HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-06-29, Page 12. 12–,,THE HURON EXPOSITOR' SEATO .j. ONT. ,TUNE 2 , 19 . HonorCoupie on Walton Minister Feted Silver Anniversary Leaving for New Charie.ndyJune Su n and Mrs. -Ken" Stewart were entertained at a surprise".par- iy at their home on the oc• nasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. ' A social time was spent. The couple receiv- ed ' a chest of silver from their family and many other lovely gifts froilc relatives, after which a film supper was served by their family. Friends and relatiVes at- tended -from Burlington, Lon: don, Blyth, Clinton and Sea - forth. ' Friends and neighbors ga- thered at the schoel of S,S. 'No. 4 McKillop Saturday eve- ning to honor Mr. and Mrs.. Ken Stewart on the occasion of their 25th wedding anni- irersary. Cards were played with prizes for the high and low ,scorers. John Henderson was chairman for a short pro- gram. An address of congrat- ulations was read by Mrs., Michael Murray and the pre-, sentation of a coffee table and 2 ,end tables was made by Gor- dan Papple, -James Keys and Ross Gordon. Both Ken and Clarissa" expressed their thanks az K1 appreciation. The• following is the ad - (tress: Dear Clarissa and Iden, Twenty-five years ago a handsome groom and a shy, beautiful bride exchanged marriage vows. As they, said, "I do", and promised to "love, kronor, and cherish," (or was the word "obey") they were beginning their first quarter century of wedded life. Little did the future worry them because, like all young couples on their- wedding day they were so v much in love. And well tht, fright be! Had net Ken's hand been ac- cepted by the prettiest girl in the community? And, had not Clarissa coyly consented to share her life with the most gallant Tad in the county? And so married life began, -Clarista teaching school and keeping house, and Ken "tak- ing on the work of the farm. He continued farming until today he is one of the most successful in, the community.. But Clarissa's 'teaching career came to an end as she became • • • a 'housewife and Ken's help- mate; Next came the Parade of Stars first a bouncing baby boy whom they called Mac, and of whom they were vest' proud. Next followed in order three charming daughters Amice, Bonnie and Anne, of they were equally proud. Ken -and Clarissa, we know that the moments of saddnesss as you travelled life's high- way together were few and far between. And, we are cer- tain your happiness together -and with your family, togeth- er with your great measure of success on your farm and in your community far out measures any trace of gloom. And here we are — all ga: thered together to help you celebrate your 'Siver Wedding.. Anniversary. Our wish for you and for your family is that you may continue to -have all the joy and^happiness in the world. And when your Golden Wedding Anniversary rolls a- round we hope to be here to help you celebrate. We extend_toyou our good wishes and our heartiest con- gratulations on this happy oc• casion. We now ask you to ac- cept these gifts as a token of our good wishes. Neighbors, Friends and Relatives DUBLIN • Miss Helen Bruxeri'London with •Mr. and, Mrs. • Louis Bruxer.: , Mr. and Mrs..George Holl- and have returned to their home from Montreal, Mrs. Hubert Miller of Wat- erloo with Miss Monica Byrne. On Tuesday, June ' 0, . 