HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-30, Page 9• • r. ST. tr rj 1• The USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE, 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities , -6, Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10.. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale Wanted To Buy i Wanted Property For Sale ib. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices • 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. •Legal Notices 23.. Business Directory, 24, Cards of Thanks ,25. In Memoriam 26: Personals 27. Births 28, Deaths 29. Marriages ( • .4co. ads aft inserted al roe of 2 cents .per word East number,. initial and ab - bre, etion counts as one word. Ada sre subject to the folllow- ing minimums: • Classifications 2, 3 H 4 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 -and 17, mnimum 40c •an insertion. C1a,R'fication 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All ?Ther classifications, mini- mum 45 cents per insertion. excent Auction Sales (20), Ten- der, olanted (21), and Legal • Notices, (22), rates on applica- tion For cash payment, or if paid by In days following last insert Bion 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. , 1. Coming Events ; • 4, Help Wanted' CENTRAL HURON SECON- DARY SCHOOL, QLINTON . requires a CLERK TYPIST £or the Principal's Office on or about .1 May, 1967. Salary range $2200-3100 de- pending on experience and qualifications plus $150.00 an- nual increment. Excalllent workingonditions, s i ck leave and holiday plan in ef- fect.- e 3' a Written applications stating experienc e, salary expected and references are to be re- ceived b ' the undersigned by noon 12 April, 1967. Any pplicatien not neces- sarily accepted. • R. J. 13OMUTH, Principal, Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, Ontario. 4-69-1 SALES HELP WANTED Due to expansion of our growing company we require a man in Huron County bet- Ween age 21 to 45 years being - interested in a sales career. Familiarity with farming and modern • farm requirements would be an asset. Good op- portunity for advancement for the right Man. Transport- ation supplied plus salary and commission. ,Contact DAVID MacKENZIE 225 Epworth Ave., London or phone office 268-7375 evenings 433-2172. COMING — Euehre party, LO.O.F. Hall, Brucefield, . on March 38th, 8 p.m.- Admis- sion 50c. Proceeds for Boy Scout Expo ' Tour. Ladies •please .bring lunch. 1-68-2 PIONEER Supper, Wednes- day, April 5th, 5 to 7 p.m:. Hensall United Church. Prq- gram 6:30 and ,7:30. Advance tickets,. adults $1,50, Child- -Ten under 12, . 75c; At the' door, adults $1.75, children, under. 12, 75c. 1-67-3 A SERIES of Prenatal classes will- begin Wednesday, April 5th,' 1967, at 2:00 -p.m. ,at the. Health Unit Office, Seaforth Community Hospital, Sea - forth. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on the above' date, or phone the Public Health Nurse, Seaforth, 527- 1243, between 9:00 - - 9:30 a.m. or 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. 1-68-2 KNIGHTS of Columbus, Sea - forth and District, plan two dances. Keep these dates op- ' en. Cecil Tufts' Night, Satur- day, Anril 8th. Founding Dance. Saturday, May 6th. Tickets available now in your area from members. Achill l - sten 51.50 each by ticket only and limited' to those 21 and over: -Legion Hall, Seaforth. 1-69-1 2. Lost, Strayed • TWOBeaglehounds in. the 'vicinity of Cromarty. Leslie Riley, Phone Hensall, 262- 202e. 2-69-1 3. Found 11. Articles For Sale Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs, Ring Sizing Retip Claws • Rebuild -Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume Jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. , 11-61-tf FOR SALE — Good clean trefoil -seed, 40c per lb.' Frank Eickeneier, Lot 30, Con. 6, Logan, ' phone Dublin 76 R 13. 