HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-06, Page 51 • • • r 1* • WS OF ,BEN ALL � ,. ..... Congregao Hears Roc Mr, and Mrs. &aril Miekle entertained their daughter Ann oe friendsnd whome are residing heroat Delaware Hall, the ladies' , residence at U.W,O.' London to a dinner Sunday; Present for the occasion ,were Miss Frances May, Port Dover; Miss Martha Mabee, Toronto; Miss Kathryn Manser, Wheat- ley; Miss Marianne Mathew, Toronto; Miss Bonnie MeCrae of Niagara Falls. Hear New Rector Rev. H. A. Seegmiller, B.A., B.D.,' new Rector, took Charge of the' service' in St. Paul's Anglican Church Sun- day morning. The ; choir dir- ected by Mrs. Frank Forrest, at the church organ, rendered an anthem.' ev. Seegmil'ler is the new Ror for Trivitt Memorial, Exeter and St. Paul's, Hensall. ' • Horne from Honolulu Mrs, Henry Fuss has return- ed from seven weeks vacation spent with her daughter Mar- • garet, Reg. N., at Honolulu, Hawaii. Making the . trip by jet, she returned home with -r several momen,toes of her va- cation including two lie of red and • white carnations, .a purple orchid corsage, a bo- quet of ampherrium, a royal black ooral taken from the bottom of the ocean by div- ers. The coral broach is set with a pearl taken from an oyster. shell, Mrs. Fuss received a wel- come by her daughter and friends and during her stay there enjoyed a tour of eight islands by plane. She also Brought home colored pict- ures taken at a flower show. Flowers were placed in the Sanctuary of the United Church Sunday in loving ' memory by the families of Mr. .John Pepper and Mr Richard Kinsman. The daffo- dils were placed through the courtesy of the local Cancer Society to commence their April campaign for. support. Members of Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. Har- old Campbell, Mrs. Wm. Smale, Mrs. Clarence Reid. .Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Har w ry Horton, Mrs. Roy Smale -participated in a bowling tournament at Walkerton on Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Tay- lor was presented with a gift Mark 45th Wedding Occassion Mr. .and Mrs, Lyle Hill of Bayfield were surprised on Saturday when members of their 'family. and relatives held • a" family, dinner at the Legion Hall, .Hensall, on the occaaion of the 45th wedding anniversary. An anniversary cake ,'flanked with white, bronze and yellow mums -cen- tered the table. ' Mr. and. Mrs: Hill retired from Varna to Bayfield four years ago. - They have a family bf four sons, two daughters, 17 grand- Hensall e n s a' l children and 2 great -grand, children. Relatives attended from Stratford, efiel ch, S.t. Cath, Sets ®ate crines, 13ruce£ield, Varna and Hensajl.. ; .. • Hensall Legion Ladles Au* Mary catered 'forte turkey" " For. Party dinner. At the Centennial meeting held Thursday.....night, presid- ed over by chairman Harold Knight, plans were outlined and dates set for the .Tcn,n's Centennial cele-brations ' to be held Friday night, July 14, and Saturday afternoon 15th. At the United Nations Youth Attractions will include Pilgrimage speaking contest horse shows Friday and Sat - held at Central Huron Seton- urday, Fashion Show, Car.: dary School, Clinton, Friday Bash, Old Tyme Dance, open - evening, the winner was ing of Pavilion at the park student, dent, e soonnof rMr. and Mrs.e Mon rs. Pearl Hooperon, of Grand D. E. Gornall, ..Clinton, speak- Bend, formerly of Exeter and ing on "What I think. of the Hensall, who has been ori the Centennial". He will take. nursing staff at South. Huron part in a tour to the United Hospital for '13 years, and Nations in June. Ten contest= who , recently retired, was ants from Hensall, Goderich, presented with a silver tea ' Seaforth, 'Clinton,' Wingham, service at a -banquet at the and- Exeter took part in the Legion Hall, Exeter on Wed - event sponsored by the Rebe- nesday. The presentation was kahs and Oddfellows of South by Miss Myrtle Ninham, Reg'. Huron District. •, N. director of nurses. R P for the oldest" pwler. Mrs. R. A. Orr v,ta��s the ner of the $25.00 Easter ket of groceries in a circ Winning ticket tores Bakery as drn awn Cindy Bisback and prone went to the Easter Seals C pled` Children's Fund, spo ed by Hensall Legion Auxiliary. Missesaye and Beth Tr er spent the week end w their sister Miss Sandra Tr er of London. