HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-13, Page 1AL AL
Whole 0. 5171EA'pRTI ONTAtIO LR .I7AY APRT 1� ' X67 —PAGESM rile Cep M
108th Year t - , , L ,g+A(1 #t'it'# 1 �+
Exchange es.. at,-
co, Incl �squr
t r Y,NNW MW= -L
nd!. u
• `" Construction of one-story eanerwqyOf A I'•
3 frame phone exchange.>, tlmild-
Ing is under way in Dulin. The' -
building is due for completion
Seaforth Council , will make in, 1963 the outlet which prey.. on Janres •St> following sewer vfi a rur4janlc. true Grr e, y
x A :: • in early summer. h all-out orf. to clean" u the iousl existed had been dis• work. • rural firgs, Tq*ei=.' r fig.
_ "' CaXitract for the buildixi has
;own this e d agreed t turbid and there was a rob Plan Meeting ges'ted .aeetY tq' � a
� spring an _ gT 0 • p ,
been awarded to Riehl Comstrue ,full co-operation with the Cham- "tem with water in his basement: In a letter from, 'Hibbert .6?ects:.n#the rWreiit�t:
3 tion of New Hamburg. will e a Towrishi it was indicated there . at the same tune ,8ad','
""tl`fYz}3 '!t bei of, Cflmtneree ,in its annual, Coon, Heinderson r. ported 17r
x ; i • sy ) be located on Highway 1$; . jrist paint- Cain i . similar. robiern at a residence was• agreement to , the provision (Continued d ort: ,,)'ag&
yce"fir's exj t' Up, Clean UPa �► P ,
u; j �. east ofi 1?erth County Road •No"
�� The matter was raised when
10. he Chamber of Commerce In
Opp. v aK µ4r x .: kn k, <, The exchange will
provide 1
gaf < �_• 3� r _r* g P a letter asked for assistance.
�s. automatic switchingfor the
Reeve Carl Dalton xevieRved
area which now will be served,
previous arrant
>+k'nfiY', � .�24 .{ • p, arrangements and in-
y ,y:g r� by'' Bell. It 'is expected, , the
€, � • �� � a �•n w. • dicated• his co-operation. He
..._., _
.: -switch- to dial will take lace in ;
• uA�,�� �3� � �:: � ,£� ; � P had spear-headed--a drive-two .-,-----••.1
,, Y�� •i- � � ` t � �, � ,. years ago to eliminate unsight-
The system will -cover the ly, spots in the town and- the.w>� area presently.. served by- 'the campaign of his committee at I
McKilIop, . Logan ' ano Hibbertt a
that time had resulted in. a
telephone company• which was number of tumbled dl4fvn., build-
• � �, �£ � ��� �`x�' � s q � purchased by Bell a year ago. Ings and other eye-siires being
When the operation goes, in-to .eliminated. ,
effect Dublin residents will be
�' x� •�� ��'��� ;.,. �'� �� „�� � 3�,�,{��' �,,� ,�r�g� �; _ � � ` ,� Mayor Frank Kling agreed �. � • , .
,a y + able -to call Seaforth, Monkton 'that the 'tidying`up,:campaign
and Mitchell wiitibut paying could create a-good impression
tz� "���3xf fy. �`*{iuy. ,,Sa t';�r{5?;... ^i, eg�4d..'�a Sen S::;'•.ivy e i , rx:e 'y
A l�� �,wrr?',�„,tr`�,�3 �3�'t.r: • �x�`,�.E ��,���,S'"''td�"`ut^a&�a x:..� r. ;�F:��,,��,.`R� . ,: �� � 3• i,�s�3.1, •,a�� �.,���,, s;,r �3< �E >��>v�
. , long distance charges. but that perhaps there was ad-
` ...,.
"' �z��:?"'•,` .�. .,�x"a�, ��i ditional work required. He
11,51 pointed out there are many
' - areas, perhaps' in the town that
w required attention such as old
Queen Reigns Over SDHS Students cars' that should be moved.
