HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-06, Page 7-4' •• 4 • THE RON 11XF,TOTOR.f 414AMitrot, USE THEsg cLAsstFICATHH4 4 Help. Wanted TQ YOUR. ADVANTAGE 1. Corning Events, 2. Last, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Warded 5. Business OPportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Waisted 8, Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale -10. Used Care For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Bey, 13. Wanted, • 14. property For Sale -- 15. Property For Rent 18. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices - 20. Auction Sales 21, Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24.' Cards of Thanks 25. 1nMemoriam. 26. Personals 27. Births' s, -.28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classifies! ads are inserted at s rate of 2 cents per word. Radh number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ada are stibject to tbe minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1t, 13, 15 and 17, minim:v-40c- an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25e for each 4 -line verse. All ether classificatiohg, mini- mum. 65 cents perinsertion, except Auction .Sales (20), .Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates an applica- tion. For cash payment. or if paid by 10 days following last Inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. 1. C.oming Events COMING EVENTS — Light bulb sale, April 8th sponsored by the Seaforth Rangers. ee 1-69-2 BRODVAGEN ' Community Centre, April 7th, 1967, 8:00 p.m,, Old Time Dance, Swiss Country Band and 'Modern band. Door pries. Admission $1.75—ineluding - coffee— and sweets. Swiss. Chile Thames Valley, 1-68-2 SCHOOL REUNION SS No. by Stanley SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1967 • 1:00 p.m . All former teachers, pupils, families and friends welcome. Please notifv,. interested per- - sons. Picnic Supper 5:00 p.m. • 1-70-6 CENTENNIAL Ball sponsored by the Order of the Eastern Star to be -held in Seeforth Legion Hall*. April 26th. Dress 1867 to .1967. Admission $1.00 per person. • 1-70-2 A Centennial Dessert Euchre in the Orange Hall, Wednes- day. April 19th at 2' o'clock in the afternoon and 8 O'clock in the evening. Sponsored by the L.O.B.A. Everyone wel- come. - ' 1-70-1 MARTY Adler Record Hop, Walton Hall, Friday, May 5. Sponsored by Boy Scouts. • ' • 1-70-1 2. Lost, Strayed GERMAN Shepherd dog, chil- dren's- net. Lost in Staffa area. Reg Chappel, Phone Dublin 3 R 10. 2-70-1 • 4. Help Wanted GIRL or woman •to work week ends and some evenings in Snack Bar. Apply Box 1844, The Huron Expositor. 4-68-tf REGISTERED Nurse for part- time employmeht in Medical Clinic. Apply Seaforth Medi- cal Clinic, phone 527-1770. 4-70-1 WANTED Young Man to work in SHOE STORE Outside Seaforth. Attractive offer. Apply In' writing to Box 1646, THE HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4-70-1 MEN WANTED FOR GENERAL WORK Apply to foreman ` Jame g Mitchell at • Harriston Fertilizers Ltd. Between Seafortheind Clinton off No. j3 Highway or phone 482-9133 Clinton 4-70-3 RAFORTH LIONS PARK Applications are invited for the positions of lifeguards swimMing instructors and booth assistants for the com- ing season at Seaforth Lions Park. Applicants must be 16 years of age or over, •Apply fn writing indicating age, eXperenee, .qualifieations and inkrards before' April 14, 1967, t6; LION4.CL110 PAR • BOX tift.; SEAVOltTlf 4404 SALES HELP - 1414NTED Due to expansion of mer growing company we require a man in Huron County bet- ween age 21 to 45 years being interested in a sales career. Familiarity with farming and modern farm requirements would -be an asset Good op- portunity •for advancement for the right man. Transport- ation supplied plus salary and commission. Contact • DAVID IVIocKENZIE 225 Epworth Ave„ London • or phone office 268-7375 evenings 433-2172. 