HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-13, Page 12111149N EXPOSITOR $4APORT11,, O,$T., APIC, 1; .196 20. Auction Sales CLEARING - AUCTION SALE For Wallace Powell & Son, Lot 22, Con.1, Tuckersmith Twp. HRS, 6 miles eft of Clinton or 3 miles west, of Seaforth on Highway 8 on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19TH. 1967, at 1 p.m, C A T T I - Registered Shorthorns -1 herd sire, 15 Reg. co•Ts, • 1 bred heifer, 8 oPe,n heifers, 9 steers, 5 cal- ves. Registered Ayrshire - 9 reg. Ayrshire cows, (some fresh and remainder to fresh- en in the spring), 2 bred hei- fers, 4 open -heifers. PIG$ - 1 Reg. Yorkshire boar, 1 yr. old; 6 Reg, York- shire sows • (with young pigs at foot). MACHINERY -- Ferguson 35 tractor; MM -Z tractor; 2 furrow mounted wide bottom plow; 3 furrow IHC plow on rubber; MF No. 10 baler; MF Dyna -balance mower; MF 6 bar 3 pt. hitch rake; new tri- ple K cultivator; Geo. White hay elevator; Woods, oat- rol- ler and electric motor; MF P.T.O. mature spreader, two years old; Cockshutt No. 11 power -lift seed drill; Cock - Shutt wagon; flat rack; Surge milker, 2 units, pipe for 12 cows; 5 section Diamond har- rows; 2 Beatty farrowing crates; DeLaval electric cream separator; 2000 lb. platform scales; MU Root Pulver; 28 ft. ladder; „3 pig feeders; numerous other ar- ticles.. HAY, GRAIN & STRAW - 1000 bales hay; 'quantity,. of baled straw; quantity of mix- ed grain (oats, wheat, barley).. TERMS CASH, No Reserve - Farm Sold' WALLACE POWELL & SON Proprietors BERT PEPPER, Auctioneer • Box 21, Nei.tstadt 20-70-2 ATUCTION SALE Of Farm ,Machinery, For- age Harvester Equipment and Antiques at Lot 10-, N. Boun- dary Hay Township, 3 miles west of Kippen and 1/2 east of Hillsgreen on FRIDAY, APRIL 21ST at1p.m. MACHINERY Oliver 60 tractor with 2, row scuffler and bean: puller; Gehl forage harvester • with hay and corn - attachments; Gehl blower. 2 forage ' boxes and wagons; "Gehl hammer mill; Massey Harris 15 run seed drill with markers; McDeering 8 ft. bin- der; McDeering 81/2 ft. stiff tcoth cultivator; McDeering 32 plate disc; Massey Harris 32 plate disc; 2 3 -section Mc - Deering lever harrows; Cock- shutt 4 bar side rake; Mc - Deering 3 furrow pull -type plow; Massey Harris 2 furrow plow on rubber; McDeering 7 ft. ' power mower; Little Giant 42 ft- elevator; 2 drum steel roller; 2 3 -section dia- mond harrows; Massey Har- ris cream separator.; Fertiliz- er and grass seeder for back of tractor; Emery and motor; .circular saw with 30 in. saw; 2 cattle feeders on wagons; 50 ft. windmill'derrick; wind- , mill motor; pump jack; 1000 lb. scales; steel water trough,. well windless; 300 ft. litter carrier track and bucket;' hay- fork car and 150 ft. rope; 2 water ranks one with jacket; Stewart -electric clippers; 2 wheel -trailer, new tires; an- vil; 4-1/2 h.p. motors: 2 heavy steelsbarrels, one with, pump; 4 slim* ropes; block and tac- kle wire stretcher; electric feed cooker; electric time clock; electric fan for hen- house; 1000 chick electric brooder; 3-1000 chick coal brooders; pump sprayer; auto- matic water fountain; 10 self - feeders for hens: 2 electric heaters; .3 electric fencers; Eendix washing machine• tynewriter and other articles: 1957 Ford sedan in good con- dition. A:NTdcUES - steamer trunk: 8-dav clock: setee• bar- rel rhurn: butter bowl: hand- made erti'4le: iron kettle; sau- sage grinder; 'sausage stuffer: apple nearer and numerous other ar+irles, - TFRMS - CASH Rte§S LOVE.' Pre prietor HECTOR McNEIL Auctioneer JAMES McALLISTER, Clerk 20.70-3 CLEARING - AUCTION . SALE Of Holstein Cattle, Hogs, Feed, 2 Tractors, Beau Equip- ment and Farm Machinery and Misc. Items on• Lot 15, Con. 4, McKillop Twp. for Leo .Arts, 21/2 miles east of Seaforth and 2. miles north on „ •FRIDAY, APRIL 21ST at 1 p.m. sharp CAT 3 Holstein covers, freshened recently a Holstein covers, dilethree of sale, 5 'Holstein 'cows, due in: May Hoisteiu' cow Milking; 2 Holstein *dent', due for fall 0601e/tint 2 young Hol- Stein -bolt , ca vies; i y ou n g ,-11oLteti : elfer rte';,OOtq 20. Auction Sales ling Holstein .heifers; 6 year- ling Holstein steers; 1 Hol- stein, x Hereford steer, about. 