HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-27, Page 1212.4 10 HU ON .EXPOSITOR, SEAF RTH ANT., APR. 27q 1967 1, .Audioh Sales Auction Sale OF SCHOOLS . �•-., *gumbo... - SATURDAY, APRIL 29TH at 1 •p.m, PARCEL NG. 1 -- will be; The Hydro - Electric Power Commission of Ontario BUILDINGS FOR SALE and REMOVAL TOWNSHIP OF TUCKER - SMITH A two-storey frame dwel- ling welling known as House No. .1 and a two-storey frame dwelling known as House -No. 2, each with ,a single car frame garage, locat- :ed on property frosting on the road between lots 5 and 8 approximately 1,000 feet south of High- -way No. 8 just east oil the Town of Seaforth in Lot 5, Con. 1, H.R,S. Town- ship of Tuckersmith. Tine buildings are to be removed, at the expense of the purchaser who is .wrequired to make all ar- rangements in,. connection • therewith. On coMpletion of the'removal, the prop- erty is to be suitably lev- elled to existing grade and left., in a tidy condi- tion. For further particulars, please contact A. H. Cass, ;107.5; • Wellington. Road, .. -London, telephone 434- 7391. The 34- The envelope containing offer to purchase must carry identification that it refers to - either Sea - fort') Building - No. 1 or Seaforth Building No. 2. Offers to purchase, stat- ing total offer and meth- od of payment;J'must be received by the under- signed before 4 p.m. Eas- tern Daylight Time, May ' 8, 1967 at 620 University Avenue, Toronto. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. E. B. EASSON, ' Secretary 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted offered for sale at 1 p.m. CFB Clinton School house No. '7 Tucker- Adastrai Park, Ontario smith Twp., nz acre of land, situated 11/4 miles west of For further information con- Egmondville an second Con. tact F/O Davis, SPO, at 482• Huron Road survey; complete 3411, Extension 201. with furnace, toilets, pressure 21-71-2 system., Contents — Wall maps,airs, mowers, cot, benches, Se arate'pils desks, radio, odd. chairs, , school bell. And contents in Tucker- Drainage Tenders smith Townhill on PARCEL, NO, 2 — will be offered for sale at 2:30 p.m. Damaged school house, S.S. No. 1 Tuckersmith Twp., 12/4 miles east of 'Hensall on % acre of land. Contents — Clare Hecla oil furnace, pressure system, school bell. , TERMS CASH' For further information contact Vern Alderice, RR 2 Kinpen, Ontario, phone '262; 5494 Hensall; Chairman of Huron County. School Area No. •1. HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer JACK CALDWELL, „ Clerk 20-72-2 AUCTION SALE Of SehooI Houses, Proper- ty and Contents, to be held on ' SATURDAY. APRIL 29TH 1967 -by the St. Columban Separate School Area. Sale begins at °10:00 o'clock am. sharp. SCHOOL NO. 1 — Former S.S.S. No. 4 Hibbert, conist- ing of good brick school and property of approximately three quarters of an acre qf land, located on Northeaster- ly corner of Lot 26, Con. 6, Hibbert Township. On this property is a good drilled well. Contents. of building: Almost new oil furnace, al- most new deep well pressure system, 2 toilet fixtures, 3 sinks. 7 black boards, cup- boards, several tables and chairs, couch, step ladder and ,Many miscellaneous items. SCHOOL NO. 2 — Sale of contents also on same day, "SATURDAY, APRIL 29TH 1967 Sale beginning at 11:30 a.m. at St Columban Separate School. in the village of St. Columban. ITEMS consisting of 50 single pupils. desks, 1 teachers desk, 18 blackboards, 1 Hein- tzman and Co. upright piano, 1 Alexandra upright piano, radio, electric clock, electric range; hot plate, several ta- bles and chairs. SCHOOL NO. 3 — Sale of Beachwood School,• consist- ing of good, brick school, 'house on one and one•quarter' acres of land, With a drilled well, located at "southeast corner of Lot 6, Con, 5, Mc- Killop Township, 1 mile west of Dublin and 1 mile north Sale begins at 12:30 p.m. Contents consisting of Al- most new (western) oil fur- nace, 2 oil tanks, Duro deep well pump, 1/3 horse power motor, 2 toilet fixtures, two sinks with drinking fountains, 1 teacher's desk and chair, 11 blackboards, en) u c h, cup- boards, maps, and