41 students of the Continuation e A social evening Bono ing Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Higgin- botham and family was held Wednesday evening prior to leaving for their new charge at Creemore. Clarence Martin acted as master of ceremonies for a program which opened with the hymn "Guide me, 0 Thou Great Jehpvah" with Mrs. Harvey Brown at the piano. Other numbers included• read- ing, Mrs. James Smith; piano solo, Miss Karen McDonald; vocal- duet, Mrs. Neil 1VIcGav- in and Mrs. Lyle Osborne; reading, Mrs. John Buth; voc- al duet, Mrs. Herbert Traviss and Gail Traviss; piano solo, Mrs. Martin Baan; saxaphorie duet, Carol and Keith Wilbee; vocal duet, Christine Lee and Shirley Williamson accompan- ied by Lois Williamson. Rev. and Mrs. A. Higgin,• botham and Velma were in- vited to take their places at the ' front. Alvin McDonald read an address after which a presentation including a plat- form rocker, recliner chair, and three ' woollen blankets for Ruth, June•and Velma. • Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham both expressed their thanks and appreciatidn for the gifts after which the program was brought to a close with the �i.nging of '� Blest be the Tie that Binds." Refreshments we�t'•e served by the ladies of the Walton U.C.W. Unit with the 8th and 16th finishing up. , Rev. and Mrs. A. Higginbotham left on Tuesday for their new charge at Creemore. • The Induction of Rev. D. E. Docken will be held in buff's United Church, Thurs- day evening, June 20' at 8 p.m. when Rev. C. M. Jardine of Wingham will induct the new minister and Rev. D. Ste- ven of Egmondville will pres- nt the sermon A social hour School, Grades 9, 10. 11 • and• 12, left by bus for Expo and ' t returned on Friday. They were accompanied by Mother St. Felix, 'Mother St. Peter, Mrs. Lou Rowland and Mr. Shoebottom. ,- ' Mr. Tim Regan, Agincourt, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hol- land, will be. held at the close of. he evening. The June meeting of the Mission Band was held in the Church basement with an at- tendance ttendance of 37. The meeting opened with hymn 501, "Will Your Anchor Hold", Bruce cDonald, the president gave e Call to Worship, Psalms 13: 3. Hymn 500, "Take time to be holy" was sung, Mrs. Walter Bewley told a little about the ,Explorer story for the day. describing conditions in the Yukon of the time of the Gplld' Rush. then discussed with The children what kind of a man would make a good missionary there. Fwen Bosman read the scripture taken from Acts' 3: 1-8. Gail Searle led in prayer. Gail Traviss and Heather Mc- Donald.collect'ed the offering and Brnre McDonald dedicat-• f.d it with r'raver. Gail Traviss gave the trea- CLASSIFIED ADS FEMALE tCLERK Preferably with some book- keeping and typing exper- • ience. Required immediately Apply in writing indicating age, experience, and salary required to THE ADMINISTRATOR SEAFORTH ,COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 4-82-2 • The family of the late James Shea wish to express their thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives for the many acts of kindness extended to them during their recent' ber- eavement. Special thanks to Mgr. White, •Dr. Stapleton and Burke Funeral Home. 24-82x1 I wish to thank all those who came to see me, sent cards, flowers and other treats while I was,a patient in the hospital. Special "thanks to Dr. Staple- ton, nurses and staff. — Roy Butt. 24-82-1 COMING EVENT = Buses to take Brodhagen children to Mitchell swimming will leave Monkton at 12:00 '..and follow same... -route and time as last year starting Wednesday, Ju - 1y 5. • -1 FOR SALE — 8 good pigs, 8 wks, old. Apply Leon MaIon- ey, 102 R 22 Dublin. , ' -1 HELP WANTED —,Babysitt- er, 9 to 5, five days a week during summer holidays_ Ap- ply Box 1664, The Huron Ex- positor.) ' •• xi FOR SALE — 2 yvhite-faced calves, 3 weeks old. Clarence Ryan, Dublin 73 R 2. -1 27. Births COOMBS—.In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on June 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray • Coombs, Egmondville, a son. WILKINSON ,— In Seaforth Community Hospital, on June 27, to Mr. and • Mrs. Francis Wilkinson, Seaforth a son. ZIEGLER — At the Air Base Hospital, Zwiebrucken Ger- many, on June 25, to F/0 Ja's. (Bud) and Mrs. Zieg- ler (Marilyn Butt), a son. INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL 510 and 710.. -�r JOHN -DEERE TRACTORS To the first.