HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-06-22, Page 2Sind 1860, Serving the �Comnmuni y first Publish* ubli ed et SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, every TbursdaY morning by McLFAN BROS-, Publishers Ltd. miusw Y. ¥oLL "N, Editor Member Canadian .Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Audit Bureau of Circulation Subscription Rates ,C.anada (in advance) $5.00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $6.50 a Year , SINGLE COPIES — 12 CENTS EACH Authorized as Second Class Mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa SEAFQRTH, ONTARIO, JUNE 22, 1967 _ • • • -41111111*, -• • • .Thl' rri�de.w In the Years Agone_ .Froin The .Huron Expositor June 22, 1942 James M. Scott was honored when he was elected' vice-presi- dent of the 'Ontario Poultry 'Breeders' Association at its an- nual meeting in Guelph. Fire believed to have follow- ed an explosion in a refrigera- tor, did more than $3,000'dam- ages and completely destroyed Lions Park. A feature of the' program will be the unveiling of. a plaque in memory of the late Mrs. Marty Whittaker whose bequest of $3,000 made the building possible. Ciupon sugar ,rationing` will come into effect throughout €nada July 1st. * * * .From The' Huron Exposii'br .the interior. of . Herman • Hay- June 29, 1917 man's grocery store in Hensa 1. Lieut. E. Holtzman of Zurich, __ The ._.fire ;was. discovered by . •who •was ' inured when his Charles ' Kipfer and Carl horse was shot from under him Schwalm who were sitting' in during the battle of Vimy Ridge, • a car parked near the store. arriy,ed home on furlough, Mrs. Ralph McFaddin and Miss Things are beginning to liven Jean McIver were hostesses in up on the Western front after honor of Miss•Agnes.Case, bride- a week of comparative quiet. elect of. next weekr Gen" Haig's troops are again on Arthur Archibald, son of Mr" the move and pressing towards and.. Mrs. Andrew Arclai band, of Lens; the great coal city of town, has been appointed pub- France so long held and so vas Inc school inspector for 11a4di "tote to the Germans. Mond County His successor, at . Mr. John Clark of Leadbury Whitby is L W. McNaughton, has purchased the farm of Mr: son of John McNaughton. of Kip= Samuel, McPherson; Sr, He wan ' Pen.' one of the very earliest.settlers A very; pleasant evening was in McKillop Township. spent at the home of Mr, and Mr. William Smith of Lead - Mrs. Austin Dexter, when over . bury has sold his 100 acre 125 neighbors and friends pre- farm to a Mr. Fisher,: the paar- sented Miss Helen Britton. with chase price being about $5,500. a gift in the event of her coin- Mr. Frank Aikenhead and Mr. Ing marriage. Mrs. Ernest Ad- Drew Swan of Brucefield have ams read an address and. Misses lately purchased FPord cars, Viola Dexter and Donekia Ad- while Mr. Edgar Armstrong` has ams . presented her with a • sil- treated himself to a . new Over - ver tea service.holt. • Mr. J. R. Scott lea'@s this The congregation wept at St: week for Saskatoon where he Columban on Sunday morning will direct special summer when their much beloved pas - courses at the Universityof tor, Rev. Father White announc- Saskatchewan. ed to them his intention of go - A very pleasant afternoon was ing, overseas as chaplain. On spent t the home of Mr. and Sunday evening the parishoners Mrs. John E. Daley, McKillop met Father White at his home Township, in. honor of their and presented him with a well niece, Miss Beth Shannon of filled purse. Walton,, recent bride. Mrs, W. Messrs. Cook Bros. of Hensel Shannon and Mrs. Adis. Forbes have sold the following parties 'were Joint Hostesses -with Mrs: Ford touring cars during the .Daley., Mrs. David Shannon and past week: J. B. Bell, Kippen; • Miss Alma- Lawrence presented R. McKinley, Zurich; F. Aiken - her with a'Zellwood blanket and head, Brincefield; it Munn, Hen- ' a walnut coffeetable. salt; Harry Rau, Zurich; J. La- Conrad•-J'oseph Eckert, one of poste, Zurich; George Holtzman, SeaaOrth's oldest and most res --Zurich; J. Robertson, Hensall; and Daniel Kinsman, Kippen. Mr. Robert McIntosh of the Turnbull and McIntosh livery has purchased a seven -passen- ger Studebaker car which he will use in the livery business. Messrs. James Reid and Ar- thur Powell of the Ogilvie Mil- ling staff here, have gone to ontreal where they will be employed in the company's mill there during the time the mill Is shut down here. Stanley ; Hays, Robert Laird and Nelson