4-68-3 5. Bus. Opportunities Grow Cucumbers and make Extra Money. If you have 1/a an acre or more, grow cucumbers for BKK'S Top Prices, all hybrid seed. • Free Pick-ep af gate. For information apply to. Albert Kramers, , BICK'S OF CANADA Dublin, Ont. Phone 30 R 3 5 70-5 8. Farm Stock For. Sale ABERDEEN Angus. club calf prospects. Robert, J. Doig, North Main Street, Seaforth, phone 527-0763. " 13-63-tf REGISTERED dual purpose Shorthorn cow,, due in a week. Filmer Chappel, Crom- arty, phone 44 R 12 Dublin. 8-69x2 TWELVE sows, second and third litters: Will put out on shares. Call Clinton 482-3802 6 rem. --8-439x2- TWENTY-one pigs, 9 weeks old. Ken, Ryan, RR 1 Dublin, Phone 102 R 5. •8-70x1 COLLIE dog, 6 months 'old. Orval Greer, phone 527-6547. 11-70x1 TWO first, calf Ayrshire hei- fers; 2 'second calf Ayeshire, cows; 1 second calf Holstein corw; 1 first. calf Holstein hei- fer. James •Shortreed, Walton, Phone. Brussels 368 W 4. . 8-70-1 SEVENTEEN pigs, 8- weeks "Old. Mac Stewart, RR 1 Dub - Phone -527-0897. • 8-70x1 ELEVEN pigs, 8 weeks old. Neil Ryan, Walton, phone 527- 0668. ' • 8-70-1 THREE Durham cows with calves, also Holstein heifer, due soon. Apply Urban Du- charme, RR 2 Brussels, phone 343 W 7. 8-70-1 • -4 9. Poultry For Sale 11. Articles For Sale Jewellery , We do ail types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing. Retip Claw Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume Jewellery Anstett ,Tewellers Ltd. 11-6141 WANTED 'Watch trade-ins — We are allowing. Top Prices for your old watch on a new BULOVA CARAVELLE ENICAR • ACCUTRON Over 150 watches in stock 9 A,NS'e.erre JEWELLERS LTD., •SEAFORTH 11-64-tf WE' have the following at lowest prices: Polaroid Swing- er Cameras, electric shavers, tape recorders, transistor rad— ios, hairdryers. Anstett Jew- ellers Ltd. 11-61-tf ENGLISH dinnerware by Johnson Bros. of England. 50 piece sets .of 8, over 40 pat- terns to choose from, only $29.93. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. • 11-61-tf QUANTITY or Climax Timo- thy seed, also Gerry oats grown from registered seed, suitable for seed. Wm. Foth- eringham, phone 482-9196. 11-69x2 FOR your lawn, garden, pet and livestock supplies en- quire at Clinton Farm Centre, 22 bee°, Street, Clinton. Choice selection of garden seeds in bulk or package. M. W. Durst, phone 482-9333. 11-69-3 - WESTINGHOUSE gas dryer - and McClary gas stove, apt. size, 4 burner, in good condi-. tion, phone Exeter, 235-0755. • 11-69-3 SIMMONS studio couch. Call 527-0773. • 11-70-1 QUANTITY of good alfalfa and timothy hay, 35c per bale. Lot 12, Con. 3 Hullett. Phone 482-7170. 11-70-1 QUANTITY- of'Birdsfoot •tre- foil. Apply Dalton, Diegel, RR 1 Bornholm. 11-70-2 WALNUT drop leaf dining room table in good condition. Mrs. Hugh McPherson, phone 1j7-1137, 11-70x1 Q ANTITY of Red Clover seed, cleaned at Londesboro. Dave Watson, RR 2 Walton, Phone 527-1187. 11-70-1 QUANTITY of baled hay. Wm. James Storey. RR 2 Sea - forth, phone 527-0325. 11-70k2 Supreme Centennial Special! WO OFF all aluminure ware Specially tagged IRVIN'S HARDWARE 11-70-2 GILSON frig, Frigidaire stove Chesterfield and chair, oak extension - • table and five KIMBER. LEGIIORNI chairs,?cte lazyboy chair and Day Old and Started Pullets stool, studio couch, Phillips Red. x S x Red Pullets TV, antique hall rack and Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available new. Book your or- ders early. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. • Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 19-61-tf 10. Used Cars FOr Sale 1956 Dodge in good condi- tion. 6 good tires and recent valve job. Call 527-0103 after 6. 10-67x1 1958 Thames Van, phone 527- 1930. • 40-70k1 1962 CHEVY II wagon, 6 cyl. standard, 50,000 miles. Good condition. Phone 527-1138 af- ter 6 p.m. • 10-70x1 11. Articles For Sale GOOD quality hay. Mel Hul- ley, Lot 2 & 3, Con. 10, Hul- lett.. ••11-69x2 SILVERWARE Special. 50 piece sets, drawer chest. in- cluded order $79.95. Anstett JeWellers Ltd. •11-614 NEED a Clock! We have a large selection .of alarm, kit- chen, decorator and mantel clocks. Anstett Jewellers' Ltd. •11-61-tf SEE the special Centennial values by Bulova at Savauges priced at $33.50 and $50.00 and in companion sets at 2 for $67.00 and 2 for $100.00. se values will never again be repeated by BulOva. Now on display at Sevauge Jewel- lers (oPpbsite the post *glee). • 11 -68 -if ^ • SEE our neve spring jewel- lery now on display includ- ing many centennial items, $1.00 and up. Savauge Jewel- lers (opposite the post office). 11468-tf TRADE-IN Sale is Still on at Savauge's. Trade-in your old watch and receive an extra allowande bn all Elgins, Cara- velles, Elves, Several 13iilovas and other makes at Savauge, Jewellers (opposite the nest office). 11-88-11 NO. 9 Internatienal 10 It; cid, tivator, Ilktai,IneW, 1000, bale first Ott ti fa,,tilnetlit hay. Contaet el 10101t, fi23s4290. e , ,•,,,,e-, I1. -7W SI*V,Olt ear radie, phone 527- 1000, 11404 wardrobe, Simplicity washer. white enamel kitchen cabinet, beds, dresses, washstands, odd tables and other articles. May be seen between 7 and 9 p.m. .Thursday and Friday evenings, April 6th and 7th er Saturday afternoon, April Sth. ,Mrs. George Leitch, Lot 15, Con.' '6' I -tulle -ft. 527-0466 or 527-1696. 11-70-1 ONE 9' Cockshutt stiff tooth cultivator, new' teeth, Ken Carnochan, phone 527-1545. • 11-70-1 120 key electra accordion, only used six months. Phone 527-0083 after six. 11-70x1 CALF scours — Nixons four tablet scourex treatment gives quick dependable control. Ef- fective against both scours a n d secondary infections. Keating's Pharmacy, T h e Rexall. Drug ,,Store, phone 527-1990, Seaforth.. 11-70-1 QUANTITY of cob corn. Ed Corbett, phone 226-4010 after 6 p.m• •11-70-1 1000 bales of mixed grain strew. Urban Ducharme, RR2 Brussels, phone 343 W 7. • 11-70-1 QUANTITY alfalfa' seed. Ph. Gordon Dale, RR 4 Clinton, 482-920. , • 11-70-1 INTERNATIONAL BALER, with motor, runs go o d. 500 bales of straw. Apply V. H. Gibson, RR 2 Kippen, call 262-5255. • 11-703 NINETY lbs. red clover seed, power cleaned. Ed. Dorrance, RR2 Seaforth. ° 11-70-1 GOOD quality mixed grain, also baled hay. J. Jamieson, phone 527-1256. 11-70-1 ENGLISH saddle. Mrs. Glen Chesney, phone 527-034, 11-70-1 FOUR used 150-14 and a set of 'snow tires the tame size, suitable for use on a farm wagon. Dial 527-0494. 11-70x1 TIMOTHY seed. Lou Bolton, RR 1, Dublin, 527-15•76. •11-70x3 • SPECIALIll . Come anti See our Lewyt Vacumrri Cleaner, mvors trArtriwAn•t • 1140-2 • 11, Articles For Sale QUANTITY of Parkland seed bailey, also 100, bales wheat straw. Apply Russell Oesoh, Verna, phone Hensall 203- 5422. • 11-70x1 gors spring suit as good as new, size between 8 and $8.00. Phent 527-0217. 11-70x1 50' hanuner mill encllese belt, Tom Dorsey, phone Dublin. 83 R 22. . 11-79x1 12. Wanted ToBuy. cipsTs of diawerk ' boards, picture trees, dishes, 'mos, chars, books. Phone 271-1578 Strat- ford. 12-61-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live fowl, picked up at.the farm. Phone Ron Bennett, Walton, 527-0887. 