HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-13, Page 5• • 9 4 • • 0 • • • • VT 'Oa • • V.11. TOP.0 For EnPOrSible•:POritiii4 4ding Mail This couppii TOdayi THE HURON *•EXPOSITOR • , the ONLY newtpaper whose first concern is the Senforth community. PIease enter my stibscriptien to The Huron Expositor to start with the earliest pbssible issue. IN CANADA $5.00 YEARLY ELSEWHERE $6,50 YEARLY Payment enclosed$ Send bill $ Name R.R. or Street Address City and Province Zone Boneless RUMPor ROUND. STEAK ROAST!bp: BONELESS 'PORK • r ROASTlb with dressing MEATY 'BUTT . Pork Chops HOME-IVIADE Country Style SAUSAGES Ib. 5. -Kitchener Packers Wieners • - Store Sliced Breakfast Bacon • • . • lb. 690 Lean Beef Patties •2 lbs. $1 With Barbecue time just around the corner, stock your freezer now with HIND OF BEEF WHILE THE PRICE IS. RIGHT. '1.0CAE GOVORNMEMS" AR' • (continued from the, loge lu, the: Now* tr4A0 for ito 444441stration. ,144reover the WO. AWAher peoJ gotting 100" .care have to be -Subsidized by APITMOrle. NeverthelesS t4 *re- 111040Us C94 ef this PPeratien ROMs to have escaped the Min - later, Mr: Draolid; and he made the yery naive explanation that he did not anticipate that the 4gtora' fees vtdnild rise. One would think that he was ,un- aware of the general increase in wages and salaries across Can- ada - for all but those on fix- ed incomes, or such groups as the farmera, who are expected to assist our welfare state by keeping down the cost of food. itis very disturbing, toe; that the Conservative Government as done so little in the great end growing problems of local gOvernment. They have merely tampered with local responsi- bility, and fiddled with the regu- lations to garner more of the power in their ewIr hands; :Thie is a politically dangerous issue, and with their- large majority in the house they can' afford to disregard anyone who opposes their actions, A eenttuln age the land tax was considered'sufficient to look after Ideal needs, and•this was shared by nninieipitlities and School boards. For the past many years, h:owever„ land taxes have risen about as. high as they can, and yet if all went to eithek the school board or the munici- pality, the needs of neither would be satisfied. Instead of facing the problem, the Govern- ment has so manipulated the grants and subsidies that local government is being controlled by money strings stretching out from Queen's Park. This, of course, is, pur tax Money, paid opt of a different pocket. The arrangement suits the purpose of our family compact, since it gives them the power base with which to stifle local initiative and independence. , In further communications I hope to let you know my thoughts about how our Prov- incial • Government should be run. I trust that I may see as many of you as possible to know -your opiniorts; and seek your advice. I believe that a rep- resentative should' truly reflect the requirements of his com- munity, in order to .mould them into the, greater whole of -the provincial scene. Do not hesi• tate to call me at my home, or write a letter. Already I am heartened to hear from a num- ber of you by mail., Let us all try to make this an effective demonstration of the responsi- bilities of the electorate to study SEEDING REQUIREMENTS Seed Grain , „ Grass Seed and Forage Mixtures available • Order early as supplies of seed grains • and grass seeds are limited and the price will be increasing -when present supplies are sold. Volume, Early Delivery and Cash Discounts on Seed Grain SEED CORN Funks, -United, Stewarts, Jaccius, available f' 41 04-L Super Flow Fertilizer Wowisthetimeto SAVE MONEY on you Fertilizer needs by having it deliv- ered direct to your farm. Early Delivery, Volume, Bulk and Cash Discounts - • ORDER NOW SUPER PLaifit 0 IFERTILIZER PfIEC/S7ON GRANULATED CAIAN 11;;;;. IES UNGD; • CONTRACTS AVAILABLE on Mixed grain, barley, oats, flax and corn • ; `.!;,,••4•° • .$ • TOPNOTCH, FEEDS: LIMITED 'SEAFORTH 5 PHONE 5271910 ti p 1rriter;,:mit, t1.1. e p;.t4 _our . :Perre4014getslOne at *0.1)04, G. L. Wpm $431t171, CWL tkilit Pot -Luck SUPper A pot-luc1 . supper proceed, ed the annual meeting of St. Jansen' C.W.L. in the. school auditorium Tueeday eVening- rcalpwing supper Sister Merium introduced the g_gest speaker Sister Elaine of loon.; don Teacher's College, and ,is presently acting at; Religion Consultant for the London Area, and assisting 'In the • Sister's Formation Program' at., mt. St. Joseph who gave' a -Very interesting talk -en Pan' ent and child relation, and rellgion, in the home- and 801°0.. lgrs. Fret.