HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-16, Page 12Sj I I .Rulon EjtkiS1� Rvf SEAFORTH ONT.; MAR 16,19!6 HULLETT CENTRAL SCHOOL GRADE ONE REGISTRATION Parents are requested to notify the school of any child who is eligible for Grade one by April 1, 1967, unless they have already completed the pre -registration form sent home with the pupils. All parents will then be notified of the exact date and time of reg- istration, To be eligible for Grade one 'enrollment, a child MUST be six years of age on or be- fore December 31, 1967, Signed D. R. Miller Principal Hullett Central School, Londes- boro, Ontario. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements — It;s a Profitable Pastime! LOOK YOUR BEST FOR .... WITH FASHIONS FROM SHINEN'S High Styles, Best Quality and Reasonable Prices are Waiting For You Here ! COATS . All -Weather, reversible, printed, plains and checks so • new this Spring, from 19.95 - 24.95; also wools in navy, beige, greens, pinks; blue, in sizes 7 - 261/2. DRESSES . • • Beautiful selection in one and two-piece styles and so "many" to chose from, cot- tons, terrylenes, crepes, knits and laces, sizes 7 - 321/2. Only 9.95 - 29.95 • BLOUSES • • • and Shirt Tales, in Paisleys; White and Pastels, 2.95 - 4.95, all sizes HATS . Stunning fashions and every new shade in straws, flowers and silks, only 2.49 8.95.. BAGS, SCARVES and GLOVES To match, new shades. Just received all the new cardigans, in bulk- ies, Ban-Lons and Celaspuns. Don't miss these values at 5.95 - 9.95, white, & pastels. MEN" & BOYS SUITS . ' • • New shipment in men's suits, wools and terrylenes, all sizes, 35.00 to 59.00. TOPCOATS • • . Spring all-weather cobs and topcoats, 35.46,16.95. JACKETS .' • • Terrylenes, corduroys and laminated; new Spring and Summer shades, all sizes, 8.95 - 15.95 ,PANTS and SLIMS . . . in Koratrons, (no iron) wolls, cottons, 4.95-12.95' SPORT SHIRTS • • • and Dress Shirts, in longor short sleeve styles, all new patterns and colors, 3.95 - 5.95 Also Sox, Underwear, Ties, etc. SPECIAL ON ALL WORK CLOTHES MOWN'S 8gArOltnst, YIT 21. Tenders Wanted Township of Morris TENDERS Tenders will be received by, the undersigned until 12 na`5'n, April 3, 1967 for the construction of the McCALL DRAIN • IMPROVMENT DRAIN consisting of 3100, lineal feet of covered drain Plans and specification ,may be seen at the clerk's office. Tenders are to be clearly marked as to contents and contain a certified cheque for 10% of the bid price. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, MRS. HELEN D. MARTIN Clerk Belgrave, Ontario., 21-67-2 DRAiN TENDER Twp. of Tuckersmith Sealed Tenders will be re- eived by the undersigned un- til 5:00 p.m. Monday, April LAST. 3 DAYS of SAVAUGE'S MARCH SALE Ends Saturday, March 18 FURTHER REDUCTIONS $1 beads now only 39c each or 3 for $1 Buy 6 sets, 1 free Buy 9, get 2 free over 150 to choose from See our yz Price Table All items are half price or Iess includes wallets, compacts jewellery, tie bar and links and 'china All pens and pencils reduced; 20%. during sale Trade-in your old watch and get 25% an the . regular price. This includes all . Bulovas, _Caravelles, Westfields, Elgin and Elcds Save up to 50% on glassware 16 -piece set in Flair, reg. 24.00, only 12.00 Available in 4s, 6s, 8s or 12s. immiiimeammim Save From 25 to 50% on all bone china , dinnerware amoimmmommisi Sale discounts' on Diamonds, Watches Rings, China, tran- sistor Radios, ete. Terms of Sale are cash (or deposit will hold your • selection). SAVAUGE Iewellers Watches - Gifts Diamonds ' Seaforth Mitchell 21, Tenders W'Wated 3, 1967 for the construction of the following Drainage Works. Separate T e n d,,e� r prices to be quoted for4ach drain. • 1, DAYMAN DRAIN 9,035 ln. ft. of closed drain 2 Catch basin • 1 Junction Box 2. DIETZ DRAIN: 1,100 In. ft. of closed drain (250 cu. yds.) 3,458 "In. ft. of closed drain 4 Catch basins 3. frORREST DRAIN: ' 500 In. ft.. of open drain (125 cu. yds.) 3,458 in. ft. of closed drain 1 Junction Box 2 Catch basins 4. HANEY DRAIN: 800 le. ft. of open drain (200 cu. yds.) 13,860 In. ft. of closed drain la 8 Catch basins 5. McCULLIE DRAIN: • 1,100 In. ft. of onen dran • (200 cu. -yds.) 3,500 In. ft. of closed drain 2 Catch basin's. Above Drain Reports pre- pared by E. Ii. Uderstadt, O.L°.S., Drainage Engineer, Orangeville Ontario. 