HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-20, Page 8OSPC,0$1708. SE'AFORTH,ON `...APR,.'20i 1.967'. Z0� Auction Sales' Of•+gNG ' AUCTION SALE „. tt1e, Hogs, Machinery The Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario BUILDINGS FOR SALE and REMOVAL TOWNSHIP OF TUCKER - SMITH' ,A two-storey frame dwel- ling known as House No. 1 and a two-storey 'frame dwelling known as ,House No. 2, each with a 'single car frame garage, locat- ed on property fronting on the road between lots 5 and 6 approximately 1,000 feet south of High- way No:• 8 just east of the Town of Seaforth in Lot 5, Con. 1, H.R.S. Town- ship of Tuekerstith. The buildings are to be removed at the expense of the purchaser who is - required to make all' ar- rangements in .connection therewith. On completion of the removal, the prop- erty is to be suitably lev- elled to existing grade and left in a tidy' condi- , bion. ' For further particulars, please contact. A. tr. Cass, -1075, Wellington Road, London, telephone 434- .. 7$91. , The envelope containing ofrto purchase must carry identification' that it refers to .either Sea - forth Building No. 1 or Seaforth Building No: "2. Od*feis to purchase, stat- ing total offer and meth- od of payment, must be received byy the under- signed before 4 p.m. Eas- tern Daylight Time, May 8, 1967 ' at 620 University Avenue, Toronto. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. B. EASSON,. Secretary 20. Auction Sales and Feed at Lot 7, Con:. 8, Logan Towilshlp 2 miles east of Bornholm on the county road on SATURDAY, APRIL 22ND at 1 p.m. THE FOLLOWING CATTLE — 2 Angus cows with calf by side; 6. Hereford cows with calf by side; 5 Shorthorn cows with calf by side; 2 Black' heifers with calf by side; Hereford 'bull. 1 year old; 9 white-faced steers, 800 to 900 lbs.; 6 white-faced heifers, '700-800 lbs.; 1 Holstein steer, 750 lbs. 'HOGS — 14 York pigs; 7 weeks old; 1 York sow; 1 York hog. FEED — 500 bales of 'hay. IMPLEMENTS — Case S tractor; Ford No. 35 baler, 2 years old; John Deere 8 ft. wheel cultivator; IHC 11 run seed drill; 4 section harrows with pole; 2 drum land roller; New Idea 4 -bar side rake; Cockshutt wagon with flat rack; IHC 10 ft. power bind- er; White -No. 6 threshing machine; Case hammermill with 50 ft. drive belt; Oliver 2 -furrow plow; Fleury 8 ft. double .disc; Massey No. 11; tractor m a -n u r e spreader; Case tractor manure spread- er; Rubber tired wagon with gravel box;. set of sleighs; forks; . shovels and a host of other articles too numerous to mention. 21; Tenders Wanted CFA,.. Clinton Adastral Park, Ontario •..... For further information con-. tact F10. 3avis, SPO, at 482- 3411, Extension 201. 21-71-2 TENDER For Grass Cutting At Huron Centennial School to be done as required by eith- er a reel or rotary type mow- er. Tenders to be clearly mar- ked, state size of mower and -price per hour. Tenders to be 4the hands of the secretary - treasurer by noon, April 28th. HURON COUNTY SCHOOL AREA No. 1 J. E. CALDWELL, Sec.-Treas. Hensall, Ontario .21-72-1 MISCELLANEOUS versal milking machine with .pump, motor, 2 units; steel water trough; round hog feed- er; farrowing crate; sal ga r kettle with sap pan; electric hydro fencer; steel wheelbar- row;, set of scales; 2000 Ib. capacity; Pile of cedar posts. NO Reserve as farm is sold. 5%. Sales. Tax in Effect TERMS — . Cash day of sale HENRY TULLY, Proprietor R. G: .GETHKE, Auctioneer Monkton 347-2465 20-72-1 Auction Sale OF SCHOOLS ., And contents in Tucker - smith Township on SATURDAY, APRIL 29TH. at1p,m.. PARCEL NO. 1 - will be offered for sale at' 1 p.m. School house No. 7 Tucker - smith Twp., I/z dere of land, situated 1% miles west of Egmondville on second Con. Huron Road survey, complete with furnace, toilets, pressure system. t� Contents -- Wall maps pu- pils desks, radio, odd chairs, lawn mowers, cot, benches, school- bell. PARCEL NO. 2 — will be offered for sale at 2:80 p.m, Damaged school, , house, S.S. No. 1 Tuckersmith -Twp., '1 r/a miles . east of Henson .on r/z acre of land. Contents — -. Clare .. Hecla oil furnace, pressure system,, school bell. • •TERMS — CASH For ' further information contact Vern 'Alderice, RR 2 Kippen, Ontario, phone 262- 5494 Hensall, Chairman of Huron County pchobl Area No. 1.• • HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer JACK CALDWELL, Clerk 20-72-2 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY ANN McNEIL All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Ann McNeil, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the •County : of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died qn the lith :day of March, 1967, are hereby no- tified to send- in full particu- lars of their claims to the. undersigned on or before the 12th day of May, -1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard on- ly to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 19th day of April, .1967. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor" '22-72-3 21. Tenders Waite GROCERY/STORE CONCESSION TENDERS are solicited for Grocery Store Concession at Cans Clinton. Tenders to be addressed to: BASE COMMANDER 23. Business Director? BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention ' Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885- 21. 27-0885 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES. CONDUCTED R..G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Moi kton • SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D: Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. J.P..Raab, B.A., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth 23. Business Directory A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 52-7562 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10. 24. Cards of Thanks Iwould like to say thank -you to my friends .for the many acts of kindness shown, all the good , wishes, beautiful cards and flowers sent me during my illness in Clinton and - Victoria Hospitals. A special thank -you to Rev. Cur- rie .Dr. Goddard, Dr. Wilcox and Dr. McKenzie. Your kind- ness is deeply appreciated:— Norman E. Cook. 24-72-1 I would like to. thank all those who sent me flowers and cards while I was a pati- ent in Community Hospital, Seaforth, Drs. Brady and Mal- kus, and nurses who were so kind to me. — Mrs. Alberta McBeath. u 24-72-1 I would like' to thank my family, friends and neighbors for visits, cards and gifts, al- so the Rev. Mr. Donaldson,. Dr. Malkus, Dr. Brady, the W.A. of St. Thomas Church, the nurses and staff of Sea - forth Community Hospital, while I was a patient there. It was deeply appreciated.— Chris ppreciated.Chris Dale. • 24-72x1 The sister of the late Margar- et "Crozier .,wishes. to express appreciation for the kindness and sympathy shown her dur- ing her sad bereavement, for the floral tributes, donations, for all lovely food sent 'in, pall bearers, flower .bearers and special thanks to Rev. Fry and • Box funeral home as well as friends and neigh- bors. I shall never forget. -- Mrs. Edna Lowrie, 24-72x1 Mrs. Louise Eckert and * Mic- hael wish to express their sin- cere thanks to 'their friends, neighbors and relatives for the kindness shown them prior to their moving to Dub lin. Special, thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Rourke and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan, Jr. 24-72x1 • The family of the late George E. Mogk wish • to express their appreciation to all those who expressed their sympathy through cards and floral"tri- butes. Special thanks is exten- ded to .Rev. H. Lossing, the, pallbearers, Dr. Malkus, and. nurses of Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital 24-72-1 The family of the late Mur- ray Tyndall wishes• to thank all relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, floral tributes and .messages of sym- pathy. Special 'thanks to Dr. Malkus, Miss Drope and the efficient staff at Seaforth Community Hospital, Rev. E. Donald Stuart and the UCW of Brucefield United Church, pallbearers, and flowerbear- ers and the R. S: Box . funeral home. It was all deeply appre- ciated. 