The Huron Expositor, 1967-04-13, Page 3M • • w 4 A • rr. MAI . STREET' VARIEtY he Store with Allnest Everything". • IMPORTED --- TExTILES .BLANKETS WOOL TAPESTRIES r,. FLOQR commas HOLLAND STYLE -GROCERIES and COLD MEATS . _SEAFORTHp ONTARIO Bus. 527.1640 i Res. 527.1623 - William M. Hart FUELETC. Phone 527-0870 Seaforth Seaforth Monurnent Works • All Types .of Cemetery Memorials OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON Inquiries are invited -- Telephone Numbers: EXETER 225-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH, Contact Willis Dundas • o. Ron Williams says .. . We havd a policy which -can- cels your mortgage in event yof your death. With this plan, which is avail- able at very low cost, 'You can guarantee to leave your home free and .clear of debt in event of your early death. RON WILLIAMS - Phone 527-1647 -Ron Williams The -Dominion Life Assurance Company - E S OF'MULL The United Churah Women held a successful Pioneer din- ner Wednesday with coal oil lamps flanked With Tnums one of the main attractions. 01d tycle,ho wh costumes were colorful and t girlso waited on tables were dressed in pioneer costal:hes. Two hundred and forty were .served. A program arranged by Mrs. James,McAIIis- ter, included a sing -song direct- ed by Miss Greta Laramie. A pageant "A. Salute to. Canada" by the Brownies; a quartette, Sam Rennie, Ron Mock, Harry Horton, Harry Hoy sang, "Faith of our Fathers" and "Jesus shall reign". Solos by ' N1xs. George Hess in costume, "Rock- ing Rocking alone . in your old rocking chair" .(Mrs. J. E. McEwen also in costume taking the role of the 'grandmother); "Let me call you .sweetheart" and "My moth- er's Prayer"; duet, Carmen. Cur- rie and Sherry Travers who sang "Something to sing -about". Pays Official 'Visit Mrs. Evelyn Carroll of Gode- rich, Zone Commander, paid her 'official visit to the Hensall Legion Ladies'. Auxiliary, April meeting on Tuesday evening and was introduced by presi- dent, Mrs. Harold Campbell. The meeting was informed that $221.85 had been collected in the recent canvass of the village for the 'Red Cross. Plans were outlined for the annual penny sale, euchre par- ty and Zone Rally. Mrs. William Smale won the Mystery and guessing prizes. A penny sale was conducted by 'blue .coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS = DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 521.1053 Yes, it's true.. Now a bank will pay you one-thtr more interest. Which bank? Bank of Montrea True Savings r :r a t starting May -1. 4% from date of deposit. 4%. on Minimum monthly balance. 4% with cash withdrawals and free • transfers for chequing. Ask about a 4% Tllie Swigs Account at your nearest ONO. Bank of Montreal 0° Canada's Hirst Bank Bengali i3ratfch: — . VICTOR PYRITE, Mgr. Brumfield (Saar -Agency): • Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday, • os' inner Mrs. Garnet Allan and Ztrs. Grant McQlinchey. 'Unit Four PcWk Meats The Easter Thank -Offering Meeting of 1.10W Unit four Of Heiman H a I United Ghuraii was held Thursday afternoon with an attendance of 2/. Mrs; James McAllister, leader, presided and presented the devotional on "The Assension and its mean- ing". The study, on -the-_U'nited Empire Loyalists and W'lrat. thry had to do with our religion, taking us back to pioneer, days, was given by Mrs: Fred Beet'. , Miss Greta Laramie"favoured with a piano solo. During a so- cial hour, Mrs. E. Rowe and helpers served tea. Mrs. R. J. Paterson was hostess for the meeting., District WI Meeks The Spring board meeting of, South Huron District 'Women's Institute was held in Hensel', Tuesday of last Week, With the president, Mrs. Fred Beer in the chair. Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, Sec- retary -treasurer read thetrtin- utes and gave the treasurer's report. Twenty-six members were present. ' Business discussed dealt with pillow cases and mixmaster cover made by Nit's,. Roy M,or- enz of Dashwood, sent from South Ifuron District to the Na- tional Convention of the FWIC, Plans for the District annual to be held l on May17 17th in Steph- en Township Community Cen- tre with Crediton the hostess branch were discussed. Mr. Wilmer Dalrymple is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, Viifiere he underwent surgery, Mr; E. R. Davis is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon, don, where he underwent sur- gery. Amber Rebekah Lodge met Wednesday, with Noble Grand Mrs. Lindsay Eyre presiding. District Deputy President, Miss Jean Scott