'Township will supply tile end nine. Certified cheaue for 10% of bid nraice to accompany each tender. • Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender forms must be ob- tained and plans and specifi- :;tions may be seen at the 'clerk's office. JAMES I. McINTOSH Clerk • Townshin of Tuckersmith RR 3• Seaforth 21-67.1 22. i emral Notices NfTT("F, 'TO CREDITORS • In the Estate of . . MINNIE•, NIXON All persons ,having. claims aaainst the Estate of Minnie Nixon, late of• the Town of ge?fnrth. in the County, of ron, Housekeeper, deceas ed, who rued nn the 4th day of .Tarary, 1487. are herrhv notified to rend ,in fall parti- ^»la's of their claims to the undercignvd on or before the o1 o- +lav of iVfarch. 1467, af- for «,,1;;..v, rihte the assets will hn .lictrihi,t'd. having regard only to claims then received. DATED st,- Seaforth, this gill 'tiny of March. 1P67. McCONNELL & STEWART ' Seaforth, Ontario . Solicitors for the Executor - 22-66-3 23. Business Directory • BOX, TNFRAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance 'Service Flowers For All Occasions ' Phones: Day 527-0680 — Ni'glit 527-0885 A. M. 'HARPER Chaltered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich .524-7562 W. J.' CLEARY Seaforth;-Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER. and FUNERAL DIRECTOR • Night or Day Calls 527-0510 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. IL Bryans; D.V.M., V.S. P. D, Collis, D.V.M., J. P. Raab, B.A., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 • - Seaforth Auctioneer` FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed and capable in sell- ing all types• of auction sales, Reasonable Rates. - • Bruce Rathwell Brueefield Phone 482-3384 23-63-tt k. W. SILLERY Barrister, golieitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res, 527.1643 Seaforth Ontario TOHN F;, LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth, Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. - Sat., 9 lo 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint, nhent only Phone 527-1240 -- or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. -- Clinton Office G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME doderieh St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds . fdr rent. ROWERS 1Oft. EVERY OCCASION Phone 52/4300 swath, ADS 23. Business.. J3rtcctory J. A, .1•IE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527.0850 Licensed Auctioneer Farm and Househojd Effects LARRY GARDINER Cromarty, Ahone Ijublin 15R3 23-66-8 AUCTIONEER Specializing in Household and Farm Agction Sales. 8 years, experience Fully - Licensed Reasonable Rates TOM SHOEBOTTOM Call Collect Ilderton 666.0289 23-67x7 24. Cards of Thanks , Sincere thanks to all who re- membered me with cards, flowers, visits and treats while I was a patient` in St. Joseph's Hospital and since coming home. — George Ad- dison. 24-67x1 I would like to thank all my friends, relatives and neigh- bors for letters, cards, flow- ers -and treats received while I was a patient in 'Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Brady; Dr. Malkus, the nursing staff and Rev. Stuart, Everything was greatly ap- preciated. — Murray Tyndall, 24-67x1 We would like to thank the nursing staff of Seaforth Community Hospital, Dr. Brady, Dr. Malkus and' Miss Drape for the tare- nf our ba- by' son• while he was a patient there. It was all very much appreciated. — Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ross and baby Grant. 