HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-07-06, Page 7Draws
(Continued from Page ly
Brown's Supertest, George Moll
wain; e.boy s shoes, Highland
Shoes, Mrs. Lou O'Reilly, RR 5;
lawn chair, Modeland,
John Henderson, RR. 5; shirt,
Shinen's, Pam Patrick, RR 4;
' car mirror, D, Schenck, ,•Bob
Birk, RR 5, Clinton; Sunoco oil
(12), R. Scott, " Bruce Wilbee;
2 dinners,' Queen's Hotel, Mrs.
Ron - Powell, Meaford; M3 gal.
• * ice cream, V1)PC;' Mrs. Hilda
Austin; $3 • dry cleaning, Flan-
nery, Joyce Schenck; painting,
Boswell,IkGary Bannon; maga-
zine stand, Box, Mrs. Lavada
Norris; ornament, Savauge,
Tom Dalrymple, Kippen; chair
pad, Can. Tire, Gordon. Maloney;
case oranges, Phillips, John
Maloney, Dublin; ladies' slippers
Taylor's, Mrs. Grace 'Campbell,
RR 1, Dublin; cigarette, El-
liott's Mary Elliott; case of pop,
•Queen's, Mrs. Hanny Shousher;.
sweater, Eve -Mar, Leta McCow-
an; hair oil, G. Tyndall, Roy
Crich, RR 1, Clinton; car. mir-
ror, D. Schenck, Bob Fothering
ham, RR 3; saw, Ball -Macaulay,
Wendy Tremeer;. 10 qts. milk
tickets, Maple Leaf Dairy, Tom
Pay DivJd
Jorgesain Purina Products, M.
Deitz, Henry tiler.
Radiator cleaner, C. Cootnbs,
Mrs. Hilda Austin; • Texaco oil
(12), Tepee; MaemWatterworth;
visor kit,. Keating's, Mr. Melan-
Son; chocolates, Huron. 'Whole-
sale, W. D: Wilson, . Brucefield;
girls shoes Highland , g d Shoes,
Margaret Sills;, doll, Larone's;
Doug Hugill, RR 2; ham, 2
steaks, Ruby's, Mrs. Don Stepii
enson; girl's shoes, Reads,
Floyd Dale; wrenches, J. Bach,
Larry Dillon; barbecue set, W.
Hart, Mrs. Ferg McKellar;. choc-
olates, Seaforth Variety, Mrs.
John McCue; . me&s shoes, Tay
lor's Lloyd Sheridan; 10 milk
tickets, Maple Leaf, Joan Mell.
wain; seat belts, Seaforth Co-op;
George Miller; bed lanip, Kling's
Mrs. David Watson; groceries,
11'tcGonigle's, Dawna Reynolds;
lighter, Russ' Recreation; Joyce
Schenck; hair oil, D. Tremeer,
Mrs. Mel Clark; girl's shoes,
-Highland Shoes, Joan Campbell,
Dublin; car mirror, Rowcliffe,
Sandra Coleman, RR 1; doll,
Gingerich's, Dr. Bryans.
Flowers, . (artificial): Hilde-
brand's Lynne Moggach $2.00
FO.Lucky .V.d.in.ners
baking, peed', Jean MORAY;
lawn c 1.,,. Whitney's, Verna
Hazelwood, RR 1, iondes'boro;
table cloth, Shiaen's, Nam
O'Shea; $2.00 baking, V, Miller,
Ann Rivers; sunglasses, Lang-
staff, Kathy McGavin, Walters;,
12 qts. oil, Supertest, Ron X01-
RR 4; therp►os, Sills' -Mrs.
Ted Wales; honey,'W. Ross, Bill
Brown; flash light, Cowan's
Auto, LuellaMontgomery 'Mir-
ror, Keating's; Russell Coleman,
RR 3; boy's shoes; Highland,
Bill Austin; fishing rod, Crown,
Hardware, Barbara Brady; :dog
chow, M. Deitz, Doug Southgate;
mat,, Stewiffit Bros., Candle Lyn
Dale; $10 perm, Flannigan's Bob
Read; kitchen utensils, Sill's,
Sharon Smith, RR 1, Bornholm;
12 qts. oil, Texaco, Pat Carter,
Carter Shows; 5 doz. eggs, A.
Moore, Bess Hoggarth; car mat,
Seaforth Motors, Mrs. ' Hilda
Austin; •6 qts. oil, K. Sharp,
Lloyd Sheridanf°'lawn chair, J.
M. Scott,' Joyce Denstedt," Car-
ter Shows; 50 lbs. sugar, Wil-
kinson's' IGA, Mrs, Jerry Cook,
Clinton; decor. paint, Hilde-
brand's,. Mrs. Jim Carte{•.
