HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-06-08, Page 2Since 1860, Serving the ° Community First
Pubilshetl. it SEAFORTH, ONTARTO, every Thursday 'Morning by WAN BROS., Publishers Ltd.
° ANiiulW Y, M(X,,EAN, Editor •
to • Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association
Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association
Audit,l3ureau of Circulation
1 Subscription Rates: -
• Canada- (in advance) $5.00- a Year
�- Outside Canada (in advance) $6.50 a Year
Authorized as Second .Class Mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa
There Is A Place for All In Polities
Participation in politics is a contri-
bution which all too few of us, at all
levels of government, hesitate to make. •
We, make all manner of excuses. We
haven't the time; we don't like the pub-
licit , ` there's nothing in itwe say as
we' beg of, when asked to help. We
noi a the fact that politics .is the very
basis of, oiir democratic process and.
that ' its proper functioning depends
upon a broad and active participation
by the people it serves.
• M. .J. Coldwell understands therole
of politics as well as anyone. A highly
respected former member of parlia-
ment, former leader of the CCF and
now honorary president of the NDP,.
Mr--Coldwell recently `was awardedan
honorary degree by Queen's University.
Addressing the graduates he urged
thenf not forsake careers inpublic ser-
vice because Qf the feeling that politics
is unclean or that such a career re-
ceives little acclaim or material;reward.
"Neither Aristotle,, ° Bud41 noir
Jest* acquired., -.material we0 th, yet
their teachings have had a far greater.
'and lasting Influence on Mankind d than
the wealth and power of Caesar, Char-
les the Great or Napoleon," he said.
"Do not be deterred by those who
tell you that 'politics is a dirty game.
True, sometimes an unworthy person
manages to secure election to a public
body, but on the whole I have found
that most members of the House of
Commons are ..-there "because they wish
to serve. our country. I know of no
worthier wags to serve one's country."
Dairy Farmer, M kes`: Contribution
dren must have . . and adults need
But did you ever stop to think how
important the dairy' farmer'swork is
to the Canadian economy. to 'Canada's economy ... and to your
The, Dairy Month program is an in- own income-? Look at it this way. One
dicatiou, too,, of the extent to which " out of every sire Canadians depend on
farm commodity groups„ are capable of the dairy industry for his livelihood.
self help. The dairy farmers of Canada .,When you buy dairy foods you help
must be commended for the enterprise .provide income for the dairy farmer,
they have shown in, organizing what and for more than two million other
has become an annual dairy festival. Canadians who work in dairies, farin
At the same time the emphasis which • - equipment .companies, feed and fertil-
the -press of Canada place on• the Dairy fixer .plants, and many other industries.
industry at this time of year is a remin- 'Now suppose Canadians changed
der to -thousands. of. Canadians not their eating habits—began buying less
closely associated with rural problems milk and '.dairy foods. The dairy farm-
' that like others . in other . industries er would be the first to feel the pinch.
there are difficulties. This emphasis can With his income reduced, he'd 'have to
serve to recall the dairyman's deep con= cut back his purchases of farm equip -
Bern for_ his industry as indicated by > ment, fertilizer, etc. Dairies, ,farm
his recent march to. Ottawa. equipment manufacturers and feed and
The man who does the;milking-the fertilizer plants would have to reduce
indispensable dairy farmer—is .a man ' ' wages—maybe lay off men. The pur-
We're all beholden 'to 'for fresh whole chasing power of ,21/2 million Cana-
milk'and other dairy foods: dians would be substantially reduced.
Dairy foods are essential for health- By the same token: the more dairy
In saluting the dairy industry as we
'do in this -issue, recognition is being
given a farm producer group that coun-
trywide is making a major contribution
iuL�i�ing_�TheY supply--thc --bow .and. .:foods• -you consume, --:the more thewhole
bodybuilding food values growing chili economy
Sugar and spice
Ity mill odley
TAKE PEN IN HAND furniture. You could clear,
What's the most common
question being butted around how about pushing your wife
the country these days? That's or husband, in front of a mov-
right. ,It's "Are you going to ing moving van, provided you''
Expo?" have a. joint account and mu -
Well, are you? If not, why tual insurance?
not? You can't affolyd it? Of All of these are too coarser
course you can. You mean You or common, or complicated fpr
can't afford to miss it. ' you? My, yop are au old poke.