8-67-3 WANTED Waatch trade-ins We are allawing, Top, Prices for your old watch on a new BULOVA CARAVELLE ENICAR ACCUTRON Over 150 watches in stock ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD:, "SEAFORTH 11-644f 4-68-3k 7. Situations Wanted WORK. wanted by day, or full time. Phone 527-1955. 7-69-1 • WE, have the following at lowest prices: Polaroid Swing- er Camera's, electric shavers, tape recorders, transistor rad- ios, hairdryers. Anstett Jew- ellers Ltd.. 11-61-tf ENGLISH dinnerware by Johnson Bros. of England. 50 piece sets of 8, over 40 pat- terns to choose from, only $29.95. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-61-tf ,TWO' stainless steel Univer- sal milker units, floor type, pumpand piping also Viking separator, model 77. Ken Beuerman, RR"2 Walton. • 11-69x1 8. Farni Stock For Sale ABERDEEN Angus 'club calf prospects. FlOberf 7. Doig, North Main Street, Seaforth, phone 527-0763. 8-63-tf QUANTITY of birdsfoot tre- foil. Apply Dalton s• Diegel, RR 1 Bornholm. 8-67x3 REGISTERED dual purpose Shorthorn cow, due in •,a week. Filmer Chappel, Crom- arty, phone 44R 12 Dublin. • 8-69x2 FIFTY pigs, 9 -weeks old. Joe Van' Valkengoed, RR 1 '•Crom- arty. Phone Dublin 14.R 13. 8-6J-1 THIRTEEN chunks, 10 weeks old. 150 bales of cut straw, 12 good milk cans, Lewis Coyne; Phone Dublin 109816. 8-69x1 Classified ads pay dividends TWELVE sows. second and th•ir--d litters. Will put out on shares." Call" Clinton 482-1802 after 6 part. 8-69x2 SIXTEEN ‘pigs, 8 weeks old. Robert Regele, RR 1 Dublin. phone 527-0715. 8-69x1 LADIES' -white. brocaded car- digan at,Legion following the' Knights of Columbus. St. Pat- rick's D a n c e. Contact Leo Hagen, 'Seaforth, phone 527- 0843. 3-69-1 4. Help Wanted YOUNG man to build silos. Must be able to climb. in height. Good wages,,,paid. Ap- ply to Wes Hugill, phone 7:36- 4928, Zurich. -4-67-3 GIRL or woman to. work week ends and some evenings in Snack Bar. Apply Box 1644, The -Huron Expositor. : 4.68-tf THE CLINTON ,D/STRICT. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD requires a SECRETARY for the office of the , Business Administrator with dities to copilnence on or about 1 lviayj 1967. Duties to include typing,_ bookkeeping, pay roll and clerical. Salary range $2700-3800 de- pending on qualifications and e5cnerfence plus $200 annual increment. ExceIlen,t working conditions. Sick leave and holl- iaay plans in effect. Hand written- applications stating experience. salary ex- pected and references are to be. received by the undersign- ed by noon 12 April, 1967. Atiq application not neees- sarily accented. L. R. MALONEY -. Business Administrator Clinton 'District Collegiate, Institut Board 165 Princess Set Clinton, Ont. 4-69-1 Renlemberl It Tata" ' blit • tr moment to 'plate an., Ex1pesitot Want Ad fdid be mofley'itt i►ek• et, To adtert1Se, jtiat Dial Sena tofth,- 52T1cZ O.. I. Poultry For Sale K.IMBER LEGHORN ).a, Old and Started pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. kvai!able now. Book your or rers early. SCOTT POULTRY, FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Rex 16e 19-61-tf 14. Property For Sale 1OUSE and shed in tie vill- age of Kinburn, Apply to Mrs, W. R. Jewitt, 527-1638 or John Jewitt 527-1808. 14-67-2 DUBLIN — Two storey brick house in good location. 3 bedrooms, livingroom, din- ingroom, kitchen with 'built in cupboards. 3 pc. bath, full `basement and new gas furnace. Priced to sell at $8,000. QUANTITY or Climax Timo- thy seed, also Garry '.oats grown from registered seed, suitable for seed. Wm: Foth- eringham, phone 482-9196. 