11.6 and Mitchell District
Nigh School, 12,45 and 13.7.
Contract for • the 6th, i:onces-,
sion drain, was awarded to John
Water for $1,200.00. Notice was
given that the Van Morsel drain
is out of repair .and it is to be
inspected by .lames A. Howes.
A .donation of $100.00was
given for fireworks for the Mit-
chell Centennial celebrations on
August 7. A prize of $25 is to
be awarded --to Logan Townshi,.
residents competing in th•'
Perth County Plowing Match.
Road accounts of. $10,463.68
and, general accounts -of $4,-
850.88 were ordered paid. •
Remember! It takes but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and' be money in
>pocket. To advertise, just
Dial Seaforth • 527-0240.
Friday July
8 p.m4*
Sponsored.! by
Seaforth Centennial Labor Day
Parade Committee
nnual Mid -summer
continues with
to 20°%o off
on Wearing Apparel
Seaforth's 5c to $1.00 Store
Stationery - Gifts
Cars at Tremendous Discounts
Our r.ic'
Sedan, A.T., P.S.• &' P.B.
1966 CHEV, "$" SEDAN
A.T. — Lic. E89473
A.T. and R. — Lic. E57037
•A.T'.' — Lk. E90231
1964 1500. VOLKSWAGEN
Station Wagon — Lic. 95482X
Hardtop — Lic. E92809
A.T. -=- Lic. E90173
LE 'Ci.rtinues
1963 MORRIS 1100 SEDAN
Low Milegage, Lie. E90733
A.T. Lic. E90664
A.T., P.S.j and P.B:, R. -- Lic. E89472
1962 C11EV. SEDAN
A.T. •— Lk. E90738
A.T., R., P.B., Lk. E90734
1962 CHEV.- SEDAN -
Lic. E90288
MANY 1961 and 1962 CH., VS and PONTIACS
Money Saving Qpportunities to obtain needed items for Farm
and Home. Act now since some supplies are limited.
Clearance of Lawn Mowers; various makes
and sizes in ,stock. Clearing at
Plus Trade
hone 52746$0
Seaforth '
wR„ 50% Discount AT
Phone 5274750 . ' S'eaf o th
62 Avon
It tecixdon of ofidqts
Call . •
James A. Lumsden
w r.•Registered Representative' •
Stratford -271-461t
' Carlton C. Wells, 13,A.; Registrar
'Carlton C. Well of Wells Academy, :London will visit
;SEAFORTH on FRIDAY, JULY 21 from 10:30 to 11:30. Mr:
Wells will be located in the Town Hall and will• be glad
to discuss business training with men and women from the
Seaforth area who are interested, in a career as a Secre-
tary, .an Accountant, a.Business Machine Operator pr in
Data Processing work. Mr. Welts 'represents the •largest.
business training organization in Western Ontario with
schools in London, Woodstock, Hamilton, Stratford, Kitch-
ener and Sarnia. All young people desirous of .obtaining a
susiliess education are invited to visit him and discuss their
requirements. Better still; if you want advance informa-
tion or an appointment in the. London school write to Wells
Academy, 306 King Street, London, Ontario or telephone
collect 432-3481 London. If you desire to; you may•clip the
coupon' with this advertisement and mail -it for information.
Address Phone
Cushioned. Action
sfies a full 9 -pound
1 thoroughly and
!1y. Rigid construe-
• Polypropylene gy-
►r. Lovell wringer.
r non clog pump em-
s tub in just seconds.
ion,,dollat t°ransmis-
-=- 5 year parts
Fart ou the eucl Grey,Otit
Cotttc4's ons . fl'ewusitiP
By Donald Mt'Dona1d
1t seams that in, the spring of
1852 the first settlers; moved
onto the 15th"and 16th, concea-
sions oi'x CrreY Township, By
11861 some of the early settlers
on the 1'5th concession, were
James and Thomas 1Iisloir,1'eter
McDonald, John- Sellers, Hugh
Stewart, . . Thomas Dougherty,
Thomas Kent and Andrew Turn=
buil. On the 16th Thomas
-Blackie, . Thomas Broadfoot,
-Charles Brodie,. Robert and
Smart Douglas, James, MaDon-
ald, Duncan! • +MeMartiri, Henry
F. Pall, James Clark and Thom-
as Johnston, Also 'some familiar
names 'on the 11th concession
are John Thomas and William
McFadzean, lough McPhail,
James- Ramsay, James Smiley
and Donald McMartin.
Grey Township was formed
.into a separate municipality in
1856 and the first •coiuncil con-
sisted of Peter McDonald, Peter
Ferguson, Robert Leckie, John
Robertson and, Thomas Strachan.
