HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-13, Page 6• I` Tit !: EXPOSITOR, SEAPORT. , °tit, APR.13, Ito 'For ripe Entertainment , This Week The Country thm Pals Cowing Next Week KING GANAM QUEEN'S HOTEL Seaforth WANT AIDS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL — presents — Vailely g ' Ni� � ht Friday,' April 21st High School Auditorium Time — 8:30 p,tn. Children - 25 Cents Adults MI NO 50 Cents Tickets Available From Students Grand Ole Spry MUSIC SHOW AND DANCE IN PERSON — Dizest From Nashville, Tenn. Charlie Louvin "See The Big Man Cry" • CANADA'S SINGING SWEETHEART ' • Myrna Lorne "Are You Mine" with ,The Lorrie Show Band Plus Wayne Ryan Plus Floyd Sillito and His Country Band Friday April 21st 8:30 p.m. Agricultural Coliseum Stratford, Ontario TICKETS — $2.00 in Advance — $2.50 Night of Show Available — San Blowes Travel Agency and Coliseum .0 o. Council As; lte$ Chaniber of alt flit ddeka:a-Up WConttnueti;.:froin Fag° 1) ship did' not wish to mala auy further commitments on caRl- tal projects in 1967. Coun. ' J- C. MacLennan, chairman of the Protection to Persons commit- tee said that his committee was 'contemplating calling a meet- ing of interested municipalities when the matter could be dia.. cussed. The Parks committee will in- vestigate a query: from the PUC as to what use the town wishes to make of lighting stan- dards removed from Main St. a number of years ago. The PUC asked whether the town wished to have these erected hi Victoria Park. Coun. Hildebrand was named to look into co-operating with the Goderich Centennial •Com- mittee as .a result of .a request for Seaforth participation in a parade en July 1st.. Councillors in discussing the request recog- nized that the date conflicted with the filial date of the Sea - forth Lions Carnival. .D. M. Ross and Associates of Goderich in a preliminary re- port indicated the extent of RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Art McMichael (nee Judy Thompson) Sat., April 15th WALTON HALL NORRIS ORCHESTRA EVERYONE WELCOME Ladies' Please Bring Lunch, RECEPTION For Mr. and , Mrs. John Varlet Scat., April 15th Zurich Community Centre Dancing 9 to 12 Music by The Chandeliers EVERYBODY WELCOME Ladies Please Bring Lunch Seaforth Chapter No. 233 O.E.S. Centennial Ball Wed.; April 26th 'Legion Hall, Seaforth NORRIS' ORCHESTRA Mess,, 1867 to 1967 Prizes for costume and dances Lunch Served EVERYONE WELCOME Admission $1.00 per person. CASH BINGO Friday, April ,14th 8:15 p.m.' .Legion Hall, Seaforth 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Specials' Jadkpot $75 to go (Children under 16 nOt permitted) ADMISSION ..51.00 Extra Cards 26c, or 7: for $1.00 Auspices Seafotth Branch 156 Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK 'I. HULLETT CENTRAL SCHOOL. OFFICIAL - OPENING A cordial invitation • is extended to all ratepayers in the Hullett Township Public School Area to attend the Official Opening Ceremony of the Hullett Township Cen- tral School in Londesboro. The Opening Ceremony will be on Thursday .April 20, 1967 . At 8:00 o'clock p.m. in the Central School Auditoriui n• in Londesboro. HULLETT ,TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL AREA BARD HAIM P. =Burr, ,, Secretuy-',l'rearsttrer . work necessem to the north west comer or town t9• vomit paving of certain streets. The firm had been".askgd to review ,the situation by the Fb1ic Works committee since it was felt a start should be Made ..i permanent street work. it was recognized that before paving could be .carried out instalation of sanitary and storm sewers was necessary and .since the Lawrence Drain provided an outlet for storm sewers and sanitary sewers already were installed; the committee.. had agreed that the point at which work should be started was in the area of James St. The Ross report 'covered storm sewers along James St. to Church St. empting into . the Lawrence Drain and certain paving. The report was referred to the Works committee for study to prepare a recommendation to council. - Reeve Dalton, chairman of the • committee, said that a quantity of used oil had been ac- cumulated as a dust preventa- tive. He said he had spoken to John.' Lansink regarding the completion of . the work at the arena and he had been assured this would be proceeded with immediately. Council asked the, committee to investigate stump removal after coun. Bob Dies - more had asked what action was contemplated. He recalled there had been discussions last fall. ,Reporting for the Court -of Rvision, Coun. J. Kelly said eight appeals had been consid- ered involving minor adjust- ments. • Three Auxiliary The Protection to Persons ,committee recommended the appointment of three auxiliary