11-69x2 FOR your lawn, .garden, pet and livestock supplies en- quire nquire at Clinton Farm Centre, 22 Isaac Street, Clinton. Choice selection of garden seeds in bulk or package. M. W. Durst,-. phone 482-9333. . 1T69-3 GIRL'S reversible all-weath- er coat." size 14, navy and beige. Also one Girl Guide Uniform, new style, used one year. 'Mrs. Robert Gemmell, Phone 52'7-0628. 11-69-1 SPECIAL" for this week. mum plants at $2,00' and 53.00: hy- acinth and tulin Hots 51.50. Lilies 51.50 5 and 6 blooms: 1q. Used Cars For Sale 1956 Dodge in good"- condi- tion. 6 good tires and recent valve job. Call 5270103 after 6. 10-67x1 VOLKSWAGON motor, in good condition, 'a complete car $75ti00 or best offer, 523- 4220, Blyth. 10-69x1 TRUCK, 1h ton, 1964 lord, 6 cyl. A-1 condition.. A. V. Shirray, Hensel), 10-69-1 11. Articles For Sale GOOD'gtfalitir hay.. Mel. Hul- ley, Lot 2 ge 3, Con. 10, Hul- lett.,11-69x2 SILVRWARE Special. 50 piece .sets', - dra*er chest in- cluded only $79.95. Anstett Jew,eller8 Ltd. ' . 11 -61 -ti NEED a clock! We have a large selection of alarm, kit- chen, decorator and. mantel clocks. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-81-tf VIKING cr 'arn separator in good condition. Apply Char- les Roney, 19 R 12 Du 1l . -68x2 SEE the special Centennial.. values by $ulova at Savauges priced at $33.50 and $50.00 and in companion sets at 2 for $67.00 and 2 for $100.00. These values will never again be repeated by Bulova. New on display at Savauge Jewel- lers (opposite the post -office).. 11.68-tf, SEE our new spring jewel- ler? now on display includ- ing many centennial • items, wel- lers(o�iposi Savauge e post office), • 11-88-tf TRADE-IN ,Sale is still on at Savauge's. Trade:•in your old watch and receive an extra nllb'Waiice on all Algin' tarn- vellos,' Elcos, . several:' uloiras and other makes et Savauge Jewellers (opposite thest office)..• 11,61141 FARMS FOR SPRING POSSESSION IN LOGAN — 175 acres, 6 miles from Mitchell, 150 acres, dairy, 7 miles from Mitchell on County Road. IN McKILLOP & HULLETT — 115 acres, 4 miles from Clinton. 150 acres, 5 miles frons Walton. 181 acres, 5 miles from Walton. IN FULLARTON —c 90 acres, 5 miles from Mitchell. CLOSE . TO STRATFORD — 196 acres in Ellice. 99' acres in Downie. 100 acres in South Easthope. For Inspection contact VICTORIA and GREY - TRUST COMPANY (Stratford) REAL' ESTATE DEPARTMENT, • r THK iiimo I I xp4ssilNcp 19. NQtiees NO'1'IC! Telephone - Office: 271,-2050 Don McTavish -- Res:. 625-8788. Joe Delesie - Res: 393-6216 44-69-1 We are slopping cattle every - Monday to United Co -Operatives 4 Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday might. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1046, or MICHAEL J. ,DOYLE,. Phpne 114 R 16, Dublin. Call Collect 19-8141 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. %i a CK )?Mille LOUIS BLAKE?' ltlt2 Brussels, phone 442W 6. Bruns els oz' contact HAROLD MAL. ONEY, phone 527-1424.; 19-6141 DEAD STOCK Hikhest cash prices paid for fresh; dead, disabled co'wS and horses. We pay 112c PER LB. weighing over 500 pounds. Small , animals picked up free of charge. For the most .prompt and courteous ser- vice in this district Please Call Collect MARLATT BROS. 15. Property For Rent MODERN 2 -bedroom-. apart- ment. Phone 527-0810 or Ex- eter, 235-1510.• 15-61-tf' SET of farm buildings includ- ing modern home with 3 bed- rooms. Barn on property. 11/2 mile east of Egmondville. Will rent together or separ- ately, 527-0938. 15-68x2. DOWNSTAIRS apartment, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living - cut daffodils and mums 81.50 I robm and bathroom, Frank a doz. Staffen Greenhouse: Nigh, phone 527-0477. 12 Jarvis St. 11-69-1 WESTTNGHOUSE as dryer and McClary gas 'tove. ant, 'ii e,n. 4phone burneExr. int ^I .'