HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-06-15, Page 8Virg
Notice to. all
16 years -of age or over
E-nter Huron County, Centennial
Beauty and Talent
4' Complete and Mail to .B, R. ROBINSON,
P.O. Box 1967, Goderich, Ontario
Not later than June 15.
Full Nape
Talent.. _ -..
No Bathing Suits to be Worn
Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime!
NEIGH: ••OR • ® e
If you see a street fight is out don't Wait for
.y9'tf,'neighbor to report it. Phone
and let the Public, Utility Commission know so
that it may -be 'replaced. The PUC is anxious to
keep street lighting at maximum efficiency and
can only. do this with the eco -operation of the
Applications for the position of Clerk -
Treasurer of the Township of Hullett will
be received by the Council of the Township
of Hullett. -
- All applications'for the .position must
be dearly marked 6n the envelope as to the
contents and be received not later than 6`:00
o'clock p.m. Saturday, July 1,1967.
All applications must state the age,
marital status, education, previous employ-
ment, residence and any other related ex-
perience that may be considered a qualifica-
tion for the position.
The salary and the,conditiorls of empl-
oyment will be commensurate with the qual-
ifications of We successful applicant.
All applications are ,to be sent to Mr.
Harry F. Tebbutt, Clerk -Treasurer.
HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk -Treasurer
RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario.
Distrlct Cou .n.i.ils 114e0
`ast" Wawa. Hash Council has
set the mill rate for the Village
of .Auburn at, 15 mills with a
special trate of 6 mills for :gar-
bage collection. '
1 Salaries for township employ-
ees were set for 1967. Council
voted to ask the Ontario Water
Resources Commission to elim-
inate_ pollution in the Middle
A total of $2,36Q00 was given
to the Centennial committee. -A
motion was carried 'that the
council should inform the town
of Wingli'am that it would no
longer pay for fire calls to the
Wingham Town dump.
The following accounts were
paid: roads, C. W. Hanna, sal.,
236.80; bills paid, 13.93; ,Alan
McBurney, wages, 135.64; ruck
,and chain saw, 10.00; Wm. Ken-
nedy„. wages, 71.01; tractor, etc.,
49.50; John Carmichael, wages,
20.50; Tom Cameron, wages, 41.-
24; Frank Cooper, wages, 1'7.14;
Geo. T. Currie, wages, 107,80;
Philip Dawson, welding, etc.,
48.65; Harry Williams, fuel, etc.,
298.90; Ross Jamiesop, gravel,
363.75; Listowel, Transport, •• ex-
press, 4.20; J. T. Wing Sales Ltd.
flashers, 69.76; Belgrave Co-op,
wire and staples, 1-5.05; Mow-
bray Construction, part pay
bridge, 5,647.60; Ont. Culvert
Metal Products, pipe, 573,46;
Robertsteel (Canada) Ltd., cul-
verts, 518.31; Joe Kerr Ltd., gra-
vel,` 9,377.46; Purdon Motors,
parts, 36.42; Ree. -Gen. of Can-
ada, I.T., 21.30 and C.P. 12.26,
33.56; U.I. stamps, 6.08.
General: Ontario Education
Capital• Corp.. Int. on school 'de-
bentures"8,250.00; Wm. Gow, W.
51/2% -for ' 1 year
53/4% for 2 or 3.years
6%%. -=for 4 `or 5 .years
Available in ainount's of $100 or more
Ain ideal investment ' for security and'
high return.
The Industrial Mortgage <& Trust
tSi ABL1'SH€t) 1889
OFFICES: Forest -L�Sarnia - Petrol%a
• •. Stra throy
Contagt 'Our~ °'Represenitative
' Phofe' S2 'i6 i - Seaforth
F. Insp., 221.01; bills paid; 7.93; along' highways and roads in
Frank Cooper, W.F: sprayer, the t wnshtp. •
221..48; Bruce Currie, W.F. hel- The following accounts were
per, 221.48; U.I. ,stamps,, 6.24; paid: Tile Drainage Loans, $3,-
Belgrave Co-op, W.F. powder, 434.30; Melvin.. Carnochan, tile
55.95; Harry Williams, fuel, 24.- drainage inspector, .31-1.70•; E X.
