HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-04-06, Page 3Vir I A JET-SET.PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER .F A TOTE -BAG FULL OF POP RECORDS! IN Reads Shoes " WALKIN' EASY" CONTEST! Free picture of Top Recording Star. Enter our "WALKIN' EASY" CONTEST • today! Nothing to buy! But we thinkyou will when, you see the great new line of Kedeshoes! KEDS°are the real cool comfort shoes! See them at Reads Shoes 84 Luggage , 1 Seaforth, Ontario 1 s 1 M I' 4 r r A We Have in Stock: Whites And Satins for Formal Wear h WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR • Phone 527-0240 : Seaforth NR115 uPwaLTOx i,gard*,atloOS alton • Iscus Fun .:Programs 1711 Walton ` Centennial/ Queens. met at the 'home of Mrs. Allan M c C all Thursday afternoon with nine of the ten members present. Miss. Sharon Carroll, Home Economist for Huron, was a guest. The next meeting will be held April 8 at the home of Mrs. Gerald Watson. The. meeting .discussed the topic, "Canadians, from other lands". In Italy and Eastern -Europe, most •of the language spoken is Latin and can be. tracedback to Greek origin. The Italian& are noted for their flavoured foods and good roads. : Pizza and salad• with oil diving were demonstrated. Mr. Flank. Dund'as, Darlene, Debbie and Frankie of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. George Dundas: Mrs. Torrance Dundas, spent a few days last week at the home r of her, daughter and son - hi -law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz, Waterloo. Mrs, John Boyd Sr. visited for a`few days last week with Mr. and Mrs: Leonard Leeming. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Steven and Leanne of Toronto spent .the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Jim Rutledge has returned home to London after holiday- ing olidaying with relatives in the village, Thankoffering Meeting Organ and piano music with Mrs. Harvey Brown and Mrs. Ray Httet'her opened the East- er Thankoffering meeting hold in Duff's Church Sunday even- ing. Mrs. Gordon McGavin, pre- sident, opened the Devotional period with "Call to Worship" and Hymn 40, "God Moves' in a mysterious .Way'. A,welcome. was given to members from service• centres More than 100 'good reasons to. call C -I -L and the C -I -L dealer network for the fastest, most complete fertilizer service in Ontario. C -1-L has more than 1''OO service centres in_. Southern Ontario. And 5 C -I -L plants, including our new Lambton Works at Courtright, back them'up with a constant supply of high-grade fertilizers. There's a service centre near your farm. It's stocked With 'Super"Flow fertilizer, in a broad range of recominerlded analyses., 4'And supplies of direct application materials such as Ammonium Phosphate, Ammonium Nitrate, Urea and Muriate of Potash. There are nurse tanks, Nitrogen applicators and bulk spreaders., If you're°ready for instant service we're ready to supply it. Anywhere in Ontario. GROW AND ,,PROFIT ` WITH FERTILIZERS - -Ls uperfl ow fertilizer available other ••churches, former znem• berg, CGIT and Ht,C groups. • • A musical prelude was,. 'given bfly Mrs. Brown and: Mrs, Hue, tiler: Mrs, William Roe aa lead-, er said to think of the experi- eriees of the first disciples in .the. _ days and weeks following the erucifixition of •our• Lord. The readers, Mrs. James Smith read Marl{ 16: 1-7. and Mrs. Wesley Rockwell, John 20:'9-21 and John 15. 15.17. Hymn 118 was sung. Meditations were al- so ,given by these ladies. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald, Mrs. Nelson Marks and Mrs. Camp- bell Wey collected the offering which was dedicated by Mrs. G. McGavin. - A quartette including Sher- ril Craig, Velma Higginbotham, Nellie Baan and Glenna Hous-' ton sang "He chose the Cross" as a quartette. Mrs. Arthur Higginbotham . introduced . the guest speaker, Rev. Melidwyn Roberts of Auburn, formerly from the Welsh. Presbyterian church in Wales, and then in Argentina„for 4 and a ” half years befoe coming to Auburn. He showed slides of Argentina which were very colorful and interesting giving us some idea of the people, country and work being done. Mrs. Alvin McDonald thank- ed the speaker and Mrs. Mc - Gavin thanked all who had ta- ken part in the program. The meeting closed with hymn 582 "Day is dying in the West" and prayer offered by- Rev. Arthur Higginbotham. Eucbre and Lost heir Party, Erie winners were Ladies high Mrs, Gerald Watson, Ladies IOW Wire. Charles McCutehe'on, Gent's high Keith. W illi. amson, Gent's low Kenneth, McDonald. Lost Heir—high Gary Pennett and Rickey McDonald; low Con- nie Coutts and Gordon Murray, SS No. 9 Has Party SS No. 9 McKillop 'held a Progressive Euchre .party in the school Thursday eYening with thirteen tables playing. Prize •winners were High' lady, Mrs. William Dennis; High -Gent, Neil Beuerman;-Low lady Mrs. James Clark; Low Gent, David Wildfong. The Lord's Supper •The -•Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed last Sun- day morning in Duff's Church with the minister Rev. Arthur Higginbotham conducting the service. Four new elders Doug- las Fraser, Roy Williamson, Campbell Wey and one former elder Jack McEwing, were in- stalled. The Walton Weomen's Instit- ute will hold a Centennial -Din- ner for the members at the Ap- ril meeting who are asked to wear their Centennial dresses, The nev officers will be instal- led at this meeting. The 17th and Boundary .UCW Unit will cater to the dinner. Those wish- ing to become members are asked to contact Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr. or .Mrs: Douglas En- nis. Sponsor Social Hour A..'Social. Hour was held in the ...,basement with the• CGIT girls and 17th and Boundary .UCW Unit serving 'refreshments with • the McKillop Unit finish- ing up. . Ladies from North Side Unit- ed Church and First Presbyter- ian Church Seaforth and Win- throp expressed thanks for an - interesting meeting. Play Lost Heir Twenty-two tables were at play last Tuesday evening for the Boy Scouts Progressive iltSale rings es•ults Classified aas pay dividends: NOTICE -- For Co-op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464= John St. SEAFORTH ' Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire; Commercial • • Life Insurance & Savings• • Huron Co-op Medical, Services .• Wind Insurance., ,11 INesT'. Kippen •. `. Mr, aMrnd•M.r Ifarty;Xan Wier" regia and Tai b" visited $uuddaaY; with aad $irllux Clarke o f'Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Seime144 Pr of Stratford, were SuadaY, guests with Mr. Robert' .'hon, sari, Mr. and` Mrs, ,Charles • Eyre of Egmpndville, called! Sunday afternoon at . the home of Mr. and Mrs.. LQpg. Mr. and Mrs. Ross . Carter and Jimmie of Chatham, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, N. Hood. Mr. E. Denys -of near. Dres- den who- purchased a farm formerly owned by Wilmer Jones, has moved .in with his wife and family of five 'children. Mr. arid Mrs, Oliver -Jacques of Clifford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Dickert. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jones and boys visited Sunday ..with Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Whiting of Parhill. Classified ads pay dividends: WANTED 4 Men to take down parti- tions in former Dick Store, Saturday, April 8th, approximattely 9 o'clock. Please bring own tools, ' A truck would help. A good deal of work should be done , here by Volunteers to keep cost to a minimum. WANTED Old Morcel Cars for Centennial Parade at - IIENSALL SPRING FAIR CONTACT' Elgin Thompson Phone 262-5041 P. L. McNaughton Phone 262-2118 HENSALL South .Huron Agricultural So- ciety. Parade, on June 20, 5:30 p.m. A . total of $4,102.50 was paid for 30 lots at the fourth annual Huron County Hog Producers 4-H Bred Gilt Sale on Wednesday at the Clinton ,Fair Grounds Barn, Four Lacombes averaged $148.00, one Landrace sold for $200.00 and 