700 lbs. DOTE - This is a good herd of young Holstein cows, all have been unit bred. HOGS - 7 young sows, due in May and June; 15 chunks; 5 sows with litters at side; 1 young York breeder hog; 6 sows bred recently; 2 sows due in 2 months. FEED - Approximately 200 bales of second ,cut hay; Approxi 500 bales of mixed hay; Approx. 500 bales of straw. IMPLEMENTS & 1VIISC, - International Diesel 400 Far - tractor fully equipped with T.A. and L.P.T.O., wide front axle and row crop at- tachlrient in A-1 condition; Hydraulic ram and hose at- tachments, ,neW; International 4 furrow hydraulic fast hitch plow, in good condition. Ol- iver 77 row crop gas tractor, with L.P.T.O. and power lift in A-1 condition; Oliver 4 row bean scuffler and puller; Ol- iver 2' -row bean puller attach- ment; Cockshutt Black Hawk 4 row bean planter; Innes 4 row bean windrower; 80 gal. bean cooker with time clock, nearly new;• Oliver 3 furrow, 14 inch trip'. beam trail type plow on rubber, nearly new; Cobey rubber tired wagon. and flat rack; International No: 9, 10 • ft. cultivaator, on rubber, nearly new; Interna- tional 130 bus. P.T.O. manure spreader, new last year; Case No. 65 P.T.O. driven com- bine; Kingwise 32 ft. bale elevator with under carriage; New Idea 4 -bat side rake; 3 section of diaomnd harrows and pole; Set of 12 ft chain harrows, new; 1949 Far go 1 ton ''truck with hydraulic' dump box; 12 in. barn fan, like new; wheelbarrow; Surge milking machine consisting of motor, pump, pipeline and 2 units; steel posts; cedar posts; 15 automatic water fountains; poultry feeders; and a host of other items, too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD Er'r'k:CTS - Kitehen cabinet: table and chairs; chesterfield and other household items. NOTE - This is a • good sale of farm 'equipment and livestock. Owner and Auc- tionner not responsible for any accident on day of sale. TERMS - CASH on day of sale. No Reserveas farm is Sold. LEO ARTS, Proprietor • FRANKLIN BUUCK, Auctioneer .. Dial Stratford 271-3049 or .Sebringville 393-5501 • 20-71-2 EXTENSIVE. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock •and Machin- ery at Lot 25, Con. 2, McKil- lop, Twp., first farm north of Seaforth on• • FRIDAY, APRA 14TH at 12 O'Ciocllff Sharp MACHINERY - Massey Ferguson Super 90 Diesel tractor fully equipped, 1100 hrs.; 4 furrow 14 inch plow; Massey Harris 44 Diesel trac- tor; Massey Harris 33 gas tractor; Allis Chalmers "C" tractor scuffler and bean pul- ler; Ford tractor with manure loader and plow; gray el stoup; 6 ft. mower; 410 Mas- sey Ferguson 12 ft. combine fully equipped, used two sea- sens; 12 ft. self 'propelled swather; Gehl forage harvest_a. er with corn and hay head, used two seasons; Allis Chal- mers corn and hay , blower; McCormick Deering 15 disc seed drill; 2-3 furrow drag plows; • Continental post hole auger; steel farrowing crate; 3 cultivators, 10 ft. spring tooth, 10 ft. McCormick Deer- ing stiff tooth cultivator, 11/ ft Kongskilde cultivator; •.6 ft. one way disc; 12 section dia- mond harrows; 3 drum land roller; 2 tractor discs; 8'• ft. and 10 ft.; Fertilizer srpreader, 3point hitch; 2 grain augers, 35 ft 6 inch and 14 ft. 6inch: McCormick hammer, mill; 16 ft. belt; 4 bar side rake; 10 ft. .cults packer; spraymotor, weed sprayer; 22 ft. boom; Cockshutt manure spreader; Case wagon, 5, ton; 1 Cock- shtatt wagon, 5 ton;4 forage boxes,, self-unloaders; Massey Harris 5 ton wagon with self - unloading; 'rain box, 160 'bus. (new); Blacksmith anvil, forge and electric welder: 1947 3 -ton Fargo stake truck ane/ tai°p: ' Horse trailer; 12 whhel , farm trailer with 11nek rack: fanning mill: rac- ing bike in A-1 conriition: rare harness; set of hobbles: s1ee:tric strain dryer: battery 'charger; electric fencer; chain saw: electric bench saw: em- ery with 1 h.n, motor: tiers tile drive emery 1/3 h.n.; 32 hexes of bnitq and nnts (new) heneh vise. 3 unit nniveraai norms and 3 gorge nail's: e1Pe- trie 500 1h' Viking cream sen- arntor; 3 new snnnls barb %vires. onamity nlanka and 'l,e l er• 10 gel, bond snraver: 1'0(1 racist nods. 6-5 inch tops; c1e#ah critter: semis- iron. (1.410r'1',1r ..