HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-16, Page 641-1-. :E filA .t?fip f QS11joR. SEAFORTH; ONT... MAR. 16. 1967 -13-Week: Course Mer a 13 week course, 37 Seaforth iGlr1 Guides pas - St. John. Ambulance First .Aid. course, Instructors of the course were Captain Mrti. Asaold Stinnissen and .Cub Mastter, Lloyd Cameron. 'e'ne Putbile is invited to an OPe I kouse for the Girl Guides on March 22 at 7 p.m. at the Legion Hall. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Diat 527-0240. Holy Week 1967 Under the auspices of the SEAFORTH MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Services will be held in the followingChurches Tuesday, March 21 Northside United Wednesday, March 22 First Presbyterian Thursday, March 23 • Egtstondvme United Friday, March 24 St. Thomas' Anglican All Services will be held of 7:30 pen. There will be special Speakers. for each Service 1 LOVE YOU .. . . and that's the sweetest story ever told. '1'o be toyed, is to find mean- ing in life. Without love our frailties, our faults, our weak- nesses, would overwhelm us. This is the good news ' the Church is ever telling: God loves yowl. Perhaps you need re -assuring? Then come to Church each Sunday and hear it for your- self. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Founded in 1.867 Service at, 11:00 a.m. Worship with us in our Centennial Year' Announce Service for Veterans. All ex -service personnel and their dependents are invited to take advantage of a free Legion service. H. W. Moyer, Service Bureau Officer from London, will be at Legion Branch No. 156 on March 20th at 1:30 p.m., to give skilled advice on vete' an's benefits. Anyone with ques- tions on War Disabilty Pension, War Veterans' Allowance (Burnt out Pension), Treaknent, 'or hospital care, is urged to Ball or write J. C. Cornish, Welfare Officer of Branch 156, who will arrange an appointment. BRODHAGEN The Brodhagen Dainty Dreamers 4-H Homemaking Club met at Mrs. Ken Ellig- sen's on Monday when 13 members answered the Roll Call by showing a sample of material for. pyjamas. The members discussed fin- ishes, inishes, bias and corded piping and dLiring the group work each made samples of ' these two finishes. Remember! It takes .but a moment to place aet Expositor Want Ad and be money in pock- et. To advertise, just Dial Sea - forth, 527-0240. St. Patrick's SOCIAL DUBLIN Fri., . March .17th Admission by Advance Tickets Only; Available from CWL Executive EUCHRE C.O.F. Hall, Constance Friday, Mar. 17th Ladies Please Bring Lunch ADMISSION: ` 50 CENTS THE SACRED EASTER_ CANTATA DARKNESS &. DAWN will be presented by the NORTHSIDE UNITED CHOIR NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 19th At the Morning'Service, 11:00 ' a.m. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED • Rev. J. C. Britton, Minister CLINTON LIONS CLUB Presents LiONEL THORNTON and His Casa Royal Orchestra at C.H.S.S. Auditorium - Thursday, March 23rd 'Dancing 9:30 to 1 a.m. • Advance Sale of; Tickets from Lions members $3.00 per couple The Public is invited to attend the • Huron Liberal Association NOMINATING CONVENTION Hensall Town Hall WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th At 2:30 p.m. -Ts select a Liberal Candidate to Contest the riding of Huron in the foilth coming Provincial Election — GUM SPEAKER • RO NIXON, MiP.1 of '-t ie ))erat NEWS OF WEEK IN WA1 N (Continued from rate 1). Heard. Candy — Mrs. William Thamer, Mrs, James Clark, Mrs. Jack ;Gordon. Quilts -- Mrs. Nelson Read convener. Table 1 (baking) .--r Mrs. Emerson Mitchell convener, Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. How- ard Hacliwell, Mrs. Ralph Traviss, Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs. Al- exander Gulutzen, cashier, Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Table 2 (baking) -.