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick spending this week with sister Miss Elvera Churc Toronto, A very successful De Euchre was held in the Lo Hall' Wednesday aftern evening ` with 17 ta play. Prizes were won ▪ by Elizabeth Riley, Mrs. W Cole, Mrs. Ella Drysda Mrs. Grigg (Clinton), Mr Roy Morenz (Dashwod), Bell, Bill Gibsoh (Kip Mrs. Lorne Hay. ' The event was sponsor by- Amber Rebekah Lodge. Kippen East W. I. finis the -years attendance compe by revealing the , Seer ab secret and by going o to dinner on Tuesday. Winn of the lucky . cup was Mrs James Chalmers. The luc ticket was held Mrs. Ross Sararas: Con winners were 1st, Campb Eyre, 2nd, , Mrs. Wm. C well, 3rd, Mrs. Wm. `Kyle. Cindy Bisback is a patie in War Memorial Sick Chil ren's Hospital, London. • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love Hensall, were honored b their family at a dinner the Dominion Hotel,- Zuric Saturday night with eightee in attendance. Their Diamon Wedding Anniversary w 'ori Sunday. The tea tab 1 with a 3 -tier anniversary cake was flanked by vase of roses. Mrs. Love was the form Annie Jarrott and they wer both ,born in 1887 in Ha Township and: farmed i Stanley. Township retiring t Hensall 23 years ago. The have a • family of one so Earl, RR 1 Zurich; one daugh ter,. Mrs. Percy (Emma Campbell, RR 1 Exeter; si grandchildren �a'n d fiftee great-grandchildren. Their marriage of 60 year ago was solemnized at Kip 'pen Presbyterian Church Following the dinner a sur prize reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Love.. with guests attending from Hensall, Zurich,' Exeter, Seaforth Clinton and Toronto. Mrs. Lloyd Huffman, Blen- heim, visited with Mr. and Mr's. Harry SnelI. Mrs• Don Rigby returned home with her after spending a week. with' Mr. and Mrs, Stewart McQueen and .Mr. and Mrs• Harry Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle attended the 'funeral of the late Mrs: Harold Sturgis on Tuesday in London. Mr. Mic- kie was a nallbearer. Mrs. Clenclon Christie and Catherine Ainne spent Sun- day guests.of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson of ' Seaforth. WiYti: bas - et Fri e s\ rine nsor- Laches oityh oy- is her hill, Dew moon ables Mrs. m. le, s. Glen pen), ed finish pe et ut er ' by Conte ell Cal d-• of at ch, n as e s forme e y to 0 y ) x n S Speech Wins Trip • LAWN a and GARDEN FERTILIZER All other gardening supplies available and in stock. Spreader available FREE OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH{ FEEDS LIMITED Sea. fOOr s `r CENNNTENN1AL (By F, C. J. Sills) The •Centennial events still roll on. Two of them took place 1'+'iday night and both were Centennial costume dances, one by the Canadian Order of For- esters of Kinburn when music was by the Chandeliers and prizes were given for Centen- nial costumes. The other was sponsored by the Women's Institute with mus- ic by Royce Rhiel and his Coun- try Cousins. Dates have been 'set for the play "Here Comes Charlie" by' the First Presbyterian Church Friendship Circle. They are May Ilth and 12th and the tl event will beheld in the Public School. When you talk of dances held in places over the years you naturally think of Cardno's Hall but there is another place too that .had many memorable . af- fairs. 1 refer to the old GWVA hall which is now Irvin's Hard- ware. For myself I often think of the time I was dancing with a middle-aged spinster and she suddenly disappeared halfway down a cold air register. I was certainly embarassed but you can imagine how she felt. If you read this hope you for- give me Dolly. The beards are still flourish- ing around the country side and the enthusiasm for this all over the country makes one think that many may be retained after the contests are over. If you still wish to. purchase a beard grow- ing entry' certificate or a grav- ing licence, don't . hesitate to ask at the barber shops, Brian's Hair Styling Salon, Box Furni- ture or Sills' Hardware. The more the merrier. MEwS ot.