HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-27, Page 3,4* re. • • KNOW. !„"that.000.. API .4,00 • iokupolrociali1.44040.11**goosaif • ISO moi4.0141.; 040600440 - PAP alkg Lib Os" ie isegribisei JOHN J. WALSH Sun Life Assurance COnninny �f Putada Phone 2714000 48 Rebecca St., STRATFQRD ° WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESUUS: Dial 527-0240 • TENDER , • MUNICIPAL DRAIN . Tenders will be received by the Town- ship of Hullett for the construction of a mun- icipal drainage. works •known as: - Volk Municipal Drainage Work • .The work 'consists 'of the constructioU bf-4,671 lineal feet of covered drain,* three -catch basins and one junction box. • Tenders must be received not later than Saturday, April 29, 1967, at 6:00•o'clock P.m All tenders must be clearly inhrked as to contents and accompanied by a certified • cheque for 10% of the tender price. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The plans and specifications may be geen at the Clerk's Office. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk -Treasurer RR 1, Londesboro, Ont. - Read the Advertisements— It's a Profitable Pastime! The Public is invited to attend . . . - The Annual Meeting of • SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL • P• • ‘,••• Thursday, April 27th 8:30 p.m. • . In the Hospital (Health Unit Conference room, ground floor) For the purpose of receiving the Directors' and Auditors' Reports and the Election of" •Directors The meeting will provide an opportunity for. a discussion. of hospital problems. Refreshments will be served following the meeting 0; SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL STATEMENT "OF OPERATING . • REVENUE "AND EXPENSES pr. Year ended December 31, 1966, • (with comparative figures for the year ended Dec. 31, 1965) Revenue from general services: Standard ward ' Preferred accommodation 1966 1965 $301,207.00 $22/7,717.00 16,694,00 12,45/.00 317,901.00 Revenue from special services: 240,174.00 Out-patients 14,378.00 11,045.00 Province of Ontario health grant 332,279.00 • 251,219.0047800 422.00 Municipal grants 85.00.- 79.00 332,842.00 251,720.00 Expenses (net) (statement 4) 311,934.00 239,217.00 Excess of operating revenue over expenses before depreciation 20,908.00 12,503.00 Depreciation, equipenent and furilishingS " 13,337.00 6,487.00 'buildings . . „ 19,099.00 7,791.00 land hnprovernents 1„121.00 76.00 33557,00 14,354.00 Deduct:" Operating loss for year 12,649.00 • ' 1,851.00 Donations• '' 25.00 900.00 Investment Monne 106.00 Purchase discounts 51.00 31.00 . , Excess of expenses over revenue for the /ear $ 12,573:00 $ 814.00 .4+444.444 April 12, 1967 I f 4.4.14,44,44,4,46, LLOYD HOGGAR.TII, Secretary Wititse..rs. Vollewing are the winners special games at the -bingo, Fri- day evening, which was- spono oared 'by the Canadian. Legion, Branch 156: Beverly Lee, Ca& ton Jack, Oder,f,litchell; Mr. NicKercher, Jamestown; Mrs, Holmes, Clinton. • Whiners of the regular games( were Mrs. Habkirk, Seaforth; Jaok Ozier, Mitchell; Mrs. Beuerinann, Seaforth; Mrs. W. Vandeiburgh, Clinton; Sharon Baird, Brucefield; Mrs. Bak*, Seafordin Jen Sanger, Mitchell; Mrs, Campbell, Mitchell; Mrs. M. Glanville., Seaforth; Eileen Plante, Seaforth; Ms. Lee, Clin- ton; Frank Skinner, Mitchell; Mrs. Wilson, (Minton. Door prizes went to 11,01. Toni Sharp, Clinton; Mrs. Jim Barry, Egmonciville. There will be no bingo this Friday evening but the coinrait- tee win hold a special bingo on May 5th. The entire proceeds of this -affair will be donated to the Tornado Fund. FUNERAL MRS. JOHN H. SIMPSON A former resident of MeKil- lop Township, in the person of Mary Elizabeth McClure, widow of the late John H. Simpson, of Russell, Mai, passed away in Sacred Heart Hospital there, on Tuesday, April 18th. Mrs. Simp- son was the former Bes,sie Mc- Clure, daughter of the. late Mr.. and Mrs. John McChire of Win- • throp mid went west in 1920 and was married to Mr. Simp- son in 1921. Surviving are . three daugh- ters: (Beth) Mrs. Ed. Hofstrand, Stockholm, Sask.; (Dorothy) Mrs. Lyle Mickle, Russell, Mem.; (Gertrude) Mrs. David Selkirk, Spy Hill, Sask; ,and six sons, Hugh of Blyth; Jack, Inglis, Man.; Ad. of Shoal Lake, Man.; Robert of Stockholm, Sask.; Walter, Calgary; and Earl, with the Armed Forces in Germany; also by three sisters, Mrs. Gar- net Taylor, Staffa; Miss Ethel McClure -of Seaforth; and Mrs. Ed. Broadfoot of Haney, BC.; and two brothers, Robert and James, MeKillop. Interment