HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-06-22, Page 1r
Whole Me 5181
108th Year
vance Plans for
�aborDay Parade�
Labor Day will be the biggest
day in Seaforth's Centennz l
year • celebrations and the,.
Chamber of Commerce is plan-
ning -a- parade that will make
it even better. •
Labor Day is the date. set
tor theopening- of Seaforth's
Centennial project, the new ail=
dition to the Arena. The Cham-
ber of Commerce got into the
act when it was asked by the
Centennial committee to plan
a parade in honor of •the occa-
sion. - s:
A second planning_aeetiig
was held in the Legion Holl,
Tuesday night and committees
were appointed. Present plans
call for bands, floats, clowns
and a. parade of the Centennial
Queen and her court br eonver-
tibles. Itis hoped that area
ethnic groups will provide dem.onstrations--of native. -.customs -
Elmer Larone was appointed:
general chairman in charge .of
planning k with Robert Read as
his assistant. Mervin Nott is in
charge df industrial floats,
Clarence Walden and. Cleave,
Coombs; business . floats" and
Cliff Broadfoot and Wilmer Cut
hill will take care of- service
club floats ' Ed Taylor and
George- Hildeb'r'and were named
to secure -jai ds for the parade.
the financial aspects of ,the
planning are under Len Ford,
with Bill Smith and Jim Stew-
art assisting. Several money
raising evens are being plan-
ned to obtn funds to make it
a first class parade.
Joe De Groot is in . charge of
decorating with Bob Newnham
and Gus Boussey assisting.
The parade •marshal is Tom
Wilbee and George Hayes will
be his' assistant. Rep Eyre will
be in charge of policing the
parade route with the help of
town police and the Boy Scouts.
Parade fill-in, thingssuch as
cldwns, will be under the lead-
ership of Dr. John Harvey. Les
Habkirk, Cliff ,Petrie and A. Y.
McLean will be in charge of
Further plans will be detail=
ed at future meetings. Addi-
tions may be made to the eom-
•mittees. Those interested in en-
tering in the celebrations' are
•asked to see Mrs. Jea'n'-"Hender-
son or attend the next meeting
Tuesday, July 4, in the Legion
Lions Welcome
New Member
.Seaforth Lions welcomed a
new member Allan Campbell at
a meeting in St- Thomas', Hall,
Monday evening. Guest speaker
was district, governor . Ken
Waines, Owen Sound,
New School At St. Columban Opens-- -''
&new school to serve pupils in CRCSS U2,
]y opened at St. Columban Sunday afternoon by
L. J. Coughlin. The modern school which has
occupied after Easter. It, is the fourth school to
of the new building. (See pages 4 and 5)..
Hibbert, Logan and McKillop, will be official -
a former St. Columban Parish Priest; Father
been under construction since last fall was'
be built at St. Columban. Here are two views
'Winthrop 'area softball play-
ers are planning' another 'busy
season. The team is entered ]n
WOAA competition • in the
North Huron League. Five
teams make up the division with
Don Davis of ',Clinton as con-
vener. • •
. The Winthrop schedule goes
as follows:
Winthrop vs Wellesley, June 26,
7 p.m.; Wellesley 'vs Winthrop
June 30, 9 p.m.; Winthrop "vs
Brussels, July 3, 7 p.m.; .Brusr
sels vs Winthrop July 5, 8:30
p.m.; Blyth vs ' Winthrop, July
10, 7 p.m.; Winthrop Vs BI'yth,
July 14, 7 'p.m.; Winthrop vs,
Milverton, July 17, 7.p.m.; Mil-
verton vs. Winthrop, July *21,
8:30 p.m.; Winthrop 'vs Brus-
sels, July 31, 7 p,m.; Brussels
vs 'Winthrop, Aug. • 2, 8:30 pini,
A, Problem . For The 'Judges '
Parade Judges at Hensall Spring • Show Tuesday were faced with major decisions when
the program attracted, a record entry of floats and vehicles. Deliberating as the parade, pas -
are ,(left) Howard Pym, Exeter, Mrs. William Scott, Brricefield, Mrs. Beth Pryce; Seaforth
and Clare Downs, Exeter.
,.local "Scout Hall Campaign.
Is Short of Fund Objeive.""
The closing date for the pur-
chase of the building to be us-
ed as a,Scout, Cub, Guide and
Brownie meeting place. is Sat-
urday; June 24th' and the cam-
paign for' public donations by
the Seaforth Lions Club has fal-
len several hundred ,dollars
short of the amount required.
