HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-20, Page 114' 1 - ro• ,.0 • 4 4* Seaforth Monti ,ent Works AI$ TypoS of Cemetery :!!, :::,s g 11401110rials nr,ii it AAA: •.,„„.\-‘1649 .61 \is OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE I& SON InquirieS are invited - Telephone Numhers; EXETER 2254620 t CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH1 Contact Willa Dundas• WANT ADS BRING:QUICK RESULTS: Dial 627-0240 Read the. Advertisententa It'a a Profitable Pastime! COWBOY BOOTS' Brown " Tan Black Sizes 8, 9.and 10 only Reg. 24.95 to 29.95 Now $18.00 News of 'Zion Hear Reports Zion VOW ract at the church with 14 members and a number 'of visitors -Mrs. Wilfred Annis was the hostess and Mrs, James Statton had Chargeof devo- tions. Igrs. Gordon Aikens read scripture and Mrs. J. Staten led in prayer, Reasib$ by Norman Bushfield and /vitu 579 was sung. Mrs, Bert Mahat. fa read- a poem. Mrs. Glenn I'epper conducted the business.: ' The roil:, . was answered with a spring poem.. Mrs. Lorne McKinnon read minutes and thank you letters from the re- Nef report at Toronto and from the R. N. Large Memorial Hospital, at Bella Bella. A done - trim was made to Bimini Camp towards the furnishing of new building. Lunch was served by the hostess Mrs. L. Barker and Mrs. Lloyd Barker. Mrs. C. Innis; St. Pauls, visit- ed for the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Blythe Lannin, and Mr. Lannin. • Mr., and Mrs. Dalton Smale and family, Mr. and Hrs. Gil- bert Sm.*, Mitchell, visited in Britton,' on Sunday with friends. Mr. atid Mrs. Lawrence Bar- ker and Wendy, Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper, visited in Brus- sels on Sunday with their Cou- sins, Mr. and Mrs. Baird and family. Mrs. John Barber and Arthur were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Pepper ex Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney attended a funeral of their cousin in Galt on Thursday. Mr. and Nil's.' Lloyd Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Aikens at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. George Gibb in Stratford on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Proctor, of Goderieh, visited Mrs. Mabel Iliggerson and brother, Mr. Har- ry Proctor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams," Burford, visited Mr. arid; Mrs. Lawrence Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'Barker on Thursday . - Mr. and Mit: Roy Harris, Stratford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Barker and al- so Miss Betty Ann sPent the weekend with her pareriti:- Mrs."'Mary Malcolm received word her sister, Mi.. Albert Yeo, Toronto, was taken to Western Hospital, Toronto; last week and is very sick. Mrs. Robert Gibb, Glencoe, spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. James Brough- ton, AtWoo.lt, visited with_ Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin oh Sunday. • GOOD SERVICE AT LOWr LOW COST 1966 CLASSIC SEDAN 1965 CHEV. B1SCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1'964 RAMBLER CLASSIC ' 1964 FORD GALAXIE 1964 MORRIS OXFORD" 1963 CLASSIC SEDAN 1962 FORD WAGON 1962 AMBASSADOR . 1961 BUICK SEDAN - 1961 AMBASSADOR 1960. VALIANT Come and See the NEW 1967 MODELS , MILLER NI alr 0 RS . Phone 527-1410 Seaforth American kotors -Dialer WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Ask how much your loan will cost and HFC will tell you - before you borrow AMORIT Or LOAN' MONTHLY os months IS months PAYMENT 36 months .30 months PLANS 20 months 12 months $9.46 28.37 51.24 91.56 i 100 650 1000 1600 2600 3000 • 4000 5000 $ • 101.01 126,26 $ 73.35 88.02 111.37 146.71 $ 57.72 90.18 108.22 144.30 180.37 1 23.73 41.45 • $6.12 18.35 32.86 58.11 x,77,:;„'.^„c,11,13,zglv,',1,71:111:fg01711.1`,4:;:g When you come to HFC for a loan, the Manager will answer any question ybit have -fully and clearly - before you borrow. That's one reason you can borrow with confidence froxn HFC - Household Finance. Ask about credit life instance on loans et low group rates HOUSEHOLD FINN Ask about our evening hours •• G011iERICH • - 35A West Streef:--Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) STRATFORD ,- 119 Ontario Street -Telephone 271-9440 (noxf to Simpsons -.Sears) ,FUNERAL MARGARET D. CROZIER Funeral services for the late Miss Margaret D. Crozier, who died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Randolph Lowerie, on,Wed- riesay,• were held