HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-06, Page 4• • 4,0.4THE il./RON EXPOSITOR, SEAS:MTH, ONT., APR.A,. 6, '1 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE OPENING FRIQAY. APRIL 14 Witch for program in next week's paper • 7, uron Gives Warning Of Smoking Hazards (By Dr. G. P. A. Evans, cal Officer of Health for Hur- on County.) . , "These people are liars; they want your money and they don't mind if you die". This quote is taken from an article by a high- ly reputable British journalist, SMORGASBORD DINNERS $2.00 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 6-9 p.m. ENTERTAINMENT Every Friday and Saturday Night LADIES' and ESCORTS ROOM and RED KNIGHT LOUNGE Featuring Kelly Dawn and'` Hank Bedard WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 OHA SEMI FINAL 1N1TERMEDIATE "B" HOCKEY Wednesday, April 12th. SEAFORTH vs. DURHAM SEAFORTH ARENA TIME : 8:30 • ADMISSION 75 cents and 25 cents Fourth game in best 4 out of 7 series Wayland Young, writinn in one of, Britain's top two -quality dai- ly newspapers, The Guardian, early in 1964. He was advising parents to Say this to their chil- dren from time to time as the nauseating mellifluous tones of the television cigarette advert tisements flow over' the family. Fortunately, since then, cigar- ette advertisements have been banned completely on com- mercial television in Britain (BBS T -V has no advertising matter of any kind). It would be well if this belated action in Britain were followed, still more belatedly, by CBC throughout its trans -nation networks. •A Centennial Project?! Even tis would be, but a small bite at a very large cake. While it is ad- mitted freely, that among to- bacco products,. the cigarette is the killer, the pipe and the cig- ar are less incriminated, only because they are 'less likely to cause lung cancer. 'They share with the cigarette, causal reia� tionship in coronary thrombosis, chronic bronchitis and other serious conditions, and the ex- acerbation xacerbation of gastric and duo- denal ulcers..Rea♦lly, the only logical measure would be the complete prohibition of the ad- vertising of tobacco products by any of the media of mass, com- munication. ommunication. The effect on smok- ing habits would be profound and dramatic. There are many fields in which health educa- tion can be of value, but none in which Society while point- ing to the dangers of smoking, permits its mature and imma- ture members to be exposed to inaccurate and misleading claims for .products, which 'if used, .can bring about a prema- ture death. Lung cancer differs SUPPORT Your local Seaforth Rangers by buying their light bulbs when they call "at your door on Sat., April. 8th answeryour neighbour's call and 'GIVE to the Canadian Cancer Society. HURON the objective is $19,000 With your help we can give even more. The Canvass in Seaforth and District will .be• carried out by Students of Seaforth District High g School and will commence Monday, April 10th and continue through April 15th and residents who are inadver- tently omitted in the canvass may forward gifts by mail in the envelope provided, to R. J. Spittal, Campaign Chairman, Seaforth, Ontario HURON UNIT CancerSoci�ty from many other diseases, in that having ••: it almost always means dying of it, dying soon, Most unpleasantly and in great pain controllable,only by pow- erful drugs. The Report to the Surgeon - General of the United States Public Health Service (1964) states: Cigarette smoking is causally related to lung cancer in {nen; the magnitude of the effect of cigarette smoking far outweighs all other factors (At- mospheric Pollution, vehicle ex- hausts, background, radiation, etc.), The data. for women, though less extensive, point in the same direction. The risk of developing Iung cancer increases with, duration Of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked per day, and is diminished by stopping smok- ing. In comparison with non- stnokers, average male smokers of cigarettes have approximate- ly a 9•to 10 fold risk of develop- ing lung cancer, and heavy smokers at least a 20 fold risk. One frequently encounters the two arguements that it is Atmospheric Pollution not cig- arettes that is the cause of