46; John Wharton two fox Cardiff, fees tile loans, 28.06;-
8.011;bounties, 6,00; welfare, , 55.00; James A. Lowes, surveys, re -
The Municipal World, supplies, ports, etc, Uhler Drain, 600.00;
28.01; The Wingham .Advailee West 'McTaggart Drain, 700.00;
Times, adv. 5.04; Lawrence Fifth Concession Drain, 800.00;
Vannan, recognition as services Fred Uhler, assist. survey Ch-
as J.P., 50.00; Alex McBurney, ler Drain, 25.00; E: M. Cardiff,
treasu., sal to date and 100.00 by-laws, Uhler Drain, 75.00;
as acting clerk, 462.45; R. H: bylaws, West McTaggart Drain
Thompson, Est. sal, 190.00; Roy 75:00; Drainage debentures, Ray -
Pattison, overseeing transfer of nard and Cnechtel Drains,.415.-
records, 25.00; Winona Thoinp- 32; The, Post Publishing 'House,
son, setting up files, 50:00; Iden- ,Adv: • auditor's report, 38.00';.
neth McDougall, On. exp., 50.- Skeoch Office Supplies, supplies,
00; Rec.-Gen. of Canada, 1.T. 43.42; United Stationery Co.,
and C.P., 91.47; 'Centennial ac- supplies, 103.37; Ont. hydro, of -
count, histories, 2,367.00. fice, • 15.25; Town of.Listowel,
debenture payment Secondary
' School, 2,327.68; Fred -Smalldon,
• LQGAN,COUNCIL warble fly inspector and mile-
age, 561.25; Jim Dobson, gar -
Grey Township Council ac: bage 'collection Ethel village,
cepted the tender of Con Con- 30.00,_ L. Ryan and Sons;--bu-1l
structian `Limited, Guelph, for doziW
ng alton dump; 40,00;
the lay4ng of 1,800. tons of as- Sterling Hood, bulldozing- Alex-
phalt paving on the;6Cranbrook ander dump, 36.00; _ lifford R.
sideroad at a cost of $6.95 a Dunbar; flag, office, 5.23; Robt.
ton, at its June meeting. L. Cunningham, gasoline, fire
Tenders are to be called for dept., 7.35; Elwood McTaggart
the Uhler- West, McTaggart and maintenance, fire dept., 8,00;
Fifth Concession Drains with firemen to John Conley, 54.00,
court of revision for the, drains to Clarence Dennis, 6'7.50, to
on July 3. Murray Ross, 21.0.0; Village of
Council -has passed by-laws Brussels, charge back, .nursing
restricting the weight of vehi- home acct., 9.15• Lothar Weber,
cies crossing the Grant and
relief • account, 144.32; rent for
relief, 30.00; relief account, 57.-
67; roads and bridges, 7,984.77.
Total $17,767.28.
Jacklin bridges. Loans under
the Tile Drainage Act of, a total
of $6,600 were approved. .
The Maitland ' Teleservices
Limited was authorized to erect
and maintainpoles, cables, ducts
and wires or other structures
Every -week more people' dis-
cover what mighty jobs are
accomplished by low cost Ex-
positor Want Ads• Dial 5.27-0240.
The' Stt `,Coluniban football
team played the Dutch Canad-
ian B team in Lgndon on Satur-
day at Thames Secondary School
grounds and came out with a
2-2 tie. . -
St. Columba♦,+ team was short
four players and had to • play
without subs; Harry Ryan and
Brian Melady • scored flor St. -
Columban. The following was
St. Columban lineup: goal,
Paul O'Retilly; full backs, Leon,
Maloney, Prank Malone; half
backs, Jack Horan, Stephen
Murray, Don Murray; forwards,
Harry Ryan, Gerald Ryan, Dave
14IcNally, Brian Melady and Gor-,
don Moylan.