Peter -McDonald waselected,
chairman and Duncan Ferguson
was appointed secretary of the
meeting. Peter McDonald was
appointed reeve, ' a position
which he held for nine years,
1856-1864. The Council appoint-
ed John Stewart the first Town-
ship Clerk. Peter McDonald (the
first reeve of the township) was
my great grandfather so I was
asked to write •a short history
of the McDonald family.
Peter McDonald chose Lot 1,
Con. 15, Grey Township, to
settle in the spring. of 1852. They
had a family 'of four sons and
three girls. Their names were
Peter, Don, James, John, Jean
Bella and Margaret. Three of
the boys, Peter-, Don and John,
moved to the 'state of Michigan
and settled in the Deckerville
area to farm. John returned to
the Brussels area before he
died. Jean married' Duncan
Campbell and lived on, Lot 7,
Con. 16, Grey,. and then moved
to Egmondville. Bella married
News of
Mr. and Mrs. George Mcle
wain and Mary visited on Wed-
nesday with Mr. and.: Mrs. Wal-
ter Kingswell of Goderich.
Mrs. -Bob Woods, Debbie and
Michele returned to their home
in Gananoque, on the weekend
after' spending the past week
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley.
Mr. • and Mrs. Fred Buchanan
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Hart
of Brussels.
Mrs. Paul McMaster, Carol•
and Mark returned, to their
horhe in London, after spending
the past week • with Mr. -and
Mrs. George Hoggart• and fanc-
Mrs. Sadie Riley spent the
past week visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Riley, Kim •and
Greg of Ajax.
Mr, and,Mrs. John Jewitt and
family, Mrs. Ella • Jewitt and
boys visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill° Rowson and
family of Varna.
Mrs, Irene Grimoldby is spen-
ding this ' week visiting with
Mrs. Minnie Barnett of Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and
family visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs..Bob Johnston, and
Bruce 'of Grand Valley. Mrs.
Annie Medd returned home with
them after spending the past
two •weeks in Grand Valley.
Mr. Jack 'Crozier, Brian, Paul,
Kevin of Listowel, Mr. and
Mrs. George Mcliwain and Lynn
of Seaforth, were Sunday visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. George
McIlwain and Mary.
Mr. David Medd has •been em-
ployed by the CNR at Port El-•
gin, starting last Monday.
A farewell party was held on
t oatetaaIn daR agie
and livein—a lwuSe
which Stood in the ,cornea' field`
of Jim, McPoneldra present
tart. Jamnes, the other • son,'
stayed in thie.area.- to, fennel -1e
married Mary Teifoik end sent.
ed on Lot 1, Con 16,' Grey,
which he took. out of bush, He
had a family of four boys -end
four' girls. Their names were
Peter, who farmed in• the
area for awhile and
then moved to Brock, Saskatche=
wan, where he farmed, got mar-
ried, raised one ....:girl, •Mary,
who is, married to Jim S,peir,
formerly --of Brussels. Thomas,
also went west to Saskatchewan,
settled in the Zealandia" area,
married and raised a family of
three girls. John married Ger-
trude Campbell and bought the
Telfor farm on Lot 6, Con. 16,-
6,of Grey Township: Later he ac-
quired. the Stewart and O'Con-
nor farms. His family consisted
of Alvin, at horde and raised
one .girl, Jean Isabelle who mar-
ried William: Kreuter and lived
at Ethel,, they had a family- of
three boys arid two girls. Ed. of
New York, ?Russell of Listowel,,
Albert of Toronto, Grace of Tor-
onto' and Mary (Mrs. Everett
Errington) of . Goderich. Bessie
married William McFadzean :and
lived in the Walton area They
had one sae. Thomas, who mar-
ried Edith MacTavish of Brus-
sels. They now reside in Toron-
to. Grace married Angus Mc-
Cuaig and lived in the Walton
.area terawtiile, rotes they*,,'.to"
Sesfortit,ItY ere ehe new sic%S;
They 'had.• ane daughter, [ar- •
Serie, wile , also ,lives :et See-.
fe114; Anes parried, _Peter
Ritchie and they toyed west
to the Zeal'andia area Of
tetievsn, They had a • family of,
two, M'aiy and4 Cranes.
• James, the .youhgest, chose to
remain at home and farm his
"dad's farm; He -married the
former Edna Knight and raised
a family of ..three,- Mary, who
is ??married to Murray Huether
and lives in Brussels. Kenneth
who lives in, Morris Township
.on the former Knight farm and
Donald, who farms Lots 1 and 2
Concession 15, Grey.
