HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-06-08, Page 91
The exciting Confederation. Caravan will be stopping at
Seaforth .next Tuesday, June • lath. The Caravan will provide
you and your family with`a, thrilling stroll through Canada's
`-history: TYpiea-rof the exhibits' is .ty eine with "-tiny figures
of the Fathers of Confederation 'surrounded by the builders
of Canada -- trappers,. Indians and settlers of many callings.
rollers i Arrive
8:30 TtiesdaY Mokning
The -Confederation . Caravan men of many ltiipids brought
opens its one -day • exhibit in them to 'life under the diyee-
___SEAPOIVIII,. ONTARIO TI WT SD, ;, r, E .8 1967
Canadians_the••storrcif the na- • lent Exhibition C,omMis RA
.. fi
,tion and her peoliTe in,, a way Eight identical `eargvans, were
its never been told before. Produced to Criss-.eross t @ Ra -
ott U . know, tie, caravan's on while 'the similar Confetiy•
'canting when you hear its eration Train crosses fr`om.wcst
mighty claxorx hl (nfog out the to east,gegenerally stopping at
first four notes o£ "O'Canada" the larr centres of papula
ers roll through town to the' .Visitors to the show find'th
exhibit. site - early in.. the moan- trailers the bl est
ing, t. made in Canada - `- arrang,
as the eight giant tractor -trait. In
dcauae of its s?rg, t will' "be a squadrangle, with an 'enter
acBeeans led by a police escort t trance
stage near ; the b ,
on ifs way to the site. There, trance and towering ' triadAti
the drivers will arrange the col; displays triad t esnside t tell he or $sobitn
orfui trailers in a squad tangle, and Iight and ,photo the delre
set up the mobile regional ex-
hibits, entrance gangways and dament of this regihn of Cana
bridges between trailers _ da. Several of. them have era-
'and the show is ready to open. laso `the showssr can activate min
Front 11 a.m. until 11 fixture hi�'nself..
daily, visitors ',can experienge the But
seveen exhibit ht ail rsow is ,-(tae
the development of Canada eighth provides storage .for .the
from- primeval times -to the triadetics,)
present, The tales ore told with still
It's not a museum or an art and movie pictures,, .life-size
gallery or a history lesson. It's' mannequins that move, Intri-
more like a time machine trip tate miniature figures and
to visit the people of all walks scenes, 'reproductions of full -
of life who lived and worked, size rooms and. outdoor settings
laughed and wept in Canada be- as well as hundreds of artifacts.
fore we came along. - ;'• You experience life as it was
This' major Centennial Com; lived" in ` the Indian village§, a
mission project took almost tailor • shop of Lower Canada,,
four years to .produce from idea the _gold rush days, the Roaring..
to fact. Twenties, and the Great Depres-
• Writers laid down broad story sion.
lines, Then some of Canada's You see' the Ming"vases and
top artists, sculptors and crafts fine silks the l
On the
.... ,..:.;:•roz.iie[d:,Wi¢b•.. iw.f..w$ Far.?:..--:.•.ri"'n•
w •2i,:)i
THROUGH THE 'DOOR of this Confederation, Caravan exhibit is a 1731 tailor's
- shop. Almost a century later', posters (on the stone wall, centre) advise young men of
good car cter that -sharp-shooters are warted by the Glengarry Light Infantry Fenc-
ibles,to defend "mothers and sisters from ..insult" in the War -of 1.812; -In .the foreground
(right) is the.entranee to a tavern of the 1830s.
• -
• FPERCE ROek, off Quobea's ,Gaspe, Peninsula, became a ,familiar landmark to
atiobs bf ship•sberne..limn rafrts. /it this dramatic; presentation, of land and sea-
sdaP a at ;the antrarica. to bili Cbnfede'tation, Ninon,�t} a light dims and.brightens with
the P age pf ohne,, nit. wave *itlaoei�'.:gentl - hint iehgulzs*he'd and 'e overhead,
i ' •
con 4Section, : PP
e exp frets were n e Tune
to they found Can
ada by mistake; tiny. sculptur-
ed figures of the Fathers of Con-
federation, a rifle • and gas mask
of one war and bomb fragment
of another, a stock ticker ra
tling through the '29..crash.
And the sounds of otheri• mes
are all around you -- the- than
of the voyageurs probing `th
heart of a continent, 'the garru
lous laughter. of a tavern 'o
Upper Canada, the puffing and
clatter of a Prairie -bound steam
engine, the shriek of bomb and
shell in war. •
Many visitors signing the
guest book after touring. the
Confederation Caravan feel
they know a little more" about
the people who passed this way
before us.
Under manager -
J. Errol Jor-
dan,. this caravan travels 1,95
miles' through„ Ontario west of
Toronto and Orillia, ending at
Essex Nov. 14.
it has the. shortest, route of
all the caravans but is open to
-the public the most number of
• days - 170. It is closed on 28
staff days off, generally on
Mondays. • - . '
In addition to the caravan in
this area, the Confederation
Train exhibits 'in London June
8-15, indsor June 16-23, Kit-
chener June 24-27, .Hamilton
July 18-25, .Niagara Falls July
26:28 and Toronto July 29 -Aug.