* Pfiglx thanked •Sister FAelne_for hear inspiring talk on behalf of C.W.L. and presented her, wItIj a gift. The meeting •opened, witb. Prayer by the PresAdent, nea.. Arthur Devereaux. Reit were given by their reVedt-- ive, officers, and Mks, Dever, eaux-thanked Fr. Laraghand the executive and ladies- of the C.W.L. for the help in the past year. • Visiting Committee for Ap- ril will be Mrs. Edward Wil- son and Mrs. Peter Jansen. Members will visit Sea - forth Manor during the month of May. It was decid- ed to have a High Mass said for our Lady of Good Coun- cil on April 26th. Name Officers The Annual Meeting fol- lowed with -Mrs. John Flan- nesy recording secretary ,giv- ing the Highlights of the years activities. Reports were given by the executive and conveners giving their reports of the year. Mrs. Devereaux thanked Father H, J. Laragh for his help and guidance, al- so the executive and members of the CW4or their -geed work in the past year. Mrs. Joseph McConnell, nominating committee chair- man, presented the . slate of officers: Spiritual Director, Father. H. J. Laragh; Past President, Mrs. Frank Nigh; President, Mrs. Arthur Dev- ereaux; 1st Vice -President, Mrs: Gerald Van den Hengel; 2nd Vice -President, Mrs. Jack Case; 3rd Vice -President Mrs. Harold Maloney; Recording Secretary, Mrs. John Flan- nery; corresponding Secret- ary, Mrs. Verdun Rau; Treas- urer, Mrs.. Kenneth Vincent. Officers were installed by Father H. J. Laragh with all reciting the Act of Consecra- tion. Mrs. Ellen, Bannon won the Mystery Prize. liaft V44.411 PAP* and girls•visitesi on rridaY eve nhig with Mr.-444AM. Donald elternaa441, ,TefferY_. ATatlik and Mrs. Laving pogernmul Brodliagea, Preszeator and baby daughter Debbie, returned borne from the hospital on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Marin of Proderich visited one day recent- ly with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby. Miss Karen Ilicwing of Lon- desboro spent the weekend with Miss Cheryl Dale. • Mr. and Mrs, Earlan Osborn and girls visited on Saturday evening with Mrs. Irene Orlin- • Kathy and David Jewitt of Clinton visited over the week- end with their ,grandmother Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Reg LaWS011i JohnandElizabeth, visited on Saturday with. Mr. and44gs, F. Warren, LWarAnd Helen of London. Mr. and Mrs. DottgAas Riley, Kim and G;pg, of Ajax, viliitett ever the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank RAW. Sunday.visiters with Mr. and'Mrs. Ken Preszcator and familY Were Mr, and Mrs, 14,Wrenee Hill of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Jirn Preszcater; Billy and Deb- bie. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dyk and family of Galt visited on Satur, day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp and family. Mr. Angus .Mertae and Mrs. Ken Klinkman and Susan a London xisited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Scott., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ayl, mer Hart of BrusseLs. and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hart of Gede- rich, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Gloush- er, Stewart and Barbara visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter of Blyth...-: Mrs. Art Bromley of Kitchen- er, spent the weekefid with, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale and girls. Mrs. Pheobe Millson and Miss, Diane Flerniaig-ofSeaforth- were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs, .Thhn Haver- kamp and family Of Ridgetown spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp and fam- ily. Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson, Brenda, Bon- nie and John of Varna. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dale and girls were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott, Meri- heth and Melanie of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Don Glousher, Karen and Billy of 'Myth were at the same home. Mr.arid Mrs. Jack Medd and family visited on. Sunday withMr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Philips of 4-H Groups Set Dates This spring 4-H Homemaking club members are enjoying, In- ternational Cuisine Canadianiz- ed as they adventure through the .project "A World of Food In • Canada". The girls have spent a great deal of time col- lecting recipes from different countries to add to their recipe files which will be exhibited along with their record books at Achievement Day. The after- noon program at Achievement Day will consist of demonstra- tions, skits, and exhibits on a variety ofCentennial topics and will begin at 1:30 p.m. • Local Achievement Day dates andrplaces are as follows: How, ick, Howick Central School, Ap- ril 22; Exeter, South Huron Dis.