HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-16, Page 8• •r 'The faUROa _ExPOSNT IR, SEAFORTal; ON7 MAR,, laal Piunbinv HEATING' White Farm Equipment LOADERS - WAGONS - CULTIVATORS J. P. KRAUSKOPF DUBLIN custom BUTCHERING LOCKER SERVIVE Fresh & Cured Meats ,FROZEN FOODS FRIEND & WH�ETHA., Government Inspected Slaughter House • Phone 56 R 2 DUBLIN ... and should you be needing WELDING or General Repairs Call. at GEORGE'S REPAIR SHOP RURAL HYDRO INSTALLATION Phone 122 DUBLIN Dublin For Wilda. St.Patricl�a Day ac- tivities in Dublin have declined this• yea#', it has been the scene of many gay festivities in past years. One of this year's high- lights marking the occasion is the social evening being spon- sored by• the CWL. This event features Dublin's' own "Abbey Tavern Singers" as well as a card party and dancing. News of Crotnarty Mrs. Shirley Elliott, accom- panied. by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Denver, all of Esaex; visited" on Sunday with, M. and 1VJFs. John• Wallace. Mr. Flayd Dow and Miss Willow Milne of Oshawa and' Miss Joan, T of Stratford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dow. Mr. and lees: James Ram- sey and. family of Listowel were Sunday viaitore wit h Mr.. and 'labs. Alex Ramsey. Mr. and lairs. Otto Walker visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie and family, Dorchest- er, Mrs. Alex Crago, Kirkton, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. Mr. David Scott, student at Western University, spent the week end with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Master Frank Alien, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Eldon Allen, ,celebrated his ninth birthday by entertaining several of his school mates at his home. Mrs. Jennie Wilson and her son, Clare Wilson of Detroit visited during the week end with Mrs. Y. Moore and, Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Scott. A Ladies' Aid Pot. Luck dinner was .held at the home of Mrs. James Miller on Mon- 9ay. Mra. Roger Dow returned home on Saturday after hav- ing accompanied his mother Mrs. Annie Dow on a plane trip to Florida where Mrs. Dow will visit for a time with friends. FOR. LOCAL and CONG DISTANCE HAULING —=Call— CRONIN TRANSPORT LIVESTOCK - FERTILIZER P.C.V., D., F., and F.S. Phone 4 DUBLIN LOOBY ' CONSTR,UCTION Ltd. -- 'General Contracting --- BRIDGES. - CULVERTS vT.JN s PHONE 8 .custom CHOPPING CEMENT FOR SALE All Kinds Of Grath Bougilit and Sold 11ERTILIZER FEED SEEDS • OIL WM. STAPLETON &SON Coal Merchants Phone 31 : Dublin During the past. years, ,the teachers and students of $t, Patrick's' School haw held 004 - veils in celebration of St. Pat- rick's Day. These 'concerts, for many years, highlighted the activities in the village, As early as 1878E when the village became -known as Dub- lin, ' rather than Carronbrook, the village people have been marking the occasipn with many gay festivities. Also in past years,- Dublinites have celebrated St. Patrick's Day by taking a tour to Tor- onto for a reunion .with former Dublin descendants. About 50 to 60 would make the . trip to reminisce and rerkew old aquaintences. St. Mary's Anglican Guild The annual meeting' of St, Mary's Anglican Guild; Dublin, was held Thurtay evening, at the home Of Mrs; Charles Friend, with Mrs. William Skiiith the president, in charge, Mrs. Herbert Brown read . the scripture and, the meditations and prayer from the; study book, "The Upper Room." Roll call, minutes, and trea- Newsy of Staffa Thirteen tables were in play at the Centennial euchre party in Staffa Hall,' Friday evening, sponsored by the , Staffa Wo- men's Institute. Quite a number attended in costume and an old fashioned -lunch of buns, 'brscuits, jam, cheese and oatmeal cookies was :served. Judges - for the Centennial dress were Mrs. Penelope Fell; Mrs. W. Glanville and Ross Mc- Phail, with Mrs. John