HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-23, Page 11k r roe .y 4 • - The Best USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted•• 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10.Ue Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent. 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices - 20. Auction Sales R 21. Tenders Wanted 2Z, Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals 27. Births . - 28. Deaths 29. Marriages 'tassiflev' ads are inserted at A rate of 2 cents per word. Eacb number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word: Ads are subject to the follow- tng minimums: Classifications .2, 3. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 1'3, 15 and • 17 minimum 40e an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All *other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion. except Auction Sales (20), .Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates ..on appliea- tion. For cash payment, or if paid by 10 days' following last inser'• tion, 15 CENTS deducted from ahoy* rates. 4 0 1. Coming Events PIONEERt Supper,.. Wednes- dfay, April 5th, 5 to 7 p.m. Hensall United Church. Pro- gram 6:30 and 7:30.- Advance tickets;adults ;$140, child- ren under 12, •' 5c; ,At ah''e door, adults $1:75, children, under 12, 75c. 1-67-3 A SERIES of Prenatal .classes will begin:. Wednesday, April 5th, 1967, at 2:00 pin at the Health Unit Office,.Seafotth Community Hospital,. Sea - forth. These • will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on the above date, or phone the Public Health Nurse, Seaforth, 527- 1243, between 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. or 4:30.- 5:00 'arm. 1-68-2 BRODHAGEN Community Centre. April 7th, 1967, 8:00 p.m., Old Time Dance, Swiss Country Band and Modern • band. Door prizes. Admission $1.75 , including coffee and •sweets. Swiss Club Thames Valley. 1-68-2 2. Lost, Strayed BLACK and tan female Ger- man shepherd dog. Phone •' 527-1038 after 5 p.m. 2-68x1 A ring of keys, sometime since November. John. McCon- nell, . phone 527-1425. 2-68-1 M W 4. Help Wanted YOUNG fnan to build silos. Must be able to climb in height. Good wages paid. Ap- ply to Wes Hugill, phone 236- 4928. Zurich. 4-67-3 RELIABLE baby sitter, five afternoons a week, in my own home, from one to five. Phone 527-1901. 4-68-1 GIRL or woman to Work week ends and some evenings.' in Snack Bar. Apply 13ox 1644, The Huron Expositor. 4-68-tf SALES HELP WANTED Due to expansion of our growing company we require a man in Hur'on County bet-. +ween age 21'to 45..'ears l3ebig' interested .:in 4a - sales career. Familiarity with farming and modern ' farm, retaiirements would be an asset., d. oli- portunity for advancement , • for the right man.' Transport- ation supplied . plus salary and commission. Contact DAVID MacKENZIE 225 Epworth Ave., London or phone office 268-7375 evenings 433-2172. 4-68-3 5. 'Bus. Opportunities Attention Farmers! TO- CASH GROWERS Would like to grow sunflow- er seeds under contract. Phone or write THOMAS HANLON, Ingersoll, phone 485-2270 5-67x2 7. Situations Wanted WILL babysit in my own home, 5 days a week, phone 527-1.114. 7.68.1 ELDERLY rad, desires ad- . C011imbslation including room and board. ,Phone 527-1102. 7.6$x1 HIGH school boy 'wants woi lc during Easteal Holidays;,, also Will baby. Sit Friday'andSat- tirdaY: nights, phone 527•0044, 494 -�A 8. FSf,•rin Stock For Sale ABERDEEN Angus club calf prospects, also 8 heifers just bred to stood bull R. J. Doig, North Main Street, Seaforth. phone 527.0763. 