' The next- game . will 'be at St.
Columban' on June 17th at .4
'p.m. against St. Thomas Kickers.
Mrs. Leo Murray spent the
weekend- in Windsor with Mr.
and Mrs. Gerrard Marchand and
Mr. -and lylrs. Thomas. Davie
Mr. and Mrs. Jac Murray
and -family; • Toronto,- • Visited
AN --
Mr. and Mrs. Michael' Murray.
Mr; and -Mrs. Leo Smith and
children, Acton, with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Cronin.
Miss Rita Kennedy, London,
visited Mr_ and Mrs. Angus
Mr. and Mrs. Jochems -of Hol-
land are visiting their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Jochems.
Mr, and Mrs, Ken Drager,
London and, children, with Mr.
-and M;. Anthony .Poland.
' Wand Mrs, John Williamson,
and baby, London, Miss Rose
Doyle, Cedar Springs,' visited
Mr. and- Mrs. Michael Doyle:
Donald Moylan, Sarnia, .Miss
Luella Moylan, Kitchener, with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moylan.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Butters and
children, London, visited Mr.
and Iges. Matt"rice Melady and
attended the Coyne -Butters wed-
ding on :Saturday..-_
Miss Lfeanor Deitrick and
Peter Eckert, Kitchener, with
Mrs. ' 'oseph Eckert. r
..:;that Sun Life of Canada is one
of the world's leading life insurance
companies, with '150 branch .offices
throughout North America?
As the Sun Life represent-
ative in your. community,
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Sun Life Assurance Cohn any of Canada
Plione 271.3000 - 48 Rebecca.St., STRATFORD
MIRROR, MIRROR on the.. .:' the race solely for the cxer-
Does. Alvin Hamilton's ' deei- i cine, without much real chance
sion to run for the ' Progressive i of making a dent on the patty
Conservative leadership •rnean I•faithfu-i, is Senator Wallace
that old warhorse John Diefen-i McCutcheon, • another Tory Es -
baker has at last decided to, tablisliment figure. He was
step down? Or is it merely a I NIr.ught into
Diefenbaker hi n cabinete thehectic
sign of further'., frustration days of. 1982' when, still Prime
among the Diefenbaker Parti- • Minister, Diefenbaker was des -
sans at his fialure to announce perately trying to pick up Bay
..his intentions? 151-. support. •
Mr: Hamilton, the . clever .. .
An other`___candidate whose
onetime.. agriculture .,.minister ._
-- prospects appear"" hopeless is
'of the Diefenbaker government Mike Starr, the former PC la
x-- "he engineered -Canada's bor minister from -Oshawa, On -
first big wheat sales to Com- tario. '
munist China - may be- ex- But the most interesting pros
petted to pick up votes` from Peet: have not; ,at time of
.Western. Canadian Conserva- writing, even announced their
tives when the party goes into ' candidacy. an
its•. , leadershjp convention at Foremost of these is Donald
Toronto 'in September. Fleming, the former finance min -
But it is still unclear whet'- ister who still has a big fol-
er Mr. Diefenbaker will dra- lowing in Toronto, where he
matically step down on 'the eve used to represent the seat now
of the convention and thus try held by Liberal finance minis -
to influence its choice, or ter Mitchell Sharp.
whether he' wilt hope to win Fleming quit politics in the
another term as a result of the wake of a ,family -tragedy, but
anti-Diefenbaker vote •being is now being ...wooed by in',
split among several candidates: cnumbers of Conserva
If Mr. Hamilton will be the tives. creasing
choice of the West, it is becom- Other intere,sting prospects
are Premier Robert Stanfield,
who won a smashing re-election
victory in Nova Scotia, and
Manitoba's Premier Duff Rob-
lin, who could have had the
Conservative leadership on a
platter had he gone along with
Dief 'in the 1965 election. In-
stead, he chose to 'remain in
Manitoba and the bilingual
Roblin's influence on the na-
tional scene has been declining
ever since.