24-67x1 Mrs. George Wallace (Crone arty) and family wish to ex- - vess their sincere anprec{a- tion to everyone for their kindness during the illness and passing of our loved one. The considerate care he re- cPived. at Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital from nurses and staff will long be remember- ed. To Dr. Brady, Dr. Malkus and the special nurse, Mrs. E. Dunlop. Rev. Boyne for his comforting `message and for floral gifts. Cancer. Heart and Misrinn• cards and the many relatives arid friends who helped so much . in every way throughout our sad ber- eavement. flnr •ne,ial thanks to those who helped in the homes and the neirthbors Who 'served lunch following the fnneraI or helped in any way nleage a4'cent our sincere gratitude, 24-67-1 - 27. Births TAYLOR — In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on March 8th, t� Mr. and Mrs. Arncild Taylor, a daughter, Nancy Jean. ELLIOTT — In St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener, ' on March 8th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Elliott, 25 Summit Ave., Kitchener, a son, Darren Robert. McCLUItE — Inn Seaforth Community Hospital on March 6th, to Mr. and`Mrs. Walter McClure, RR 2 »Sea - forth, a daughter. ' JOCHEMS — In Seaforth Community Hospital on iVtarch 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jochems, RR 2 Wal- ton, a daughter. . POPPE — In Seaforth Coni- munity Hospital, - on March 10th, to. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Poppe, RR 1 Dublin, a daughter. VAN DYK -- In Seaforth Community Hospital,;. on March 12th, to Mr: and • Mrs, Ted Van Dyk, RR 3 Seaforth, . a daughter. . Engagements Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, Seaforth wish to announce the engagement •of - their daughter Anri Larraiee to Mr. Robert l+'rancis Baechler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Baechler of Gode'rieh, Marri- age to take place in St. Pet- er's Church, North Street, Goderich, on Saturday, An - 8th at twelve o'clock noon. xl Mr. and' Mrs. George Blake wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Anne Marie, to Kenneth Millard W xlliarnson, sort' of Mr. and Mrs. Norman- Williamson of Walton. The wedding to take place March 27th at St, Arn- brose Church, Brussels, 1' Too Late THINKING OF REMODELLING YOUR HOME? PLEASE CALtl BillEarbtirn 'Rens itu g624445 cornmrd BUSINESS 19.67x2 CENTENNIAL, NOTES I IFFA 141, API#FA. 1867 I 1967, C, J. Sills) We've had some interest- ing correspondence from an old Seaforthite, Barry Hinck- ley. He now resides in Ren- frew and has a considerable amount to do with their Cen- tennial plans. According to the Arnprior paper they have.. a lot going on over there and one of the things Harry was interested in was the regula- tion covering of the old Bean counting contest in Seaforth during the 1914 Old Boys. A Model T Ford was given a - away and when you consider it that was a very generous price for such an event. Do you remember when al- most every grocery store had a smaller version of this type of guessing game — grab bags, for lc -T- round black, hard candies. Spring was .al- ways heralded by boys,. play- ing marbles in any free ent- rance on Main St. — the ice houses in the alleys behind Main St: were always great places to play cowboys and Indians and you usually went home with wet sawdust ' all over you. By the time you read this column the Local. Public Speaking Contest will be over and. I must say that the speakers were very good. They now compete against other municipalities in the Legion Zone Finals • on Sat- urday, March 18th down at the local Legion Hall. Come out and listen, they, are well worth hearing. ' • Seaforth---will. be __ able _ ±o see -.their town on TV Wing - ham next May 17th ' as that station is