8-63.tf QUANTITY of `birdsfoot'tre- foil. Apply` D ,ton Diegel, RR 1 Bornlioird 8-67x3 WHITE faced calves. C. De Corte, RR 2 Seaforth, phone 527-1628. . 8-68x1 WHITE -faced calves, Dale Nixon,` phone 527-0738. 8-68-1 NINETEEN pigs, 8• weeks old. Ken, McLellan, ph o n e 262,5580. • 8-68.1 THIRTY pigs, 8 weeks old. Bob Patrick, phone 527-1278. 8-68-1 HOLSTEIN cow, due. soon, bred Hereford, 4 chunks of Pigs. Bolton Bros., Lot 8, Con. 14, McKillop. 8-68x1 THIRTY pigs, 8 weeks old. 2 Hereford x Holstein heifer calves, also pony, 300 bales of hay. Theo Van Bakel, St. Cohimban. 8-68x1 YORK hog, 20 months old. Phone 527-0118. • 8-68x1 FORTY pigs. Peter ' Van Drunen, RR 5 Seaforth, call Dublin 109 R 3. 8-68x1 T W 0 purebred Lndrace boars, 4% months old. Ford- ello breed, also a number of choice quality York and Landrace gilts. Ervin Sillery, phone 482-7590. 8-68x1 WHITE faced. bull calf. Ted Van Dyk, • phone 527-1435, RR 3 Seaforth. 8-68x1 9. Poultry For Sale KIMBER. LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets Red .x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now, Book your on dere early SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 11i► 19-61-tf TO. Use'd Cars For Sale 1956 Dodge "'in good cQndi- tion. 6 good tires and recent valve job. Call 527-0103 after 6. 10-67x1 1960 FORD V-8 automatic, radio, new tires, A-1 cendi- tionc $500 dr make an offer. Lloyd Reynolds, RR 1. Hen - sail, phone Exeter 235-1917. 10-67X2 11. Articles For Sale SILVERWARE special. 50 piece sets, drawer chest in- cluded only $79.95. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-61-tf NEED a clock! We have a large selection of alarm, kit- chen, decorator and mantel clocks. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-6F-tf QUANTITY of hay and - straw. K. Hoven, .phone 0.7- 1738. 27- 1738. 11-67x2 QUANTITY of baled hay and straw. George Vansteel- andt, RR 2 •Du'blin. Phone 527=0368: -11-67x2 QUANTITY of oat straw. al`. so•^ some second cut alfalfa hay. Jack Feeney, RR2 Dub- lin, phone Dublin 113 R 13. 11.67x2 HOW about a good singing canary Or a nice young male budgie from Staffen's Green- house, 12 Jarvis St. 11-67-2 ORDER your Easter Lillies. Hvdranges, Gloxineas. mums grad sone nice geraniums and rut daffodils. Now is the time to get. your Tuberous Begonia at Staffen's Green- house, 12 Jarvis St. We deliv- er free. open evenings. ' 11-67-2 '9 ft. x 14 ft. house trailer, in good condition, furnished; se- parate tent. 9'. x 6'., Phone 357-2895, Wingham. 11-68-2 NO. 1. Birdsfoot Trefoil seed. 50c per Ib, Martin Baan and Son, Walton. 11-68x1 A Quantity of Herta barley. Phone •5270987, • 11-68-1 INTERNATIONAL 9 ft. cul- tivator, spring tooth, 3 yrs. p t 9 ft. packer. Phone 262- ,6 0,00. 11=68-2 TURQUOIS boucle spring coats, size teen 12-13 iri,good,conditibn. Mrs. Ervin Sillery, $i fie 4132-7590. 11-68-1 ARTIFICIAL flower arrange- ments at Staffen's Green- house, 12 Jaryis St., Seaforth. 11-68-1 Used, mounted P.TA Spread- er, Suitable for gtass seeds, or -aero prilla,, $25.00. Murray Dennis, RR1 Walton, phone 527-1866. 11-68x1 VIKING cream separator in good condition. Apply Char- les Roney, 191112 Dublin. , 11-68x2 SEE the . special Centennial values by Bulova at Savauges priced at $33.50 ,and $50.00 and in companion sets at 2 for $67.00 and 2 for $100.60. These values will never again be repeated by Bulova. Now on display at Savauge. Jewel- lers (opposite the post office). 11-68-tf• SEE Our new spring jewel- lery now on ,display includ- ing many centennial items, $1.00 and up. Savauge Jewel- lers (opposite the post office). • 11.68-tf TRADE-IN Sale is still on at SavaRge's. Trade-in your old Watch.' and, receive an extra allowance on all Elgins, cora. V011%, Blebs, several )ulovns and Other Makes; atavauge Jewellers (opposite the" Oil office).' ..: 11.80- 11. Articles ''For Sale J ew.ellery Repairs We do. all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing. Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume Jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-61-tf FOR SALE ` Good oleo n - trefoil seed, 40c per lb. Frank Eickmeier, Lot 30, Co,n. 6, Logan, phone Dublin 76 R 13. 8-67-3 WANTED Watch trade-ins - We are allowing Top Prices for your old watch on a new BULQVA CARAVELLE ENICAR , _ ACCUTRON Over 150 watches in stock ANSTr:i'1' JEw e:LLERS LTD., SEAFORTH 11-64-tf WE have' the following at lowest prices: Polaroid Swing- er Carheras, electric shavers. tone recorders, transistor rad- ios, hairdryers. Anstett Jew- ellers Ltd. 11-61-tf ENGLISH dinnerware by Johnson Bros. of England. 50 piece sets of 8, over 40 pat- terns to choose from, only $29.95. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-61-tf 12. Wanted To Buy WANTED HAY.. straw, corn and grain. env quality or ouantity. T,en Watson. 13 Pullamore Rd. Rramntnn, Ontario. n h o n e 451-4804. • 12-54-15. CHESTS of drawers. cup- boards -, up - boards -picture-, frames '-bait'. trees. dishes. latrine - chairs. hooks. Phone 271-1578. Strat- ford. 12-61-tf HIGHEST nriees paid, for' live fowl. narked nn. at thefarm. phone Ron Bennett; Wsltnn. C97411037. 12-67-8 T C(AD grader which caned be eraurn by tractor, Preferably nidtvne iced veers ago.. Sen.,' fnr+h Turf Club, nhnn' 597. not q • "19.417v2 f1RI'ART,F... tvnewri+er Toed eonditinn, frown Hardware. nhnne 527-1490. 12-68-1 14. Property, For Sale HOUSE and shed in the vill- age of Kinburn, Apply to Mrs. W. R. Jewitt, 527-1638 or John Jewitt 527-1808. 14-67-2 15 ACRES in Fullerton Town-, ship, 10 miles from Mitch- ell and St. Marys. 1% stor- ey frame house, 3 bed- rooms with all conveni- ences. • New oil furnace. Barn 40 x.05, accomoda- ' tion for 100 hogs at' the _ present and 250 • with a few changes. Possession as ar- ranged. 60 ACRES in Fullerton Town- ship, well -drained and all workable. Ideal cash ._erci'p land. Reasonably priced. 99 ACRES in Downie 'Town- ship... 80 acres 'workable: Asking price $19,000.00. • VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY (Stratford) , REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Telephone - Office: 271-2050 Don es M a'vish Res: 62$78788 �T Joe D lease lips: 9 1 e 3 6 14-68-1 EASTER PARADE For relaxed country living, New ranch style home. One acre of land, 3 bedrooms, living room, bath, kitchen, utility room and. spacious double garage. May be seen by appointment, only. Im- mediate possession. This place offered to clear up .a bankruptcy. Make an offer it may be yours. 50 Acres without buildings, • on highway between Sea - ,forth and Clinton. Small bush on property. Very . productive soil. Spring on back corner. $12,000.00. 100 Acre farm for quick sale, 5 •••miles west of Seaforth,on highway 8. , $17,000.00. " Newly built frame cottage, 5 miles north' of Seaforth on your right. ,Priced at $1200. Neat,- clean, tidy, invitingg. Size about 16' x 24', divid- ed into two. rooms. Take a, look as' you pass by. Two 150 sere farms ins' Hulk' lett. Township. TWO Set of gond buildings!. Priced to OUS 14. Property For Sale sell. 4 • 125 Acre Farm,.. Sat Zur- . ich, Has 25 acres of black muck cleared, plus. 5 ':acres not cleared. $42,000.00. 