HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-30, Page 8To: 04'HE HURON EXPOSITOR, 5EAF•QRTH, ONT?, MAR, 30, 1967 ACROS6 i-N'd.tblg Kidd 11 -In align- t1uYt ?, iPan ' 12-::4111e• (euI1,at.1 ' 111-Itnllla 14- Macaw 43-imnk fixedly 17-Johgs - 119-Ia IR 21-A rtenllonu party 22-Orleatat salu.tatiou•d ,-Strip of leather 29 -Spanish articie 30-1'recipitous 82.Epiclike - narrative 32-E,dtble seed • 35 -Dined 37 -Joke (slang) 36-Ldible fish 40-11oving part of motor 42 -Pronoun 43-RIgtd 45.G.oddese or • retributive justice 47-Lintb 49 -Ceremony 30 -Ravager 54 -approaches r7-:* rtIIictal languryige 38 -Odor 60 -Number ill -Church bench 62•Pertaildng .to the kidneys 63 -Pigpen DOVSN 1-Possetsslvc pronoun ;'--Burmese demos 3 -South African village 4 -Bishop ;-Son god • b Ibgs 7., -Twisted -9-Toll 111.Native metal 11 Jktnce. step 16 inlets 1$ -Consumes 2e-13esutlreh 22 -Clans 23-iakimo 24 -Surgical thread 26 -Tattered cloth 27 -Trumpet er bird 28 -Boy • attendants 31 -Man's name 34 -Southern blackbird 36=Not real • 39 -At a distance 41 -Nerve network WGEEE1 UElr MEM ©C;EE 2 EOE Ef:0011 EMCEED MEM ©00 EEROMOM ISEMO E© 00E00 OMME E02 MEE100.005 0M00 D©©©0 ©© mono ElydOMMO 0€1!1! ©€MEEEC1 000E0 000 00E00 0C1!! EIDE M0017E ©ETI SO W 'ION 11-1TIv:.t 4:1 -Chairs 1a -Simple 1 -Fruit drink- :;-urrspt int 1: ar,• Vos..id's cu planking :,a • i'urent ((hila).) 1 2 3 ••••• 4 5 6 7 8 •••9 9 10 11 12 Walter McClure.. RR 2,, Seaforth Phone, 527-0476 • Swift • HATCHERIES • 4413 40, :4414 44 15 16 ..s17 ••••. 18 ::::;••:::: 19 20 ❖i• . 1 �❖I'•❖�:O• 22 23 24 4,4 • 25 26 27 28 29 ••.'i .•••. 30 31 •. :. 32 33 34 ::::: .. 35 36 ••••• •37 38 9 w::+ 40•:•::.. 1 41 . 42 43 4445 r 40 50 51 52 53 `••r.54 55 56 57 662 58 59 :2,:t:60 61 62 :.* .. 63 WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 County. Rejoins e. MODA Huron County has renewed its membership for 1967 in Mid- western Ontario .Development Area Council at a cost of $5,226, as recommended by the new in- dustrial and Tourism committee to County Council, Monday. Three other counties are members: Perth, Wellington and Oxford, with Waterloo a prospect. The City of Stratford again has turned down mem- bership., Calvin Krauter, Brussels, chairman of the committee, in- troduced William G. Urquhart, Stratford, general manager, who reported on some of the projects under way. Signs were very good in regard to Centra- lia Air. Base. As liaison agents for Expo, Midwestern expected to entertain five to fifteen thousand in business groups touring the area -this year. . • Poultry breeders to top p . guide layers Shaver Starcross 288 R ., Ranked at the top of ail layers ht•r (white & brown eggs) in a 5 -year •*fir>z summary (1961.65) of random .9i.e.;;:<Eti ;•".ra,!r: tests jn Canada and the United States. The Shaver Stargross' 288 ``% '>t was designed asahigh producer of eggs on minimum feed in any en- ""''`' — virorlment. It is backed by proven performance in over 50 countries. (12 mo. egg production 250-280) • Shaver Starcross 555 '"t'• This rapidly maturing brown egg layer is a prolific producer of farge and'extra large eggs: Its reduced body weight, improved feed con- version and outstanding record of livability ensure excellent. profits. Ideal for an exclusively brown egg .. market-. (12 mo. egg production 240.270) ' . ,... Shaver Starcross 444 ' , yr„ A Targe white egg producer, this..,. :,v.:<" rugged bird has exceptional vitality .. resistance to •.respiratorycon- and /°::• -':i;:E•:?xA.::: ditions. ft performs well in less ' ''''' @ A.y .;w.��•,a�>?;r �z"��< than ideal, housing and manage ) mentcon,ditions.dt is distinguish- ,, ed by its slightly heavier body and 4 ' , small black flecks in the plumage. . (12 mo. egg production 250.280) Walter McClure.. RR 2,, Seaforth Phone, 527-0476 • Swift • HATCHERIES • 'Huron CountysN1ew. PU--biic Library Board Gives teport The new Huron County Pub- by-law amended accordingly. lic Library Board made its first official report to County Coun- cil Monday when Duff Thomp- son,. chairman, Clinton, address- ed Councillors and students who were in attendance at the afternoon session. Mr, Urquhart said the Devel- opment Council had not lost any members so far from- last year, but Stratford was out again. The Council was just living out its lease in that city he said. Hume