The original farm that Peter
McDonald settled (Lot 1, Con.
15) was sold to- Adam Shoul-
dice and I purchased it from
his grandson, Wallace Sliced -dice
in 1951. Also back in the 'early.
years there was situated 'on the
corner of the 16th, a jietel and
a number of houses,,whiciebeve
long since been demolished. I
can • remember' as a boy finding
an old., English, penny dated
1854 and- sortie old dishes and
crokery up there.
This has been- a brief history
of the family and descendants
of Peter' McDonald emigrant of
Scotland, who with the help of
his sons took Lot 1, Con. 15,
and Lot 1, Con. 16, out df. the
bush. However, only one farm
qualifies ' to be a centennial
farm 'and it is now owned by
his grandson James McDonald.
Grey Council Reports Meeting
Drains were the topic of dis-
cussion when Grey Township
Council held its July meeting.
Council passed by-law No. 8,
on the. West McTaggart drain.
The contract fpr the drain was
awarded to Hanna and Handl-
top Construction of Listowel for
$5,000. Commissioner for the
drain is Melville Lamont.
Council gave final approval
to by-law No. 10, authorizing
works, on the fifth concession,
dram. The contract was award-
ed to Hanna and Hamilton of
Listowel, for $8,250. Kenneth
Bray will be commissioner. "
By-law No.. 7, cpvering- the
Uhler 'drain was finally, passed
-and:::..Clifford Dunbar was - ap-
pointed commissioner.
Requests for repair were re-
ceived on the Close and Schade
drains. Lawson Ward and Gif-
ford Dunbar were appointed
commissioners for those drains.
Applications for loans of $700'
and $3,000 were made under
the Tile Drainage Act.
A grant of- $300 was given- to
the Brussels Agricultural - So-
ciety and $100 was given, to hie
Brussels Legion Branch 218, for
moving the Cenotaph.
The following accounts were
paid; Huron County Road Sup-
erintendents' Association, ,mem-
bership .'fee, $10.00; Brussels
Legion Branch 218, grant, 100;
tile drainage loan, 2,955; Mel-
vin Carnochan, tile drainage in-
spector, .15; E. M. Cardiff, fees,
tile drainage loan, 24; Clifford
R. Dunbar, Lawson Ward, Mel -
Thursday evening in the COF
Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Scott who' are now residing in
• Mr. and Mrs: 'Earlan Osborn,
Melody and Leona visited on
Sunday with Mrs. Murray Mach-
an, Colleen and Valerie of Monk -
Mrs, Ben Riley, Sandra and
Lorna, Miss Marilyn Riley --'of
Clinton, are visiting with YIr,
and Mrs, Gerald Riehl and fam-
ily of Labrador City, Newfound-
Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn,
Leona and Melody visited on
Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin 'McDonald and
Kim of Mitchell.
ville L. Lamont, court of re-
vision, 15; -Kenneth Bray, court
of : revision, 10; Township of
Morris court of revision; fifth
concession drain, 25; E. M. Car-
diff; by-laws,, fifth concession
drain, 100; Stratford Beacon -
Herald, advertise drain tenders,
21.12; Melvin Carnochan, repair
Hoy drain, 12.75; Melvin Carno-
chan, repair Clark drain, 12.75;
John A. Perri?, lamb killed, 25;
Jim Dobson, garbage 'collection
Ethel village, 20; -Ont. Hydro,
Molesworth street lights, 23.13;
Lothar Weber, welfare account,
172.05; rent for welfare, 30; wel-
fare, 57.67; Town of Listowel,
May nursing' home account, 18.-
8:_45; Dr. R. • W. Street, medica-
tions, welfare, 3.00; Dr. W. L.
Lawson, welfare account, 7.00;
Robt. L. 'Cunningham, furnace
oil, 29.64; Lothar Weber, office
supplies, 1.81; Clifford R. Dun-
bar, license for fire truck, 2.00;
roads and bridges, 19,289.49.
Total, $23,009.86.
ayA• 1
News of
A successful chicken barbe-
cue was held Wednesday eve-
ning at St. Andrew's United
Church, sponsored by the UCW
with about 450. in attendance.
The board of Stewards assisted
the ladies and Mrs. Robert' Mc-
Gregbr was convener. •
Mr.'and Mrs. W. A. Lawrence
and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ham-
mond of Moose Jaw, Saskatche-
wan attended the Robinson re-
union last week. •The former
two" are spending three weeks
with their ' son-in-law and
daughter, : Mr, and Mrs. Ted
Robinson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pries -
tap Or near Mitchell; visite*,
Sunday evening with the latter's
father, Mr. Robert Thomson.