- Mrs. Walter Bewley, convener, Mrs. Ray Huetheti', Mrs,. Ar- ther Higginbotham, Mrs. Ger- ald Watson, Ms. Herbert Tra- viss, Mrs. William Coutts, Mrs. Donald Achilles„ cash- ier, Mrs. Ronald Bennett. Reception Committee — Mrs. Arthur. Higginbotham. and Mrs. William Coutts. .Offering Mrs. Torrance pundas and Mrs. Earl Wat- son. Kitchen ' — Mrs Allan Searle, Mrs. Ian Wilbee, Mrs. Roily Arhilles, Mrs. Wesley Hackwell. Waitresses — Mrs. Walter Bewley, Mrs. Emerson Mit- chell, Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. W31- Liam Coutts, Mrs. Gerald Watson. Mrs. Donald Achil- les, Mrs. Howard Hackwell, • Mrs, Slay Huether, Mrs. Ralph Traviss, Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. Allan • .McCall, Mrs. Art Heard. The closing hymn "My Faith Looks up to Thee" was followed with the Benedic- tion. Lunch was seved by -Mrs. Ralph Traviss. Mrs. Herb Traviss and Mrs. Ronald Bennett. ' 8th and 16th Unit ........, The March meeting was held at the home of ivirs. K. McDonald Thursday after noon. Mrs. Jan Van' Vliet op- ened the meeting by reading Luke 23: 34-35. The first and last verses of hymn 113 were read in unison.. The message of Easter was i given° by Mars. Ray Houston. Mrs. Jana' Van Vliet read the scripture from Luke ,24: 28- 34 and 50-53 and also a poem. The topic, Yorkville village, was taken by Mrs. Wilbur 'Turnbull followed by a discussion. Hymn 105 was sung and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in _unison. The minutes were red. The roll call was answered with a ba- zaar item and there were 12 members present. A thank - you card was read. Announce- ments • included the Easter Thankoffering meeting April 2. An invitiation to. Brussels Anglican Church was accept- ed for April 3. A wedding will be catered to in May. The regular and copper col- lections were- taken. Lunch was served by Mrs. James McDonald, Mrs. Alvin Mc- Donald and the ,.hostess. The March meeting of the Mission Band was held in the church school ,room Sunday morning with an attendance of 45. Lois "Williamson acted as pianist and Bruce McDon- ald was in charge .of the meet- ing. The meeting opened with hymn 587 "Birds 'are Singing Woods are .Ringing". Bruce gave the Call to Worship, ,f ohn 14:6. - Hymn 590 The wise may bring their learning" was sung. Mrs. Walter Bewley discussed difficulties of being a Christian. Sharon Marks read the scripture, Luke 15: 11.18. Dena Wey led in, pray- er. Gail Traviss and Heather McDonald collected the of- fering and Bruce dedicated it with prayer. Gail Traviss gave the• treasurer's report, and Keith Wilbee read the minutes. Janice Houston will act as pianist for the next meeting, and Patty McDonald and Mary Searle will help with worship. We hope to have the film ;'There was •a bear on the road" at the next meeting. Classes were formed with teachers Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. Wil- liam Roe and Mrs. Walter Bewley. After classes hymn 614 was' sung • and Mrs. Bevy- ley pronounced the 'benedic- tion. Thirteen. tables w e r e at play at the Progressive Eu- chre Party sponsored by the Women's Institute and held in the Community Hall Fri- day. evening. Prizes were aw- ardi'�d to Ladies' high, Mrs,. Alvin McDonald, Ladies, low Mrs. Roy Williamson; Gent's ,high, Harvey Craig; Gent's low, Emerson .Mitchell;• Luc- ky Mark, Mr. David Watson. Lunch committee included Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs. Jazi Van Vliet, Mrs. Herbert Wil- liamson and Mrs•: Luella Mar- shall. Mrs. John McDonald is a patient in St. Mary's Hospit- al, Kitchener. Mr. Gordon McGavin is at present confined to Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wal- ters visited on Sunday with M. and Mrs. Robert Ban at Kintore. Mre, Earl Steele of London visited a few days_ last week LOL EUCHRE Mon., Mair. 2,Qth with her parents: Mr. and Mrs. Leortard Leen$ng Mr. and Mrs. William Dins- more and family of Bramp- ton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Neil MelGavin. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kirk. by left last Sunday by water for Florida. Mr. Charles W.illtamson of Egmondville 'rill show slides on the Rose Bowl • Parade and scenery of California at the next Walton W. I. meet- ing which will be held in the Community Hall, March 22 at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. :Allan Mc- Call and Mrs. Mac Sholdice are conveners for Historical Research and Current events. Rollcall will be a Current event. All Institute members are requested to bring a grandmother to this meeting. There was a book ex- change at the Walton Public Library last Friday and now we have a good supply of good books for both adults and children. The third meetutg of_ the Walton Centennial Queens. was Theis Saturday at the home of Mrs. Allan McCall. The' meeting opened ' with the 4-H Pledge followed by, 0 Canada and the minutes by Sandra Watson. The discus- sion was on " The British Tradition". The -next meeting will be held at -•the home of ;Virg. Gerald Watson, March 25. Cubs Receve Badges Twenty-five cubs gathered at the Cub Hall when a one minute silence was observed as a trib- ute to the late Governor-General Vanier, The Governor-General was eftief Scout of the Canadian Scouting movement for eight years. • Lloyd Cameron, H.C.M. and Mrs. Marjorie Bridge A.C.M. presented the following ' boys' with their badges: Ross McDon- ald, Artists Badge;' David Staf- feny Artists Badge; Bobby Schenck; Toymakers Badge; Stephen Shantz, Handyman Badge; Ward Stocker, Pet Keep- ers Badge; Peter Harvey, Pet Keepers Badge and House Order- ly Badge; Douglas -Bridle, Gar - diners Badge; and Murray Sin- nemon with his Musicians Badge. These leaders also presented Paul Storey with his First and Second Gold Star; GIen Mal- colm, First Gold Star; Stephen Southgate, First and Second Gold Star and Peter Harvey with his Second Gold Star. One new Cub, Gary Phillips, was also welcomed. SEAFORTH COUNCIL AGREES (Continued from Page 1) connections to town drains were permitted so that there would be an assurance that the cost of -the work would be covered. He suggested in view of the diffi- culties that existed in . obtain- ing easements for the sewer latteral running to, the hospi- tal, it might be wise that when the area was surveyed it be• surveyed for a street allowance and arrangements be made so that when it became desireable to open a street, provision.would then exist. A number of deficiencies in the work involved in the addi- tion to the Arena, the Town's Centennial project, had been carried out, he said, but there remained several items which had not been cleaned up. He said a decision would have to. be taken as to the action that would be necessary to ensure, the .'contractor completed the work. r McKillop., and Hibbert indicat- ed they were prepared to share the cost of a water tank which would carry 2,000 gallons and be available for rural fires. The 'problem, Reeve Dalton said, ,was that of servicing the tank and obtaining proper ac- commodation so that the water would not freeze in .winter weather. In other business council: Ag red with a suggestion of Colin. Henderson that the 'assoc- iation of • Assessing Officers which this year is meeting at Brodhagen on March 29th, be invited. to Seaforth in 1968. Agreed to attend, a Planning Workshop in Goderich on, Thurs- day this .week. Learned that the OWRC would be in, town to discuss at opera- ting budget on the existing sew- er plant. . Learned that the OWRC has asked McLaren Engineering to submit a preliminary proposal concerning additional disposal ORAN6E HAIL AbMIS$it N S0 CENTS . Lunch Served ldrvrtikMMbt�lli! VitUttOMI y facilities for Seaforth. Endorsed a resolution from Sandwich Township recommend ing that municipal machinery and equipment be exempt from' retail sales tax. • Approved a grant of $15 to the Huron Historical Society. Asked Reeve 'Dalton to in-, quire concerning a resolution' ,from Morris Township protest- ing inequality between the methods by Whish library grants are paid and the cost of library operations collected. Endorsed a City of Windsor resolution urging an emer- gency conference of interested parties to discuss sharing of educatidnal costs. Approved an annual grant of '$200 