-. 12 Hnlatoinn rot>rra. 10 frosh and' other, fine to frralienl. 2 hiroton ' ,,tomo +nwa. 10tiyiatrettotor6rd cat- veer, 4' H re or tteefe mut 20. Auction Sales heifers, 2 yr. old; 16 Hereford steers and heifers, 1 yr. old. PIGS - 5 York and Land - race sows,.with litters; 3 'fork and . Landrace sows due in month; Registered English York, Hog, 1 yr. old; 20. York and 'Landrace chunks; pig troughs; 12 hens" and crates; power lawn mower; 16 ft. cat- tle feeder; loading chute. Feed - 111/2 ton of Hog Concentrate; ley ton uig start- er pellets 15 bags milk cow concentrate; Hog and cattle minerals; forks shovels, tools and "chains. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 21 ft. deep freeze. Other ar- ticles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS - CASH Farm: Sold Lunch Booth GRAHAM KERR, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer -MEL GRAHAM, Clerk 20-70-2 21. Tenders Wanted GROCERY STORE CONCESSION TENDERS are solicited for Grocery Store Concession at CFB Clinton. Tenders to be addressed to: ' BASE COMMANDER CFB Clinton Adastral Park, Ontario For further information con- tact F/0 Davis, SPO, at 482- 3411, Extension 201. 21-71-2 23. Business Directory BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Aipbulance Service Flowers For All Occasions • Phones: Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED - R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D.' Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. J. P. Raab, B.A., D:V.M,, V.S. Phone .527-1760 - Seafortt PART-TIME BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING, INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED. FRED KNETSCH 79 Market St., Tel. 527-0397 SEAFORTH- 23-71-3 W. J: CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario • ' LICENSED EMBALMER 'and FUNERAL DIRECTOR•. Night or Day Calls - 527-0510 Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed and capable in sell- ing all types of 'auction sales. • Reasonable Rates: Bruce Rathwell Brucefield • -Phone 482-3384 23-63-tf JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST • Seaforth Office: Tues., Mars., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat., 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint- ment only Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 Mon.,. Wed. - Clinton Office AUCTIONEER Specializing In. Household and",.Farm•, Auction Sales. 8 years experience Fully Licensed Reasonable Rates TOM SHOEBOTTO,M Call Collect Ilderton 666-0289 23-67x7 Licensed Auctioneer. Farm and Household ,Effects LARRY GARDINER Cromarty, phone Dublin 15R3 • 23-66.8 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 • Iles. 527-1643 Seaforth Ontario J. A. BURKE Funeral Director DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls 'Phone 43 R 10 'G. A, WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AlVra 7 ,ANCE SEavrcR „ rent, • r LAVERS rot EVERY AcI iustab hospital beds for 23. Business. Directory McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. • P. D. McCONNELL, Q,C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all my- rela- tives, friends and neighbors, Branch 156 Canadian I:'egion,- Seaforth, W.A. St. Thomas Church for visits, cards, and treats while .in Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus and the nursing staff. Everything was greatly appreciated. -George Earle. 24-71x1 We wish to express Pur sin- cere - thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors= for congratulations, cards, - and all the lovely gifts which we received on our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Special thanks to those who helped with our party. Everything was great- ly appreciated. - Bill and Della .Murray. 24-71x1 We wish to thank our many friends and neighbor's who helped during, the recent loss of our Mom and Grandma, Special thanks tolRev. C. Brit- ton, The R. S. Box Funeral home and the pallbearers and flowerbearers. It was deeply• appreciated. - The Dale fam- ily. 24-71-1 We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for messages of sympathy, beaut: iful floral tributes, and many acts of kindess during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Arthur Hig- ginbotham, Rev. 3 Ure Stew- art, pallbearers, flowerbear- ers and the D. A. Rann fun- eral home. - Mrs. John Mc- Donald and family. 