HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-16, Page 5n •M Choose Your DIAMOND • Privately 1_ AT- AVAUGE JEWELLERS r _ Y., (Opposite Post Office) Evening Appointment 'By Arrfingelment FREE -17 Jewel. Watch- with- atch-with- each -Diamond -puri-• I: chile; v$100.00,tor"'MO* Classifledi fids pay dividends. ILCofls.iders; A r ty = pt t - ' lie regular: monthly°fineeting be. Ws, JosePb -,' cConnelli Mics. of the Catholic Wonle;r's League J. L. Slattery and We. John was held on Tuesday. even}ng, Meagher. with the >reside,'NXrs, A1:ihur 'ey, s, atter )t aragh Rake on Di vereaux iiresidnting: Rev F`atlir- the spirit Of ',Lent, JIe ryas"thank. et 1%x:' Lotdeh ` opeziedr ` the ed'`.by *s• Arihtlr Devereauxs The entertainn enit. eenvener, Mrs, James Kelly conducted, a sing song of -Irish, songs, ac- companied, by Mrs. Alice Stiles. Miss Jean Devereaux gave a piano solo" and Miss Mary Mar- garet K11y step danced, Mrs. John Lan$ink • won the Mystery prize. Lunch was serv- ed .by Mrs. Harry .Hak, Mrs. Ewart Wilson, Mrs Carl Van- derzon. ileetfng with the' League Prar Reports were given • by their respective officers and Mrs. Arthur Devereaux thanked.,all who had 'attended the World Day of Prayer hi Egmondville. Mrs. Keit Etue' read a 3etter from Mrs. Mel Waiters, London,. president' of the 'Marian Villa Guild, outlining their "work .of the .past year. Parish visitors for the month of March are Mrs. John Meagh- er and Mrs. • Katherine' Cleary. The annual; clothing drive for the St. Vincent and 'Paul Soy ciety April be held on A ril 30th. It Was deeided, to send' eggs to the Sistets of St. ' Joaetih '1#or orphans and the House of Pro- :lindence .,r•, The' annual meeting will be held ion Atiiit 4th, with a Poi - luck supper Preceed pg' et, 640. The nominating committee will n NTE thy,.:• x 1.7. BEAN. & SEED GRAIN CONTRACTS (At Most Attractive Prices) W. G. Thompson . .84 Sons Limited HENSALL Specializing In Registered & Certified Seed Grain• Nairne Euchre Winners A very successful euchre party was held in St. James' school atiditbri im' on Frida er�otiii>tg. '`Pri&e' whiners We'i? La'i1<9'§� high, Vs. C1g� etace W4 - den,`lbje" hands, Mf' s • Mar°ian Cutts;' `eonSdiation, 7 s. G.eor- bie Ak4alhuu; ideal's high, .11Ir. Pester "Dunlop; Ione hands, Mr J'airies Sloan, St. polu'inban; con- solation, Mr., • Andrew Turnbull; lucky -cup, Mrs. Julia Flannigan. Lunch was served by the com- mittee. Conveners for the euchre were Mrs. -John Lan - sink and Mrs. Kenneth Vincent. Euchre Winners Twenty-two tables were in play at a euchre party sponsor- ed by the IOOF and Rebekah Lodges. Winners were: high, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot . and Norman Riehl; lone hands, Mrs., Clarence Walden and Robert W. " Campbell; low, Mrs. Ralph McNichol and Melvin Neil. Mr. and Mrs. David Papple who were present and observing their 57th anniversary, were presented with a token gift. All • arrangements, including prizes and lunch were in charge of the men, with Alfred Beuer- man, noble grand, as master of ceremonies. - NOTICE ° -- For Co-op Insurance • Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 - John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: • Auto • and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings. • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance Po ,. oto.. Fluffy baked potatoes add en- joyment to any meal, There tare ,.any ,g • od varieties o#., Potatoes o n the tat kethatbale t e Well, . Netted Gem (s1ilar'' to the Idaho potato)- iS probably the best 'known baker. It"is one o the long varieties• with a russet colored "netted • skin". ° The round varieties, Sebago, Katah- din, Kennebec and Keswick all bake well. Potatoes for