to the Chamber, of Com- merce. Expressed concern that the locker storage plant in Seaforth would close shortly when Coun. Kelly said he had been ap- proached by D'Orlean Sills of the -•HEC to inquire what action council might take. Agreed ' to hold a Court of Revision on March 27th. Agreed with the Indtistrial committee when the chairman, Coun. Cardno said the commit- tee was concerned that the UDPC building on Main Street which had been . destroyed by fire, had not been tidied up. Heard- Clerk Williams des- cribe steps which had been tak- en to submit a brief in connec- tion with establishing a Cone munity College or satellite in Seaforth and agreed, that as many members . of council as possible would attend wh'eti the brief is presented to the board. Instructed Mayor Kling to sign a tax'warrant listing two prop- erties for tax sale. Taxes in- volved and in arrears total $590.52. • Examined Fidelity bonds sub- mitted by the treasurer as re- quired by statute and learned that the bond covers an amount of $20,000. .f "Higgins sure must be in the dog house ,,.,,n at headquarters." .0. !'Y4teva itr*t tities/I 1, r NEWS OF E I I.A •. kinette 11,flembers Mark Beef Night Mrs. Wm. Fuss was hostess at her home Wednesday ev- ening for the meeting of the Kinette Club when a letter of appreciation and thanks was read from the March of Dimes for the club's contribu- tion of $217.63. The meeting took the form of an annual "Beef Night". For their next meeting the group in conjunction. with the Kinsmen Club will go to Goderich to entertain patients at the Ontario Hospital there. Mrs. Carol Chettleburg *as presented with her pin and by-laws 'by Kinette Mrs. Jack Drysdale and was wel- comed into . the group by pre- sident Mrs. Jim Hyde. A film on "Cystic Fibrosis", entit- led "Song of the Night Lark" was shown. The raffle was won by Mrs. Fuss. In a Centennial draw at Hens81l. Friday night a $50 sweater was won by. Robert Lyons, RR 1 Lucknow, Reeve of West Wawanosh; 2nd prize a bath set; was won by J. P. Alexander, Deputy Reeve of Winghanr. Tickets sold by Reeve Minnie Noakes. The sweater was knit and donat- ed by Reeve -Noakes and the bath set by Mrs. Leona Parke. Mrs. Florence Joynt is a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. - Miss Helen Boyle and Mr. Milton Boyle; Toronto, spent the week end with their cou- sins, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mic- kle: Mrs. Louise Simpson who has spent the winter months with' members of her family in Birmingham, Mich., has returned home, accompanied by her son and daughter-in- law,, Mr. and- Mrs, Bill Simp- son who spent the week -end here. Entertain Veterans Hensall Legion Ladies Aux- iliary met Tuesday with pre- sident 1Virs. Harold Campbell presiding when • $10.00 was donated to'' the Easter, Seat Campaign and $25.00 to the Bursary Fund. Seven members, 'Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs. Clarence Reid, 1VIrs. Wm. Smale, Mrs. Mary Taylor, 1Vjrs. Harry Horton, and Mrs. Grant McClinchey, entertained veterans at West- minster Hospital Wednesday_ night in conjunction with Ex- eter Ladies Auxiliary: - Mrs., E. Davis won the mys- tery prize. • Decide on July Date At the Centennial meeting held Wednesday night in the Town Hall the date was set for July 14-15 to have Hen - sail's Centennial Celebrations. The combined church ser- vices are planned for a later date. Chairman 'Darold Knight presided. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fink, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Drysdale, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.. F. Bell, ex- pect to leave Sunday the 19th for Hawaii, together with a group 'of Shriners from the Province. Mr. Sim Roobol who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, has return- ed home. ' • • Mr. Herb Hedden is a pa- • tient in South Huron Iospit- ale Exeter. Mrs. Alda Simmons: is, a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. W.I. Makes Donations ' Home Economies and Health meeting of Hensall W.I. met Wednesday night in the Leg- ion Hall with forty-six mem; bers and guests present, who were welcomed by the presi- dent, lairs.'