HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-06-29, Page 9• w 4 se so. • ALL TYPES INSUR.AKE Donald G. Eaton Office M Matonia Block Main Street , Pilon° 527.1610 : Seaforth • • ..1.0"1■•••064.00ftwoomwor".... NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING Wader', & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 — Seaford, Classified ads pay dividends. For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, -LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 : Soaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors ChoOse Your DIAMOND Privately 'AT * SAVAUGE jEVIIELtERS (Opposite Post Office) Evening Appointment By Arrangement FREE -17 Jewel Watch with each Diamond pur- chase $100.00 or more Annual - Riley 'Reusiioti The Riley ienniOn vvas, field at the hoe of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Riley "when a full pro- gram of sports and contests was carried out with results as follows: • Girls, 4 and under, Karen Shiels; boys, 4 and under, Ron- nie Riley; girls, 6 and under, Jill Harburn; boys, 6 and un- der, Kevin Shiels; girls, 8and under, Ruth Harburn; boys, 8 and under, Bob Harburn; girls, 11 and under, Wendy Riley; boys 11 and under,- Bob Riley; girls, 14 and under, Cheryl Riley; boys, 14 and under, Bob Riley; young ladies, Bonnie Kelling- ton; young men, Leslie Riley; clothes pin race, ladies, Susan Riley, men, Glen Harburn; wheelbarrow race, Joanne Stin- son, Leslie Riley; kick the slip- per, ladies, Bonnie. Kellington, men; Leslie Riley; passing bal- loons, Leslie' Riley's team; hor- sey ride, adults, Nellie Riley's team, children, Charlie Riley's team; breaking ballOons, Char- lie Riley's team; potato race, Leslie Riley's team; guessing contest, Hazel -Harburn; lucky plate, Winnie Riley; , youngest person present, -Ronnie Brod- hagen; oldest lady, Nancy Ril- ey; oldest man, Bill Riley, Sr.; newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Riley; longest married, Mr, and lgrs. Fred Harburn; lucky. number, Jill Harburn. Stritf9rd Presbyterial - The Rine conference—of the Stratford Presbyterial was held in Cromarty Church on Wed- nesday, June 7th, with a good representative of the societies at afternoon and evening meet- ings. The vice-president• Mrs. -Nor- man Coulthard of Stratford pre- sided at the afternoon session when 'various reports were pre- sented by executive members. Mrs. A. Glenn Thompson of Stouville gave a ,stirring ad- dress dealing with the church's many missionaries and the work in which they are engag- ed Mrs.• Stewart of Avonton contributed "vocal, -solos, accom- panied by Mrs....Calvin-Christie. At the evening meeting which was in charge of • the Evening Auxiliary Aefrartment; Mrs. John Miller president of Crom- arty Evening Auxiliary, presid- ed. Mrs. Alex Fryfogel of RR 2, Stratford, gave a report of the conference of 'the evening • de- partment which was held at Kitchener. Mrs. Thompson concluded her afternoon address at the eve- ning meeting. CROP REPORT Soil moisture at present is quite adequate due to the heavy rains of the last -few days. Spring grains and corn crops are developing satisfactorily. The planting of white beans in the County is nearing comple- tion and growing conditions are nermal. Some a the hay crop has been taken off in some loca- tions and looks quite good due to the rains and warm tempera- ture of the last few days. Some lodging of hay has taken place in _the heavy crops .but isn't serious. , NOTICE TO DESTROY . NOXI. .US' WEEDS .. NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN to all Property Owners in Huron County In accordance biththe Weed Control Act,, R.S.O. 1900, Sec. 3, 13, 19, and-stnendmetits thereto, that unless noxious weeds growing- on their lands are destroyed by June 30th and throughout the season,, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds des- troyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. • The co-operation of all citizens is solicited. ALEX CHOSNEY• .Weed inspector, County of Huron. One of -the most fletiVe r91,6s played by any area organi$+ Um' in the centennial eelebra- tionS,Will be that by the 21st Field Regiment Militia. The regiment will be in Sea: - forth on September 4, to fire a 25 gull. salute. On July 1, they Wfir fire 160 gun salutes to Con- federation in Walkerton, Wing - ham and Listowel. They .will al. so appear in Kincardine, Tees - water, Brussels,.Atwood, Mount Forest, Lucknow and Chesley during the year. HeadquartersAfor- the regiment is in Wingham. There are three batteries, the 97th Field Rat- tery in Walkerton, 100th Field Battery in Listowel and 99th Field Battery in Wingham. -. - The history of the Regiment goes back before Cbnfedera- tion The Regiment began with the formed during the 1850s in Hur- on, Bruce and Perth -Counties, and carried on witb the incor- poration of some of -these in -the County Battalions, fornied un-. der the Militia Act of 1866. From these battalions, there went forward to the 191418 War the 110th, 160th and 161st Battalions, GEF. In 420; the Militia re -organ- ization left the Huron and Bruce Regiments, and three squadrons of the 9th Grey Horse distribut- ed over Huron, Bruce and part of Perth Counties. laY e eginient Another reorganization • in ate training,'earning the degree MD- from Kansas Mute *Uni- versity in 1964 for studies • in biochemistry and nutfition:. 