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The Huron Expositor, 1967-04-06, Page 11
• A • ACRO$$ !-]f 4,dk 1ore• an lx-Man'a name 13-7ting of htrds 24 -Meadow 16-14reelslonlat Iii teaching • 7- 1 1, S miller 19 -Performed 20 -Fragment 21 -Seasoning 23 -riving bird 24 -saucy 27-Pal4phoes1 28 -Male sheep 29 -One borne 30 -Exists 31 -Ventilate 32,Brlc$ carrying device 33 -River in Italy 34- l food 36-QAa it food to 37-unde worldhe 38 -Lampreys 39 -Equality 40 -Trade. for money 41 -Citrus teult 43 -Uncouth' person 44-Conotella: tion • 46 -Uneven 49 -Dine' 50 -Item of property 52 -Period of Brno • Si -Bitter vetch 54 -Acts 55 -Lair . DOWN 1-Oratulty 2zEitiat 3 -Oar e- 4-Dlepatch 6 -Me !eft 5-S hor oir e ther 7.I7.aD le $,Prig t 9• footed, hMirfs 11 -Equality 16 -Inver Island' 1s,saapr 20*Tsta2 • 21 -Sliver 22ipassaggu•ay 23 -Swiss river 25 -Repulse 26-1+1ah from moving boat 28 -Tear 29 -Land rneasure 31 -Iters of Property 32 -Pronoun ---- &5-Apportions 36 -Cooling device 37 -Guarded .pots a! -Armed band , 44 -Insect. MEP PPPIPIM EMO lel Ci9m !IE i- diir min`AiY �. r,.�l!�EyE? FSI"�imGEJ C lIAJ mmanw EWE COM NEBO WOW OEM MEOW i r Mali MUD WM Lamm lit o I ]MW UMEiCI MED BEDEJ MOM MUD 1MJM>4 UE BWE20' E DEW EFk EUE IuE� 1 MEW MOH© 171113 40. -Sink Ilk middle 41 -Alcoholic drink 43 -Hose n , u 11 h SOLUTION 45 -Paddle - 46-Com,nunbat 47 -Before 43-31an's nickname 61 -Compass point NEWS of WIN C•H ELSE, Misses Kathy and Janet }Tern and Danny Walters at- tended the Bawling party in London on Saturday • Miss Dianne Hutton visited' on Wednesday,,,with_Mr. and Choose Your DIAMOND Privately AT SAVAUGE JEWELLERS (Opposite Post Office) Evening Appointment By Arrangement FREE -17 Jewel Watch . with each Diamond pw chase $100.00. or nio'e Mrs. Gerry . Grubb and Mic- hael at Farquhar. Mrs. John Coward visited on . Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Bev. 'Parsons and family near Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters visited 'in St. Marys on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Clarke of Sebringville. Remember! It. takes . but -a_ moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 52'7-0240. ARROW ALL CANADIAN ,; Petroleums Limited Gasoline, Mese, HEATING OILS . Valvoline Oil and Greases "Go With, Arrow" AGENT: DON COLEMAN DIAL 527-0646 SEAFORTH WAN 7 ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527.-0241 The elementary school hoc- key tourament sponsored by the Knights of Colimibus, was held lin the Seaforth Ar- ena on Thursday and Satur- day: The Junior division con- sisted of grades 3, 4 and 5 and the Senior division, grades 6, 7 and 8. The teams involved' were St. Columban, Seaforth, and Mt. Carmei`In the junior section. and St. Columban, Mt. Carmel; Seaforth and Dublin., in the Senior section. Juniors The first Junior game was between Seaforth and St. Col- tmkan with St. Columban winning by a sopre of 5-0. Brian Lane scored three goals and got one assist! ' Barry Lane scored twice and got one assist. The second Junior game, played in the afternoon was Ia very close game as indicat- ed by the score St..C.ol'umban 1, Mt. Carmel 0, The first and second peril were scoreless, and with four min- utes .and two seconds left in the game, Brian Lane scored, assisted by Barry Lane.. Mt. Carmel was unable to tie the score and Brian Murray fin- ished the game with his sec- ond eaand shut out in two games. In the last game of the day Mt, Carmel and Seaforth with Mt. Carmel winning 2-Q. The first period was scoreless. However in the second frame M. Martins -- scored for Mt. Carmel. N. Regier scored at the 3:25 mark of the third. period to fininsh..the scoring: Junior Standings Win Lost Pts. St. Columban 2' 0 4 Mt. Carmel 1 • 1 2 Seaforth .0 2 0 Seniors The first Senior game was played on Thursday morning between Mt. Carmel a1 d.Dub- lin, The game started slowly, -xhe.first goal being scored by Greg Revington• of Mf Cal'- mel. Mt. Carmel scored twice in the second period, goals go- ing to Earl Trainer and Larry McCann. Joe Arnold,. Greg Reyingtsn, L a r r. y McCann and Peter Tekjl with two, scored in the third period ,to make the final score 8-0, for Mt. .Carmel. The second game was play- ed between St. Columban BRODHAGEN The Dainty Dreamers, 4-H Club unit, met with 1.2 mem- bers answering the Roll Call "A finish I will use' on my Nightgown or pyjamas. The secretary, Donna Leonhard', read the minutes. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Elligsen,.divided the club into two parts and each demonstrated applying lace embroidery to the bottom edge of a garment by mach- ine sewing lace by hand. Mrs. Ada Armstrong, Exet- er visited with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel ',Beuermann on Sun- day. . (To Reduce .inventories of Sixes Below) (On Inventories Only) • Size Black List - Sale 645 x 14 Four only 695 x 14 $29.30 -14.70.. . 735x14 31.10--15.55 ... 735 x 15 31.10 '--15.55.. . 775 x,15 33.45 --16.75... . 815 x 15 37.55--18.80... . 845 x 15 • 40.85 -- 20.45.. . `White • List -- Sale $31.50 --1575 . 33.10 --16.55 35.00 17.50 • 35.00 --17.50 37.65 ---18.85 42.20 - 21.10 • 46.00 --- 23.00 ALSO REDUCED 40% 775 x 14 Black and White, plus 825 x 14 Black and White.'All tires are first line with many D6ri1ln on Laredo Tires available. Your Guardian Maintenance 'Centre Phone . 527 750 Seaforth and Seaforth, St. coiulxiban winning 5-2. Jim Murray scored in the first period,, axd in the second Bill Salisbury scored for Seaftirth, sitting he score to 2 to 1. However in the third frame_ Neil Mur- ray, Larry Kale Randy Di1f- fy scored for St..Columban. Luke Janmatt replied for Sea - forth. t11. The next game; wasplayed on Saturday morning, St. Col- uinban beat Dublin d to 1. Randy Duffy and Neil ar- ray scored fort. Column an in the first period. The second period was scoreless but Ranh dy Duffy scored -two quick goals early in the third per- iod. Pat Delaney scored for Dublin. Neil Murray and Tom Murray finished the scoring for St. Colurni»n. Mt. Carmel beat Seaforth 5-1 in the next game. Jae Ar- nold :and Fart Ferias, scored for Mt .Carmel .in tkle ,first period. Glay,en made ti�e score 3 in the .second. i Owever, ear y iia the third period Joseph McQuaid coun- ted for ' Seaforth. Seaforth continued to press and would have scored except for the strong goalkeeping of John Glavens. Henry Martins and Gerrard O'Rourke scored in the last minute of play. The next game between .St. Columban and Mt. Carmel was for the Senior champion- ship. SSt. Columban started off fast, Billy Duffy scoring assisted by Randy Duffy and Danny Murray. Danny Mur- r4y het scored. as fisted by y u ' Neil Mur- ray. Mt. Carmel .e a ack strong. in the 'second,perilri ed, sce ring two goals by JamesRegier asssisted by Joe Arnold and Pete Tejke in the :First ,and the second from. Larry. McCann. The score at the end of the second period was .2.2 - Pete Fejke scored a. ,quick goal for Mt. Carmel in the third period. The game then tightened up with both sides playing excellent hok e y. goal Both ies,•Kevin Kale and John Glaven were called on to make ''several hard saves. Mike Hagan scored for Mt. Carmel and Handy, Duffy* scored 40 seconds later to nar- row the :gap to one goal. The final - score was Mt. Carmel 4, St. olumban 8. The final game of the day was between ,„Seaforth. eaorth and Dublin« Seaforth winning 7 to 0. Bill Salisbury scored tour goals and John Arts 2, John Lansink scored the other goal. Senior .Standings Won Lost Pts.- Mt. Carmel 3 0 6 St. Columban • 2 1 4 Seaforth 1 •2 2. Dublin 0 3. 0. Miss, Theresa Cronin, Ing- ersoll,. visited Mr. and ,Ing- ersoll,. Alphonse Cronin. Miss Noreen McMillan and Danny McMillan '.visited Mr. and Mrs, Bill McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred' Mal- one visited in Detroit during the week. • f Miss Pauline Malone..a i4 iss Judy.Trail,. Lolr}dpu, "find .h axl . Malone, Simcoe, viiazte4..Toseph Malone. Ml's, Gilbert Murray is home from St. ,Josephs Hos- pital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ¥cQ*;aid of Preston visited Mr, and Mrs: James McQuaid. Miss Anne Melady and Jim Melady, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Melady. Miss Karen Kale spent last week in Kitchener. Mrs. Frances. Afellhargey, Lucas, spent last 'week with her sister. Mrs. Jack McIver and' Mr. MGlver Mr. and Mrs. Charles; Mal- one and `Miss Aline Mahone of Windsor visited Mrs. John L. Malone. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Melady of Toronto visited Mr. and and Mrs. Maurice Melady. Mr. and Mrs. Bdb Staple- ton, Kitchener, visited: Mr. and ."Mrs. -Gilbert 1V urraY. the new Separate School opened fer c . ,es this week. This scheol akes in the •pt}= pils from the one room schools of what was SS No: 4 Hibbert and the Beechwood school, McKillop; and the two room school at St. Clumban. The teachers in charge are Mother Mary Justin, Princi< pal, with grades 1 and 2; Mrs. Joseph Melady, Grades 3 and 4; Mrs. Joseph McLaughlin, Grades 5, and 6; Mrs. Michael Murray; Grades 7 and 8. The offical opening will be held later, • racU , Pe4PnovaPilt Mr.. and Mrs. Earl Benne was ;. the Stratford g04,0 al Hospital* .d .part.of his, ste XitelidaYS.. Rev. ,and Kra. ligtl?Ort 'Rock and fauuii` of.:; Dar otlth,; 11.$ S.; ,spout Weed With,, his parVnts. Mr- and Mrs. *. win Rock and Nn:. orma.. Visitors with h Mrs. .Caroline'1 Elligsen were Mr. and . Mrs. George Wesenberg . Di... and Dawn 4f Brussels and and Mrs. Charlie Kreiger, of Chatham). The Variety : Night:' which... Luther . f aeague was to pre- sent at the 'community hall on April 5 has been postpon- ed until April 12 when they -will present two plays "The' Red Lamp" and "Egad! What a Cad". The Luther League of St. Peter's Luther League alt Zion Lutheran Church in Stratford on Sunday evening. Flowers. were .Placed On' the alter of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church qn Sunday by the family in loving memory of ,the late Mrs. Wm, Queren- guesser who passed away a year sago. Miss Glenda'.Dickison spent Easter holidays at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Gibb end girls in Glencoe. The Junior,Farmers of this district presented a Variety Nicht at the community hall on Friday evening- when they put forth their talent. Danc- ing followed,to the music of Floyd Siliitoand his Orchest ra Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oliver and family of Stratford -visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on Sunday. U•SBQR • mrT ISR ,COMPANY HEAD OPF10E ZOIrrillti ~ " D) t; h, Martin ;.teen -' R. . • President �}y :Clay+ton' Calquhoun Vice -)'resident iieuce Wm. H. Chafe.* 4 4, Mitcham Ti1n Toohey R r3, L41c1a41" Rayn1o11t1. McCu y 'R.& 4 Klrkto?I Robert !gardiher ' Crom3' Y Agents; Hugh Benninger .- -- ,Du'b Harry Coates Exeter . Clayton Harris Miteben Sorotary 'reasurer: ' Hugh. Ratterson., - - to NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR' HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 - Sesfor}fh e nous 1 problem, you affor is fey? lon- -can now. A criminal or civil action, or specialized legal counsel might cost more than you can afford. Yet justice may depend on both. . Inability to pay a lawyer is one of the last remaining obstacles to justice within the law. This is no longer a problem in Ontario. On March 29, 1967, a new legal assistance act became effective in Ontario. It guarantees"that no resident of this province shall be denied his legal rights because of the lack of money. You choose your own lawyer. • You make application to,'him of your area director. Then a'decision is made as to what portion of the legal costs, if any, you can pay. The difference is made up from the legal assistance fund provided by the Government of Ontario. - The plan is administered by The Law Society of Upper Canada. Neither the court north public knows you have-eceived legal assistance. It is a private / affair between you and your lawyer. This is the most advanced solution in the world to the problem of legal assistance. And its purpose is to render justice to every man under the law, The Law Society of Upper Canada. ONTARIO PROVINCE OF OPPORTUNITY Tne new Ontario Legal Assistance Plan -effective March 29, 1%7. LOCAL AREA D. ECTOR: J. nlY4I4gwood, 4. C. 121 Righttion'd W Toronto w.