24-7.2x1 PART-TIME- BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING, INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED. FRED KNETSCH 79 Market St., Tel, 527-0397' SEAFORTH' 23-71-3 W. J. CLEARY - Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and' FUNERAL' DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527=0510 TENDER! ,- • MUNICIPAL DRAIN..: Tenders will be received by the .Town- ship of Hallett for the construction of a Mun- icipal drainage works known as: Volk Municipal Drainage Work The work' consists of the construction of 4,671 lineal feet of covered drain, three catch 'basins and one junction box. 1" Tenders must , be received not later than Saturday, April 29, 1967, at 6:00 o'clock p.m. All tenders must be clearly marked as to contents and accompanied by a certified cheque for. 10% of the tender price. Lowest or, any tender not necessarily accepted. 'I' he laps and specifications may be seen at the lerk's Office. TEEBIJPT, Clerk/6.6asmr r rat 1 Londesboro, Mit Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed and capable in sell- ing elling all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell. Brumfield: Phone 482-3384 23-63-tf OHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST - Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. at., 9 to 12 noon Thursd•y evening by appoint- inent only Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. Clinton Office • AUCTIONEER Specializing in Housetio1d and Farm Auction Sales. 8 years experience Fully "Licensed Reasonable Rates TOM SHOEBOTTOM Call Collect Ilderton 668-0289 23-67x7 Licensed Auctioneer Farm and Household Effects LARRY GARDINER Cromarty, phone Dublin 15R3 23.68.8 I wish to thank all those who visited me andsent cards, letters, flowers and . treats' while I was a patientin Strat- ford and. 'Victoria ospitals, also those who helped at home. It was all very much appreciated: Wilfred O'- Rourke. . 24-72-1 Engagements - Place 6p.m.' the Varna United Church. xl Mr. and Mra. Hae Houston, RR 2 Brussels, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter Brenda Catherine, to Mr. Dennis Barry Mathers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mothers, 455 Baker St„ Lon- don, Ont. The wedding to take ,place Saturday, May 6th, 1967, at 2:30 o'clock in Duff's United Church, Walton, Ont. xl • . Too Late Fp)R SALE — 3 white-faced bull calves. Harry Arts, call 527-1795, RR 4 Seaforth. -1 FOlt SALE — Pioneer seed corn is tested for a e ed strength in cold wet soil at a temperature of - 48 degrees. For hybrids with Plenty of Hustle and Big Yields plant Pioneer this curing. Leonard Lovell, Kippen, Ontario. Ph. 262-5030. 11-72-2 FOR SALE — 65 pigs, 8 to 10 weeks old. Jack Vatrick, 527- 0047, RR 4 Seaforth. -1 FOR SALE - 8 pigs, eight weeks old. Bob Patrick, RR 4 Seaforth, 527-1278: -1 FOR SALE' — 4 Durham steers weighing between 700 and 800 lbs: Also 7 Durham heifers weighing around 706 lbs. James C. Kerr, Seaforth phone 527-0786. -1 FOR SALE — 1955 Buick, 8 cyl:, Automatic, excellent con- dition. Apply Joe Cronin, Dublin. 10-72x1 FOR SALE Herta seed barley, 3c per lb. bin run. Alvin Bet}erman, RR 1 Dub- lin. Phone 23 R 15 Dublin. -1 FOR SALE — Black, white= faced calves, C. De Corte, RR 2 . Seaforth, Phone 527- 1628. -1 FOR SALE — medium size ,tricycle, , $5.00. H. Maloney,' 527-1424. -1. FOR RENT — House in coun- try, reasonable rent. Ap- ply to Box 1651, Huron Ex- positor. xl FOR SALE =- 35 pigs, 9 to 1'0 -weeks old. Hans Vonk. Phone 55 R 2 Dublin. -1 FOR SALE A four bed- room house, close to town: Modern facilities. Available cow. Phone 527-0676. 