.onrli- tioeter,goi 235 0755. 11-69-3 12. Wanted To Buy WANTED 1 -TAY, straw, corn and grain.- env quality or quantity. T,en Watson, 13 Pullamore Ffd. Rramnton, Ontario., n h n n e 451 4804. 12-5445 CHESTS of drawers, cup- boards, picture frames. hall trees, dishes, lamns, chairs. hanks. Phone 271-1578. Strat- ford. " 12-61-tf HIGHEST 'prices paid for live fowl, nieked ort at the farm. Phone Ron Bennett, Walton. .597-03187. ' 12.67-8 ET.Er'TRTC Heater in' gr>od condition. Phone 527-1-n15. 12-69-1 ATTENTION EGG PRODUCERS Free, ,Washing. Compare nee grading Ton prices paid for .A's and uncla•rerades, To get your eggs nicked' up call •' 15-68x2 19. Notices CALL Agar.S1V1ITII SIGNS or truck lettering, farm sign$, sale banners, highway -bullet, ins, plastic signs, gold leaf. All work guaranteed. Corner East and High, Clinton: Phone 482-9793. 19-6.0-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work: --Write or call Harvey Dale, 'Seaforth, phone 5274406. 19-81-0 BRICK WORK Chili net's repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base-, ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed, Ray 'Squire, pis a rte, 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 19-65-tf Phone 133 — Brussels, Ont. 24 hr, service—,7 days a week LICENSE Na„ 390-C-65 19-68;2 Why not plant a crop that has the highest returns per acre! We at ROSE BRAND PICKLES leave contracts available for your.. area. —No Investment required Hybrid seed —Free pick-up at farm For "information write to: HEATED apartments close to Seaforth on Highway: Private 'entrances. Apply to Box 1642 The Huron Expositor. 15-68-4 GRASS available for 50 head of cattle. John 'O'Leary RR 1 Staffa. 15-69x1 HOUSE, three bedrooms, bath and oil heat, in Staffa area. John O'Leary, RR,1 Staffa. 15-69-3 GRASS available for 16 or 17 head of cattle, approxim- ately 500. lbs. Joe Nolan. St. (' olumban. Ont., Phone 123- R-1.6 Dublin: 15-69-1 "T Titch" Parkh;11 f'reamery . 294-6265 12-69-4 14. Property For Saler PROPERTY FOR SALE 100 acres in the Township •of Tuckersmith, with 65 acres of good fall wheat (no build ings). 125 acre farm, in Mc- Killop Township,: 2-100 acre farms in McKillop. •' - HAROLD JACKSON Real 'Estate Broker 527-0649. or ALLAN CAMPBELL .527-0445, Seaforth, Ontario or JOHN A. CARDNO 527-0490, Seaforth, Ontario 14-69-1 FOR SALE Two apartment building on Goderioh Street West, 1/2' block from stop light. Each apartment completely self- contained. Both apartments rented. Price $7,000.00. $2,090:00 doWn payment Joseph 'McConnell 'ell • - Realtor • 10, Victuic a Phone' 527.1560. Seafortll\ , - . 1 ... 19.69-1 20. - Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Schooihquae and. contents in the village of EgrhondviUe on SATURDAY, APRIL 8T11 at 1 p.m. • Two -room brick school, stok- er furnace, drilled well, deep well pressure system, 13' acres land . mor_e or less. Contents of school, desks, blackboards, books, maps, school bell, and other items. Terras• — CASH For further • information contact Vern Alderice, . RR 2 Kippen, phone Henson 262- 5494, chairman of Huron County School Area No. 1. HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer JACK CALDWELL, Clerk 20-68-3 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Machinery and House - Matthews -Wells. Co. Ltd hold Effects at Lot 0, con. Guelph, Ont. 1, L.R.S. Tuckersmit Twp., Or Call: • 1/a ?idle east of Brucefield on Cronin Transport SATURDAY, ' APRIL 1ST Dublin, Ont. at,;1:30 pari. 19-68-3 MACHINERY — Super 55 TRI - TOWN , Oliver tractor,' 2500 hrs., 3 BOOKKEE MG SERVICE • Auet o i Fb1oniie' • kitclil n . table` `,and chairs; 2 bedroom suites, - Terms,-- CASH GORDON ELLIOTT, Prop.. HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer 20.6$-2 CLEARING AUQTLON SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery hay and grain at lot 15, Bay. field Road; Stanley Town- ship, 1 mile west of Varna on 16.. For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT — House, 7 rooms. 