The committee in charge has
expressed appreciation to the
several hundred citizens who
did make a donation and whose
aures have appeared in the .
ositor and to the several or-
ga izations for their assistance.
Included among those who as-
sisted were two churches -- the,
ladies' guild of St. Thomag An-
glican Church and the CWL
of St. James' Catholic Churcch.
Donations may be forwarded
to the fund, care of W. D.
Stephenson, chairman, or left
at any Seaforth bank.
Further donations that have
been received are listed ''below.
Esbeco (Huron) Ltd. 25.00
Seaforth,Motors 1000
ii. Trnviss 5
Seaforth W I.
Seaforth Town ,,.'s"':i0
Highland Shoes 25.00
Wilmer Cuthill - 5.00
St. Thomas Ladies' Guild 40.00
On Friday
M. .McKellar
On Weekend
Tuesday night saw the "big-
gest ever" fair in the 99 year
history ortl e- Ilensall Twilight
Spring Fair,'
The whole affair atsrted, with
a Centennial parade_ from the
town hall to the fair grounds.
The parade' was scheduled to
begin at 5:30 p.m.- but because
of the Iarge number of floats
the problem of lining them up
delayed the start for more than
15 minutes.
There were two ',bands in at-
tendance, the Zurich Communi-
ty Band and the Bannockburn
Pipe Band, The Zurich Lions
Marjorettes were .also in the
parade.- --
The prize for the best Cen-
tennial float went to George
Beer and Bob Becker, Hensall.
The best business float was Won
by Freeze King. Lloyd Mousseau.
of Hensall had the best horse-
drawn .,vehicle with Bob Bell;
Kippen, second.
Top prize in the freak outfit
class went to- Garry Triebnei ,
Kippen and 'friends dressed as
the Hillbillies. Second was Stew-
art Broadfoot, Brucefield.
Douglas. Dick, 4'romarty, .h4
•the top ,children's float and' if'
Stevenilalia4, B ucefleld, the
'bdstdecorated hi:eyele;
Down at the fain grounds tl
large crowd was greeted. by
what the secreta y of the arr,
P. L.. McNaughton described as
"the Iarggst show ng of horses
'and cattle . we've .ever had", The'
horse show seemed to'go on end--
lessly with entries from all Dov-
er the province and it drew a
large crowd of s$etators for
all classes. a,
Inside the Arena there were
so, many cattle that" ..
were hard pressed to ;find room
enough to carry: on the' judging,.
Quality was better than usual
too and judges ;thought along
time.., before releasing their de-
Two of the winners In -'cattle"'„
competition were Brian Wilson,, °
Brucefield, with the best steer
in the beef feeder calf club
and eight' year old Brian Pym,'
RR 1, Centralia ,in the. Leifer
.division, of the same class;
A baby show was held in the. -
arena auditorium, Judged tops
in,. the six .months and under
competition. was Brian, son of
•Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cooper, Hen
(Continued on Page 6)„
It' will be a big weekend for
!lac McKellar, who, until his
recent retirement, served the
community as CNR Express
agent for more than half a cen-
tury. -
On Friday Mr. McKellar will
be 81 and. on Sundayhe and
Mrs. 1VIcKellar wi,l observe
their 54th wedding anniversary.
They leave Thursday for St..
Pauls; -Minn;; for •a visit with
their daughter.
Both are in good health 'and
Mr. McKellar is a regular visit-
or on Main.K,Street — frequent-
ly riding the bicyole that for
so many years was such a fam-
iliar sight on the street.
Plans for the big party which
Seaforth is- planning for the
Seaforth° Beavers — 3 time On
tario Hockey Champions — are
almost completeaccording to
the committee in charge • of the
Members of the,team will be
guests • of honor -at the dance"
being held in the Arena, Fri-
day night. Invitations have glso.
gone out to former Seaforth
hockey greats including Cooney
Wieland, Joe Sills, Russ Hays
and representatives of the OHA
will be present and master of
ceremonies for a short program
which committee members say
will not exceed ten minutes,
will be Tory Gregg, long time
Western Ontario spprt authority.
A buffet lunch will be fea-
tured and refreshments will be
available during the evening.
,Tickets are available at Sea -
forth stores, or at the door.
Rain Plagues
Jr. Farmer
Field Day
Rain -forced, the cancellation
of many of the outsid'e activities
planned for the Huron .1unior
Farmer Field day in Seaforth
Saturday. Competitionwere
held in volleyball, basketball,
tug of war and square dancing.
Howick Junior Farmers 'showed
their strength in the tug of
War with the Seaforth club win-
ning all the other events. The
day concluded With a dance in
Walton' Community Hall where
a ham was presented to the,
winning club.
