HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-20, Page 4ITh* MAXON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT,, APR,. 204 1967 AnnUaI Meeting Huron County Tuberculosis Association Legion Hall, Exeter Monday, April 24; at 6:45 p.m. Guest Speaker: Dr. Floris E. King, Field Programme and Nursing Consultant of the Canadian Tuber- culosis Association George A. Watt, Blyth — President SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL — presents — Variety Ni�ht Friday, April 21st High School Auditorium a Time — 8:30 p.m. Children - 25. Cents Adults: ' - 50 Cents Tickets Available From Students WANT ADS BRING. QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 OHA FINALS INTERMEDIATE "B" HOCKEY SATURDAY, APRIL 22 and WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 SEAFORTH vs,' UXBRIDGE , SEAFORTH ARENA Tom :' 8:30 Admission: $1.00 and 50c Third and fifth games in a best of 7 series NOTICE The St. Columban Rink Committee wishes to announce that the Booster Dance planned' for Friday, April 28th IN BROD IAGEN' COMMUNITY HALL as advertised it last week's edition of The Expositor, has now been changed to a BENEFIT DANCE with the entire proceeds going. to the DISASTER FUND for those striken by a Tornado in the area April 17th ADVANCE TICKETS available from Rink Committee Members, to those 21 years of of age and' over. 1 rii+y$3.0.0• Pet Couple Limn sir:intro NEWS Q#+` axi<lI11Rk#GM wiss IPrografli, Fare •Feature...,sGlob PDogra Swiss sausages and Swiss buns caught the fancy, espec- ially 02 t h e i r Canadian friends, when: the Thames Valley Swiss Club held a get- together at Brodhagen Com- munity Centre. Peter's Si1ber- schmidt cooked the sausages 'to • a torn and they were ser- ved in the upper hall while downstairs on the stroke of one (for tey hdanced. until 2:30 e.m.) coffee and sweets were enjoyed by the 250 at- tending,. the latter made in hundreds by Mrs. Hates Nat- er, Mrs. John Rauser ' and Mrs. Louis Von Euer. It was a delightful evening in a picturesque setting ;with little tables along the sides spread With red homespun cloths, maps and pictures of Switzerland, Swiss pictures and lanterns. Above each win- dow in dow were Swiss, Canadian and Centennial flags and be- hind Tons Four yen Band was a mutat, which had been outlined by Mrs. L. Morello and filled in by the decorating committee headed by Mrs. Karl Graf. There were square and round dances. Richard Munz, extended a cordial wel- come. The Strube family from London provided music. and the choir sang in French, It- alian, German and Swiss dia- lect. They were garbed. in their native attire. As a spec- ial treat two numbers were contributed on Allihorn by one of their gu Mem- bers and interests friends from the comuni w e r e augmented by those ,from London, Toronto, Thamesford, Cooksville, . Kitchener, Blyth, and Seaforth. Some of the Canadian women wore Cen- tennial dress to lend contrast and before affairs ended Ern- ie. Greenwood • thanked the Swiss folk on behalf of the Canadians for an unique ev- ening of entertainment. NORMAN E. HINZ Nortnan E. Hinz, 47, Mont- real, formerly of Logan Twp., died 'Friday at his home, He is survived by his wife, the former Maud Fraser; mother, Mrs. William (Augusta);Hinz. Logan Twp., Henry, Mitchell; sister, Mrs. L W. (Hilda) Lockhart, Mitchell. Funeral services were held Monday at the Wray Funeral Home in Montreal, He was buried in Montreal. Mr. Clarence Mogk, London spent a few days with his'sis= ter, Mrs. Chris W. Leonhardt and Mr. Leonhardt and also visited other relatives in the SPRING Rummage Sale St. Thomas' .Parish Hall Friday, April 21st 2to5p.m. Mixed .Progressive EUCHRE' Sat., April 22nd 8:30 p.m. Seaforth Legion .Hall (Downstairs) Admission 75i`cerits Brownie's DRIVE-IN THEATRE -- CLINTON Box Office Opens at 7:30 First Show at 8;00 ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON SHOWS FRIDAY AND • SATURDAY ONLY_ Friday, April 21 Only -- DOUBLE FEATURE -- Showing' at 9:45 Only 'WHEN THE BOYS MEET THE GIRLS' Connie Francis • Harve Fresno!! In Color Showing at 8:00 Only "Son of a. Gunfighter" Starring Russ Tamblyn•—Color Sat., April 22 Only DOUBLE FEATURE — Showing at 9:45 Only "THE ' VENETIAN AFFAIR"' Robert Vaughn - Eke Sommer Color Showing et 8:00 Onle 'That Tennessee Beat' Mftniri No • Marls Travis COMING NEXT rtgIDAY "WHAT DID YOU DO IN THE WAR, ...DADDY'' `'AMflI BAY* USnw:.r.uuri:. community .since the death of his, brother George Mo k Mr, and Mrs. Cart 1Igsen�, Carol Ann and Gary, Wb .4 sor, spent the week end, with his mother Mrs. Caroline El- ligsen' and visited other' rela- tives. Mr. Ken Ahreps, Hamilton spent the week end at .the home of his parents, in and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, Mr. and. 