Govenlock of the were present. The president, aviation Corps, Camp Borden, Mrs. W. C. Bennett presided. spent Sunday at their homier A Coxnniittee for jam: mating here. daring this summer was named Mr. Thomas McMillan of Hut - •4.1 Vis; follows; -Mrs. Shits Johnston, lett, , •delivered at the Seaforth 1 trs. William llwnphties, , Mrs. stock yards, g4 head of cattle Cautt#s and l Jss Annie that for quality . and size will Gordon.Mrs .it Close- iM in • all probability' long remain the guest iseaker, ' - . , a record or tie oountry: lie re- '411.661)10o have been eeived 11' , Cnida pet bound, 144 tons titer' *runt; open aig ei fie o4 , a4T,toallzing $0,e1011 The pentad citizens passed away on June 1,9th He farmed in MCKi1. lop for 31 years. - The tTpenatum Club sponsor- ed a euchre and strawberry so- cial at the home. of Ti.$'and Mrs. William Oldfield. The prizes were won by Mrs, pcil ° Oke, Mrs. Michael' Williams, Mrs„ Alex McDonald, Mr: John; Bate, Dirs. R. G. Parke and Mrr. John Modeland. a Walton Bed Cross held, a largely attended meeting in the community ball when 100 ladies so of, Hullett delivered 20 head of .exceptionally good cattle. They were purchased by Robert Winters and George M. Chesney. . Mrs G- A. "Sills has been awarded the contract for the heating, plumbing and' iron work in the handsome new res- idence being erected by Mr. Stratton in Brussels. . Mr. and Mrs. John G. Grieve - aiid Mrs John 1L "Govenleek of Winthrop leave shortly on an., extended trip through the Wes- tern provinces, going as far as Edmonton. • Miss Ida Lore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Love of 'Eg- mondvill.e, has been . appointed assistant principal of one of the public schools in Toronto. Miss Love is a graduate of the Seaforth Collegiate. itstitge. " . * * * From The Huron 'Expositor June 24, 1892 . Rev. E. Medd and wife, form- er residents of • Hallett, were ' called on by about two hund- red friends 'at the' -parsonage at Iona and were presented with an, address and a well filled purse. • While returning to Hillsgreen from camp meeting at Kippen, Mr. Joseph Foster's horse be- came frightened and4ran away. No damage was done further then the breaking of the har- ness. At the farm of D.. I9rquhart of Hay, five men out planted and covered 40 bags of potatoes whicg planted 3%, acres of land, in fourteen hours. - D. Ur- quhart and D. Follick cut, and Thomas Hudson, Adam Scott, dropped and WiltiaaCi McClp- mont covered. r ._ Mr. F. Gutteridge of town now a large staff of men at work building the stave founda- tion for -Beatty and Co.'s new store. Mr. Alexander Wilson left here for the Old, country ' to take part in the exercises of the Wimbleton Club competi- tion. He is accompanied by his • son Reg. . Mr. John Beattie met with a painful accident. He, was burn- ing some brush heaps, in; 'a new fallow, and he became alarmed that the fire might spread to some cordwood near by. He went to see the fire and tripped over a stick, spraining his back and_ hisankle. " Mr. Andrew Swab of Bruce - field has had improvements made to his barn. He has bad stone stabling erected , under- neath. Mr. Alexander Mefeath Of Stanley had the contract for the Wood work and the stone work was done by Mr. Chas. 5hoemnaker of Zurich. one of the, Largest barns in the T tensa!! vicinity: was raised on the turn's farm. Tiie framing was dente by. Mr. Alexander Me. Heath- of Stattley, it is a tieCv",. ban t "'and: i;tand on• $ !iia foot The OW bathing' Iiaidliott .sit that sinned oat '& 40121" SeoiE`llx=e a0stll ,. 6 gar • y Bill Smile IT GETS A FELLA DOWN source of income for 20year- Second, keep him on the de If you aboutto enter en 'parried lawyers.` • feu§ive. About everything. Com - _institution, it helps considerably; But let's get on. No 'matter pare him aloud with your" bro- to know the written and unwiit how airtight the contract, it is thers, 'your father, your male ten rules, -what the -grub is tike, .the_ unwritten r'ntiea of the in- neighbors. He'll feel guilty all and what you can get away with. stitution that will make you the time, and you can make As a 20 -year inmate of the come up gasping for air. him jump to it like a trained great institution known as Mar For the men. Some things chimpanzee. - riage, may I be of help. to those you should accept without ques- tor both sexes, a few general thousands who are going to tion. First, you'll never win an' tips. Marriage, despite the wo- le'ap