from the R: S. Box funeral home, on Friday April 14th, at 2 pm. Rev. D. 0. Fry officiated. Miss Crozier was a daughter -of the late John Crozier arid Agnes Driscoll. • Pallbearers were Harvey Dol - mage, • Ross Leiper, Edward Reid, Ross Driscoll, Robert Hall and Boyd Driscoll. Flowerbear-, ers. were John Kerr, Clarence Walden, Orville Dale, Eldon Interment was in Maitland - bank Cemetery. ALL TYPES 'INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-161# : Seaforth • THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH MERCHANTS will re -open Friday Evening till 9 Fbr Your Shopping Convenience• • Starting April 28th - May we take this opportunity to thank you for mit-. Friday evening holiday dur- ing the winter season. • Merchant? Committee Seaforth Chamber. of Commerce WS, .19lin .34.14,eail Ige• sided for the election andinstal, latien of afieers of the Seafortli' Women'S Institute at the henke, of • Mrs. Everitt Storey with Mrs. Kenneth Stewart as joint hostess. • Officers installed includedt president, Mrs. R. M. Scott; vice-presidents, Mrs. lot* Lawson, Mrs. Frank Hunt aaii We. Kenneth Stewart; secre, GREY COUNCIL Resolutions adopted by Grey Township Council meluded: . -By Charles Thortias and Mel- ville Lamont that the tender of Harvey Krotz Limited, Listowel, Ontarie, to supply a F250 1067 Ford %-ton pickup truck, equip- laed,..a..a. per township specific*. tions at a price of $1,783.96, be accepted; -By Thomas and' Kenneth Bray that the request of Stan- ley Brown, owner of lot 35, con. 17 and others be accepted and that E. H. Uderstadt, OLS and Drainage Engineer of Triton Engineering Services Limited, Orangeville, Qnt., be appointed to make a survey and prepare plans, profiles and report for repair and improvement of the Machan Municipal Drain; -By Lawson Ward, and Lamont that the request of Orval Harri- son, owner ,of lot 30, con. 15, and others be ' accepted and that E. H. Uderstadt, - OLS be appointed to make a survey and prepare plans, profiles and re- port for the repair and improve- ment of the Fraser Municipal DraM; • -By Thomas and -Lamont that bylaw No. 5 of 1967 to provide for the participation of the Township of Grey Fire Depart- ment in County Mutual Aid be finally passed; -By Lamont and Ward that. by-law No. 6 of 1.907 be passed to appoint Fred\/Suialldon an inspectorunder the provisions of the Warble Fly Control Act at $1.25 per IfOur plus 10c per mile mileage; -By Bray and Lamont that the hourly rate for ,graders to hire be set at $10.00; Accounts paid: Frank Cowan Co.,• additional insurance prem- iums, $94.92; The Municipal World, dog tags, 30.99; drain- age debenture, 18.49; Lothar Weber, office supplies, 1.54; Robt. L. Cunningham, furnace oil, 31.20; Town of Listowel, nursing home charge back, 20.- 85; Brussels- Q oal Yard, relief, acco.unt, 141.22; -Lothar Weber, relief account, 141.224- 1VIcCut- cheon Grocery, relief account, 137.37; Relief accounts, rent, 60.00; -James E. Smith, - bury dog, 2.00; Jim Dobson, garbage .collection, Ethel Village, 20.00; C. X. Stevenson; fox bounty, 4.00; William Baillie, fox bounty, 8.00; George Wesen- berg, to. Assessors'• in,eetihg, 6.00; _roads and bridges, 3,402.- 99; total $4,039.57. • Every week more peo dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-Q240. USBORNE (sz HIB - BERT MUTUAL FIRE' INSURANCE COMPANY ' HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Martin Feeney- R.R. 2, Dublin President Clayton .Calquhcun R.R. 1, Vice -President Science Hill Wm. H. Chaffe - A.R. 4, Mitchell Tim Toohey - ' R.R. 3, Lucan Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirkton Robert Gardiner R.R. 1, Cromarty • kgents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Secretary -Treasurer: Hugh Patterson - - Exeter. INVITATIONS , el ANNOUNCEMENTS . • ACCESSORIES COME IN AND ASIC FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REastER ,TfIE ' MYRON. EXPOSITOR tarSreaSerer, Mrs. WiUIam tong; pubierelationsv Alm CcOmtill;_fli.02#0di COO, Mrs. %%to POP1% tern4s B M..Seott. Wu* (breetos, Mrs, Leonard WO*, Ws. Eldin Kerr; ,Mrs. John V. YfacLean and Ws. Lone LAW, Sem; auditors, Mrs, E. Qr07..., 10, Mrs. W. colemmn 1400, Mrs- John McGregor; 'assistant, Mr:s. John Henderson; curato.r, Wallace Haugh; flower end card convener, • Mrs. ..Gor., don Elliott; lunch convener, Mrs- James Keys; scrapbook, Ws. Ale* Pepper and Mrs. Ifsys; program, Mrs. MacLean and -Mrs.. Carl Vanderaon; soc- la