HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-06-15, Page 4pJ "11 IHUR01*EXPPS1TC114,4 SEAPORTHH, .ON.T, . MUNE 151 19671' '' ilENSALL TWI U H� STOCK SHOW HEAVY HORSES * LIGHT HORSES PONIES * IMPLEMENT SHOW Tuesday June . 20, 1967 5 o'clock p.m. " ,Featuring .. . 113 Prize Hereford Feeding Calves To be Judged and Auctioned BABY SHOW (no entry fee) • Prizes for All Contestants Bands in Attendance SFECIAL CENTENNIAL PARADE PRIZES MONSTER MIDWAY FERRIS WHEEL MERRY-GO-ROUND KIDDIE RIDES AND OT•FIER ATTRACTIONS, TORY GREGG, Master of Ceremonies CENTENNIAL PARADE — 5:30 p.m. Official Opening — 7:30 Refreshment Booth --- CKNX Mobile Unit Auction Sale of Calves 9:30 p.m. ADMISSION 75c Students 5,0c - Cars 25c - Children FREE Read the Advertisetnentg — It's a Profitable Pastime!. The Town of Seaforth invites you to a DANCE and SMORGASBORD In Honor of Ontario's 3 -time Intermediate "B" Champions SEAFORTH BEAVERS riday June 23rd. 8:30 to 1:00, at the Seaforth Community Arena Admission $2.00 per person Refreshments available Tickets available from local merchants PARKTHEATRE GODERICI��°,..._....... ON THE SQUARE FIRRST RUN ° FILMS IN AIR . CONDITIONED COMFORT -- Entertainment Is Our Business THURS„,:JUNE EC TO WED., JUNE 21 INCL. ' • OiE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOVIES EVER MADE!” -Life Magazine WINNER . OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! MEMO-GOLDWYN-MAO o+Eurm A CARD Pail PRODUCTION DAViD LEANS FILM OF BORIS YPASTERN XS '. DOOR ZHRYAGO' GERALDINE-IAPLIN JULIE CHRISTiE TOM COURTENAY AIECGUINNESS SIOBHAN McKENNA RALPH RC ARDSON n.., OMAR SHARIFiAsziilvAroi ROD SFEIGER"RITAIUSHINGHAM SCREEN FV Sr C ItCTtDWI ROBERT BOLT• DAVID LEAN IN PANAVISION•ANC/1.46=010R ONE SHOWING ONLY EACH EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK SATURDAY MATINEE' at 2:00 P.M. , SPECIAL' ADMISSION PRICES. Mon. - Thurs. Evenings Fri. -.,Sat. Evenings . Sat. Matinees All Performances :.... , • . • -Adults $2.00 Students $1.25 Adults $2.00 Students2.00 Adults $1.50 Students $1.00 Children, $1.00 NO PASSES 06r Ticket1't* i.nietteits Oka. 044411 After i p.m. No q 4404' EVo y' ttotk t Holder URGE ONTARIO' ACTION (Continued from Page 1) studies., of certain rural areas which .it feels should be designa- ted for a comprehensive rural development plan, he said. These could be areas of wide- spread low income which have major adjustment problems but which have recognized develop- ment potential. The plan would have active involvement with the people oi' the area. "There is a crisis in Ontario• rural society and a challenge. That challenge is to develop our rural human and ,physical re.. sources to their full potential." Tax reforms would be another item of top priority if the Lib- erals gain power, Mr. Nixon said. Economies can be effect- ed at provincial level. The area represented at Fri- day night's meeting includes nine federal and 10 provincial ridings. London District Soccer Assoc. SOCCER St. Colum'ban vs. St. Thomas Sat., June » 17th 4 p.m. At ST. COLUMBAN Admission 25e and 50c Brownie's DRiVE=1N THEATRE -- CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. THURS., FRI. — June 15-16 "HOW TO STEAL A -MILLION" Shows at 9:15 and 11:00 p.m. Hugh Griffith Peter OToole, Audrey Hepburn; COLOR .. • CARTOON SAT., MON., TUES. — June 17-19-'2D • THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING! THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING! Shows at 9:15 and 11:00 p,m. Eva Marie Saint, Carl Reiner, Jonothan Winters, Alan Arkin COLOR •CARTOON' WED., THURS., FRI. --- June'; 21.22-23' • --.DOUBLE FEATURE — "RIOT ON» SUNSET. STRIP" (Adult