HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-27, Page 11A rn • .... Be.B, .,...... ' r F USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR 'ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3, Found 4. Help Wanted • 5. Business Opportunities G. Teachers Wanted • 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For 10. Used Cars For Sale ' 4.1. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20, Auction Sales ' 21. Tenders Wanted 22, Legal Notices 23, Business Director -Y. 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals . 27. Births - 28. Deaths .29. Marriages Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab-• breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing thinizniuns; Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 12 13 and 17 minimum 65c. ClasSifica- tions 24, 25, and 26 minimum 2c per word, minimum All other classifications mini- intun $1.15, per insertion ex- cept Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates, on apialic- a tion For cash payment or if paid within 10 dayS following laSt insertion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. 1. Coming Events CASH Bingo, Friday, May -5, Legion Hall, Seaforth. Pro- ceeds for Tornado Fund. 1-73-1 SCHOOL REUNION SS. No. 10- Stanley SATURDAY, MAY 20,• 1967 1:00 pan . All foriper teachers, pupils, families and friends welcome. Please notify' interested per - ons. Picnic Supper 5:00 p.m. 1r70-6 CUB Meeting — May 1,.. can- celled until hall cleaned up. Parents. could you please help us clean •up en evening, May lst, 7 o'clock.1-73-1 -THE Seaforth Whirl -a -Ways are sponsoring a 'square dance in SDHS on Friday, April 28 at 8:30 p.m. Admission $2.00 per couple. Frank Burgess of. Chatham Is guest caller.' Spectators are invited to view . from the balcony free Of charge. 1-73x1 "HERE Comes Charlie", 3 act comedy, will be presented by. the- Friendship Circle of First • Presbyterian ChUrch, May llth and 12th at 8:00 c'4 clock in •the Seaforth Public School. Auditorium. Tickets $1.00, reserved $1.26 Tie available feom Friendship Circle members. 1-73-1 CASE Bingo, Thursday, May 25th. Door prizes. Proceeds to go to Seaforth Rovers. ' 1-73x1 ,GODERICH Community con- cert membership drive, May 1 to May 6th.. Please contact Miss Gladys Thompson, 527- 1602 Seaforth.' 1-73x1 • 4. Help Wanted - WANTED - ‘. LADY TO SUPERVISE Operations -of refreahment booth at Sealrth Lions Park. - Duties • InvOlving_direetion of staff as well as stock control Could occupy up to two hours ,daily. • Apply in writing before April 28th indicating hourly salary' required to - LIONS CLUB PARK COMMITTEE 17:0. Box 69, Seaforth , . 4-72-2 AREyou looking for a good paying part-time job! Avon offers a marvelous opportun- ity in Hibbert or McKillop Tiywnships Write or call ev- enings. collect 11ers. M. Mill - son, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, 4510541. 4-73-1 4, Help Wanted INTERESTING tWaitiQn, for saleslady able to suPPlY.refer- eneee Must bave,own car as outside interviewing 'is posi- tion requirement. This Posi- tion offers the, highest income potential in, anY field and hes great prestige in -the inye,st- ment business as a represent- ative of a major national 'ar- ganization. If you are bond- able and over age 28 for fur- ther details. write to Box 41 Crediton. 4-72x2 GIRL or woman to work week ends and some even- ings in Shack Bar. Apply to Box 1652, The Huron Exposi- tor. 4-724 A Few hours a day will realFy pay the Avon way, so call or write .61Tenings Mrs. M. MillSon, 17. Hawkesbury AVe.,- London, 451-0541 celled. • 4-72-1 HELP WANTED Welders Fitters General Laborers Rates to 2.15 • per hour Steady Work 4 Apply in person R.obert Bell Industries •Ltd. Seaforth 4-73-2 5, Bus. Opportunities Grow Cucumbers and make Extra Money. If you have % an acre or more, grow cucumbers for Top Prices, all hybrid seed Free Pick-up at gate. . For information apply to Albert Kramers; BICK'S OF CANADA Dublin, Ont. Phone 30 R 3 5 70-5. 