SDHS chose M Anne Phillips .(centre) as school The Town's ,participation will
Mary p queen and she was .crowned at the be co-ordinated by Reeve .,Dal-
ann4al formal'Friday evening. With 'her are'7eft, Bonnie Kerslake and Debbie Miller, who ��"aileI
y g• , toneand his committee and will
Were named 'assistants .to the queen: (Expositor photo by Phillips). include. the; use of town staff x
- and vehicles.{ ��..
Award 'le 'council on the
. Whi co cit agreed
• � job the Chamber of Commerce
Miss Margie Whyte, a Grade is doing in its clean-up. cam-
Set Centenn' al Coe'leArat i ons'11 student at SDHS has' been paign. there. ,was>: 'criticism in�� • .. v:�
selected to take part in the Fe(16 another area.
eral-Provincial Youth Travel Councillor George Hildebrand a '
r program. Her tour which gets referred to a bulletin which had y 3 s
For MoKil-loArea P Residen under way July 26 and contin- gone out from the C of , C in
- ues to Aug-
-. ust ,$,.:he'.
.goes. too North- which _ said' criticism had
� e �� " '' � • +tib � i.. x ,
"Vancouver, B.C. While on the been directed at council. As
- --- '
_:. � P-residents wi-1-k mark councntta-discu'ss ContenniaT-'iial-orders will be $1.10 yard.
the Centennial Year at a .cele arrangements. In addition .to wish coast students are billeted Y ;' v � F SFS,• ;
representative of council on s
' . , . g . � The' Kerr bid was the lowish with students of that area.. the Chamber of Commerce ex �� � ,,� r r,;i�.x�� +,� .,;,,za {,� � � ;�`� �, � �• . , ;,
bration being planned, for W}n the township celebration, a num- of four -received. Others were
Tour.officials indicate to par• ecutive, he said he had not been
throp, on Saturday, July 15.'A ber of former school sections Sandy 'Construction Co. Ltd., titular schools whether a boy notified of meetings and wished
meeting at the township hall, I are planning reunions and cele- $1.10;^George Radford, 94c; and or girl is to be selected and sel- to resign from that office.
Thursday evening agreed on the orations.. H. Jamieson Ltd, $1A0.highest
date and, venidg committees to Other councillors suggested
Committees named are: Or- ection there is based on
Council accepted the petition scholastic standing in Grade 11. there was nothing in the bul- ni � Ki n
look after details•. - ;chestra, 'I4, n, Aen4erson and. of ervin ' Godkin and Staple Last year the tri was wo -. letin to be taken personally but ;Centen d a C1 Kippen
-...... " :.. K P y . ,. ..- . .rte
'ilze meetri�g; 'representative Harordl. Dods; B,arbecue,.,Geoe HiIt
en for the repair and exten by Joanne Elligsen who • wet► thak.it war an indication of the n'
of, the council, former school ge Rock and Allan Campbell; 'sion of the Pryce Municipal to Manitoba. Chamber's interest in the com-, Kippen United Church UCW held visito rs night Tuesday when visitors, were ' sent
sections' and the present town- Program,., . Clarence Maloney, Drain.munity and was by way of rug- from ,area congregations. Old time costumes c onitri!buted a Centennial a'truosphere•-as guest§
ship school board, was called Martin Murray and Tom Mur- Recognizing- an increasing gestion as to improvements that were received by Mrs. E. Kyle and Tars. D..Stu art: Here Mrs. L. Cooper, Kippen, "serres Mrs.