Miller awarded the prize for the best costume and John Templeman the prize for his beard. Prizes for euchre were: high, lady, Mrs. Larry Gardiner; high gent Roy MacDonald; low lady, Miss_:: ;Judy=• Jeffery; -law gent, Cecil Bowman; lone hands, Jack Butson. Mrs. Cecil Bowman is at pre- sent holidaying in Florida. Miss Bonnie Miller visited over the weekend with, Miss .Linda Friend, Dublin. Miss Fay Templeman visited over the weekend with ,,1Vliss Sharon Knott, Carlingford. The ladies of Staffa United Church catered to, the Hibbert Federation banquet in the Family Life Centre on Thurs... day evening. Mia and Mrs. Alvin Cole, of Cromarty and Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman were guests at the! Annis-Benoit wedding in Parkview United Church, • Strat- ford, on Saturday evening. LOU LOU ROWLAND TRUCKING Phone 80 DUBLIN ED. ROWLAN D plumbing & Heating Phone 85 - DUBLIN PH1LCO RADIO & TV Kelvinator Appliances For .General Hardware Needs on St. Patrick's Day and all year round, visit T.OM BUTTERS HARDWARE• DUBLIN repara1 a,,,, , 0 4. ri 4 Iii' , ial ,' surer's report were given by Mrs. Roy liurebill. The past year's executive was returned ^t�c� office with Mrs, William Siitith continuing as president and Mrs. ROY Ilur- chill as secretary -treasurer, It was decidea tocontinue with the present study book and with the "Penny 'A Day" contribution. • A schedule for members altar duties was set up for the com- ing year. The Lenten envelopes will be handed in at the next monthly meeting, and a donation is to V z • Spa:Mors . ,Rutin. I r a Mrs. Lorne Aikens was hos- tess for Zion TJCW1, held Wed* nesday, March 1, with Mfrs. Data" ton Sniale in charge' of devoi tions. The 'meeting opened with prayer, followed by hymn 100. Mrs. Lawrence Barker read the scripture, St. John 19:1-7 and Mrs. R. S. Aikens led in prayer. A poem, "Canada" was read by Mrs, Loi'ne McKinnon and a reading "It Happens Every Year" was given by -lairs. Dal- ton Malcolm. Hymn 286 was sung and Mrs. R. S.' Aikens' read a chapter from the. study, book on Brazil. Mrs. Glenn Pepper took charge of the business. Sixteen members' answered the roll call with an Faster verse._ Thank you notes were read from Mar- ilyn and Robbie Engel and Mrs. Alexia Malcolm and a donation was received. Plans were made to entertain in May, also to make a Centennial quilt. The meeting ,closed with the benediction and Mrs. Wilfred Annis and Mrs. Gordon Aikens assisted the hostess in serving lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and Barry, Seaforth, visited Sunday evening • - with Mrs. Mary Malcolm. ' Mrs. Wayne Smith, Toronto, come to' the funeral of her sis- ter, Mrs. Ada Burchill, on Sun- dlay and is spending a week with her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill be- fore returning home to Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Iva i f earin, London, spent -the '�';> kend with Mr. and Mrs. Jac ' - . Ifour.. Miss Joan Britton, Toronto, Miss Nancy Lannin, Woodstock, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton and Mr. and Mrs. Fer- gus Lannin. Mr. and _Mrs. Larry Dale, of Seaforth and Bobbi and John, visited her parents, Mr,. and Mrs. Herb Britton .on Sunday. Mrs. Dalton Malcolm visited • her aunt, Mrs. Laura Coulton and Mrs. Roney at Hillside Rest Home. Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Roney visited Mrs. Roney on Sunday. News of St Columban Plop for Activities A, meeting, of the Catholic Women's League was held in the parish hall here en Tuesday evening with 17 members pre- sent. Routine reports were giv- en; letters of thanks were read from Father Gordon ,Kennedy, front the pupils of St. Colum - ban School, from the pupils of S.S. No: 4, Hibbert, and from Sister Clare of the Precious Blood. Mrs. Len O'Rourke and Mrs.. Jack Lane ,were appointed to care for the altars for March and visitors to the sick are Mrs. Albert Cronin and Mrs. Michael Murray. It was •announced that the annual bake sale will take place on Good Friday afternoon. All dioscesan finaneila obligations have been.met. The date of the annual meeting "is April" 14th. A>.iditbrs appointed were' Mrs. Joseph Burge and Mrs. Michael Doyle. It was decided to nave a r freshment booth at William Mclaillan's sale in April., In a draw for a mystery prize, don- ated by Mrs. Ted Melady, the winner was Mrs. T. J. Murray, The meeting adjourned , and lunch was served. Mrs. Gilbert Murray is . a pat- ient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme and children, Galt, and Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Auguste"D,ueharme. Mr. "and Mrs. Lorne DeGaust, end family, Ingersoll, visited Mr.. and Mrs. James O'Connor. Mr. and Mts. V, J. Latie were tit London on Saturday, . Mr. attd :Mrs, Mae Denneine and children, Zurich, visited Mr, and Mts. Attlee ,MeQttaitt.• • Mr, and. MVlrs. Jack Ryait in fletrol 11li.t% int »ueharinei i's. a pat' leaf iri-• Seaforth vommunity- #asrtta'X;, be sent to the Mohawk Mission• Mrs. 'Charles friend ' reads' an article on -the-church affiliated governnlent hospital, on Belle - Bella Island, off the coast of British Columbia... -In addition, Mrs, Friend had personal ob- servations, anecdotes and pic- tures sent by her daughter, Miss Judy Friend, ,who IS 'at present a nurse at the hospital which employs a staff of twenty-four, including two resident doctors. As well as the emergency work, - the hospital staff cares for the routine health needs of the predominately Indian popula- tion of the area. Mrs: Smith closed the meet* ing with prayer. Jr. and Mrs. Frank Malone and chi dne relayedffoiq lCi- c*}ene ., to their new home they; have built on Raglan Street. Mr. Torn Feeney, London, with Eimer and Louis Feeney. Mr. Wilfred° &Rourke ° is • • a patient in •Stratford OGeneral hospital. . '= Mr. `and Mrs. Ron Agara d son; London, with Mr. and 14 s: rod Stapletg r. Mrs.-Jfsep'h Dill, it St. Thom- as with Mr. and Mrs. Jolie Frost. Mr. Peter Maloney, Sr„ has returned home from Seaforth, Respite': Mr. Jack Stapleton, Regina Mundi College, London, at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Howard andchildren have moved from Dublin to RR 1, Fullerton. Miss Cheryl Moss of Stratford Teachers' College, was a stu- dent teacher at Dublin Separate School the past week. Mr. and. Mrs. Douglas McGil- verey and children, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello.' Sweeties Meet - The McKillop Centennial Sweeties met 'at -the Moine_ of Mrs. O. Little on March 4, for their third. meeting. We discus- sed the English, Irish and Scot- tish heritage. This took in the battles that took place in Can- ada concerning these people, also some. of their foods, such as haggis, colcannon, roast beef, oatmeal porridge and, soda bread. How to make Welsh Rabbit was demonstrated by Glenda Little and Barbara Mc- Clure. Evelyn. Storey and Shar- on Johnston showed us how to make Apple Dumplings. Both were very good. The meeting was closed with the 4-H creed. Sancfr -cwistru tiop, . Wins ' Hibberf 1 1 The 1VIareh meetingof the part .of the activities just bal- Hibbert Council was held: with , ante with neither a pOrfit nor e'?tD growA ds and parkin cor rnittee with Prank Smit_ ejiairman have ,plana mad , to com. male, acodat}on as cofveni, eat as possible. .. The trustees of Ethel village consisting of Lothar Weber,. An- dre! Ereninerr aiut 'David Brown have been appointed as the decorating committee, The Central Committee are not sending out, fennel, invitia tions; all are welcome and. it -fs hoped the residents of the town. ship will invite forir►er reaidenta, relatives and friends' to join in the celebrations. all inkembers Sarldq `Contracting Co. of God., erichwf s the 'siice ss#t1n iod4er' forr '"supji