4 bedrooms, bath built-in and cupboards, town water, gas heat, and new furnace. Available April 1. Telephone 846-2404. Dear- born Michigan'. 16-66-4 CLINTON — SEAFORTH GODERICH AREAS Five Years Experience in all • Phases of Bookkeeping. Phone 482-9260 19,.61-tf 18. Property Wanted ,w• A two bedroom house, cott- age or bungaloin very good condition with basement. Box 1639, The Huron Expositor. 18-66x4 A three bedroom house in Seafortb, in good condition. Apply to Box 1643, The Hur- on Expositor. 18-68x2 19. Notices THINKING OF REMODELLING' YOUR -HOME? PLEASE CALL Bill Harburn Hensall, 262-2445 OPENING BUSINESS 19-67x2 EI.ECTROLUX C a n it'd a Ltd Sale§ and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley. 153 Light %nice St., Goderich, phone 524 6514. 19-6141 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SF'iVICE Alt work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-1814f VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser• vice for all makes. Filter Queen Cases Varna Phone 262.51so Hensall. 19-6141 SILOS — A solid, poured - concrete silo offers greater strength and longer life, does a better, safer storage job, yet the Dost is'•ofthn less than other types. Let us quote yobprices, financing,... and' cons- truction arrangements for a poured'concrete silo or liquid manure tank. Write Solid Silos Ltd., London or phone London 432-7106,: evenings, 438-3778; or Forest 622 R 31. 19-684 TIE Ail ANTMALS REMOVEDREMOVEDFoe Dead o; Disabled Animals • CALL COLLECT' , T)arli'ntr & Company Canada Ltd. Mine484269 til er0e NO., 1450-C-41, 19.61-t! point hitch; 3 furrow Cock- shutt mounted plow; Ford stiff tooth cultivator, 3 point hitch; Detroit mower, 6 ft. cut, mounted type; ,Massey 15 run seed drill (like new); 75 bus. McCormick Deering tractor manure spreader on rubber; 10 ft. steel land roll- er; Minneapolis • side rake; Massey Harris push bar hay loader; 5 section Diamond harrows with draw bar; half ton Studebaker truck, useful for' parts, 1951; 4 -ply tire 600 x 16, never used; one Canadian Tire 6-vglt` battery used three months; tine hog crate; half dozen steel .ito1 troughs; set 2000 lb. scales 80 rod roll barb wire; 12 ft wire gate; iron sugar kettle hay fork and rope; 3 logging chains, 14 ft. - 16 ft.; forks shovels; ladders; other' artic les too numerous to mention HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 9 piece, dining room suite WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5TH at 1 p.m. sharp CATTLE -- 1 Hereford bull, 21/2 years old; 4 caws, Hereford and Durham with calves at foot; 1 Hereford cow due time of sale; 5 cci`r+vs spitinging June aixl July 9 yearlings, Hereford and Dur- ham, 5 steers, 4 heifers. IMPLEMENTS Case, tractor, 1949 'D model; John Deere tractor, 40, 3 point scuffler attachment; 5 sectiolt, harrows; 3 'section harrows, (light); 10 ft. John Deere cultivator; 12 ft. Massey Hap ris, disc harrow; .6 ft. one-way disc; 15 run McCormick -Peer- ing double ,'disc seed drill, seeder; 3 furrow Internation- al ace bottom plow; McCorm- ick -Deering manure spreader; Pea harvester; 6 ft: Case com- bine with clover attachment; 7 ft. Massey . Harris binder, suitable for swathing; Gehl forage harvester, with corn attachment; Gehl blower with pipes; 2 forage harvest- er wagons; 7 ft. Case mower, 3 point "hitch; hopper; Case side delivery rake; 1951 Dodge truck; trailer; 1000 lb. scales; flat hay rack; 'elec- tric brooder; bag truck;..lum- ber; wheel barro,w;.. 