HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-07-06, Page 9Choose Your DIAMOND -Privately AT $AVAUGE EWELLERS (Opposite Post Office) Evening Appointment By Arrangement FREE -17 Jewel Watch, with each Diamond pur• c ,st f!Q.QO• or. mom • Q11QI" Mc.$iUop Couple • - 1vir. and Ml's. Dan Q'Rourke celebrated their 25th, wedding anniverr ry recently begin- gnin with a Mass of -Thanks- giving at 1;30 at St: Patrick's Church, celebrated' by Rev. R. Durand. Following a 'din- ner was served at their home for seventy guests. Here they were the recipients of ' many lovely gifts from members of their families. In the evening a reception was held In Brodhagen • Com- munity- Centre where their friends and neighbors present- ed Mr. -and Mrs. ' O'Rourke with a television set. Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke were married "June 20, 1842 at St. Joseph's Church, Strat- ford., Mrs. O'R,ourko . is. the,. Urmer Kathleen Culliton. 'Riley have one son, Danny at home. 4° .n' ipoai o' Classified will pay You Yeti- $*ITE .you tried one? Dial 5274 MAIN STREET VARIETY"The Store with Almost. Everything" IMPORTED — TEXTILES — BLANKETS WOOL — TAPESTRIES — FLOOR COVERINGS HOLLAND STYLE GROCERIES and COLD MEATS' S.E.AFOTH, .ONTARIO. Bus. 527-1640 R• • Res. 527.1623 Seaforth Monume'n'Works All Types of Cemetery Memorials OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE- & SON Inquiries are invited-- Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235.0620CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas GOOD SERVICE AT LOW/ LOW COST • 1966 CLASSIC' SEDAN 1964 FORD GALAXIE 1962 FORD 'WAGON 1 1962 AMBASSADOR 1961 BUICK SEDAN 1961 AMBASSADOR -1960. VALIANT Come and See the NEW 1967 MODELS MILLER ,MOTORS Phone 527-1410 Seaforth • - American Motors Dealdr !.ear.En; At Soaforth - The following pupils ,have been promoted from Grade 8 to Grade 9, •at Seaforth Public School. • Honors:. Mary Ball; lion Dal- rymple; 'Gail" 'Doig; John Gor- wiil; David Harvey; Janneke Van Rooijen. Pass Standing; Laurie • Bell; Sheila Bray; Ruth Ann Dunlop; Ch, arlyn Fry; -Peggy Clavier; Keith Guinchard; Ronnie Hen- derson; Brenda iiodgert; Jim Holland; Judy Hulley; Nancy Hulley; Cindy MacDonald; Doug- las MacGregor; Irene Massi- cotte; Ray Mennell; Lois. Mueg- ge; Danny -Muir; Paul Muir; John Munro; Gloria Putman; Charlie Scott; Dale,Shantz; Doug. • Southgate; NancSwab; Robert Taylor; Lorraine., Town- send; Mac Watterworth; Wilma Westerveldt; Allan. Wilbee. Grade 7 -to Grade 8 Honors: Elizabeth Bali; Mary Jean Fry; Joan Hopper;" Monica Malkus; Kathy Maybe; Vickie Miller; Rosemary Newnham. •••. Pass Standing: Cathy Bright - • Kevan Broome; Larry Broome; Bob. Carnoehan; Ricky Chernes; Allen Coleman; Marie Hodgert; Cam Holland; Doug. Hoover; Linda Jew; Debbie Learn; BettyMacDonald; Bruce Malcolm; Deborah Massicotte; Paul McKellar; Stewart Mc- Lean; Dianne McClinchey; Barb Muir; Joan Muir; Mary Oke; Jim Putman; Jim Rivers; Helen Sallows; Darlene Storey; Lynn aman;••Marlene-Tur-nbull; Anne Wilbee; Alistair Young. Grade 6 to Grade 7 Honors: Jean_MeKaig; Wendy Stocker. Pass Standing: Cheryl"Ander- son; Peter Beattie; • Dennis Campbell; ..Jim Cardno;. Alan Carnochan; Terry Dale; Ronald Dalton,; Beth Dolmage; Donna Pry; Ann Guinehard; Douglas Hildebrand; Joan Hildebrand; Barbara Iszacovics; Gloria John- ston; Sandra Laverty; Lynn Mac- Donald; Donna Malkus; Cathy McLean; Paul.•'.McNab; Lauren Moggach;' Bob Montgomery'; Gayle Munro; Keith Price; Er- nie' Putman; Janice Schenck; Cathy Scott; Bill •,Smith; Steph- en Southgate; Althea Stannah; Joan Wilbee; Ralph Wood; NEWS of roirnOtiOnS'. Pu�l�c Scf.00l dy Wood: Grade 5 to Grade 6 Honors:"'Beth Broome; Peter Harvey; Anne Hopper; Cathy McGonigle; -Debby McPherson; Terry Ritchie; "Judy Steffen., Pass Standing; Lee :Bell; Sher- yl Berinewies; Barbara Brady; Bob Brugger; Dean Cornish; Larry Dupee; Debbie Elliott; Shawna Graham; Susan Hilde- brand; Robbie Hiusser; Paul Hulley; Penny Hulley; Ricky Hulsey; Silby Jessome; Ronald Johnston; Kevin Kerr; Ronald Massicotte; Randy McClinchey; Debbie