1630 established the Unit US specialized.gunnes or the first, tinle, With the, 97th. Field.,,Bat tery-at Walkerton, 90t11 at POrt. Elgin, 99th at Wingham and 100th at Listvel forming the 21st Field Brigade RCA: During the Second World War, 98 Bat- tery was moved to Kincardine.. After the War, 98 Battery was moved to Goderich and the unit role was changed. Equipped With self-propelled 17 pounder guns, it became th'e 21st Anti -Tank Regiment RCA. • In 1954, the Regiment was re- turned to a field artillery role -as 21st Field Regiment RCA. In 1959, 90 Battery became dor- meat. • During World War IL -the ilk' tive service versions of the four batteries formed sub -units of the 5th Army Field Regiment, (later the 21st Army Field Regi-, ment), the 4th Light Anti -Air- craft Regiment, the 7th Cana- dian Medium Regiment, the 4th Anti -Tank Regiment and the 19th Army Field Regiment. The Commanding Officer is Lieutenant-Colonel J. D. Her- vey,' OD of Seaforth. He was born and brought up in Guelph, served during World War U in the Canadian Armoured Corps from 1941 to 1945, retiring -with the rank of -Lieutenant. Following the War, he stud- ied chemistry at 0.A.C., gradu- ated and went on in post-gradu- Harrison Group Picnic The thirty-second annual Har- rison •picnic -was held at Sea - forth Lions Park on Saturday, June 10, with 95 in attendance. A delicious picnic dinner and supper were enjoyed by all. The races were held in the spacious pavilion and the rain didn't liktriper any spirip. Elite and under, Brenda Hack- ett and Peggy Willert; Steven Hunt and Ian Hackett; 8 ..and under Darlene,Burdge and -Ber- nice Willert, Bobby Orr and John Hunt; 12 and under, Dar- lene Willed and 14ary Heard, Charles Broadfoot and Bill Col- lins; 15 and under, Sharon Wil- lert .and Darlene Willert, Bill Collins and Charles Broadfoot; yoUng ladies, Barb Willert and' Hazel Collins; young men, Ken Taylor and Bruce Collins; 15 and under shoe scramble, Dorothy Collins and' Diane Collins, Bill Collins -and Mallard -Hunt; eli- mination race, Sherran Burdge; potato.,. relay and . bottle with water relay, Dorothy Collins team; water in balloon relay, Bryan Hodgert and'Ray Taylor, Bruce Collins and Ken l'aylor; youngest person, Alan Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hunt, Stevenson Ave, London; oldest person, Mrs. Hawkwood, Cal- gary; longest married couple; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aikenhead, Brucefield; furthest person, Mr. and Mrs-. Gordon Selenski, Nova Scott; weight of couple nearest 333, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hack- ett, Lucknow; heaviest couple, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hunt; a fam- ily present whose ages add to 100. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harrison, Brantford; lucky register No. 67, Mrs. Cliff Hackett, Gode-' rich; lucky plate, Ken Taylor, Lucknow; lucky draw of cen- temnal desk pen, Mrs. Dora Heard, Holmsville; number of candies iri jar, Jim Collins. , • During the supper hour a minute's silence was observed for those who had pissed away. • It was _decided to hold the 1966 picnic at the same park on the second Saturday in June. The Officers for next year are president, Ken Harrison; secre- tary-treiSurer, Mrs. Ken Har- rison; directors, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Allan ohns; Exeter; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wellert, Hensel. . Every week more people dis- cover what' mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-9240. 'blue coal! " - Chainpion Stove and Furnace- 011 WILLIS DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 USBORNE & HIB - BERT MUTUAL -FIRE INSURANCE C OMPANY. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin President Clayton Calquhoun R.R. 1, Vice -President Science Hill Wm. R. Chaffe - R.R. 4, Mitchell Tim Toohey -R.R. 3, Lucan Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirkton Robert Gardiner R.R. 1, • Croniarty Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - Exeter Clayton Harris ' - Mitchell Secretary -Treasurer: Hugh Patterson - - Exeter After five years in university teaching, he moved to his pre - Sent employment with Topnotch Feeds Limited. • In 1952, he became an active ,militiaman, converting to ar, tillery and serving in 11 Field Regiment, Guelph, In 1960, he' transferred to 21st Field with the rank of Major; and suebeed- ed to command in 1964. Major J. L. B. "Melanson IS Office; Commanding the 99th Field Battery in Wingham. Born in Moncton, NB, he at- tended public and high, schools in- New Brunswick and Nova Seale. In 1948 he enlisted . in the RCAF as a Radar • Technielan. After two years on geodedic survey operations in Northern Canada and -one year as an. in- structor at CFB Clinton he mus, teed to aircrew • and took pilot training. -From 1953 to 1957 Major Mel- anson flew out of Greenwood, N.S., with 103 Search and Res- cue Unit. He obtained his re- lease from the RCAF in 1957. Since that' time he has been in the employ ,of the Defence Training Board; where he c.M- structs electronic theory at CFB Clinton. - In 1961, Major Melanson join- ed the 99th Field Battery, Wing - ham, with the rank of Lieuten- ant. Since joining the unit he has been employed' as Gun Posi- tion Officer, Troop Commander, Battery 21C -until his appoint- ment as Battery Commander P • • AnnenneeMent was made week by the Wither Stephen Eckert COUn011, Knights of -OW embus, of the winners, in the. recent Columbian Tour -awards draw sponsored by the OntariO State council. Proceeds of the draw go to assist' the State Council's charitable COMMit, ments. Following are the winners: G. E. Byrnes, Fort Frances, Qnt.; Joyce Walker, St. Thomas, Qnt.; Andy Kulifat, Port Arthur, Ont; Lyse Couture, Mattice, Ont.; A. L. Tate, Downsview, Ont.; Ellemae Bass, Smith Fails, Ont,; C. Greer, Toronto 13, Ont. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends, Have you tried one? Dial 527-0249; PAINTING - and PAPERHANGING .- FREE ESTIMATES • IVAN NEILSON PHONE 527-0603 • X.PoSITOR, fir.MFORTIff ONTq 44 „.# 1%7 I -1 STREET - . ' , •... 4o4 , . . • ,. . • „ .... ' - • ihinkgrgp.'. r•EXT414-..,.14ANKITIF ,Vt094:-.....TAPOSTRIg; 44-'FLOOR.COYERINGS. 't1014;ANI;) 4771,4 ,GRI*01.00,S40.:c01,0' METS..• SEAPORT:Hi .,0,11TARIM ,' Bus. 527.41640, : ''. - '. ," .7 -• ' • , • i.44.47.40 „ .. . , .. - • . ,•:. • •. • • TOWNSHIP OF 1161.LETT Applications for the' position of Clerk, Treasurer of the Township of Hullettwill be received by the Council of the Township of Hullett. All applications for- th.e. position mUst be clearly marked on the envelope as to the colatents and be received not lathr than. 6;00 o'clock- p.m. Saturday, July 1, 1967. All applications must state the age, marital status, education, ,previous employ- ment, residence and any other related ex- perience that may be considered a qualifica- tion for the position. ' Th& salary and the conditions of empl- oyment will be commensurate with the qual- ifications of the successful applicant. All applications are to be sent to Mr. Harry F. Tebbutt, Clerk -Treasurer. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk -Treasurer Londesboro, Ontario. Are weeds choking your corn and cereal grain crops? • • Green Cross Products Available From - - - BIL-MOR/BANVELt3** gives Outstanding weed' control in corn, oats, barley and spring wheat not undersownIto legumes KIL-MOR contains three herbicides: Dicamba, Mecoprop and 2,4-D It positively controls hard -to -kill; -deep-rodtedryrennfais in addition , to all 2,4D susceptible weeds. KIL-MOR takes care of all your' , "tough weed" problems—gives excellent kill of field bindweed, Canada thistle; perennial sow thistle, wild buckwheat, smartweeds, ' velvet -leaf, chickweeds, corn spurry, cow'cockle and many others. ' KIL-MOR is a -safe, easy to spray amine fp,maulation for post -emergence application. It does not injure corn or cereal grains when used • accordingito direction's, and will leave no soil residue. For ben& weed control, higher yields and more profit, trYKIL-MOR. It not only makes harvesting 'easier, but pays for itself many times over. In fact, only one bushel per acre yield increase will pay for the cost cif the KIL-MOR you use. _ See your Green Cross dealer about KIL-MOR nowl tBanvel is a trademark of VeLsicorChemir-al Corp. ""Patented herbicide 1964 PRODUCTS Division ofTHE SHERW1N-VVILLIAMS CO. OF CANADA LTD. • T.M. Res'd. OP N OTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED , ,• Phone 527-1910 „ Seaforth eX• 0467.2N 4. Si MCI the satisfied. This summer, enjoy Carling Cinci Lager Beer. It goes down a little easier, satisfies a whole lot morel •