A further meeting of the tendanoy to build on small lots might be made. Fred McGregor;. Mrs. Bill Burdge. and Mrs. E. Ferris of Buucefield. (Expositor photo by Phh
committee is scheduled for Ap- along township roads, '.council Accident Couneiiloi Hildebrand could
iii 20 agreed some consideration as not agree. He referred too, to)"
to orderly growth was neves- action whish had, been taken re -
" "- sary. Clerk. 'J. M. Eckert was ■ ■ garding store hours. Mayor ,
_ instructed 'to seek assistance Kling said that he had been at S e Cifof�l ei.r h an'#s
McKillop Council 1C. irn 'n the meeting ca ed b the mer
from the responsible depart- 1} y
i0E, chit's committee -_and at that
R McKillop Council at its Ap- mint in having a representative
t meet .with council, to discuss time had indicated it was a
t_ ril meeting accepted the tender Hospital lose- on Wednesdays-
ate? subdivisions, zoning and build- matter ,of getting together and
of Joe Kerr Ltd., Wingham, to arriving .at a compromise. It
crush and deliver 20,000 yards ing by'-laws. Heather' 'Fothergill, 8, is in
of ravel at 90 cents a yard. Council named Councillors R. Clinton Public Hospital, follow- was not a matter for council to Seaforth merchants at a towel and St. Marys observed
�- g decide or to interfere in, meeting -Wed'nesday, night, by,a number of stores in those w r
Ing an accident in Londesboro,
MTM Cost to ratepayers for individr .McNichol and Harold .Dodds as g
:. representatives on the Mid- Monday afternoon. Conn. Jean Henderson agreed agr to close all day 'Widnes= towns were working satisfactor
western Ontario Development the C of C like the council is °dg. trial basis, comment ily.
"y. The child was -crossing No. 4 `rim 1 are representative of all ay 3, and continuing .until ,Under the agreement workedS `
r F' �*►•t board. 'P y P Y
Scout Gifts
highway from her home to the the .people and in order to func- No ember 29. out there will be no Wednesday �
" village store -when ' she was in tion must have the support of ' The decision came as a k'om- holidayin any week. in which
• " collision with a car being driv- the community. It was same- Promise ' bkween those who ' another holiday occurs. The
r � " en north by Russell Darral Mae wished no change from the re
`J;`• Continue thing in which all must take P merchants committee agreed'to bt
Donald, 69, RR 1, Blyth. She part. sent Wednesday half holiday, consult with neighboring com z '" ,r�
MURRAY GAUNT MPP for Added gifts too the Boy Scout s c h, o o l received multiple lacerations Clerk Ernest Williams told and those who asked for all : munities in an effort to -reach
Huron-Bruce, who was againnd Girl Guide fund included and was 'treated at the scene c"ounci•1 it no longer was neves- day Monday. a common decision next year. ptJ
nominated to contest the rid- Bingo balance. ................ 20.00. by Dr. R. W. Street df Blyth. sary for council to await a re- Representatives of 19 retail In other business the mer- a ;
• frig at a, meeting that filled Miss 0. Laidlaw ............... 20.00sells for
' OPP Constable Ray Primeau, quest from merchants in order stores attended the long meet-' chants. agreed stores would re-
Wingham Town Hall to cap'- `In a previous list, a gift from Seaforth, investigated. to legislate regarding hours as ing out' of a total of 32. The main open up to 10 o'clock on �f
acity Friday evening. Ontario F. Johnston of 10.00 should previouslyhad been the, agreed
President as Calle Sills on ' be-. Friday nights commencing Ap-
Liberal leader Robert, Nixon have been croited to Winthrop 1 1 ®� _ g was called by C of C ril 28, A special selling event ,
spoke. Loyal Orange Lodge. ,
S.S. No. 8, "Egmondville governing storehoursshould' tee in an effort to resolve a w .planned for the Victoria Day ;
with Mayor Kling that by-laws half of the merchants commdt-
• Receives g 'weekend. -
School -was sold by Auctioneelr not be.initiated by council but stalemate that existed follow- No decision was taken con- ROBERT MICKLE bas been
Harold Jackson, Saturday after- • should reflect the opinion. of trig , a meeting the previous eerning Remembrance bay un-
noon.. ° ! - Scholarship the merchants. week. ppor- awarded. a scholarship moun-
til there had been an a