2 sugar kettles; barrels; forks; ahoy= els; stove: bedsteads; crocks. HENS — 100 Hybrid hens 1 year old. ,Auction Sales Hereford" "breeder *A' Hereford and Durhaln., steers and heifers rising. 1 yegtold. NO= This is• ;a • 000 041. herd; : HOGS 1 Sow 'due l :. Msy;- 2 Young sows due in " May; 1 York • breeder ?par, abo4t 050/Os.; 2 'So..wa with litters) at side; 2• Sows; due to 1 month; 25' good heavy Chunks; 8 Feeder hogs; 13 Light chunks, k`EEl? --- AJljWQ*. 1,04f bales et hay; Approx 10' #os se • Rodnlaseytyear; oath: �$ l'ox of 50 Reg•• 4' seed . - bales. of wheat straw;. Some ' grass seed. , PQITLTRY — Approx. 104 1 1:egTiorn2 year old hens, lay- • MACHINERY & MISCEL- ANEOUS — M -H 44 tractor in good, condition; Aka 3,fur- row plow on ruble interna- tional 9 -ft. cultivator on rub- ber; Molin 32 owe double disc; International 9-0. culti- packer; 4 section of harrows; • McDeering 13 -run f tilixer , seed drill; 10 -ft s0e1- land r roller; 2 wheel IGrai er ••, stock racks; Joim. Deere. heavy duty rubber tire wagon; Champion grain grinder and 3 h.p. motor; Steel w a t e r trough; Sleigh (like new); cedar posts; 1962 Chev. / ton truck ,in good condition; Hay loader; 200 -gal. gas tank and pump; M -H 7 -ft. binder: Colony House 8 x 10; scrap iron; Colony House 10 x 12; Coal brooder stove; Electric brooder; 2 Sugar kettles; stone boat; wheel barrow; Renfrew 2000-1b. scales; 2 16 -ft.- hay racks; Hog crate; ; Clean Easy milking machine; Moffatt electro pail; Renfrew electric cream • separator; Some lumber; forks; shovels; tools; a host of other items too numerous to mention HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-- Findlay FFE( S--•Findllayl cook- stove beds: ;dressers; was . s; odd chairs and other household items. • HAY AND GRAIbT '-- .10 - ton good cut hay; 500 bales' mixed hay; 500 bus. Rodney' oats, suitable for seed; 100 bus. barley. Terms — CASH No Reserve —.Farm Sold LEE McCONNELL, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auotioneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk 20-68-2 EXTENSIVE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of 75, Head of Cattle, Hogs, Feed, Poultry, Farm Machin- ery, Truck, Miscellaneous it- ems and some Household Ef- fects, for HENRY KLEEER, Lot 5, Con. 13, McKillop Twp., 6 miles west of Kenni- cott or 5 miles east of ,Lead - bury corner on SATURDAY, APRIL 8TH 12 O'clock noon Sharp CATTLE —20' Durban and Hereford cows fresh withcal- ves at side; 7 Durham and Holstein eow due time of sale; sale and' in early spring; 2' Holstein cow due time•of sale; 1 Holstein scow due in May; 1 Holstein cow milking and rebred; ' 1 Registered Polled NOT1 —„This mss a .,large -sale and must start 6h5rp at 12 o'clock noon: There will be a lunch ,counter on the - grounds. Don't miss .this out- standing sale of livestock and machine'r'y. Proprietor and Auctioneer not responsible for any accident on day of sale. 'Positively No Reserve as Farm is Sold. - TERMS—Cash on day of sale. 5% Sales Tax on Taxable Items HENRY KLEBER, Proprietor 'FRANKLIN BUUCK Auctioneer Dial Stratford 271-3049 or Sebringville 393-5501 20-69-2 Additional Classified SEE PAGE 10 YES -SNE JUST CAN'T WAIT UNTIL SCHOOL STARTS AGAINQ SooNER OR LATER 50M58013y aE "//7 �ioR SMETNCOIN& ANo ME n�� 11oATLING AcRaSS HERE..'., �� ,,.,�. 1ir11.i1% 111111111 1141 11;110`.1. "�;�j;uif ,:!.•.;Iihl � SRT In a II FLEAS NAVE A i3AO TIME WHEN EVERYBODY NAS MONEY, ..,� So -THE fASTER' I DRIVE THE ., BETTER My CHANGES OF-c&ETTING OJTA HERE BEFORE...1T HAPPENS! 1...3.? - � '- ” E• I,hr Il R:fi:l yy-�11�,�'IB.t:,A ,u••nniunlnllU L 1 TIMES ARE 000D FOR US WHEN PEOPLE CANNOT AFFORD SOAP AND CARS, WIN tO Y0\1R -bAb WEAR EAQ-MUFV$. IN -thE HOUSE? I CAN'T NEAR yOU FOR,AT iT KNOW THE AIJSWER -- \\ • ,,�,\t\\�l1 •