'Mrs. Gary Shold- ice, l'auI• Mark, Judy and Mr, and Mrs. Sam Clark, of Mitchell, were guests , of Mr. and Mrs, Russell Sholdice on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Lawn Wolfe accompanied Mr. and . Mrs. Harry Tait, and Linda Leem- ing, Mitchell,. to Moira and visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz at Kitchener on Sunday. L.G.W. of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church met • when Mrs: Irvin Miner, Mrs. Dan Better - mann and Mrs. Reuben Rap - len were in charge of devo- tions. NEWS OF WALTON Rev.. tossing led Bible Study. The Ir C.W. had a booth at the Auction Sale for Edwin Seeherbarth. A thank - you note was read from Mrs. Rayinond Groor, The organization 'will spon- sor a "Clothing Appear dur- ing April. The clothing will be sent to the Lutherae World Relief and enable folk in dis- tressed areas to be decently clothed. The clothes are to be brought to the church. Birthdays, were reported by Mrs. Jame Dittmer, Mrs, -Ir- vin Miller and Mrs. Edith Bauer. Relatives received word of the death of Norman Hinz in Montreal on Saturday. The sympathy of the `community is extended to his family. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer and Linda and Michael Scher berth accompanied Mr. and Mrs. August Seherbarth to visit Mrs. 'Calvin Glick and family in Kitchener on Sun- day. Visitors • Present For Annual Bazaar. The annual bazaar of the Walton UCW unit was held in the church school rooms Wed- nesday afternoon with Mrs. Arthur Higginbotham a nil Mrs. William' Coutts greeting the -guests at the door. The president, Mrs. William Coutts welcomed the 1 a r ge number of visiting ladies, of- fered prayer and declared the bazaar open. The fancy work counter was convened by Mrs. Peter McDonald; Apron convener, Mrs. Torrance Dundas; Touch and Take, Mrs. Edward Mil- ler; Misc., .Mrs. Luella, Marsh- all; Candy,. Mrs. James Clark; Quilts,' Mrs. • Nelson Reid; Baking table 1, convener, Mrs. Emerson -Mitchell, .cash- ier, Mrs. Douglas Ennis; Bak- ing table .2, convener, Mrs, Walter Bewley,, cashier, Mrs, Ronald Bennett;. H it c h e n• committee, Mrs. Allan Searle, Mrs. Ian Wilbee, Mrs. Roily Achilles and Mrs. • Wesley Hackwell. The Easter meeting of 'the 17th and Boundary Unit of Duff's ' United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Har- vey Craig, with 12 members present. Mrs. Martin Baan op ened the meeting with .an in- terlude of music followed by a verse on the "Meaning of Easter" by Mrs. Clifford Hoe- gy. Hymn 1.04 vehrist the Lordd is RiSen to -day" was sung followed by prayer. Mrs. Hugh Johnston read the scripture reading. A medita- tion period divided into four parts was taken by Mrs Clif- ford Hoegy and Mrs: Hugh Johnston. (1) Meditation on the Cross; -(2) Meditation on the • Resurrection; (3)' Easter' of Festive Time is Victorious Living; (4) What does Easter mean to., you. • Mrs. Ross Bennett led the bftsiness period. The minutes were read, also thank -you tnrla Johnston' and Mrs. Allan' Brown. The' supper committe gave their reports on several suppers that are coming up. Mrs. Wil- liam Murray gave the ordin- ary fund' report, elso the re-' port of the Emergency Fund was given. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Ross Ben- nett in the evening. The roll call to be answered with a verse , on spring. Relatives and friends who attended the funeral of the ,late John, McDonald Thurs- day of last week from a distance included Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McDonald, Detriot; Mr. Edwin Kreuter and Albert, (neph- ews) of •Stamford, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Mex 'Dewar and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Dew- ar, Wellesley; Mrs: P. M. Mc - Gale and sons, Martin and Kenneth McGale; Mrs. Gor• • it's a Get Welt Soon card from the income Tax 10ep0tmen 'r don Kerr and Margaret; Mrs. J. Walker, an of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons and I'2ti. "'and' Mrs. John Stevens, London, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Johnston and Mrs. Brown, of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Cassidy, Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maier of London spenethe week end with the latter' -s parents Mr. and Mrs. David Watson. Xr, and Mrs. Donald Fras- er and Mr. Malcolm Fraser visited on Sunday with Mr. anclv'Mrs. Frank .Marshall at Bramalea. Mr. and Mrs. William Cock- burn of New Market spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Men's Club Has Meeting. About 35 men attended the supper meeting of the Men's sally heed in, Duff's Church basement Wednesday evening. A tasty