Yeah, you -say, but what So run a .bookie joint, sell pot,
•4 about 'breads loot, pelt,' moti�eY? hold up a bank, if yeti want
Nothing to it. Anybody ,who - something simple.
can't make some fast money in Against your . principles?
' this ridiculous.,.world- deserves Well; all right, -all right ' but'it'
to "starve -to death, let alone shows the depths' of depravity -
not go to Expo: • to which I can sink in the
I have a few suggestions. In ,middle of the night, as 1 try to
fact, 1 have quite a -few, bei figure out how -we can affor4
catnip I've been giving the Mat: apo plus all the redecorating
ter of our own . trip some my wife is owing.
thought. I've discarded one or Well, you and your , dinged
two of:.. thein for various res principles have forced me into
,sons, but it's every man to his it.
own taste, and one or more of Here's the deal. We're going
$3,000 on this one.
'Speaking of moving vans,
"I take it, you don't .agree with that last calif
roni es
"Spring cleaning!"
In- the Years Agone-
them: „might be just the ticket
to have a contest. Nbw, ,we all
for YOU. love ,contests, don't we? 'I• have
- Put your wife to= work.., If been writing this column � �`or
she's already working,,ilrld you about 14 years,• without miss -
still can't afford the trip, have '
an auction sale and get rid of a
The Huron Expositor , engaged just now buying horses No. 14, Hay, has been re-engaged to go to Expo. Still with me? ing a week. I want a Week off -
lot of.that old junk you've I have a great many faithful
June 10,892 dor the old country market for the coming year. 1 t d the year r readers (and no doubt a fair
new' -Ford cars
accumulated a. a over °
Mr. John Hewitt of Walton has ` Mr. Hector Eli oott, son of the Thirty-four This does not refer to you .smattering- of unfaithful ones,
a hen on his farm `that certain- town clerk who has been teach- from London passed through wife•
ing in Waterloo County for Hensall on their way to Tiverton too). Many of them write very
ly should be well 'fed. She lays If you haven't any old junk, well, as I know from letters
eggs Els by 8 inches. -' some time, _intends. retiring where the agent in that place thing of something._ _ Throw a received._
from the profession at mid -`has them all sold. bingo party. Chickenfeed,' you
A novel entertainment was summer. Messrs James McCI mont, For },he best guest column
Y All ow, about
held in Kidd's Hall. It was a
phonograph concert under the r
auspices of the •33rd. Battalion._ -From The 'Huron Expositor - ored to Goderich and -took in holiday weekend, when every`- w •
t an •
band. Mr„ Wm. McLeod sang a June 12,%1942 the moonlight excursion on the' body has run out of .booze? • my latest book. The latest one
song which , was reproduced in lake. You'd clear ..about $300. is the one I haven t•written for
the phonograph and the McLeod . 'Miss Alma Lawrence, nurse. ' MacMillan Company. The .other
Mr. Scott Barr of Cromarty Buy some veterans' calendars, books •I .haven't written were
brothers also favored the au- in training at Wellesby Hospi- has purchased ' -a fine passenger
diene with a couple of well tai, Toronto, has been awarded cut' off one of your arms, and riot published by McLelland -
Ford car and Hay bros. also of sell them door to - door.• Stewart and Prentice -Hall.
rendered selections on •the oc- the Dr. Crompton prize. Miss Cromarty a Gray Dort.
