HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-06, Page 15• .1 • • 4 • .14 • 4 • rer ite ,rt INSURANCE WIND TORNADO CYCLO JAMES T. KEYS Phone 527-0461 Seeferth Represent(ng he Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. ' Church Gro.iips Meet BARBARA KIRK/M 11 lvire• 'Clare Reith PreSided °V- er. 4154 hoSineSs xvrik the .Barbara Itirkenatt of First 'Church, l'nesday eye- ning -when tiaere Were $9 mein - hers., and their guests present. The scripture leSsoh was read responsively from the 28th chapter of IViatthew and Mrs. • !ineinplOyincitt insurance now available for most employees of _ FARMS, RANCHES, .NURSERIES, GREENHOUSES, HORTICULTURISTS, FRUIT, VEGETABLE, FLOWER GROWERS. employees: 11 is to your advantage to find out if you are eligible for the unemployment insurance protection now in effect for Workers in agriculture and horticulture. employers: If you have people working for you, there are regulations that you must adhere to. .It is to your advantage to get complete particulars immediately about unemployment insurance .. for your workers. Get full information now at your nearest office of the UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION ' GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. 7383(e) W, Ilafolet Celenten need the medi- tation, HYOMS Pertaining te Fes- ter were sung' ui4 Mrs, 41,, 4. UnItn :preSidecl Following the Meeting, gamei and ,contests, conducted by Mrs. Ed AndreWs and Mrs, Keiiii Sharp were en,20Yed. Each mem- ber brought a baby pictUre. and the person guessing the most number of name § won a prize. A talent table was held and a sizeable amount was realized. COLONIAL COOKERS SeafOrth Colonial Cookers met at Della and Debbie Wallace's. Joanne Van Miltenburg opined the meeting with the 4 -II pledge and 'Institute -Od'e: The roll cell "A recipe or food characteristic of England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales" was answered by 14 -members. The minutes were read by Mary Ann Klaver. Mrs. Sills made English trifile, Joanne Vann Miltenburg made Welsh rabbi:Cc-arid Delia- and Debbie Wallace made apple dumplings. ificki Willems dis- cussed wild fruits ,?and achieve- ment day, Classified ads pay dividends; INVEST In a Guaranteed Trust. Certificate DONALD G. •EATON Office in Masonic Block Main St., SEAFORTH Phone 527-1610 4 Seven-year-old socialites have a Way of leaving more than a gift at a party: - ever been stuck with a eutti-frutti- topped tablecloth? These are the times a Cascade 40 can really win you over. It provides all the hot water you need to suds up a strawberry -specked party dress,. its chocolate-cheeked owner, and the pile of party paraphernalia youll be left with. A Cascade 40 electric water heater may not make the party . . . but it could save the day. ror more inform- ation, ask your Hydro. When the party's over electric water heater can have its finest hour a Cascade 40 - your hydro GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE LTD. Phone 527-0290 Seaforth GEO. A. SILLS it SONS. Phone 5274626 . Seaforth • FRANK KLING LTD. Phone 527-1320 Seaforth Consult your Electrical Contractor for ftirther information !,. PLe .014410# • Independent frim tiMe 'to time uonlinatea a citizen of that continuity an. of -the week". Recently a Setifornin native, Dr. • W. 4. Crich was honored. Dr. Criek son, .of the late Mr. .and i Mrs. W. A. Crich' and a brother John C. Crich of town, ie well known here where be grew 13 and attended schools, This is what the Independent saYs: Grimsby is probably the only town of its size in„North Ameri- ca which would attract an oral surgeon. Dr. Aubrey Crieli.has been operating his practise here since 1041 and draws patients from all over the district. He was born in Brussels, On- tario and was educated in Sea - forth until he went overseasin 1:917. He. became a pilot with the 49th squadron of the Royal Naval Air Services, serving in France. In MS he entered the Royal College of Dental Surgeons in Toronto, graduating in 1923epsr: Crich then took on his first post as a dental 'surgeon looking af- News The.,Easter ' meeting of the United Church Women was held in the Church parlor with 30 present, Mrs. Ellis Strahan had charge of the worship service, using as the theme "The Easter Lily". Mrs. Fred Parkinson gave the meditation. Rev. 