before they look; in this argument, so don't argng, "Just men's magoeiues, is not a beau - merry month of June? , quietly admit you . are wrong tiful fusing of two minds, hearts ]In this particular institution, and then go ahead .and do what and souls; nor is it simply a nnlike most,the written rules you know was right • all the matter of give and take; neither are almost non-existent Eveir time. is it a formula of -sharing, of the vows are delivered verbal- Second, she's going to make communication, of "alking ly. This, of course, is one of the' you a "better" man. Even things out". That's a lot of pop - great flaws in marriage. though she thinks you're per pycock written by women who Iumy opinion, no wedding feet on D.day, she'll soon find' have been divorced twice.." should take place until both room for improvement. The Marriage is a ruddy armed parties, in the pretense of wit.only defence against this is pas– truce, that's what it is. The, nessess, hate' signed a written sive non-violent .resistance._ My only difference it that there contract During the drawing wife has been trying to remold are no Big Powers to get in - up of the contract, every matt ine for two decades, and . Pm volved,, If it turns into. a cold proud to say I'm not a "better" war, or a hot one, depending should be represented, by, a lawyer who has been married. man than on my wedding day, on the situation, you have to .fir 20 years,. every woman by In fact, rm ,worse. as "'far as fight it out for yourself. her mother, she's concerned. "Hopeless;" is After a few years, you get What a deal of heart -bunking the way she puts it, and nowie mighty good at skirmishing, ad - and soul-searching, recrimina- ndaYs she tries to improve me vaneing and retreating, consoli- • tion and retaliation, ,such a' doe• only about once a nhonth. dating you position, and setting ument could prevent! • • For the ladies. You too, will up an' ambush. What Would be in the con- find the unwritten rules work About kids: Have them early tract? Anything you like: who .best, even though you have to and have lots. After the first handles the • money; who does make them up as you go. I. novelty 6f living with. a strange the dishes; who gets . up with .could write, a book of unwrit- woman (or man) wears off, ,it the baby;- who gets out how ten marriage rules, but will is in -them that you will find many nights a week; how high limit myself today to only a your greatest joy• — and sor- the bedroom Window is to be couple. row. They keep you young. up; number, of children. -.The • For exainple, the only way They dril' a you crazy• and keep #ossibilities,.are illimitable. you're going to make, the bum you from going insane. There should also be a clause work hard and get a head in Let's .see, I think there was stating that the whole contract the world - is to keep him .,con- one other item. Oh 'yes, the will , be reviewed and redrawn stantly, and deeply, in debt. grub. It's usually pretty good, -every two years. This would. This is a cinch, in these days of after the first year or two. provide a regular and endless easy credit. Bless you my children. FOR T -HE BEST IN, WANE Bast In Balers! For smooth non -step° , baling you need uniform, gi,oranteed Co-op Twine. Ties right -- and stays tied. Full strength, full length, ties more bales per ball. Made in Canada from true-Sisolana. Brazilion Twine and. Coop Baler . Twine in full 10,000 ft. bales, in stock at Competitive Prices Full Length -- Full Strength Full Value FORTH FAR1IERS- Phone527-0770 Seaforth t AND DOMINION DAY AFTERNOON DIFFERENT THURSDAY PROGRAMME EVERY DAY ro RIDA'Y f r Afteinoon Saturday CFB Clinton Station Band; -Judging Centennial . Beard Growig Contest, Prizes in three separate classes,; Talent Contest Preliminaries. - SDHS Girls Trumpet Band; Talent Contest Prelim- inaries continue;, -Centennial Beauty Queen`Con- test Finals; Midnight'-- Centennial Fireworks sal- ute .to -Canada's" 100th Birthday. - At 2:30 -- Official Opening -of the Centennial Lions Park Gates — Tuckersmith Centennial Pro- ject - byReeve Elgin -Thompson; Log Rolling Con- test In which district Municipal Officials compete .SDHS Girls Trumpet Bard; Amatuer Talent Hunt JULY is Saturday lEvening JULY 1.st Competition •Finalsinore than •$200 in prizes -- Dancing in the- Pavilion - Draw for Gate Prizes COMPLETE MWWAY PoPU AR GAMES 'BINGO—P:EVNY SALE ALE GATE PRIZES INC Gil G COLORED TV and° PORTABLE TV $Oc,__- ,tios— . Pl