police to the town force who would be available for special duties. Coun. J. C. MacLennan. said meetings had been held with the Police Chief and guide lines determined on. Answering a query as to the action taken with parking meter violations, Clerk Williams said where parking tickets were not paid further action followed. Reporting for the recreation- al committee Coun. ilildebrand said meeting 'had been by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary to 'establish a Senior Citizens 'Organization. He was optimistic that the organization would .be• proceeded with. Later in the meeting council gave two read- ings to establish a Recreational Council. Third reading will fol- low approval of the by-law by the responsible department. The CENTENNIAL DESSERT EUCHRE ORANGE HALL Seaforth Wed., April 19th ,at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Auspices of L.O.B.A. EVERYONE WELCOME BAKE SALE Friday,April 14th at 2 p.m. in R. S. • Dox Vacant Store Auspices of Unit One UCW Of• Cavan Church, -Winthrop SPRING ° Rummage Sale St. Thomas' Parish Hall Friday, April 21st 2 to 5 p.m. ilecislon to eatabtish seers ; tional council follawa discus: signs held'.originally a' Year ago and followed by a meeting in February when the advantarges of such an arrangement were ex plored. • Council agreed with a recom= mendation advanced by Coun. Betty Cardno, chairman of the Industrial committee that a hall page advertisement in a directory being prepared by the Midwestern Development Asso- ciation at a cost of $100 be pur- chased. She said the commit- tee felt a provision of curbs around Victoria Park would contribute to inaintenanee of the park area. The committee had given consideration to the band shell in the park erected thirty years ago. The band stand has not been used for a num.. ber • of years and its mainten- ance presents a problem. In addition she said the committee was of the opinion the appear- ance of the park would be im- proved if the structure was re- moved. Coon. MacLennan, ..-queried whether consideration might be given to providing winter ac- tivity in the park. He said. the location was free from traffic and suggested snow slides or other facilities would be pos- sible and be of use to area children. Deputy Reeve Cuthill report- ing for the finance and admin- istration committee. said that the committee had discussed remuneration for the clerk and recomrnended an - increase of $400 to $4,900 effective the first of the year. At the same time, he said the committee felt an increase should be approved for members of council. If an in- crease .was agreed on it was the feeling a penalty of $10 should be provided in the event members fail to attend either council, or committee meetings without proper reason. Clerk Williams said ;the stat- utes provided for a maximum remuneration which reffhcted the size of the community and in the case of. Seaforth the maximum was $350. This would mean an increase of $100 since councillors already received 1250 a year,. Coun. Henderson said she was hesitant to•ag-ree to the increase. She said she hadn't gone on Council for ' the remuneration. Coon. MacLennan said his inter- est was solving the problem of getting people to assume res- ponsibility by serving on coun- cil. He added that while addi- tional remuneration might not, encourage more partit:ipatioh he thought it would have this result" -. . He said that last year on the school board the remuneration had been raised to the maxi- mum and he had favored that for the same reason and he al- so favored the present propos- ed increase for council. Coun. Cardno pointed out members had attended perhaps 40 meetings last year and Coun. Hildebrand added that counting police committee meetings -there had probably been at least a meeting a day. `He said he felt everybody should have remun- eration for the time that' they lose in meetings. "If raising the remuneration will, increase tax payers interest even if it is only criticism then it, will be worthwhile." Coun. MacLennan . comniented. Referring to Mrs. Henderson's comments that she had not .ac- cepted the office for the money involved, Mayor Kling said he was satisfied this was true of every member. .He said each member was on council to do a job for the -town. There had STAG EUCHRE Seaforth Legion Hall Wed., April 19th 8:15 p.m. Admission 75 emits LUNCH SERVED FOR THE BEST BUYS IN MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING JACKETS Shop At . BILL O!SHE MEN'S Phone 5274995 Seaforth been lots of work -in the' oast And with the added respopsibili. ties being Placed On committees and the ' additional projects which were planned, there would be more work in the fu- ture. since he