210 Acre' Dairy farm in Hul- iett_ Excellent chance for aggressive young man. Brick home in Seaforth with. everything: $9,000. Frame -house in good repair, $4000. Frame "house im Egmond- ville, $3950. William M. Hart Salesmen Seaforth Geo. R. Johnston REAL ESTATE LTD 14-68-1 15. Property --For Rent MODERN 2 -bedroom •apart- mpnt P3hnnP 527-0810 or Ex- eter, .235-1510. 15-614ti• STORE for rent at corner ..of John and Main Streets, Sea - forth, phone 527-1210. 15-65-4 SET of farm buildings includ- ing modern home with 3 bed- rooms. Barn on property. 1% mile east of Egmondville. Will rent together or separ- ately. 527-0938. 15-68x2 DOWNSTAIRS apartment, .2 bedrooms. kitchen, living - room and bathroom. Frank. Nigh, phone 627-0477. 15-68x2 HEATED apartments close to Seaforth• on Highway. Private entrances. Aonlv to Box 1642 The Huron Expositor. 15-68-4 16. For Sale or Rent - Post Post SALE OR RENT House, 1_ rooms. 4-'Iserirnoms. both built-in and cupboards. town, water. gas, heat. and new,,fiJr) ace. Avallnble April 1, VelenSnne 846-2404. Dear- born Michigan. 16-66-4 f7 - Wanted To Rent HOUSE or apartment with 4 bedrooms. central location.. Pnaces.sion by Ancil lst. Au- n1v,,Box 1638, Huron Exnnsi- tor. -- 17-66x3 1 R; Pronerty Wanted A two bedroom house. cott- age or bunei1ew'in very good ennditinn .with basement. Pox, 1639, The Huron Expositor. 18-66x4 A three bedroom h•ouee in SPafnrth,in gnnri eRnrlitinn, Annly to `Rax 1643, The Pnr- nn Exnn;,itor. 18-68x2' 19. Notices ELEC7`ROLTT7G Canada Ltd Ca1ec and Service, anthoein'd dealhr Alvin Riley, 153 Lie-ht- home ight•home St„ Goderieb. phone c9d 6514. 19-61-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equips ent: We. -guar- antee all work. Write' or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, nhnne 527=1406. 19=61-tf W ATCH . RTP. A TRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720 - 8eafnrth 19-61-tf DEAD ANIMALS • REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL 'COLLECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, :482-7269 Licence No, 350-C-655 19-61-t# BRICK WORK -- Chimneys ranaired. repointed:, stone work; fireplaces bunt: base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed. Ray Squire, p h"b.n e 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 19-65-tf OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Oxford Dead Stock Remov- al Ltd. pays ih c per lb', for freshly dead or disabled cows and' horses. 'Small animals picked up. 24 hr. service," 7, days a week. Jim Murray and Sons Hickson, Phone' collect 462-2614 Licence No. 85-C87 VACTTITM Cleaner Sales & Ser vice for all makes, Filter Queer close Varna Phone 9 "azar Hensel'. '19_6l-tf SILOS A solid, poured- eoncrete silo offers greater strength and longer Iife, does a better, safes+ storage job, yet the Dost is often less than other types. Let us quote you prices,. financing • and cons- truction' arrangements for a pouted -concrete silo or liquid l' iture- , tank. Write Solid Silos Ltd., London, or phone London 432-7408„, :evenings, 40.3778;: n 'E oreat -d210 31. ,10-6,84 19. Notices NOTICE ' We are stopping cattle every Monday to United' Co -Operatives ,d Ontario. To arrange for pick - op at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. ' FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R 16, Dublin. Call Collect 19-61-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Waite or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442W6, Brpss- els or 'contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527=1424. 