On .July 3rd the' Robinson re-
union was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson,
RR 1 Kippen with 86 of the
family and seven guests' attend-
ing from Toronto. Sarnia, -Chat-
ham, London and Woodstock.
Mr.. and Mrs. Grant Love of
Cairo, Mich,. spent the weekend
with Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Mc-'
Bride and attended the family
reunion at Riverview Park Ex-
eter, on Sunday.
quiet, but pretty<,W n
was solemnied! try Revs, 11_,11`47
in the gentenniel rOOP Qi• W'h'at
Presbyterian.:C#arch, Seaforth,
uniting iu marriage Mrs Alum
Icellattd and fir, VI�iliiaat
. .
Flood a 4 pain. on Saturday,
July 8th. The attendants 'were
1Vliss Joyce Kelland end Miss
Sheila Flood, daughters of the
bride and groom T,haelvedding
dinner was • held n Mitchetl' nt.
the +home of the -formers daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and,Mrs.
William Rube. The couple lat-
er left on a wedding trip to the
Thousand Islands, and points
east, The couple will reside on
East William St., Seaforth.
SS 4, Herbert,.
Has Pictii -
'The annual picnic of SS 4
Hibbert was held recently with
a large crowd in attendance. '
Atfer a bounteous picnic sup-
per, games and relays were held
ufider the direction of Brenda
Kerslake, Carol Glanville, Allan
Butson, Ronnie Armstrong and
Doris Jeffery. .
During the evening a presen-
tation was made to Mr. and
Mrs. Roy 'McDonald who ..-e
moving from the community.
Brenda Kerslake read an ' .ad-
dress and Bill Jeffery and I)1-
anne Miller presented them
each with gifts.
Mrs. Jaynes McNaughton is
the teacher: .
At the recent 'meeting of Lo=
gam Township Council in Born-
holm the 1967 budget was pre-
sented and the 'mill rate set.
' Residential and farm mill
rates for the year will be 27.14
mills. The commercial rate is
25.14 Mills. Other mill rates are
County 14.86, Elma School
Area, 13.25 and 14.57, Logan
School Area 11.77 and 13, Dub-
lin Separate. School,,,18 and 20,
Kinkora Separate School, 21.83,
Dublin Continuation School, 16
and 11.6 and Mitchell District
Nigh School, 12,45 and 13.7.
Contract for • the 6th, i:onces-,
sion drain, was awarded to John
Water for $1,200.00. Notice was
given that the Van Morsel drain
is out of repair .and it is to be
inspected by .lames A. Howes.
A .donation of $100.00was
given for fireworks for the Mit-
chell Centennial celebrations on
August 7. A prize of $25 is to
be awarded --to Logan Townshi,.
residents competing in th•'
Perth County Plowing Match.
Road accounts of. $10,463.68
and, general accounts -of $4,-
850.88 were ordered paid. •
Remember! It takes but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and' be money in
>pocket. To advertise, just
Dial Seaforth • 527-0240.
Friday July
8 p.m4*
Sponsored.! by
Seaforth Centennial Labor Day
Parade Committee
nnual Mid -summer
continues with
to 20°%o off
on Wearing Apparel
Seaforth's 5c to $1.00 Store
Stationery - Gifts
Cars at Tremendous Discounts
Our r.ic'
Sedan, A.T., P.S.• &' P.B.
1966 CHEV, "$" SEDAN
A.T. — Lic. E89473
A.T. and R. — Lic. E57037
•A.T'.' — Lk. E90231
1964 1500. VOLKSWAGEN
Station Wagon — Lic. 95482X
Hardtop — Lic. E92809
A.T. -=- Lic. E90173
LE 'Ci.rtinues
1963 MORRIS 1100 SEDAN
Low Milegage, Lie. E90733
A.T. Lic. E90664
A.T., P.S.j and P.B:, R. -- Lic. E89472
1962 C11EV. SEDAN
A.T. •— Lk. E90738
A.T., R., P.B., Lk. E90734
1962 CHEV.- SEDAN -
Lic. E90288
MANY 1961 and 1962 CH., VS and PONTIACS
Money Saving Qpportunities to obtain needed items for Farm
and Home. Act now since some supplies are limited.
Clearance of Lawn Mowers; various makes
and sizes in ,stock. Clearing at
Plus Trade
hone 52746$0
Seaforth '
wR„ 50% Discount AT
Phone 5274750 . ' S'eaf o th