HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-09, Page 10' HURON, *X $1 !'OR' RAFORTHli ONT., 1+4404 Its 1947 20. ;Auction Sales AUCTION SALE, Of Real Estate, Furniture, Household Effects and some tkarltiques at 116 Montreal St., • Mitchell on. Ss TURDAY, MARCH 18TH at 1:00 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 1VIcClary Easy 10 cu. ft. re- frigerator, 1 yr. old; 4dmiir- 'al upright •deep freeze; Con- nor washing machine; Gurney • stove, combination wood and propane; Admiral 21" T.V ; Motorola radio; table and 6 chairs;' rocking chair; plat- form .rocker; 2 piece chester- field suite; tri -light lamp; 2 table lamps; antique china cabinet: 2 antique clocks; 3 piece bedroom suite with springs and mattress; 2 beds with snrings and mattresses: chest of drawers; quantity of ' bedding; 2 Hairs of drapes; Singer sewing machine; elec- tric fan: 45 niece dinner set; odd dishes: jars; crocks; gar- den and carnenter tools; and many other articles too num= erous to. mention. REAL ESTATE — Consist- ing of Int with 65' frontage and 105' deen, on which there is located a 7 room insul brick house with gas furnace and car garage, 14' x 18'. This nrnnrrty is centrally lo- cated, i Mork from Main St. and w-it1 he offered for sale subiect to a reserve. bid. TERMS — .5 % sales tax in effect. Cash on chattels,. Terms on real estate being '10' down day of sale and ba- lance within, 30 days. No re- serve on chattels as every- thing 'must be sold to settle estate. ' .• • ESTATE OF LYDIA RANDS MRS, GERALDINE BODE, 'Executrix • R. G. G,ETHKE, Auctioneer Monkton, 347-2465 20-66-2 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS .FOR -HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL BRUCEFIELD One 30 -inch electric range One refrigerator, left hand door to fit opening 34 x 75 Tenders to be clearly mark- ed and in the hands of • the secretary .- treasurer, J.. E. Caldwell, Hensall by March 25, 1967. 21-66=1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE T.0 CREDITORS - In t1 Estate of MINNIE NIXON All persons having claims against the Estate of Minnie Nixon, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Housekeepers deceas- ed, who died on the 4th day of January, 1967, are hereby notified to send in full parti- culars of .their claims to the undersigned on 'or before the 21st day of March, 1967, af- ter which date the assets will be distributed, having regard, 'only' to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 8th day of March, 1967. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 22-66-3 23. Business Directory BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service • Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 A. M. HARPER • Chartered Accountant 55.57 South • Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario • LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls -- 527-0510 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M.; V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. J. P. Raab, S.A., D:V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth Auctioneer FARM and rtnuNt 7''13111+1 SALES CONDUCTED,.„ 'R. G. GETHIE Phone 347-2465, Monkton J. A. BURKE Vdneral Director, and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - • ON'CARZO • • Night or Day Calls - Phone 43 R 1.0 A. 1Xt.SILLERY Ask -Lister, Solicittot Etc. Office 52/4850 • 1Ce . 521460 Sea torch; Ontario FIND 23, Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat., 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint- ment only Phone 527.1240• — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed -- Clinton Office G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527.1390 - •Seaforth Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed and capable ip sell- ing all types of auction sales. Reasonable •Rates. Bruce Rathwell ' Brucefiejd ,Phone 482-3384 23-63-tf McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 Licensed Auctioneer Farm and Household