• Ten Customers, a Reduced Price 510 With 37hp - $2,995 710 with 47hp $3 ,995 CONTACT Farm Equipm�nt Ceutie noRNItotaw ' WA. 11 301451 Monkton 1VI th 1 Nowa of Duhlh, • St Mary's Anglican. Guild. met Thursday evening at the home of the 'president, • Mrs. Wm. Smith. , Following the opening "What a friend we have in' Jesus", Mrs. Russell Kramp read the scripture, meditation and prayers from the study book, "The upper room". Mrs. Smith welcomed Mrs. J. S. Sharples to St. Mary's Guild. Mr. 'and Mrs. Sharples have recently moved from Delhi to Se forth where Mr. Sharples is Ser newly induct- ed rector ofhe parish of St. Thomas, Seaforth and St. Marys, Dublin, The minutes and financial - report were read by Mrs. Roy Burchill. The Penny A Day Collection was taken and the donations to the. Bakeless Bake Sale handed in. Mrs. Elmer Kellar was thanked for 'her time spent working on repairs .to . the church organ. - As it is going to be necess- ar3'• to make extensive repairs to the church, members were asked to collect any unused household items or saleable objects for an auction to be held later in the year. Money raised by this, project would go toward the 'cost of the re- pairs. Two children from St. Mary's Sunday School, Misses Catherine and Dianne Brown are planning to .attend the Hu- ron Church Camp at Bayfield., A reading, taken from Hen- ry Drumniond's "The Most Wonderful Thing in the World" and based on the 13th chapter of St. Paul's first let- ter to the Corinthians was giv- en by Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys. Mrs. Smith closed the meet- ing with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Charles Friend, Mrs. John Robinson and Miss Pearl O'Rourke of Dun- das with Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Looby and relatives, Mrs. Jim Newcombe of Port Credit with Mr. and 'Mrs. Wil liam Stapleton.• Mr. and Mrs. Don Coyne and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris and children of London with Mr. anrrl^'Mrs. Tom Butters. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mal- oney in Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney, Mr. and Mrs. Andre*' :pant.' ter of London at their home here, Grades 6, ?and 8 of the ' bubl' • Separnate Sehool•event Prida at lVlidlanid and the Mar 'a Shrine and Port Ste. iVlerie. They were aeeompan- led by . Mr's,. Jams. B. lKratis ktibf,. 4: 1Vt$tt .MMGreiifglit and IVIdther Michael D f4 surer's report' and Keith Wit - bee read the minutes of the last meeting. Bruce McDonald conducted the business. There until September. Dianne Fraprobably bno s- er will play the piano and Messenger's Pattie McDonald - and Mary SeSarle will assist with the worship, All went to classes with teachers Mrs: Jan .Van Vliet, Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs, Wil Liam Roe, Mts. Walter Bew- ley. After classes hynur 613 was sung and the meeting closed with the Mispah Bene- diction. Miss Dorothy Bolton, Roch- ester, N.Y., visited with her aunt Mrs. Margaret Humph- ries. • The business places in Wal - ten will be closed Saturday, July 1st but will remain open Monday, July 3 - Captain and Mrs. Ray Nel- son, Robert and Michael of Vancouver B.C. are guests with the latter'e parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson. Mrs. Harold Sellars of Sea - forth spent the week end at the home"of Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Traviss. • Miss Shirley Thamer has accepted a position as Medical Record Librarian at Clinton Public Hosutal, Dr. and Mrs. Clayton Sel- lars and girls of Wellesley visited with Mr, and Mrs. Her - bet Traviss, Misses Sandra Watson and Helen Searle have' accepted positions in Stratford .for the summer months.' Miss Claire Hackwell of London 'spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Thomas Hackwell. Mr. ancMrs. Clarence Mar- tin, Mrs. Harold Pryce, Eliza- beth and Wayne visited re- cently with)" Mr. and Mrs Floyd Jenkins and family of Ingersoll, - • Mrs, John Campbell of Sea - forth is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thamer. Mrs. Donald Buchanan of Goderich visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Mr. and 'Mrs. William Mur,-•, ray and Kathryn spent Sun- day in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs, Harold ' McNabb. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Trav- iss and Gail and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McCall spent last week end at Expo 67 Mont- real. . Miss Linda Leeming of Mit. chell and Master Jeffrey Lee- ming of RR 2 Seaforth spent the week' end with their grandparents " Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming and their father Mr. Ross 'Leeming. Mrs. Fern Patterson has re- turned to Seaforth afte spend- ing last week end with her sister Mrs, Walter Broadfoot, 'Church.Activity Mrs, a lillegmor ()Med the meeting Of the Stanley Unit he at tha, home of Mrs, J. 'McGregor with. Mrs, C. Hoz, ton as co -hostess, Mrs, Stuart ,read the seri/Store,. Romans 8: vs. 4-28• Mrs. G McGregor read "Definition of a Christ - /art"; Miss E. Bowley gave the study, chapter 1? "Protestant World Mission" and chapter 13 "The Churches Mission. To- day". Roll call was answered with 18 present, _ Mrs. G. McGregor read a letter from the U.C.W.'s adop- ted Korean boy. Mrs. B. Scott suggested we visit a shut-in on the regular meeting day in 'July and August. Mrs. D. Triebner read a" poem "A Day's End". . NOTICE - BETTY'S BEAUTY SALON • Will close for holidays on July lst and re -open for business on Tues., ' July 18th vr 17, hy .. •.`1 rn.• J.P. & Walker's .bib overalls . • 5.95 to 7.50 -Forest •- Green, Pants' - 4.95•. Matching 'Shirts 195 Matching Short Sleeve Shirt 2.95 Trout Man rants 6.50 Matching Shirts 4,95 Denim Work ,Pants, 9 oz. 4.50 Denim Work Pants, 111/4 oz. 5;50 Light . Summer Work Shirts, long or • • • . , short sleeves 2.95 Work Gloves 50c to 2.25 BILL O'SHEA MEN'S WEAR Phone 527-0995 Seaforth WEDDING INVITATIONS• DIAL 527-0240 — SEAFORTH —BIN'IGHTs',-:,; AND''DOMINION DAY AFTERNOON DIFFERENT- PROGRAMME, . EVERY DAY THURSDAY 7 p.m. -- CM Clinton Station Band parades, from Town Hall to Park 7:45 p.m. -- Amateur Talent Hunt Contest judging begins' '• 10:45 p.m, -- Judging in Beard Growing Contest 11:45 p.m. DEraw'for, Portable TV • • FRIDAY • JUNE»30 Saturday Afternoon JULY ist Saturday Evening JIJLY lst 7:30 p.m. -- SDHS Band leads parade of Beauty Queens front Town Hall to Park - 8:00 p.m. Judging of Beauty Queens' • . ' 9:00 p.m. — Amateur Talent Hunt Contest judging begins 11:45. p.m. -- Draw for 2 portable TVs 12:00 Midnight --• Monster fireworks display, salute to Canada's 100th Birthday • , - 2:00 p.m. — SDHS GIRLS TRUMPET BAND parade from Town Hall to Park' -•' 2:30 p.m. -- Official Opening of the Lions ,Park Gates --the Tuckersmith Centennial Project -- by Reeve Elgin Thomp- son . 2:45 p.m. — Program SDHS Girls Band 3:00 p.m. — Log Rolling Contest for Lions Trophy in which area municipal, -officials will compete ' - 730 p.m. -- Bannockburn Pipe band parades from Town Hall to the Park, 8:00 p.m..— Band Program 9;00 p.m. --Final judging in Amateur Talent Hunt begins 9:00 p.m. '-- Dancing in the Pavilion to the "Sands of Time" 1 • 1 1:00 p.m. Announce winner in Amateur Talent Hunt Contest 1:45 p.m. --- Draw for Colored TV -- Draw for Chi1di`en's bicycle COMPLETE MIDWAY ' -- POPULAR GAMES BINGO -- PENNY SALE GATE PRIZES VALUED AT $1,400. INS UDING COL ORE0 TV and PORTABLE TV SETS dmissjon Slur Chilo'ren Pree Free Parking 4 tt '4 • 4 A 'a