8. Farm Stock For Sale ABERDEEN Angus ,club calf prospects. • Robert J. Doig, North Main Street, Seaforth, ,phone 527-0763. 8 -63 -ti SEVENTEEN pigs, Peter Van Drunen, RR 5 Seaforth. Phone Dub 109 R3. 8-73x1 SIXTEEN pigs, nine weeks old. C. Vanderzon, pho ne 52'7-1772. - • • 0-73x1 4-H Calf, shorthorn, eligible for Queens Guineas. -Gorge Townsend, phone.527-00'96. ••- 8-73-1 9. Poultry For Sale RIM'BER 'LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available' now. Book your or- ders early. SCOTT. POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 flex 160 19 -61 -if 10. Used -Cars For Sale 1962 [blue Pontiac, 6 cyclind- er, Strato Chief, in good con- dition. For • further informa- tion Phone Seaforth =7-1205. o• • 10-73x1 11. Articles Fier Sale TIMOTHY seed, Jim Axt- mann, RR 2 Waltese phone 527-0107. • ' 114724 ONCiargq,gasIkteater ireette- ally hew. tO Wind up estate. Apply P: 13.1VIcConthll, EXec- utor, Telephone 527-0850. 11-„724-2 RED Clover, $20,00 per bus- hel; and. 'Timelthy seed, $7.00 per bizahel, GOVernraent oins-- pected Canada No. 1 Seed. This seed is of high, germina- tion and purity. E. Bederman, phone 527-0196.11-72x3 m BROWNIE uniform', size 8, good "as new. Phone 527-1355. 11-73x1 STANDARD PRODUCTS (Stratford) LTD. FOR PLANT 4, MIT611 ELL :• RUBBER PRESSMEN Steady work in modern plant. Starting rate $1.85 hour, plus incentive. Off shift premium 11c hour. Company paid benefitg. Apply at 1630, Erie St. Stratford ' 271-8860 '1==tagZ=MAIM -11. Articles For Sale •FOR SALV Pioneer seed 'corn- is tested for oe.eti:' strength in cold wt Stki1 at a temperature of 48degrees. For hybrids with Plenty of liustle and Big 'Yields plapt Pioneer this spring. Leonard Lqvell, leippen, Ontarke Pb. 282-5030. - -11-72-3 MCCORMICX 10. 9 Spring tooth eultivator in good COnr dition, on rubber. Tony Der Jong, RR 3 Seaforth, Phoee 482-9983. 11-73-1 • BARN, 40'. x 96' with steel roof. Ray Huether, RR. 3 Wal- ton. Phone Brussels 368 1,13. 11-734 ABOUT 350 bales alfalfa and Timpthy. First cutting. Joe Carrel, RR 5 Seafortli. 11-73x1 TIMOTHY seed, Lou Boltoe, RR 1 Dublin, 527-1576. • 11-73x1 VACCINATE before calves go on range. Protect them with 2 in 1 vaccine . . . Nix- on Blackleg Malignant Edema., Bacterin. Economical 2 cc dose. Keating s Pharmacy, Tile Rexall Drug- Store,.phone 527-1990, Seaforth.. 11-73-1 2000 ft, 4-ineh lumber striP- Ping (new), suitable for use under steel siding. Dbn Mc- Cormick, RR 2 _ Wingham, Phone 357-2787. • 11-73x1. TIMOTHY seed and a quan- •'ty of baled shavings. Ken hompson, phone 527-1915. 11-73-2 MINIATURE Poodle puppies, also' Collie pups. Mrs. Ken. Thompson, ,phone 527-1915. o •11-73-2 BABY buggy in good condi- tion. Phone , 527-0836. 11-73x1 SMITH -Corona typewriter in good condition, $30. Phone 527-0673. • 11-73-1 TWO piece chesterfield siOte' in reasonably good condition, $35. Phone 527-0673. 11-73-1 Jewellery Repairs We d� all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing • Retip Claws Rebuild §hanks Bead Restringing • Repair costume Jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-6141 • • WANTED Watch trade-ins es- Weare allowing Top Prices for your old watch on. a new BULOVA ----CARAVELLE ENICAR • • ACCUTRON Over 150 watches in stock ANSTETT- JEWELLERS LTD., SEAFORTH • 11-644 FOR SALE—Cedar' posts, anchors andbraces, barb wire and page wire. McClus- kie's General Store, Winthrop. 1 -70-tf • WE have the following • at lowest prices: Polaroid Swing- er Cameras, electric shavers, tape recorders, transistor rad- ios, hairdryers. :Anstett Jew- ellers Ltd. 11-614 ENGLISH dinnerware by Johnson Bros. of -England. 