'John C. Ling, B.A., was the guest speak- er, and spoke on "Building Bridges". Mrs. Leonard Thack- er and Mrs. Ted Insley favoured' with a vocal duet. A reading was given by Mrs. George Wil- son. Mrs, Robert Robinson ,had charge of • the business. The roll call was answered with a Bible verse starting with the initial of your first name. ' Miss Yvonne Jaques of Zion was a Sunday evening supper guest with Mrs. Arthur Hopkin and also attended the Young Peoples meeting in the Church. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett visited Saturday, evening with Mr. and Mts. William Hon liday of Rannbch. The community- was shocked to learn of the sudden passing of Mrs. LeonartL Thacker . on Wednesday. • • Miss Cheryl -Hern of London, was' a .weekend visitor with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nold Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett, •Jacqueline and, Geraldine were Sunday guests with Dr. and Mrs. Evan Schute and fam- ily of Arva. Mr. and Mrs. Areold Hern and Mr. Ernie' Vodden were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hern, Cher71- and Nancy of London. n. • , Mrs.' Lloyd Smith and Dianne were weekend visitors with Mr. aid Mrs. Roy Brock of .Detroit.' Thirteen young people were accepted by profession of faith, into null . membership of the church on Sunday morning. Those joining were Janice Thomsen, Karen Rodd, Jeanette Hooper, Betty jean Miller, Shir- ley Timms, Joy Thacker, Linda Tomlinson, Gordon Robinson, Ron McNaughton, David Stra- han; Carl 'Langford; John ' Gar- tenburg and Danny Jaques. Bibles were presented to each by the members of the session. Mrs. Arthur Hopkin was a Sunday guest with Mr: and Mrs. William Waghorn of Kirkton. Mrs. Jarn.es Miller spent sev- eral days in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gunning and famiIy Mr, Lawrence Beckett is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, having undergone sur- gery. Get well wishes are ex- tehded to him. Mr, and' Mrs. Norris Webb and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Whyte and family of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Pringle, Terry and' Wayne of London - visited on •Sunday „last, • with, •Miss Noreen Walk= and Messrs. William and Howard Mr. 'and Mrs. Glenn Copeland and Miss Jean Copeland attend- ed the barbershop concert spon- sored by the Sweet Adelinos of London at the H. B. Beal Techni- cal School on Saturddy evening, Miss Sharon Grafton, of Have-' Iock spent Easter weekend with her friend, Miss June King. Good Friday was observed with a joint eervice of the con- gregations of Zion East, Zion West and Woodham in ' the Woodham United Church on Friday morning. The members of the Young Peoples Union provided the choir and sang two numbers. 'Miss Beth Crago read the scripture and Miss Shirley 'Jaques led in prayer. Rev. J. Xing, B.A., delivered a very fitting message 'and con- ducted the communiott service. The Elirnville U.C.W. held their March meeting en Wed- nesday- at the church with 2$ members present. Mrs, Bev Parsons and Mrs .PhilHern were in charge, of the Easter meeting. ;..,IVIrkr. Harold Del - bridge read the • scripture.' Mister XeVin 'Iron; nixt Chery'l Paraciiia sang a .couple h- NAL 4,1. .041.