Misse's shoes, Highland Shoes,
.Nancy Devereaun; lawn fQrttti1.
,zer,. Topnotch, Cleave Ceer,
1'2 its; •oil,, .Superte.st, `,J'da }'. ]i'icXt
wain; luggage,. .,Stetvart
David Watson;lin
lq.,bow , g
games,. 'lYoble's °Bowling, Brian
Hodgert; 2 dinners,:Continental
Hotel„ Clare • Reith; gal. rice
UDPC, Mrs.' Dave Sint,
RiPpen boy's shoes, J. Thpmp-•
son, Ann Huff; 50 lbs. sugar, -
Wilkinson's IGA, Mrs. James'.
Couttes; case of 'Coke,-McClin-
they Restaurant, Linda Wilson,
RR 2, ,'Walton; 4 qts. oil, Hab-,
kirk Transit, Danny Dale; Top-
notch... feed, Topnotch, Donald
Geiger, Zurich; 4 qts. oil, Hab-
kirk Transit, Murray Hulley;
4 qts. oil, Habkirk Transit,
James M. Scott; case of coke,
Smiles !. I.
Genius: Crackpot who makes
screwball- ideas works.
"Say you. love me. Say it!
For heaven's sake say, it!" "It."
hrn -Cola, B. Brown; on:
ge, etc., 44 Station, Airs,
D .
,.o othy Townsend, RR .2; case
cola, Coca-Cola, Tom Rapson,
RIR 4, Walton; 8 lbs. honey', W.:
Kelly, Mildred X,e�r, gippen,
War, Mrs, M, it
oerr, 107 Alcisee Ave, Toronto;
picnic table, from Lansink,',s,
Lorri Strong,
AM?" N1"., Jib + 1 7.*
e fprith Places third
In Dance
Step and squat e�, dancers
froxpt' the Sea o , u rdtoratrn,'
Carnival /Crowds Mask
(Continued from Page 1) -
from the Clinton Lions .Club,
Rev. Ronald Wonham and his
wife and Mitch McAdam.
Despite the rain the midway
end; game booths were busy
and there were plenty of peo-
ple around when at midnight
a giant display of fireworks • wel-
comed in Canada's birthday.
Another old saying goes "All
things come to him who waits"
and it did on Saturday. After
two cloudy, wet nights, the
sun broke through for the cen-
tennial celebrations on Satur-
At 2:30 Reeve Elgin Thompson
officially opened the centennial
'gates that were the Tucker-
-smith centennial project. When
Sell N
he finished ne donned his old
clothes and went over tq the
swimming pool to uphold the
honor of Tuekersmith in the
log rolling pontest for local
municipal officials. It took. him
only •four seconds to get a
dunking, not nearly enough to
beat Harold Knight of theHen-
sall council who took first
first place by sticking on the
log for seven seconds. Mayor
Frank Kling of Seaforth came
second and Reeve Ken Stewart,
McKillop was third -
The Bannockburn Pipe Band
led the parade Saturday to be-
gin the final evening of cele-
brations. Final judging was
"held in the amateur talent hunt
and the Snell sisters were
awarded the :.$75 first prize,
'Diane Henderson won $ 50 for
second place and the Steppers'
Three won the $25 , third prize;
Judges for the finals were
Kinsmen from Hensall includ-
ing Murray Baker, the presi-
ressdent, Robert Caldwell, the vice-
president and. Ken Chettleburgh
the registrar.
The celebrations were capped
off with a dance in the pavilibn
and the draw for gate prizes.
Commenting on the success
of the three day carnival„ Lions
president Orville Oke expres-
sed appreciation to all who had
worked to make it possible. He
made particular reference to
those who c ntrlb°ated gifts and
prizes for the .penny sale.
ers took. Part in the %OW jar,
nual dance competition at nun,
daknver the. weeIeud
Competing "against seven ot1•
err amateur sets on, Friday, th,
Seaforth Junior Farmers."squame
dance set placed. "third. he Aet
consisted of caller Jun Papple,,
first:. couple, Bonnie $evert,,,..
George Townsend;- second',•
couple Christine Pryee,':":Leon-
ard Jamieson; third couple,
Murray Hendersonrand Sharon;
Deitz; fourth uple, Sharon
Strong and Gerald Townsend.
On Saturday night the step
dancing winners were choses},
with Murray Henderson,. RA 5,.
Seafofth, taking the senior
championship with Patric;#
Storey; RR 5, Seaforth, coning
second and Bill Henderson, RR,
5, placing in third position,,
Donna Faye Storey was a
close second in the junior step •
with her sister Sherrie Storey,
placing third. "
The coach for all the step
dancers and the square dancing
set is Mrs. • Lila Storey, RR 5,
Longer Needed Articl�s' Through