was made in Rus- -sell, Manitoba. • BUR CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL Walden & BrOadfoot - Phone 527-1224 Seaforth .4.44/.44.4•44.4.441.54444.44...44 NEWS 6 , 1 N , ...1 , sise, and Mrs. Xvaii. $14.4T44`044 vlsifed Mrx *air 314* 14ti4on, viAitedr4vIth her Val‘ iom4 n..1)40Y,,,141" .. ' ent,S„ Mx. and Mrs. Jaelc Bal Mrs. Leena iferaP; .grO, Lor00 .folir Lor the siveWm4. Pridet viaited Mx And WS. attended! the 50th Wedding an., Virg and Ws. flatten MaleO)14 Wenn Fewer recently. niversary Of her Mint end uncle ' hlr• and WU's. LelandD'Unatatire: ke .StratfOrdi on Saturday. . ---k news 01 friend, - Seaforth, with and Barry, Mr. RQSS Wfurdie„and . Jr. and MrS. Roos .Gordon: Eirodhagen wry Malcolm on SatnrolleY Mr. ,and 0/frs. Alvin. 13rockir, night. Gbderich, Mrs. Mabel 'Higger- (Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar son and Harry Proctor, leer and Wendy 'called on Mr. 1Viitchell, were guests of Mr, and and Mm. Walter Scott, SundaY MP. Ken Ellig,sen on Sunday. evening. Word was received by friends Jeffrey Burchill spent Sun- n the McKillop community of day witb. her grandparents., Mr. the death of Mr. Tim Stevens and Mrs. Jack Burehill. i Of Birmingham, Michlgan.„, Mr. Alan and Doug Gibb, of .Mr. and Mrs. Wayne limner - Stratford, visited over the week: •maim and Jeffrey visited with end with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Man - Malcom and attended a hock- uel Beuermann on, Sunday. ear game in Mitchell. f Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer •and Karl visited 'with her Par - Mx. and Mrs. Lau/re/tee Bar- ents, 'Mr.' and 'Ms.. Clifford ker called at the Box Filieral Home, Sealorth, on Sundays to T,itarks at Brussels'en Sunday. Mrs. Vern blartyn spent Sun - see the late Mr. Thomas Kay, Who passed away on Friday at da3;i: with her son,jack Martyn Clinton. an Mr. and Mrs. Mem 'Wolfe. •'Mrs. Mabel Higgerson, Mr. Harry Praetor, were in Gode- rich on Sunday and celebrated his father's 90th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm visited with her mother, Mrs. George Gibb and Mr. and Mrs, Jini Gibb, Stratford, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell, Ethel Mae and Robert called on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller of Staffa, Siinday. • Mrs. Charles Roney and Alan were in London on Monday. Old man, asked why he had ,Ikeyer married, explained, 'Td rather go through life- winding something I didn't have than having something I didn't want." • Whistler came home and found his mother scrubbing the kitchen flooronher hands and knees. - "Why, mother," he exclaimed ,Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman, "You've gone off your rocker!" DEAR. DORIS advice from Doris Clark 55 • , . 44.10E1':*, 'UNWELCOME GUESTS DEAR DORIS — I need your help with two friends of ours who -live out of town and come to hur-house on viiits. While she's there we are never right on. anything they will al- most come out and call tit, and everyone else.- a liar. They ar- gue all the time and everyone ends up in a fight. She holds grudges all her life. She goes out of her way to find things out about people's past and she. just sits there and telly them 'off in .front of anyone. She drinks an awful lot and, boy, does she ever have temper tantrums then! We can't tell her anything be- cause it ' will go back to- the person. Even if it's •a nice. thing we say, she gets it all knixed up and tells it. I have tried to talk te them. but they say I don't know what I'm talking about. What is wrong with people like that? A Faithful Reader of Yours DEAR FAITHFUL — Wrong Is there anything right about them? Any tingle thing? ,I have only published part 'efyew* letter, leaving out the part a- boet the laziness, the bitter- ness, the shadypast. Why on earth do you have anything to do with them?' 0 SPECIAL 0 20% OFF off all WEST BEND Kitchen Utensils till the , end of April IRVIN'S HARDWARE Phone 527-1160 • Seaforth . I canonly guess that she got off on the wrong foot, was given a very poor impression of this unkind world early in life, ,an.d„ has been hitting back ever since. If you look at it that way, she is more to be pit- ied than hated! DEAR DORIS — What can you do with a 19 -year-old boy who always keeps everybody waiting on hien? He goes •to • night -school and one night he called a neighbor boy.