24-71x1 I wish to thank all my friends and school chums for cards and treats received while . I was a patient in Seaforthi Community Hospital. I would also . like - to thank Dr. Staple- ton, Dr. Brady, Dr. Malkus and the nursing staff. - Paul- ine Coyne. 24-71x1 I would like to thank all who remembered me with cards, letters and visits while I was a patient in Seaforth and Strafford Hospitals. Every- thing was appreciated. - Mrs. Wilbert Cprnish. 24-71x1 The Kinsman family express theirppreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for kindnesses an d sympathy shown in their sad bereave- ment, for the floral tributes, donations to the Heart and Cancer Funds, to Rev. H. Currie, Hensair and Ci;isei- hurst United Churches ,also Chiselhurst U.C.W., Bon- thron Funeral, Chapel, Hensall and Masonic Lodge. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus • and nur- sing staff of Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, Dr. Wallace -and'si,aff of.131ue Water Rest. Home, Zurich for , their ef- ficient care. 24 -71 -x1 - I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbors for. cards and treats •received while I was a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Special thanks to anyone who helped at home. to Dr. Oakes, Dr.• Flowers andthe staff of the hospital. Everything was. much appreciated. Henry Klaver, - 24-71x1: Lawrence Ryan and family wish to express their sincere thanks to the Seaforth Fire Brigade for their very prompt. response to our recent fire. Also to .our friends and neigh- bors in helping to save the rest of our buildings: 24-71-1 • 27. Births LA SSALINE-In St. Joseph's Hospital -Toronto, on Mar. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lassaline (Teresa Shea). Toronto, a son, • Ronald Joseph. . McCLOY - In East General Hospital, Toronto, on April 6, to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy•. (nee Ruth Hess), of Don Mills, a daughter. FELL - In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on April 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fell, RR 1 S.taffa, a daught- er. - MOORE - In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on April .41, to Mr. and Mrs. Ter- . rence • Moore, Clinton, a son. Too, .Late ' ADL liquid manure ‘storage tanks manufactured by Unit Steps. Ontario Ltd., distribu- ted in 'this district by Frank Kling Ltd., Seaforth. For in- formation , and prices call 527-1320. • • 11-71-2 FOR SALE - McKee Har, vester with a 20 It. rack in A-1 condition. Joe Barry, RR2 Dublin, phone 41 R 10. xl WANTED ,.- Moderate . a- mount' of mortgage money. Apply Box 1650, The Huron Expositor. 13-71.2 FOR SALE --= 1000 bales of good quality early cut hay. 300 bales of clean straw. Wil. Liam - Dennis, Walton, phone 5274778. -1 COMING EVEkT .•-- 8atur- day; June i 10th, School Re- union, S.S. No, 4, Tucker'- �iaoe 504306504306 twit rte uwustu>v smith at .2 p.m. Please notify 0 'ala states, , • ,, • • Too Late FOR SALMI -- Good quality Holstein bull, ready for ser- vice. Rieny Van Loon; RR 2 Kippen, phope 527-0546. -1, FOR SALE - Daffodils $1.00 a dozen. Order your dahlia, gladioli and tuberous begon- ias now while the supply is good.Rooted u :geranium cut- tings. Staffen's Flowers, Jar- vis St: 11.71-2 FOR SALE - 1963 Pontiac, four door Laurentian, 6 cyl- inder, A.T., Power Steering and radio. Low mileage. Ex- cellent condition. Phone 527- 0593. -1 WANTED - Scrap iron, for Egmondville Boy Scout work. Contact Charles Eyre, phone 527-1745 or Keith McLean, phone 527-0278. -1 �o- LOCAL 'Mr. and Mrs, • Gerry Coughlan of London spent the weekend•A the home of Miss Alice Reid. Mr. Chris Dale underwent sur- gery in Seaforth Community Hospital on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Toll visit- ed on Saturday with Mr. arid Mrs. Bedford Dungey and fam- ily in Sarnia. Miss