50 piece sets of '8, over 40 pat- terns to choose from, only $29.95. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. • 11-614f RED Clover Seed for plow down, 80 sweet Clover per oz., Weed count 100% free. R. N. Alexander, Londesboro. 11-71-3 SEE our new spring .mjewel- lere now on display cltd-, ing many centennial items, $1.00 and up. Savauge Jewel- lers (opposite the post office). 11-684f WESTERN hand tooled sad- dle, Phorie 527-1384, after six 11-71-3 TRADE-IN Sale is still on at Savauge's. Trade-in your old watch and receive an extra allowance on all Elgins, Cara- velles, Elcos, several Bulovas and other makes at Savauge Jewellers (opposite the post office). 11-684f SEE the special Centennial values by Bulova at Savaugee priced at $33.50 and $50.00 and in companion sets at 2 fez° $61.00 and 2 for $100.00. These values will never -again be repeated by Ilidova., Now on display at Savauge Jewel- lers (opposite the post office). 11-684f SILVERWARE Special. 50 piece sets, drawer chest in- cluded only $79.95. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-614f NEED a clock! We have a large selection of alarm, kit- chen, decorator, and mantel clocks. Anstett JewellerLtd. 11-614f FRAME house to be moved also Yorkshire „Government premium boars. Bill Turnbull, Phone Brussels 104. 11-73x1 ELECTRIC lawn mower, 1 year old, $35.00. Phone 527. 1315 after 5 p.m. 11-78x2 COLLIE pups, apply to W. J. Leerning, phone 527.0818. • • 11..73*1 SET of double discs, 9', Cock. shutt; good condition. Apply Merton Iteyes,. Seaferth. 11-73-1 QUANTITY Of glrl'reelOtfi g In, geed condition, Sizes -1.0 12 years, priced, reasonably. Apply 16 .14114 Fel MAO, Coleman St., 0,010404 11.48X1 11. Articles For Sale ONE thpiaand 6a1es James Maloney, Lot 1, CRP, 5, McKillop Twp, - 11-73X1 BED and sPripip75-4'7--7-'0140 extra ser of springs. Rhone 527-0202. 11-73X1 M -M 2 -row, 3 -pt. hitch' corn planter, in , good eondition, $15.0.00: lloeSs Knight,140t 17, Coll. 15, Grey ToyvpshiP, Call Brussels 328 J.5. •1113-1 GOLDEN Falcon travel :trail- ers, Tag -a -long tent' trailers, Alerninuni car-tep b � a ts, Chrysler outboards, tents and camping supplies - on display'. We rent and 'sell for less. We are. now renting truck canip- ers and % ton trucks, CaraP- Out Stratford, 393-5938 open till 9 p.m, ' ' 11-73-1 CLIMAX Timothy and 'Tre- foil, 'mixed. Alvin Elligsen, Dublin, 104R 12 Dublin, • 11-73-1 RED, white-faced bull calf. Henry Klaver, RR 4 Clinton, 482-9156. 11-73x1 ANNIVERSARY Sale of ar- tificial flowers and planters, 25% and . up off. Staffen's Greenhouee, 12 Jarvis St., Seaforth. Open Evenings. We deliver free. 11,7342 FIRE truck, 1965, ladders,. hose and ivarning bell Ex- cellent condition, chain driv- en, $18.00. Driver must be 3 to 6 yrs. old. Call 527-1322. • 11-73x1 For Sale . LADIES' DRESS COATS • Priced $21.95 tn $33.95 20% DISCOUNT Eve -Mar Store . 11-73-1 For Sale • Gatvg DRESS COATS Priced $12.96 to $18.95 • 20% DISCOUNT • Eve -Mar Store •• . , 11-73-1 . FOR SALE Men's •Forest Green ,r - WORK PANTS • Compare $4.25 -SPECIAL $2:85 , Eve -Mar Store • 11-73-1 FOR SALE MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS • EXTRA SPECIAL $2.98 Eve -Mar Store 11-73-1 ALFALFA and Timothy seed. Phone or call after six, Gor- don Elliott, 527-0187. 11-73-1 ONE 15 -run IHC grain and, fertilizer drill markers, 9 ft. IHC tandem disc, 18" discs, 7% ft.' IHC HD spring tooth cultivator, • 1 IHC 4 -wheel manure spreader on steel, 1 4 -row IHC. bean scuffler, 3 - sections Melroe coil spring harrows, 1 '• Cockshutt 3 -fur - ow plow, Several sections drag harrows. Bill Kyle, Kip - pen, phone 262-5051. 