$TAF Mr,s, Chappel was hop* ;Taylor, Goderich, Noma wittar tess :tor the March meeting, of ,their'. '. grandmother, Mrs:Gar- the Staffa rW.1, in the 'town net Taylor. ship hell on Wednesday, The- Mr. and Ms. John Temple. meetingwas proceeded with : man and family visited <Sp•- a pot-uck dinner and,: two day with Mr. and Mrs. Rus} quilts for the War Memorial sell Ische and Bradley, RR 5 Hospital were quilted in the Stratford. afte nQ n. Mrs. era Hambley presid- ed and presented .en in terest- ing paper on the nt0iot o "To take the drudgery 1tt of work, put your heart into it". There • were 20 members and4 visitors present and the roll call was answered h the price. of some commodity. at the beginning of the ntury. Mrs. Russel Worde 'gave tui an interesting account of their trip to the We Coast in 1966, going by way of the north route and cominghome by the U.S.A.. ,,She al -s show- ed slides. at ce n st 0 Mrs. Carter Kerslake pre- sided for the business' when thank you notes were read. The nominating committee for the annual meeting are Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth, Mrs. Ross Smale and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Mrs, Vera Hambley had the special feature and demon- strated how to make lovely cushion tops out of 2 inch ribbon, Lunch was served by Mrs. Rosser Taylor and Mrs. Johnny Miller. A large crowd attended the Centennial Dance sponsored by the Staffa W.I. in Staffa Friday evening. Music was by The Norris Orchestra and Cam Harmer was floor manager. Many of the old dances including the "Flower of Edinburgh", "Sev- en Steps" etc. were enjoyed. Prizes were awarded to Best Ladies' Costume; Mrs. Harold. Coleman, Seaforth; Best Gent's Costume; 'Jack Burchill, Dublin; Best Walt- ers, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Worden; $est 2 Step, Mrs. Harold Coleman and Ray MacDonald; Best 7 Step, Mrs. John Drake and Ray Mac- Donald: Spot - Dance, Mrs. Ross McPhail and Murray Christie. Mr. ' and Mrs. Anthony Broit and Richard, Montreal visited Friday with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr,•and-M-rs:-Bob Norris and family. Miss Gail' Agar, Ilderton, visited the latter part of East- er week end with Darlene Templeman. Misses Karen and Kathy 4 OBITUARIES MRS. GEORGE WHEATLEY Mrs. George Wheatley, 83, of Clinton, died Saturday ,at Clin- ton Public Hospital. Born in Hullett Township, she ' was the former Margaret Almira Brown. Surviving are. one- daughter, Mrs. Blanche • Leslie, Toronto; and• three grandchildren. Funeral service was at 2 p.m., Monday, at the Beattie funeral home,' Clinton. Burial was in Clinton ceinetery. MRS. HERBERT J. NOGGINS Mrs. Herbert J. Hodgins, wife of the Tate Dr. Herbert J. Hod- gins former Seaforth dentist, dried. Friday in Toronto. • Mrs. Hodgins is survived by two daughters, Miss Norah Hod- gins, Toronto; . Mrs, James (Ber- nice) Milne, Niagara. Falls; ..two sons, John of Brampton; and G. Morley Hodgins, Islington. She was predeceased' by a sister, Mrs. Edna De Lacey Beattie, former- ly of ,Seaforth. The body rested at St. Thom- as' Anglican Church, here, af- ter• 12 noon Monday where ser- vice ..was held at 2 p.m: Temporary entombment was in Pioneer mausoleum here. Arrangements were in• charge of the G, A. Whitney funeral home, Seaforth. :MRS. VICTOR . RUSTON Mrs. Victor Ruston, 69, of lot 4, con• 7, Logan Township, died Saturday in Stratford General Hospital. She was the former Julia Jordan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan. She married . Victor Ruston . in 1920; he died in' 1965. Mrs. Ruston was a member of St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Kinkora; and of the Catholic Women's League, She, is survived by a' son, El- mer, Logan Township; four daughters, Mrs.Alfred..