Entertainment) • Shown at 10:45 p.m. Aldo. Ray, Miinsy Farmer, :Michael Evans - COLOR "WILD YOUTH" (Adult ,Entertainment) • Shown at 9:15 p.m. CARTOON • Robert Campbell, a vied-preal dent of the provinciax assoeia, tion, said Liberals already have. 95 candidates nominated for the 117 provincial ridings.. "We pre ready whenever an election is called," he said. Andrew Y. McLean, Seaforth, was elected president of the association, succeeding , Bruce McCullough of Kitchener, who held the post for the past three years. Vice-presidents are George Inglis, Clifford; Mrs. A. L.Fia'(vk. ins, Owen Sound; Kent Lamont, Port Elgin; David Jack, _Fer- gus, and William Summerville, Stratford. Donald Currie of Galt is treasurer and D. J. Murphy of Goderich, Solicitor. 'Mrs. Gordon Rae of ,Stratford is president of the women's di- vision. A presentation was made to Farquhar Oliver, MPP for Grey South who will retire after this session. With more than 41. years in`'Queen's Park, he is the dean. of Ontario 'politicians. y Council Acts (Confirmed from Page 1) ed by a local agent will be us- ed for storage and maintenance of town equipment. Counoillor George Hildebrand who heads a committee plan- ning a civic appreciation night for Seaforth Beavers, three times Ontario 'champions, said everything was ready for Jute 23, at the arena. Council ap- »proved an expenditure' up to $500 to assist •in financing the event and presentation. • i1 towwwide sanitary sewer service advanced a step furth- er as- OWRC advised the town it .had named the James F. MacLaren firm to prepare a de- sign report on 'sewage disposal works preliminary to the con- struction of the system. At the same time council named the same firm to .prepare a study of feeder line requirements at a cost of $1,750 with completion in two months. . Reminded by Reeve Dalton of the additional centennial dec- orations on Main Stree, council commended the PUC for illum- inated displays on the town .hall and the Chamber of 'Commerce for flags on each Main Street light standard. CENTENNIAL BAKE .SALE' in the` former McKindsey's Drug Store Friday,, June 16th Open. at 3p.m., ..._ Sponsored, by the Order of the Eastern' Star. . CASH BINGO Friday, Jun? 16th 8:15 p.m. Legion Hall, Seaforth is Regular Games for.$10.00 Three $25.00 Specials Jackpot $75 to go (Children under 16 not permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards' 25c or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156. Chadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK -4,.M PLEASE NOTES Dram' planned for Tuesday night,at dance will be made Friday night at the bingo. Make all returns early Friday -night. SMORGASBORD DINNERS $2.00 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth SATURDAY JUNE 17, 6-9 ENTERTAINMENT RED KNIGHT LOUNGE Friday Night Kelly Dawn's T'io . Saturday Night -- Tri -Tones. "This will be our last Smorgasbord for this season." Playing this week -- Thursday., Fri,, and Sat. evenings, June 15, 1( and 17 CROWN ROOM in ».The Royal . ' Hotel, Mitchell Des jar d ne Orchestra (5{pieell) LOCAL BRIEFS - miss Ella S..teole .. df' St. 'drew's, Scotland, was a guest of Miss Janet and Xr. Scott Clnff last weekend. She. is vis !ting her brother, Mr. James Steele of Kitchener, Who was formerly, on the staff of the Bank of Commerce here; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin, Reid, Hamilton, Ronald .Reid and Miss Sally. Harper, Toronto, -,Mt and Mrs. Frank Reid and Irene, St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs, Gerry Leughlan of London, were guests of 'Miss Alice Reid on Sunday. They attended the'ser- vices in First Presbyterian Church Sunday morning when the Carillon of Bells were dedi- cated in memory of Mr. and Mrs° Merton A. Reid and members of the congregation siriee 1$,67. Mrs. W. G. Wright who has spent some time in Nova Scotia and Brampton, 'has returned home. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright and sop. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sproat. 'of m Beasville are guests 'of Mr. Russell H: Sproat. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Coutts spent a few days in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron. Mr. Basil Duncan of Tor- onto spent a few days with his mother Mrs. W. J. Dun- can. Mrs. Ernie Toll spent the past' week in Sarnia visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dungey and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. 'IL Cull's of Ladner,, Ri B.C. are visiting D. and Mrs. Peter Cus• Mr. Frank Smale is a pa- tient in Seaforth Community Hospitaal. Mr.and Mrs. Neil Smale of Towers, Michigan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smale and also attended the Aan-'funeral of ffte late Mx. Greorge Smale in 1 ensa>k Harvey een'eniployed.Jeer wlthwha 'the lankhas of M$u4i eal, MNeter for the past two years, will -leave the beginning of the week for 41ttle Current, Manitoulin Is-. landmonth, where he has been 'transferred for the summer `s• Haze/ Greer, who has been' attending) Central- Huron Sec- ondary School at Clinton has accepted a position with Vic- toria and Grey Trust Comp- any of Goderich. Mrs. Harry McIntosh, Dray- ton Ontario, has been spend- ing the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ben —ridge. Miss Rea of London is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rea. Remember! It takes but a moment to place. an Expositor Want Ad and be money in -peek - et. To advertise, just Dial Sea. forth, 527-0240. REUNION. Former Pupils and Families of S.S. No. 2 and 13 McKillop Township Sat., July 15th Registration at No. 2 School at BskeltLv h (Refreshments Prpvided) SOCIAL EVENING in Brodhagen Community Hall Sat., ' June 17th on the occasion of the 25th • Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Rourke Relatives, neighbors and friends, are cordially invited. Seaforth Lions, Pork° PAVILION DAN;CING», Saturday Night, Jine 17th With Music by the Precious Times Dances will continue each Saturday night during• the summer months. Read the Advertisements -- It's a Profitable, Pastiinei- 1 f rey Township , CENTENNIAL ' DANCES CENTENNIAL BALL Friday, June 16th With Ken Wilbee and his Orchestra DANCING Saturday, June 17th With Jerry and the Jesters Both Dances take place in Grey Township Central School^ at ETHEL SEAFORTH LIONS 32nd ANNUAL 'CARNIVAL CENTENNIAL LIONS PA Thursday;— Friday June 29, 30 and July i• T SEAFORTH: Saturday. DIFFERENT PROGRAMME EVERY NIGHT *BANDS • BINGO GAMES FERRIS » WHEEL IV' 1 I 'BANDS • THURSDAY RCAF CLINTON BAND Preliminary events in the Amateur. Talent Contest Beard Growing' Contest • MIDWAY MERRY-GO-ROUND FRIDAY SDHS GIRLS' BAND Beauty. Contest Finals; Pre- liminary -events in Amateur Talent Show; Fireworks celebrate arrival of Canada's 100th birthday at midnight ' Special July 1 Holiday Feature ure Afternoon and -Evening SDHS GIRLS' BAND — Official opening 'Centennial Lions Park Gates » by Tuckersmith Reeve Elgin Thompson, .— Log Rolling Contest -- Amateur Talent Hunt Finals Draw 'for Prizes - Dancing in the Pavilion PRAWfOR$1,4001.N PRIMES Plus Hundreds of`Othet Prizes in Popular I'enny'Sale ADMiSSION: SOC Each, which includes Ticket. tar Three `` Major Worth $1,400.00 - CNILDPEN FREE, » F'IREWOiKS Prizes PARKING FREE .. 0000 4 4 M 4 4 4 i