many mis- cellaneous items. -Sale of Contents — CASH. Terms of Property — 10% • balance in 30 days. 5% Sales Tax in ,Effect - LARRY GARDINER Auctioneer AUGUST DUCHARME Clerk 20-73-1 21. Tenders Wanted Township of McKillop For the construction, accor- ding to Engineer's Report, Plan, Profile and Specifica- tions, will be received, by the undersigned until May 20 at 6:00 p.m., 1967. - (1) Kirkby Drainage Works 3268 lineal feet, closed drain of 12 to 18 inch tile and pipe, 2 catch basins. (2) Reid Drain 16550 feet open drain (4500 cu. yd.), spreading and levelling mat- erial including oil spoil bank.. (3) Givlin Drain 5100 feet open drain (850 cu. yards), spreading and levelling mat- erial including old spoil bank, (4)' Keys -Drain 2249 feet. open drain, (800 cu. yards), spreading and levelling mat- erial including old spoil bank (5) Kerr Drain 3342 feet closed drain of 10 to 14 inch tile and pipe. 2 catch basins, Township to supply tile acid pipe on items 1 and 5. Work on above drains to be completed by August 26, 1967. Contractor to be cover- ed by Workmen's Compensa- tion and Public Liability In- surance. A certified cheque for 10% of the bid to •acconle. pany tenders. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. Plans, profile etc. may be seen at my ,office. " J. M. ECIERT, Clerk, • - Lot 27, Con. 2 RR 1 Seaforth, Ont. 21-73-1 GROCERY STORE -CONCESSION TENDERS are solicited for Grocery Store Concession at CFB Clinton. Tenders to be addressed- to: - BASE COMMANDER MALEHELP WANTED Production Workers for Rapidly expanding- In- dustrial ,Plait • •* Good Working Conditions. * Attractive Employee Benefits. * Steady Employment. * Shift Premium. ---., Apply in person only, to, Personnel Office. Blackstone -Industrial Products Limited 588 witty ter&mita& 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY ANN McNEIL. All persons having claims against the Estate • of Mary Ann McNeil, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the l lth. ' day of March, 1967, are hereby no: tified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of May, 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard on- ly to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, .this 19th day of April, 1967. , McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor , 22-72-3 NOTICE - • • TO CREDITORS: In the Estate of ANNIE FLYNN All persons having claims against the Estate of Annie Flynn, late , of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Housekeeper, deceas- ed, who died on the 12th day of March, 1967, are heteby notified to send in full partic- ulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or 'before the 19th day of May, 1967, after which date, the assets will On- lydistributed, having regard on ly to. claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 25th day of April, 1967- McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-73-3 23. Business Directory Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed and capable ill sell- ing all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell Brucefield Phone 482-3384 23-63-tf JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat., 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint - Ment only Phone 527-1240 •— or 482-7010 Mon„ Wed. Clinton Office AUCTIONEER Specializing in Household and Farm Auction Sales. 8 years experience Fully Licensed Reasonable Rates TOM SHOEBOTTOM Call Collect Ilderton 666-0289 23-67x7 Licensed Auctioneer Farm and and 'Household Effects LARRY GARDINER Cromarty, phone Dublin 15R3 23-66.8 A. ' W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth Ontario G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION -Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, . Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527,0850 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant' 55-57 Sodth Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 23. Business Directory BOX FUNERAL • SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 -- Night 527-0885 Auctioneer J. A. BURKE Funeral Director DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day- Calls Phone 43 R 10 ' An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240, 24. Cards of Thanks We would like to thank our friehds, neighbors and all those who helped us in any way clean up after the tor- nado. Specialthanks also to the St. Columban and Dublin Catholic Women's League. — Ferg. and Anne Kelly. 24-73-1. We w uld ' lie to thank all our . relatives, friends and neighbors who were so kind to us when we lost our house and barn during the recent tornado, We will never be able by thank 'them enough' for their kindnesses which are so very much appreciat- ed by all of us. — Bruce, Bun, Gerald and Ronnie - Arm- strong. 24-73x1 • FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G.- GETEKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton • SEAFORTU VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Culiis, D.V.M., V.S. J. P. Raab; B.A., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth PART-TIME BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING„ INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED. • FRED KNETSCH 79 Market St., TeI. 527=0397 °' • SEAFORTH 23-71-3 W. J. CLEARY Seatortb Ontario LICENSED east mum prat TOR ' Night' orDiir Calla-- 527.OM0' Our heartfelt thanks to the men who cleaned the debris off our farm, cleaned up the barn, chain -sawed or helped in any other -way after the recent tornado, — Jack and Wilma Butson. 24-73x1 1 wish to thank all my friends neighbors and relatives for the cards sent to me, those who visited me while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital in London' and those who phoned my home. Tbanks to the Drs: and nurses. Every- thing was deeply appreciated. — Alvin Byers. . 24-73-1 Bob and Marlene Bell wish to thank everyone who has helped them in any way since the recent Tornado. Your kindness is very much ap- preciated and will long be remembered. 24-73-1 The family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly wish to express their deepest thanks to relatives, friends and neigh- bors for their many acts of kindness. Special thanks to all those who helped to res- cue our father and brother; also to Glenn Pepper, "Russe Roney and Leon LQuwagie, who are taking care of our livestock; also Mitchell Fire Brigade, Fathers Durand and Laragh, Cleary Funeral Home and all those who helped at home at the time of our great loss. Words cannot express our gratitude to everyone. 24-73x1 We -wish to exprets our thanks to our friends, neigh- bors and relatives who atten- ded our reception in Walton, also a special thank you to the people who were involved in the preparations: — Judy and Art McMichael, 24-73-1 27. Births SEIGNER --- In Seafortb Community Hospital on April 22, to Mr. and Mrs. David Seigner, Mitchell, • a daughter. WOLFE — In Victoria Hos- pital, London„ onnkpril 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe„ 631 Dunbayne Cres, London, a son. BINNENDYK — In Victoria Hospital, London, ,on April 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Binnedyk, (nee Linda Dob- son), twin Sons. 28. Deaths - BEATTIE — Frederick Stan- ton, at London; Ontario do April 23,, 1967. Beloved husband ,of Pauline Ander- son and father of Dr. How- ard Beattie. Interred at Maitland Bank Cemetery on April 25, 1967. MT. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barry wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Gayle Korean to Mr. Donald G. Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony. Hoffman, Zurich. Wedding to take place May 20th, 1967 at 2 p.m. at St. James' Church, Seaforth. -1 25. "In Memoriam HOEGY -- Ln loving mem-, ory of a dear aunt, Annie Hoe, gy, who _passed away 4 years ago April 28, 1963. We remember you in silence, We make no .outward show But what it 'meant to lase • you Auntie, Na (inewi ll ever know. ,ovin lv remembered by Dena and Kat rya .25=73x0, 0: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Racho, RR 2 Dublin, wish to an- nounce the . engagement of their daughter, Brenda ,Ain to Mr. Robert -:Higgins of Brussels. The