expected a lot of each memberr of council, he said be cool 't discourage an in- crease in the allowance in view of the added responsibilities and the work with which mem- bers Would be faced. He was sat- isfied the town would get good value for the money. The new schedule to which council gave unanimous agree- ment provides for an in ease of $100 each. This provides350 for membersof council and $50Q for the Mayor. The amounts are subject to deduction for failure to attend meetings. Council instructed the mayor to proclaim daylight saving commencing ,,April 30th and ending October 29th. Baptismal Service A baptismal service was held Sunday morning at Northside "United Church when children baptised by the minister, Rev. J. C. Britton, included: Murray Wilmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Kelley; Cher- yl .Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Read; Brenda Jean; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon; Pullman; Susan Eliza- beth :and Sandra Mar'ie, daugh- ters, of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hul- ley; Pamela Kimberly, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob, De - Boer; Tracy Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McPherson;. Elizabeth Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Stewart; David Robert, son .of Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell; Cath- erine Mae, daughter of Mr.,,and Mrs. William Kerslake; David William, son of Mi and Mrs. Donald . Wright; Daniel Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs- Keith Butt; Lisa Ano, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Murray I. Butt. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Murray (Butch) Tyndall, (nee Mary McVeigh) Sat., April 15th Clinton. Legion Hall "Sans Souci Combo" - Dancing 9 to 12 Lunch Provided — Everyone Welcome You are invited to Hear MISS PARDO, Returned Missionary from China (She will be in native garb) show slides -of China, at the Seaforth Pentecostal Church < At 7:30 p.m.. Sun:, April loth Corner. "of4Franklin and William Streets, Seaforth Brownie's DRIVE-IN THEATRE • CLINTON Box Office Opens at 7:30 First Show at 8:00 GALA REOPENING FRIDAY,, APRIL 14 Open Fri. and Sat. Only Always a Color Cartoon FRIDAY, APRIL ,14 ONLY —I Double. Feature By PliPe tr r+iig4tst,, We are hIsYlnp 4 ret+aat DANCE din Brodhagen :Hall Friday, April 28th Tickets are limited and sold Inadvance to those over 21 by St. Columban Rink Committee Members If not contacted, ask for them Couple $3.00 ` Inter -faith Service On SUNDAY, JULY4, 9th, at the Township Garage in Staffa As part of'WAe Hibbert CH -FORT FURTHER DETAILSCentennial celebretigns Centennial Committee Township of. Hibbert GRAND - OPENING FRANC > STROOP MEAT MARKET Corner of John and Main Sts., Seaforth FRIDAY MORNING,.. APRIL •' 14 -WATCH FOR HAND BILLS SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY THE REEFERS on ,,. SATURDAY, APRIL 15th :.. 9:00 to 12:00 at the Seaforth Arena Admission: $1.00 - GIRLS: No SIacks — BOYS: Ties ' Read the Advertisements -It's a Profitable Pastime! DUBLIN CONTINUATION SCHOOL Presents tl THE 'CASUALS OF LONDON - APRIL 28th, 1967 9:00-12:00 St. Patrick's Parish Hall ° Dublin, Ontario - Admission: $1.00 per person Girls, No Slacks , , Boys, Ties DR. GOLDFOOT & THE BIKINI MACHINE Vincent Price, Frankie - Avalon Dwayne Hickman COLOR '- SHOWN AT 9:45 ONLY PLUS FRANKENSTEIN " CQNQUERS E' WORLD Nick Adams ' SHOWN Al 8:00 P.M. ONLY SAT., APRIL 1.5 ONLY — Double Feature -- CAR RAGING -ACTION -, REDLINE 7000 James Caen, Gail Hire SHOWN AT 9:45 'ONLY COLOR (Adult lcitertainment) PLUS THE U.N.C.L.E. MEN IN "SPY WITH. MY FACE"' Robert Vaughn; David Mc - , c., Callum, Santa Berger • COLOR (Adult Entertainment) ' SHOWN AT sox . p:M. ,.ONLY COMING NEXY% FRIDAY' " WfttX THE BOYS MEET. THE GILLS", Connie Francis' — - "SOD of a rill i igilteir't`. THEATRE GODERICH ON THE SQUARE Playing until Wed., April .;19th SPECIAL SELECTIVE ENGAGEMENT One Show Nightly at t1:00 p.m. Matinee every Wed. & Sat at 2 p.m. WINNER Of S ACADEMY AWARDS Including °BetPicl"ur& ! •FMN RODGERS.41AMMERSTEWS ROBStram,iing %Sit c►, ;' s+cvluus ,NbRE�TS''cwiisroai tPLUMMER • RICEiARD:HAYDNI T.t.xunoM.,p.RTOt (ELEANOR PARKER :»,-" ArrtLy f Iwo. PAUL CHAPLIN ' ^ O lwtr.6b 'Way f b ROBERT V/18.2 I RICHARD RODGE`RS I CISCO HAMMERSTEIN 111 ER E'ST i.EIIMAN Nolo t redog ionieirA., t6.4reeno.tnto kirk PALAcr a., ScreoPflkialliA deug t 6y P0115 LEVEN SPECIAL ADMISSION PRICES: Mott. Thurs, ivehings $1.7$; Fri. i1}}' akt. evenings $2:00; Wed, Matinees $1.251 Sato Matinees $1650, Ali Portorritanc.s ... ' hitdrery 90c .. NO PAs511S - I or ' `tcket,Res irvstions, PION* 5244011 0441. 140, p.%„ it Dt LYPC