12-67-8 ATTENTION EGG PRODUCERS • Free- .Washing, ConaPar,e, our grading. Top priees pole for A's and tutdergrades. To get your eggs picked up call "Mitch" Parkhill Creamery 204-6265 12-694 WANTED 3' or 4 sections of spring tooth drag harrows, in good condition. Phone 527- 1517. •• 12-70-1 A HIGH chair in good condi- tion. Phpne 527-1167. 12-70-1 SHALLOW well pressure sys- tem. Phone 527-1769. Camp- bell Eyre. 12-70x1 WANTED — Quality, bunk beds in good shape. Phone 482-3393. 12-70-2 13. Wanted WANTED —Pasture for 10 head of Cattle for summer. Apply Art Anderson, Phone 527-1308. • ' 13-69-2 14. Property For Sale TWO storey. frame house in Dublin. •Gas furnace,. new 3 - piece bath downstairs. 2- p 1 e c e upstairs, aluminum storm windows. Phone 69 R 2 George Coyne, Dublin. 1.4-70x1 r -15. -Property _For_ Rent MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment. Phone 527-0810 or Ex4 eter, 235-1510. 15-61-11 HEATED apartments close to Seaforth on Highway. Private entrances. Apply to Box 1642 The Huron Expositor. • • 15-684 HOUSE, three bedraornS,leath and oil heat, in' Staffa area. John O'Leary, RR 1 Staffa. 15-69-3 FURNISHED anartment, hea- ted, 2 bedrooms, $60 per month, Available for five months beginning May lst. Apply --to Box -1647, Huron Eepositor. 15-70-tf GRASS available for 14 head of cattle, approximately 500 lbs. Joseph Nolan, St. Colum- ba 15-70x1 GRASS available for eicht steers around 6.00 lbs. Tor- rence Dundes: Walton, lhone Brussels 470 J5. 15-70-1 DOWNSTAIRS !apartment. 2 bedrooms. kitchen, liyin room and bathroom. Frank Nigh, phone 527-0477. • 15-70x2 TWO modern apartments for rens. Available immediately, Frank Kling Ltd. Phalle 527- 1320. 15-70-2 19, Notices RT..."ReTROLTTX Canada Ter/ Sales 2 nil Serylee, alerearieed doaler Alvin Riley 153 Teehe h"TVP roderich. ohoymP q9d 6514. • 19-61-tf WATCH REPAIRS - FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720 -,-- Seaforth 19-6141 VACUUM Cleaner Sales '& Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales. Varna. Phone 262-5350 19-614tt SILOS -- A solid, poured - concrete silo offers. greater strength and longer life, does a better, safer storage job, yet the cost is often less than other types. Let us quote you prices, financing and cons- truction arrangements for a poured -concrete silo Or liquid manure tank, Write Solid Silos Ltd., London' or phone London , 432-7106, evenings, 438-3778; or Forest 622 R 31. 19-68-4 -DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT Darling & Company of 'Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65 19-61-tf • 'TRI:TOWN BOOKKEEPING - SERVICE CLIctrci Vat, --atSEAPOATATII Five "ears tktieriesie in all Mak% of-HOOkkeeigng. Pheria48241260 19-014 19. Notices: NOTICE •We are shipping vatic eVerY Monday to United Co-OperatrA 4 Ontario. Tg. arrange for Pelq- asi at your farm, phs One il'014- urday night. • - FRANCIS IlUirr, Phone Seafortie or ° MICHAEL J. DOYIsg, Phone .114 R 16, Dublin. Calls Collect -A. • 10-81-u SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used, All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, EB2 Brussels, phone 442 w6. /tress - els or contact 'HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527,-1424, 19-61-tf DEAD STOCK Highest cash prices paid for fresh dead, disabled. cows And horses, We pay 14c PER LB. weighing over 500 pounds. Small' animals picked up free of charge. ,For the most prompt and courteous ser- vice in this district Please Call Collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 — Brussels, Ont, 24 hr, service -7 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-C-65 19-68-2 Why not plant a crop that has the highest returns per acret. We at ROSE BRAND PICKLES have contracts 'available for your area, —No Investment required —Hybrid seed —Free pick-up at farm For information .write to: Matthews -Wells Co. Ltd • Guelph, Ont. -. Or Call: Cronin Transport • Dublin, Ont. , •, 10,08-3 CALL REG SMITH SIGNS or truck lettering, farm signs, sale banners, highway bullet- ins, plastic- signs, gold leaf. 3,vork_guaranteeci. Corner East and High, Clinton. -Phone 462-9793. 