15:72-2 A. -W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth Ontario G. A. WHITNEY 25. In Memoss iam GRAY — in loving memory of a dear husband and father, Earl Gray, who passed away 1 year ago April 24, 1966. This month comes back with sad, regret, It brings back a day we will never forget. ' We little knew, when we a- woke that morn • - The sorrow • the ,,,,day would ' 'baring. God's call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one, we loved so dear. To -day, tomorrow and our whole lives through We will always love and re- member you. —Sadly missed by wife Margaret and sops Gary and Keith. - 25-72x1 FUNERAL 'HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE' SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 5271300 9: - Seaforth McCONNELL -' . & STEWART barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. b. MCCONN C. D. 1. Ail' Seaforth, Ont. 'Phone 527.0850 27. Births NORRIS — In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Norris, RR 1 Mitchell, a daughter. DE JONG In Seafoath Community Hospital, on April 13, to Mr. and Mrs•. • Robert DeJong; RR2 Monk - ton, a son. RAPSON — In Seaforth Com- ardmity,• Hospital, on April ' 14, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rapson, RR 4 Clinton, a son. HOSTE — In Seaforth Corn2- munity Hospital, on April 17, to Mr. and Mrs Herman Hoste, RR 5 Seaforth, a son. O'REILLY In Seaforth Community Hospital; on April 18th to Mr. and Mrs. John Francis O'Reilly, RR2 Dublin, .a son. PALIN -•- ,In-Seaforth Com- munity J, ospital, on April 18,.to Mr. and Mrs. James Palin, Seaforth; is dapghter, WANTED LADY TO SUPERVISE Operations of refreshment booth at Seaforth Lions .'Park. Duties involving direction of staff as well as, stock control. Could occupy up to -two hours daily. - Apply in .writing ,before April 28th indicating hourly salary required to LIONS . CLUB PARK COMMITTEE P.O. Box 69, Seaforth 4-72-2 • Enaaeements Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClly- mont, Varna, are pleased to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter • Joan Elsie, to Mr. Nick Whyte son of Mr. andMrs. W. L. Whyte, Seaforth he Wedding to take LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. M. Messenger return- ed 'horse after spending the winter with her •daughter in Nanainfo, .B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Barry have returned to their ,home in Tor- onto having spent the winter in California. They -visited the latter's sister, Miss Mabel Turnbull last week at Kilbar- chan. Others .visiting her this week were Rev. and Mrs. Amos Beard of Warren Mich. Mr: and Mrs. Forrest of Sarnia were Sunday guests of Mr... and Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot. Mr. ' and Mrs. Frank Cud - more of Wallaceburg spent a few days this week with Miss Hazel Reid. • Mrs. W. C. Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. "Thos. J. _ Wal- ters of London were in Detroit - on Monday attending the fun- eral of the late Mrs. White, the former Elsie Bennett, dau- ghter of Ur, and Mrs. Thos. Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lemon and . Janice of Sarnia were guests of Mr.. David Lemon over the week end. •, Mr. and . Mrs. Harvey Tra- vias have returped from Lake- land where he spent the past few months. - Mr, and Mrs. Adrian Hogg of • Collingwood spent a- week with Mr. and Mrs. Adin Forbes. Beachler - Miller' Ann Lorraine Miller be- came • the bride of Robert Frances Baechler, on April 8, 1967 et 12 o'clock i o,pn dur- ing the Communion Service of Nupial Mass in St. Peter's R.C.• Church, Goderich. The double ring ceremony was per- formed by Rev. 