21. •
▪ Another caravan tours eas-
tern and Northern Ontario:
t- J.' Errol Jordan, . 49,manager
of • the Confederation_._ Caravan
t touring Ontario, west of a line
e from to/mond Hill to OrilIia- ,
was born and raised at,Renfrew,
He started his . working car-
eer as a• bank clerk during the
-Depression, then operatRd ,, a
lumber -and building -supply
business for a number• of, years.
From 1961 he `was with Man-
adian Ma oni. maintaining. the
"Mid -Caned " line. in northern
Manitoba and Quebec, until the •••
,line was 'closed' down .last year.
News, - of�
The community was shocked
to learn of the sudden passing
of. Mr. • WilIiam Fotheringham.
Sympathy is extended to his b
son Robert, his sister, Mrs. Wil-
liam Sinclair and brother John.
The 100F decoration service
will be heft at Baird's Ceme,
tery, on June 18, at 2i30.
Mrs. Walter Moffatt is visit-
ing with. Mrs, John McMuslne
and other relatives in Hensail:
Here /s Y
our Ct reaUfa
Carvan s History Quiz
1. 'Where, did the first people 20. What is Isis -A?
in 'Canada come from?
2 ' When did - Jacques Cartier `answer$
land in what' is now called 1. Asia.
Canada? ' 2. 1534.
3. Where did , he first land? 3, Perce Rock, -Gaspe Penin -
4. What were the first tradersGula'
who. came to North Amen- 4. The North-West. passage to'
e the orient,
ca looking for? 5. Cross -staff, astrolabe.
5. Name two early instruments 6. 1159. •
of navigation? 7. War 'o$ 181;2.
6. what -year did the battle 8. British Columbia.
the "Plains of: Abraham 9. Charlottetown, P.E.L; Que-
'take place? bee, Que.
7. In what war were the sold- 10. Ontario, Quebec, Nova Sco-
iers promised four guineas tia, New Brunswick.
and 'a land grant? 11. Purchase by Canada of the
8. What British colony jutted North"West Territories from
into..._Oregon, befo. e „ _thj ' ' the Hudson's Bay Company.
boundary Was'JStabiished at Z . Donald Smith (Lord Strath -
the 49th parallel? cona)'; Craigellachie, B.C.,
9. In which two cities did' the ' Nov. 7, 1885.
Fathers of Confederation 13. The.Riel Rebellion,
ineet to draw up their plans? • 14•• South Africa„ the Boer War.
10, Name the first four prov- 15. Marquis wheat, which ma-
inces of Confederation? tures in only 100 days.
11. What land, transaction in 16. Dr. Charles Saunders.
1869 enabled•'Canada •to 17. Ranting and i3est •discover -
spread fro& sea to sea? ed •insulin. '
12. Who was the financier who 18. The .Great Deprtession.
drove the last spike of. the 19, Sir
19WISIfi-red LaurierBorden,
C•P•R•? 11) Sir Robert
Where did this happen, and 1311.1920) William Lon
when? • ' , Mackenzie' King (1921-1,948).
13. What' rebellion was one of 20. Canada's Centennial' sat9l-
the- causes of the birth of ,lite.
the • North West ;Mounted ,
• Police?
14. Where did 7,000 Canadian
soldiers go to fight a war Huron Farm
in 1899-1902?
15. What scientific ,development
by a government botanist Hews
helped the Prairie farmer?
16. What was the botanist's 1 In the past week we have
name? experienced dry, hot weather
17.., What medical scientists in Huron County. This dryness
Mae. what' importattt,,medi- has eontributed to slow beau
peal discovery during the planting; •as a large percentage
Roaring `Twenties'? of bean seedbeds are too dry
'1& Whet followed . ,the stock to promote germination. •
Market crash of 1029? Rethreide application is near.
ilk. 'Who was Prime ,Minister of .Ing eoi pietlop on most of our
Canada, .during the Muth .field tr'ops
mAft'lcan War? World » . War Cattle ,are doing well an pass
torte, but grewtli ie slow,
Heading for S,eatortli
The Confederation Caravan
is on its way!
'It's bringing hundreds of things for you
to see.. , touch ..:hear ... feel.
The Caravan is bringing' Canada's story. to you.
And it's -really exciting!
Everyone in town is going to come. '
'A lot of people you know will be-takingpart
in the Centennial displays and'celebrationy
that will be staged at the Caravan site,
When the Confederation Caravan cones,
don't miss out 'on any of the fun! ,
Get ready!
Canadfs cornin
to you!' . .
June 13 Lions Par.Park
\ A.,. , . .
,vi Presented by the Centennial Commission .
and brought to you with the co-operation of your•
AL V Provincial CentcnnialOomrnitte'e.and your Community. , •
, ni