Marie Sinclair, who has been a guest of her parents, Mr. and! Mrs. John Sinclair for the past three Weeks, returned to the Sandford Medical Centre at San Fransciso, where she has been on the nursing staff for three years. Mrs. Wilfred Bostain and son Joseph, Bridgeport spent a few days with her mother Mrs. Helen"Bolton. - Miss Gail Fisher•of Kitchener spent Easter 'holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. Robert El- gie. Mr. Hank Van Rooijen has re- turned from, a trip to Holland• to visit relatives. Mr. John,Van-- Rooijen has been transferred to • the bank in Chatham. Dr. and Mrs. Glen Oliver and family 'spent the weekend here before leaving for Germany where Dr,. Oliver, who recently was awarded his Fellowship Royal College Surgeons, 'willdo post graduate work. Mr. anti Mrs. Neil Murray of Sudbury and. Mr. Thomas Mur- ray of Bar River, Ont., were here attending the funeral of the late Murray Tyndall. the, and Mrs. Neil Broadfoot OBITUARY MARGARET CROZIER Margaret..• Driscoll Crozier died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Randolph Lowerie on Wed- nesday,. age 57 years, She was born in McKillop Township. Surviving besides Mrs. Low- rie,are two sisters, Vera, Mrs. James • McIntosh, Tuckersmith; Nellie, Mrs.b R. Currie,- Wing - ham; and a brother,, Andrew of Seaforth. Funeral services will be 'held from the R. :S. Box funeral home on Friday at 2 o'clock, with interment in Maitlandbank cemetery Rev. D. 0. Fry will officiate. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240, , ' Too' Late FOR SALE - 20 York pigs, 70 lbs. and 13 wieners. Ross Riley, Cromarty phone 262- 5240. " -1 FOR SALE - -•- Holstein cows freshening, Frank Johnston, 527-1606. -1 COMING EVENT - Egmond- ville Boy Scouts bo le drive, Saturday, April''" 15th. -1 FOR SALE -- 34 pigs, 8 to 9 weeks old. Harry Reynen, phone Dublin 114 R 8. -1 FOR SALE • -- Timothy seed and a quantity of baled shav- ings. Ken Thompson, phone 527-1915. xl FOR SALE- Minitpre Pood- le puppies, also Collie pups. Mrs. Ken Thompson, phone 527-1915. xl BRIEFS of Peterboro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Clifford Broadfoot last week. - Mrs, Gilbert Coffin of Detroit Mich, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 'James F. Scott, Ann. St. Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Flynn were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and Miss Donelda Adams on Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mont- gomery • spent Sunday evening as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest J. Ad•anis. WN and GARDEN,•. SUPPLY CENTRE FERTILIZER: For Lawn and Garden 6-9-6 Evergreen and . 12-6-6 Golfgreen non -burning 20-20-20 Soluble Plant Treat (can be splayed o>Ii) Also other fertilizer for gardens GARDEN BONE MEAL WIZARD SHEEP MANURE PEAT MOSS: 2 cu. ft. and 4 cu. ft. size LAWN GRASSES and GARDEN SEEDS OPNOTCH: TOPNOTCH FEEEIS. L1MITED Phone 527-1910 -• Seaforth WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime! SEAFORTH MERCHANTS will re -open Friday Evenings for your' Shopping Convenience Starting April 28th. • May we take this 'opportunity- to thank you for our Friday evening holiday dur- ing the' Winter season.. Seaforth Stores- Will Be Closed All Day Wednesdays commencing MAY 3 and A continuing until NtlOV.29 Merchants' ' Committee Seaforth Chamber of Commerce SAVE MONEY NOW -O N READ'S GIGANTIC rr � ORK SOOT SALE WE MUST CUT INVENTORY, SO THE SAVING IS YOURS ON ALL BRAND NAME BOOTS ' SALE NOW IN PROGRESS ENDS APRIL 29 Mrnr4rrr� Steel Tqe Six -Inch WORKBOOTS Now pr. $10 o $13 While They Last -- Cork Soled Men's Slip On WORKBOOTS SHOES $ 7 pr. pair pair $ 7 $8 High• Cut Steel `Toe WORKBOOTS Now pr. $14 to $16 High Cut, Leather Pancord Vulcanized Soles WORKBOOTS - Now pr. $14 • Steel, Toe OXFORDS No* pr. $9 ' i Six-inch ..- Various Soles WORKBOOTS Now pr. $11.to$12- Women's , 1 Women's, Beige ILLUSION, HEELS on' display $6.88 fair Big Reductions have been made on all Work Boot Stocks • So 'Now is the time to -make that lig Saving! ALL SALES FINAL TERMS OAST READ'S SHOES and LUGGAGE PRONE 527-0690 $I AFORTR