smorgasbord supper was served by the 17th and .Boundary ladies. Rev. Arthur Higginbotham introduced the guest speaker Rev. Douglas Stevens of Bg- mondville United 'Church who chose as his subject, "The Role of Life". Rev. Stevens especially stressed the chan- ges in, Family- Life that are taking place right from birth to ' old age and informed us we must fall in line with the new era. - • Douglas Fraser thanked the speaker and ,Campbell Wey expressed appreciation to the ladies on behalf- of the men present. A lively discussion took place on how to get' the young people more interested in church gctivities. News. of- IHIerssall Mr. ands Mrs, on Mecurdy have returned from a delkilt, ful two 'weeks vacation spent in the Blritish Isles, arrlying hone Monday of this Mrs. Grant Bisbaek and Cindy, We. Harold Campbell, Mrs. Garnet Arlan, Mrs. Grant Me, Cliaeliey were guests of Zurich Lions Club at their dinner meet- ing Monday might, Mrs. Camp,% beE, president orf Hensall Leg- ion egion Ladies' Auxiliary, presented a -cheque for $93.00 for Grip - Pled phildren's Easter Seal eampafgn Mr.'and Mrs. Robert. J.' Cam- eron celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Friday and celebrated the occasion: on Sun- day the 1.6th with a family din^ ner' at their home, attended by immediate tunnies. Their mar- riage of fifty years ago, was solemnized at- Varna Presbyter- ian manse by. the Rev. Mr. John- son, attendants were Mrs. Charles Stelck of Varna, sister of the bride and George Arm- srong of. Hensall.. . Mr. and` Mrs. _ Caneronl„ have resided in Hensall since their marriage and hi the same house and have one son Robert B. Cameron, ' Beavers in - 01, (Continued from Page 1) McLlwain with three also and. Bill McLaughlin with a pair. For Durham Jinie Nixon led the attack with a pair, while Butch Graham and Jan Schafer scored singles. • Colne on out and help eheer the Beavers to victory. A championship this year would make Seaforth the first • team in O.H.A. Intermediate B his tory (30 years) to win the championship three years in a row. "See you at the game." THE HURON EXPOSITOR CASH BINGO Friday, April 21st 8:15 p.m. Legion Hall, '.Seaforth 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Specials Jackpot $75 to go' (Children - under 16 not . permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c, or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 • Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK .. FARMERS' DELL DRIVE-IN • •- RESTAURANT Open for Business — Saturday, April 22nd Vic and Olga Whittingham ' Welcomes. All Old and New -Customers' BRUCEFIELD Centennial Tea and Bazaar on -. Wednesday, April 26th At Huronview — Clinton, Ontario 2, to 4 p.m. Fourresidents, aged 100 years, 'to be honored guests Tour of New Building Waitresses in costume and an old fashioned lunch SILVER COLLECTION Sponsored by the Auxiliary of Huronview Seaforth Chapter No. 233, O.E.S. CENTENNIAL BALL WED., APRIL. 26th LEGION' HALL SEAFORTH NORRIS' ORCHESTRA Dress, 1867 to: 1967 TIT'S Prize:�: � , 'Family' In cdstumel Merit" most like Sir JAIN A. IiltIcDonatd;).; Womb n with best Queen Victoria Hair Stylet,Oidest couple in. cdsttiilef, Youngest 'couple to cestAnno, Walk tioadrill4 Polka: Jen*: Main. Other prizes. LUNCH SERVED" ..::,EVERYONE WELCOME Adintissioat: $1,00 Per Person nu l nv CONTI WATIOiN SCHOOL THE 'CASUALS O(4 LONDON • APRIL 28th, 1967- 9:00'— 12.00 St. Patrick's Parish Hall Dublin, Ontario Admission: $1.00 per person Girls, , No Slacks Boys, ties SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY THE KIDDS on SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd 9:00,to 12;00 at the Seaforth Arena Admission: $1.00 GIRLS: No Slacks BOYS:. Ties SMORGASBORD DINNERS $2.00 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 6-9 p.m. ENTERTAINMENT RED .KNIGHT LOUNGE Featuring Kelly !)awn and Hank Bedard Next Friday Clarence Petrie and his- Night isNight Hawks Women's. Hospital Auxiliary PENNY SALE IN FORMER McKINDSEY DRUG STORE Monday, April 24th to Friday, May 5th Footwear - - Clothing Food. Household Items - Toys - Etc. — SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE — DRAW WILL BE MADE '9:00 P.M. - MAY 5th TICKETS AT THE SALE STORE OR FROM ANY AUXILIARY MEMBER BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH Sunday, April 23, 1967 COME HEAR. SEE Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'teWinkle, Missionary appointees to the Netherlands, .under the auspices of the Bible Christian Union, will minister, in song, in . word, and through slides; at both the 11:00 a:ln, and 7:30 pan. Services. YOU are invited to come to dny one or both these Services. REMEMBER , , YOU ,%.RE ALWAYS ' WELCOME AT w • 4