Clutton, . G-oderich, county appointee in 1966,, re- viewed his representation and requested that he be not re- appointed. - - Chairman Krauter reported that committee members had met with representatives of On- tario Departments of Tourism and Information and Municipal Affairs, and that a further meeting is planned to discuss the advisability of county plan- ning. "Out of this there could evolye an official plan," Mr. Krauter pointed out. `,`However, ' before any further steps are' taken, the Committee will investigate the cost of any' such project and re- port back to County Couhcil," he stated Mr. Krauter thought that the county had not been advertis- ed enough and commented that` the committee . was talking Poses only. about the county producing a Speakers at the meeting in- -brochure to be distributed at eluded Don Sutherland; Can - various. tourist -entry points. ada department of agriculture; D. H. Miles, Huron County ag- ricultural representative, who explained w,erkmen's compen- sation and Canada pension plan; Dr. W. H. A. Wilde, department of zoology, University of Guelph and Dr. E. C. Lougheed, depart- ment of hdrticulture, Universi- ty of Guelph. • Boyd • Taylor, Walton, was el- ected president. 'Other: officers; vice- presidents, L. -A. Lassa - line and Art Belt, both RR 2, Goderich; treasurer, D. H. Miles, Clinton. - The Board has been in oper- ation since the January session of County Council and monthly meetings are being held, Mr. Thompson said. There are many problems to be faced in con- nection with the transition from a • co-operative to a public library system. "The Board asks the indulgence of all concerned. until the changeover has been .completed and the operation of the ,system begins to function in a normal :!'Wanner" he urged. The Townships of Hay, Mor ris, East Wawanosh and Hal- lett are now included in the County Library- System, as rec- ommended by the Board with Placi Drumhead Service Mr. Thompson pointed out that with the 'addition of these four municipalities the sys- tem now has 100 per cent mem- bershili of municipalities. To date the Board has: (1) initiated an insurance survey; appointed George McCutcheon a member of the Board of Mid- western Regional Library Board; (3) sent letters to three accred- ited universities endeavouring to secure the services of a qual- ified county librarian; (4) writ- ten to University of Western Ontario urging any interested student to ' take advantage of the , bursary offered) by Mid- western Regional Library Board; (5) authorized Duff Thompson, chairman, Frank McFadden, Bayfield; and Mrs. C. Huffman, county librarian, to attend Ontario Library con- vention in- Fort William, May 15-18; (6) made arrangements to meet with Brucq County Lib- rary Board regarding problems concerning Lueknow and White - Church, Chairman Thompson pointed out that inpreparing the bud- get, allowance has been made • for the secretary -treasurer. This money will be paid by the Lib- rary Board • back to the County of Huron to offset the cost of administration through the Clerk -Treasurer's Office. He said another item refers to refunds to schools of $1,300. This refund is to cover school fees paid from January 1 to June 30, since with the incep- Huron County Council's ori- ginal Centennial committee con- sisted of Delbert Geiger, Hay Township, and Wilmer Hardy, Colborne Township. Council added the following at Monday's session: ' Warden Donald McKenzie, Ashfield; Clerk -Treasurer ' J. G. Berry, Goderich; Harry Worsell, depu- ty reeve of Goderich; and Ken- neth Stewart, reeve of McKillop. A Centennial Drumhead Ser- vice is being planned for the To*n of Goderich on Sunday, July 2, 1967, in co-operation with the Town of Goderich. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 517-00 X <, re,rariaaiiarraii,� Exclusive IH rotary valve.kts you hill drop or power drill: Easily switches to straight drill. Hill drop I toll seeds per hill — 4.4 to 354 in:+spacing. Or drill plant at 2.5 to 1.7.7 lir. $pecing. The International 56 Corn Planter plants with pin -point accuracyat speeds up to 7 miles per hour. The secret lies, in the exclusive IH rotary valve wild IH "frog". Rotary valve deposits pre -grouped seeds at zero velocity without bounce or scatter gives tightly grouped hills, precise seed count and exact spacing. The "frog" forms and firms the seed zone — for even depth and uniform germination. Can be ,hanged in minutes from hill drop to power drill or straight A drill With gral►ity fall for single peed -planting. 