'Fr. Mayr -- hon. The bride is the daught- er aughter " of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Miller, Seaforth. The groom is the son of_ Mr. and Mrs. Clare F. Baeehler, Goderich. The bride approached the altar on the arm of her fath- er amid pew markers ofwhite ribbon and chasta ironing wearing a white floor length gown of crystal charm. The empire ,bodice was accented by delicate French lace and' the slight snooped neckline softened into bell sleeves which formed a cape encrust- ed with lace, as an • A-line train fell onto the floor.. Her fingertip veil was held by a floral cluster 'tipped with pearls. She carried °.,white bridal • missal' topped with yellow sweetheart roses and trailing green ivy, After joining herr hus- band -to -be they - knelt on white satin pillows which were made by the bride's grandmother of ninety years of age. Yellow mums adorned the altar. The'" Maid of Honor was Miss 'Cathie_ Phillips - of Sea - forth and bridesmaids were Mrs: Bruce Miller,, Kitchener, Miss Janet Young, London, Mrs. Doug Davey, Toronto. and Miss Cindy Eisler, Sea - forth. They were all gowned alike in yellow floor ".length' gowns of crepe similar to the. bride's gown. Their picture hats were trimmed with yen low daisies and yellow' strea- mers. They carried baskets of chaste, mums. The best naafi was Bruce Baechler, brother of the groom of London and the groomsmen were Mr. Bruce Miller of Kitchener; Mr. Paul Baechler of Goderich, Mr. • Doug Davy of Toronto Mi Mike Carney of London, all wearing ,Spanish braided ttikedos. Mr's. Avice Bisset sang Oh Father All Creating, .0 Per- fect Love and Praise My Soul the King of Heaven, accomp- anied by Mrs. Carl Schneider at the organ. A reception followed at the Legion .all; Seaforth. .The bride's mother: received the guests wearing a •floor length gown of aqua blue chiffon ov- er 'taffeta.- The - bodice and back line of the gown was ac- cented by petite daisies fall• ing to the f nor' and c.compli- mentary hat. The groom's mother wore a floor length gown: of avacado green chif- fon over taffeta, an accented bodice of French lace and complementary. hat. They wore corsages of"' yellow sweetheart roses. - The toast 'to the bride was proposed by the bride's ,Jin- cle, Mr. Art' Pethick, Sarnia and a toast to the bride and groom was given by the bride's grandfather,.Mr. Hugh Hill, Goderich. For travelling to Jamaica the bride wore a brown and beige tattersinan tweed en= semble 'with matching acces- sories. Her corsage was talis- man roses. previous to their marriage the bride and, groom ra entertained by ;Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Warren and Mrs. Avice "Bisset, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. 1Vtiller; bitch-' ener, andMr, and Mrs. Doug Davey, Toronto. Guests - were present from Oshawa, London, Forte -Erie, Orillia, Toronto. Sarnia, Ro- chester, N,Y., Chatham Crin- an Kitchener, Camhl'chie and Hawks`.iine. , The bride was honored at a kitchen shower by Mrs. P. 13a 'chler, .Goderich and a rnis- , e11aneous shower given by Nfrs. J. Eisler, Miss Cathie Philllns, Miss Cindy Eisler -nu denies Joyce Storey, •Sea - forth. A. trousseau tea was held for Lorraine prior to her Wed - (lino .11v. ed-riina,'hv. her mother Mrs. W. 0, Millar•'White 'mums; daffo- dils and white candles better, cid $h$ tea table covered with a ntstintim errlored,',cioth..°• Mrs), Marianne Miller, grctridrriot'her ,'cif the bride, Remember! It dales but a moment to place an' Expositor Want Ad and • be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial, Seaforth 527.0240, FIGHT @EIN@NM GIVE NOW! poured tea. Mrs. Doris Ellison godmother of the bride anci Mrs: Gladys Varley, the bride's aunt, also poured tea, Miss Kathy Phillips, Miss Janet Youxig, Miss Cindy Eis- ler and Miss Linda Baechler• were in charge of the rooms. Carolyn Miller, Mrs. 'Shir- ley Baechler; Miss Carol Jar- vis served . tea. Assistingin the kitchen were Mrs.' Marj- ory Kotyk, Mrs. Doreen Eis- ler and Mr's. Norma Eisler. The couple will reside at 18 Picton Street;. Goderich. STAFFA Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mary Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller and girls. were Mrs. Ella Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pooley, Ex- eter, Mr: and Mrs. George, Mitchell and family, Dublin: The Marion Ritchie Auxil- iary .