-- verly Beaton, who chaired the meeting. Do- nations were made to the Hensall Branch of the Leg- ion and to the two 4-H clubs of Hensel'. Mrs. John Cor. bett, Mrs. Mary Funk, and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling were ap- pointed nominating commit- tee to bring in the new slate of officers. . Mrs. Wesley Richardson took over for the program, when Mrs. R. M. Peck and Mrs. Harry Caldwell leaders of Hensall 4-H club outlined their project', "A world of Food in Canada". Catherine McEwen, . Catherine Munn, Mary Mock, demonstrated the making of the Blueberry Buckle Served as a dessert at lunch hour. Honeys Gather The Hensalll Honeys 4-H Homemaking Club met at the hqme of Mrs. R. M. Peck Monday. In the absence of the presd- dent,.. Linda Fuss, Debbie derson conducted the busi- ness of the meeting. The minutes were Feed by the secretary, Kathie Munn, and the rolls call "What do I know about the Scandinavian Countries and Finland" was well answered. Mrs.` Peck as- sisted by Debbie Anderson, Pam Taylor, , Ann rank, nth - le Munn' and Janet Arm- strong made Cabbage rolls, whine Linda I1ipfer, Linda Hay, Itatb1e McEWen and Mary Mock heltyed Mirs. Peck with the fruit soup, Mrs. Peck treatoil the e'lrlq' to Ge' matt, ertinkiee cltlih4t their t0o. noiineod good. Mrs. raidwell ++►pis ,!,n the ;Marl ettatoMe ail' the 9caimbisvlan : 't►tiltntries, :Old Vinland nd o14, sett r1 . ,tsf vaitott ' 10iti t5f Mrs. ran McAllister who was to have been guest speaker but was unable to attend sent samples of Swed- ish bread, rolls and coffee cakes. Mies M. Ellis gave a delightful reading "The Rum- mage Sale". Mrs. Don Trav- ers ravers brought greetings from their club. Mrs. Robert El- giecourtesy remarks. In response, to. the. roll call articles made, sewn or grown, brought in were auctioned off by Mrs. Jaynes McAllister and realiz- ed $12.00. Program conven- ers were Mrs. Walker Carlyle and Mrs. Richardson. Hos- tesses were Mrs. George Arm- strong and Mrs. V. M. Pyette. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc- Bride visited Monday after- noon with the former's sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie of Wingham. . Mrs. Frank Bean of Hensall spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Rochus Faber. BETHE .• • BIBLE cHuRCi. (Services at Orange Hall) Rev. Floyd B. Shantz, Pastor Services - fer Sunday, March 19, 1967 • Family .Bible School • 10 a.m. Classes for all ages Morning Worship • 11:00 a.m. Message -.- THE CROSS 1. We need the Blood for forgiveness. 2. We need the Cross for de. 1 iverance. Themessage will be delivered by the Rev. John Thomas of McKenzie Memorial Church in Stratford. Evening Service: 7:30 p.m. Message — The Tragedy of Ignorance,. Pray for these services and then come expecting the blessing of the Lord. REMEMBER You ere always welcome at Bethel I AIS" Expositor Classified will PaY you tried one? �Dial 27.0240.8 you SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY THE - TO.RQUAYS on SATURDAY, MAR. 18th 9:00 to 12:00 . at the . Seaforth Arena Admission: $1.00, GIRLS: No Slacks- — BOYS: Ties SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB Easter Ham Bingo Tuesday, March 21st 8 p.m. LEGION HALL, SEAFORTH 15 Regular Games 3 Door Prizes GROUP- FINALS INTERMEDIATE ^'1B,. HOCKEY TU.ESDAY,.'. MARCH 2.10 Hespler at SEAFORTH SEAFORTH ARENA TIME: 8:30 ADMISSION 75 cents and - 25 cents This is the third game in best 4 out of 7 series Royal Canadian Legion PUBLIC SPEAKING ZONE „ FINALS Saturday, March: l8th' at '1:30 p.m. Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion • The winner land runner-up in each cate- gory in competitions conducted by Leg- ion Branches throughout the Zone, will compete. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND Admission Free -- R. J. BOIISSEY President, • MORLEY STOREY. - Treasurer It, P. Macri@ALD Seortaty . r w