Effects LARRY GARDINER Cromarty, phone Dublin 15113 23-66 8 24. Cards of Thanks . I wislr to thank all my rela- tives, friends', and neighbors the Canadian Legion, Sea - forth branch, fox -visits, cards and treats while in Seaforth Community Hospital. Also Dr. Malkus and Dr. Brady and all the nurses. Every- thing was deeply appreciated. —Joe Hart. 24-65-2 24.. Cards of. Thanks The family of the late Louis Laudenbach wish to thank all his friends • and neighbors while he was a patient at Sea - forth Community Hospital with ,special thanks to Dr. Malkus, the hospital staff, Fr. Laragh and Fr. Bensette. AIso while at St. Joseph's Hospit- al with thanks to Drs. Carroll and Hession, the. -Sisters of St. Joseph's, the hosnital staff and special thanks to Fr. Finn. 24-66x1 Sincere thanks to all who re- membered me with flowers, visits and treats while I was ..a patient. in St. Joseph's Hos- pital and since coming home. George Addison.. • 24-66-1 I would Iike to thank all my neighbours, friends and rela- tives for the cards and treats sent tome and their •visits while I was a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London, with special thanks to all who have helped with chores at home and who gave my wife rides to London: ,I am very grateful for everything. — William Dolmage. 24-66x1 The family of the late Gar- net Taylor wish to express - sincere appreciation for flor- al tributes, messages of sym- pathy and acts of kindness extended to them in the sud- den passing of a dear hus- band, father, grandfather, - brother and uncle. 24-66-1- I wish • to thank all my rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the lovely cards, and also treats 'while I was a patient in the hospital. — Mrs. Doro- thy Doig. 24-66x1 I would like to thank all my friends, neighbors and rela- tives for letters, cards, flow- ers and treats, while a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Steven, Eg- rnondville UCW and choir,. Dr. Malkus, Dr. Brady, Miss Drope and nursing staff. Ev- erthing was deeply apprecia- ted.' — Mrs. 'Warden Haney. 24-66-1 Mr. Winston Workman • is deeply grateful to"'Dr. J. C. Goddard and the staff of South Huron Hosnital and to Drs. Gibson and Wilson and the 4th floor staff at St. Jos- eph's hospital, London, for their skillful care during his recent illness. He wishes to thank the relatives, friends and neighbors for their thoughtful attentions while in the hospital and since coming home. The cards, treats, flow- ers, visits and kindly help are sincerely appreciated. 24-66.1 I wish to thank my neich- br•rs and• friends for cards. visite, flowers - and treats white. I was a patient in Sea- oorth Community Hosnital. eneciel thanks to Dr. Malkus. Brady nurses. Father R"icette. Father Laragh and Father Kelley. It was all " 'it1v appreciated. — Pat Hubert. 24-66x1 95. In 1VIemoriam I wish to thank everyone who remembered '''me with visits. cards and treats while a 'pati- ent in • Seaforth Community Ttospitnl. Special than1c to Dr. Brady and Fir. Malkus and all the hu 'seg. Tt *la all deeply annreeIated. 1( Would` like esneeially to thank all our neighbor and . friend§ who lfelpe hR an way , at home. Obert feuerman. 25.66*1. ADS 25. In Memoriam ELLIOTT -- In loving Mem- ory ayMarc1X1 God took him home, it was His will, But in our hearts we love him still; His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. We often sit and think of lair' When we are all alone, For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. —Lovingly remembered by Alma, Jack and Jim. 25-66x1 CUDMORE In ever loving memory of our dear Father. Roland Cudmore, who passed away in Hensall, on March 16th, 1928. -- Daughters and Sons. 25-66x1 MALONEY—In loving mem- ory of a dear wife and moth. er, Mary, who passed away March 12, 1966. It is sad to walk the road alone Instead of side by side, But to all there comes a mo- ment When the path of life divides. You gave me years of, hap- piness' Then sorrow came and tears But you left me beautiful memories I will treasure through the years. —Lovingly remembered by husband Jdhn and son Danny. 