of Seaforth, made her official annual spring visit and spoke/ on "The Meaning of The Three ',inks," Prize winners of grades 7 and 8 of fensall School,. Anne Keys, Gordon Pryde and Doug Mock gave , their speeches which won them the prizes in a public speaking contest and Mrs. Grant MacLean contribut- ed a reading. Mrs. Vern Alder - dice, social functions convener for the UCW convened the din- ner and acted as hostess. Ac- companists were Miss Greta Lamie and Mrs• William Fuss, NEWS of olV O O .D l°I� A nll Karen and Murray Insley vis- ited for a few days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Swartz of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCurdy and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson of third line, returned home on the weekend. from a holiday in Flo -fide. They also visited with the latter's son, Mr. Albert Wat- son, Mrs. Watson and family of Bowling Green, Kentucky. ' Mr. and Mrs: Tom Earle and girls of London, visited on Sat- urday with Mr:' and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills- and. girls of Lions' Head were Sunday guests. The A.O.T.S. men's Club and their families journeyed to Stratford on Thursday evening and put on a program for the residents of Spruce Lodge. Miss Nancy Jaques spent sev- eral days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Earle, Kimberly and Karen, , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Insley of Sudbury visited for a few days during the past week with the former's brother, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ted .Insley, ,Murray and Karen. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Milts of Exeter and Karen Levy of St. Marys. were Sunday guests with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills and Mr. Edgar Mills. Melvin Wayne Clarke,. son of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Clare of Exeter was baptised by Rev. Er - pest Clarke of Toronto, at the home of his grandparents, Mr.. WANTED Old Model.Cars for Centennial Parade at HENSALL SPRING FAIR- CONTACT AIR- CONTACT Elgin Thompson Phone 262-5041 P. L. McNaughton Phone 262-2118 HENSALL South Huron Agricultural So- ciety. Parade on June 20, 5:30 8 INVITATIONS • E ANNOUNCEMENTS �• ACCESSORIES COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER 'tram; O' n0gt and'' Mrs. Gerald Lawson, on Sunday. Present for' the occa- sion were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clarke and• Mr. and Mrs. John Smith andfamily of Seaforth, Rev, and Mrs. Ernest Clarke and family of Toronto, Mrs. Sadie Lawson, Mrs. Priscilla Mr. -Hewitt; -'MAlvin--Vurm, Mr: and Mrs. Elliott Clarke of Exe- ter;'Mr. •cad Mrs. Jim Rhode and Robert of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs, Alan Lawson and Michael of St. Marys. Mrs. Gordon Johns and Linda and Mrs. Clarence Johns attend- ed a shower on Tuesday eve- ning for Mid Joyce Iredale, of St. Marys, bride -elect of April 8th. Larry McCurdy of Kirkton, visited on Tuesday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy, Mr. Roy McCurdy and Jamie were Sunday evening sup- per guests. - Mr. and' Mrs. James McLachlen and family surprised Wayne on his seventeenth birthday, with a• supper Sunday 'evening: Friendts present were . Laurie' Wilson of Sarnia, Tan Sperling of St. Marys, Denny Melborne; Bob and Madeline Crandel and Ruth Ann Roberts of London. News ' of Winchelsea Kevin Hern and Steven Kers- lake started 'kindergarten this past week at TJsborne Central School. • Mrs. William Walters visited in Exeter on Thursday with Mrs. W. J. Beer and Mr. Mau- rice Quance. The club girls with their par- ents were entertained -for sup- per on'"M'onday evening at the home of one of their Ieaders Mrs. Phil Hern. Many of the guts came in Centennial clothes. Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, and David. visited relatives in Toronto over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Pelhke. of Monkton visited on Saturday with .tVlr. and Mrs. Sanford Hut- ton, Dennis and -Dianne. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard,Dayman• and family of Kippen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Walters and Danny. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey Smith and Penny of Crediton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara Ann. - Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Grubb and Michael of Farquhar, visited on Sundey with Mr. and Mrrs. Free- man Horne and family. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pock- et. To advertise, just Dial Sea - forth, 527-0240. • USBORNE- & HIB - BERT MUTUAL FIRE ' INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE . EXETER, Ont. Directors: Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin President Clayton Calquhoun R.R. 1, Vice•PreSident Science Hill Wm. H. Chaffe - R.R. 4, Mitchell Tim Toohey - R.R. 3, Lucan. Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, ,Rirkton Robert Gardiner( R.R. 1, Cromarty Agents: Hugh•Aenninger Dublin. haft Coates - • - Exeter Claytoh Hares - Mitchell Siietietio4Tritasurert Xlugli Patterststr _ - Ebner Col filial ookers Meet . eaforth Colonial Cookers met at 2l';rs. F. Sill's' 'tome, .Joanne Van Miltenburg opened the meeting. Roll call, "A food com- monly purchased today ,which was formerlya made at hotrie was answered by 14 members. Debbie Wallace read, minutes. Achievement • day, which is to be held on May 6, in SDI36 was discussed. Notes on "uan- ada becomes, a . Nation" and "'hitch, Flemish. and German settlements" were discussed: At a further meeting the rail call, "Where '' our ancestors came front" was answered by 14' members. Notes on "Italy and Eastern Europe" were dis- cussed. Angela Devereaux and Marie Willems demonstrated how to make "potato: pancakes". Joyce Haney Trade a salad, "Sal:. ata":.lane Sills and Teresa peva ereaux showed how to make "pizza". Mary Anne Slaver and, Debbie Wallace made "pea soup 1967, „ style": Gerda ' and Rieki Willems made "Dutch chocolate" and Jean Devereau5c and Josephine. Willems` made. pickled eggs. ' Again on Friday the girls met at Mis. F. Sills' home. Joanne Van Miltenburg opened the' meeting and the "ro:Il call "one thing I already know about. Scandinavia or Finland" 'was answered by 13 members. Ger- da Willems read the minutes. Notes on "Scandinavia and Finland" were -discussed. Rieki Willems made "rhubarb soup" and Mrs. Sills showed, how to make cabbage rolls. and these were tried. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Mesonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 : . Seaforth Classified acs pay dividends. Choose Your DIAMOND. Privately • AT SAVAUGE JEWELLERS (Opposite Post Office) Evening Appointment' By Arrangement FREE -17 Jewel Watch with each Diamond pur- chase $100.00 or more Et l f lit }tl (PO In'o1 , $040ORTH, i -rims 'the Most Oo plett, :st •Contr ed Moil( Of.. Tractors, `, :riu fiachi $ , Attaajogeojez karts and. A,vicessori+ s SEASa6N'S. New 658 6 -row Cern And ,Peon Planter with large rat awwble';Disc Openers, etc, G • S' .. N. 455 p,lanter with :Jame hoppers, datrbie disc' W IT1rA,,•: disc ,markers) rubber•tt esp Wh is. and blade• o,-$1;14#.10' erina .. i+, tachment fl4t►, Numeral's semi-moynted Qr�llr MP_< Three,Poift hitch; 'Vibra .shank• cultivator Kongskilde cultivators • USED' .MACHINES: Cock'shutt 560 Diesel tractor with indepen#leryt P,'tAh, .; live hydraulics. "' John Deere 17 -run double disc fertilizer stall Case 9 -ft. disc. John Deere 160. power lift ultivato' Two LH. 1.0 -•f -t. •.power lift .cultiva#b, -s, Three LH..8-ft. power Lift cultivators, Kopgskitde 9V2 -fit. cultivator. Kongskilde 17 -ft. cultivator. John Deere 2 -row corn planter. ' • OVER 30 YEARS DEPENDABLE SERVICE Phone 52/-0129 Seaforth USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED• THEY PAY YOU DIVIDENDS Phone 527-0240 Seaforth with i It's Great With Meals D -el icious With Snacks TRY SOME TODAY' 0 0 MAPLE LEAF DAIRY • Phone 527-0810 .. Seaforth- Dairy Products are available at . BROWN'S SUPERTEST STATION Sundays,' Holidays, Everyday — Maple. Leaf WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements It's a Profitable Pastime! Cars at Tremendous Discoun#s. Our . BIG .SALE Conthiues 1966 CHEV. '8' IMPALA H.T., A.T., P,S., Radio — tic: E89866 1965 PONTIAC SEDAN A.T., Radio — Lic. "E90663 1965 CHEV. IMPALA Hardtop A.T., Radio, Lic. E90661 1964 PONTI-AC "8" SEDAN A.T., R.,' Lic. E90725 1965 RAMBLER SEDAN A.T. and Radio, • 13,000 miles 1963 PONTIAC SEDAN A.T. -- Lic. E90740 1962 PONTIAC SEDAN A.T. -- Lk. E90664 1963 MORRIS 1100 SEDAN Low Milegage, Lk. E90733 • 1962 Mercury -Meteor Coach A.T., and R. • — Lic. H3-107 1962 OLDS SEDAN A.T., P.S., end P.B., R. — Lic, E90660 1962 CHEV. SEDAN A.T. -- Lic. E90738 1962 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN • A.T..R., P.B., Lic. E90734 .1962 CHEV. SEDAN Lic. E90288 1965 GMC 1/2 -TON PICK-UP. Low Milegage -- LIc. 48878C MANY 1961 and -1962 CHEVS and PONTIACS eaforth Motors Phone 527.1750 Seaforth ° 'LOT, OPEN EVENINGS TO 90