lung cancer and that many life-long smokers die in old age of causes other than lung cancer, so it 'is as„well to deal with them at this time. No doctor has • ever 'claimed that cigarettes are the only factor in the Causation of lung cancer, and atmospheric pollution undoubtedly ,quakes a contribution, but it is a very small one in comparison with the smoking of cigarettes. It is. most significant that in Finland and. Jersey — Channel Islands •-- there is very little atmos- pheric pollgtion, high consumin tion of cigarettes and very high lung cancer death rates. With regard to the octogenarian cig- arette smoker dying, for exam- ple, of simple old age, this is not at all in conflict with the overwhelming evidence to in- criminate the cigarette;. tipped orplain, as a killer. It has never been sari by ,any responsible authority tliat all people who smoke cig ra et"tea- w111e:^d£ lung canter.,: What is .undoubt- edly true, however, is that to persist with heavy cigarette. smoking in the face of the facts available is like playing Rus- ian Roulette. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be , money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. RECEPTION ForNir "a-ii'dMrs. John Varlet Sat. ,' April 15th Zurich Community Centre Dancing 9 to 12 Music by The Chandeliers EVERYBODY WELCOME Ladies Please Bring Lunch Hoine Bake .Sale Sat., :April 8th 3•p.n,. Whitney Furniture Store Auspices of Unit One, UCW of Northside United Church THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO HEAR THE HURON COUNTY • CENTENNIAL YOUTH CHOIR direetedr by Mr. George Cull with Mrs. Don Carter, A.R.C.T., A.Mus., as organist, which will make' it's first appearance in Seaforth Sunday Evening April 9th, 8 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LOCAL. BRIEFS Miss Eleaa KEW, R.N., of Ottawa spent a few day's at the home of her -parents, Mr. dud Mrs, James Keys and her sister and brother -in- law, Mr. and ;Vbs. Mac Shot Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Rennie of Sundridge, spent a few days here. Mrs. M. R. Rennie, who spent Easter with them returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mason of Windsor were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGonigle. Mr. Framed Beattie, who spent the winter in Ottawa has returned to town, where he will spend the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Co- wan of Midland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dun- lop last week. Mrs. Barbara Dale and son Kevin of Dresden visited friends in town on Wednes- day. Mother M. Jerome, "The Pines" Chatham, Mother M. Agatha, Tilbury and Mother M. Evelyn, Blenheim, of the Ursline Order visited their aunt Mrs.. Jean Fortune on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mal- oney visited in Cornwall over Easter week end. - Miss Georgina McCartney has returned after spending the Easter vacation in Jam- aica, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Hudson News of Dublin In the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. Thomas Butters, Mrs. Harold Pethick conducted a meeting of the Dublin WI, at the home of Mrs. Roy Burchill. After the Ode and Mary Stew- art Collect, the. roll call was answered by members stating a fact.. that_ is known_ about can. -ter. A letter was read from the FWIO president, Mrs. Everett Small, concerning the National Convention which is to be held in Guelph in June. Guest speak- er G will be the TWIC president and the ACWW presidents. A letter was also read from the Perth County Children's Aid Society • advising the ' members of C.A.S.'annual dinner meet ing -to be held April 12. Members were reminded of the items for the layettes which are to be ready for the district annual meeting in May. The possibility of purchasing a sewing .machine for- use by the 4-H Homemaking' Club was discussed, but a definite deci- sion postponed until a later meeting. Mrs. Charles. Fried conven- er of Home Economics and Health introduced Rev. Harry Donaldson of Seaforth, who showed two films from the Canadian Cancer Society. Both films, "The Doctor Speaks His Mind” and "Life Story" stressed. the importance of regular check ups for early diagnosis as the strongest weapon in the