19-60-11 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We "guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527-1406.. • 19-61-11 BRICK WORK Chimneys repaired, repointed; ^stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed. „Ray Squire, phone 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 19-65-ff Every week more people cover what mighty jobs .are accomplished by 'low cost Ex- positor Want MS. Dial 527-0240. Auctio0 Sales QNTAR1O LACOMB g4tg.f.,DERs, $,A.Lz at Stratford Fair Grounds Qa . . . wgp., Apgui irrif. at 1420 W. AC Cockburn, Secretary • 260 Kathryn Cres., Newmarket 2'0-B9-2 ONTARIO LANDRACE ASSOCIATION SALE At Palmerston Fair Grounds on • • FRI., AFIRIL 14TH at 1;30. W. na: compau4i1 'Scretary • 260 Kathryn Cres. Newmarkt 20-69-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery at Ben - Miller on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12TH at 1:30 Full line of International Form Machinery. All equip- ment is like new condition. ready to go to work. TERMS --s CASH B. C. STRAUGHAN, Prop. • HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk 20-69-2 1 AUCTION SALE Of Schoolhouse and contents in the village of Egmondville on SATURDAY, APRIL. 8TH at 1 p.m. - Two -room brick school, stok- er furnace, drilled well, deep well pressure system, 11/2 acres land more or less. 'Contents of school, desks, blackboards, books, snaps, school bell, and other items. • Terms --- CASH. For further information contact Vern Alderice, RR 2 Kippen, phone Hensall 262- 5494, chairman of Huron County School Area No. 1. HAROLD JACKSON • _ Auctioneer JACKCALDWELL, -Clerk_ „ 20-68-3 • EXTENSIVE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of 75 Head of Cattle, Hogs, Feed, Poultry, Farm Maehin- ery, Truck, Miscellaneous it- ems and some Household Ef- fects, for HENRY KLEBER, Lot 5, Con. 13, McKillop Twp.,- 6 mile S west of Kenni- cott or 5 miles east. of, Lead - bury corner on SATURDAY, APRIL 8TH O'clock noon Sharp CATTLE —20 Durham and Hereford cows fresh with cal- ves at side; 7 Durham and Holstein cow due time of sale; sale and in early spring; 2 20, ,AnCtiOn Sales Holstein pow due time of sale; 1 Holstein cow doe 14 44.7; 1 Holstein cow milking and rebred; 1 Registered Polled Hereford breeder Hereford and Durhan-t Steers and heifers rising 1 yew. old. NOTE: This is a good beef herd, • BOGS — •1 Sow, due in May; 2 Toting sows One In' IVIay-F 1 York breeder .bear; about 650 lbs.; .2 Sows with litters at side; 2 Sows due .in, 1 swath; 25 good h ea V.X., chunks; 8 Feeder hogs; 13', Light chunks: rm.) Approx. ' 1,000, bales- of .hay; Approx. 10 tons of Rodney oats ou of ElPg; seed last year; Approx. 100 bales of wheat straw; Some, grass seed. POULTRY — Approx. 