* Week ter a practice hi taledonta for One year. • 'An impottant event tallowed this; he received' a fellowship in, dental surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota in -May 1924, a great honor, as •'he was the first Canadian to re- ceive a fellowship at the fam- ous Completing the fellowship in 1928, he returned to 'Toronto, to set up the dental department in Lockwood Clinic, He left this clinic in 1939 and went into his own practise M Toronto, spec- ializing in dental surgery. Ill health caused Dr. Crich and his wife to move to4a new- ly- purchased fruit...farm et Grim- sby Beach in 1940. lie had no intentions of continuing surgery ,at that time but after one year his health had improved suf- ficiently to allow part-time prac- tise in his home on the farm, welcoming hie first patients from St. Catharines. In 1950 he • became an assoc- iate member of the American Society of Oral Surgeons. He then sold his farand moved to his present location at 78 Main St. East, taking on a full Wag PrOettse- once again. '1 THE HURON EXiwOSITOrti A 01101,1 ONT APRIL, Nottist e liCW Meets e 44. sister Ihaulmfrering meetiug Nortbs* WV! was helcr,ou 'ruesclay eveuing tbe Dr. Crigii and Ins, wifelier: Cue have three children; Mary MrS, Douglas Alton) livIng Oakville, Elizabeth (I,lrs, James Britten) in Guelph and Peter who is married and teaches mathematics at Ancestor Secon- dary School. Dr. Crich's hobby, PlIgto-t graphy is well known the world over. He has exhibited color Pictures throughout the world. He is the second Canadian to re- ceive the honor of being a five star exhibitor in the Photo- graphic Society of America and, is presently working on. his fifth star in nature photogreephy for which he finds most of his subjects in the Niagara Penin- sula. His pictures have been ex/Thited 'at the Worlds Fair in Brus- sels, the New York Worlds Fair and this year he helped judge the color photographic show for E/E130. He also belongs to the Color Photographic Club in Hamilton and the Toronto Camera Club. Dr. Crich has been president of the Grimsby Lions Club for two successive terms. of WOODHAM of songs, Mrs. Elson Tynn: Mrs. Jack Hern and Mrs. Sanford Hutton and Mrs. Wm. Allen presented a skit on Easter. After business there was an auction sale, followed by a ten cent tea served by Group 1, with Mrs. Freeman Horne and Mrs. Wm. Walters as hostesses. Mr. and 1VIrs. Wm. Walters and Danny visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hciward Dayman and faVy, of Kine pen. , , Mrs, John Coward had as her guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wib Cowardnancl Susan, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Coward, Pam and Jeffrey of Sunshine Line, Mr. arid Mrs. Bev Parsons and family of neat Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bibby and family of Kirkton. Mr, and Mrs. Elson :Ty,,, Jim and Joan spent Sunday at Owen Sound witiffelatives. Mr, and Mrs. Elson Tynnn and family spent Gond Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner of Sebringville, Mr. Ronald Clarke of , St. Marys visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wal- ters and Danny. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hern and Janice of Miltbn visited Geod Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Step- hens and David and Doris visited' on Sunday ' with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bierling- of Dashwood. Mrs, Isabel Sugden, and Mrs. Tennyson Johns .visited on Sunday with Mrs. Bessie Franks of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Sugden of Detroit visited recently with Mr. Tennyson Johns and Mrs. Isabel Sugden. Mr. and Mrs: Sanford Hut-, ton. Dennis and Dianne visit- ed in Listowel on Sunday. With Mn. and Mrs. John Hut: ton. Brenda, John and Beth Ball of Clinton visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and family. • t - Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are •accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. ehurel4 ,,sellool • ppU1. pests were present ftom the'Presby- terj,an and Winthrop Chure0s. Te 4eyououal part Wss pa, pared. by • Group three '0 the' ITCW, with Km Poter. TAmlop' leader - assisted by Asirs.