25.6,6x1 Eng:azements Mr. and Mrs. l` `arel Lodewyk Buys, Seaforth, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Nicole Lilian to Mr. Rob- ert William Ellacott, -son - of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ellacott of Toronto, 64 Methven Ave.' The wedding _.to take place Saturday, April 8;',1967 at 2 30 'o'clock at' Humbercrest Church, Toronto. x1 97- *Births CARTER — In St. Joseph's Hospital. London nn March 6. to Mr. and Mrc. bon W. Carter (nee Carol 'Brown) Seaforth, a daugh- ter. WILLIAMS — In Ste .Mary's. Hospital, : ' Kitchener, on - March 4. to Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Williams, 593 For- est Hill Drive, Kitchener, a son. Too Late FOR SALE — 2 unit Viking milking machine, puinp and pipeline for 18 cows. Swing type buckets and belts. Dan O'Connor, RR 2 Dublin. ' -1 LOST or taken by mistake, pair of girls snow 'boot&,fi•om arena last Friday • night. Mrs. Isabella Rau, 527-0503. -1 DUBLIN Local OFU Annual meeting to be held, at • Camp- bell's. basement hall. Mitch- ell, March 13 at 8:30 p.m. Speaker, Walter Miller. Topic white beans. Everyone wel- come. xl FOR. SALE — One good Hof stein cross milk 'cow, due %/la h rc 15th.' 2 Hereford cows one due soon, the other with calf 5 weeks old. W. C. Mill - son, phone 527-1167. - -1 WANTED — Quality bunk beds in good shape• Phone 482-3393. ' 12-66-tf PUbiic. Speaking W!nners Declared A public speaicin,g contest held in the Legion Hell, Friday evening was largely attended with students *op grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Hensall .Scholl tak- ing part: Winners were: Grades five and six: first Pat Joynt, Hensall; second Pam Mickle, Hensel; third, Cathy Cook, Hensall. Grades seven and eight: first Anne Keys, Hensall; second Gor- don Pryde, RR 1, Hensall; third Doug Mock, Hensall. Winners were awarded cash prizes. Others participating were Brenda Lavender, Gordon Ward, Beth Troyer, Dorothy Skea, Mac Williams and were given prizes of cash. Sam Rennie was chairman and the judges were Mrs. Ruby Neeb, Miss Diane Peck and Don O'Brien, all of .Zurich. The project was spon- sored by the Helisall Ladies' Legion Auxiliary. - Win At Euchre The CP and T committee of the Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodges held a successful euchre Thursday night in the lodge hall with nine tables in.•play: Winners: ladies first, Mrs. Howard Lemmon, Varna; gents, Ray Consitt, Kippen; lbne hands, Mrs. Clarence Volland; Hensall. Draw for groceries was won by Mrs, Robert Parsons, Crom- arty; Chocolates, Mrs. Ed Munn, Hensall. A draw for an $85.00 suit of clothes was won by P. D. McNaughton, Hensall. The ticket was drawn by Linda Bell. Hensall Kinsmen are now sel- ling clean shaven permits. This give Hensall menthe opportun- ity to take part in the Centen- nial celebrations. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bartlett of Thamesford, Mrs, Jim Barber and Cathy, London, -and Mrs. Harry Shell, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Queen • celebrating Mr:' Mc - Queen's 85th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Terry North and Teresa, St. Thomas, were week- end guests with . Mr. and Mrs. ,Stewart McQueen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry SneII. 16r. and Mrs. William Fuss and 'Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'Hyde leave ,this 'weekend by car for Florida Where they will holi- day .for two weeks. Miss Troyann Bell is a pat- ient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. • Members of Hensall Kinette Club called on shut-ins in the Too Late HELP WANTED — Fully ex- perienced help wanted. John Each, I.H. Dealer, 88 Main St. -1 FOR SALE — White-faced calf, also 1000 bales of good hay. Ted Van Dyk, RR 3 Sea - forth, •phone 527-1435; xl FOR SALE — Three Durham cows due in 'month, fourteen pigs, 9 weeks old. Maurice Ryan, RR 2 Dublin: xl FOR SALE OR RENT House, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, bath built-in and cupboards, .town water, "-gas heat, •and new furnace. Available" April 1.. Telephone 846-2404; Dear- born Michigan. 