doing a film on this town.. • Don't forget the Women's Institute Centennial Costume Dance on Marc' 31 in the Community Centre., Incident- ally ncidentally the new paint job on the Community Hall has Unprov- ed things immensely and it looks very good. ' The First Presbyterian Church had a family 'night last Week 'in conjunction with their Centennial celebrations' and from all accounts it was a very good performance. Don't forget to start plan-. ming •for summer activities. It would be grand to hear about some community , pic- nics, reunions, and 'anything that shows the community spirit. If it can be combined with a Centennial theme then it would be all the better, News of Cromarty Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ches- sel, Don and Paul of Strat- ford were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Jef- ferson. . • - Mrs. Shirley Elliott and fan y'of 'Essex attct:dcd the funeral of her grandfather, the tate Mr. George Wallace, and spent the week end with her parents, • Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. . Mrs. Grace Scott visited. in Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and fam- ily. , Mrs. Percy Adams of Blyth spent the week end with her Mother Mrs. George Wallace. Mr. Everard Kerslake has returned home from St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London where he had undergone surgery. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'tautly, Elimville and Mrs. W. N. Binning and Jane of Mitch- ell. ' The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the family of the late 'Mr. George Wallace whose 'death occur- red in Seaforth Comtnunity Hospital, on March 7th. • Friday visitors. with . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner were Mr, and Mrs. Tom Flynn of Seaforth, Janet and David Mar- quardt, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Too Late PIONEER ' Supper, Wednes- day, April 5th, 5 to 7 p.m. Hensall United' Church, Pro- gram 6:30 and 7:30. Advance tickets, adults $1.50, Child- ren udder 12, 75c; At the door, adults $1.75, children, under 12, 175c. 1-67-3 FOR SALE — Holstein bull calf. Gerald Van den Henget, RR 5 Seaforth, phone 52 1 0968, FOR SALE -- 16 pigs, Wil- liam Poppe, phone 40 R • 14, Dublin. ', -1 FOR SALE --- 3 white-faced, calves. C. De Corte.' RR 2 Seaforth, ,phone 627.1628.. -1 FO • SALE — Good o 1' a a 'r! trefooll seed, 40e per lb. Prank Eiekmeier, Lot 30, Con, • 8, Logan, .phone Dublin 78It.13. 8.04 �Wy, ANfyT, E5 TOyyyB.yLrYYj' .y- , /Ch xyt�i�l,'- criei in l;anti•conditlert. phone 627,00.; 4. S UNWORTHY WALLPAP R Here is what you need for a Fresh NIWjjQKJ1milpirwou • Vinyl Bonded 0 Fade Proof • Washable •• Easy to Apply • Ready -Pasted 0 Non -Pasted • -- Inexpensive, Too! --- Select Group of of Patterns 20% DISCOUNT Room Lots $2.99 up Latest Styles Now IN STOCK ! NO NEED TO WAIT FOR DELIVERY Friendly Decorating Service GRAVES' WALLPAPER & PAINT DIAL 527-0550 — SEAFORTH SPARKLE CAR WASH (Goderich Street- East) nee 3 BAYS NOW OPERATING WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING Read the Advertisements — It's a- Profitable Pastime! WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 .POWER -- CLEAN -- SHAMPOOING RUG SERVICE We do this with the ,latest equipment right before your very own eyes. • Price 14c per square foot For This Service, Phone Orv. Stanley CUNTON, PHONE 482-9574 Mr. Farmer! Do you need another silo'? CONCRETE SILOS .. From • 14'• diameter, to 55' high Increase your niilk product on and' beef cattle; by building a concrete silo for high moisture corn, hay or insilage. With 35 years experience, I feel I can fill your need. Contact Immediately ARNOLD HUGILL 92 Cambria Road Goderich PHONE 524-9437, Collect 0. ANNOUNCING The opening of McLAUGHLIN'S BODY. TUESDAY, MARCH list RailwayStreet _„ • , Seaforth West of the Seaforth Fanners' Co-op.. • 4 1'