25. Yorkshires aver- aged $132.40. The .overall aver- age sale price •was $1`36.75.' The top selling gilt was • a Landrace Remview Beth IK, bred by Robert McMillan, Sea - forth and consigned by Garry McClure' of Seaforth. She • was purchased by. A. Blok, Rayfield for $200.00. The second top price of $185.00, waspaid by Robert Corrigan, RR 1, 1#luevale for a Yorkshire consigned by Graeme Craig, Walton, who had the .1 top selling gilt at last years sale. The top priced Lacombe, consigned by Owen Wright, RR 1, Wroxeter, was sold to J. Jan- sen, RR 2, Seaforth, for $160.00. Top buyers were B. R. Gam- ble, RR 1, Granton in Usborne Township who purchased seven Yorkshires while J. Jansen of RR. 2, Seaforth bought three La- combe _ and three Yorkshire sows. All of the sows . consigned were sold to swine- producers in Huron County. The Huron County Hog Producers 4-H swine club was re -organized re- cently , with' a membership of 5g -Pura) boys and girls. f wee • INVITATIONS el ANNOUNCEMENTS O ACCESSORIES PHON .a�•n r a �.H yk ti,, `- 21.1910, COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT . REGISTER THE ,. • • •HURON EXPOSIT01.1 HURON •EXPos1X41, wig**' FRESH PORK . SHOULDER Ib. 59c Sliced Bologna 2chs, Lean Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls Ib. Pure Pork Homemade Sausages Coleman's - Pure Lard and get 1 FREE Ib, 2 lbs. 59c LEAN SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 2 lbs.' $1.00 SKINLESS WIENERS 2 lbs. for 89c SLICED BREAKFAST BACON Ib. 69c LEAN BEEF PATTIES 2 lbs. for $ Bring in this coupon • and receive 10c OFF with the purchase of Lean Beef Pattiei • FARM, FARM STOCK FOR SALE? USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED THEY PAY . YOU DIVIDENDS PHONE 527-0240 Seafbrth If youthoughtPontiac was coming out with just another sports car, you don't know Pontiac! Pontiac announces not one, two, three or four, hut five magnificent new Firehirds for every kind of driving Now you can choose from five new Firebird&with the same , Firebird 400. Cgiled under'those dual scoops is a 400 cubic advanced Pontiac styling, but with .five entiiely different inch V-8 that shrugs off 325 hp, It's connected to a floor,- driving.pe-rsonalities:And they all come with supple expanded t mounted heavy-duty three -speed. On special , suspension vinyl interiors, wood grain. styled dash, exclusive space -saver With redline wide -oval tires. This could be called the ultimate collapsible spare, bucket seats and wide -oval tires. in grand touring. After this, there isn't any more. • Firebird -HO. HO stands for High Output. As a split- second behind the wheel will attest to. The Firebird HO boasts a 285 -hp V-8 with a foi•r-barrel carburetor, dual ex- hausts and sport striping. Standard stick is a column- 'Mounted • three -speed. Naturally, all Firebird options are available. -Firebird 326. Is there room fora family In a sports car? There is now. The excitement of a sports car with the practicality of a 326 cubic inch V-8 that delivers 250 hp, on regular gas. Standard transmission is an all-synchro three - speed, but yQu can order an automatic. • 4Firo ird, Sprint Wow Jou. don't have togo to Europe for a sophisticated road machine., This is the 215 -hp version of,,our eager Overhead Cam $ix. It's mounted on spe- cial suspension that practically welds it to the road. (Any ' 'oad !). With a floor -mounted all-synchro 3 -speed: w, Firebird. This is our economy Firebird—with the same exciting options and interiors es the more exotic ones. It s .Overhead Cern' Six squeezes '165 hp from regular for inexpensive fun driving. See them all at your Pontiac dealer's. Leave it to Pontiac to dolt right See your authorized Pontine dealer - . AUTHORIZED PONTIAC >!2 HURON -Et, DEALER IN MITCHELL WEST -END GARAGE. MITCHELL, ONT". sure to wskh:htlevisitd Wool -' on thirtOt ,w _ __ ..._...lt,;H avid..• ...� 'mai local Its l inch 1:: P i�h Hilt l . foe Wm. mkt RM WP. M YYCYLLI 1t{ J: Tbti'C