Mrs. Bruce Colemdn, John Henderson, Mrs. Arnold Cainpbell,-1VIrs. Elmer -Cameron and Mrs. R. M. Scott; property, M'5: JlIliott, .Mrs., Ilitnt, Mrs. tt:.. J. Deig; nomin4ting commW tee, the branch directors: , Standing committee conven-. .e.rs are: Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. An- drew Turnbull • historical research, Mrs. Doig, Mrs. -Gordon 'McKenzie.; public relations officers Mrs. Cam- eron,' Mrs. Earl Papple; home economics and health, Mrs. Er - lin Whitmore, Mrs. Graham Kerr; citizenship and education, Mrs. Hunt and All's. Isaac Hud- son; resolutions and interna- tional, Mrs, Lorne Dale and Mrs. Ross Gordon. A committee was named to be in charge of the. fall fair booth and further plans were Made for the historidal pageant "Portraits 'of the Past" to be held 'here in May. Members were .invited to attend Achieve- ment Day in May, at Seaforth District High 'School.. Plans are to present a Cen- tennial Cup to the first baby born July 1st or the nearest. date following Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. ........ A report of the district an- nual • board Meeting held'. at • Use 'Expositor. Want -Ads Phone 527-0240 1 ' ' it - 4 a 4 , ' THIA HURON IIIX rististis e ' 110001).-ww.givy W, CoJenao4.1lie digOiet atuxual is to be bAft' erntliton iz*Y. Mrs. Wilfred. Coleman whe/ WA held the office of seem tary-treasurer for the past six Years was presentedwith a WI cup• and saucer.' The MOUS was "Here is a° thought worthpm- daring, there isn't any doubt, the surest way to happiness is spreading it about." Courtesy remarks were made by Mrs. John. Kerr. . An Expositor ClassifiexCwill pay you dividends, novo you tried one. Dial 527,024'0 • .1011N Sun Life Assurance CeintieHy-of-Caroodo • Phone 271300k, 48 Rgthecca'P4 STR4T00 ," • OFFI THE HURON EXPOSIT 527-9240 Cars at Tremendous Discounts Our BIG SALE, Continues - 1966 CHEV. '8' IMPALA H.T., A.T., P.S„ Radio -- tic. E89866 1965 PONTIAC SEDAN • A.T., Radio - Lic. E90663 1965 CHEV. IMPALA Hardtop A.T., Radio, Lic. E90661 • 1964 PONTIAC "8" SEDAN A.T. R., Lic. E90735 1965 CHEV. SEDAN A. Lic. H26952 1963 CHEV. COACH • Lie. E92545 1962 PONTIAC SEDAN A.T. Lic. E90664 1963 MORRIS 1100 SEDAN Low Milegage, Lic. E90733 1962 Mercury -Meteor Coach • AS., and R. UC. H3107 • • 1962 OLDS SEDAN A.T., P.S., and P.B., R. - Lic. E90660 1962 CHEV. SEDAN A.T. Lk, E90738 1962 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN • A.T., R., P.B., Lie. E90734 1962 CHEV. SEDAN Lic. E90288 1965 GMC /2 -TON PICK -IJP • Low Milegage - Lic. 48878C MANY 1961. and .1962 'CHEVS and PONT'IACS Seaforth • Motors Phone 5274750 : Seaforth LOT.OPEN EVENINGS TO 9:00 MBO GARMENT BAG BONUS' from your DISTRIBUTOR FUEt..S AND WartICANTS FOR HOME, FARM AND INDUSTRY. Dear Neighbour: You may wonderwhy distributors of Texaco PetroleumProducts are offering you 4§, free Jumbo Garment Storage Bag. Well, there are two reasons: 1: We want to thank those people who deal with us for their valued business and to. ''invite those whO haven't tried our fine products to do so. 2. It's Spring, an important time of the year for all of ,us and we wanted to provide /our home with a useful, quality item associated with this -heasqn. This excellent Garment Bag is yours FREE with the purchase of Texaco ProductO'and believe us it ,has all the features ladies look for in items of this type from double hangers, to complete moth proofing.• As a further geSture 'of our appreciation Of. your continued patronage this year, we have assembled a group of remarkable, 'merchandise values for, workshop, home and -garden, which, we're certain, you will find herd to resist They're yours either for .cash or on' your Texaco. Credit Card with your further purchases of Texaco Farm Fuels or Heating 011s. We'll be happy to give you Sh -order blank. WALDEN .& BROADVOOT SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 527-1224 41Ask for details of diinimum.purchase requirement .4. And don't miss these big bargains offered in appreciation Of your furt porchasee * SEVEN INCH POWER SAW reg. $37.95. ONLY $ 27.96 * %" POWER DRILL re0. SI 8.95 • * WOODEN SALAD.SET (9 Pieces) reg. $18.95 ONLY $12,95 • * ELEGANT CENTENNIAL TRAY reg. $12.95 ONLY $ * OSCILLATINGSPRINKLERPLIp5O'GARDEN,1-10SE reg-. $8,950NLY $ 5'95 ONLY $i4' JUMBO GARMENT BAG OPPER EXPIRES JUNIE10 and applies to customers located in our delivery area, SPECIAL MERCHANDISE available until Oct. 31, 1967.