Through Arthur Devereaux, Council accepted the resigna- I Disp'irssion revealed no change tunity for the coMmittn to con- ' ting to • the, value of X500
it. was purchased ,by the St. Miss Susan D. MacLennan who tion of, Coun:' Hildebrand , as a was contemplated in neighbor- suit with the Legion. from the National Research,
~' James' Separate` School Board, has been,accepted by the Uni- representative to the C of C ing towns and that Wednesday The meeting endorsed Ed Council. He plans io'further
T i for $11°,000. versity of Guelph to semester and Count Henderson, who is a half 'holidays would continue to Taylor 'as chairman of the mer-
- +` I one, to the program leadin to vice- resident of that or aniza- fe observed, A proposal that chants' committee and reco his ednication in the ,field of
The school bell brought -Fred g P g 09-
being at the University of
`� • bring purchased by Brig. Fred the degree of Bachelor of tion was named to provide iia- I stores close all dray Monday re- nized the work the committee �' ,
s " Clift of Bayfield, Three of the Science (B.Sc.) has been aNyard- son. - ceived considerable support had, done in an effort to achieve Western 'Ontario leading to
more modern type disks brought ed an entrance scholarship of The public works committee but others pointed out there a schedule of • store, hours that his Masters Degree in Physics.
$8.00.each and Lorne A. Sparks $x•00• is to approach ,Huron County re- was a requirement to -provide would reflect the views of most'He is the son of Mr. and Mrs:
of Rayfield paid $35 for the A pupil at SDHS and . the g)arding a• drainage problem re- service in the area and this was merchants and at the same time Laird Mlckle, Hensall, and is
err •
i� antique wall clock. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Ported to council by Edmund not possible with Monday clos- recognize the. responsibilities of
The main school wa"s erected MacLennan, Seaforth, she will Daly. He. %aid that since the ing. On the other hand speak- the business co-mmunity in ser- a graduate of South Huron
in 1922 and an addition in 1958. register April, 21st. - construction of North Main St.' ers said Monday closings in Lis- wing the area. District High School.
Walton Area News of the Week
Walton Church Orga'fimations Hold Sptpw-ing fivIll
the book "What's the Differ- dar unit. prayer. break a le last week.
Thl•.C�.W. of Duffs Unit- Campbell Wey. Y P Y g
ed Church met Wednesday The treasurer's report was en if any of the groups Sun-,estions will be accept- Mrs. Walter Bewley intro- , Mrs. John Boyd of McKil- ,
afternoon. The worship per- given by Mrs.' Kenneth Me- have it in their possession. ed for the Holid--• service of duced the filmstrip, "There lop visited with Mrs. Thomas
rod conducted by Mrs. A' committee to discuss the the U.C.W. in August, also was a Bear in the Road" and Leeming last week.
Arthur Donald. I i;.
Higginbotham and was -in Mrs. Clarence Martin Te- decorating. of the church base- the Centennial service to be gave questions ab,,ut the film. ',Trs. John Shannon,. Sea•
charge of, the supply .and soc- ported on, bales that'had been ment, . Mrs. Kenneth McDon• held id June. A shower on Ap- The filmstrip and record gave forth, spent the week end
ial assistance committee,- sent. It was decided to pay ald. ril 22nd was arranged and -n interesting account of the with Mr. and Mrs. 'Nelson
Mr's. Clarence Martin read charges for the bale. Another Mrs, Herbert Traviss, Mrs. each lady will bring a pantry developing church in Cbnada Tteid.
yta an article on Miss Rodgers of boli will be sent in May and •Donald Dennis and Mrs, Har- gift. ' from the time of Cartier. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simp.
w 3hk�: •, Bella Bella It told of the articles can be left at the vey Craig. Hymn 373 "Jesus United by Heather McMnald and Gail son of Mitchell visited-with
need for.. medical supplies church the -second week in Units to look after 'flowers Thy Grace" was sung and Travis,,;collected the offering ing one da�� last week. ,
i; and listed circumstances May, Used men's white shirts in tele church were appomte Mrs. Higginbotham closed the <and Christine dedidated it 25th Anniversary.
where Social Assistance can can, be used in hospitals in as follows:.Mav and Septem meeting with prayer. with prayer.