19.61-tf DEAD STOCK Highest ,cash prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. We pay 'he PER LB. Weighing over 500 pounds. Small animals picked up free of charge. For . the,most prompt and courteous ser- vice in this district Please Call Collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24 hr, service -4 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-C-.65 19-68-2- Why 9-68-2- Why not planta crop that has the highest returns per acre! We at ROSE BRAND PICKLES have contracts available 'for ' your area. -No__Investment required -Hybrid 'seed -Free pick-up at farm For information write to: Matthews -Wells Co. Ltd Guelph, 'Ont. Or Call:, 'Cronin Transport Dublin, Ont. 19-68-3 TRI L TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE CLINTON - SEAFORTH GODERICH AREAS Five Years Experience in all Phases of Bookkeeping. Phone 482-9260 19-61-tf THINKING OF REMODELLING -YOUR HOME? PLEASE CALL . - Bill Harburn Hensall, 262-2445 OPENING BUSINESS 19=67x2 19. Notices CALL REiG. SMITI! $1GNS' or truck lettering, farm. signs, sale banners, highway bullet- ins, plastic signs, gold leaf. All work guaranteed, Corner East and 'high, Clinton. Phone 482-9793. - 19.60-tf 20.. Auction. Sales AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Furniture, Household Effects and some Antiques at 116 'MontrealSt., Mitchell on SATURDAY, MARCH 18TH At 1:00 p,ra.. HOUSEHOLD EFI! ECTS - McClary Easy 10 cu. ft. re= frigerator, -1. r.old; Adsxlir- al upright deep freeze; Con- nor washing mechine; Gurney stove, comblnat*Sin wood and propane; Admiral 21" T.V ; Motorola radio; table and 6 chairs; rocking chair; plat- form rocker; 2' piece+ chester Held suite; tri -light lamp 2: table la trips; . antllque china ; cabinet: 2 antique clocks, -3 piece bedroom suite With springs and mattress: 2 beds`; with springs and mattresses; chest of drawers; quantity of bedding; 2 Hairs of drapes; Singer sewing machine; elec- tric fan:45 piecedinner set; 'Odd dishes; jars;. crocks; gar- den and carpenter tools; and Many other articles too 'num-' grans to nientinn. _ REAL ESTATE - Consist- ing of lot with. 65' frontage and 105' deep, on which there is Iocated a 7 room insul brick house with gas furnace and car gargge, 14' x 18'. This property is centrally lo- cated, I block from Main St. and will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. TERMS -= 5% sales tax in effect. Cashon chattels. Terms on real estate being 10% down clay of sale and ba- lance, within 30 days. 14,o re- serve on chattels as every .thing must be siild- to settle estate. . ESTATE OF LYDIA RANDS AVMS. GERALDINE BODE, E'xecntrix R. G. GETHKE, .Auctioneer Monkton. 347.2465 - AUCTION SALE Of . Schoolhouse and contents in the village, of Egmondville on $ATURDAY, APRIL 8TH at 1 p.m. Two -room brick school, stok- er furnace, drilled well, deep well , pressure system, 11/2 acres land more ,or less. Contepts • of school, desks, blackboards, books, maps, school bell, and other items. Terms - CASH . For further information contact Vern Alderice RR 2 Kippen, . phone. Hensall 262- 5494, chairman' of Huron County School Area No. 1. HAROLD KSON'• AuctioneeJACr• JACK CALDWELL, Clerk ' 20-68-3 • VOTE FOR LEONIDAS Z. WOFFLGSNooP YOUR reWN couwerttoR.,. P/ • 2A, Auction Sales comx,c az CLEARING Auction Sale Of Machinery, Parts, Garage: Equipment, Tires and Office Equipment. at Ross Motors, Main St.,. Seaforth, Ont., on SATURDAY; MARCH 25TH. at 12 o'clock sharp MACHINERY - One ,M F 88 gas I N.D. loader, (reconditioned); two Ford Major Diesels, reconditioned.;' one. W -D Allis Chalmers; one International 4 -,furrow H.Y. D. pIow; .one Jeba,Deere !k; furrow triple beam mounted; ane New Ford scut; . one Ford front-end.,, blade WI •kb H.Y.P. control; one Interna- tional combine used with mo- tor. FARM LOADERS, NEW USED -- one 1966.,Ford F- '9Q style side; one 1958 In- ternational, =h ton