- trict High. Sebool, April 29; Seaforth,4-Seaforth District High School, May 6; Wingham, Wing - ham District High School, May 13; Clinton, Central Huron oridary School, May 27. FIN NIG A N 'S EGMONDVILLE OPEN 9 To 9 Heinz Tomatf-11-oz. bcittles KETCHUP Scotia dold-48-oz. tins APPLE. JUICE Kellogg's--12-oz. pkgs. CORN FLAKES Carnation -large tins MILK .11 4 for 88c 3 for 88c 3 for 88c 5 ftir ,88c Westinghouse -40, 60,'100 watt LIGHT BULBS 4 fors8c Garden Patch Choice Cream Style -IS -oz. tins •CORN • . 6 for .88c Maxwell House -Reg. Grind COFFEE 1 .Ib. BAG 73c Sunnyvale Fancy Grade -213 -oz. tins PEACHES 39c Kotex Regulte-Sanitary"-48's NAPKINS pkg: 1.95 (will; one pkg. of 12 FREE, Save 53c) Weston's--leaves BREAD, , • S for LAO frlitlytk rauting '444 Ugg10#"' giver - •444*, Ot Goderleti are epeuding 'a few weer with WI 0•110•1*§, 13ertfl'avet1Parn,P 444 0144,, Reward 05130471 Of 1190k, ton visited on Monday Wittt and les. Earlan (Own and Mr. and Mrs, Gearge OW of Brussels visited on Sunday eve- ning with W• and Mrs• Fred Buchanan and family, The isdies1 COP bo14 a derr sert euchre in the hail on Mon- day evening with. 1$ tables play. The ladies' prizes were: most games, Mrs. Bill =son; lone hands, Mrs, Ken .Preszca, tor; low prize, Mrs. Earlan ()S- horn; men's prizes most games, Harold Pethiek of Seaforth; lone hands, Edmer Townsend; low prize, Bob HartiS, Draw for cake rnadeo,in form of butterfly, was won by Ebner townsend. ° • Legion Corner 137 SaPiC 1:10, 11=4 Spring is still a hit and miss affair but there is lots of- ac.• tivity around the branch. The Ladies' Auxiliary, through their president, Mrs. Cleave Coombs, are forming a club for the senior citizens of the community. Now the first get together for the club is April 27, with lots of entertain- ment and lunch .provided. This fine program deserves all the support that we can give. • On 'a recent night at the Branch,: what did we hear but the plaintive wail of the bag- pipes and on investigation, found that there is a junior pipe band in the offing, this is indeed 'a great thing for the Branch and our thanks go out to Peter Malcolm, assisted by Ken Smith for getting this band started. • - This- week means -a •lot• to mit military history as it was 50 years ago on April 9, 1917, that the terrible assault -on Vimy Ridge by four Canadian Div isions took place and twelve hours later the long held strong point was in Canadian hands to stay, it was orie of the fiercest battles, and important victories in the First • World War, this week 1945, in the Second World War saw us croas the Elbe -Riv- er and be within 50 miles of Berlin; als'o this week 1945 saw the death Of Presidene Frank- lin Delano Roosevelt and HarrY. Truman sworn in as President. This is all for now, will sign off' with a thought for those who died on Vimy Ridge fifty years ago, April 9, 1917. "At the go- ing down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them." •P.S: District meeting,on Sun- day, April 15, at Hanover. ' - Classified ads Pay dividends. " • TEH 1 1 • I 1 1 IT 111 you can't buy a better paint at any price. x 4 m.s hAia. SATIN n m o 6 Tho otiiitauclulig later " terior paint with the Hatfini-12,..uthat- wesbeelleAcouLTYV.- Est4stiesh-loolcTK: • AG L 1111 Ol LATEX SATIN FINISH ENAMEL. O 74 istpop' atille&fitiptt Get ONE quart of Regal Aquaglo or Satin Impervo for only 25 and thiscoupon - when -you -buy one • - of Regal Wall Satin! I . • mmmmm ist NOW I Bring Benjamin Moore color irito your life -and SAVEA A Centennial special offer can bring to your home a glowing galaxy of decorator colors provided by this outstanding trio of ' colorful Benjamin Moore paints! G RAVES' WALL APER & 'PAINT DIAL 527-0550 --- SEAFORTH 4444447c44r444.4.444m4mis PERS-ONALIZED L ()ASTERS - GIFT IDEAS SERI I ETTES • Diad 527-0240 -: Seaforth (To Reduce Inventories of Sizes Below) O Size Black , List Sale , 345 x 14 Four only " 395 x 14 . . . . $29.30 14.70 . 33.10 735 x 14 31.10 - 15.55 . . . . 35.00 135 x 15 3110 15.55 . . . . 35.00 /75 x 15 , 33.45 - 16/75 . . . 37.65 -315 x 15 37.55 - 18.80 . . 42.20 345 x 15 40.85 - 20.45 . . . . 46.00 $81.50--15.75 - 16.55 - 17.50 -17.50 - 18,85 - 21.10' -23.00 ALSO . REDUCED 40% 775 x 14 Black and White, plus 823 x 14 ' Black and White. All tires are first line with many Dominion Laredo Tires available. Your Guardian Maintenance Centre Phone..- 527-1750 Seiforth •