• Thomas 'Milne, Mr§, Bey, owistie and Miss Abbie Selp. miss Christine Fryca sang: trWtt, solos, aCeenTailied -by Mrs. J.- Stewart.- The- guest spealmr, Mrs. G. W. Tiffen, from ,Wing - ham, was introduced. by Mr. • Gordom McKenzie, "flex theme; a gogo church was very ably taken and was challenging As well as inspirational. Mrs. Brit- ton thanked the speaker. NM William Bali, the president, con- ducted a short business sessien. -Lunch -wee ,served by 1VIrs. Ross - Gordon and her committee. 10,..avoirmwriolisio0,400moedmoomookik. For Cool$01141 INSU whin titro'stpiess,,, , cAR; ACC; IONNT .MASIVIrir • OR 1.1fE ,• ' OE gis A. CAIIDINTO, 'Insurance Agen0 Phone 5274490Seeferfil . Office °kWh, 9,13004 •-Seeferfh-Metertc"----. - - enneennewienefentneiieenereemeineinin Ask how much your loan will cost and NH will tell you -before you borrow AMOUNT OF LOAN $ 100 300 550 . 1000 1000 2500 3000 4000 5000 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 60 43 ' 36 ' 30 20 11 months. months months months months months $ 101.01 12626 73.35 88.02 117.37 146.71 sr - 57,72 90.18 103.22 144,30 18037 S.,. 23.73 41.45 $6.12 18.35 32.86 58.11 $9.46 28.32 51.24 91.56 Above paymentInclude principal and Interest and are based on prompt repayment, bbt de got Include lbe cost of life insurance When you Come to HFC for a loan, the • , Manager will answer' any question ,you have -fully and clnarlY.- befere you' borrow. That's one reason you can borrow with confidence from 4,E0- 140usehold Finance. • Ask about credit life insurance on trans at tow group rates Ask aim& our evening hours • GODERICH • 35A ,West Street-Xelephone 524-7383 (above the Signal. Star) STRATFOftt- - -- 119 Ontario -51reet-Telephonie 271-9440 (next ,to Simpsons -Sears) -NVERBEFORE A SALE LIKE THIS--SPECIALLY-EQUIPPED, SPECIALLY PRICED ClifVROLEISI Here's a new kind of car sale...a better kind...the Chevrolet kind! During the Bonanza Sale, your Chevrolet dealer is offering specially equipped,,specially priced Chevrolets at tremendous savings. Every handsome -Impala V8 Sport Coupe or Bel Air V8 4 -Dor Sedan or Biscayne V8 4 -Door Sedan comps to you with five popular _ accessories and options. Best of all, you're getting the car you want, equipped the way you want, in any color you want, at a special price you can afford. Hurry! Check the extra,low prices on these three popular, specially equipped Chevrolets with your dealer. - HERE'S THE STORY ON THE SPECIALLY EOUIPPEO,SPECIALLY PRICED CHEVROLET: Every sale car comes with five handsome, enjoyment. You'll notice thar-evtry umron whitewall- tires, tour dressy wheel covers, and accosory in the package is there to make Shade -Lite tinted windshield, pushbutton the caryou choose more luxurious, more radio and a rear speaker for your travelling finished. A' big dollar ,plus at trade-in time, ••••••••• .. • . ',..iti.:::.:::1:i.'".t."$•••:•:::•:,•;•••••• • 4 • • IL • .`4t: • 4,:•.1.•0;/".44414.4„..=,-;.rift.x;r1v. • •st-om ran Ens MORE ENJOYMENT, SUM Order poweersteering and power brakes and your Chevrolet dealer includes them( at,special Bonanza Safe package savings. If you've never had power steer. Ing and power brakes, here's -your chance, 130NLIS.13011US 480 - While the sale Is on, you can order Chevrolet;s 3.27 - Cu. in. Turbo -Fie V8 engine Together with rower); lido and, you can Save yourself a- bundle: The engine .and .. •, Powerglide combination are specially priced during • • this sale. And yourean get big deals, on all the Chevrolet family of cars. Your Chevrolet dealer is offering the greatest spring deals ever en these great cars: Chevroiet, Chovelle, Chevy II, Corvair and Camaro. Cheek you'r Chevrolet dealer and check his deals today. AUTHORIZED DEALER SEAFORTH S FORTH MOTO RS • tef'artehs#Ontrf� Piton 52*i$ ttetore to see Bonanza on the CBC TV Network' eh Suottoy* Chock artd time 7