racks, and differential lock, 1 year old equipment float; 10 -ton tau - dein, electric brakes control, lights and ramps. SHOP EQUIPMENT - Diesel injection testing equip- ment; clutch adjusting H.Y.D testing 'set; Ignition testing set; propane steam Jenny; Calcium tire loading pump; tire changing equipment; -Ac- etelvrie welding and cutting torch; body shop equipment; sanders; jacks; spray guns• race liner wheel balancer and aligner. a. OFFICE EQUIPMENT - Desks, cheque writer; electric adding machine. complete stock control card system. PARTS tires, tractor parts and Miscellaneous items. CASH or terms may be ar- ranged day of sale: . ROSS MOTORS. Prop. Harold. Jackson Auctioneer 20=67-2' CLEARING AUCTION SALE At the -farm of Bill McMillan, east % of lot 22, Con. 6, Hib- bert Township, 1 mile north and 1% miles ,west of Staffa, or 7 miles south east of Sea - forth, on SATURDAY,1967 APRIL 8TH Sale starts at 1 o'clock sharp Livestock including 53 cattle, mostly Hereford and Durham 4 York sows, 22 chunks, full line of machinery, quantity of feed, number of Household Effects, full list in next issue. No Reserve as farm is sold. BILL McMILLAN,-,Proprietor LARRY GARDINER Auctioneer • DONALD KERNICK, Clerk 20.68-1 • 20. Auction Slag CLANG AUCTION. Of1arm�at'', hay and ;grain, 004 Road, ship, 1 ntailewent of WBPN1AZ, AFS i5`' bA T4%years Hereford and, 'Dolotrti calves at foot; :„ f Ow due tune s?f ,8 eon► ye�� Here.•o ; u ham, 5 atee 4 3 « TS o :}aC3dt Ii tracfrar, :: '94Q i?:,;�4aid����i4; • , Pstr.e. traeto4 scier aitta harrows;':#3.•;, , tls>4fitolkit4 (1igh F� ft. 4'xiDeere cu tivalte 'dss, 1 a'2 risrili+ 'w; " ."' I t jsi erecta*21d[c(*ol q�kt r- seeo uble dice ;der; '3' fib; al a'ce' ttom ', ' 3 c ick-Peeringftre'sp eii ,T Po harvester; `fir'�i'l. ,L,.._ ' co - bine with clo5ier o'tl eat; • 7 ft. Massey • ITar'i'kei bi> r suitable for sWaitilnr • °• forage harve5t r attachment; Gehl •b1'o'we.r with pipes; 2 forage i ,r ste- er wagons; 7 ft, Cha* *Rower, 3 point hitch; hopper; case side delivery. rake; ' 185/ Dodge' ,truck; ',trailer-: •1400 lb. scales; flat hay ;rack; elec- tric brooder; bag truck; lum- ber; wheel barrow 2 ,sugar kettles; barrels; forks;'. Shov- els; hovels; stove: bedsteads; crocks. HENS - 100 hybrid' hens 1year old. • HAY ANl?. ,.GR.i , , 14 ton good cut"'day; • O ~bales mixed hay: 500' bus. Rodney • • oats. suitable for . ;;' 100' bus. °barley. Terri'is - CASH'' 17o-Reslei'`ve =-1a a LEE NT40lit; °p HAROLD JASON, Auotl,9.n MEL GfAHAIM,0402 Reinenibeii, Xt° tat ,s'1bit°`a , :h . „ mon lent to place a 'Hent Ad and'. be packet: To a�?erti , , , dust Dial Seaforth 5'J7-02+10. Additional Classified -SEE PAGE 12 Boxholders' Names Not Given . Out! It is not possible for us to divulge . the name or address of any advertiser .,using a Huron Expositor box number. Please'do not ask for this information. -THE BIGGER.' TUE : :JOB THE SMALLER THE BILL&CARD: THE SUN IS WARMING ALL 'MAT (CE ON 114E TARP FROM LAST NIGHT,.. , ,� �s.1'L{l r n rl � 1,1 .,fu6,t .'.% Ii ,,_,s,.. ;,r, WHEN STAR'r5 STRUNiM1NG 11-11S ..GUTAR IT DRIVES ME CRAZY • lk 61„ • ELLS5Gi „• cOOMPH '',`1. .� FEOERAI REPT 1 77 � $0T ITS No JSE To PUt oUER AND i ' . ` STOP BECAUSE WHAT REALLY LootehiS r 1,'/ - ►T• 15 A &boo '6 o•M.P.H.',(6GLEI .-v1imf ,,�`' 9�)e ',`,.•! '•1 �c".O' �1' //�rQ , ��G'eya/, .Y9,t� d�u j!aI,I�i IlIlRlr"IlIqf1l�1tl1 n%d•jiiigliI- d • ,`, p�g,,IIIW;l� 1y+•� .•." � o SCREE _ I GIVE AN EXTRA SOMETI4ING TO HI$ BEAT' -HE'S NOW AT THE TOP 0V THE IIT PAPAIE.., 'kil: 7-c \,:c \ , . kp .-\ \`s ,` ,,,BUT 11 WON'T LAST LONG Ir 1 CAH GET. OUT oF• HE aE `{o'i CALLING HEIA Di2`/ . L1E DISHES; f -- A