yng, crushing OWhauling' gra" el for Tewnship roads for IVO at a p4ce'of S1.311 per cu. yd, for roads and $1.2,5 far stockpile. Gravel to Conform with "D.11•,O, specifica- tions. Gravel for farmer's lakes to be V„.0 Cu. yd. ' A siiryey -of all the bridges and culverts in flib'bert Twp. Was received. from R. M. Daw- son, Consulting Engineer, Strat- ford, with --was instructed early in 19¢¢, to make the report, Fd Cha rpef, Road Supeeinten- dent advised • that he, eould.'at- tend the Road Superintendent school and the application was sent together with the annual fee. , Wilfred Feeney was appointed Warble Fly Inspector, with. Egad Harburn to spray at 1QC '"per head per stray. " Road accounts for $4,247.73 and general accounts of -$9.0.01 were ordered- paid#= Beginning April ,3r and threugf;`" e s diner 'montl}sa. Coi"tnc�il wi "mee 'the Firsft. laren- daa. Of eaOb i liith'• at 8 p.ni. GUY CQKINCIL.. Grey Township Central Com- mittee met in the Clerk's Office, Ethel • on Thursday with 13 pre- sent and reports of the sub-, committees wlio have held meet- ings to plan the Grey Township Centennial Celebrations being held at Ethel Friday evening, June 16th to Sunday, June 18th. Chas. Thomas, chairman of the Central Committee presided with Mrs, Edythe Cardiff as sec: retary. The program committee with Robt. Cunningham as ch fir- man are planning dances, Fri- day and Saturday evenings, and a program Saturday afternoon following the parade. The sports committee with Max Demary as. , chairman are planning ball games. and sports to keep the sports -minded peo- ple entertained. The parade committee 'under the direction -of _John - Conley;, have various entries and prizes planned. • The booth. committee with Mrs. Robt. Bremner as chairman have plans well under way to satisfy all appetites. The publicity committee com- mittee with Mrs: Orval Harrison as chairman have commenced. publishing a Historical article weekly until June 17th in the Huron Expositor, Seaforth, the Brussels Post and the Listowel Banner. The finance committee with Rae -Houston as •chairman is hoping to be able to make this • a'•1t15. ST: THPM S' Gl4ID The regular meeting of tike 'Ladies' ''Guild of `St. Thannatte Anglican 'Chtttchi was heRt''ih i Wed'n'esday bight 't;"the iiottiAt•. of'4Mrg;'Ir'Ituby t thuiid:' • Nine. members were Arent:' Mid Dorothy Parkd; the ' ptfsidaiitf Pie -aided led and'aMrs. `' L it `Ford opt}ned? the ''meeting lel aptez froth Johli. •'Praylei 'for the'pai?CSh' And Lord's Pra1v 'folldi erved.'' ^ • The minutes from the prev- ious rey ious' meeting were read and Mrs. ,Gerald. Snowdon, . the. trea- surer, gal+ & , her iePort:' '' A' `shower '»as held for the' knitting booth and the variety booth is to • be showered next month. • Plans were made for the Spring rummage sale, to be held next month, were made. Several Centennial projects were discussed. The next • meeting' will: be held at the home of Mrs. E. Dinsmore. A delicious Iunch was served by Mrs, E. Dinsmore and Mrs.. R. Dinsmore and an enjoyable social hour was spent.. BURNS . N N0 SN OKE, NO OlOUR , HEATING OIL Walden & 'Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 —. Seaforth Seeding, Requ-irements SEED GRAIN, GRASS SEEDv and FORAGE , MIXTURES -AVAILABLE sgv r Order early as supplies .of seed grains and grass -seeds are limited and the price will be increasing when :present supplies are sold. • Volume, Early Delivery and Cash Discounts on Seed Grain SEED CORN Funk's, United, . Sewarts, Jacques, available C-I-L'iSuper Flow Fertilizer Now is the time to a - SAVE MONEY on you Fertilizer needs by having it deliv- ered direct to your farm. Early Delivery, Volume, .Bulk and Cash Discounts ORDER Now FEaftuZElr PRcc s10N GRANUUiEb c3 Yt 5 CANADIAN U OJSTA1M1$ LIMED .074 CONTRACTS AVAILABLE on Mixed grain, barley, oats, fax and corn SEAF� 7,77,77•7777777.77 r • M a • Cr •n5