baking slioulci.he uniform in. size, A medium size is preferred, atfout three inches in diameter forrthe r<auud typo, They should be firm, well shap- e, .Shallow eyed, and free from cats and blemi§ pota'they lies ne : only be washed, before t e 'a o ...tn y,..p. a P 1 ;t.. t r' t e dw n soft s �� n � � are desired, ilii little 'fat' of oil. Tille';sins, how- ever,' will be' crislier with t any fat. If you want a Hilly, dry, -baked potato, 'Idon"t i e it sin foil':, The fat holder in+the moisture and it" wifl'tbe soggy inside. if yogi wish to'ken*:lt in foil, don't cOriiiiletelfe wrap it before baking. 'Leave''tbe'tt p ,open and priek the liotatd i1i ori derto- allow sortie steam to es- cape. A whole meal can be planned around the potato. In the same hot oven you can heat frozen or canned vegetables, cook a cas- serole or a dessert. ' Potatoes baked at 325° F. have a tender interior. with a soft skin. At this temperature you can roast meat with a fruit pud- ding dessert and have a satis- fying meal, all cooked at one time. Medium sized potatoes baked at 325° F. take approxi- mately 80 minutes. Other "bake-togethers" might be .potatoes and an apple crisp dessert in a 375° F. oven. At this temperature medium siz- ed potatoes take approximately 55 minutes. -Crisp outside, 'light and fluf- fyinside are the results when potatoes are baked at 425° F. Meat pie with flaky crust 'and cherry cobbler -for dessert all baked at one time are sure to give a pleasing fragrance to the homemaker's kitchen. The po- tatoes .will cook in about 45 minutes, "Toppings for Potatoes" Although baked potatoes are good simply with butter, pep- per " and salt, many toppings may be tried for variety. Pre- pare the baked potato for ser- ving by 'making crosswise or diagonal slits on top and pinch it gently to ,make it fluff up. Sour creain spooned over it is always popular. Other toppings 'to try are sauteed chopped on- ion, French dressing, or pro - 4.13 Meeting The 4-H" neet4ig:° was held on March Uti1, at Mrs. W. L. - The meeting opened with 9 Canada and. the 4-I% Pledge, The election of .new of f le- ers . were aa' folioYtrs: ' Presi- dent, Elaine ,McClure;` Vice- President, Janice Hugill; Pia- nist, Elaine Carter; Press, Re- porter, Agnes Ilaverskamp, Roll Call was answered with 11 members, Mrs. W. L. Whyte -and Mrs. Broadfaoot are the leaders for the Sea - forth District: Discussion followed on these .subjects, "Working Methods Then and Naw", "Iuzp�or and Exports of Canada' and "Farly Canada". The n e x t meeting willbe on: March 17th at M. Broadioot's. The F4aster Meeting of the Constance: lT C W.' was held on Wednesday in'jhe 'Sunday school ro-otn'•.of the' chain. M1es. Frank? -Riley conducted the meetiixg , and +opened with a reeding,4 4n the' • Raster Theme •followed by *prayer.' Minutes were' read ••and lad*- opted and -somite cort'reSpond- ence pertaining to Alma Col- lege -and the Regional Con- ference was read: • • The roll call was answered by ibb members. it was mov- ed that aunt bats be bought bo complete quilts Mrs. Mc- Ewain has on hand with the quilts to be .sent in the bale. It was moved and second- ed that the U.C,W. buy the meat for the Boy Scouts Ban- quetand that they donate 15 to the Red Cross. Mrs. W ilbur Jewitt presided for the devotional part of the meeting and onened with the Call to Worship followed by prayer and hymn 87. Mrs. Verne Dale read the scripture taken from. Matt- hew 28. Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt gave a readinee on the Res- surrection. Mrs, W. L. Whyte was the speaker for the meet- ing stressing that, at this sea- son of the year it is important 1 hat we strive for truthful- ess in ouriconveration ab- out others making -it--p tests, is it trite, is it needful, 's it kind and also that we Mould learn to do at once 1 he kind and helpful • thing °or others, not 'postpone it till some other time; and that we ,should practice forgive- ness in, our everyday life. Mrs, Jewitt thanked Mrs. cessed cheese spread, a chil- dren's treat. Baked potato top- ped with a dab of mayonnaise is good served 'with cold meat cuts. A dash of herbs, such as thyme, - dill seed -or caraway, sprinkled over, a buttered bak- ed potato, pleases a groumen't palate. For a touch of color, garnish with pap,rika or chop- ped parsley. EXAMPLE: Catclog Price $35.36 each 77514 SALE 5.36 (750 j14) PMR ATR NEEOED NO TRADE NEEDED !$htw k< f x Y i SIZE , 520/10 520.550/12 500-520/13 590-600/13 640-650/13 • 700/13 695/14 (650/14) 735/14 (700/14) 775/14 (750/14) 825/14 (800/14) 855/14 (850/14) 885/14 (900/14) 560/15 685/15 (590/15) 735/15 (640/15) 775/15 (670/15) 815/15 (710/15) 845/15• (760/15) 885/15 (800/15) TUBELESS BLACK You Pay 25.40 25.98 27,94, 28.98 30.96 32.26 30.74 33.14 35.36 38.34 41.58 WHITE You Pay 26.26 28.88 31.96 33.92 35.14 :Haji • 44 �l!rPp. '' o • 30.64 33.50 32.16 34.98 33.28• 06.14 35.78 36.64 38.14 40.98 40.98 43.92 47.34 Yes indeed, TWO •TIRES fox the price of ONE Here's a "Once•a-Year!' opportunity to get in on• a great tire buy! A genuine clearance of SAFETY "99" HIGH TRACTION TIRES .. . and apart from being the left -overs of last Fall's production, these great tires are identical to those that will appear in our new 1967 Spring and Summer catalog. But right now they're being cleared at tremendous savings. So, be ari opportunist -get TWO Safety "99's" ,FOR THE PRICE OF ONE -now! Store and Weirehouse stock are limited . , , better make a bee -line for. your nearest Canadian Tire Store. This great Sale will be in effect until stock of each size is depleted. • 4 t. fit•,. ' . .: .. • . •: .:..'. ,?�lat�i�al `'�t'Ya� "^'i'ti° 9..w.w,dti ._ ..� MOUNT TIRES ON BRAND NEW iHEV., PONTIAC 1957-'67 AS LOW ,.95 AS EACH Similar models savings for other make.: and of cars, station wagons, ata Whby r her talk and h,, Istrs: gel .tawo to..elo8ed the inewasetin•� or b wi prayer �, d' lunch , 4, d Jiewitt ^who wag° Gb rge Ofi the o eeting. Mr, .anti' Mrs. George IXc. ah visited ora; TueSdaY with the Tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter• ngswell of Goderich, Mr. Joiln Turner of Tuek- ersmith visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Iteg. L.• aw- son, John anal' ili7abuth, Mr, and Mars. Pau .Dedrick of Simcoe spent thea .week end with the latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. a Qeorge, flpggart and ,family.. Stewart Glousher spent the week end with his aunt and undle•, 1VIr. nd.Mra,.,-$tan Ball and' family ° -of= Auburn. and Mrs. Joe,Hart and Me ' s., lion and 4i'iff Hart all Of Kolinesvil a visited on Saturday. evening with Mr. and Mrs: Fred Buchanan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald' Dav- ey and family of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Finkbeiner and family of Crediton' visit- ed on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs Ken Preszcator aidfamily. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley were in London on Saturday and visited with Mars. Wal- ter Scott and Mr. Adolph Ot- ten who are patients in the hospital., Mr. and Mrs.. William Dale spent the week end in. Lon- • don and attended the meeting and banquet of the Western Ontario Progressive Conserv- ative onservative Association held at Ho- tel London. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mrs. Sadie Riley. Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Iiwain and Lynn were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George, Mcllwain and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bettles of Seaforth visited on Sun- day with Mrs. Irene Grii Mr., and Mrs. Stan Preszca- tor and girls of Crediton, Mr, and Mrs. Larry 1 Desjadine and Sherri Lynn of Grand Send visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszoator, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth visited' � n Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred °Buchan- an' and . family visited • with. :1r. --and. Mrs.. GIANTIves of Holmesville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Law - von of Seaforth Visited on Monday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs. A. Morbrook and Lisa of Port Dover are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverskkmp and fam- ily. Sympathy is ,extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt and family on their recent bereavement. Ralph FIav"rkamp return- ed home on Monday after spending, the past few days in Victoria l-Inspital, London. ,Paul, David and Jane Reid spent the past week end with their gran:iparr Tats. Mr. and Luthe. Sanders. Mr. 'ihri M.• :' Lundy Mac- Kay of 13i� th visit r1.. on Sun-. I.y evenln.; with. Mr rui:1 .'.Tr -Jack �'tr. Tri and fvnily Bria', .;vi't spt•nt the v ek ?WI WW1 P_'1) \','akin r 5nmmc': iii '\Trs. Luther S nc1•:rs stent -burs .ay in L.°nri'tn vr';t.na pital.iii, 1Vic K n Rri ; vain i; patient in We,treinstcr Hos- Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Flett and Barbara of Clinton visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd visited on' Monday with Mrs, ^«01?-ee Layton of Exeter. 11ti111. It's what's IN the seed that counts Funk's G -Hybrids are bred to give the klghest possible yields and best perform - We In this area. Plant them with the tared Funk's -G Trio Plan: , 1 Start with High Capacity FUNK'S:G-HYBRIDS 2 PLANT THEM THICKER 3 APPLY EXTRA FERTILIZER to feed the extra plants Order early since arly corm is in short supply. Birdl;ef e14. owimeneoreneoanimmene '111!! :tlLigoN!!ns,I„ ARE YOU Il$ffRE$Tlgl Jlf+f 1, New Weed eontrpl ehemiill4 2. New ppla��n�t�in!? niethac� New. liar ?.eating Taetilkde oa To try and help answer 'these 1tiefitthna you •. A BEAN11?11�, ON `e RC :0 ._ 1. gin. , Colin .tum ty Centre at ensaJi k.''° Representatives frim1. Allis Chalmers afld. Gretti.t Cthoss,..Pfoo, ducts will- 'present talk; illustrated by; films and' ander. DOOR. PRIKESi RE RES 1MENTA• . Sponsored by. #tvltfsst,.l O. Tf io • , _ Brothers kit a • fi WANT, AD$ BRJNG QUICIr ESTTLT$: Dial "S. ,-02" 0 Read., 1ied4duertxsements .:. I f„t;i Pot* ,i #niiel farm Equipnent Full Line of COCKSHUTT . -- OL• IVER - FARM MACHINERY. Wagons -- Loaders .- Tractor Chains TIRES Car Truck Tractor Installed and Repaired FERTILIZER Bagged or Bulk PHONE - DUBLIN 125R8 MI:TH'l,i irdigAhfA. ■ U GIC '1'ituriday,- Friday and Saturday ..harrip.on - Regular Chicken and Liver x liu r ()IL) 1.1 2 .1.J -oz. tins 270 Maxwell• House Instant err r Gut: oil label • .. • 6 -oz. jar 93 Jello Assortedr JELL X 1'OW DERS • • reg. size pkg. 10e Tang Orange or Grape u i S't'A.l, FLA VOII RS 2 31/4 pkgs. 410 Puritan Beef or IRISH STEW • °• • • large -24 -oz. tin 47¢ Kraft ' (HEEZ WHIZ 16 -oz. jar 590 Premium Fancy Red SOCKEYE SALMON • • • VA oz. tin 59 Aylmer Beans 'WITH PORK . 2 15 -oz. tins 29¢ Aloha 'Hawaiian Unsweetened PINEAPPLE JUICE • • • • 3 48 -oz. tins $1 Scotian Gold APPLE JUICE 3 48 -oz. tins • $ 10 Pound Bag ONTARIO POTATOES, 10 -lbs. 390 PRODUCE New Texas CARROTS, 1-1b. bag 2 for 290 Jaffa ORANGES, large size 105's • • • • doz. 590 On•PY tario SAPPLES 3 lbs. 330 • FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FklEE PRESS THURSDAY SUPERIOR c0FC0D te.l WETS. P onc,527.i199