11-73-1 AN electric sewing 'machine, console type, in perfect run- ning condition and ',young man's Harris tweed 'sports - coat like new. Phone 527-0175 • 11-73-1 ORDER your Mother's -Day flowers now. Hydranges, Glo- xinias, Fuchias, Mums, Mixed pots and geraniums, tuberouS begonia, dahlia, 'gladioli and canna bulbs. Staffen's Green- house, 12 Jarvis St., Seaforth. Open evenings. We deliver free. 11-73-3 12. Wanted To Buy , CHESTS of drawers, cup- boards, picture frames, hall trees, dishes, lamps, chairs, books. Phone 271-1578, Strat- ford. •12-61-tf HIGHEST irices .paid for live fowl, picked up at the farm. Phone Ron Bennett, Walton, 527-0887: 12-67-8 A 54" Wide brass led, and a 39". wide • brassbed. Also French Limoge China in gold band-, and Elite Bridal wreath patterns. Need particularly dinner plates, cups and sauc- ers, large serying pieces. All Must be in perfect condition. Write 616 Ontario St., Strat- ford, stating particulars. ° 12-71-4 • ATTENTION • EGG PRODUCERS Free Washing, Compare our grading. Top prices paid for A's and undergrades To get your eggs picked up call " • • "Mitch" Parkhill Creamery 294-6265 12-73-1 14. Property For Sale PROPERTY • FOR SALE - 1. One lot 100' frontage zi 240' on which., is situated a two 'room school:54' x 48', • complete Will oil furnace, 2 eil. Sill- tanks, all plumbilt toad It Seheol tied a well. 2. One bending lot, 75' frontage x 240'. •' S. One ,Iyttudibg lot 108' fl'Olitage 'X 240'. THE PWROOCIPXPOSITOR, *AP $7, 1,147.41 14. Property ForSale All are sittiatd- at St, Col, umban on Highway fl...ApplY to C.R.C.S.S. Hibbert Logan and Mcleilloe. 2 Sellool Board. CLARENCE MALONEY Chairman AUGUST DI.ICHARME.. Secretary -Treasurer St. Columbian, Ontario 14-73-2 TWO Storey frame bogie in Dublin, new gas furnace, 3 piece bath dotenitaire two piece upstairs,. a 1 U mi nu'm storm windows. Phone 69 R2 Dublin, George Coyne. • 14-73x3 BUILDING kit 80' x 156', in Seaforth, good location, Call 527-0947 after six p.m. 14-73x2 15. Propeily For.Itent mobEnN 2-bedroezn arratt, ment. Phone 527-0810 or Far eter, 235-1510. • 15-614f FOR - SALE A four bed- room house, close to town. Modern facilities. • Available vow. Phone 527-0676. 15-72-2 TWO bedroom brick hope, ga.s furnace, modern.kitchen, close to down town. Rent $60 monthly, hydro included. Possession May lst. -Apply to Box 308, Seaforth. 15-73-1 19. Notices BULLDOZERS for rent. BArn walls buried and land clear- ing. Robert •Nicholson Cons- truction Co. Ltd., RR 2 Monk - ton, Ontario. Phone 347-2301. 19-73-4 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales .and •Service, authoriz'ed dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house ,St., Goderich, phone -524- 6514. •19-614f WATC-H REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd..' •• Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-61-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, ,phone 527-1406. , 19 -61 - NOTICE Custom planting torn, beans, cucumbers. Call 482-9265 after 6 pan. 'John Van Beers; RR 1 Clinton. •• • 19-71x3 VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen • Sales, Varna.- Phpne. 262-5350. Hensel% •19-61-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipmint used. Al] work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussele phone 442 w 6, Bruss- els' or contact HAROLD. MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. • • 19. Notices 7NOTICE • Tuchersmith • Municipal DuraP • will • be open until further notice on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS., from 1 to 5 P,tn. and on SAT- URDAY MORNING- from 10 to 12 a.m., ••e NO wire fencing, old eon - trete or car bodies permitted. JAMES I. McINTOSH Clerk • • 19-71-tt SILOS FOR POURED CONCRETE SILOS CONTACT — D. & R. SILOS Phone Monkton 347-29773 12-4 CALL REG SMITH SIGNS or truck lettering, farm signs, sale banners, highway bullet- ins, plastic signs, gold leaf. All work guaranteed. Corner East and High, Clinton. phone 482-9793. 