(Evelyn) • LOL Names Euchre Winners The LOL held a euchre in the Orange Hall Thursday and the winners were: ladies high, Mae Smith; ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Tebbutt; ladies' low, Mrs. Addi= cott; men's high, Mr. Dan Burns; men's lone hands, Harvey Dol - mage; men's low, Jack Tremeer. Skidmore, 75 Brydges St., Strat- ford; Miss Gladys Ruston, Gode- rich; Mrs. John ' (Merva) Mc- Farlane, Listowel; Mrs. Patrick -(Alma) Carty, Ellice Township; two , brothers, Thomas Jordan, 117 Bay St„ Stratford; Charles Jordan Kitchener; and four sis- ters, Mrs. Peter (Mary) Cassidy, Kinkora; Mrs. James (Margaret) Murray, Seaforth; Mrs. John (Loretta) Ruston, Egmondville; Mrs. John (Gertrude) Connolly, Mitchell: - The body was at the Heath - Leslie funeral home, Mitchell, until Tuesday morning when it was taken to St. Patrick's Ro- man Catholic Church, Kinkora, for requiem high mass at 10 o'clock. Father Van Vink offic- iated. Legion Corner ' By Jack Holland Well comrades, the past two weeks were quite eventful. The Legion sponsored .hockey pro- gram wound up the season last Saturday night and a lot of young lads who were trophy winners went home with stars in their eyes, very proud in- deed as well they might and a word to the other boys, you may have failed to win a tro- phy, but never fail trying, that is the main thing. This hockey program develops' healthy bo- dies, perserverance, fair play and the will to win, which makes' .it all worth while. Our Ladies' Auxiliary and what' would we do without them, puf on a big banquet Saturday mor- ning for 'the young lacus and the'volunteer cokching-staff, to whom we all oche a great deal of thanks for a job well done. The Zone meeting in Clinton last Sunday saw a lot of Legion business conducted and some resolutions to go forward to the District meeting being held at Hanover on April 16, keep the date in mind and have a good crowd go to this conven- tion. For the first time the Branch is holding , a mixed progressive euchre in the can- teen on Saturday night, April. 8, another date to remember. A note to 'G. J. -of Baltimore, U.S.A., thanks a lot for your letter re the Legion Corner, was much appreciated. . On a more sombre note, an- other of our comrades, Ferg Bullard died suddenly on Mon- day morning, March 27th. Slow- ly but -suret un. ranks are thinning out. Ferg was well known in hockey and- football circles, both Ideally and in Northern Ontario, He was a rug- ged player and played each sport for all thatit was worth, so au revoir mrade, we'll :a�CI.•join you some day in .the special plate reserved for the. veteran, "At -the going down of, th:the stun; and in the morfIng,• wli ,;1'eLlidtrilid±t'_tlteena'f Legion Bingo' Winners The largest crowd of the season attended the bingo on Friday evening in the Legion Hall. The bingo was nponpsor- ed by the Seaforth Branch, 156, of the Royal Canadian Legion, with proceeds going for welfare work. Winners of special games were Gloria Glanville, . Mrs. ' Shane, Bob Miller, Frame Skinner and Mrs. McLean. The door pr'zq were won by Frank Skinner and George Flood. Following are the winners of regular games: Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Steep,. Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Barry, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Gridzak, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Jack Hart, Mrs. Tyfoid, Mrs. Barry, Mrs. Lee• UCW Meets Mrs. Lorne Dale was host- ess for the April meeting of Unit 2 of the U.C.W. of North- side United Church on Mon- day night. Twenty-one members and 10 visitors 'were present. Mrs. Ure Stewart, the, President, and Mrs. George Addison had charge of the meeting. A trave1glp�u�e and address by Rev. Maldwyn Roberts of Auburn was featured. Mr. Roberts showed pictures and told the story, of his.4 "/z year work in Buenos Aires,. a bea- tiful city with a large popu• lation in South America. Mrs. Harold Hugill gave courtesy remarks -Lunch was :served by Mrs. Moffat and Miss Sinclair. News -,of CrO.nLrty' Mx. a44 'lyses, itugb Xl QQge' and dauahter, 1=e>r Lind a0iv. spe;tt~ the week lend with' ivl •, and Mxs, T. L. Saott;.'anti Mrs, E. Moore. Alr, anar 'Mrs. John W. ferson and sons Camerond Ian of Sault Ste. Marie Easter . holiday visitors air. and fibs. J. R. Jefferlson. of pr' e11 and Mrs. day Mess,. w e How o s JO Mad, with Gueelph. ws. as an Easter sit with her krother Mr.' Russ Butler. 