fight against cancer. Mrs. Harold Pethick thanked Mr, Donaldson. The annual meeting,• of the Dublin Women's Institute is to be held in April at the home of Mrs. Herbert Britton. Mrs. E. Jordiso,n adjourned the meeting. A white elephant sale followed: Mrs. Herbert Brit- ton expressed courtesy remarks. W.I. NOTES - The regular meeting of the Seaforth WI will be held .Tues- day'at 8:30 at the home of Mrs. Everett Storey. The annual meet- ing, it will be in charge of Mrs. Erlin Whitmore and Mrs, J. Kerr. Roll call will be payment of fees. Standing committee conveners will present reports and members with old time books or receipts are asked to bring them for exhibit. Remember! ,It takes hut -'a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. anti ASfz an Mre. Acle 1lit#d- sea and family of Toronto spend Easter week end wftb Mrs. M. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. W. .Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Diegel and Mr. and Mrs. B. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hudson and Kevin of Windsor spent a few days "with Mrs. M. And. son and other relatives. Mr. Donald Millard, "Brant- ford spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Mary A. Hotham, Wilson $t. and Mrs. Millard returned to her tea- ching duties there, after spen- ding the holiday welk here. • Mr. and Mrs. Scott Burch= ell and two daughters Of Perth, ,Ontario spent. Friday afternoon with Mrs. Mary A. Hotham and Miss Leone Ho- thatXt, 38 Wildon St. M1;. and Mrs. John L. Hot - ham and family of Windsor returned home on Monday. CASH INGO Friday, ApriJ' 7th 8:15 p.m. Legion Hall, Seaforth 15 Regular Games' for $10.00 Three 825.00 Specials Jackpot $75 to go (Children ander 16 not AD.MISSIONed$1.00 Extra Cards 25c, or 7for $1.06 Auspices Seaferth Br nah 156 Canadian. Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK Classified ads pay dividends. SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY THE T'EK-N1QUES SATURDAY, APRIL 8th ° 9:00 to 12:00 et the Seaforth Arena Admission: $1.00 GIRLS: No Slacks - BOYS: Ties QRMAL DANCE to the Slow, Dreamy Music of The Roulettes' Seaforth :_.District High School FRIDAY, APRIL 7th 9:00 p.m. ADMISSION — $3.00 per Couple Crowning of "Formal Queen" Invitation Not Necessary THEATRE G:OD_ERICH ON THE. SQUARE Playing Thurs., April 6 to Wed, April 19 Inclusive SPECIAL SELECTIVE ENGAGEMENT One Show Nightly at 8:00 p.m. Matinee* 0:00 P.M. Evenings 0:00 P.M. NO SEATS RESERVED Every Ticketholder Guaranteed a Seat 20► RODGERS..+ HAMMERSTEIN'S Matinee every Wed. & Sat. at 2:00 p.m. WINNER DF 5 ACADEMY AWARDS -IA .Including "BestPicfure"E "Yes. people Iconic to tee it, but hew many- 'tetiier's . have you boo asked td Wild slater ��]]��j? 14, ,'WS p al 6 * "•JI L(F.A,Nll1lll\V,) <:HKi�Tf)F'liF:1tI"��� AIMER - *�a n�ceYwuUo: cyAenu4 uAs, I HARl3 ikttlNj "TM.�tea�Aw,R, J. f EANOR PARKER; - . � 1r rat rr1 fc��i •.,/rlxi/MA.�,A,ui ei is 1 n...ry 1'i0DERL W1S IIIURARD ROOGEI S i OSCAR 11AT •' Il$'1' IN i1,1 ERNEST LEHMAN e i n. `{Esme, evattitins $1.i5r Pri. 5PE�lA�. ADMISSI�fN PRICES: Mo & Sat. venin $ ' 00, ''Wed, Meilneea $t,251' §tit. • Ma#tnees,'$1.s0 All Perfohtipnces Citiidret*, 90o Ng PASSES ot i'tcket'keitevitionty PHONE E244401' after .Yt For Best sut Use WANT ADS Write your Ad_ here: (Ona word on each bine) 1 et 3- 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 Words (Minimum) 4o .. over 12 words 2c word additional " • 13 14 15 18 17, 18 19 20 '20 Words Consecutive Insertions 6 times $2.05 3 tinsel ___ $L75 1 time .55 21 22 23 24 ,. 25 25 Words Consecutive Insertions 6- times 3 times l time 26' $2.65 $1.45 .65 27 28. 29 30 30 Words Consecutive Insertions 6 times $3.00 3 tunes, fj1.65 1 time .75 OVER ,30 WORDS 11 cents per word Deducted, tram the above rates if paid within .10 days of final. • . insertion. These rates apply to persOr- to-person ads. 'in Classifica- tions 2, 3, 8, 0; 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17 only 150 • Hundreds ,of people in the Seaforth . area read the Want -Ads. Second and successive con- secutive insertions (ordered one time) 1 tient per word. RUN AD WEENS (Number) BEGINNING Name - Address Phone Mail to The Huron Expositor !eafortr, tr . Date 1 1