Clubs taking part included
Clinton, . North Huron, Howick,
South Huron and Seaforth.
Agnes Mason Memorial Award
The Seaforth unit of the Women Teachers' Fedei+ation
..... each year presents- an award of merit to an outstanding grade
eight student. The strident selected this year was John Gor-
will, seen here receiving the award from Mrs. John Kellar
'of the staff. `
Citizen's Group
Names Officers
The Happy Citizens Club had
another informal meeting Wed- •
nesday in the Legion Hall. Mrs.
John Kerr was elected. vice-
president, and it was decided to
appoint a secretary -treasurer at
the -next meeting.,
The group . decided to post- •
pone meetings•„for :July and ._•
August and hold the next meet-
the meeting there was a lunch
and euchre party.
Area Knights of Columbus,
Sponsor Communion:. Breakfast
Approximately 130 members
of the 'Father Stephen Eckert
Council, Knights of Columbus
of , Seaforth and district and
their . wives, with Fourth De-
gree, guests from Kitchener, at-
tended the annual Corporate
Communion and breakfast at
St. Columban Church on Sun-
day. .
Preceding Mass, the Fourth
Degree members as a guard of
honor marched from the new
school, accompanied by mem-
bers of the Seaforth Council
to the Church to assist at Mass
and receive Holy Communion..
Monsignor J. J. White, cele-
brant of the mass, extended ,a
welcome to the visitors.
Following the services, the
members, wives and guests re-
paired .to the church hall for
breakfast which was served lay
the ' Catholic `Women's League
of St. Columban.
George Coville, six point pro-
gram chairman for the Council,
acted as master of ceremonies
and 'introduced the ,head table
'which included John Meagher,
Kilroy Council, Stratford; Clay -
News Of Walton •
of Galt who had conferred o%
• him the degree . of Master of
Education at the spring con-
• vocation of University of Tor-
onto. A Seaforth natiye he is
•a son of Mrs. Huisser and
the late '><`red Huisser of Sea -
forth. He graduated from ,
Stratford Teachers' College
in 1950, received - a BA at
McMaster in 1963 and. all of
Ed. at Toronto -in. 1966. ltow.
. supervising principal of Shef-
field unit in • Beverly Town•'
ship. lie. ,beeOmes- prineipal of
dltaai "er . St, Patine Sciioal i>;t
!ilait;, in Sumter:
The 8th and 18th unit met
at the home of Mrs. Donald
Fraser Wednesday evening,
The irneeting opened by read-
ing' into the hills around do
I' lift up" and Mrs. Harold
Bolger read the scripture
from Luke 22: 14-22 and Cor-
inthians .11: 23-28 acid an at•-
ticle "Protestants observe two
The topic from - chapter 4
in the Study Book, "The
Church office in the seed
store" was taken by Mrs,
Houston followed by a discus.
kora Tli'dff' regular collection
and the- Copper • collection
were received `'The -terd is
My. Shepherd" was read in
Mrs. Jan Van Vitet took
over the business part .of the
meeting. A letter of..apprecia•
tion from the matron ak St.
Christ bor's Htonte Hong
xotit$ thankink the un.,
tor} Looby, and- Mrs. ;Looby; -
:Ceeil -Tufts and Mrs. Tufts,1
Stratford; Kaz Brudnicki and
Mrs. Brudnicki; -Monsignor J.
J.,White; Rev. H. J. Laragh.; A. '
Rau and Mrs. Rau; Ernie El-,
nish and Mrs. ' Elnish; Frank 1
.Furlong and Mrs. Furlong •of
Cecil Tufts. District Deputy'
of ,District 31, extended cin-
gratulatians to the Seaforth
Council on behalf of 'the On-
tario State ,Board. Alvin - 'Rau,
Grand Knight of Seaforth Coun-
cril, spoke briefly. extending a,
sincere welcome. ilnd thanks ,to
all who turned out to make the
affair a success: Other speaker's!,
were Frank Furlong, Kitchener;
Ernie Elnish, Stratford; Kai
Brudnicki; Grand Knight of Fa -1
ther Nagle , Council, Goderich. 1
V. J. Lane, who was in charge
of the arrangements, extended
a sincere thanks to the ladies
of the CWL,
The guest speaker was Rev.
H. J. Laragh, Chaplain of Sea -
forth Council and chose the
topic of the Virtue of Justice
Church groups Pkin;Induction Service
it for a parcel of clothing re- thanking the Unit'
ceived. Mrs. Donald McDonald Lunch hostesses were Mrs.
gave the treasurer's report. Gerald Watson, •Mrs. Torrance
Mrs. Douglas Fraser was ap- Dundas and Mrs. Fank Wal -
pointed vice-president. tors..