1Vlr. and Mrs.. Jack Cock well of Dashwood were Sun day visitors with Mr, Mrs. Otto Walker. Guests with Mr. and Gordon Laing on Wednes J. R. JAveninefferson, Mr. anre Mr. d Mr Robert Laing and family Mr. and Mrs. John 'VW, Jeffer son and family, Miss Ina Jef ferson and Mr. Wm. Waidlaw London. Thursday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Alex Gardiner wer Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moorehead and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ho and of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar quardt, Janet and David Exeter were -Saturday visitor with. Mk. "and Mrs. Gardiner Twith Mr. aevening J visitors R. Jef- ferson were Mr. and Mrs: Clelandand family, Listowel; Mr. and, Mrs. Don Riehl and family, RR 5 Stratford; Mr. and Mrs, Norman Jefferson and may, Munro; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jefferson and sons of Sault Ste. Marie. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Dow, Bruce, Brenda and Jean were guests at the Dow -Milne wed- ding which took place at Osh- awa on Saturday. Mrs. J. Hagan and Nancy Mrs. John Taylor and Steven of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. F. Taylor. .Hibbert Little Lassies met at the home of Bonnie Jean Miller for the project"Sleep- ing Garments"The roll call "A suggestion for improving our record book" was answ- ered by six girls. Covers are to be constructed by Marg Warden. Mrs. Wallace .-gave notes on applying lace and corded piping. ,"Now for our' first lesson .. , " it WET CEMENT n. a "This is the place I was tell- ing you •about." P . "That's the first time I ever .heard an animal use such awful language." "That cat hat a great safety feature . , , ft's, impossible: to fall asleep at the wheel,' THE'] MAO tl sgriOorrok SooblRomilr+' y for the High S - , NEW `YOU VG, E CUTIYV SU TS These teen -than type of suits are 110 styled with "shorter coat lengths, ,high side ' vents, hacking .pockets and slim. belt lapped pants. The patterns feature glen checks, pin stripes and plain shades of grey, blue, brown and black olive. The cloths are pure wool worsted for longer wear and best press: 55.00 to 59.50' • ALTERATIONS DONE AT THE STORE WITH SAME DAY SERVICE • FRESH ! i NEW!' HALF SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS Terylene and cotton blends, fine .broadcloths and popular cool pique fabrics. Collar styles in elude button down; dome -tab and regular. Colors white, ban- ana and blue. 2.95 to 5-,95: or mor POPULAR "PAISLEY" TIE & -PUFF SETS ,We have a delightful new range 'of'" neat women paisley tie and pocket puff sets, just in time for the High School Formal. New -tones of blue, Burgandy, green, grey5O^ and gold.$2. 11 STEWART .EROS. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS; Dial 527-0240• Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastinrle! SMITH'S SUPERIOR 1400D MARKET*1 SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday . and Saturday - New Family Size CHEERIOS 15 -oz. pkg. 45 0. Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE 30c off 10 -oz. jar $1.29 Libby's Fancy Quality TOMATO .JUICE • . . , 48 -oz. tin 300 Bee Hive Golden CORN SYRUP 2-1b: tin 370 Clover Loaf Fancy Solid WHITE TUNA 7 -oz: tin 430 Cadbury's Instant CHOCO 10c off label 2 -Ib. tin 870 Stoketey's '- Peas, Corn, Green Beans or Wax Beans - VEGETABLES 4 10 -oz. tins 630 • California ASPARAGUS Jaffa ORANGES New Texas ' CABBAGE' PRODUCE. Ib. 39 size 105do z. 59� 2 lbs. 23q FOR ADDITIONAL' SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Phone 5Z7mj1990 Smith's Pre Deiive