19-6041, NOTICE Hibbert Township Municipal Dump Will be open until further notice on SATURDAYS ON- LY from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. No wire fencing, car bod- ies, or old concrete permitted. ANNE BURCHILL Clerk • 19-71-2 NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Ce -operatives Jf Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phene by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUN',F, , Phone Seafoeth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R 10, Dublin. • Call Collect • 19-61-tf DEAD ANIMALS •• REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals • CALL COLLECT , Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. • Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65' 19-61-tf TRI - TOWN BOOKKEEPING' SERVICE • • CLINTON — SEAFORTH - GODERICH AREAS - Five ,Years Experience in all Phases of Bookkeeping, •Phone 482-9260 19-61-11 (MOPIhkt7tPaSIV 11 -IAN FENCE TO FENtE BROAD- LOOM! 11Mt.as. la, m oe .tUOIIIIIi7,....._ i; A .1 ,* b • 111011rA, ;0, Auction Sales, .AtIO'rION OALE Of ITousehold EffectS, 4"Ohtl $t.,, Seaforth On •. SATURDAY, MAY ,OTtl . • at 1."paxl. 3 piece chesWifieild antique oPf•40, rOa.teliitkd Chairs, library table, r(ieltifig C4airS# WieltPr ChairS$ antsque cane rocking small tables, eleetrie card table, buffet aryl chairs; 2 chest of drawers, Hall seat and mirkbr, umbrel- la stand, 17 inch teletri.siore folding screen picture, ger sewing leaelii•ne, brook shelf, 4 beds, springs met,t- resses, dressers, 'Wash, stand. 3 toilet sets, quilt ,l*Pic, bed- ding, pilletwa, brie bra; Que- bec bee*, Qiiebee Gook stove, kitchen chairs, radio, Frigidaire 4 -burner ° electric stove, Vaeurnis cleaner, china, crystal, • silverware, kitchen utensils, 2 Stepladders, wash- ing 4i-aehine., garden feels, fruit jars; electric:iron, coal oil lamp, teuziks. Other artic- les too numerous to mention. TERMS — 'CASH MISS MABEL THOMPSON, • Proprietress HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer - MEL GRAHAM, Clerk Aucuon §toes Stader F AUCTION SALE "40-04* simuRDAt AT Conntiellebig 4 1100 ij 600 Head comat- log of cilives, beif- ers andsteers Fee efAlststoni0; et0 41-; - . the management. •• • 32-gr'rioatrif:A,v.:1; 234O0$': Auctioneer- ' • • HECTQ Me73-2 N*414 • • • • Additional • Classified - ' SEE PAGE 12 • IREVISED :CLASSIFIED • RATES Effective First Issue May, 1967 ' ' First insertion — 3c per word, minimum 65c ', - - • , • , Addition -al insertions --I- 2c per word minimum 50c' Classifications. 1) 4, 5, 18, 19, 24, 25' and 26, Additional Insertions — 2 per-lorirdlt' Minimum $1.00 6, 14, lb; 10.1,17,,1 minimum' $L1& Cards 'of Th'anks, In Memoriam and Personals — 2c per word, minimum $12' 15c will be deducted if paid. within 10 days of last insertion. - I DISPLAY CLASSIFIED: - I First Insertion fOc per agate line '6A Additional Insertions — 7c, per agate line- Legal — 14c per agate line, additional insertions 12c per agate line. DEADLINE Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. C-NloriteA BEEN BAKctl&? YOU FERTILIZE IT;\ WATER IT, RAKE USE. WeED KILLER, MOW IT... you WoNcT &ET A CHANCE _THEY Rnle D . 90C-01 SeAT? WNW DISd8PMCES? ill11-11'DNOU 8U1 71416 CAR, DAD? YoOR Man-IE1Z, LIKED THE • COLoR! WHAT SHE DION'T NOrce 'JAS 114 47/ edeic • tNai Eri&Aig! IT VJILI.6,0 FROM A STAOS111.1- To 'es N 7 secombs! WONDER WHY' YOU QO • IT' 1111111116 SO SHES, PHoteisl& HER ,GANe To COME 0‘1512 ' FOR.1145 5vUNIN6!" THINGS HAVE REACHED A PRe TTY PASS WHEN GERMS ANb VI21JeES APE CONSCRIPTED AS WEAPONS ! WA, DON'T PONT IT • OUT To HEO ****4 * dr ..4441/4 * *IS• ,