rasion. '• . Lawrence led her class with Come on, you can figure out This handsome award (so
Mrs.. john Warwick, Louisaa gimmick. Send your kids out
Messrs. Mullett and Jackson 82-3 per cent.' I'm •not J. P. Morgan) will b9
St, received word this week mowing lawns. If you have no supplemented by ,the Telegram
have got comfortably located in Wm. Pollard of Sebringville, that her. son Jack Warvvi�k had
kids, seri
David Kyle, James Butts, Ed. ,say? rightthen, submitted, I will personally
throwing a martini party at $5 send a cheque' for $25, along°
Sproat and Russell Dallas mot a rattle, on the Monday of a l h autographed copy of
their new store, A. Kidds old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard, been recommended for the mil- out me
stand. They now, have one of has been -appointed assistant Mary medal for bravery in ac -
h largest d neatest stove principal of hamlet School too de
d your mother-in-law • News Service, 440' Front SG,
ing lawns. And -if she's W,, Toronto 2B. They will - epit, insure her heavi- ei-
ther double or triple the 'cash
arges an 'nes es , ' tion, '
and tin ware stores in the tour-_ Stratford. Mr. Pollard a, has ly.. and hush her off a cliff. award, depending on their atti-
Mr Stewart McIntosh and .. Arrange with' a friend to tude when , theyread- this,
ty' and .as they will no doubt taught • in Sebringville for the
do a large and profitable trade. past eight years.
family have, removed to Londes- bump.. your•. car .gently from be, which is the first they've heard
boy, where they will reside.
hind -at a stop light, then run of it.
Mr. James 1V1cIiitosh,' of the The recently organized junior Mr Ed, Hinchle.y returned
second of McKillop is having a band presented 'its first pro screaming to the doctor and Topic: anything yQu like,
from a business trip to Thessa•elaim you have a whiplash and Length: about 700, words. Send
handsome 'new brick residence gram, of the -season in Victoria lon and Toronte• collect -bags of insurance; ,all entries to abovedress.
erected this summer. Mr. F. Park. The band has been train -
Mayor Stewart and • 'Messrs. No? Mow about some. black. And there you arta"Cash. If
.Gutteridge and Mr. James ed and is being conducted by John Beattie, J. C. Greig,W. anybody you win, ,,you can take
Sleetly have the contract band master E. H. Close.mail. Know an boo who's your
Mr,.•.J. S. Mhe v left for Red ,Mrs. Wm. Montgomery enter -
and A. D. Sutherland running around with somebody choice. You can hitch -hike to
Deer, Alberta, north west, ter: twined at a trousseau tea for her Were among the.deputation who shouldn't. be running Expo arid" blow the•
whole bin-
where he takes an er daughter "Viola, bride -elect. which visited the 'County Conn- around with 'anybody? •ole on high living. Or you can
cil to urge the purchase by the Have a moving van come in bet it on a. horse, -fly to Mont-
paintment as a missionary for Miss Doris Eisler was in charge
of a site in Goderich, to the middle of the night, re- real and rough it at the Queen
a year. •
- of •the gifts
attempt was Montgomery - ter for. the county. .n
you set fire to the house and This is rest. Get cracking to -
to derail the am going men b' •~
west. It seems that' Mr. Pettey- Miss Alice Archibald, Latin While returning from Strat= claim insurance for 'it and the day.
man, formerly of McXillop, but teacher'at the Exeter High, ford with his daughter, Mr. An -
now resides in Stapleton, , was school has resigned • her poli- drew Archibald of Tuckersmith
in Seaforth. On ,learning that tion there and accepted a posi- had the :misfortune to .meet.
the train 'wa ,,,late he started to with rather a' serious accident.
s tion , in Dunnville.. . The car which he was driving
walk on the -track. When he got- . • The death took place at ,his skidded on the wet greasy road
to the high bridge 'near.. Staple- •borne in 1VIcKillop of James Dor-and landed in the ditch, bYeak,
-toil be .was -horrified to—find: t, Ce, Indus- 7 ear'.— s
several olistructions'•had '`been 0� y `fig' rte �dshiett� -flying glass
one of the oldest members of: from which. cut his arm so sev-
placed on the track. He 'started First Presbyterian Church, Sea-
.that 10 stitches were re -
forth. waving his lantern and forth. • • ' quired to,°•.close the wound. •
finally succeeded in stopping The annual meeting of, the
Mr. Hosie Thompson of Mit-
thMtrrain. John G. Troyer of Hills- ladies' ,bowling 'chub was held shell who purchased the oat
green has sold his 50 acre farm when the following 'officers meal mill here a couple of years
to Mr. Thomas Coleman. He were elected: president, Alice ago, .has disposed of the prop -
intends going to ,M,anitolia" in Reid; vice, Mrs. H. J. Mellon; erty to the Chas. S. Morrow Co:
the fall to push his fortune in sec.�treasurer, Frances Matthews of New ,York who have posses -
that country. captain, Mrs. Don Shanahan; con- sign. • Mr. Louis Fleuricheutz
As Mr. J. J. Irvine of Lead- vener, Mrs. J. Kaiser, Mrs. Wm. who has had ,charge of the mill
buggy, he laid down the lines Hart; social committee, Mrs. H. for a number of years retains
young horse` attached to a top Mellen, Mrs. J. Kaiser, Mrs. E. the- management for the' new
buggy, he liad down the lines H. Close, Nlrs. John Cardno. company.