-held a pot 'luck dinner and quilting at the home of Mrs. Gordon Scott. During the afternoon plans. .were made to sponsor the play, "Here Comes Charlie". some- time in May. - Mr. and Mrs.. Johnny Miller and family attended open house at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Exeter, on G Tinted CaiiMs, white gladioli" and lighted candelabra decorat- ed Paickviaw iJnitect Church. Stratford, far the candlelight" ceremony of Karen Edna Benoit and Kenneth Ernest Anais; on March 11th 4 at 6:30. Reil How- ard , K. Plant officiated at the double -ring ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Fred A. Benoit, 104 OX - ford' St., Sttratferd, and the late Mr. Benoit and the •bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Annis, RR 3, Mitchell. . Mr: Albert Furtney played the ' wedding music and accompan- ied Calvin Annis, brother -of the bridegroom, as he Sang "Wed- ding Prayer" and "I'Il Walk Be- side You". Given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. John Hamilton, Kirk- land irkland Lake, the 'bride wore a street -length dress of white chantilly lace over white peau de • 'sole, with wrist4ength sleeves. A rosette effect with Pearl teardrops held her three tier -_shoulder-length veil. She carried red roses. Her jewellery - was a single strand of cultured pearls with matching .earrings, the gift of the groom. Miss Joan Annis, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor, wearing a pink empire dress of ripple satin, with matching jacket. She wore a snatching double -ring beaded headpiece with veil and carried white baby mums and pink roses. - ° ' Mr. Allan French, RR. 1, Born- holm, was best man and Mr. Russell Ische,. RIs. 5, Stratford, ushered the guests. Red roses, white candles and the three -tiered wedding cake decorated the dining hall of Dalton's Catering; for the wed- ding supper. The bride's mother received in a turquoise dress and coat ensemble withmatching hat and beige ' accessories "and wore a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom's;- mother wore a turquoise � jaekt dresof'- Swiss shantung, complimented with a white hat and black accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses. " - - Guests attended' the wedding from Kirkland Lake, Cromarty, Staffs, Mitchell, Waterloo, Born- holm and Stratford. The will reside at 152 Henry St., Mitchell. Prior to her marriage the bride was guest of honor at a miscellaneous surprise shower when the groom's sisters enter- • tained some relatives in. Camp= bell's Recreation Centre. • She was also guest of honor an -an afternoon tea given by the Traffic Dept. of •Bell Tele- phone Co„ where she is ern-' ployed, ;• ''art.. Sunday. EVE-MARSTORE. Phone '527-1690 - Seaforth - Ladies' DRESS. COATS Priced $21.95 to $33.95 20% DISCOUNT Boy's 2 -PANT SUITS. Anti SPORTCOATS 'Ladies', DRESSES Sizes 5 to 52 Priced $8.95 to $26.95 Men's Forest Green WORK PANTS Compare at $4.25 SPECIAL $2.85 - 'Take- advantage of this price "Girls'" DRESS COATS Sizes 2 .to 14 Priced $12.95 to $18.95 20% DISCOUNT Large" Selection Ladies' HOUSE DRESSES All Sizes Priced $3.98 'to $4.98 Men's WINDBREAKERS Corduroy, Terylene and., Reversable' Priced $8.95 to $10.95, Men's RUBBER BOOTS Extra Special, $2.98 Take :advantage of this price Boys' Windbreatcers Sizes 2 to 16 Priced $2.98 to $5.95 Many, Many Other. Items Too Numerous To Mention • Come in and browse around, and cheek prices "THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE" N'T WAIT FOR YOUR" NEIGHBOR -.- If you see a'street light is out don't wait for your neighbor to report it Phone 527-0530 and let the Public Utility Commission know. so that it may be replaced. The PUC is anxious to keep 'street lighting at maximum • efficiency and .can Only do this with the • co-operation of the public, u a A 4