In similar vein. On' tario• pre-
mier John Robarts has appar-
ently made good on his disclai-
mers of -interest in the PC lead -
hi He could have staged
ing increasingly clear that for-
mer trade minister George
Hees, who gave up, hiss job as
head of the Montreal •Stock. Ex-
change 'to go back • into Parlia-
ment, is the' favorite son. of
Ontario and Quebec.Hees, who possesses' a cer;
tain air of glamor which passes
for- youthful enthusiasm in
some circles, is undoubtedly
the choice of the Eastern Tory
establishment. , - -'
It is this bloc which John
Diefenbaker still regards as
reactionary, , and as unfit to
lead the .Progressive Conserva-
tive party as the kind of peo-
ple's party which he rnade of
the did Tory big business -
oriented machine.
In the early jockeying for
delegate support, Hees is be-
lieved to be running neck -and -
neck with B.C.'.s Davie Fulton,
another ex -cabinet minister of
the Diefenbaker years. ,.•
Fulton, who served as justice.
minister and then dropped out
of federal politics' after the
1963 Conservative defeat, has
a smattering of • support all
across Canada. He can thus be
'said to be genuinely a national
candidate for the PC leaden;
ship. His strength in ] .C. is
solid,' but is more Than bal-
anced by support from the
prairies, central Canada and the
Maritimes. -.
A man who appears to be in
ern p
a spring election,. won a com-
fortable victory, ` nd then gone
to the convention as the leader
-of the biggest bloc of 'votes in
the party. Instead he has ches-
en to'stay in, Toronto and work
on his pet project, an all -Cana-
da Confederation of Tomorrow
Conference which hopefully
would bring together politicians
from Ottawa as well as all pray,,-
incial.governments. '
Thus the men who would
-seem to ,be the most obvious
choices 'for Conservative
leadership appear to have dealt
themselves out of the leader-
ship game. •
°Directors: • - Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin
Clayton Calquhoun R.R. 1,
Viced'resident Scidnce .Hill
Win. H. Chaffe - R'R. 4, Mitchell
Tim Toohey - R.R. 3, Lutan
Raymond, McCurtly --JUL 1,
Robert Gardiner R.R. 1,
fugh,BBenninger - Dublin
Harry Coates - -Exeter
Cleytont Harris . Mitchell
mitt Pattergon - ' - Exeter
PAINT $3.99 GAL. •
Reg. $8.95. Clearance sale of
fresh paint. C•I.L., Sherwin-Wil-
liams, Moores, Gliddens, etc'
Thousands • df gallons already
sold to Readers of such news-
papers as the Family Herald,
Free' Press Weekly and' many
If you are- not satisfied return
unused portion for complete re-
fund. - Outside: suitable for
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lours: white, primer • white,
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Pay in r full or 50% deposit.
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Savings Accounts
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days. Get your ap-
plication form at c1-
bank, a hospital, or
the Commission.
To keep insured fol-
low the instructions
on the Hospital.In-
surance "Certificate
of Payment -Form
104"- that your
present employer is
required:to give you
on leaving. .
The "family" Hospital
Insurance premium
must now be paid" to
cover husband and
wife. "Notify your'
"group" without -de-
lay or if you both pay
premiums direct, no-
tify the Commission.
Ontario Hospital
Services Commission,
Toronto 7, Ontario.
e weeds' choking your corn and cereal grain' crops?
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KIL-MOR/BANVELt3** gives outstanding
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KIL.MOR contains three herbicides: Dicamba, Mecoprop'nd 2,4-D
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KIL-MOR is a safe, easy to spray amine formulation for post -emergence
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For better weed control, higher yields and more profit, try KIL-MOR.
It not only makes harvesting easier, but pays for itself many times over.
In fact, only one bushel per acre yield increase will pay for
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See your Green Cross dealer about KIL-MOR nowt
fBanvel is a trademark of Velsicol'Chcmlcal Corp. r ..
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