The roll call was answered McCall Picnic
by sixteen members. Lunch The annual McCall picnic
was- served, by Mrs. Wilbur wAs held Sunday at the hdme
Turnbull, Mrs. Clarence Hol- of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MC -
linger and the hostess.' Call. A Smorgasbord dinner
The Induction service for was. enjoyed at noon with a
Rev. D. E. Docken was an- picnic lunch an the late after-
nounced for June 29. Mrs. noon. Guests present were Mr.
Orval 'Struthers of Mitchell and Mrs. William McCall and
will conduct church service, Ross, Carleton Place; Mr. and
July 30. It was decided to Mrs. Frank Burke and fainily,
ordor the Mission Study Poe-,,Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
kat, A camp supper sing song McCall and family, Mr, and
with Rev. Harold' Snell as Mrs. Archie Young; Mr. and
she ker will be held at the` Mrs. 13111 Young and, family,
,summer Camp, Goderich, on all' of Blyth, Mr., and and
June 28 when the new dining. Mrs. Harry Snell, Landes -
hall will be opened. born Mr. and Mrs. John Pet-
A roset•O't1 to a Mrs. A.
iiiggiribotharn -- by Made, Syr
a. in, Coutts to width
I•I ggit'ibothiiit reepli
pal, Brussels; M.S. Burkhold-
er, Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs.
Alan McCall and Beverly of
A number of High School
pupils from this vicinity at-
tended Expo 67 Montreal last
week end, spending Saturday
in Ottawa, then on to Mont-
real- returning home Tuesday
eveping. The trip' was made
by bus from the Seaforth Dis-
trict High School.
Miss Bonnie Uhler student
nurse at 'Victoria Hospital, in
London,spent the week end
with, ] father Ernest Uhler.
Mr.- and Mrs. James Cam -
even: of Sarnia spent a few
days last week with Mr. and
Mr's. William Coutts.
• Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Stutz,
of -Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs.
tie and family,Mr. and Mra. Wolgang Stutz Wolfram Stutz
Oho Perrle r:, Cranbrook: and friend, all of Waterloo,
family, Mrs. Wm.,Somers, a'nd;, and Mr,' and Mrs, Torrance
Mr. and Mrs, loss McCall and :Dundas vent Sunday at Port
Mr. and Mrs. AlvinaStimore
of Stratford were week end
guests at the home of'Mr, and
Mr's. Nelson Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ryan
add Bradley of London and
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Ryan and
Kimberly of Ailsa Craig spent
Sunday . with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Ryan on the occasion of their
30th wedding anniversary.
Mrs. P. J. Johnson of Sea -
forth also spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan:
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Roe of
Windsor were week end visit-
ors at the home, of Mr, ,and
Mrs, Roy Bennett. '
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Searle
and family left m Sunday to
attend. „Expo Montllgal this
Week. -
Mr. and Mitis. James f a'
mont -and Ronnie of London
Spent the week end with Mr,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Harold 0. Free of ilseondids,
California, formerly of Sea -
forth, ' who 'graduated from
Hollywood Presbyterian, Hos-
pitaI, Olmstead Memorial
School of Nursing and Los
Angeles City College, in Los
Angeles, California.
and Mrs. Lloyd Porter and at-
tended the Grey Centennial
at Ethel.
Mr. Tom Love of Sudbury
visited with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Love for` a
few clays Is§t week,.
Mrs, Allan McCall returned
home Inst Friday after attend-
ing 'the five day World Wide
Women's •Institute Conference
at Guelph. , During the Con-
vention they toured Niagara
Falls and Adelaide Headless
Home at St: George., Two
banquets were held 'during
the week.
Ming Ida Scherbarth and
Miss, Laving Mueller, Strat-
ford and Mrs. Lorne Mueller,
Logan,visited on Sunday
with rs.P. N. Miller and,
Mr. and 'M'rs. Douglas Ennis.
Mr. and Mtl. Hilton Drake'
Of Carn-ten, Manitoba,, Were re-
gent meats at the ..home of
Mr.. and Mme. Lloyd Po**,
daughter of Mr. and 1VIrg. Ed-
gar MoBride, received herde•
gree in honors, French and
Latin on Tuesday, Day 30th
from the University of yVea. •
tern Ontario. She Itas accept.
ed a • posifidn at Sanit to
Marle Collegiltte, teething
grade i2 and 13 Zatili.
;well as gtacie tl eneit