1 Fruit - , Growers Meet tion of the Public• Library Ser- vice as of January 1, 1967, there are no further fees being paid. The refund, of course, will oc- cur only in 1967. Huron County Library 1967 budget is as follows: Revenue:.Province of Ontario, basic grant, $25,000; incentive grant, $10,000; operational grant, $30,000$ County of Hur- on, $34,000; total, $99,000. Gr e wers received little pro- fit from 2,500,000 bushels of apples sold in 1966 for juice, the Huron County Fruit Grow- ers' Association annual' meet- ing was told Tuesday. Gerald Long, London, apple producers marketing board rep- resentative, also said 750,000 bushels of Ontario apples sold for processing 1 provided grow- ers a "slight profit." Mr. Long warned there is "no great bonanza" ahead for the apple industry, but produ- oers can realize profit by mark- eting high quality apples: He said negotiations are un-. der way with the Farm. Pro - duets Marketing Board to es- tablish an apple commission with, the producers represented in marketing negotiations. The hssociation is 'believed to be the oldest farm organi= zation in Huron County. The exact year of organization is not known but it could be more' than 50 years old. Members directed the . exec; utive to study the feasibility of amalgamation with other counties for—educational pur- JOHN BACH Phone 527-0120 ' tteatiorth For ' Complete INSURANCE • on your HOME, BUSINESS,_ FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE' - SEE PROMPT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE at SAVAUGE JEWELLERS • Certified Watchmakers OPPOSITE POST OFFICE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 Seaforth OfFice DirectlyOpposite , Seaforth Motors 1 WANTED!! BEAN & SEED GRAIN CONTRACTS (At Most Attractive Prices) Expenditures: .salaries, $44,- 700; books, $20,000; periodicals, $600; rebinding, '$500; supplies, $3,509; utilities, hydro, water, rent, caretaking, fuel, insurance, $7,000; telephone, $400; repairs and maintenance, • $5,50Q; _pos- tageand express, $1,000; Board remuneration and -mileage, $2,00; employee benefits, $500; truck maintenance, $1,200; cap? ital, $9,000; advertising,. $600; refunds to schools, $1,,300; -tot- al, $97,800; estimated surplus, $1,200. . ALL TAPE INSURANCE/ Donald G.. Eaton Office in Masonic Block Main' Street Phone 527-1610 : Seaforth Ir BURIIS- CLEANE R NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR 'HEATING OIL - Walden & Broadfoot- Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE. COMPANY ti. Offke Main. Street -. SEAFORTW. , Insures; • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, felling objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: - James Keys; RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn' Baker Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton!, Seaforth. . Cronin Farm Equipment Full Line of COCKSHUTT OLIVER FARM MACHINERY Wagons —, Loaders — Tractor Chains TIRES Car Truck Tractor Installed and Repaired FERTILIZER Bagged. or _Bulk PHONE -- DUBLIN 125R8 • W. G. Thompson1 & Sons Limited • HENSALL Specializing, ,In Registered Certified Seed Grain uper Q. n't a -h iracle ilizer. fe o atter hat anybody says: We will admit, though, that the farmers who use Super Q as part of a sound management program get some pretty spectacular re'su•Its. How about corn? Last year our Super Q for Corn helped set an all -liras yield record of 161 -bushels an acre in the Nation- al Corn Picking Contest in Eastern Michigan. And we could go on and on with yield records in wheat and barley and oats and Cotton and potatoes... Ifyou're thekindofoutstandingfarmer:whose land is fertile enough, whose cropping and fertilizing methods are progressive enough, and whose goals are high enough, Super Q can offer you a prod-uEt•and a program which together tan bring you larger returns than you could ever hope to gain with conventional premium fertilizers. To find out more about Super Q -see •.your Super ' Q' supplier 'now. St }le'r Q'-- sign o'! a Growing Man READ FERTILIZERS L`. L TVI I R A,r O N TA I'i I' O e t a Y r• 1