10.0 Leghorn 2 year old hens, lay-, ing 75%. MACHINERY & DoilscE4- ANEOUS M -H 44 tractor in good condition; M-1-1 34ur. row plow, on rubber; Interna- tional 9 -ft. cultivator on rub- ber; Molin 32 plate double disc; International 9 -ft, culti- packer; 4 section of harrows; 1VIcDeering, 13 -run fertilizer seed drill; 10 -ft. steel land roller; 2 wheel trailer and stock racks; John Deere heavy duty rubber tire wagon; Champion grain grinder and 3 h.p. motor; Steel water trough; Sleigh (like new); cedar posts; 1962 Chev. 1/2 ton truck in goad condition; Hay loader; 200 -gal. gas tank and pump; 'M -H 7 -ft. binder: Colony House 8 x 10; scrap iron; Colony House 10 x 12; Coal brooder stove; Electric brooder; 2 Sugar kettles; stone boat; wheel barrow; Renfrew 2000 -Tb. scales; 2 16 -ft. hay recite; Hog crate; Clean Easy milking machine; Moffat electro pail; Renfrew electric cream separator; Some lumber.; forks;.•shievels; tools; a host of other items too numerous to mention. • HOUSEHOLD EIiThCTS— Findiay cook stove. beds; dresser s; washstands; odd •chairs and other household item's. • • NOTE — This is a large sale and 'must start sharp at 12 o'clock noon. There will. be —a —1-arielrecoturter -on the_ grounds. Don't miss this out- standing sale of livestock and machinery. Proprietor and Auctioneer not responsible for any accident on day of sale.- Positively No Reserve as Farm is Sold. TERMS ---Cash on day of sale. 5% Sales TaX on Taxable - Items HENRY KLEBER, Proprietor FRANKLIN BUUCK Auctioneer ' Dial Stratford 271-3049 or Sebringville 393-5501. • " 20-69-2 2 Aildion Salt* cLgAMici AUCTION SALE • At. the'farm of MI liitalillang east %, of lot 22, Con. 0, Rib. Bert TotOsbiP. 1. Mile north ' and 4.1i• Miles eat 01 Mane* or 1 miles -south east of Sea - forth* on sArtinwor.• APE1I, 8TH • 10072 " _.„,- Sale starts at 1 9W004..0110XP--r, LIVESTOCK Consisting fill of Ott19,-1•1114stit_, -1494 ' and Hereford. CMS; VOW; With calves at side and not rebred; 6.„cows, duo soon and bred Hereford; IfanOyit eQW:, 10 goad stockers,. D.Orhailt an Hereford cross, tom 74,hun- dred pounds, in; g90(1.4)1400 for grass; ' z -.steers, 400 black, white face; 0 stat,140r. stockers, Durham aoctxorg, ford eroas; 6 open Holstein heifers, •sonie big enough 'le • breed. HOGS — Consisting of 4 good York sows, 3 of these bred 2 mouths; 22 chunks; 8 weaners; 1 good York hog, (Filson stock). — . • MACHINERY .44: sey-Harris tracter;.Ferd -Ixac- tor, 8N, with Freeman loader and snow bucket; Oliver 62V, Baler like new; 32 -ft. George White Elevator, (skeleton) with motor; Oliver side rake, on rubber; George White' • heavy-duty wagon, complete with rack; 05 -bus. manure spreader; Dearborn Cultivat- or for Ford tractor; 8 -ft. Mc- Cormick stiff -tooth culitvator; 8 -ft. Massey -Harris double disc; No. 16, 8:ft. Massey Har- ris binder, like new; 11 -ft grain auger; 32 -ft. extension ladder; Aluminum wheel bar- row; Universal Milking mach; ine and pipeline for 12' cows, complete with motor; Star 8-' can milk cooler (spray) 11/2 years old; Cement mixer with, motor; Fanning Mill; ,One 01 j. v e r 13 - row tractor seed 'drill. Many - o ili er.' miscellaneous items found on a farm, too numerous to mention. IseeED — 500 bus. of Mixed Grain; 700 bus. of Mixed Hay; 400 bales of straw; 14 bus. of Timothy seed. • HOUSEHOLD kik VECTS — 2 beds with springs and matt- resses; 3 dressers, 1 of them is antique; baby crib and matt- ress:. An --antique round table; Dining room suite; Buffet and China cabinet; Table and 6 chairs; Many misc. items. A booth is to be on the grounds. - TERMS — CASH No Reserve as farm is sold. BILL McMILLAN, Proprietor DONALD • KERNICK, Clerk LARRY GARDINER Auctioneer 20-69-1 Additional Classified a SEE PAGE ,8 ifs MISERY WHEN • \loki GET 1145 EU& ' • kpa NEW oaf, , \' YOU ETA12"1. HATING • I - 41.` • , 11-iE pt.D ONE! r T, • — ,o4„ar. 1111111!Irit Ree oVeR. To else BANK 41C-4<, AND 6E1 A IseeiDoets ONES._ IC105 Toppi SeoefT .51'ex 001" CV 14EIR 1.4 vokse•NrTii At4`1141t46 Lf -SS MAN A ssoole ftai. 2ii.!.! seSe