Moggach; Linda Sedley; Gerald Smith; Carol Southgate; Howard Spurgeon; len Swan; John Westerveld; John Wright, Grade 4 to Grade 5 Honors: Bennett, Kevin; Beuerman, Susan; McLean, D. C. G.; Savauge, Brenda. Pass Standing: Bennewies, Bonnie; Bridle, Douglas; Broome Perry; Carnochan, Gordon; Cor- nish, Dwayne; Dale, Brian; Dal- ton, Donna; Guinchard, Richard; Govier, Ruth; Hendersoir, Kev- in; Jew, Doris; Johnston, Floyd; Kennedy, Alan; MacDonald, Ross; Massicotte, Allan; Muegge, Yvonne; Munro, Gary; Muir, Janet;Poulin, Donald; Rice, Stephen; Shantz, Steven; Sch- enck, Bobby; Scott, Janet; Sin- namon, Murray; Snowdon, Pam- ela; Somers, Cathy; Spurgeon, Gary" Steffen, David; Stephen-•• son, Gary; Stocker, Ward;, Stor' ey, ,Fay; Swan, Judith; Young, Colin; .Young, Graeme. Grade 3 to Grade 4 Honors: • Baker, Tracy; Sav- auge, Loron; Mayba, Judy" • Pass Standing: Bell, Julie; Bennett, Steven; Chernes, Deb- b,,ie; Chesney, Barbara; Dale, Brenda; Dalrymple, David; Dal- ton, Dennis; Dalton, Lois; Drag- er, Sheila; Govier, Ross; Haley, Brian; Heard, Donald; •iHodgert, Linda; Hoff, William; Malcolm, Glenn;; Malkus, Edmund; Mas- sicotte, Tommy; Moggach, Dav- id; Muir, Jane; O'Shea, Nancy; Poulin., Donald; Schenck, Joan- ne; Sedley,•Cathy; Simpson, Pet- er; Wood, Dawri. • Grade 2 to Grade 3 Honors: Elaine Hopper; „Lori Kennedy; Brian- Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sanders Visited on Thursday with Mr, Ken Reid who is a patient in Westminster Hospital in Lon- don. • • • Larry,' Kenny"' and Donny Jew- itt, Bill Whyte and Brian,•Jew- i ent the weekend at Boy Scow Camp at the Maitland Block. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dale, Kithy Cheryl and Deanna spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott, Melanie and Meribeth of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier, Brian, Paul and •Kevin of Lis- towel, Mr. and Mrs.. George McIlwain and Lynn of Seaforth' were Sunday visitors with • Mr. and Mrs. George Mcflwain and Mary. Mr. "and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Mr. Ross S ewitt; at- tended the Preszcator - Brady wedding tin Seaforth on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Betties of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby. David, Paul and Janie Reid of• London sent the weekend with their grandparents, . Mr_ and Mrs: Luther Sanders. .Mrs. Annie Medd returned home with her daughter, Mrs. Bob Johnston of Grand • Valley, to spend this week. The community • extends •a welcome to newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. David Preszeator, who will be, residing on the farm' of Jim Thompson. - Mr, .and Mrs. AntelI, Mrs. Ken Reid all .of London,visited On Sfinday 'with Mr. and MN. Luther Sanders. AIM Margie Whyte -is atten- ding a 4-H conference this week held at the Uniyersity of Guelph.p. Mrs. M. J. Riddell of Gode- rich is spending this week with Mrs. Elma Jewitt and fam- ily, Mrs. Annie Leitch.' Mr: and Mrs. John Thompson and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reynolds and family at their cottage near Ipperwash beach on Sttnday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family 'visited on Sunday, with .Mrs. George Hart; who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal in London. --NOTICE -- For -Co-op Insurance Call - W. ARTHUR, WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 John St. SEAFOitTH. Complexe Coverage Fon • Auto and Truck • Farm. Liability 6 Employer's i,iablllty • Accident and. Sickness • Piro, Residence, Contents, • Piro, Commercial • •Life insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services, • "Wind'lnsnradcs Mr. Bill Thompson accompan- ied the Baker family of Win- throp and .attended .the wed- ding of Mr ^Edward Baker in London on Friday. evening. Mrs. W. J. Riddell, Mrs. An- nie Leitch, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Willis"Moun- tain of Londesiboro. Andy and Betty Thompson left Saturday to spend a few days at Expo. , Mr. and Mrs. D. Veenstra and family of Kerrwood, visited -on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Iiaverkamp