• and 'asked for a lift. My boy had nothing to do but be ready. Was he? You ,guessed it. He kept the boy waiting 15 minutes. The boy was walking back and forth in the house and I was ashamed. I've askedf- his grodp that goes to school to leave.. withont him but they never would. When he does get out he often forgets something and has to come• back.% Just Fuming f DEAR JUST FUMING — I'd fume too; but it would' get me nowhere. If you, and the boys, insist - on being _imposed on, your slew poke is not likely to speed Up, Is he? Such people simply have to suffer the indignity of losing face :for their defect, 'before they will be jarred enough to reform. Something like an al- coholic; nobody can change him iv covering up for him. 'NW said? „ DEAR DORIS.— I was born in Watertown, New York. Left there when I was seven years old, when we eame to Canada. Will I need to get citizen- ship papers for when I become old enough for old age pen: • sion, which will be 210. years Yet? • Mrs. W. DEAR MRS. W. — You build up rights to .a Monthly' retire= ment cheque by living in Can- adia, not by becoming a Cana- dian citizen. Minimum residenee qualify is ten years. ut citizenship is a fine idea, sin e you have adopted it1S for a long, long time and plan to stay. It costs around $10; even less if you were Married to a C'anadian before 1947. You'll need your, birth certificate or other acceptable proof of age and birthplace. ,SEAFORTH MERCHANTS ••will re -open Friday Evening till 9 • For Your Shopping Convenience Starting April 28th May we take this opportunity to thank you for our Friday evening holiday dur- • ing the winter season. Merchants' Committee ,Searorth Chamber of COMMerde hentf:ry Meet • 4, Tbe 0,414 (meeting o . forth v,entigy chgt4 *AS b• old, at the home of leaders, tart, qq,clion Ma le and Aliaren. Nine girls answered the roi. al1 'A eInintry would like to The leaders pie notes .on China and India and 4 S4414-' pie quiz in preparation fox achievement day. Joanne Arts is to do the exhibit about Can - adieu cheese with a foreign fla- 'your. RED CROSS NOTES The Seaforth Branch of the RedCross Society this month sent two cartons of sewing to the Provincial Headquarters at Toronto, containing 20 tropical layettes; 25 hoY's' Shirks; 25 NW shorts; 19 girls' aqty ilresses; six Cashatais; also 195 pairs of sodks; and three afghans. Remember! It takes but a Moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket, To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. • PROMPT WATCH. • REPAIR SERVICE at S A VA U G E JEWELLERS. Certified Watchmakers OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ARE INSURANCE COMPANY Oificom,,A440. sIgAr.. Ak,A11ciutios;of fami Piops(rt •!. Synunor COtom0s,' 2 • VIOIti*fr .14011: • _ . ... • , 11144100d (**41,', 4m.oke, water . pbpeo, .e.te,)„ If Ago osieble, AQENTS: James Keys, n Sogorth; V,- :Aft.„.$; .• Seaforth; Wm, Leiper, Jr, Londesboro; Selvga,13004 irts#00; • 1.141310 Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin.; Ponalu q,; VatOkr,• Seaforth, All the the prominent cereal grain varieties • Everything in grass and legifine seeds. Some unusual Seeds available. Locally grown Cert. Vernal Alfalfa Locally grown, Cert. Climax Timothy Canada No. 1 Birdsfoot Trefoil • • We groW,buy, clean and -Sell farm seeds " N. ALEXANDER cif ••Londeiboro PROCLAMATION! 12 TOWN OF • SEAFORM DAYLIGI-ITSAVING ' The Council of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me to declare DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMK-a-dopted for the • Town of Seaforth, during the periods of Sunday, 'April 3oth, 1967 at 12:01 am. —to— Sunday, •October 29th, 1467 • at 1201 a.m. , • andrespectfully request the citizens. to observe the same. FRANK KLING, Mayor "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" 44••••••••••••••%4 Cars at Tremendous Discounts Our BIG SALE Continues 1966 CHEV. '8' IMPALA H.T., A.T., RS., Radio — Lie. 989866 1965 CHEV. IMPALA Hardtop A.T., Radio, Lie. E90661 1964 PONTIAC "8" SEDAN • A.T, R., Lic. E90735 • 1965 CHEV. SEDAN • A. T. — Lic. H26952 1963 CHEV. COACH Lk. 992545 1962 PONTIAC SEDAN A.T. — Lie., 990664 1963 MORRIS 1100 SEDAN Low Milegage, Lk. E90733 1061 Mercury -Meteor Coach A.T.,and R. — ,Lic. H3-107 1962 OLDS SEDAN A.T, P.S., and P.B., R. — Lic. E90660 • 1962 CHEV. SEDAN A.T. — Lie. 990738 1962 FORD GALA= SEDAN A.T., R., P.B. Lk. 990734 1962 CHEV. SEDAN Lie. E902i8 1965 ..GMC 1/2 -TON PICK -IJP Low MIlegage— Lk... 48878C MANY 1961 and 1962tCHEVS and PONTIACS Seaforth Motors Phone 5274150 Seaforth LOT OPEN EVENINGS TO 9:00