wedding to take place at St. Thdmas Anglican Church,, Seaforth on Satur- day, May 27th at 2 p.m. xl Too Late FOR SALE — White-faced calf. Ted Van Dyk, RR 3 Sea - forth, phone 527-1435. xl Too Late FOR SALE' --• New party dress, spring coat, number of summer dresses, all site 12. Phone 262:5504, -1 FOR SALE — Apartment house in Seaforth, and 150 ncre farm with good buildings in Hallett Twp., and 200 acre farm in Morris' -Twp., with good buildings, oil fur- nace and 3 piece bath. •Apply to Harold Jackson, Real Es- tate Broker, 527-0640 or Al- lan Campbell, , Seaforth, 527- 0445. • -1 COMING EVENT -- A spring supper will be served in First Presbyterian Church Hall on Wednesday, June 14 at 6 p m. Sponsored ' by the • Barbara Kirkman Auxiliay. • -1 Classified ads pay dividends. FOR SALE — Dining ..room suite. ,in good condition. Mrs. A. Matheson, phone 527-1484. -1 'F t3R SALE — Pasture avail- able for 25 catle, Lot 5, Con. 13, McKillop. Phope Dublin 104 R 3 after April 29th. xl FOR SALE. -- 150 metal loc- kers, $4.00 each, at Seaforth District High School. Avail- able next month. Anyone wishing one or more leave their name with L. P- Plum - steel or Frank Sill's. 11-73-2 FOR SALE — Mixed grain, Garry oats, Herta barley and Selkirk wheat. Lime sniread- er and hypro twin piston spray pump, 4 section Fleury Bissel spring,n• tooth cultivator. Phone Clinton 482-3229. Joe Gibson. -1 Classifiedads pay dividends, FOUND — Small Collie dog (female) about end of March, yellow with white collar. If not claimed will give it to good home. Jqe Malone -109R8 Dublin. xl NEWS O1 CONSTANCE Present - Awards to. Top COF Bowlers The C.O.F. mixed bowling k igue held their annual ban- gtiet in the C.O.F. hall Wed- nesday. After the banquet officers named were Women's league president, Mrs. ._. Georgina Bos- man; secretary. .iV1rs. Betty Harris; treasurer, Mrs. Mary Riley; captains, Mrs. Ruth Campbell and , Mrs. Edith Nott, The trophies for 1966-67 pent to high average, Laur- een Regele; high. single, Mav- is Dalton; high triple, Anna Dolmage; Most improved, Ruth Campbell; Spares, high average, Pearl McCallum; high single, Olive Little; high triple, Esther Dennis; .perfect attendance for the season, Edith Nott; Anna Dolmage, and Ruth Campbell who each received a gift. A draw on a lucky nurn- her_w:a,s won by Janice Presz- cator. After the business meet- ing progressive euchre was played. ,Most games won prize went to Olive Little; lone hands, Georgina Bosman and low prize, Janice Presz- cator. The Men's league are presi- dent, Frank Riley; secretary, Bab Harris,. treasurer,' Don Nott; Captains, ' E. Osborn, Don Nott, Oliver " Iyce and Larry Wheatley. Trophies were won by high average, Bob Harris; high triple, Ben Riley; most im- proved, Frank Riley. C.O.F. Champion team was bo:n.. Nott, Bob Harris, Jack Bosman, Ken iThompson . and Nelson McClure: , The euchre prizes went to most .games, Bill Dolmage; lone hands, Nelson McClure; low prize, Don Nett.- Mrs. ett.-Mrs. Ruth Riley thanked the C.O.F. ladies for the ban- quet and Mrs. Les Dolmage replied. la.- and Mrs. Harold Rock of Bprnlsolm visited on Wed- nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn, Melody and Leona. Mr. and, Mrs,Paul Dedrick Simco of e spenthe week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart and family:. _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchan- an and family visited on. Sun-` day with Mr, and Mrs. George 'Hart of Brussels, Mk. and Mrs.• Ken Preszca- tor spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jen- nison and family of Grand Bend Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Os- born and girls visited on Fri- day with Mr: and Mrs. -How- ard Osborn and fathily of Monkton. . Mr, and Mrs. George iVic- 1lwain and Mary visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Crozier,• Irian, Patti, and Kevin ofListowel.• • Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dale, Debbie and Donna of London. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth visited oar Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson of Clinton. -Sindhy visitors with Mrs. Elia Jowitt- and boys were Mr. and Mr's. Dennis Jewitt, Kathy and David of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs: John gond Carol Ann, Judy, Danny and Billq:, and irks, Lorne Pride of Fullerton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn, Melody .and Leona. Miss Tina Wammes of Lon- don visited a couple of days this .week with her parents Mr.- and 1VIr% JcShn" Wammes and family. Mrs. Don Glousher, Karen and Billy of Blyth visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dale and girls. The . community extends deepest sympathy to Mrs. Ad- olph Otten and family on their recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bak- er and famil-; of Goderich spentthe week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and fafhily. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley spent the week end visiting M}•. and Mrs. Bob Woods and, family of .Gananociue and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley and faintly -of -Ajax Mrs. Irene Grimoldby spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ken 'Betties -of Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and Elaine of Hanover vis- ited Mr. and Mts.-Frank Riley and Mrs. Sadie Riley an Sun- day evening. "Morning," drawled the re- cruit, whereupon the outraged officer gave him a stinging lec- ture on military courtesy with special emphasis on saluting. "Well," said the recruit, "if I'd knowed you was gonna carry on like that, I wouldn't of spoke to you at all," 5 PORTSWEAR FOR THE MEN Jackets 9.95 • to 17.95 All -Weather Coats , 19.95 Dress Pants 9.95 tq. 76,95 KOratron Casuals 7.93 to 13,95 Dress ,leans 4.95 to. 7.95 Caps and :flats 35c to 2.95 Centennial Hats 7.95 SS Sport and' Dress Shirts . . . 2.95 to 6.95 - Forest Green Work Pants 4.95 Matching Shirts 'ti• 3.95 Walker's Overalls- 6.95 • FOR THE BOYS Jackets , 3.50 to 9.95 Koratrod Casuals . , 4.50 to 6.95 Dress Jeans 2.95 to 6.95 Caps 1.00 SS Dress and 'Sport Shirts 1.95 and 2.95 Gym Shorts ~ 1.50 BILL O'SHEA MEN'S WEAR Phone 527-0995 - Seaforth SMITH'.S *FOODHi,A►RKET*1 SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Miracle WhipSalad • DRESSING • lge. 324z. btl. 590 . Shaker, plus Four Serving ,Pkg. "GREAT SHAKES" Tastes like a Soda Fountain Milk Sliake Bick's Sweet PICKLES , lge. 32 -oz. jar 49t r .. BABY FOODS 8 4% -oz.• jars 930 Mother Parker Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS pkg. of 6d:850 I Sunnyvale' Fancy Quality PEACHES lge.,28-oz. tin 390 Garden Patch Choice' 'CREAM STYLE CORN 2 14 -oz. tins 290 'PRODUCE 39¢ Heinz Strained No, 1: Hot House TOMATOES Texas. Mild ' White ONIONS Texas New Firm CABBAGE ib. 490 2 lbs. 250 2. lbs. 23¢ FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's Phone 527-0990 Free Delivery FARM, FARM STOCK FOR SALE? USE -'---'EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED PHONE 527-0240 Seaforth HURON AUTOMOTIVE & - SUPPLY Rex Duckworth •, 263 Huron Road, Goderich-- Don't Miss Our -:Red Hot Deals 'Novy NEW MERCURYS, METEORS, COMETS,..FALCONS,ANGLIA CORTINA and TRUCKS . - READY NOW -- GOOD USED CARS • ONE OWNER ,1966 Rambler Ambassador, V-8, Auto,, power brakes, power steering,. radio, like new 1964 Ford) Ctistom 500, Fourdoor, V-8, Auto. radio, Good clean car 1963 Ford Fairlane 6, standard, like new 2-1962 Ford Galaxies 1042 Pontiac 6 standard 195.2. Rambler 0 standard, radio 2-1901 Ford V-8, standards 1960 Stddebaker 6 standard, real buy 1960 Interiiatid'nal Dump, 'V48 - Clin'tcrl Representative George Cutler . •N ONE OWNER 1966 Mercury twodioor H.T., V-8, power brakes, radio, like new 1965 Mercury fourdoor, V-8, .Auto.,, power brakes, power steering; power back window, real clean 1964 Studebaker • fourdoor, ' V-8, .standard, • radio 1964 Studebaker wagon, V-8, standard, ov- erdrive, ideal Mr summer trip 1964 Pontiac 6 -Auto., Radio - 1963 Corvair Monza 6, four on the floor, radio 1963 Chev. fourdoor H.T., V-8, Auto., radio, one,owner 1960 -Dodge 6, standard . Seaforth Representbtive Cleave ;Coombs Phone 5279016 Phone — Res. 482-9782 bus.. 524;0274