and family. Pass Standing: Murray Ben- newies; Debra Boshart; Laurie Bridge; Cameron Dolg; Larry Dolmage; - Linda Drager; Doug- las ouglas Fry; Janda Heard; Susan Kunder; Steven Marvell; Jim MCClinehey; Heather McPher- son; Mark Putman; Carol Racho; Jane Ribey; Michelle Savauge; Brent Schenck; ••Valerie Sinna- mon; Thomas Snowdon; Carol Steffen; Caroline Young. .0 - Oracle Orade 1 fq Grade 2 Honors: 0 ors: Langlois, Susan; Mat- zold, Wayne: Pass Standing;. Chesney, Ro- bert; Coombs, Kathy; Dale, Ron- a1d;..Dale; Donald; Dalton, Lar- ry; Dolmage, Debbie; Johnston, Elizabeth; 'Kelly, Carol Anne; Kennedy, Ronald; Lee, • Brian; Maxwell, Susa t; Montgomery, Margaret; Poulin, Doris; Pou- lin, Vivian; Ritchie, Wendy; Scott, Susan; •Spurgeon, Bruce; Westerveldt, Andrew. Kindergarten to Grade 1 Baker, Jayne; Bridge, Ivan; Burleigh, Joan; Cornish, Dougie; Drager, Murray; Doig,. Ian; .Du -- pee, Dupee, Debbie; Glanville, Bradley; Graham, Paul; Guinchard, Jen- nifer; Henderson, Bruce; Hius- ser, Sheila; Horne, Cindy; Hul- ley, David; Kunder,, Nancy; Lav- erty, Jimmy; Malkus, Tessie; McPherson, - Jeff; Muegge, Pat- sy; Neil, Jimniy; Nielsen, Johnny; Racho, Joan; Ribey, Earl; Rice, Susan; Sallows, Ste- ven; Shantz, Debbie; Scott, Ron: nie; Shousher, Tarik; Watson, Jim. -Tuckersniith UCW Unit Tuckersmith U.C.W. Unit of Brucefield United ,Church met • at the home of Mrs. Ed- gar Allan, Mrs. Stuart and Mrs.• George Henderson were in, charge of the meeting. A hymn was sung with Mrs. George Hendel;son at the pia- no. Mrs. Henderson gave a 'ceding "Sacred Memories". Mrs. Stuart. in the absence of Mrs. McEwen took the stu- dy book "Expansion .of the Church" dealing with the church as it. is today. Mrs John Henderson took the chair for the business. Mrs. Ervin Sillery read the Secretary's report. The roll call answered by progress' in the last 100 years. Corres- >pondence was read from Georgina •McCartney. • INSURANCE WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 Seaforth Representing `he Westerh Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. Mows F►#_ roager sir, 'a114 Mrs, Doza1d Wigre, 'London, visited, wxth Lavern Wolfe, here' and'MM�••s, Wolfe at Seaforth Community- Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jim- O'$rien, Edmonton, Alberta, spent Sat- urday night with Lavern. Wolfe. and visited Mrs. Wolfe at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Wesen- burg, Dianne and Dawn, Brus sels, visited with Mrs. Caroline Elligsen and Mrs. Rachael Ah- rens on Sunday: - Mrs. Ken 'Elligsen and Mrs. Donald Brown attended a going away party on Monday evening for Mrs. Alvin Davey, a 4.11 club leader in Logan Township, The get-to-gether eras held at the home of Mrs. Miehael Con- nelly, tut 5, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Glazier, Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vock and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice, Paul, Mark and Judy visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdlce at their trailer in Grand Bend on Sunday. Mr. • and Mrs. Jim O'Brien also visited with Mrs. August Aillebrecht. ALL TYPES ° INSURANCE Donald -G. Eaton Office in Masonic Block', Main Street' Phone 527.1610 Seaforth PAINTING and PAPERHANGING FREE ESTIMATES 'IVAN NEILSON. - PHONE 527-0603 rig HURON E.e tftp$1TQRt„S„E.. FORh1 ONT., PAYS i •R>„ t�►st inn �iie QI Canada la eno of the w<n�xld'a leahxne life xosu asea aQuipanies, with 150. l?raneh .°Woos tiiroiig!put Nor* 440404? Aa thk Soo Zile regrown*.\ R aline your c tup!9!i!/t wayI bo, 011• '• • JOHN._,J. WDALEIH Sun Life As aranee Fompany of Canada . Phone. 271-3,Q00 -= 48 Rebecca se., STRATFORD WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: "Pial 6274240 Read the Advertisements .-- It's a •Profitable.Pas tel •'RAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times For Information, phone the local CN Passenger SaIes.Office ••� ne ,y 1 e fare are $4-00 CANADIAN NATIONAL fi 40;41 Thle swam%l', enjoy Carling Clncl Lager Beer. It goes down a little easier, satisfies a whop lot morel I• '