to raise the= top, which frighten- Roderick R. _Ross, , DDS for
ed the animal and he sprang off over 40 years a familiar and
the, road, causing the rig to col -,well known resident of Sea-
lide with the fence. Mr. Irvine forth .and for 27 ,years, a .prac-
was caught between the wl eel tising dentist here,; died in
and the box. and dragged for Scott Memorial Hospital. Death
some distance, was due•to a„heart attack.
Mrs. Thomas lair f 'Clinton Miss Muriel Beattie, dough -
visited Hensall and organized ter of Mr, end Mrs. Fred Beat -
an - auxiliary -of -the Women's tie, who has been doing silent -
Foreign 1Vlissionary Soeiety in ific -kecretarial work, "in the, Dr,,
connectionwith -Carmel ,Churelk lsreaton,t Laheratories,., Butler„
Mr. Win., tools , of Tucker- Pa„ has ,bepxi offered a sitfiilar
smith, has, just purehfsed fret* position. in.Pierce Hall,.Harvard-
John McGregor of Mullett, near University, Boston; Mass: .
Cofstanee• ,h thorough bred Hol-,. A :shower was beLltt at the, ,
stein Fresian bull, two year hone of Mrs. ,Harold Sellers. of.
old. li rsitOn. in honor of . Beth :Shan;
The football match played non Some 45 :guests were in-
, here by the Hurons of Seaforth vited, , and the evening was
and the Detroits of Detroit, was • spent in making a bride's book.
one of the most keenly contest, Mr. Harry 'Belton, who was
ed and interesting . that has receiitlg. discharged from the
been played here for a long army as the result of an heel -
time. The match resulted in a dent overseas, has- re§umed his
and Miss Luella be used as a children's aid shel- move•all your . furniture, then Elizabeth.
• A most diabolicalservedrefresh-
1 train is
"The swinel,They're throwing the rocks back, - °
tie,•position with the Public Utility
A very pleasant time was Co
spent at the residence of Mr. •
Angus McDermid on the Huron
Road, The occasion being the From The Huron Expositor
marriage of Miss Isabella Burn- dude 15, 191?
��rryy -*side to Mr. John McDowell of
.the Township of McKillop. The Set. Norman V. Levy,son of
) ceremony was performed by Mr, and Mfrs. .Tames Levy, Curl -
`5 Rev. Mr. ' Stewart of Clinton. ton, who went• overseas with t'
' Mr. ItteDowell is a well to do 33rd, Dattation 'and who h
farmer in McKillop. Mr. and been wounded twice, has been
Mrs. McDowell Ieft on the after- awarded. the D°C.M., ,a decent-
' noon train to spend their honey- tion next to the Victoria Cross.
moon- in Marie Sari's land. this', is the first ddiioratibn`'to be
George Chesney is hav- bestowed ntIon,,a'Ciir%ton boy.
flip stone stabl�n�Vg -plea tin• Tulsa Jtta Attila of
• derhis,barn on ituron 11o4,W.4w ,o.,,far'ithk, 'atit,, Ye*r*>, SS
iMfr.;;a ares ;'elilbakd btu ',i ben aitga ..aa .teae1e ; In Wit:
try thii product tot:"thir y'
days . '. then, If yoq 10 not ;
t omptete y' tlatisfed, try if
or fano , er thirty 'd•AyL-
The complete . series of articles dealing with Seaforth,
which was published in The Huron Expositor during 1966
are now-a`ailable in book form. -