16-66-4 a 9 village, on - Sunday afternoon and patients in St. Joseples and Victoria Hospitals, London, Clin- ton Public I•lospital, South Hur- on Hospital, Exeter, Queensway. Nursing Home, Hensall and Hur- onview, and delivered fifty-one lovely potted plants: This is an annual event of the club. lVfrs. Stewart Bell, ' Pauline and Troy,.nn were guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Bell and Jane, St. Thomas, aver the weekend. Pauline and Troyann took part in the annual winter carnival. Martha • and Shirley Rome - boom, and Shirley Sande col- lected $10.00 which they for- warded to the Bunny Bundle for crippled children. Miss A. Consitt is a patient, in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love left Sunday by car to spend a vacation in Florida. Enter Float Amber Rebekah. Lodge met on Wednesday evening, Noble Grand MrS. Lindsay Eyre in the chair, when it was announced that a shower of cards be sent to Mrs. Edna Corbett, •a patient at South Huron' Hospital. Dis- cussion took place regarding a float for the Centennial• project and 'it was decided to go along with the Oddfellows if they would help in the project. A gift was presented to Mrs. Earl Titterington, who is leav- ing the community for South Burnaby, B.C. 1VIrse Leona Parke made the presentation. It has been requested by the District Deputy .President, Miss Jean Scott, Seaforth, that the Chart- er be draped in memory -of an Assembly Officer, the draping of the Charter to take place at Exeter .,Lodge. UCW Considers Phone Contacts The UCW unit four of Hen- sall United Church was held in Fellowship Hall, Thursday af- ternoon. Mrs. Robert Boyce pre- sented the study from "The Church. and the World" on' the chapter ' "Faith fans . out 'into the world", telling how Paul and his assistants travelled and the hardships they endured. Mrs. Gordon Love -gave . the devotional reading, from Mat- thew 26 and a meditation "In FUNERAL SISTER M. FIDELIS Word has been received that Sister M. Fidelis, formerly Miss Agnes Fortune, died at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on December 28, 1966e Born on April 12, . 1876, Sister Fidelis had reached the advanced age -of--nearly. ninety-dne. years ,_-- Daughter of the late William Fortune and Catherine Roach Fortune, pioneers of Hibbert Township, Sister Fidelis joined the Sisters of,,St. Joseph, Lon- don, in 1899: She qualified as a teacher,' graduated, with a B.A. degree from Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, in 1916, and spent over fifty years as a teacher in London, Windsor, St. Thomas, St. Marys, Maidstone and Kinkora; her service being mostly in High School grades. Prior to her, death, Sister Fid- elis was, for many years, the sole surviving member of her family.. She was predeceased by two sisters, Mary Anne, and Sister Fortune (Bridget) of the Sacred Heart Sisters in" Halifax and by two brothers, William of Dublin, and James Fortune of Hibbert. tier mother; .Mrs. 'Cath- erine Fortune, and her sister Mary Anne were well known residents of Dublin and Sea - forth for many years. The moth- er, Mrs.. Catherine Fortune, died at Seaforth, on September 13, 1934, at the age . of ninety-two'. defence .. of Usefulness", we never know when some little deed of ours may help some- one over a tough spot. Poems in Braille, -were given by Miss Amy Lammie. Mrs. James•' McAllis- ter chaired t14e meeting and re- ported on the recent quilting project, seven bale 'quilts have been completed with more to be done at a later date, Mrs. Mc- Allister read a report from Mrs. J. Drysdale, convener of Friend- ship and Visitation which re- vealed a contribution towards the work of the, church. She el- se reported 'on the repent Pres- byterial at