¢' help Canpdian Indians. Mrs. foreign Mission fields by talc- ber, McKillop; June and Oct- ' Gail Traviss gave the treas• About sixty friends and
George McCall reading from ing off the collar and cuffs. ober, Walton; July, 17th and Mission Band g urer's report and Keith Wil-, neighbors gathered at the
Y. Social Assistance and Welfare Mrs. Walter Bewley report- Boundary; August, 16th and Walton Mission, Band met bee read minutes. Gail will home of Mr, and:' Mrs. Wil.
urged women to read articles ed on an Executive meeting 8th. with an attendance of 53. act as pianist for the next tram Murray Friday evening
In the Observer. Chapter 7 of the Pfesbyterial in Wes Owing to the cancellation Christine Lee was in charge meeting and Tyros Roger to honor them on their 25t)i
"Challenge to a Community" ley ' Willis Church, Clinton, of the St. Patrick's Pot Luck and Janice Houston was pian- Humphries and Brian Wilbee wedding annivet;sary'r An ac
from the book "Into a Nation" Mrs. , D'oig of FordtiVichI pro- Suppr each unit will take up IA. will 'assist with, the worship. dress was read. 'W. Hitt'. A1=
• was. given by Miss. Harold gram convener do Presbytery a collection at their next unit , 'The meeting opened with Closses were formed w. i t h pert Clark aftot *hIdh the
Measuring Seaforth Water Bolger. Mrs. Kenneth Me- is purchasing the film "By meeting for the Presbytery "I am so Glad that our Fath- teachers' Mrs. Jan Van 'Vliet couple vete, prese'iitm, With,
Donald received the offering the King . o Ptpclamation" project. er in H even". Christine gave Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs.. Wil- a, pole lamp and t*6 dhoirt
a Charles Reeves of the PUC staff was busy last vkek and was • dedicated by-104. and It Can be obtained •from The date "of May 16th will these Call to Worship from liam Roe and Mrs, W. Dow- fro , 'fhcotoi hunity'•. Other
Higginbotham. her • anytime. When • the list be the C.G.I.T. Banquet with Ps sm 119:3. The se iptur' ley. included atr 'a�umioumi
carrying but an annaal insjieotion of the main reservoir at c
Mrs. William Roe eoridttc� of. Book whish are in the the 8th land. 16th unit cater-, was read by Messengers Pat- Mr. Ross teeming and Jet-tt°ay, and bo`lii bc)h cliyh, iin►bk
the "ping station. On .11bodoy he &nil 11 9'. Peeves left ed the busfuess opening with church library • is +com feted Ing. The Men'§ Rally .meeting ty .McDonald, Susan Murray, ferry► visited Miss ,Linda. Leeta- ir, set and. iAAW1 6 $land
" a 'where they Will vWt their day titer.., - ,. " i g rr . pp he ' in d A " 1;' 12th, will be in Debbie Vuh Vliet and done it ' of Mit0hel'l' on. Svnday. M1rrbr• cu laird. ise�r
�y air for Germ, h�, ., ..,Y.' : . , ,.... ,g _ , .,. a em , While r was }Sttsy • , tett names. wilt be posted. T d 1Cy �r , ..'bxi .. , g ., . + p _
1i �o group would like,;to use char
(expo p +Milli s 1Viitrutes were read by Mr's, ' YfC getof the 17th and Boun- Leeming AWY Searle led in Linda had the. 'ihistbitofte to. tosn�ela:. Y
ai�£or tiotn