W.ingham when sev- en members from Hensall join- ed a group'. going by chartered bus, and on the turkey dinner which this unit catered to for Brownies and Guides. A box will be placed in the foyer for the . collection of spring hats, for Ontario Hospi- tal patients which will be pre- sented -by -Mrs. re- sentedby-Mrs. Wailer Spencer. The group considered arrang- ing phone contacts with people . in the community who live alone. a.,,Mrs. Asa Deeves was hostess and Mrs. E. Riley and her com- mittee served tea. BRRODHAGEN . Beverly Joanne, daughter of Mr. and airs: Roy Heuer - mann was baptized last Sun- day at : St. Peter's Lutheran Church with. Rev. Harry Los - sing officiating. Her sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hille- brecht, RR3 ...Mitchell, Miss Joyce. Parrott, RR 2 West Monkton. - Mr. and Mr's.. •John J. Gloor, Bornholm, had >their new arrival baptized Sunday' at St.'Peter' Lutheran Church here. Susan Christina's spon- sors were Mr.: and Mrs. Ray- mond Glopr, RR 5 Mitchell and George and Norman Ei- sner; RR 4 Mitchell. -, Take .Liessprrs' Pizza 'and The genaai .- Honeys •1Ifof interest, homemaking Club met at the home of Mrs. R. M, Peck on Monday when foods and cus- toms of the people who Caine from the Ukraine, Poland and Hungary were outlined by Mrs. Caldwell. Mrs. Peck demonstra- ted the making of pizza and sal - ata (green salad) asisted by Kathy Munn, Debbie Anderson, Pam Taylor, Mary Mock, Kathy McEwen and Linda Hay, The girls enjoyed many different kinds of cheese which they ate with a variety of breads pre- sented with the compliments of Tasty -Nu Bakery of Zurich. Miss Sylvia ,Henderson left Monday at 8:30 p.m. by jet from International Airport, Tor- onto, for 'a two weeks vacation in London, England, arriving at 9 a.m. Sylvia who is on the staff of the Bank of ' Montreal here will also yisit other places Centennial Chefs Meet "C4th Centennial Chefs" ret at the home of Dianne Patter- son. and opened by the 4-11 pledge and the Institute Ode. Roll call was answered by 16 of_ihe 2Q members: Officers el- ected are: President, Dianne Patterson; vice-president Patti Etue; secretary floating; trea- surer Sandra Coleman; press reporter Janneke Van Rooijen; After Diane Henderson read the minutes, members took notes on foreign food customs and leaders Linda Papple and Mrs. C. Vanderzon demonstrat- ed emonstrated how to make "Welsh rabbit" and, "apple dumplings.". SMITFI'S SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Paramount Fancy Red SOCKEYE SALMON . • 73/ oz. tin 570 E. D. Smith's CHERRY PIE .FILLER . • -20 oz. tin 450 Rose Brand Sweet MIXED PICKLES • - • • lg. 48 oz. jar 790 Post's Minute BREAKFAST • • • • all flavours pkg. 67¢ Scott Bathroom TISSUE-- assorted colors 27roll pkg. 23 Chase and Sanborn C'OF'FEE reg grind, 1 -Ib. bag 850 PRODUCE • - WAGES size 138's, doz. 4,90 ' Fresh Crisp W CELERY. HEARTS • • . • • bunch250 Fresh Green SPINACH pkg., 190' FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS ' SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY SUPERIOR -k)OD )MARKETS. Phone 527-0990 Smith's Free Delivery S.A'VAU GE'S :MA RCH SAL HEADQUARTERS FOR THE' FAMOUS PHIL►SHAVE S•PEEDSHAVE with FREE lotion $3.00 Value only 17.95 Costume Jewellery. 59C each Buy 6, get 1 FREE Buy 10, get 2 FREE Bone China Dinerware Save up to 50% Sale- Discounts Terms of SEAFORTH NEWEST MODEL 3 Floating Heads & Trimmer. with FREE lotion $3.00 Value only 29.95 SEE OUR, 1/2 Price Table wallets,Link's and Tie Bars, ,Compacts • and China Dresser sets arid; Jewell Boxes reduced 25% .r ► •s SPEEDFLEX Floating Heads. & -Trimmer with FREE lotion $3.00, Value only 2695 -Pens and Pencils reduced 20% 16.piece, Flair Glassware reg. $24.00 w Only $12.00 available in 4's, 6's, 8's and 12's on: Diamonds, Watches, Rings, Jewellery, Wallets, Transistor ,Radios Etc., etc. Sale are Cash -- or a deposit will hold your selection SAVAUGE: • JEWELLERS. WATCH ES GIFTS - DIA 1 ONDS .A MITCHELL Oa, 1 s